steps: - template: checkout.yml - template: store_settings.yml - template: prepare_conda.yml - bash: echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=conda_env_dir]/usr/share/miniconda/envs" displayName: "Set the Conda environment folder (Linux)" condition: eq(variables['Agent.OS'], 'Linux') - bash: echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=conda_env_dir]C:/Miniconda/envs" displayName: "Set the Conda environment folder(Windows)" condition: eq(variables['Agent.OS'], 'Windows_NT') - bash: echo $(conda_env_dir) displayName: 'Printing Conda environment folder' # - task: Cache@2 displayName: Use cached Conda environment inputs: # Beware of changing the cache key or path independently, safest to change in sync key: 'conda_env | "$(Agent.OS)" | environment.yml' cacheHitVar: CONDA_CACHE_RESTORED path: $(conda_env_dir) - bash: conda env create --file environment.yml displayName: Create Anaconda environment failOnStderr: false # Conda env create does not have an option to suppress warnings generated in condition: eq(variables.CONDA_CACHE_RESTORED, 'false') - bash: | source activate InnerEye which python conda info pip freeze failOnStderr: false displayName: Print package list and Conda info condition: succeededOrFailed() - bash: source activate InnerEye displayName: Check if InnerEye environment is present