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@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
# Pytorch Shallow RNN Examples
This directory includes an example [notebook](SRNN_Example.ipynb) of how to use
SRNN on the [Google Speech Commands
`pytorch_edgeml.graph.rnn.SRNN2` implements a 2 layer SRNN network. We will use
this with an LSTM cell on this dataset. The training routine for SRNN is
implemented in `pytorch_edgeml.trainer.srnnTrainer` and will be used as part of
this example.
**Tested With:** pytorch > 1.1.0 with Python 2 and Python 3
## Fetching Data
The script - [fetch_google.sh](fetch_google.py), can be used to automatically
download the data. You can also manually download and extract the data.
[process_google.py](process_google.py), will perform feature extraction on this
dataset and write numpy files that confirm to the required format.
To run this script, please use:
python process_google.py
With the provided configuration, you can expect a validation accuracy of about
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the MIT license.
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
# If OUT_DIR is modified, please make sure it is reflected in process_google.py
# as well.
mkdir -pv $OUT_DIR
mkdir -pv $OUT_DIR/Raw
mkdir -pv $OUT_DIR/Extracted
echo "Downloading dataset."
echo ""
cd $OUT_DIR/Raw
wget $URL
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Download complete. Extracting files . . ."
echo "Fail"
tar -xzf speech_commands_v0.01.tar.gz
echo "Done. Please run process_google.py for feature extraction"
@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
# Google Speech data feature extraction
# Note that the 'testing_list.txt' and 'validation_list.txt'
# that provided is used to create test and validation
# sets. Everything that is not in these sets is considered
# for training.
# The testing_list and validation_list and by extension
# the training set has the following property.
# If one audio sample of a user is in either one of these
# sets, then all audio samples of that user will also be
# in that set.
# As long as the same methodology of creating testing
# and validation set that google used - as outlined in
# their README is used, the testing and validation set
# will be consistent. That is, the will always contain
# the same set of examples
# Sampling is not supported yet.
from python_speech_features import fbank
import os
import glob
import numpy as np
import scipy.io.wavfile as r
import random
# Various version can be created depending on which labels are chosen and which
# are moved to the negative (noise) set. We use LABELMAP13 for most of our
# experiments.
'_background_noise_': 1, 'bed': 2, 'bird': 3,
'cat': 4, 'dog': 5, 'down': 6, 'eight': 7,
'five': 8, 'four': 9, 'go': 10, 'happy': 11,
'house': 12, 'left': 13, 'marvin': 14, 'nine': 15,
'no': 16, 'off': 17, 'on': 18, 'one': 19,
'right': 20, 'seven': 21, 'sheila': 22, 'six': 23,
'stop': 24, 'three': 25, 'tree': 26, 'two': 27,
'up': 28, 'wow': 29, 'yes': 30, 'zero': 31
'go': 1, 'no': 2, 'on': 3, 'up': 4, 'bed': 5, 'cat': 6,
'dog': 7, 'off': 8, 'one': 9, 'six': 10, 'two': 11,
'yes': 12,
'wow': 0, 'bird': 0, 'down': 0, 'five': 0, 'four': 0,
'left': 0, 'nine': 0, 'stop': 0, 'tree': 0, 'zero': 0,
'eight': 0, 'happy': 0, 'house': 0, 'right': 0, 'seven': 0,
'three': 0, 'marvin': 0, 'sheila': 0, '_background_noise_': 0
'yes': 1, 'no': 2, 'up': 3, 'down': 4, 'left': 5, 'right': 6,
'on': 7, 'off': 8, 'stop': 9, 'go': 10,
'bed':0, 'cat':0, 'dog':0, 'one':0, 'six':0, 'two':0,
'wow':0, 'bird':0, 'five':0, 'four':0, 'nine':0, 'tree':0,
'zero':0, 'eight':0, 'happy':0, 'house':0, 'seven':0, 'three':0,
'marvin':0, 'sheila':0, '_background_noise_':0
def createFileList(audioFileDir, testingList,
validationList, outPrefix,
audioFileDir: The directory containing the directories
with audio files.
testingList: the `testing_list.txt` file
validationList: the `validation_list.txt` file
Reads all the files in audioFileDir and creates
a list of files that are not part of testingList
or validationList.
WARNING: _background_noise_ is ignored
Then testingList, validationList and trainginList
are converted into numpy arrays with their labels
This is written as
outPrefix + '_testList.npy'
outPrefix + '_trainList.npy'
outPrefix + '_validationList.npy'
dirs = os.listdir(audioFileDir)
dirs = [x for x in dirs if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(audioFileDir, x))]
assert(len(dirs) == 31), (len(dirs))
for x in dirs:
msg = '%s found without label map' % x
assert x in labelMap, msg
allFileList = []
for fol in dirs:
if fol == '_background_noise_':
print("Ignoring %s" % fol)
path = audioFileDir + '/' + fol + '/'
files = []
for w in os.listdir(path):
if not w.endswith('.wav'):
print("Ignoring %s" % w)
files.append(fol + '/' + w)
assert(len(allFileList) == len(set(allFileList)))
fil = open(testingList, 'r')
testingList = fil.readlines()
testingList = [x.strip() for x in testingList]
fil = open(validationList, 'r')
validationList = fil.readlines()
validationList = [x.strip() for x in validationList]
originalLen = len(allFileList)
allFileList = set(allFileList) - set(validationList)
assert len(allFileList) < originalLen
assert originalLen == len(allFileList) + len(validationList)
originalLen = len(allFileList)
allFileList = set(allFileList) - set(testingList)
assert len(allFileList) < originalLen
assert originalLen == len(allFileList) + len(testingList)
trainingList = list(allFileList)
testingList = list(testingList)
validationList = list(validationList)
np.save(outPrefix + 'file_train.npy', trainingList)
np.save(outPrefix + 'file_test.npy', testingList)
np.save(outPrefix + 'file_val.npy', validationList)
def extractFeatures(fileList, LABELMAP, maxlen, numFilt, samplerate, winlen,
Reads audio from files specified in fileList, extracts features and assigns
labels to them.
fileList: List of audio file names.
LABELMAP: The label map to use.
maxlen: maximum length of the audio file. Every other
files is zero padded to maxlen
numFilt: number of filters to use in MFCC
samplerate: sample rate of the audio file. All files are
assumed to be of same sample rate
winLen: winLen to use for fbank in seconds
winstep: winstep for fbank in seconds
def __extractFeatures(stackedWav, numSteps, numFilt,
samplerate, winlen, winstep):
[number of waves, Len(wave)]
returns [number of waves, numSteps, numFilt]
All waves are assumed to be of fixed length
assert stackedWav.ndim == 2, 'Should be [number of waves, len(wav)]'
extractedList = []
eps = 1e-10
for sample in stackedWav:
temp, _ = fbank(sample, samplerate=samplerate, winlen=winlen,
winstep=winstep, nfilt=numFilt,
temp = np.log(temp + eps)
assert temp.ndim == 2, 'Should be [numSteps, numFilt]'
assert temp.shape[0] == numSteps, 'Should be [numSteps, numFilt]'
return np.array(extractedList)
fileList = np.array(fileList)
assert(fileList.ndim == 1)
allSamples = np.zeros((len(fileList), maxlen))
i = 0
for i,file in enumerate(fileList):
_, x = r.read(file)
assert(len(x) <= maxlen)
allSamples[i, maxlen - len(x):maxlen] += x
i += 1
assert allSamples.ndim == 2
winstepSamples = winstep * samplerate
winlenSamples = winlen * samplerate
numSteps = int(np.ceil((maxlen - winlenSamples)/winstepSamples) + 1)
x = __extractFeatures(allSamples, numSteps, numFilt, samplerate, winlen,
y_ = [t.split('/') for t in fileList]
y_ = [t[-2] for t in y_]
y = []
for t in y_:
assert t in LABELMAP
def to_onehot(indices, numClasses):
assert indices.ndim == 1
n = max(indices) + 1
assert numClasses <= n
b = np.zeros((len(indices), numClasses))
b[np.arange(len(indices)), indices] = 1
return b
y = to_onehot(np.array(y), np.max(y) + 1)
return x, y
if __name__=='__main__':
# ----------------------------------------- #
# Configuration
# ----------------------------------------- #
seed = 42
maxlen = 16000
numFilt = 32
samplerate = 16000
winlen = 0.025
winstep = 0.010
# 13 for google 13, 11 for google 12
numLabels = 13 # 0 not assigned
# For creation of training file list, testing file list
# and validation list.
audioFileDir = './GoogleSpeech/Raw/'
testingList = './GoogleSpeech/Raw/testing_list.txt'
validationList = './GoogleSpeech/Raw/validation_list.txt'
outDir = './GoogleSpeech/Extracted/'
# ----------------------------------------- #
assert(numLabels in [13, 11])
if numLabels == 13:
values = [LABELMAP13[x] for x in LABELMAP13]
values = set(values)
assert(len(values) == 13)
if numLabels == 11:
values = [LABELMAP12[x] for x in LABELMAP12]
values = set(values)
assert(len(values) == 11)
print("Peforming file creation")
createFileList(audioFileDir, testingList, validationList,
trainFileList = np.load(outDir + 'file_train.npy')
testFileList = np.load(outDir + 'file_test.npy')
valFileList = np.load(outDir + 'file_val.npy')
print("Number of train files:", len(trainFileList))
print("Number of test files", len(testFileList))
print("Number of val files", len(valFileList))
print("Performing feature extraction")
trainFileList_ = [audioFileDir + x for x in trainFileList]
valFileList_ = [audioFileDir + x for x in valFileList]
testFileList_ = [audioFileDir + x for x in testFileList]
x_test, y_test = extractFeatures(testFileList_, LABELMAP, maxlen, numFilt,
samplerate, winlen, winstep)
x_val, y_val = extractFeatures(valFileList_, LABELMAP, maxlen, numFilt,
samplerate, winlen, winstep)
x_train, y_train = extractFeatures(trainFileList_, LABELMAP, maxlen,
numFilt, samplerate, winlen, winstep)
np.save(outDir + 'x_train', x_train);np.save(outDir + 'y_train', y_train)
np.save(outDir + 'x_test', x_test);np.save(outDir + 'y_test', y_test)
np.save(outDir + 'x_val', x_val);np.save(outDir + 'y_val', y_val)
print("Shape train", x_train.shape, y_train.shape)
print("Shape test", x_test.shape, y_test.shape)
print("Shape val", x_val.shape, y_val.shape)
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