зеркало из https://github.com/microsoft/MSLab.git
Updated to be able deploy real servers
This commit is contained in:
@ -54,15 +54,12 @@
$SRIOV=$true #Deploy SR-IOV enabled switch (best practice is to enable if possible)
#startIP of adapters that will be added to SET Switch
#start IP for storage network
#start IP for storage network
#Real hardware?
$RealHW=$False #will configure VMQ not to use CPU 0 if $True, configures power plan
$DellHW=$False #include Dell recommendation to increase HW timeout to 10s becayse of their Hitachi HDDs. May be already obsolete.
$DellHW=$False #include Dell recommendation to increase HW timeout to 10.
#IncreaseHW Timeout for virtual environments to 30s? This is because of running in lab https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/storage/storage-spaces/storage-spaces-direct-in-vm
@ -187,14 +184,48 @@
#region Update all servers (for more info visit WU Scenario https://github.com/microsoft/WSLab/tree/dev/Scenarios/Windows%20Update)
if ($WindowsUpdate -eq "Recommended"){
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ScriptBlock {
#Grab updates
$SearchCriteria = "IsInstalled=0"
#$SearchCriteria = "IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='OptionalInstallation'" #does not work, not sure why
$ScanResult=Invoke-CimMethod -Namespace "root/Microsoft/Windows/WindowsUpdate" -ClassName "MSFT_WUOperations" -MethodName ScanForUpdates -Arguments @{SearchCriteria=$SearchCriteria}
#apply updates (if not empty)
if ($ScanResult.Updates){
Invoke-CimMethod -Namespace "root/Microsoft/Windows/WindowsUpdate" -ClassName "MSFT_WUOperations" -MethodName InstallUpdates -Arguments @{Updates=$ScanResult.Updates}
$CurrentBuildNumber=Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Servers[0] -ScriptBlock {
Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\' -Name CurrentBuildNumber
if ($CurrentBuildNumber -lt 20348){
#before 2022 and 21H2
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ScriptBlock {
#Grab updates
$SearchCriteria = "IsInstalled=0"
#$SearchCriteria = "IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='OptionalInstallation'" #does not work, not sure why
$ScanResult=Invoke-CimMethod -Namespace "root/Microsoft/Windows/WindowsUpdate" -ClassName "MSFT_WUOperations" -MethodName ScanForUpdates -Arguments @{SearchCriteria=$SearchCriteria}
#apply updates (if not empty)
if ($ScanResult.Updates){
Invoke-CimMethod -Namespace "root/Microsoft/Windows/WindowsUpdate" -ClassName "MSFT_WUOperations" -MethodName InstallUpdates -Arguments @{Updates=$ScanResult.Updates}
# update 2022 and 21H2 systems
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ScriptBlock {
New-PSSessionConfigurationFile -RunAsVirtualAccount -Path $env:TEMP\VirtualAccount.pssc
Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name 'VirtualAccount' -Path $env:TEMP\VirtualAccount.pssc -Force
} -ErrorAction Ignore
# Run Windows Update via ComObject.
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ConfigurationName 'VirtualAccount' {
$Searcher = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Searcher
$SearchCriteriaAllUpdates = "IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' or
IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' or
IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and RebootRequired=1 or
IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and RebootRequired=1"
$SearchResult = $Searcher.Search($SearchCriteriaAllUpdates).Updates
$Session = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session
$Downloader = $Session.CreateUpdateDownloader()
$Downloader.Updates = $SearchResult
$Installer = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Installer
$Installer.Updates = $SearchResult
$Result = $Installer.Install()
#remove temporary PSsession config
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ScriptBlock {
Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration -Name 'VirtualAccount'
Remove-Item -Path $env:TEMP\VirtualAccount.pssc
}elseif ($WindowsUpdate -eq "All"){
@ -350,65 +381,108 @@
#install features
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ScriptBlock {Install-WindowsFeature -Name $using:features}
#restart and wait for computers
Restart-Computer $servers -Protocol WSMan -Wait -For PowerShell
Restart-Computer $servers -Protocol WSMan -Wait -For PowerShell -Force
Start-Sleep 20 #Failsafe as Hyper-V needs 2 reboots and sometimes it happens, that during the first reboot the restart-computer evaluates the machine is up
#make sure computers are restarted
Foreach ($Server in $Servers){
do{$Test= Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $Server -CommonTCPPort WINRM}while ($test.TcpTestSucceeded -eq $False)
#region configure Networking (best practices are covered in this guide http://aka.ms/ConvergedRDMA ). For more information about networking you can look at this scenario: https://github.com/microsoft/WSLab/tree/master/Scenarios/S2D%20and%20Networks%20deep%20dive
#Create Virtual Switches and Virtual Adapters
#Disable unused (disconnected) adapters
Get-Netadapter -CimSession $Servers | Where-Object Status -ne "Up" | Disable-NetAdapter -Confirm:0
#Grab fastest adapters and sort by name #Create Virtual Switches and Virtual Adapters
if ($SRIOV){
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ScriptBlock {New-VMSwitch -Name $using:vSwitchName -EnableEmbeddedTeaming $TRUE -EnableIov $true -NetAdapterName (Get-NetIPAddress -IPAddress $using:AdaptersIPPrefix ).InterfaceAlias}
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ScriptBlock {
$FastestLinkSpeed=(get-netadapter | Where-Object Status -eq Up).LinkSpeed| Sort-Object | Select-Object -First 1
$NetAdapters=Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object Status -eq Up | Where-Object Linkspeed -eq $FastestLinkSpeed | Sort-Object Name
New-VMSwitch -Name $using:vSwitchName -EnableEmbeddedTeaming $TRUE -EnableIov $true -NetAdapterName $NetAdapters.Name
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ScriptBlock {New-VMSwitch -Name $using:vSwitchName -EnableEmbeddedTeaming $TRUE -NetAdapterName (Get-NetIPAddress -IPAddress $using:AdaptersIPPrefix).InterfaceAlias}
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ScriptBlock {
$FastestLinkSpeed=(get-netadapter | Where-Object Status -eq Up).LinkSpeed| Sort-Object | Select-Object -First 1
$NetAdapters=Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object Status -eq Up | Where-Object Linkspeed -eq $FastestLinkSpeed | Sort-Object Name
New-VMSwitch -Name $using:vSwitchName -EnableEmbeddedTeaming $TRUE -NetAdapterName $NetAdapters.Name
$Servers | ForEach-Object {
#Configure vNICs
Rename-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name $vSwitchName -NewName Management -ComputerName $_
Add-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name SMB01 -SwitchName $vSwitchName -CimSession $_
Add-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name SMB02 -SwitchName $vSwitchName -Cimsession $_
#add vNICs
foreach ($Server in $Servers){
#rename Management vNIC first
Rename-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name $vSwitchName -NewName Management -ComputerName $Server
#add SMB vNICs (number depends on how many NICs are connected to vSwitch)
$SMBvNICsCount=(Get-VMSwitch -CimSession $Server -Name $vSwitchName).NetAdapterInterfaceDescriptions.Count
foreach ($number in (1..$SMBvNICsCount)){
$TwoDigitNumber="{0:D2}" -f $Number
Add-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name "SMB$TwoDigitNumber" -SwitchName $vSwitchName -CimSession $Server
#configure IP Addresses
If ($NumberOfStorageNets -eq 1){
New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress ($StorNet+$IP.ToString()) -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet (SMB01)" -CimSession $_ -PrefixLength 24
New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress ($StorNet+$IP.ToString()) -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet (SMB02)" -CimSession $_ -PrefixLength 24
foreach ($number in (1..$SMBvNICsCount)){
$TwoDigitNumber="{0:D2}" -f $Number
New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress ($StorNet+$IP.ToString()) -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet (SMB$TwoDigitNumber)" -CimSession $Server -PrefixLength 24
If($NumberOfStorageNets -eq 2){
New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress ($StorNet1+$IP.ToString()) -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet (SMB01)" -CimSession $_ -PrefixLength 24
New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress ($StorNet2+$IP.ToString()) -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet (SMB02)" -CimSession $_ -PrefixLength 24
foreach ($number in (1..$SMBvNICsCount)){
$TwoDigitNumber="{0:D2}" -f $Number
if ($number % 2 -eq 1){
New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress ($StorNet1+$IP.ToString()) -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet (SMB$TwoDigitNumber)" -CimSession $Server -PrefixLength 24
New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress ($StorNet2+$IP.ToString()) -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet (SMB$TwoDigitNumber)" -CimSession $Server -PrefixLength 24
Start-Sleep 5
#Configure the host vNIC to use a Vlan. They can be on the same or different VLans
If ($NumberOfStorageNets -eq 1){
Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMNetworkAdapterName SMB01 -VlanId $StorVLAN -Access -ManagementOS -CimSession $Servers
Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMNetworkAdapterName SMB02 -VlanId $StorVLAN -Access -ManagementOS -CimSession $Servers
Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMNetworkAdapterName SMB01 -VlanId $StorVLAN1 -Access -ManagementOS -CimSession $Servers
Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMNetworkAdapterName SMB02 -VlanId $StorVLAN2 -Access -ManagementOS -CimSession $Servers
#Restart each host vNIC adapter so that the Vlan is active.
Restart-NetAdapter "vEthernet (SMB01)" -CimSession $Servers
Restart-NetAdapter "vEthernet (SMB02)" -CimSession $Servers
#Enable RDMA on the host vNIC adapters
Enable-NetAdapterRDMA "vEthernet (SMB01)","vEthernet (SMB02)" -CimSession $Servers
#Associate each of the vNICs configured for RDMA to a physical adapter that is up and is not virtual (to be sure that each RDMA enabled ManagementOS vNIC is mapped to separate RDMA pNIC)
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ScriptBlock {
$physicaladapters=(get-vmswitch $using:vSwitchName).NetAdapterInterfaceDescriptions | Sort-Object
Set-VMNetworkAdapterTeamMapping -VMNetworkAdapterName "SMB01" -ManagementOS -PhysicalNetAdapterName (get-netadapter -InterfaceDescription $physicaladapters[0]).name
Set-VMNetworkAdapterTeamMapping -VMNetworkAdapterName "SMB02" -ManagementOS -PhysicalNetAdapterName (get-netadapter -InterfaceDescription $physicaladapters[1]).name
#Configure the host vNIC to use a Vlan. They can be on the same or different VLans
If ($NumberOfStorageNets -eq 1){
Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMNetworkAdapterName SMB* -VlanId $StorVLAN -Access -ManagementOS -CimSession $Servers
#configure Odds and Evens for VLAN1 and VLAN2
foreach ($Server in $Servers){
$NetAdapters=Get-VMNetworkAdapter -CimSession $server -ManagementOS -Name *SMB* | Sort-Object Name
foreach ($NetAdapter in $NetAdapters){
if (($i % 2) -eq 1){
Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMNetworkAdapterName $NetAdapter.Name -VlanId $StorVLAN1 -Access -ManagementOS -CimSession $Server
Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMNetworkAdapterName $NetAdapter.Name -VlanId $StorVLAN2 -Access -ManagementOS -CimSession $Server
#Restart each host vNIC adapter so that the Vlan is active.
Get-NetAdapter -CimSession $Servers -Name "vEthernet (SMB*)" | Restart-NetAdapter
#Enable RDMA on the host vNIC adapters
Enable-NetAdapterRDMA -Name "vEthernet (SMB*)" -CimSession $Servers
#Associate each of the vNICs configured for RDMA to a physical adapter that is up and is not virtual (to be sure that each RDMA enabled ManagementOS vNIC is mapped to separate RDMA pNIC)
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ScriptBlock {
#grab adapter names
$physicaladapternames=(get-vmswitch $using:vSwitchName).NetAdapterInterfaceDescriptions
#map pNIC and vNICs
$vmNetAdapters=Get-VMNetworkAdapter -Name "SMB*" -ManagementOS
foreach ($vmNetAdapter in $vmNetAdapters){
$TwoDigitNumber="{0:D2}" -f ($i+1)
Set-VMNetworkAdapterTeamMapping -VMNetworkAdapterName "SMB$TwoDigitNumber" -ManagementOS -PhysicalNetAdapterName (get-netadapter -InterfaceDescription $physicaladapternames[$i]).name
#Configure Jumbo Frames
if ($JumboSize -ne 1514){
@ -441,18 +515,6 @@
#Verify Networking
#verify mapping
Get-VMNetworkAdapterTeamMapping -CimSession $servers -ManagementOS | Format-Table ComputerName,NetAdapterName,ParentAdapter
#Verify that the VlanID is set
Get-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -ManagementOS -CimSession $servers |Sort-Object -Property Computername | Format-Table ComputerName,AccessVlanID,ParentAdapter -AutoSize -GroupBy ComputerName
#verify RDMA
Get-NetAdapterRdma -CimSession $servers | Sort-Object -Property Systemname | Format-Table systemname,interfacedescription,name,enabled -AutoSize -GroupBy Systemname
#verify ip config
Get-NetIPAddress -CimSession $servers -InterfaceAlias vEthernet* -AddressFamily IPv4 | Sort-Object -Property PSComputername | Format-Table pscomputername,interfacealias,ipaddress -AutoSize -GroupBy pscomputername
#verify JumboFrames
Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -CimSession $servers -DisplayName "Jumbo Packet"
#configure DCB if requested
if ($DCB -eq $True){
#Install DCB
@ -492,7 +554,7 @@
#Create a Traffic class and give SMB Direct 60% of the bandwidth minimum. The name of the class will be "SMB".
#This value needs to match physical switch configuration. Value might vary based on your needs.
#If connected directly (in 2 node configuration) skip this step.
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ScriptBlock {New-NetQosTrafficClass "SMB" -Priority 3 -BandwidthPercentage 60 -Algorithm ETS}
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ScriptBlock {New-NetQosTrafficClass "SMB" -Priority 3 -BandwidthPercentage 50 -Algorithm ETS}
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ScriptBlock {New-NetQosTrafficClass "ClusterHB" -Priority 7 -BandwidthPercentage 1 -Algorithm ETS}
@ -501,9 +563,39 @@
Enable-NetFirewallRule -Name "FPSSMBD-iWARP-In-TCP" -CimSession $servers
#Verify Networking
#validate vSwitch
Get-VMSwitch -CimSession $servers
#validate vNICs
Get-VMNetworkAdapter -CimSession $servers -ManagementOS
#validate vNICs to pNICs mapping
Get-VMNetworkAdapterTeamMapping -CimSession $servers -ManagementOS | Format-Table ComputerName,NetAdapterName,ParentAdapter
#validate JumboFrames setting
Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -CimSession $servers -DisplayName "Jumbo Packet"
#verify RDMA settings
Get-NetAdapterRdma -CimSession $servers | Sort-Object -Property Systemname | Format-Table systemname,interfacedescription,name,enabled -AutoSize -GroupBy Systemname
#validate if VLANs were set
Get-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -CimSession $Servers -ManagementOS
#Validate DCBX setting
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ScriptBlock {Get-NetQosDcbxSetting} | Sort-Object PSComputerName | Format-Table Willing,PSComputerName
#validate policy (no result since it's not available in VM)
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ScriptBlock {Get-NetAdapterQos | Where-Object enabled -eq true} | Sort-Object PSComputerName
#Validate QOS Policies
Get-NetQosPolicy -CimSession $servers | Sort-Object PSComputerName | Select-Object PSComputer,Name,NetDirectPort,PriorityValue
#validate flow control setting
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ScriptBlock {Get-NetQosFlowControl} | Sort-Object -Property PSComputername | Format-Table PSComputerName,Priority,Enabled -GroupBy PSComputerName
#validate QoS Traffic Classes
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ScriptBlock {Get-NetQosTrafficClass} |Sort-Object PSComputerName |Select-Object PSComputerName,Name,PriorityFriendly,Bandwidth
#verify ip config
Get-NetIPAddress -CimSession $servers -InterfaceAlias vEthernet* -AddressFamily IPv4 | Sort-Object -Property PSComputerName | Format-Table PSComputerName,interfacealias,ipaddress -AutoSize -GroupBy pscomputername
#region Create cluster and configure basic settings
if ($DellHW){
#Disable USB NIC used by iDRAC to communicate to host just for test-cluster
Disable-NetAdapter -CimSession $Servers -InterfaceDescription "Remote NDIS Compatible Device" -Confirm:0
Test-Cluster -Node $servers -Include "Storage Spaces Direct","Inventory","Network","System Configuration","Hyper-V Configuration"
If ($DistributedManagementPoint){
New-Cluster -Name $ClusterName -Node $servers -ManagementPointNetworkType "Distributed"
@ -516,6 +608,10 @@
Start-Sleep 5
if ($DellHW){
#Enable USB NIC used by iDRAC
Enable-NetAdapter -CimSession $Servers -InterfaceDescription "Remote NDIS Compatible Device"
#Configure CSV Cache (value is in MB) - disable if SCM or VM is used. For VM it's just for labs - to save some RAM.
if (Get-PhysicalDisk -cimsession $servers[0] | Where-Object bustype -eq SCM){
@ -818,16 +914,48 @@
$context | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single | Set-AzContext
#select subscription
#select subscription if more available
if (($subscriptions).count -gt 1){
$subscriptions | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single | Select-AzSubscription
$SubscriptionID=($subscriptions | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single | Select-AzSubscription).Subscription.Id
#enable debug logging in case something goes wrong
$servers=(Get-ClusterNode -Cluster $ClusterName).Name
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ScriptBlock {wevtutil.exe sl /q /e:true Microsoft-AzureStack-HCI/Debug}
#register Azure Stack HCI
Register-AzStackHCI -SubscriptionID $subscriptionID -ComputerName $ClusterName -UseDeviceAuthentication
if (!(Get-InstalledModule -Name Az.Resources -ErrorAction Ignore)){
Install-Module -Name Az.Resources -Force
#choose location for cluster (and RG)
$region=(Get-AzLocation | Where-Object Providers -Contains "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI" | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title "Please select Location for AzureStackHCI metadata").Location
If (-not (Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName -ErrorAction Ignore)){
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName -Location $region
#Register AZSHCi without prompting for creds
$armTokenItemResource = "https://management.core.windows.net/"
$graphTokenItemResource = "https://graph.windows.net/"
$azContext = Get-AzContext
$authFactory = [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.AzureSession]::Instance.AuthenticationFactory
$graphToken = $authFactory.Authenticate($azContext.Account, $azContext.Environment, $azContext.Tenant.Id, $null, [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.ShowDialog]::Never, $null, $graphTokenItemResource).AccessToken
$armToken = $authFactory.Authenticate($azContext.Account, $azContext.Environment, $azContext.Tenant.Id, $null, [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.ShowDialog]::Never, $null, $armTokenItemResource).AccessToken
$id = $azContext.Account.Id
#Register-AzStackHCI -SubscriptionID $subscriptionID -ComputerName $ClusterName -GraphAccessToken $graphToken -ArmAccessToken $armToken -AccountId $id
Register-AzStackHCI -Region $Region -SubscriptionID $subscriptionID -ComputerName $ClusterName -GraphAccessToken $graphToken -ArmAccessToken $armToken -AccountId $id -ResourceName $ClusterName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName
#validate registration status
#grab available commands for registration
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ClusterName -ScriptBlock {Get-Command -Module AzureStackHCI}
#validate cluster registration
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ClusterName -ScriptBlock {Get-AzureStackHCI}
#validate certificates
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ClusterName -ScriptBlock {Get-AzureStackHCIRegistrationCertificate}
#validate Arc integration
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ClusterName -ScriptBlock {Get-AzureStackHCIArcIntegration}
<# without device authentication if running on server with Internet Explorer
#add some trusted sites (to be able to authenticate with Register-AzStackHCI)
reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\EscDomains\live.com\login" /v https /t REG_DWORD /d 2
@ -888,7 +1016,7 @@
$CSV=($CSV -split '\((.*?)\)')[1]
1..3 | ForEach-Object {
Invoke-Command -ComputerName ((Get-ClusterNode -Cluster $ClusterName).Name | Get-Random) -ArgumentList $CSV,$VMName -ScriptBlock {
Invoke-Command -ComputerName ((Get-ClusterNode -Cluster $ClusterName).Name | Get-Random) -ScriptBlock {
#create some fake VMs
New-VM -Name $using:VMName -NewVHDPath "c:\ClusterStorage\$($using:CSV)\$($using:VMName)\Virtual Hard Disks\$($using:VMName).vhdx" -NewVHDSizeBytes 32GB -SwitchName $using:vSwitchName -Generation 2 -Path "c:\ClusterStorage\$($using:CSV)\" -MemoryStartupBytes 32MB
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