
230 строки
11 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env node
const program = require('commander');
const fs = require('fs');
const os = require("os");
const inquirer = require('inquirer')
const { v4 } = require('uuid')
const pkg = require('./package.json')
const crypto = require('crypto');
const SALT_SIZE = 128;
const hashPassword = (password) => {
const passwordBuffer = Buffer.from(password, "utf-8");
const passwordHash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(passwordBuffer).digest();
const saltBuffer = crypto.randomBytes(SALT_SIZE);
const fullBuffer = Buffer.concat([passwordHash, saltBuffer]);
const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(fullBuffer).digest('hex');
return { salt: "0x" + saltBuffer.toString('hex'), password: "0x" + hash };
function main() {
.action(function () {
console.log("Game Control Initialization");
var questions = [
type: 'input',
name: 'serverFqdn',
message: "What is the fully-qualified DNS name of the server endpoint that will host Game Control?",
default: "localhost",
validate: (input, answers) => { return (input.startsWith("http") ? "Please enter a domain name without 'http' or 'https'." : true) }
type: 'list',
name: 'dbtype',
message: 'What kind of database would you like to use?',
choices: [
name: "Microsoft SQL Server Developer Edition, hosted in a Docker container",
value: 'sqlcontainer'
name: "External Microsoft SQL Server instance (for example, SQL Azure)",
value: 'external'
type: "password",
name: "sapassword",
message: "What password would you like to use for the 'sa' database administrator account? (leave blank to automatically generate a password)",
when: (answers) => (answers.dbtype === "sqlcontainer")
type: 'input',
name: 'username',
message: "What is the username you would like to use for the default admin login to the Game Control site?",
default: "admin",
when: (answers) => (answers.dbtype === "sqlcontainer"),
validate: (input, answers) => {
if (input.length < 2 || input.length > 50) {
return "Please enter a username between 2 and 50 characters long.";
return true;
type: 'password',
name: 'password',
message: "What is the password you would like to use for the default admin login to the Game Control site?",
when: (answers) => (answers.dbtype === "sqlcontainer"),
validate: (input, answers) => {
if (input.length < 4) {
return "Please enter a longer password.";
return true;
type: 'confirm',
name: 'acceptEula',
message: "Do you accept the Microsoft SQL Server Developer Edition EULA found at ?",
default: false,
when: (answers) => (answers.dbtype === "sqlcontainer")
type: 'input',
name: 'sqlConnectionString',
message: "What is the connection string for your Microsoft SQL Server?",
when: (answers) => (answers.dbtype === "external")
type: 'confirm',
name: 'useMSA',
message: "Would you like to enable Microsoft Account authentication?",
default: true
type: 'input',
name: 'msaClientId',
message: "To enable Microsoft Account authentication, follow the instructions at to register an application.\nWhat is your application (client) ID for the Microsoft identity platform?",
default: "",
when: (answers) => (answers.useMSA === true)
type: 'input',
name: 'azureBlobConnectionString',
message: "What is the connection string for your Azure Blob Storage account?"
type: 'input',
name: 'azureBlobBaseUrl',
message: "What is the base URL for your Azure Blob Storage account? (For example,"
type: 'confirm',
name: 'confirmation',
message: "Ready to create configuration files? (This will overwrite any existing settings, including credentials, and may cause data loss if you have an existing installation of Game Control!)",
default: false
inquirer.prompt(questions).then((answers) => {
let env = [];
let clientEnv = [];
let serverEnv = [];
let databaseEnv = [];
let appSettings = {
"Logging": {
"IncludeScopes": false,
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Debug",
"System": "Information",
"Microsoft": "Information"
"ConnectionStrings": {},
"JwtIssuerOptions": { "Issuer": "GameControl" },
"GameControl": {}
if (answers.confirmation) {
console.log("Writing .env files...");
if (answers.acceptEula) {
if (answers.dbtype === "sqlcontainer") {
const saPassword = answers.saPassword ? answers.saPassword : v4();
const gcPassword = v4();
databaseEnv.push("SA_PASSWORD=" + saPassword);
databaseEnv.push("GC_PASSWORD=" + gcPassword);
const {password, salt} = hashPassword(answers.password);
databaseEnv.push("LOGIN_USERNAME="+ answers.username);
databaseEnv.push("LOGIN_PASSWORD_HASH="+ password);
databaseEnv.push("LOGIN_PASSWORD_SALT="+ salt);
const connectionString = "Data Source=database;Initial Catalog=gamecontrol;Integrated Security=false;User ID=gc;Password=" + gcPassword + ";Connect Timeout=15;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=True;ApplicationIntent=ReadWrite;MultiSubnetFailover=False;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"
serverEnv.push("ConnectionStrings__DefaultConnection=" + connectionString);
appSettings.ConnectionStrings.DefaultConnection = connectionString;
else if (answers.dbtype === "external") {
serverEnv.push("ConnectionStrings__DefaultConnection=" + answers.sqlConnectionString);
appSettings.ConnectionStrings.DefaultConnection = answers.sqlConnectionString;
if (answers.useMSA && answers.msaClientId) {
clientEnv.push("REACT_APP_MICROSOFT_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_ID=" + answers.msaClientId);
serverEnv.push("GameControl__MsaClientId=" + answers.msaClientId);
appSettings.GameControl.MsaClientId = answers.msaClientId;
const origin = "http://" + answers.serverFqdn;
serverEnv.push("GameControl__CorsOrigin=" + origin);
appSettings.GameControl.CorsOrigin = origin;
serverEnv.push("JwtIssuerOptions__Audience=" + origin);
appSettings.JwtIssuerOptions.Audience = origin;
const gcSecretKey = v4();
serverEnv.push("GameControl__SecretKey=" + gcSecretKey);
appSettings.GameControl.SecretKey = gcSecretKey;
serverEnv.push("GameControl__BlobStorageConnectionString=" + answers.azureBlobConnectionString);
appSettings.GameControl.BlobStorageConnectionString = answers.azureBlobConnectionString;
let blobBaseUrl = answers.azureBlobBaseUrl;
if (!blobBaseUrl.endsWith("/")) {
blobBaseUrl += "/";
serverEnv.push("GameControl__BlobStorageBaseUrl=" + answers.blobBaseUrl);
appSettings.GameControl.BlobStorageBaseUrl = answers.blobBaseUrl;
fs.writeFileSync(".env", env.join(os.EOL));
if (answers.dbtype === "sqlcontainer") {
fs.writeFileSync("database.env", databaseEnv.join(os.EOL));
fs.writeFileSync("client.env", clientEnv.join(os.EOL));
fs.writeFileSync("client/.env", clientEnv.join(os.EOL));
fs.writeFileSync("server.env", serverEnv.join(os.EOL));
console.log("Writing server/appsettings.Development.json file...");
fs.writeFileSync("./server/appsettings.Development.json", JSON.stringify(appSettings));
console.log("To launch Game Control, run: \n\tdocker-compose up");