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.. _Command-line Tools:
Command-line Tools
Graphormer reuses the ``fairseq-train`` command-line tools of `fairseq <>`__ for training, and here we mainly document the additional parameters in Graphormer
and parameters of ``fairseq-train`` used by Graphormer.
- ``--arch``, type=enum, options: ``graphormer_base``, ``graphormer_slim``, ``graphormer_large``
- Predefined graphormer architectures
- ``--encoder-ffn-embed-dim``, type = float
- encoder embedding dimension for FFN
- ``--encoder-layers``, type = int
- number of graphormer encoder layers
- ``--encoder-embed-dim``, type = int
- encoder embedding dimension
- ``--share-encoder-input-output-embed``, type = bool
- if set, share encoder input and output embeddings
- ``--share-encoder-input-output-embed``, type = bool
- if set, share encoder input and output embeddings
- ``--encoder-learned-pos``, type = bool
- if set, use learned positional embeddings in the encoder
- ``--no-token-positional-embeddings``, type = bool
- if set, disables positional embeddings" " (outside self attention)
- ``--max-positions``, type = int
- number of positional embeddings to learn
- ``--activation-fn``, type = enum, options: ``gelu``, ``relu``
- activation function to use
- ``--encoder-normalize-before``
- if set, apply layernorm before each encoder block
- ``--task``, type = enum, options: ``graph_prediction``, ``is2re``
- the task for training
- ``graph_prediction``: ordinary graph-level prediction task, predict a single target for a graph
- ``is2re``: for IS2RE task of `Open Catalyst Challenge`_
- ``--criterion``, type = enum, options: ``l1_loss``, ``binary_logloss``, ``multiclass_cross_entropy``, ``mae_deltapos``, ``l1_loss_with_flag``, ``binary_logloss_with_flag``, ``multiclass_cross_entropy_with_flag``
- the criterion, or objective function for training.
- ``l1_loss``: mean absolute error (MAE) for regression tasks
- ``binary_logloss``: binary cross entropy for binary classification
- ``multiclass_cross_entropy``: multi-class cross entropy for multi-class classification
- ``mae_deltapos``: criterion for IS2RE task of `Open Catalyst Challenge`_
- ``l1_loss_with_flag``: ``l1_loss`` with FLAG_
- ``binary_logloss_with_flag``: ``binary_logloss`` with FLAG_
- ``multiclass_cross_entropy_with_flag``: ``multiclass_cross_entropy`` with FLAG_
- ``--apply-graphormer-init``, type = bool
- if set, use custom param initialization for Graphormer
- ``--dropout``, type = float
- dropout probability
- ``--attention-dropout``, type = float
- dropout probability for attention weights
- ``--act-dropout``, type = float
- dropout probability after activation in FFN
- ``--seed``, type = int
- random seed
- ``--pretrained-model-name``, type = enum, default= ``none``, options: ``pcqm4mv1_graphormer_base``, ``pcqm4mv2_graphormer_base``
- name of used pretrained model
- ``pcqm4mv1_graphormer_base``: Pretrained Graphormer base model with `PCQM4M v1 <>`__ dataset.
- ``pcqm4mv2_graphormer_base``: Pretrained Graphormer base model with `PCQM4M v2 <>`__ dataset.
- ``--load-pretrained-model-output-layer``, type = bool
- if set, the weights of the final fully connected layer in the pre-trained model is loaded
- ``--optimizer``, type = enum
- optimizers from `fairseq <>`__
- ``--lr``, type = float
- learning rate
- ``--lr-scheduler``, type=enum
- learning rate scheduler from `fairseq <>`__
- ``--fp16``, type=bool
- if set, use mixed precision training
- ``--data-buffer-size``, type=int, default=10
- number of batches to preload
- ``--batch-size``, type=int
- number of examples in a batch
- ``--max-epoch``, type=int, default=0
- force stop training at specified epoch
- ``--save-dir``, type=str, default=``checkpoints``
- path to save checkpoints
- ``--dataset-name``, type = str, default= ``pcqm4m``
- name of the dataset
- ``--dataset-source``, type = str, default= ``ogb``
- source of graph dataset, can be: ``pyg``, ``dgl``, ``ogb``
- ``--num-classes``, type = int, default=-1
- number of classes or regression targets
- ``--num-atoms``, type = int, default=512 * 9
- number of atom types in the graph
- ``--num-edges``, type = int, default=512 * 3
- number of edge types in the graph
- ``--num-in-degree``, type = int, default=512
- number of in degree types in the graph
- ``--num-out-degree``, type = int, default=512
- number of out degree types in the graph
- ``--num-spatial``, type = int, default=512
- number of spatial types in the graph
- ``--num-edge-dis``, type = int, default=128
- number of edge dis types in the graph
- ``--multi-hop-max-dist``, type = int, default=5
- max number of edges considered in the edge encoding
- ``--spatial-pos-max``, type = int, default=1024
- max distance of attention in graph
- ``--edge-type``, type = str, default="multi_hop"
- edge type in the graph
- ``--edge-type``, type = str, default="multi_hop"
- edge type in the graph
- ``--user-data-dir``, type = str, default=""
- path to the module of user-defined dataset
.. _Open Catalyst Challenge:
.. _FLAG: