# For macOS users who have decided to use gcc # (replace 8 with version of gcc installed on your machine) # NOTE: your gcc / g++ from Homebrew is probably in /usr/local/bin #export CXX=/usr/local/bin/g++-8 CC=/usr/local/bin/gcc-8 # Sys.setenv("CXX" = "/usr/local/bin/g++-8") # Sys.setenv("CC" = "/usr/local/bin/gcc-8") args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE) INSTALL_AFTER_BUILD <- !("--skip-install" %in% args) TEMP_R_DIR <- file.path(getwd(), "lightgbm_r") TEMP_SOURCE_DIR <- file.path(TEMP_R_DIR, "src") # [description] # Parse the content of commandArgs() into a structured # list. This returns a list with two sections. # * "flags" = a character of vector of flags like "--use-gpu" # * "keyword_args" = a named character vector, where names # refer to options and values are the option values. For # example, c("--boost-librarydir" = "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu") .parse_args <- function(args) { out_list <- list( "flags" = character(0L) , "keyword_args" = character(0L) , "make_args" = character(0L) ) for (arg in args) { if (any(grepl("^\\-j[0-9]+", arg))) { # nolint: non_portable_path out_list[["make_args"]] <- arg } else if (any(grepl("=", arg, fixed = TRUE))) { split_arg <- strsplit(arg, "=", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]] arg_name <- split_arg[[1L]] arg_value <- split_arg[[2L]] out_list[["keyword_args"]][[arg_name]] <- arg_value } else { out_list[["flags"]] <- c(out_list[["flags"]], arg) } } return(out_list) } parsed_args <- .parse_args(args) SKIP_VIGNETTES <- "--no-build-vignettes" %in% parsed_args[["flags"]] USING_GPU <- "--use-gpu" %in% parsed_args[["flags"]] USING_MINGW <- "--use-mingw" %in% parsed_args[["flags"]] USING_MSYS2 <- "--use-msys2" %in% parsed_args[["flags"]] # this maps command-line arguments to defines passed into CMake, ARGS_TO_DEFINES <- c( "--boost-root" = "-DBOOST_ROOT" , "--boost-dir" = "-DBoost_DIR" , "--boost-include-dir" = "-DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR" , "--boost-librarydir" = "-DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR" , "--opencl-include-dir" = "-DOpenCL_INCLUDE_DIR" , "--opencl-library" = "-DOpenCL_LIBRARY" ) recognized_args <- c( "--no-build-vignettes" , "--skip-install" , "--use-gpu" , "--use-mingw" , "--use-msys2" , names(ARGS_TO_DEFINES) ) given_args <- c( parsed_args[["flags"]] , names(parsed_args[["keyword_args"]]) ) unrecognized_args <- setdiff(given_args, recognized_args) if (length(unrecognized_args) > 0L) { msg <- paste0( "Unrecognized arguments: " , toString(unrecognized_args) ) stop(msg) } # [description] Replace statements in install.libs.R code based on # command-line flags .replace_flag <- function(variable_name, value, content) { out <- gsub( pattern = paste0(variable_name, " <-.*") , replacement = paste0(variable_name, " <- ", as.character(value)) , x = content ) return(out) } install_libs_content <- readLines( file.path("R-package", "src", "install.libs.R") ) install_libs_content <- .replace_flag("use_gpu", USING_GPU, install_libs_content) install_libs_content <- .replace_flag("use_mingw", USING_MINGW, install_libs_content) install_libs_content <- .replace_flag("use_msys2", USING_MSYS2, install_libs_content) # set up extra flags based on keyword arguments keyword_args <- parsed_args[["keyword_args"]] if (length(keyword_args) > 0L) { cmake_args_to_add <- NULL for (i in seq_len(length(keyword_args))) { arg_name <- names(keyword_args)[[i]] define_name <- ARGS_TO_DEFINES[[arg_name]] arg_value <- shQuote(normalizePath(keyword_args[[arg_name]], winslash = "/")) cmake_args_to_add <- c(cmake_args_to_add, paste0(define_name, "=", arg_value)) } install_libs_content <- gsub( pattern = paste0("command_line_args <- NULL") , replacement = paste0( "command_line_args <- c(\'" , paste(cmake_args_to_add, collapse = "', '") , "')" ) , x = install_libs_content , fixed = TRUE ) } # if provided, set '-j' in 'make' commands in install.libs.R if (length(parsed_args[["make_args"]]) > 0L) { install_libs_content <- gsub( pattern = "make_args_from_build_script <- character(0L)" , replacement = paste0( "make_args_from_build_script <- c(\"" , paste0(parsed_args[["make_args"]], collapse = "\", \"") , "\")" ) , x = install_libs_content , fixed = TRUE ) } # R returns FALSE (not a non-zero exit code) if a file copy operation # breaks. Let's fix that .handle_result <- function(res) { if (!all(res)) { stop("Copying files failed!") } return(invisible(NULL)) } # system() will not raise an R exception if the process called # fails. Wrapping it here to get that behavior. # # system() introduces a lot of overhead, at least on Windows, # so trying processx if it is available .run_shell_command <- function(cmd, args, strict = TRUE) { on_windows <- .Platform$OS.type == "windows" has_processx <- suppressMessages({ suppressWarnings({ require("processx") # nolint: undesirable_function }) }) if (has_processx && on_windows) { result <- processx::run( command = cmd , args = args , windows_verbatim_args = TRUE , error_on_status = FALSE , echo = TRUE ) exit_code <- result$status } else { if (on_windows) { message(paste0( "Using system() to run shell commands. Installing " , "'processx' with install.packages('processx') might " , "make this faster." )) } cmd <- paste0(cmd, " ", paste0(args, collapse = " ")) exit_code <- system(cmd) } if (exit_code != 0L && isTRUE(strict)) { stop(paste0("Command failed with exit code: ", exit_code)) } return(invisible(exit_code)) } # Make a new temporary folder to work in unlink(x = TEMP_R_DIR, recursive = TRUE) dir.create(TEMP_R_DIR) # copy in the relevant files result <- file.copy( from = "R-package/./" , to = sprintf("%s/", TEMP_R_DIR) , recursive = TRUE , overwrite = TRUE ) .handle_result(result) # overwrite src/install.libs.R with new content based on command-line flags writeLines( text = install_libs_content , con = file.path(TEMP_SOURCE_DIR, "install.libs.R") ) # Add blank Makevars files result <- file.copy( from = file.path(TEMP_R_DIR, "inst", "Makevars") , to = file.path(TEMP_SOURCE_DIR, "Makevars") , overwrite = TRUE ) .handle_result(result) result <- file.copy( from = file.path(TEMP_R_DIR, "inst", "Makevars.win") , to = file.path(TEMP_SOURCE_DIR, "Makevars.win") , overwrite = TRUE ) .handle_result(result) result <- file.copy( from = "include/" , to = sprintf("%s/", TEMP_SOURCE_DIR) , recursive = TRUE , overwrite = TRUE ) .handle_result(result) result <- file.copy( from = "src/" , to = sprintf("%s/", TEMP_SOURCE_DIR) , recursive = TRUE , overwrite = TRUE ) .handle_result(result) EIGEN_R_DIR <- file.path(TEMP_SOURCE_DIR, "include", "Eigen") dir.create(EIGEN_R_DIR) eigen_modules <- c( "Cholesky" , "Core" , "Dense" , "Eigenvalues" , "Geometry" , "Householder" , "Jacobi" , "LU" , "QR" , "SVD" ) for (eigen_module in eigen_modules) { result <- file.copy( from = file.path("external_libs", "eigen", "Eigen", eigen_module) , to = EIGEN_R_DIR , recursive = FALSE , overwrite = TRUE ) .handle_result(result) } dir.create(file.path(EIGEN_R_DIR, "src")) for (eigen_module in c(eigen_modules, "misc", "plugins")) { if (eigen_module == "Dense") { next } module_dir <- file.path(EIGEN_R_DIR, "src", eigen_module) dir.create(module_dir, recursive = TRUE) result <- file.copy( from = sprintf("%s/", file.path("external_libs", "eigen", "Eigen", "src", eigen_module)) , to = sprintf("%s/", file.path(EIGEN_R_DIR, "src")) , recursive = TRUE , overwrite = TRUE ) .handle_result(result) } .replace_pragmas <- function(filepath) { pragma_patterns <- c( "^.*#pragma clang diagnostic.*$" , "^.*#pragma diag_suppress.*$" , "^.*#pragma GCC diagnostic.*$" , "^.*#pragma region.*$" , "^.*#pragma endregion.*$" , "^.*#pragma warning.*$" ) content <- readLines(filepath) for (pragma_pattern in pragma_patterns) { content <- content[!grepl(pragma_pattern, content)] } writeLines(content, filepath) } # remove pragmas that suppress warnings, to appease R CMD check .replace_pragmas( file.path(EIGEN_R_DIR, "src", "Core", "arch", "SSE", "Complex.h") ) .replace_pragmas( file.path(EIGEN_R_DIR, "src", "Core", "util", "DisableStupidWarnings.h") ) result <- file.copy( from = "CMakeLists.txt" , to = file.path(TEMP_R_DIR, "inst", "bin/") , overwrite = TRUE ) .handle_result(result) # remove CRAN-specific files result <- file.remove( file.path(TEMP_R_DIR, "cleanup") , file.path(TEMP_R_DIR, "configure") , file.path(TEMP_R_DIR, "configure.ac") , file.path(TEMP_R_DIR, "configure.win") , file.path(TEMP_SOURCE_DIR, "Makevars.in") , file.path(TEMP_SOURCE_DIR, "Makevars.win.in") ) .handle_result(result) #------------# # submodules # #------------# EXTERNAL_LIBS_R_DIR <- file.path(TEMP_SOURCE_DIR, "external_libs") dir.create(EXTERNAL_LIBS_R_DIR) for (submodule in list.dirs( path = "external_libs" , full.names = FALSE , recursive = FALSE )) { # compute/ is a submodule with boost, only needed if # building the R package with GPU support; # eigen/ has a special treatment due to licensing aspects if ((submodule == "compute" && !USING_GPU) || submodule == "eigen") { next } result <- file.copy( from = sprintf("%s/", file.path("external_libs", submodule)) , to = sprintf("%s/", EXTERNAL_LIBS_R_DIR) , recursive = TRUE , overwrite = TRUE ) .handle_result(result) } # copy files into the place CMake expects CMAKE_MODULES_R_DIR <- file.path(TEMP_SOURCE_DIR, "cmake", "modules") dir.create(CMAKE_MODULES_R_DIR, recursive = TRUE) result <- file.copy( from = file.path("cmake", "modules", "FindLibR.cmake") , to = sprintf("%s/", CMAKE_MODULES_R_DIR) , overwrite = TRUE ) .handle_result(result) for (src_file in c("lightgbm_R.cpp", "lightgbm_R.h")) { result <- file.copy( from = file.path(TEMP_SOURCE_DIR, src_file) , to = file.path(TEMP_SOURCE_DIR, "src", src_file) , overwrite = TRUE ) .handle_result(result) result <- file.remove( file.path(TEMP_SOURCE_DIR, src_file) ) .handle_result(result) } result <- file.copy( from = file.path("R-package", "inst", "make-r-def.R") , to = file.path(TEMP_R_DIR, "inst", "bin/") , overwrite = TRUE ) .handle_result(result) # R packages cannot have versions like 3.0.0rc1, but # 3.0.0-1 is acceptable LGB_VERSION <- readLines("VERSION.txt")[1L] LGB_VERSION <- gsub( pattern = "rc" , replacement = "-" , x = LGB_VERSION , fixed = TRUE ) # DESCRIPTION has placeholders for version # and date so it doesn't have to be updated manually DESCRIPTION_FILE <- file.path(TEMP_R_DIR, "DESCRIPTION") description_contents <- readLines(DESCRIPTION_FILE) description_contents <- gsub( pattern = "~~VERSION~~" , replacement = LGB_VERSION , x = description_contents , fixed = TRUE ) description_contents <- gsub( pattern = "~~DATE~~" , replacement = as.character(Sys.Date()) , x = description_contents , fixed = TRUE ) description_contents <- gsub( pattern = "~~CXXSTD~~" , replacement = "C++11" , x = description_contents , fixed = TRUE ) writeLines(description_contents, DESCRIPTION_FILE) # NOTE: --keep-empty-dirs is necessary to keep the deep paths expected # by CMake while also meeting the CRAN req to create object files # on demand r_build_args <- c("CMD", "build", TEMP_R_DIR, "--keep-empty-dirs") if (isTRUE(SKIP_VIGNETTES)) { r_build_args <- c(r_build_args, "--no-build-vignettes") } .run_shell_command("R", r_build_args) # Install the package version <- gsub( pattern = "Version: ", replacement = "", x = grep( pattern = "Version: " , x = readLines(con = file.path(TEMP_R_DIR, "DESCRIPTION")) , value = TRUE , fixed = TRUE ) , fixed = TRUE ) tarball <- file.path(getwd(), sprintf("lightgbm_%s.tar.gz", version)) install_cmd <- "R" install_args <- c("CMD", "INSTALL", "--no-multiarch", "--with-keep.source", tarball) if (INSTALL_AFTER_BUILD) { .run_shell_command(install_cmd, install_args) } else { cmd <- paste0(install_cmd, " ", paste0(install_args, collapse = " ")) print(sprintf("Skipping installation. Install the package with command '%s'", cmd)) }