23 строки
752 B
23 строки
752 B
# Don't allow people to merge changes to these generated files, because the result
# may be invalid. You need to run "rush update" again.
shrinkwrap.yaml merge=binary
npm-shrinkwrap.json merge=binary
yarn.lock merge=binary
* text !filter !merge !diff
* text=auto eol=lf
*.txt text=auto !eol
*.png -text
*.jpg -text
*.gif -text
*.pdf -text
# Set the language for these files to json5 to ensure GitHub doesn't show the comments as errors
/.vscode/*.json linguist-language=JSON5
fence.json linguist-language=JSON5
.git-blame-ignore-revs linguist-language=Ignore List
# Hide docs from GitHub's language detection
/docs/** linguist-documentation