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using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.Alm.Authentication.Test
public class TokenTests
private const string TokenString = "The Azure AD Authentication Library (ADAL) for .NET enables client application developers to easily authenticate users to cloud or on-premises Active Directory (AD), and then obtain access tokens for securing API calls. ADAL for .NET has many features that make authentication easier for developers, such as asynchronous support, a configurable token cache that stores access tokens and refresh tokens, automatic token refresh when an access token expires and a refresh token is available, and more. By handling most of the complexity, ADAL can help a developer focus on business logic in their application and easily secure resources without being an expert on security.";
public static object[][] TokenStoreData
var data = new List<object[]>()
new object[] { true, "test-token", "http://dummy.url/for/testing", TokenString },
new object[] { true, "test-token", "http://dummy.url/for/testing?with=params", TokenString },
new object[] { true, "test-token", @"\\unc\share\test", TokenString },
new object[] { true, "test-token", "file://dummy.url/for/testing", TokenString },
new object[] { true, "test-token", "http://dummy.url:9090/for/testing", TokenString },
new object[] { false, "test-token", "http://dummy.url/for/testing", TokenString },
new object[] { false, "test-token", "http://dummy.url/for/testing?with=params", TokenString },
new object[] { false, "test-token", @"\\unc\share\test", TokenString },
new object[] { false, "test-token", "file://dummy.url/for/testing", TokenString },
new object[] { false, "test-token", "http://dummy.url:9090/for/testing", TokenString },
return data.ToArray();
[MemberData(nameof(TokenStoreData), DisableDiscoveryEnumeration = true)]
public async Task Token_WriteDelete(bool useCache, string secretName, string url, string token)
var tokenStore = useCache
? new SecretCache(RuntimeContext.Default, secretName) as ITokenStore
: new SecretStore(RuntimeContext.Default, secretName) as ITokenStore;
var uri = new TargetUri(url);
var writeToken = new Token(token, TokenType.Test);
Token readToken = null;
await tokenStore.WriteToken(uri, writeToken);
readToken = await tokenStore.ReadToken(uri);
Assert.Equal(writeToken.Value, readToken.Value);
Assert.Equal(writeToken.Type, readToken.Type);
await tokenStore.DeleteToken(uri);
Assert.Null(readToken = await tokenStore.ReadToken(uri));