
Microsoft FastTrack Open Source - Get-SharedChannelsUserIsPartOf

PowerShell script to fetch the shared channels (in resource tenant) that a given user is member or owner of. The script will output a list of shared channel names and their respective team names or a CSV if specified.


  • Windows PowerShell
  • Microsoft Teams PowerShell module
  • A Microsoft 365 account with admin rights


  1. Enable remote scripting in PowerShell with this cmdlet: Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
  2. Install the latest Microsoft Teams module for PowerShell: Install-Module MicrosoftTeams -AllowClobber -Force
  3. Open a PowerShell session and connect to Teams: Connect-MicrosoftTeams
  4. Change directory to where the script is located (cd) and run it:

    Get-SharedChannelsUserIsPartOf -UserPrincipalName

Get-SharedChannelsUserIsPartOf.ps1 execution


Shared channels a user is owner of

Get-SharedChannelsUserIsPartOf -UserPrincipalName -Owner $true

Owner example

Export CSV

Get-SharedChannelsUserIsPartOf -UserPrincipalName -CSV $true

CSV example

CSV example result

Applies To

  • Microsoft Teams


Author Date
Mihai Filip 11/2/2022


Please report any issues you find to the issues list.


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