Merge pull request #339 from microsoft/mjmelone-patch-62
Create Hunting in MCAS.csl
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
print Topic = "l33tSpeak: Advanced hunting in Microsoft 365 Defender"
, Presenters = pack_array("Sebastien Molendijk, Michael Melone, Tali Ash")
, Company = "Microsoft"
, Date = todatetime("10 MAY 2021")
// Working with the dynamic type
// ref:
// Dynamic is an object oriented format for storing structured data.
// Dynamics are usually converted from JSON strings using either todynamic() or parse_json() (same function)
// You can also convert XML into a dynamic by using parse_xml()
let JsonString = '{"hello": 1337, "world": ["wibble","wobble","wubble"]}';
print todynamic(JsonString)
// There are a number of ways you can interact with elements stored as dynamic() typed objects.
// Interacting with child elements
// - Column.Child
// - Column[“Child”]
let JsonString = '{"hello": 1337, "world": ["wibble","wobble","wubble"]}';
print x = todynamic(JsonString)
| extend hello = x.hello, world = x["world"]
// Interacting with lists \ arrays
// Column[ElementNumber]
let JsonString = '{"hello": 1337, "world": ["wibble","wobble","wubble"]}';
print x = todynamic(JsonString)
| extend hello = x.hello, world = x["world"]
| extend FirstElement = world[0], SecondElement = world[1]
// The information on the actor initiating the activities can be found in AccountObjectId and AccountDisplayName columns.
// To get the target account and the activities were performed we can extract information from RawEventData
| where ActionType == "AddedToGroup"
| take 50
| project-reorder AccountObjectId, AccountDisplayName, RawEventData
| where ActionType == "AddedToGroup"
| project Timestamp, Application, IPAddress, Actor = AccountDisplayName, AddedUser = RawEventData.TargetUserOrGroupName
| where ActionType == "AddedToGroup"
| project Timestamp, Application, IPAddress, Actor = AccountDisplayName, AddedUser = RawEventData["TargetUserOrGroupName"]
// pack_array()
// ref:
// Creates a dynamic array
// Lists, sets, and arrays in KQL are stored as dynamics and can be created
// with functions such as pack_array()
print pack_array('foo','bar','baz')
// Note that you cannot simply compare dynamic elements in KQL. To do this,
// convert them back to another type using functions such as tostring() or toint()
let JsonDynamic = todynamic('{"hello": 1337, "world": ["wibble","wobble","wubble"]}');
print tostring(JsonDynamic.hello) == tostring(JsonDynamic['hello'])
// bag_unpack()
// ref:
// Automatically unpacks the first level of a dynamic to a table
// Another option is to use bag_unpack() to turn JSON data directly into a table.
// Note that bag_unpack() only processes the first level of JSON. If you have
// multiple nested JSON elements you may need multiple calls to the function.
let JsonDynamic = todynamic('{"hello": 1337, "world": ["wibble","wobble","wubble"]}');
print x = JsonDynamic
| evaluate bag_unpack(x)
// mv-expand
// ref:
// Multiplies elements in a dynamic array across a tabular dataset
// You can also use functions such as mv-expand to parse elements in a dynamic
// across a table. This is very handy for efficiently analyzing lists of
// elements at scale
// Let’s put bag_unpack() and mv-expand together.
let JsonDynamic = todynamic('{"hello": 1337, "world": ["wibble","wobble","wubble"]}');
print x = JsonDynamic
| evaluate bag_unpack(x)
| mv-expand world
// With mv-expand we can extract the Group the user was added to.
// The easiest is to extract it from ActivityObjects column
| where ActionType == "AddedToGroup"
| mv-expand ActivityObjects
| where ActivityObjects['Type'] == ('Group')
| project Timestamp, Application, IPAddress, Actor = AccountDisplayName, AddedUser = RawEventData.TargetUserOrGroupName, Group = ActivityObjects.Name
// startofday() function
// ref:
// Returns the time at the start of a day, with an optional time offset
// KQL time filters and functions are UTC
// Returns the start of the day containing the date, shifted by an offset of days, if provided.
print startofday(datetime(2021-01-01 10:10:17))
IdentityInfo | where AccountUpn == ''
let timeToSearch = startofday(datetime('2021-05-04'));
| where AccountObjectId == 'eababd92-9dc7-40e3-9359-6c106522db19' and Timestamp >= timeToSearch
| distinct Application, ResourceDisplayName, Country, City, IPAddress, DeviceName, DeviceTrustType, OSPlatform, IsManaged, IsCompliant, AuthenticationRequirement, RiskState, UserAgent, ClientAppUsed
// Step 1: understand the performed actions
let accountId = 'eababd92-9dc7-40e3-9359-6c106522db19';
let locations = pack_array('SG', 'DE', 'IE', 'AL', 'UK');
let timeToSearch = startofday(datetime('2021-05-04'));
| where AccountObjectId == accountId and CountryCode in (locations) and Timestamp >= timeToSearch
| summarize by ActionType, CountryCode, AccountObjectId
| sort by ActionType asc
// Step 2: review the accessed emails
let accountId = 'eababd92-9dc7-40e3-9359-6c106522db19';
let locations = pack_array('SG', 'DE', 'IE', 'AL', 'UK');
let timeToSearch = startofday(datetime('2021-05-04'));
| where ActionType == 'MailItemsAccessed' and CountryCode in (locations) and AccountObjectId == accountId and Timestamp >= timeToSearch
| mv-expand todynamic(RawEventData.Folders)
| extend Path = todynamic(RawEventData_Folders.Path), SessionId = tostring(RawEventData.SessionId)
| mv-expand todynamic(RawEventData_Folders.FolderItems)
| project SessionId, Timestamp, AccountObjectId, DeviceType, CountryCode, City, IPAddress, UserAgent, Path, Message = tostring(RawEventData_Folders_FolderItems.InternetMessageId)
| join kind=leftouter (
| where RecipientObjectId == accountId
| project Subject, RecipientEmailAddress, SenderMailFromAddress, DeliveryLocation, ThreatTypes, AttachmentCount, UrlCount, InternetMessageId
on $left.Message == $right.InternetMessageId
| sort by Timestamp desc
// BONUS: get message details using Graph:
// eq '<>'&select=subject,from,hasAttachments
// Step 3: review the accessed FolderItems
let accountId = 'eababd92-9dc7-40e3-9359-6c106522db19';
let locations = pack_array('SG', 'DE', 'IE', 'AL', 'UK');
let timeToSearch = startofday(datetime('2021-05-04'));
| where ActionType == 'FilePreviewed' or ActionType == 'FileDownloaded' and CountryCode in (locations) and AccountObjectId == accountId and Timestamp >= timeToSearch
| project Timestamp, CountryCode, IPAddress, ISP, UserAgent, Application, ActivityObjects, AccountObjectId
| mv-expand ActivityObjects
| where ActivityObjects['Type'] in ('File', 'Folder') and ActivityObjects['Role'] == 'Target object'
| evaluate bag_unpack(ActivityObjects)
// Step 4: review deleted emails
let accountId = 'eababd92-9dc7-40e3-9359-6c106522db19';
let locations = pack_array('SG', 'DE', 'IE', 'AL', 'UK');
let timeToSearch = startofday(datetime('2021-05-04'));
| where ActionType in~ ('MoveToDeletedItems', 'SoftDelete', 'HardDelete') and CountryCode in (locations) and AccountObjectId == accountId and Timestamp >= timeToSearch
| mv-expand ActivityObjects
| where ActivityObjects['Type'] in ('Email', 'Folder')
| evaluate bag_unpack(ActivityObjects)
| distinct Timestamp, AccountObjectId, ActionType, CountryCode, IPAddress, Type, Name, Id
| sort by Timestamp desc
// Step 5: review the created inbox rules
let accountId = 'eababd92-9dc7-40e3-9359-6c106522db19';
let locations = pack_array('SG', 'DE', 'IE', 'AL', 'UK');
let timeToSearch = startofday(datetime('2021-05-04'));
| where ActionType contains_cs 'InboxRule' and CountryCode in (locations)
| extend RuleParameters = RawEventData.Parameters
| project Timestamp, CountryCode, IPAddress, ISP, ActionType, ObjectName, RuleParameters
| sort by Timestamp desc
// Step 6: identify potential other victims
let accountId = 'eababd92-9dc7-40e3-9359-6c106522db19';
let locations = pack_array('SG', 'DE', 'IE', 'AL', 'UK');
let timeToSearch = startofday(datetime('2021-05-04'));
let ips = (
| where CountryCode in (locations)
| distinct IPAddress, AccountObjectId
| join (CloudAppEvents | project ActivityIP = IPAddress, UserId = AccountObjectId) on $left.IPAddress == $right.ActivityIP
| distinct UserId
| join IdentityInfo on $left.UserId == $right.AccountObjectId
| distinct AccountDisplayName, AccountUpn, Department, Country, City, AccountObjectId
// Bonus: identify details sent by the malicious actorIdentityInfo
let accountId = 'eababd92-9dc7-40e3-9359-6c106522db19';
let timeToSearch = startofday(datetime('2021-05-04'));
| where ActionType =~ 'send' and AccountObjectId == accountId // apply the right filter
| extend rawData = todynamic(RawEventData)
| extend UserKey = rawData.UserKey, MessageId = tostring(rawData.Item.InternetMessageId), Subject = rawData.Item.Subject, Attachments = rawData.Item.Attachments
| join (
on $left.MessageId == $right.InternetMessageId
| sort by Timestamp desc
| project UserKey, Timestamp, AccountObjectId, AccountDisplayName, DeviceType, CountryCode, City, ISP, IPAddress, SenderIPv4, SenderIPv6, UserAgent, Subject, InternetMessageId, Attachments, RecipientEmailAddress, SenderMailFromAddress, DeliveryLocation, ThreatTypes, ConfidenceLevel
, AttachmentCount, UrlCount, MessageId
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