
405 строки
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import argparse
import datetime
from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
import os
import shutil
import operator
import tempfile
import traceback
from seedot.compiler.converter.converter import Converter
import seedot.common as Common
from seedot.compiler.compiler import Compiler
from seedot.predictor import Predictor
import seedot.util as Util
class Main:
def __init__(self, algo, version, target, trainingFile, testingFile, modelDir, sf):
self.algo, self.version, self.target = algo, version, target
self.trainingFile, self.testingFile, self.modelDir = trainingFile, testingFile, modelDir
self.sf = sf
self.accuracy = {}
def setup(self):
curr_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
copy_tree(os.path.join(curr_dir, "Predictor"), Common.tempdir)
for fileName in ["arduino.ino", "config.h", "library.h", "predict.h"]:
srcFile = os.path.join(curr_dir, "arduino", fileName)
destFile = os.path.join(Common.outdir, fileName)
shutil.copyfile(srcFile, destFile)
# Generate the fixed-point code using the input generated from the
# Converter project
def compile(self, target, sf):
print("Generating code...", end='')
# Set input and output files
inputFile = os.path.join(Common.tempdir, "input.sd")
profileLogFile = os.path.join(
Common.tempdir, "output", self.algo + "-float", "profile.txt")
if target == Common.Target.Arduino:
outputFile = os.path.join(Common.outdir, "predict.cpp")
elif target == Common.Target.X86:
outputFile = os.path.join(Common.tempdir, "seedot_fixed.cpp")
obj = Compiler(self.algo, target, inputFile,
outputFile, profileLogFile, sf)
return False
return True
# Run the converter project to generate the input files using reading the
# training model
def convert(self, version, datasetType, target):
print("Generating input files for %s %s dataset..." %
(version, datasetType), end='')
# Create output dirs
if target == Common.Target.Arduino:
outputDir = os.path.join(Common.outdir, "input")
datasetOutputDir = outputDir
elif target == Common.Target.X86:
outputDir = Common.tempdir
datasetOutputDir = os.path.join(Common.tempdir, "input")
assert False
os.makedirs(datasetOutputDir, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(outputDir, exist_ok=True)
obj = Converter(self.algo, version, datasetType, target,
datasetOutputDir, outputDir)
obj.setInput(self.modelDir, self.trainingFile, self.testingFile)
except Exception as e:
return False
return True
# Build and run the Predictor project
def predict(self, version, datasetType):
outputDir = os.path.join(
Common.tempdir, "output", self.algo + "-" + version)
curDir = os.getcwd()
obj = Predictor(self.algo, version, datasetType, outputDir)
acc = obj.run()
return acc
# Compile and run the generated code once for a given scaling factor
def runOnce(self, version, datasetType, target, sf):
res = self.compile(target, sf)
if res == False:
return False, False
acc = self.predict(version, datasetType)
if acc == None:
return False, True
self.accuracy[sf] = acc
print("Accuracy is %.3f%%\n" % (acc))
return True, False
# Iterate over multiple scaling factors and store their accuracies
def performSearch(self):
start, end = Common.maxScaleRange
searching = False
for i in range(start, end, -1):
print("Testing with max scale factor of " + str(i))
res, exit = self.runOnce(
Common.Version.Fixed, Common.DatasetType.Training, Common.Target.X86, i)
if exit == True:
return False
# The iterator logic is as follows:
# Search begins when the first valid scaling factor is found (runOnce returns True)
# Search ends when the execution fails on a particular scaling factor (runOnce returns False)
# This is the window where valid scaling factors exist and we
# select the one with the best accuracy
if res == True:
searching = True
elif searching == True:
# If search didn't begin at all, something went wrong
if searching == False:
return False
print("\nSearch completed\n")
print("Best performing scaling factors with accuracy:")
self.sf = self.getBestScale()
return True
# Reverse sort the accuracies, print the top 5 accuracies and return the
# best scaling factor
def getBestScale(self):
sorted_accuracy = dict(
sorted(self.accuracy.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:5])
return next(iter(sorted_accuracy))
# Find the scaling factor which works best on the training dataset and
# predict on the testing dataset
def findBestScalingFactor(self):
print("Performing search to find the best scaling factor")
# Generate input files for training dataset
res = self.convert(Common.Version.Fixed,
Common.DatasetType.Training, Common.Target.X86)
if res == False:
return False
# Search for the best scaling factor
res = self.performSearch()
if res == False:
return False
print("Best scaling factor = %d" % (self.sf))
return True
def runOnTestingDataset(self):
print("Prediction on testing dataset")
print("Setting max scaling factor to %d\n" % (self.sf))
# Generate files for the testing dataset
res = self.convert(Common.Version.Fixed,
Common.DatasetType.Testing, Common.Target.X86)
if res == False:
return False
# Compile and run code using the best scaling factor
res = self.runOnce(
Common.Version.Fixed, Common.DatasetType.Testing, Common.Target.X86, self.sf)
if res == False:
return False
return True
# Generate files for training dataset and perform a profiled execution
def collectProfileData(self):
print("Collecting profile data")
res = self.convert(Common.Version.Float,
Common.DatasetType.Training, Common.Target.X86)
if res == False:
return False
acc = self.predict(Common.Version.Float, Common.DatasetType.Training)
if acc == None:
return False
print("Accuracy is %.3f%%\n" % (acc))
# Generate code for Arduino
def compileForTarget(self):
print("Generating code for %s..." % (self.target))
res = self.convert(Common.Version.Fixed,
Common.DatasetType.Testing, self.target)
if res == False:
return False
# Copy file
srcFile = os.path.join(Common.outdir, "input", "seedot_fixed_model.h")
destFile = os.path.join(Common.outdir, "model.h")
shutil.copyfile(srcFile, destFile)
res = self.compile(self.target, self.sf)
if res == False:
return False
def runForFixed(self):
# Collect runtime profile for ProtoNN
if self.algo == Common.Algo.Protonn:
res = self.collectProfileData()
if res == False:
return False
# Obtain best scaling factor
if self.sf == None:
res = self.findBestScalingFactor()
if res == False:
return False
res = self.runOnTestingDataset()
if res == False:
return False
self.testingAccuracy = self.accuracy[self.sf]
# Generate code for target
print("\nArduino sketch dumped in the folder %s\n" % (Common.outdir))
return True
def runForFloat(self):
print("Executing for X86 target...")
res = self.convert(Common.Version.Float,
Common.DatasetType.Testing, Common.Target.X86)
if res == False:
return False
acc = self.predict(Common.Version.Float, Common.DatasetType.Testing)
if acc == None:
return False
self.testingAccuracy = acc
print("Accuracy is %.3f%%\n" % (acc))
print("Generating code for Arduino...")
res = self.convert(Common.Version.Float,
Common.DatasetType.Testing, Common.Target.Arduino)
if res == False:
return False
# Copy model.h
srcFile = os.path.join(Common.outdir, "input",
self.algo + "_" + "float_model.h")
destFile = os.path.join(Common.outdir, "model.h")
shutil.copyfile(srcFile, destFile)
curr_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
# Copy predict.cpp
srcFile = os.path.join(
curr_dir, "arduino", "floating-point", self.algo + "_float.cpp")
destFile = os.path.join(Common.outdir, "predict.cpp")
shutil.copyfile(srcFile, destFile)
return True
def run(self):
if self.version == Common.Version.Fixed:
return self.runForFixed()
return self.runForFloat()
class MainDriver:
def parseArgs(self):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-a", "--algo", choices=Common.Algo.All,
metavar='', help="Algorithm to run")
parser.add_argument("--train", required=True,
metavar='', help="Training set file")
parser.add_argument("--test", required=True,
metavar='', help="Testing set file")
parser.add_argument("--model", required=True, metavar='',
help="Directory containing trained model")
parser.add_argument("--tempdir", metavar='', help="Scratch directory")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--outdir", metavar='',
help="Directory to output the generated Arduino sketch")
self.args = parser.parse_args()
# Verify the input files and directory exists
assert os.path.isfile(self.args.train), "Training set doesn't exist"
assert os.path.isfile(self.args.test), "Testing set doesn't exist"
assert os.path.isdir(self.args.model), "Model directory doesn't exist"
if self.args.tempdir is not None:
assert os.path.isdir(
self.args.tempdir), "Scratch directory doesn't exist"
Common.tempdir = self.args.tempdir
Common.tempdir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(
), "SeeDot", datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'))
os.makedirs(Common.tempdir, exist_ok=True)
if self.args.outdir is not None:
assert os.path.isdir(
self.args.outdir), "Output directory doesn't exist"
Common.outdir = self.args.outdir
Common.outdir = os.path.join(Common.tempdir, "arduino")
os.makedirs(Common.outdir, exist_ok=True)
def checkMSBuildPath(self):
found = False
for path in Common.msbuildPathOptions:
if os.path.isfile(path):
found = True
Common.msbuildPath = path
if not found:
raise Exception("Msbuild.exe not found at the following locations:\n%s\nPlease change the path and run again" % (
def run(self):
if Util.windows():
algo, trainingInput, testingInput, modelDir = self.args.algo, self.args.train, self.args.test, self.args.model
print("Executing on %s for Arduino" % (algo))
print("Train file: %s" % (trainingInput))
print("Test file: %s" % (testingInput))
print("Model directory: %s" % (modelDir))
obj = Main(algo, Common.Version.Fixed, Common.Target.Arduino,
trainingInput, testingInput, modelDir, None)
if __name__ == "__main__":
obj = MainDriver()