Merged PR 333: Initial MlosCore Implementation

Adds basic `register` and `suggest` APIs for a couple of optimizer backends: `Skopt`, `Emukit`, `Random`.
Includes example notebook for starters.
Limited unit testing.  Basic function documentation.
Azure DevOps CI pipelines for `pylint` and `pytest` via the `mlos_core` `conda` `environment.yml`.

Related work items: #274, #279
This commit is contained in:
Andreas Mueller 2022-03-14 19:37:52 +00:00
Родитель c8e177b95d
Коммит 6b8f34e7d4
20 изменённых файлов: 1824 добавлений и 0 удалений

.gitignore поставляемый
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@ -139,3 +139,7 @@ cython_debug/
# vim swap files

.pylintrc Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# vim: set ft=dosini:
# Specify a score threshold to be exceeded before program exits with error.
# Maximum number of characters on a single line.

.vscode/settings.json поставляемый Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
"python.defaultInterpreterPath": "${env:HOME}/.conda/envs/mlos_core/bin/python",
"python.linting.enabled": true,
"python.linting.pylintEnabled": true,
"python.testing.pytestEnabled": true,
"cSpell.ignoreWords": [

Makefile Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV := mlos_core
PYTHON_FILES := $(shell find mlos_core/ -type f -name '*.py' 2>/dev/null)
.PHONY: all
all: check test dist doc
.PHONY: conda-env
conda-env: environment.yml
conda env list -q | grep -q "^${CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV} " || conda env create -q -f environment.yml
conda env update -q -n ${CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV} --prune -f environment.yml
.PHONY: check
check: pylint
.PHONY: pylint
pylint: conda-env $(PYTHON_FILES) .pylintrc
conda run -n ${CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV} pylint -j0 mlos_core
.PHONY: test
test: pytest
.PHONY: pytest
pytest: conda-env
# FIXME: There's an issue with pytest-xdist not reaping children when
# pytest-timeout fails which we're currently using because somehow pytest is
# causing module imports to hang.
# pytest -n auto --cov=mlos_core --cov-report=xml mlos_core/ $(PYTHON_FILES) pytest.ini
conda run -n ${CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV} pytest --cov=mlos_core --cov-report=xml mlos_core/
.PHONY: dist
dist: bdist_wheel
.PHONY: bdist_wheel
bdist_wheel: conda-env dist/mlos_core-*-py3-none-any.whl
dist/mlos_core-*-py3-none-any.whl: $(PYTHON_FILES)
conda run -n ${CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV} python3 bdist_wheel
.PHONY: doc
.PHONY: clean-check
rm -f
.PHONY: clean-test
rm -f
.PHONY: dist-clean
rm -rf build dist
.PHONY: clean
clean: clean-check clean-test dist-clean
rm -f
#rm -rf mlos_core.egg-info

Различия файлов скрыты, потому что одна или несколько строк слишком длинны

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@ -9,6 +9,47 @@ It is intended to provide a simplified, easier to consume (e.g. via `pip`), with
For both design requires intend to reuse as much OSS libraries as possible.
## Getting Started
0. Create the `mlos_core` Conda environment.
conda env create -f environment.yml
# This will also ensure the environment is update to date using "conda env update -f environment.yml"
make conda-env
1. Initialize the shell environment.
conda activate mlos_core
2. Run the [`BayesianOptimization.ipynb`](./Notebooks/BayesianOptimization.ipynb) notebook.
## Distributing
1. Build the *wheel* file.
make dist
2. Install it (e.g. after copying it somewhere else).
# this will install it with emukit support:
pip install dist/mlos_core-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl[emukit]
# this will install it with skopt support:
pip install dist/mlos_core-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl[skopt]
## See Also

azure-pipelines.yml Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#- main
- '*'
- '*'
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
# TODO: test multiple versions of python.
# matrix:
# Python39:
# python.version: '3.9'
- bash: echo "##vso[task.prependpath]$CONDA/bin"
displayName: 'Add conda to PATH'
#- task: UsePythonVersion@0
# inputs:
# versionSpec: '$(python.version)'
# displayName: 'Use Python $(python.version)'
- bash: make conda-env
displayName: 'Create mlos_core conda environment'
- bash: conda run -n mlos_core pip install pytest-azurepipelines
displayName: 'Install pytest-azurepipelines'
- bash: make check
displayName: 'Run lint checks'
- bash: make test
displayName: 'Run tests'
- bash: make dist
displayName: 'Generate binary distribution files'

environment.yml Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
name: mlos_core
- defaults
- scikit-learn
- scipy
- numpy
- pandas
- configspace
- pip
- pylint
- pytest
- setuptools
- jupyterlab
- jupyter
- ipykernel
- nb_conda_kernels
- matplotlib
- seaborn
- python
- gcc_linux-64
- pip:
- scikit-optimize
- emukit
- "--editable ."
- pytest-cov
- pytest-forked
- pytest-xdist
- pytest-timeout

mlos_core/ Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Basic initializer module for the mlos_core package.
from mlos_core import optimizers

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Basic initializer module for the mlos_core optimizers.
from enum import Enum
import ConfigSpace
from mlos_core.optimizers.optimizer import BaseOptimizer
from mlos_core.optimizers.random_optimizer import RandomOptimizer
from mlos_core.optimizers.bayesian_optimizers import EmukitOptimizer, SkoptOptimizer
__all__ = [

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
Contains the wrapper classes for different Bayesian optimizers.
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import ConfigSpace
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from mlos_core.optimizers.optimizer import BaseOptimizer
from mlos_core.spaces import configspace_to_skopt_space, configspace_to_emukit_space
# TODO: provide a default optimizer.
class BaseBayesianOptimizer(BaseOptimizer, metaclass=ABCMeta):
"""Abstract base class defining the interface for Bayesian optimization. """
def surrogate_predict(self, configurations: pd.DataFrame, context: pd.DataFrame = None):
"""Obtain a prediction from this Bayesian optimizer's surrogate model for the given configuration(s).
configurations : pd.DataFrame
Dataframe of configurations / parameters. The columns are parameter names and the rows are the configurations.
context : pd.DataFrame
Not Yet Implemented.
pass # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass
def acquisition_function(self, configurations: pd.DataFrame, context: pd.DataFrame = None):
"""Invokes the acquisition function from this Bayesian optimizer for the given configuration.
configurations : pd.DataFrame
Dataframe of configurations / parameters. The columns are parameter names and the rows are the configurations.
context : pd.DataFrame
Not Yet Implemented.
pass # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass
class EmukitOptimizer(BaseBayesianOptimizer):
"""Wrapper class for Emukit based Bayesian optimization.
parameter_space : ConfigSpace.ConfigurationSpace
The parameter space to optimize.
def __init__(self, parameter_space: ConfigSpace.ConfigurationSpace):
self.emukit_parameter_space = configspace_to_emukit_space(parameter_space)
self.gpbo = None
def register(self, configurations: pd.DataFrame, scores: pd.Series, context: pd.DataFrame = None):
"""Registers the given configurations and scores.
configurations : pd.DataFrame
Dataframe of configurations / parameters. The columns are parameter names and the rows are the configurations.
scores : pd.Series
Scores from running the configurations. The index is the same as the index of the configurations.
context : pd.DataFrame
Not Yet Implemented.
from emukit.core.loop.user_function_result import UserFunctionResult # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
self._observations.append((configurations, scores, context))
if context is not None:
# not sure how that works here?
raise NotImplementedError
if self.gpbo is None:
# we're in the random initialization phase
# just remembering the observation above is enough
results = []
for (_, config), score in zip(configurations.iterrows(), scores):
results.append(UserFunctionResult(config, np.array([score])))
self.gpbo._update_models() # pylint: disable=protected-access
def suggest(self, context: pd.DataFrame = None):
"""Suggests a new configuration.
context : pd.DataFrame
Not Yet Implemented.
configuration : pd.DataFrame
Pandas dataframe with a single row. Column names are the parameter names.
from emukit.examples.gp_bayesian_optimization.single_objective_bayesian_optimization import GPBayesianOptimization # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
if context is not None:
raise NotImplementedError()
if len(self._observations) <= 10:
from emukit.core.initial_designs import RandomDesign # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
config = RandomDesign(self.emukit_parameter_space).get_samples(1)
if self.gpbo is None:
# this should happen exactly once, when calling the 11th time
observations = self.get_observations()
self.gpbo = GPBayesianOptimization(
# this should happen any time after the initial model is created
config = self.gpbo.get_next_points(results=[])
return pd.DataFrame(config, columns=self.parameter_space.get_hyperparameter_names())
def register_pending(self, configurations: pd.DataFrame, context: pd.DataFrame = None):
raise NotImplementedError()
def surrogate_predict(self, configurations: pd.DataFrame, context: pd.DataFrame = None):
# TODO: return variance in some way
mean_predictions, variance_predictions = self.gpbo.model.predict(configurations)
return mean_predictions
def acquisition_function(self, configurations: pd.DataFrame, context: pd.DataFrame = None):
raise NotImplementedError()
class SkoptOptimizer(BaseBayesianOptimizer):
"""Wrapper class for Skopt based Bayesian optimization.
parameter_space : ConfigSpace.ConfigurationSpace
The parameter space to optimize.
def __init__(self, parameter_space: ConfigSpace.ConfigurationSpace, base_estimator = 'gp'):
from skopt import Optimizer as Optimizer_Skopt # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
self.base_optimizer = Optimizer_Skopt(configspace_to_skopt_space(parameter_space), base_estimator=base_estimator)
def register(self, configurations: pd.DataFrame, scores: pd.Series, context: pd.DataFrame = None):
"""Registers the given configurations and scores.
configurations : pd.DataFrame
Dataframe of configurations / parameters. The columns are parameter names and the rows are the configurations.
scores : pd.Series
Scores from running the configurations. The index is the same as the index of the configurations.
context : pd.DataFrame
Not Yet Implemented.
self._observations.append((configurations, scores, context))
if context is not None:
raise NotImplementedError
self.base_optimizer.tell(np.array(configurations).tolist(), np.array(scores).tolist())
def suggest(self, context: pd.DataFrame = None):
"""Suggests a new configuration.
context : pd.DataFrame
Not Yet Implemented.
configuration : pd.DataFrame
Pandas dataframe with a single row. Column names are the parameter names.
if context is not None:
raise NotImplementedError
return pd.DataFrame([self.base_optimizer.ask()], columns=self.parameter_space.get_hyperparameter_names())
def register_pending(self, configurations: pd.DataFrame, context: pd.DataFrame = None):
raise NotImplementedError()
def surrogate_predict(self, configurations: pd.DataFrame, context: pd.DataFrame = None):
if context is not None:
raise NotImplementedError
return self.base_optimizer.models[-1].predict(configurations)
def acquisition_function(self, configurations: pd.DataFrame, context: pd.DataFrame = None):
# This seems actually non-trivial to get out of skopt, so maybe we actually shouldn't implement this.
raise NotImplementedError()

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
Contains the BaseOptimizer abstract class.
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import ConfigSpace
import pandas as pd
class BaseOptimizer(metaclass=ABCMeta):
"""Optimizer abstract base class defining the basic interface.
parameter_space : ConfigSpace.ConfigurationSpace
The parameter space to optimize.
def __init__(self, parameter_space: ConfigSpace.ConfigurationSpace):
self.parameter_space: ConfigSpace.ConfigurationSpace = parameter_space
self._observations = []
self._pending_observations = []
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(parameter_space={self.parameter_space})"
def register(self, configurations: pd.DataFrame, scores: pd.Series, context: pd.DataFrame = None):
"""Registers the given configurations and scores.
configurations : pd.DataFrame
Dataframe of configurations / parameters. The columns are parameter names and the rows are the configurations.
scores : pd.Series
Scores from running the configurations. The index is the same as the index of the configurations.
context : pd.DataFrame
Not Yet Implemented.
pass # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass
def suggest(self, context: pd.DataFrame = None):
"""Suggests a new configuration.
context : pd.DataFrame
Not Yet Implemented.
configuration : pd.DataFrame
Pandas dataframe with a single row. Column names are the parameter names.
pass # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass
def register_pending(self, configurations: pd.DataFrame, context: pd.DataFrame = None):
"""Registers the given configurations as "pending".
That is it say, it has been suggested by the optimizer, and an experiment trial has been started.
This can be useful for executing multiple trials in parallel, retry logic, etc.
configurations : pd.DataFrame
Dataframe of configurations / parameters. The columns are parameter names and the rows are the configurations.
context : pd.DataFrame
Not Yet Implemented.
pass # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass
def get_observations(self):
"""Returns the observations as a dataframe.
observations : pd.DataFrame
Dataframe of observations. The columns are parameter names and "score" for the score, each row is an observation.
configs = pd.concat([config for config, _, _ in self._observations])
scores = pd.concat([score for _, score, _ in self._observations])
contexts = pd.concat([context for _, _, context in self._observations])
except ValueError:
contexts = None
configs["score"] = scores
if contexts is not None:
configs = pd.concat([configs, contexts], axis=1)
return configs
def get_best_observation(self):
"""Returns the best observation so far as a dataframe.
best_observation : pd.DataFrame
Dataframe with a single row containing the best observation. The columns are parameter names and "score" for the score.
if len(self._observations) == 0:
raise ValueError("No observations registered yet.")
observations = self.get_observations()
return observations.nsmallest(1, columns='score')

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
Contains the RandomOptimizer class.
import pandas as pd
from mlos_core.optimizers.optimizer import BaseOptimizer
class RandomOptimizer(BaseOptimizer):
"""Optimizer class that produces random suggestions.
Useful for baseline comparison against Bayesian optimizers.
parameter_space : ConfigSpace.ConfigurationSpace
The parameter space to optimize.
def register(self, configurations: pd.DataFrame, scores: pd.Series, context: pd.DataFrame = None):
"""Registers the given configurations and scores.
Doesn't do anything on the RandomOptimizer except storing configurations for logging.
configurations : pd.DataFrame
Dataframe of configurations / parameters. The columns are parameter names and the rows are the configurations.
scores : pd.Series
Scores from running the configurations. The index is the same as the index of the configurations.
context : None
Not Yet Implemented.
self._observations.append((configurations, scores, context))
# should we pop them from self.pending_observations?
def suggest(self, context: pd.DataFrame = None):
"""Suggests a new configuration.
Sampled at random using ConfigSpace.
context : None
Not Yet Implemented.
configuration : pd.DataFrame
Pandas dataframe with a single row. Column names are the parameter names.
return self.parameter_space.sample_configuration().get_dictionary()
def register_pending(self, configurations: pd.DataFrame, context: pd.DataFrame = None):
self._pending_observations.append((configurations, context))

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Tests for Bayesian Optimizers.

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
Tests for Bayesian Optimizers.
from typing import Type
import pytest
import ConfigSpace as CS
from mlos_core.optimizers import BaseOptimizer, EmukitOptimizer, SkoptOptimizer, RandomOptimizer
@pytest.mark.parametrize(('optimizer_class', 'kwargs'), [
# FIXME: hangs on emukit import
#(EmukitOptimizer, {}),
(SkoptOptimizer, {'base_estimator': 'gp'}),
(RandomOptimizer, {})
def test_create_optimizer_and_suggest(optimizer_class: Type[BaseOptimizer], kwargs):
Helper method for testing optimizers.
# Start defining a ConfigurationSpace for the Optimizer to search.
input_space = CS.ConfigurationSpace(seed=1234)
# Add a single continuous input dimension between 0 and 1.
input_space.add_hyperparameter(CS.UniformFloatHyperparameter(name='x', lower=0, upper=1))
optimizer = optimizer_class(input_space, **kwargs)
assert optimizer is not None
assert optimizer.parameter_space is not None
suggestion = optimizer.suggest()
assert suggestion is not None

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Tests for random optimizer.

mlos_core/ Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
Contains classes related to experiment exectution runners.
These classes contain the policies for managing things like retries and failed
configs when interacting with the optimizer(s).
# TODO: Implement retry/failure handling logic.
class ExperimentRunner:
"""Manages pending observations for parallel & asynchronous optimization."""
def __init__(self, optimizer):
self.optimizer = optimizer
def register(self, configurations, scores, context=None):
"""Registers the given configurations and scores with the optimizer associated with this ExperimentRunner.
configurations : pd.DataFrame
Dataframe of configurations / parameters. The columns are parameter names and the rows are the configurations.
scores : pd.Series
Scores from running the configurations. The index is the same as the index of the configurations.
context : pd.DataFrame
Not Yet Implemented.
self.optimizer.register(configurations, scores, context)
def suggest(self, configurations, context=None):
"""Gets a new configuration suggestion from the optimizer associated
with this ExperimentRunner and automatically registers it as "pending",
under the assumption that it will be executed as an experiment trial.
context : pd.DataFrame
Not Yet Implemented.
configuration : pd.DataFrame
Pandas dataframe with a single row. Column names are the parameter names.
configurations = self.optimizer.suggest(context)
self.optimizer.register_pending(configurations, context)

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
Contains some helper functions for converting config
import ConfigSpace
import numpy as np
def configspace_to_skopt_space(config_space: ConfigSpace.ConfigurationSpace):
"""Converts a ConfigSpace.ConfigurationSpace to a list of skopt spaces.
config_space : ConfigSpace.ConfigurationSpace
Input configuration space.
list of
import # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
def _one_parameter_convert(parameter):
if isinstance(parameter, ConfigSpace.UniformFloatHyperparameter):
prior='uniform' if not parameter.log else 'log-uniform',
elif isinstance(parameter, ConfigSpace.UniformIntegerHyperparameter):
prior='uniform' if not parameter.log else 'log-uniform',
elif isinstance(parameter, ConfigSpace.CategoricalHyperparameter):
return, prior=parameter.weights,
raise ValueError(f"Type of parameter {parameter} ({type(parameter)}) not supported.")
return [_one_parameter_convert(param) for param in config_space.get_hyperparameters()]
def configspace_to_emukit_space(config_space: ConfigSpace.ConfigurationSpace):
"""Converts a ConfigSpace.ConfigurationSpace to emukit.core.ParameterSpace.
config_space : ConfigSpace.ConfigurationSpace
Input configuration space.
import emukit.core # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
def _one_parameter_convert(parameter):
if parameter.log:
raise ValueError("Emukit doesn't support log parameters.")
if isinstance(parameter, ConfigSpace.UniformFloatHyperparameter):
return emukit.core.ContinuousParameter(, min_value=parameter.lower, max_value=parameter.upper)
elif isinstance(parameter,ConfigSpace.UniformIntegerHyperparameter):
return emukit.core.DiscreteParameter(, domain=np.arange(parameter.lower, parameter.upper+1))
elif isinstance(parameter, ConfigSpace.CategoricalHyperparameter):
encoding = emukit.core.OneHotEncoding(parameter.choices)
return emukit.core.CategoricalParameter(, encoding=encoding)
raise ValueError(f"Type of parameter {parameter} ({type(parameter)}) not supported.")
return emukit.core.ParameterSpace([_one_parameter_convert(param) for param in config_space.get_hyperparameters()])

pytest.ini Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Note: --boxed is required for use with the pytest-timeout plugin and thread method.
addopts = -svxl
# --boxed
# Moved these to Makefile
#-n auto
#--cov=mlos_core --cov-report=xml

27 Normal file
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Setup instructions for the mlos_core package.
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
'emukit': 'emukit',
'skopt': 'scikit-optimize',
description=("MLOS Core Python interface for parameter optimization."),