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# This file is a map of labels to repo glob paths. See https://github.com/marketplace/actions/labeler
# for more details about the config format. The labels in this file will be added AND removed from PRs as the files
# edited in the PR change. See https://github.com/microsoft/FluidFramework/blob/main/.github/workflows/pr-labeler.yml to
# see how this config file is used.
"area: build":
- ".github/*"
- ".github/workflows/**"
- "build-tools/**"
- "common/build/**"
- "tools/markdown-magic/**"
- "tools/pipelines/**"
"area: contributor experience":
- ".vscode/**"
"area: dds":
- experimental/dds/**
- packages/dds/**
"area: dds: tree":
- experimental/dds/tree/**
- experimental/dds/tree2/**
- packages/dds/tree/**
"area: dds: propertydds":
- experimental/PropertyDDS/**
"area: dds: sharedstring":
- packages/dds/sequence/**
"area: definitions":
- common/lib/container-definitions/**
- common/lib/core-interfaces/**
- common/lib/driver-definitions/**
"area: dev experience":
- experimental/framework/**
"area: driver":
- packages/drivers/**
"area: examples":
- examples/**
- experimental/examples/**
"area: framework":
- packages/framework/**
"area: loader":
- packages/loader/**
"area: odsp-driver":
- packages/drivers/*odsp*/**
- packages/utils/odsp-doclib-utils/**
# Add "area: repo" label to any root or .github changes
"area: repo":
- any: ["*", ".github/**", "!BREAKING.md"]
"area: runtime":
- packages/runtime/**
"area: server":
- server/**
"area: tests":
- packages/test/**
"area: tools":
- any: ["common/build/**", "tools/**", "!tools/markdown-magic/**"]
"area: website":
- any: ["docs/**", "!docs/content/**"]
"breaking change":
- .changeset/**
- server/routerlicious/.changeset/**
- lerna-package-lock.json
- package-lock.json
- pnpm-lock.yaml
- docs/content/**
# flag changes to public APIs so they can be reviewed to see if they're breaking
"public api change":
- "**/api-report/**"