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Working and tested pytorch bonsai
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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
# EdgeML Bonsai on a sample public dataset
This directory includes, example notebook and general execution script of
Bonsai developed as part of EdgeML. Also, we include a sample cleanup and
use-case on the USPS10 public dataset.
`edgeml.graph.bonsai` implements the Bonsai prediction graph in tensorflow.
The three-phase training routine for Bonsai is decoupled from the forward graph
to facilitate a plug and play behaviour wherein Bonsai can be combined with or
used as a final layer classifier for other architectures (RNNs, CNNs).
Note that `bonsai_example.py` assumes that data is in a specific format. It is
assumed that train and test data is contained in two files, `train.npy` and
`test.npy`. Each containing a 2D numpy array of dimension `[numberOfExamples,
numberOfFeatures + 1]`. The first column of each matrix is assumed to contain
label information. For an N-Class problem, we assume the labels are integers
from 0 through N-1. `bonsai_example.py` also supports univariate regression
and can be accessed using the help options of the script. Multivariate regression
requires restructuring of the input data format and can further help in extending
bonsai to multi-label classification and multi-variate regression. Lastly,
the training data, `train.npy`, is assumed to well shuffled
as the training routine doesn't shuffle internally.
**Tested With:** Tensorflow >1.6 with Python 2 and Python 3
## Download and clean up sample dataset
We will be testing out the validation of the code by using the USPS dataset.
The download and cleanup of the dataset to match the above-mentioned format is
done by the script [fetch_usps.py](fetch_usps.py) and
python fetch_usps.py
python process_usps.py
## Sample command for Bonsai on USPS10
The following sample run on usps10 should validate your library:
python bonsai_example.py -dir usps10/ -d 3 -p 28 -rW 0.001 -rZ 0.0001 -rV 0.001 -rT 0.001 -sZ 0.2 -sW 0.3 -sV 0.3 -sT 0.62 -e 100 -s 1
This command should give you a final output screen which reads roughly similar to (might not be exact numbers due to various version mismatches):
Maximum Test accuracy at compressed model size(including early stopping): 0.94369704 at Epoch: 66
Final Test Accuracy: 0.93024415
Non-Zeros: 4156.0 Model Size: 31.703125 KB hasSparse: True
usps10 directory will now have a consolidated results file called `TFBonsaiResults.txt` and a directory `TFBonsaiResults` with the corresponding models with each run of the code on the usps10 dataset
## Byte Quantization (Q) for model compression
If you wish to quantize the generated model to use byte quantized integers use `quantizeBonsaiModels.py`. Usage Instructions:
python quantizeBonsaiModels.py -h
This will generate quantized models with a suffix of `q` before every param stored in a new directory `QuantizedTFBonsaiModel` inside the model directory.
One can use this model further on edge devices.
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the MIT license.
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import helpermethods
import numpy as np
import sys
from pytorch_edgeml.trainer.bonsaiTrainer import BonsaiTrainer
from pytorch_edgeml.graph.bonsai import Bonsai
import torch
def main():
# Fixing seeds for reproducibility
# Hyper Param pre-processing
args = helpermethods.getArgs()
sigma = args.sigma
depth = args.depth
projectionDimension = args.proj_dim
regZ = args.rZ
regT = args.rT
regW = args.rW
regV = args.rV
totalEpochs = args.epochs
learningRate = args.learning_rate
dataDir = args.data_dir
outFile = args.output_file
(dataDimension, numClasses, Xtrain, Ytrain, Xtest, Ytest,
mean, std) = helpermethods.preProcessData(dataDir)
sparZ = args.sZ
if numClasses > 2:
sparW = 0.2
sparV = 0.2
sparT = 0.2
sparW = 1
sparV = 1
sparT = 1
if args.sW is not None:
sparW = args.sW
if args.sV is not None:
sparV = args.sV
if args.sT is not None:
sparT = args.sT
if args.batch_size is None:
batchSize = np.maximum(100, int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(Ytrain.shape[0]))))
batchSize = args.batch_size
useMCHLoss = True
if numClasses == 2:
numClasses = 1
currDir = helpermethods.createTimeStampDir(dataDir)
helpermethods.dumpCommand(sys.argv, currDir)
helpermethods.saveMeanStd(mean, std, currDir)
# numClasses = 1 for binary case
bonsaiObj = Bonsai(numClasses, dataDimension,
projectionDimension, depth, sigma)
bonsaiTrainer = BonsaiTrainer(bonsaiObj,
regW, regT, regV, regZ,
sparW, sparT, sparV, sparZ,
learningRate, useMCHLoss, outFile)
bonsaiTrainer.train(batchSize, totalEpochs,
dataDir, currDir)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
# Setting up the USPS Data.
import subprocess
import os
import numpy as np
from sklearn.datasets import load_svmlight_file
import sys
def downloadData(workingDir, downloadDir, linkTrain, linkTest):
def runcommand(command):
p = subprocess.Popen(command.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output, error = p.communicate()
assert(p.returncode == 0), 'Command failed: %s' % command
path = workingDir + '/' + downloadDir
path = os.path.abspath(path)
except OSError:
print("Could not create %s. Make sure the path does" % path)
print("not already exist and you have permisions to create it.")
return False
cwd = os.getcwd()
print("Downloading data")
command = 'wget %s' % linkTrain
command = 'wget %s' % linkTest
print("Extracting data")
command = 'bzip2 -d usps.bz2'
command = 'bzip2 -d usps.t.bz2'
command = 'mv usps train.txt'
command = 'mv usps.t test.txt'
return True
if __name__ == '__main__':
workingDir = './'
downloadDir = 'usps10'
linkTrain = 'http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvmtools/datasets/multiclass/usps.bz2'
linkTest = 'http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvmtools/datasets/multiclass/usps.t.bz2'
failureMsg = '''
Download Failed!
To manually perform the download
\t1. Create a new empty directory named `usps10`.
\t2. Download the data from the following links into the usps10 directory.
\t\tTest: %s
\t\tTrain: %s
\t3. Extract the downloaded files.
\t4. Rename `usps` to `train.txt` and,
\t5. Rename `usps.t` to `test.txt
''' % (linkTrain, linkTest)
if not downloadData(workingDir, downloadDir, linkTrain, linkTest):
@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import argparse
import datetime
import os
import numpy as np
Functions to check sanity of input arguments
for the example script.
def checkIntPos(value):
ivalue = int(value)
if ivalue <= 0:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
"%s is an invalid positive int value" % value)
return ivalue
def checkIntNneg(value):
ivalue = int(value)
if ivalue < 0:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
"%s is an invalid non-neg int value" % value)
return ivalue
def checkFloatNneg(value):
fvalue = float(value)
if fvalue < 0:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
"%s is an invalid non-neg float value" % value)
return fvalue
def checkFloatPos(value):
fvalue = float(value)
if fvalue <= 0:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
"%s is an invalid positive float value" % value)
return fvalue
def str2bool(v):
if v.lower() in ('yes', 'true', 't', 'y', '1'):
return True
elif v.lower() in ('no', 'false', 'f', 'n', '0'):
return False
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Boolean value expected.')
def getArgs():
Function to parse arguments for Bonsai Algorithm
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='HyperParams for Bonsai Algorithm')
parser.add_argument('-dir', '--data-dir', required=True,
help='Data directory containing' +
'train.npy and test.npy')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--depth', type=checkIntNneg, default=2,
help='Depth of Bonsai Tree ' +
'(default: 2 try: [0, 1, 3])')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--proj-dim', type=checkIntPos, default=10,
help='Projection Dimension ' +
'(default: 20 try: [5, 10, 30])')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--sigma', type=float, default=1.0,
help='Parameter for sigmoid sharpness ' +
'(default: 1.0 try: [3.0, 0.05, 0.1]')
parser.add_argument('-e', '--epochs', type=checkIntPos, default=42,
help='Total Epochs (default: 42 try:[100, 150, 60])')
parser.add_argument('-b', '--batch-size', type=checkIntPos,
help='Batch Size to be used ' +
'(default: max(100, sqrt(train_samples)))')
parser.add_argument('-lr', '--learning-rate', type=checkFloatPos,
default=0.01, help='Initial Learning rate for ' +
'Adam Optimizer (default: 0.01)')
parser.add_argument('-rW', type=float, default=0.0001,
help='Regularizer for predictor parameter W ' +
'(default: 0.0001 try: [0.01, 0.001, 0.00001])')
parser.add_argument('-rV', type=float, default=0.0001,
help='Regularizer for predictor parameter V ' +
'(default: 0.0001 try: [0.01, 0.001, 0.00001])')
parser.add_argument('-rT', type=float, default=0.0001,
help='Regularizer for branching parameter Theta ' +
'(default: 0.0001 try: [0.01, 0.001, 0.00001])')
parser.add_argument('-rZ', type=float, default=0.00001,
help='Regularizer for projection parameter Z ' +
'(default: 0.00001 try: [0.001, 0.0001, 0.000001])')
parser.add_argument('-sW', type=checkFloatPos,
help='Sparsity for predictor parameter W ' +
'(default: For Binary classification 1.0 else 0.2 ' +
'try: [0.1, 0.3, 0.5])')
parser.add_argument('-sV', type=checkFloatPos,
help='Sparsity for predictor parameter V ' +
'(default: For Binary classification 1.0 else 0.2 ' +
'try: [0.1, 0.3, 0.5])')
parser.add_argument('-sT', type=checkFloatPos,
help='Sparsity for branching parameter Theta ' +
'(default: For Binary classification 1.0 else 0.2 ' +
'try: [0.1, 0.3, 0.5])')
parser.add_argument('-sZ', type=checkFloatPos, default=0.2,
help='Sparsity for projection parameter Z ' +
'(default: 0.2 try: [0.1, 0.3, 0.5])')
parser.add_argument('-oF', '--output-file', default=None,
help='Output file for dumping the program output, ' +
'(default: stdout)')
return parser.parse_args()
def getQuantArgs():
Function to parse arguments for Model Quantisation
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Arguments for quantizing Fast models. ' +
'Works only for piece-wise linear non-linearities, ' +
'like relu, quantTanh, quantSigm (check rnn.py for the definitions)')
parser.add_argument('-dir', '--model-dir', required=True,
help='model directory containing' +
'*.npy weight files dumped from the trained model')
parser.add_argument('-m', '--max-val', type=checkIntNneg, default=127,
help='this represents the maximum possible value ' +
'in model, essentially the byte complexity, ' +
'127=> 1 byte is default')
return parser.parse_args()
def createTimeStampDir(dataDir):
Creates a Directory with timestamp as it's name
if os.path.isdir(dataDir + '/pytorchBonsaiResults') is False:
os.mkdir(dataDir + '/pytorchBonsaiResults')
except OSError:
print("Creation of the directory %s failed" %
dataDir + '/pytorchBonsaiResults')
currDir = 'pytorchBonsaiResults/' + \
if os.path.isdir(dataDir + '/' + currDir) is False:
os.mkdir(dataDir + '/' + currDir)
except OSError:
print("Creation of the directory %s failed" %
dataDir + '/' + currDir)
return (dataDir + '/' + currDir)
return None
def preProcessData(dataDir):
Function to pre-process input data
Expects a .npy file of form [lbl feats] for each datapoint
Outputs a train and test set datapoints appended with 1 for Bias induction
dataDimension, numClasses are inferred directly
train = np.load(dataDir + '/train.npy')
test = np.load(dataDir + '/test.npy')
dataDimension = int(train.shape[1]) - 1
Xtrain = train[:, 1:dataDimension + 1]
Ytrain_ = train[:, 0]
Xtest = test[:, 1:dataDimension + 1]
Ytest_ = test[:, 0]
# Mean Var Normalisation
mean = np.mean(Xtrain, 0)
std = np.std(Xtrain, 0)
std[std[:] < 0.000001] = 1
Xtrain = (Xtrain - mean) / std
Xtest = (Xtest - mean) / std
# End Mean Var normalisation
# Classification.
numClasses = max(Ytrain_) - min(Ytrain_) + 1
numClasses = int(max(numClasses, max(Ytest_) - min(Ytest_) + 1))
lab = Ytrain_.astype('uint8')
lab = np.array(lab) - min(lab)
lab_ = np.zeros((Xtrain.shape[0], numClasses))
lab_[np.arange(Xtrain.shape[0]), lab] = 1
if (numClasses == 2):
Ytrain = np.reshape(lab, [-1, 1])
Ytrain = lab_
lab = Ytest_.astype('uint8')
lab = np.array(lab) - min(lab)
lab_ = np.zeros((Xtest.shape[0], numClasses))
lab_[np.arange(Xtest.shape[0]), lab] = 1
if (numClasses == 2):
Ytest = np.reshape(lab, [-1, 1])
Ytest = lab_
trainBias = np.ones([Xtrain.shape[0], 1])
Xtrain = np.append(Xtrain, trainBias, axis=1)
testBias = np.ones([Xtest.shape[0], 1])
Xtest = np.append(Xtest, testBias, axis=1)
mean = np.append(mean, np.array([0]))
std = np.append(std, np.array([1]))
return dataDimension + 1, numClasses, Xtrain, Ytrain, Xtest, Ytest, mean, std
def dumpCommand(list, currDir):
Dumps the current command to a file for further use
commandFile = open(currDir + '/command.txt', 'w')
command = "python"
command = command + " " + ' '.join(list)
def saveMeanStd(mean, std, currDir):
Function to save Mean and Std vectors
np.save(currDir + '/mean.npy', mean)
np.save(currDir + '/std.npy', std)
saveMeanStdSeeDot(mean, std, currDir + "/SeeDot")
def saveMeanStdSeeDot(mean, std, seeDotDir):
Function to save Mean and Std vectors
if os.path.isdir(seeDotDir) is False:
except OSError:
print("Creation of the directory %s failed" %
np.savetxt(seeDotDir + '/Mean', mean, delimiter="\t")
np.savetxt(seeDotDir + '/Std', std, delimiter="\t")
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
# Processing the USPS Data. It is assumed that the data is already
# downloaded.
import subprocess
import os
import numpy as np
from sklearn.datasets import load_svmlight_file
import sys
def processData(workingDir, downloadDir):
def loadLibSVMFile(file):
data = load_svmlight_file(file)
features = data[0]
labels = data[1]
retMat = np.zeros([features.shape[0], features.shape[1] + 1])
retMat[:, 0] = labels
retMat[:, 1:] = features.todense()
return retMat
path = workingDir + '/' + downloadDir
path = os.path.abspath(path)
trf = path + '/train.txt'
tsf = path + '/test.txt'
assert os.path.isfile(trf), 'File not found: %s' % trf
assert os.path.isfile(tsf), 'File not found: %s' % tsf
train = loadLibSVMFile(trf)
test = loadLibSVMFile(tsf)
# Convert the labels from 0 to numClasses-1
y_train = train[:, 0]
y_test = test[:, 0]
lab = y_train.astype('uint8')
lab = np.array(lab) - min(lab)
train[:, 0] = lab
lab = y_test.astype('uint8')
lab = np.array(lab) - min(lab)
test[:, 0] = lab
np.save(path + '/train.npy', train)
np.save(path + '/test.npy', test)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Configuration
workingDir = './'
downloadDir = 'usps10'
# End config
print("Processing data")
processData(workingDir, downloadDir)
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import helpermethods
import os
import numpy as np
def min_max(A, name):
print(name + " has max: " + str(np.max(A)) + " min: " + str(np.min(A)))
return np.max([np.abs(np.max(A)), np.abs(np.min(A))])
def quantizeBonsaiModels(modelDir, maxValue=127, scalarScaleFactor=1000):
ls = os.listdir(modelDir)
paramNameList = []
paramWeightList = []
paramLimitList = []
for file in ls:
if file.endswith("npy"):
if file.startswith("mean") or file.startswith("std") or file.startswith("hyperParam"):
temp = np.load(modelDir + "/" + file)
paramLimitList.append(min_max(temp, file))
paramLimit = np.max(paramLimitList)
paramScaleFactor = np.round((2.0 * maxValue + 1.0) / (2.0 * paramLimit))
quantParamWeights = []
for param in paramWeightList:
temp = np.round(paramScaleFactor * param)
temp[temp[:] > maxValue] = maxValue
temp[temp[:] < -maxValue] = -1 * (maxValue + 1)
if maxValue <= 127:
temp = temp.astype('int8')
elif maxValue <= 32767:
temp = temp.astype('int16')
temp = temp.astype('int32')
if os.path.isdir(modelDir + '/QuantizedTFBonsaiModel') is False:
os.mkdir(modelDir + '/QuantizedTFBonsaiModel')
quantModelDir = modelDir + '/QuantizedTFBonsaiModel'
except OSError:
print("Creation of the directory %s failed" %
modelDir + '/QuantizedTFBonsaiModel')
np.save(quantModelDir + "/paramScaleFactor.npy",
for i in range(len(paramNameList)):
np.save(quantModelDir + "/q" + paramNameList[i], quantParamWeights[i])
print("\n\nQuantized Model Dir: " + quantModelDir)
def main():
args = helpermethods.getQuantArgs()
quantizeBonsaiModels(args.model_dir, int(args.max_val))
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
class Bonsai(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, numClasses, dataDimension, projectionDimension,
treeDepth, sigma, W=None, T=None, V=None, Z=None):
super(Bonsai, self).__init__()
Expected Dimensions:
Bonsai Params // Optional
W [numClasses*totalNodes, projectionDimension]
V [numClasses*totalNodes, projectionDimension]
Z [projectionDimension, dataDimension + 1]
T [internalNodes, projectionDimension]
internalNodes = 2**treeDepth - 1
totalNodes = 2*internalNodes + 1
sigma - tanh non-linearity
sigmaI - Indicator function for node probabilities
sigmaI - has to be set to infinity(1e9 for practice)
while doing testing/inference
numClasses will be reset to 1 in binary case
self.dataDimension = dataDimension
self.projectionDimension = projectionDimension
if numClasses == 2:
self.numClasses = 1
self.numClasses = numClasses
self.treeDepth = treeDepth
self.sigma = sigma
self.internalNodes = 2**self.treeDepth - 1
self.totalNodes = 2 * self.internalNodes + 1
self.W = self.initW(W)
self.V = self.initV(V)
self.T = self.initT(T)
self.Z = self.initZ(Z)
def initZ(self, Z):
if Z is None:
Z = torch.randn([self.projectionDimension, self.dataDimension])
Z = nn.Parameter(Z)
Z.data = torch.from_numpy(Z.astype(np.float32))
return Z
def initW(self, W):
if W is None:
W = torch.randn(
[self.numClasses * self.totalNodes, self.projectionDimension])
W = nn.Parameter(W)
W.data = torch.from_numpy(W.astype(np.float32))
return W
def initV(self, V):
if V is None:
V = torch.randn(
[self.numClasses * self.totalNodes, self.projectionDimension])
V = nn.Parameter(V)
V.data = torch.from_numpy(V.astype(np.float32))
return V
def initT(self, T):
if T is None:
T = torch.randn([self.internalNodes, self.projectionDimension])
T = nn.Parameter(T)
T.data = torch.from_numpy(T.astype(np.float32))
return T
def forward(self, X, sigmaI):
Function to build/exxecute the Bonsai Tree graph
Expected Dimensions
X is [batchSize, self.dataDimension]
sigmaI is constant
X_ = torch.matmul(self.Z, torch.t(X)) / self.projectionDimension
W_ = self.W[0:(self.numClasses)]
V_ = self.V[0:(self.numClasses)]
self.__nodeProb = []
score_ = self.__nodeProb[0] * (torch.matmul(W_, X_) *
torch.tanh(self.sigma *
torch.matmul(V_, X_)))
for i in range(1, self.totalNodes):
W_ = self.W[i * self.numClasses:((i + 1) * self.numClasses)]
V_ = self.V[i * self.numClasses:((i + 1) * self.numClasses)]
T_ = torch.reshape(self.T[int(np.ceil(i / 2.0) - 1.0)],
[-1, self.projectionDimension])
prob = (1 + ((-1)**(i + 1)) *
torch.tanh(sigmaI * torch.matmul(T_, X_)))
prob = prob / 2.0
prob = self.__nodeProb[int(np.ceil(i / 2.0) - 1.0)] * prob
score_ += self.__nodeProb[i] * (torch.matmul(W_, X_) *
torch.tanh(self.sigma *
torch.matmul(V_, X_)))
self.score = score_
self.X_ = X_
return torch.t(self.score), self.X_
def assertInit(self):
errRank = "All Parameters must has only two dimensions shape = [a, b]"
assert len(self.W.shape) == len(self.Z.shape), errRank
assert len(self.W.shape) == len(self.T.shape), errRank
assert len(self.W.shape) == 2, errRank
msg = "W and V should be of same Dimensions"
assert self.W.shape == self.V.shape, msg
errW = "W and V are [numClasses*totalNodes, projectionDimension]"
assert self.W.shape[0] == self.numClasses * self.totalNodes, errW
assert self.W.shape[1] == self.projectionDimension, errW
errZ = "Z is [projectionDimension, dataDimension]"
assert self.Z.shape[0] == self.projectionDimension, errZ
assert self.Z.shape[1] == self.dataDimension, errZ
errT = "T is [internalNodes, projectionDimension]"
assert self.T.shape[0] == self.internalNodes, errT
assert self.T.shape[1] == self.projectionDimension, errT
assert int(self.numClasses) > 0, "numClasses should be > 1"
msg = "# of features in data should be > 0"
assert int(self.dataDimension) > 0, msg
msg = "Projection should be > 0 dims"
assert int(self.projectionDimension) > 0, msg
msg = "treeDepth should be >= 0"
assert int(self.treeDepth) >= 0, msg
@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import torch
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import pytorch_edgeml.utils as utils
class BonsaiTrainer:
def __init__(self, bonsaiObj, lW, lT, lV, lZ, sW, sT, sV, sZ,
learningRate, useMCHLoss=False, outFile=None):
bonsaiObj - Initialised Bonsai Object and Graph
lW, lT, lV and lZ are regularisers to Bonsai Params
sW, sT, sV and sZ are sparsity factors to Bonsai Params
learningRate - learningRate for optimizer
useMCHLoss - For choice between HingeLoss vs CrossEntropy
useMCHLoss - True - MultiClass - multiClassHingeLoss
useMCHLoss - False - MultiClass - crossEntropyLoss
self.bonsaiObj = bonsaiObj
self.lW = lW
self.lV = lV
self.lT = lT
self.lZ = lZ
self.sW = sW
self.sV = sV
self.sT = sT
self.sZ = sZ
self.useMCHLoss = useMCHLoss
if outFile is not None:
print("Outfile : ", outFile)
self.outFile = open(outFile, 'w')
self.outFile = sys.stdout
self.learningRate = learningRate
self.optimizer = self.optimizer()
if self.sW > 0.99 and self.sV > 0.99 and self.sZ > 0.99 and self.sT > 0.99:
self.isDenseTraining = True
self.isDenseTraining = False
def loss(self, logits, labels):
Loss function for given Bonsai Obj
regLoss = 0.5 * (self.lZ * (torch.norm(self.bonsaiObj.Z)**2) +
self.lW * (torch.norm(self.bonsaiObj.W)**2) +
self.lV * (torch.norm(self.bonsaiObj.V)**2) +
self.lT * (torch.norm(self.bonsaiObj.T))**2)
if (self.bonsaiObj.numClasses > 2):
if self.useMCHLoss is True:
marginLoss = utils.multiClassHingeLoss(logits, labels)
marginLoss = utils.crossEntropyLoss(logits, labels)
loss = marginLoss + regLoss
marginLoss = utils.binaryHingeLoss(logits, labels)
loss = marginLoss + regLoss
return loss, marginLoss, regLoss
def optimizer(self):
Optimizer for Bonsai Params
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(
self.bonsaiObj.parameters(), lr=self.learningRate)
return optimizer
def accuracy(self, logits, labels):
Accuracy fucntion to evaluate accuracy when needed
if (self.bonsaiObj.numClasses > 2):
correctPredictions = (logits.argmax(dim=1) == labels.argmax(dim=1))
accuracy = torch.mean(correctPredictions.float())
pred = (torch.cat((torch.zeros(logits.shape),
logits), 1)).argmax(dim=1)
accuracy = torch.mean((labels.view(-1).long() == pred).float())
return accuracy
def runHardThrsd(self):
Function to run the IHT routine on Bonsai Obj
currW = self.bonsaiObj.W.data
currV = self.bonsaiObj.V.data
currZ = self.bonsaiObj.Z.data
currT = self.bonsaiObj.T.data
self.__thrsdW = utils.hardThreshold(currW, self.sW)
self.__thrsdV = utils.hardThreshold(currV, self.sV)
self.__thrsdZ = utils.hardThreshold(currZ, self.sZ)
self.__thrsdT = utils.hardThreshold(currT, self.sT)
self.bonsaiObj.W.data = torch.FloatTensor(self.__thrsdW)
self.bonsaiObj.V.data = torch.FloatTensor(self.__thrsdV)
self.bonsaiObj.Z.data = torch.FloatTensor(self.__thrsdZ)
self.bonsaiObj.T.data = torch.FloatTensor(self.__thrsdT)
def runSparseTraining(self):
Function to run the Sparse Retraining routine on Bonsai Obj
currW = self.bonsaiObj.W.data
currV = self.bonsaiObj.V.data
currZ = self.bonsaiObj.Z.data
currT = self.bonsaiObj.T.data
newW = utils.copySupport(self.__thrsdW, currW)
newV = utils.copySupport(self.__thrsdV, currV)
newZ = utils.copySupport(self.__thrsdZ, currZ)
newT = utils.copySupport(self.__thrsdT, currT)
self.bonsaiObj.W.data = torch.FloatTensor(newW)
self.bonsaiObj.V.data = torch.FloatTensor(newV)
self.bonsaiObj.Z.data = torch.FloatTensor(newZ)
self.bonsaiObj.T.data = torch.FloatTensor(newT)
def assertInit(self):
err = "sparsity must be between 0 and 1"
assert self.sW >= 0 and self.sW <= 1, "W " + err
assert self.sV >= 0 and self.sV <= 1, "V " + err
assert self.sZ >= 0 and self.sZ <= 1, "Z " + err
assert self.sT >= 0 and self.sT <= 1, "T " + err
def saveParams(self, currDir):
Function to save Parameter matrices into a given folder
paramDir = currDir + '/'
np.save(paramDir + "W.npy", self.bonsaiObj.W.data)
np.save(paramDir + "V.npy", self.bonsaiObj.V.data)
np.save(paramDir + "T.npy", self.bonsaiObj.T.data)
np.save(paramDir + "Z.npy", self.bonsaiObj.Z.data)
hyperParamDict = {'dataDim': self.bonsaiObj.dataDimension,
'projDim': self.bonsaiObj.projectionDimension,
'numClasses': self.bonsaiObj.numClasses,
'depth': self.bonsaiObj.treeDepth,
'sigma': self.bonsaiObj.sigma}
hyperParamFile = paramDir + 'hyperParam.npy'
np.save(hyperParamFile, hyperParamDict)
def saveParamsForSeeDot(self, currDir):
Function to save Parameter matrices into a given folder for SeeDot compiler
seeDotDir = currDir + '/SeeDot/'
if os.path.isdir(seeDotDir) is False:
except OSError:
print("Creation of the directory %s failed" %
np.savetxt(seeDotDir + "W",
np.savetxt(seeDotDir + "V",
np.savetxt(seeDotDir + "T", self.bonsaiObj.T.data, delimiter="\t")
np.savetxt(seeDotDir + "Z", self.bonsaiObj.Z.data, delimiter="\t")
np.savetxt(seeDotDir + "Sigma",
np.array([self.bonsaiObj.sigma]), delimiter="\t")
def loadModel(self, currDir):
Load the Saved model and load it to the model using constructor
Returns two dict one for params and other for hyperParams
paramDir = currDir + '/'
paramDict = {}
paramDict['W'] = np.load(paramDir + "W.npy")
paramDict['V'] = np.load(paramDir + "V.npy")
paramDict['T'] = np.load(paramDir + "T.npy")
paramDict['Z'] = np.load(paramDir + "Z.npy")
hyperParamDict = np.load(paramDir + "hyperParam.npy").item()
return paramDict, hyperParamDict
# Function to get aimed model size
def getModelSize(self):
Function to get aimed model size
nnzZ, sizeZ, sparseZ = utils.countnnZ(self.bonsaiObj.Z, self.sZ)
nnzW, sizeW, sparseW = utils.countnnZ(self.bonsaiObj.W, self.sW)
nnzV, sizeV, sparseV = utils.countnnZ(self.bonsaiObj.V, self.sV)
nnzT, sizeT, sparseT = utils.countnnZ(self.bonsaiObj.T, self.sT)
totalnnZ = (nnzZ + nnzT + nnzV + nnzW)
totalSize = (sizeZ + sizeW + sizeV + sizeT)
hasSparse = (sparseW or sparseV or sparseT or sparseZ)
return totalnnZ, totalSize, hasSparse
def train(self, batchSize, totalEpochs,
Xtrain, Xtest, Ytrain, Ytest, dataDir, currDir):
The Dense - IHT - Sparse Retrain Routine for Bonsai Training
resultFile = open(dataDir + '/pytorchBonsaiResults.txt', 'a+')
numIters = Xtrain.shape[0] / batchSize
totalBatches = numIters * totalEpochs
self.sigmaI = 1
counter = 0
if self.bonsaiObj.numClasses > 2:
trimlevel = 15
trimlevel = 5
ihtDone = 0
maxTestAcc = -10000
if self.isDenseTraining is True:
ihtDone = 1
self.sigmaI = 1
itersInPhase = 0
header = '*' * 20
for i in range(totalEpochs):
print("\nEpoch Number: " + str(i), file=self.outFile)
trainAcc -> For Classification, it is 'Accuracy'.
trainAcc = 0.0
trainLoss = 0.0
numIters = int(numIters)
for j in range(numIters):
if counter == 0:
msg = " Dense Training Phase Started "
print("\n%s%s%s\n" %
(header, msg, header), file=self.outFile)
# Updating the indicator sigma
if ((counter == 0) or (counter == int(totalBatches / 3.0)) or
(counter == int(2 * totalBatches / 3.0))) and (self.isDenseTraining is False):
self.sigmaI = 1
itersInPhase = 0
elif (itersInPhase % 100 == 0):
indices = np.random.choice(Xtrain.shape[0], 100)
batchX = Xtrain[indices, :]
batchY = Ytrain[indices, :]
batchY = np.reshape(
batchY, [-1, self.bonsaiObj.numClasses])
Teval = self.bonsaiObj.T.data
Xcapeval = (torch.matmul(self.bonsaiObj.Z, torch.t(
batchX)) / self.bonsaiObj.projectionDimension).data
sum_tr = 0.0
for k in range(0, self.bonsaiObj.internalNodes):
sum_tr += (np.sum(np.abs(np.dot(Teval[k], Xcapeval))))
if(self.bonsaiObj.internalNodes > 0):
sum_tr /= (100 * self.bonsaiObj.internalNodes)
sum_tr = 0.1 / sum_tr
sum_tr = 0.1
sum_tr = min(
1000, sum_tr * (2**(float(itersInPhase) /
(float(totalBatches) / 30.0))))
self.sigmaI = sum_tr
itersInPhase += 1
batchX = Xtrain[j * batchSize:(j + 1) * batchSize]
batchY = Ytrain[j * batchSize:(j + 1) * batchSize]
batchY = np.reshape(
batchY, [-1, self.bonsaiObj.numClasses])
logits, _ = self.bonsaiObj(batchX, self.sigmaI)
batchLoss, _, _ = self.loss(logits, batchY)
batchAcc = self.accuracy(logits, batchY)
# Classification.
trainAcc += batchAcc.item()
trainLoss += batchLoss.item()
# Training routine involving IHT and sparse retraining
if (counter >= int(totalBatches / 3.0) and
(counter < int(2 * totalBatches / 3.0)) and
counter % trimlevel == 0 and
self.isDenseTraining is False):
if ihtDone == 0:
msg = " IHT Phase Started "
print("\n%s%s%s\n" %
(header, msg, header), file=self.outFile)
ihtDone = 1
elif ((ihtDone == 1 and counter >= int(totalBatches / 3.0) and
(counter < int(2 * totalBatches / 3.0)) and
counter % trimlevel != 0 and
self.isDenseTraining is False) or
(counter >= int(2 * totalBatches / 3.0) and
self.isDenseTraining is False)):
if counter == int(2 * totalBatches / 3.0):
msg = " Sparse Retraining Phase Started "
print("\n%s%s%s\n" %
(header, msg, header), file=self.outFile)
counter += 1
print("\nClassification Train Loss: " + str(trainLoss / numIters) +
"\nTraining accuracy (Classification): " +
str(trainAcc / numIters),
oldSigmaI = self.sigmaI
self.sigmaI = 1e9
logits, _ = self.bonsaiObj(Xtest, self.sigmaI)
testLoss, marginLoss, regLoss = self.loss(logits, Ytest)
testAcc = self.accuracy(logits, Ytest).item()
if ihtDone == 0:
maxTestAcc = -10000
maxTestAccEpoch = i
if maxTestAcc <= testAcc:
maxTestAccEpoch = i
maxTestAcc = testAcc
print("Test accuracy %g" % testAcc, file=self.outFile)
testAcc = testAcc
maxTestAcc = maxTestAcc
print("MarginLoss + RegLoss: " + str(marginLoss.item()) + " + " +
str(regLoss.item()) + " = " + str(testLoss.item()) + "\n",
self.sigmaI = oldSigmaI
# sigmaI has to be set to infinity to ensure
# only a single path is used in inference
self.sigmaI = 1e9
print("\nNon-Zero : " + str(self.getModelSize()[0]) + " Model Size: " +
str(float(self.getModelSize()[1]) / 1024.0) + " KB hasSparse: " +
str(self.getModelSize()[2]) + "\n", file=self.outFile)
print("For Classification, Maximum Test accuracy at compressed" +
" model size(including early stopping): " +
str(maxTestAcc) + " at Epoch: " +
str(maxTestAccEpoch + 1) + "\nFinal Test" +
" Accuracy: " + str(testAcc), file=self.outFile)
resultFile.write("MaxTestAcc: " + str(maxTestAcc) +
" at Epoch(totalEpochs): " +
str(maxTestAccEpoch + 1) +
"(" + str(totalEpochs) + ")" + " ModelSize: " +
str(float(self.getModelSize()[1]) / 1024.0) +
" KB hasSparse: " + str(self.getModelSize()[2]) +
" Param Directory: " +
str(os.path.abspath(currDir)) + "\n")
print("The Model Directory: " + currDir + "\n")
if self.outFile is not sys.stdout:
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
def multiClassHingeLoss(logits, labels):
MultiClassHingeLoss to match C++ Version - No pytorch internal version
flatLogits = torch.reshape(logits, [-1, ])
labels_ = labels.argmax(dim=1)
correctId = torch.arange(labels.shape[0]) * labels.shape[1] + labels_
correctLogit = torch.gather(flatLogits, 0, correctId)
maxLabel = logits.argmax(dim=1)
top2, _ = torch.topk(logits, k=2, sorted=True)
wrongMaxLogit = torch.where((maxLabel == labels_), top2[:, 1], top2[:, 0])
return torch.mean(F.relu(1. + wrongMaxLogit - correctLogit))
def crossEntropyLoss(logits, labels):
Cross Entropy loss for MultiClass case in joint training for
faster convergence
return F.cross_entropy(logits, labels.argmax(dim=1))
def binaryHingeLoss(logits, labels):
BinaryHingeLoss to match C++ Version - No pytorch internal version
return torch.mean(F.relu(1.0 - (2 * labels - 1) * logits))
def hardThreshold(A, s):
Hard thresholding function on Tensor A with sparsity s
A_ = np.copy(A)
A_ = A_.ravel()
if len(A_) > 0:
th = np.percentile(np.abs(A_), (1 - s) * 100.0, interpolation='higher')
A_[np.abs(A_) < th] = 0.0
A_ = A_.reshape(A.shape)
return A_
def copySupport(src, dest):
copy support of src tensor to dest tensor
support = np.nonzero(src)
dest_ = dest
dest = np.zeros(dest_.shape)
dest[support] = dest_[support]
return dest
def countnnZ(A, s, bytesPerVar=4):
Returns # of non-zeros and representative size of the tensor
Uses dense for s >= 0.5 - 4 byte
Else uses sparse - 8 byte
params = 1
hasSparse = False
for i in range(0, len(A.shape)):
params *= int(A.shape[i])
if s < 0.5:
nnZ = np.ceil(params * s)
hasSparse = True
return nnZ, nnZ * 2 * bytesPerVar, hasSparse
nnZ = params
return nnZ, nnZ * bytesPerVar, hasSparse
def restructreMatrixBonsaiSeeDot(A, nClasses, nNodes):
Restructures a matrix from [nNodes*nClasses, Proj] to
[nClasses*nNodes, Proj] for SeeDot
tempMatrix = np.zeros(A.shape)
rowIndex = 0
for i in range(0, nClasses):
for j in range(0, nNodes):
tempMatrix[rowIndex] = A[j * nClasses + i]
rowIndex += 1
return tempMatrix
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
from distutils.core import setup
packages=['pytorch_edgeml', ],
license='MIT License',
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