зеркало из https://github.com/microsoft/MMdnn.git
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ from mmdnn.conversion.keras.keras2_parser import Keras2Parser
from mmdnn.conversion.cntk.cntk_emitter import CntkEmitter
from mmdnn.conversion.tensorflow.tensorflow_emitter import TensorflowEmitter
from mmdnn.conversion.keras.keras2_emitter import Keras2Emitter
from mmdnn.conversion.caffe.caffe_emitter import CaffeEmitter
def _compute_SNR(x,y):
noise = x - y
@ -137,16 +139,67 @@ class TestModels(CorrectnessTest):
return converted_predict
def CaffeEmit(original_framework, architecture_name, architecture_path, weight_path, image_path):
print("Testing {} from {} to Caffe.".format(architecture_name, original_framework))
# IR to code
emitter = CaffeEmitter((architecture_path, weight_path))
emitter.run("converted_model.py", None, 'test')
del emitter
# import converted model
import converted_model
reload (converted_model)
model_converted = converted_model.KitModel(TestModels.tmpdir + architecture_name + "_converted.npy")
# input_tf, model_tf = model_converted
func = TestKit.preprocess_func[original_framework][architecture_name]
img = func(image_path)
# input_data = np.expand_dims(img, 0)
# del model_converted
# del converted_model
# os.remove("converted_model.py")
# converted_predict = np.squeeze(predict)
# return converted_predict
def KerasEmit(original_framework, architecture_name, architecture_path, weight_path, image_path):
print("Testing {} from {} to Keras.".format(architecture_name, original_framework))
# IR to code
emitter = Keras2Emitter((architecture_path, weight_path))
emitter.run("converted_model.py", None, 'test')
del emitter
# import converted model
import converted_model
reload (converted_model)
model_converted = converted_model.KitModel(TestModels.tmpdir + architecture_name + "_converted.npy")
func = TestKit.preprocess_func[original_framework][architecture_name]
img = func(image_path)
input_data = np.expand_dims(img, 0)
predict = model_converted.predict(input_data)
converted_predict = np.squeeze(predict)
del model_converted
del converted_model
return converted_predict
test_table = {
'keras': {
'vgg16' : [CntkEmit, TensorflowEmit],
'vgg19' : [CntkEmit, TensorflowEmit],
'inception_v3' : [CntkEmit, TensorflowEmit],
'resnet50' : [CntkEmit, TensorflowEmit],
'densenet' : [CntkEmit],
'xception' : [TensorflowEmit],
'mobilenet' : [TensorflowEmit],
'nasnet' : [],
'vgg16' : [CntkEmit, TensorflowEmit, KerasEmit],
'vgg19' : [CntkEmit, TensorflowEmit, KerasEmit],
'inception_v3' : [CntkEmit, TensorflowEmit, KerasEmit],
'resnet50' : [CntkEmit, TensorflowEmit, KerasEmit],
'densenet' : [CntkEmit, KerasEmit],
'xception' : [TensorflowEmit, KerasEmit],
'mobilenet' : [TensorflowEmit, KerasEmit],
'nasnet' : [KerasEmit],
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