function New-M365DSCResource { param ( # Name for the new Resource [Parameter()] [System.String] $ResourceName, # Name of the Workload the resource is for. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('ExchangeOnline', 'Intune', ` 'SecurityComplianceCenter', 'PnP', 'PowerPlatforms', ` 'MicrosoftTeams', 'MicrosoftGraph')] [System.String] $Workload, # CmdLet Noun [Parameter()] [System.String] $CmdLetNoun, # CmdLet Verb [Parameter()] [System.String] $CmdLetVerb = 'New', # Path to the new Resource [Parameter()] [System.String] $Path = 'c:\temp\newresource', # Path to the new Resource [Parameter()] [System.String] $UnitTestPath = 'c:\temp\newresource', # Path to the new Resource [Parameter()] [System.String] $ExampleFilePath = 'c:\temp\newresource', [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('v1.0', 'beta')] [System.String] $APIVersion = 'v1.0', [Parameter()] [System.String[]] $ParametersToSkip = @(), [Parameter()] [System.String] $AdditionalPropertiesType, [Parameter()] [System.String] $DateFormat = "o", # SettingTemplates for DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicy [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SettingsCatalog')] [System.Array] $SettingsCatalogSettingTemplates, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SettingsCatalog')] [switch] $SkipPlatformsAndTechnologies, # Use this switch with caution. # Navigation Properties could cause the DRG to enter an infinite loop # Navigation Properties are the properties refered as Relationships in the Graph REST API documentation. # Only include if it contains a property which is NOT read-only. [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $IncludeNavigationProperties = $false, [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential ) $null = New-M365DSCResourceFolder -ResourceName $ResourceName -Path $Path $schemaFilePath = New-M365DSCSchemaFile -ResourceName $ResourceName -Path $Path -Workload $Workload $moduleFilePath = New-M365DSCModuleFile -ResourceName $ResourceName -Path $Path -Workload $Workload $settingsFilePath = New-M365DSCSettingsFile -ResourceName $ResourceName -Path $Path $readmeFilePath = New-M365DSCReadmeFile -ResourceName $ResourceName -Path $Path $unitTestPath = New-M365DSCUnitTest -ResourceName $ResourceName -Path $UnitTestPath $graphWorkloads = @('MicrosoftGraph','Intune') if ($Workload -in $graphWorkloads) { Write-Verbose "Import Intune Settings Catalog Helper module" Import-Module ..\Modules\Microsoft365DSC\Modules\M365DSCIntuneSettingsCatalogUtil.psm1 -Force $Global:CIMInstancesAlreadyFound = @() $GetcmdletName = "Get-$CmdLetNoun" $commandDetails = Find-MgGraphCommand -Command $GetcmdletName -ApiVersion $APIVersion -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $cmdletFound = Get-Command $GetcmdletName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (-not $commandDetails) { $APIVersion = 'beta' $commandDetails = Find-MgGraphCommand -Command $GetcmdletName -ApiVersion $ApiVersion -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (-not $commandDetails) { throw "Cmdlet {$GetcmdletName} was not found" } } $cmdletFound = Get-Command $GetcmdletName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $GraphModule = $cmdletFound.ModuleName Import-Module $GraphModule -ErrorAction Stop $commandDetails = Find-MgGraphCommand -Command $GetcmdletName -ApiVersion $ApiVersion $cmdletCommandDetails = Get-Command -Name "$($CmdLetVerb)-$($CmdLetNoun)" -Module $GraphModule $defaultParameterSet = $cmdletCommandDetails.ParameterSets | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.IsDefault -eq $true } $defaultParameterSetProperties = $defaultParameterSet.Parameters $outputTypes = $commandDetails | Select-Object OutputType | Get-Unique if ($outputTypes.GetType().BaseType.Name -eq 'Array') { $outputTypeInformationChoices = @() for ($i = 0; $i -lt $typeInformation.Count; $i++) { $outputTypeInformationChoices += [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]("$($commandDetails[$i].Name)") } $outputTypeChoice = $host.UI.PromptForChoice('Output Type Selection', 'Please select an output type', $outputTypeInformationChoices, 0) + 1 $outputType = $outputTypes[$outputTypeChoice - 1].OutputType } else { $outputType = $outputTypes.OutputType } if ($outputType.EndsWith(1)) { $outputType = $outputType -replace '.$' } $actualType = $outputType.Replace('IMicrosoftGraph', '') $cmdletDefinition = Get-CmdletDefinition -Entity $actualType ` -APIVersion $ApiVersion #Check if the actual type returns multiple type of policies $policyTypes = ($cmdletDefinition.EntityType | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.basetype -like "*$actualType" }).Name if ($null -ne $policyTypes -and $policyTypes.GetType().Name -like '*[[\]]') { if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AdditionalPropertiesType)) { $policyTypeChoices = @() for ($i = 0; $i -lt $policyTypes.Count; $i++) { $policyTypeChoices += [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]("$($policyTypes[$i])") } $typeChoice = $host.UI.PromptForChoice('Additional Type Information', 'Please select an additional type', $policyTypeChoices, 0) + 1 $selectedODataType = $policyTypes[$typeChoice - 1] } else { $selectedODataType = $policyTypes | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -eq $AdditionalPropertiesType } if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($selectedODataType)) { $selectedODataType = $AdditionalPropertiesType } } $isAdditionalProperty = $true } else { $selectedODataType = $actualType $isAdditionalProperty = $false } $addIntuneAssignments = $false $AssignmentsParam = '' $AssignmentsGet = '' $AssignmentsRemove = '' $AssignmentsNew = '' $AssignmentsUpdate = '' $AssignmentsFunctions = '' $AssignmentsCIM = '' $AssignmentsProperty = '' $AssignmentsConvertComplexToString = '' $AssignmentsConvertComplexToVariable = '' $global:ComplexList = @() $cimClasses = Get-Microsoft365DSCModuleCimClass -ResourceName $ResourceName $global:searchedEntity = $selectedODataType $typeProperties = Get-TypeProperties ` -CmdletDefinition $cmdletDefinition ` -Entity $selectedODataType ` -IncludeNavigationProperties $IncludeNavigationProperties ` -CimClasses $cimClasses ` -Workload $Workload $typeProperties = $typeProperties | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -notin @('createdDateTime', 'isAssigned', 'lastModifiedDateTime', 'priorityMetaData', 'retryCount', 'settingCount', 'templateReference', 'creationSource') } $global:ComplexList = $null $global:searchedEntity = $null [Hashtable[]]$parameterInformation = Get-ParameterBlockInformation ` -Properties $typeProperties ` -DefaultParameterSetProperties $defaultParameterSetProperties #retrieve assignment details if ($Workload -in @('Intune', 'MicrosoftGraph')) { $repository = ($commandDetails | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.variants -eq 'List'}).URI $repository = $repository.Substring(1, ($repository.Length - 1)) $assignmentCmdlet = Get-Command -Name ($cmdletFound.Name + 'Assignment') -Module $GraphModule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $assignmentCmdletNoun = $assignmentCmdlet.Noun $assignmentKey = (($assignmentCmdlet.ParameterSets | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -eq 'List' }).Parameters | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.IsMandatory }).Name if (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($repository) ` -and -not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($assignmentCmdletNoun) ` -and -not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($assignmentKey)) { $addIntuneAssignments = $true $ParametersToSkip += 'Assignments' } if ($SkipPlatformsAndTechnologies) { $ParametersToSkip += 'Platforms' $ParametersToSkip += 'Technologies' } } $parameterInformation = $parameterInformation | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -notin $ParametersToSkip} $script:DiscoveredComplexTypes = @() [Array]$CimInstances = $parameterInformation | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.IsComplexType } $script:DiscoveredComplexTypes = $null $Global:AlreadyFoundInstances = @() $CimInstancesSchemaContent = '' if ($null -ne $CimInstances) { foreach ($CimInstance in $CimInstances) { $CimInstancesSchemaContent += Get-M365DSCDRGCimInstancesSchemaStringContent ` -CIMInstance $CimInstance ` -Workload $Workload } } $Global:AlreadyFoundInstances = $null $parameterString = Get-ParameterBlockStringForModule -ParameterBlockInformation $parameterInformation if ($CmdLetNoun -like "*DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicy") { if ($SettingsCatalogSettingTemplates.Count -eq 0) { throw "SettingsCatalogSettingTemplates is required for DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicy resources" } $templateSettings = @() $deviceSettingsCatalogTemplates = $SettingsCatalogSettingTemplates | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.SettingInstanceTemplate.SettingDefinitionId.StartsWith("device_") } $deviceSettingDefinitions = $deviceSettingsCatalogTemplates.SettingDefinitions $userSettingsCatalogTemplates = $SettingsCatalogSettingTemplates | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.SettingInstanceTemplate.SettingDefinitionId.StartsWith("user_") } $userSettingDefinitions = $userSettingsCatalogTemplates.SettingDefinitions $defaultSettingsCatalogTemplates = $SettingsCatalogSettingTemplates | Where-Object -FilterScript { -not $_.SettingInstanceTemplate.SettingDefinitionId.StartsWith("device_") -and -not $_.SettingInstanceTemplate.SettingDefinitionId.StartsWith("user_") } $defaultSettingDefinitions = $defaultSettingsCatalogTemplates.SettingDefinitions $containsDeviceAndUserSettings = $false if ($deviceSettingDefinitions.Count -gt 0 -and $userSettingDefinitions.Count -gt 0) { $containsDeviceAndUserSettings = $true } $deviceTemplateSettings = @() foreach ($deviceSettingTemplate in $deviceSettingsCatalogTemplates) { $deviceTemplateSettings += New-SettingsCatalogSettingDefinitionSettingsFromTemplate ` -FromRoot ` -SettingTemplate $deviceSettingTemplate ` -AllSettingDefinitions $deviceSettingDefinitions } $userTemplateSettings = @() foreach ($userSettingTemplate in $userSettingsCatalogTemplates) { $userTemplateSettings += New-SettingsCatalogSettingDefinitionSettingsFromTemplate ` -FromRoot ` -SettingTemplate $userSettingTemplate ` -AllSettingDefinitions $userSettingDefinitions } $defaultTemplateSettings = @() foreach ($defaultSettingTemplate in $defaultSettingsCatalogTemplates) { $defaultTemplateSettings += New-SettingsCatalogSettingDefinitionSettingsFromTemplate ` -FromRoot ` -SettingTemplate $defaultSettingTemplate ` -AllSettingDefinitions $defaultSettingDefinitions } $deviceDefinitionSettings = @() foreach ($deviceTemplateSetting in $deviceTemplateSettings) { foreach ($deviceChildSetting in $deviceTemplateSetting.ChildSettings) { $deviceChildSetting.DisplayName += " - Depends on $($deviceTemplateSetting.Name)" } $deviceDefinitionSettings += New-ParameterDefinitionFromSettingsCatalogTemplateSetting ` -TemplateSetting $deviceTemplateSetting } $userDefinitionSettings = @() foreach ($userTemplateSetting in $userTemplateSettings) { foreach ($userChildSetting in $userTemplateSetting.ChildSettings) { $userChildSetting.DisplayName += " - Depends on $($userTemplateSetting.Name)" } $userDefinitionSettings += New-ParameterDefinitionFromSettingsCatalogTemplateSetting ` -TemplateSetting $userTemplateSetting } $defaultDefinitionSettings = @() foreach ($defaultTemplateSetting in $defaultTemplateSettings) { foreach ($defaultChildSetting in $defaultTemplateSetting.ChildSettings) { $defaultChildSetting.DisplayName += " - Depends on $($defaultTemplateSetting.Name)" } $defaultDefinitionSettings += New-ParameterDefinitionFromSettingsCatalogTemplateSetting ` -TemplateSetting $defaultTemplateSetting } Write-Verbose -Message "* Check the description for the parameters. CIM types might include a 'Depends on' information, although it is not required." if ($containsDeviceAndUserSettings) { $definitionSettings = @{ PowerShell = @( @" [Parameter()] [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance] `$DeviceSettings "@, @" [Parameter()] [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance] `$UserSettings "@ ) MOFInstance = @( @" [ClassVersion("")] class MSFT_MicrosoftGraphIntuneSettingsCatalogDeviceSettings_$($ResourceName) { $($deviceDefinitionSettings.MOF -join "`r`n") }; "@, @" [ClassVersion("")] class MSFT_MicrosoftGraphIntuneSettingsCatalogUserSettings_$($ResourceName) { $($userDefinitionSettings.MOF -join "`r`n") }; "@ ) } $definitionSettings.MOFInstance = ($deviceDefinitionSettings.MOFInstance -join "`r`n") + "`r`n" + ($definitionSettings.MOFInstance -join "`r`n") $definitionSettings.MOFInstance = ($userDefinitionSettings.MOFInstance -join "`r`n") + "`r`n" + ($definitionSettings.MOFInstance -join "`r`n") $definitionSettings.MOFInstance = ($defaultDefinitionSettings.MOFInstance -join "`r`n") + "`r`n" + ($definitionSettings.MOFInstance -join "`r`n") } else { $definitionSettings = $deviceDefinitionSettings + $userDefinitionSettings + $defaultDefinitionSettings } $parameterString += $definitionSettings.PowerShell -join ",`r`n`r`n" $parameterString += ",`r`n`r`n" $complexParameters = @($definitionSettings.PowerShell | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -like "*CimInstance*" }) foreach ($parameter in $complexParameters) { $parameter -match '\$.*$' $parameterName = $Matches[0].Replace('$', '') $parameterType = 'IntuneSettingsCatalog' + $parameterName + $(if ($parameterName -in @('DeviceSettings', 'UserSettings')) { "_$ResourceName" }) $cimInstance = $definitionSettings.MOFInstance | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -like "*$parameterType`n*" -or $_ -like "*$parameterType`r`n*" } $rowFilter = '\[.*;' $cimRows = [regex]::Matches($cimInstance, $rowFilter) | Foreach-Object { $_.Value } $cimPropertyNamequery = '[a-zA-Z0-9_]+[\[\]]*;' $cimProperties = @() foreach ($row in $cimRows) { $cimProperties += [regex]::Matches($row, $cimPropertyNamequery) | Foreach-Object { $props = @{ Name = $_.Value.Replace('[', '').Replace(']', '').Replace(';', '') IsArray = $_.Value.Contains('[]') IsComplexType = $row.Contains('EmbeddedInstance') } if ($props.IsComplexType) { Write-Warning -Message "Attention: No automatic complex type conversion is available for the property $($props.Name) in $parameterName. Please implement the conversion manually." $props.Type = $row.Split(' ')[2].Replace('EmbeddedInstance("', '').Replace('")]', '') } $props } } $parameterInformation += @{ Name = $parameterName IsComplexType = $true IsMandatory = $false IsArray = $parameter -match '\[.*\[\]\]' Type = $parameterType Properties = $cimProperties } Write-Warning -Message "* Do not forget to replace the value `$getValue.$parameterName with `$policySettings.$parameterName in Get-TargetResource, remove it using `$policySettings.Remove('$parameterName')` and update the description in the MOF template. " Write-Warning -Message "* Make sure to remove the duplicate entry of '$parameterName' in the MOF template." Write-Warning -Message "* Check all CimInstanceNames in the `$complexTypeMapping in Export-TargetResource because they are not generated correctly." } Write-Warning -Message "* Update all occurences of 'Name' from parameters to 'DisplayName', since security and settings catalog policies use 'Name' internally, but the DSC resource uses 'DisplayName' for clarity." Write-Warning -Message "* Replace the technology, platform and template reference placeholders with the actual values." } $hashtableResults = New-M365HashTableMapping -Properties $parameterInformation ` -DefaultParameterSetProperties $defaultParameterSetProperties ` -GraphNoun $CmdLetNoun ` -Workload $Workload ` -DateFormat $DateFormat $hashTableMapping = $hashtableResults.StringContent #region UnitTests $fakeValues = Get-M365DSCFakeValues ` -ParametersInformation $parameterInformation ` -IntroduceDrift $false ` -Workload $Workload ` -AdditionalPropertiesType $selectedODataType ` -DateFormat $DateFormat $targetResourceFakeValues = Get-M365DSCFakeValues ` -ParametersInformation $parameterInformation ` -IntroduceDrift $false ` -Workload $Workload ` -IsGetTargetResource $true ` -DateFormat $DateFormat $fakeValuesString = Get-M365DSCHashAsString -Values $fakeValues $targetResourceFakeValuesString = Get-M365DSCHashAsString -Values $targetResourceFakeValues -Space ' ' $assignmentMock = '' if ($addIntuneAssignments) { $assignmentMock = "`r`n`r`n Mock -CommandName Get-$assignmentCmdletNoun -MockWith {`r`n" $assignmentMock += " }`r`n" } Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $assignmentMock -FilePath $unitTestPath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $fakeValuesString -FilePath $unitTestPath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $targetResourceFakeValuesString -FilePath $unitTestPath $fakeValues2 = $fakeValues $fakeValuesString2 = Get-M365DSCHashAsString -Values $fakeValues2 -isCmdletCall $true Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $fakeValuesString2 -FilePath $unitTestPath $fakeDriftValues = Get-M365DSCFakeValues -ParametersInformation $parameterInformation ` -IntroduceDrift $true ` -isCmdletCall $true ` -AdditionalPropertiesType $AdditionalPropertiesType ` -Workload $Workload ` -DateFormat $DateFormat $fakeDriftValuesString = Get-M365DSCHashAsString -Values $fakeDriftValues -isCmdletCall $true Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $fakeDriftValuesString -FilePath $unitTestPath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $ResourceName -FilePath $unitTestPath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $GetcmdletName -FilePath $unitTestPath $updateVerb = 'Update' $updateCmdlet = Find-MgGraphCommand -Command "$updateVerb-$CmdLetNoun" -ApiVersion $ApiVersion -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($null -eq $updateCmdlet) { $updateVerb = 'Set' } Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -value "$updateVerb-$($CmdLetNoun)" -FilePath $unitTestPath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -value "Remove-$($CmdLetNoun)" -FilePath $unitTestPath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -value "New-$($CmdLetNoun)" -FilePath $unitTestPath Update-Microsoft365StubFile -CmdletNoun $CmdLetNoun if ($addIntuneAssignments) { Update-Microsoft365StubFile -CmdletNoun $assignmentCmdletNoun } #endregion #region Module $platforms = @{ 'Windows10' = 'for Windows10' 'Windows11' = 'for Windows11' 'Android' = 'for Android' 'Mac O S' = 'for macOS' 'I O S' = 'for iOS' 'A A D' = 'Azure AD' 'Linux' = 'for Linux' } $resourceDescription = ($ResourceName -split '_')[0] -creplace '(?<=\w)([A-Z])', ' $1' foreach ($platform in $platforms.keys) { if ($resourceDescription -like "*$platform*") { $resourceDescription = $resourceDescription.Replace($platform, $platforms.$platform) } $resourceDescription = $resourceDescription.Replace('Azure A D','Azure AD') } $getCmdlet = Get-Command -Name "Get-$($CmdLetNoun)" -Module $GraphModule $getDefaultParameterSet = $getCmdlet.ParameterSets | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -eq 'Get' } $getKeyIdentifier = ($getDefaultParameterSet.Parameters | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.IsMandatory }).Name if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($getKeyIdentifier)) { $getDefaultParameterSet = $getCmdlet.ParameterSets | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.IsDefault } $getKeyIdentifier = ($getDefaultParameterSet.Parameters | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.IsMandatory }).Name } $primaryKey = '' $alternativeKey = '' if ($typeProperties.Name -contains 'id') { $primaryKey = 'Id' $alternativeKey = 'DisplayName' if ($typeProperties.Name -contains 'name') { $alternativeKey = 'Name' } } if ($null -ne $getKeyIdentifier) { $getParameterString = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() foreach ($key in $getKeyIdentifier) { if ($getKeyIdentifier.Count -gt 1) { $getParameterString.Append("```r`n") | Out-Null $getParameterString.Append(" ") | Out-Null } $keyValue = $key if ($key -eq "$($actualtype)Id") { $keyValue = $primaryKey } $getParameterString.Append("-$key `$$keyValue ") | Out-Null } [String]$getKeyIdentifier = $getParameterString.ToString() } $getDefaultParameterSet = $getCmdlet.ParameterSets | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -eq 'List' } $getListIdentifier = $getDefaultParameterSet.Parameters.Name $getAlternativeFilterString = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() if ($getListIdentifier -contains 'Filter') { $getAlternativeFilterString.AppendLine(" -Filter `"$alternativeKey eq '`$$alternativeKey'`" ``") | Out-Null $getAlternativeFilterString.AppendLine(" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object ``") | Out-Null $getAlternativeFilterString.AppendLine(" -FilterScript {") | Out-Null $getAlternativeFilterString.AppendLine(" `$_.AdditionalProperties.'@odata.type' -eq `"`#microsoft.graph.$SelectedODataType`"") | Out-Null $getAlternativeFilterString.Append(" }") | Out-Null } else { $getAlternativeFilterString.AppendLine(" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object ``") | Out-Null $getAlternativeFilterString.AppendLine(" -FilterScript {") | Out-Null $getAlternativeFilterString.AppendLine(" `$_.$alternativeKey -eq `"`$(`$$alternativeKey)`" ``") | Out-Null $getAlternativeFilterString.AppendLine(" -and `$_.AdditionalProperties.'@odata.type' -eq `"`#microsoft.graph.$SelectedODataType`"") | Out-Null $getAlternativeFilterString.Append(" }") | Out-Null } Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $getAlternativeFilterString.ToString() -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $parameterString -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '<#Workload#>' -Value $Workload -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '<#APIVersion#>' -Value $ApiVersion -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $primaryKey -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $getKeyIdentifier -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value "Get-$($CmdLetNoun)" -FilePath $moduleFilePath $settingsCatalogGetSettings = "" $settingsCatalogAddSettings = "" if ($CmdLetNoun -like "*DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicy") { $settingsCatalogGetSettings = @" `r`n # Retrieve policy specific settings [array]`$settings = Get-$($CmdLetNoun)Setting `` -DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicyId `$Id `` -ExpandProperty 'settingDefinitions' `` -All `` -ErrorAction Stop `$policySettings = @{} `$policySettings = Export-IntuneSettingCatalogPolicySettings -Settings `$settings -ReturnHashtable `$policySettings$(if ($containsDeviceAndUserSettings) { ' -ContainsDeviceAndUserSettings' })`r`n "@ $settingsCatalogAddSettings = " `$results += `$policySettings`r`n`r`n" } Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $settingsCatalogGetSettings -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '<#SettingsCatalogAddSettings#>' -Value $settingsCatalogAddSettings -FilePath $moduleFilePath $complexTypeConstructor = "" if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($hashtableResults.ComplexTypeConstructor)) { $complexTypeConstructor = $hashtableResults.ComplexTypeConstructor $complexTypeConstructor = "`r`n #region resource generator code`r`n" + $complexTypeConstructor $complexTypeConstructor = $complexTypeConstructor.Substring(0, $complexTypeConstructor.Length -2) $complexTypeConstructor = $complexTypeConstructor + " #endregion`r`n" } Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $complexTypeConstructor -FilePath $moduleFilePath $enumTypeConstructor = "" if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($hashtableResults.EnumTypeConstructor)) { $enumTypeConstructor = $hashtableResults.EnumTypeConstructor $enumTypeConstructor = "`r`n #region resource generator code`r`n" + $enumTypeConstructor $enumTypeConstructor = $enumTypeConstructor.Substring(0, $enumTypeConstructor.Length -2) $enumTypeConstructor = $enumTypeConstructor + " #endregion`r`n" } Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $enumTypeConstructor -FilePath $moduleFilePath $dateTypeConstructor = "" if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($hashtableResults.DateTypeConstructor)) { $dateTypeConstructor = $hashtableResults.DateTypeConstructor $dateTypeConstructor = "`r`n #region resource generator code`r`n" + $dateTypeConstructor $dateTypeConstructor = $dateTypeConstructor.Substring(0, $dateTypeConstructor.Length -2) $dateTypeConstructor = $dateTypeConstructor + " #endregion`r`n" } Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $dateTypeConstructor -FilePath $moduleFilePath $timeTypeConstructor = "" if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($hashtableResults.TimeTypeConstructor)) { $timeTypeConstructor = $hashtableResults.TimeTypeConstructor $timeTypeConstructor = "`r`n #region resource generator code`r`n" + $timeTypeConstructor $timeTypeConstructor = $timeTypeConstructor.Substring(0, $timeTypeConstructor.Length -2) $timeTypeConstructor = $timeTypeConstructor + " #endregion`r`n" } Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $timeTypeConstructor -FilePath $moduleFilePath $newCmdlet = Get-Command -Name "New-$($CmdLetNoun)" $newDefaultParameterSet = $newCmdlet.ParameterSets | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -eq 'Create' } [Array]$newKeyIdentifier = ($newDefaultParameterSet.Parameters | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.IsMandatory }).Name $defaultCreateParameters = @" `$createParameters = ([Hashtable]`$BoundParameters).Clone() `$createParameters = Rename-M365DSCCimInstanceParameter -Properties `$createParameters `$createParameters.Remove('Id') | Out-Null `$keys = (([Hashtable]`$createParameters).Clone()).Keys foreach (`$key in `$keys) { if (`$null -ne `$createParameters.`$key -and `$createParameters.`$key.GetType().Name -like '*CimInstance*') { `$createParameters.`$key = Convert-M365DSCDRGComplexTypeToHashtable -ComplexObject `$createParameters.`$key } } "@ $defaultUpdateParameters = @" `$updateParameters = ([Hashtable]`$BoundParameters).Clone() `$updateParameters = Rename-M365DSCCimInstanceParameter -Properties `$updateParameters `$updateParameters.Remove('Id') | Out-Null `$keys = (([Hashtable]`$updateParameters).Clone()).Keys foreach (`$key in `$keys) { if (`$null -ne `$pdateParameters.`$key -and `$updateParameters.`$key.GetType().Name -like '*CimInstance*') { `$updateParameters.`$key = Convert-M365DSCDRGComplexTypeToHashtable -ComplexObject `$updateParameters.$key } } "@ if ($null -ne $newKeyIdentifier) { $newParameterString = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() foreach ($key in $newKeyIdentifier) { if ($newKeyIdentifier.Count -gt 1) { $newParameterString.Append(" ```r`n") | Out-Null $newParameterString.Append(" ") | Out-Null } $keyValue = $key if ($key -eq 'BodyParameter') { $keyValue = 'createParameters' } $newParameterString.Append("-$key `$$keyValue") | Out-Null } [String]$newKeyIdentifier = $newParameterString.ToString() } $odataType = $null if ($true)#$isAdditionalProperty) { $odataType = " `$createParameters.Add(`"@odata.type`", `"#microsoft.graph.$SelectedODataType`")`r`n" } $settingsCatalogProperties = "" if ($CmdLetNoun -like "*DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicy") { $odataType = "" $settingsCatalogProperties = @" `$templateReferenceId = '' `$platforms = '' `$technologies = ''`r`n "@ $defaultCreateParameters = @" `$settings = Get-IntuneSettingCatalogPolicySetting `` -DSCParams ([System.Collections.Hashtable]`$BoundParameters) `` -TemplateId `$templateReferenceId$(if ($containsDeviceAndUserSettings) { " ```r`n -ContainsDeviceAndUserSettings" }) `$createParameters = @{ Name = `$DisplayName Description = `$Description TemplateReference = @{ templateId = `$templateReferenceId } Platforms = `$platforms Technologies = `$technologies Settings = `$settings }`r`n "@ } Write-TokenReplacement -Token '<#SettingsCatalogProperties#>' -Value $settingsCatalogProperties -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '<#DefaultCreateParameters#>' -Value $defaultCreateParameters -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value "$odataType" -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '<#NewKeyIdentifier#>' -Value $newKeyIdentifier -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value "New-$($CmdLetNoun)" -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value "Set-$($CmdLetNoun)" -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value "Remove-$($CmdLetNoun)" -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $resourceDescription -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $alternativeKey -FilePath $moduleFilePath $exportGetCommand = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() if ($CmdLetNoun -like "*DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicy") { $exportGetCommand.AppendLine(" `$policyTemplateID = `"`"") | Out-Null } $exportGetCommand.AppendLine(" [array]`$getValue = Get-$CmdLetNoun ``") | Out-Null if ($getDefaultParameterSet.Parameters.Name -contains "Filter") { $exportGetCommand.AppendLine(" -Filter `$Filter ``") | Out-Null } if ($getDefaultParameterSet.Parameters.Name -contains "All") { $exportGetCommand.AppendLine(" -All ``") | Out-Null } if ($isAdditionalProperty -and $CmdletNoun -notlike "*DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicy") { $exportGetCommand.AppendLine(" -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object ``") | Out-Null $exportGetCommand.AppendLine(" -FilterScript {") | Out-Null $exportGetCommand.AppendLine(" `$_.AdditionalProperties.'@odata.type' -eq '#microsoft.graph.$($selectedODataType)'") | Out-Null $exportGetCommand.AppendLine(" }") | Out-Null } elseif ($CmdletNoun -like "*DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicy") { $exportGetCommand.AppendLine(" -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object ``") | Out-Null $exportGetCommand.AppendLine(" -FilterScript {") | Out-Null $exportGetCommand.AppendLine(" `$_.TemplateReference.TemplateId -eq `$policyTemplateID") | Out-Null $exportGetCommand.AppendLine(" }") | Out-Null } else { $exportGetCommand.AppendLine(" -ErrorAction Stop") | Out-Null } $trailingCharRemoval = "" if ($cimInstances.Count -gt 0) { $trailingCharRemoval = @' '@ } $requiredKey = '' if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($alternativeKey)) { $requiredKey = "`r`n DisplayName = `$config.DisplayName" } Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $exportGetCommand.ToString() -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $requiredKey -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $hashTableMapping -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '<#ComplexTypeContent#>' -Value $hashtableResults.ComplexTypeContent -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '<#ConvertComplexToString#>' -Value $hashtableResults.ConvertToString -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '<#ConvertComplexToVariable#>' -Value $hashtableResults.ConvertToVariable -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '<#TrailingCharRemoval#>' -Value $trailingCharRemoval -FilePath $moduleFilePath $updateVerb = 'Update' $updateCmdlet = Find-MgGraphCommand -Command "$updateVerb-$CmdLetNoun" -ApiVersion $ApiVersion -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($null -eq $updateCmdlet) { $updateVerb = 'Set' } $updateCmdlet = Get-Command -Name "$updateVerb-$CmdLetNoun" $updateDefaultParameterSet = $updateCmdlet.ParameterSets | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -eq "$updateVerb" } [Array]$updateKeyIdentifier = ($updateDefaultParameterSet.Parameters | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.IsMandatory }).Name if ($null -ne $updateKeyIdentifier) { $updateParameterString = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() foreach ($key in $updateKeyIdentifier) { if ($updateKeyIdentifier.Count -gt 1) { $updateParameterString.Append(" ```r`n") | Out-Null $updateParameterString.Append(" ") | Out-Null } $keyValue = $key if ($key -eq 'BodyParameter') { $keyValue = 'UpdateParameters' } if ($key -eq "$($actualtype)Id") { $keyValue = 'currentInstance.' + $primaryKey } $updateParameterString.Append("-$key `$$keyValue") | Out-Null } [String]$updateKeyIdentifier = $updateParameterString.ToString() } $odataType = $null if ($true)#$isAdditionalProperty) { $odataType = " `$UpdateParameters.Add(`"@odata.type`", `"#microsoft.graph.$SelectedODataType`")`r`n" } $updateCmdletName = " $updateVerb-$CmdLetNoun" if ($CmdLetNoun -like "*DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicy") { $odataType = "" $updateKeyIdentifier = "" $updateCmdletName = "" $defaultUpdateParameters = @" `$settings = Get-IntuneSettingCatalogPolicySetting `` -DSCParams ([System.Collections.Hashtable]`$BoundParameters) `` -TemplateId `$templateReferenceId$(if ($containsDeviceAndUserSettings) { " ```r`n -ContainsDeviceAndUserSettings" }) Update-IntuneDeviceConfigurationPolicy `` -DeviceConfigurationPolicyId `$currentInstance.Id `` -Name `$DisplayName `` -Description `$Description `` -TemplateReferenceId `$templateReferenceId `` -Platforms `$platforms `` -Technologies `$technologies `` -Settings `$settings`r`n "@ } Write-TokenReplacement -Token '<#DefaultUpdateParameters#>' -Value $defaultUpdateParameters -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value "$odataType" -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $updateCmdletName -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '<#UpdateKeyIdentifier#>' -Value $updateKeyIdentifier -FilePath $moduleFilePath $removeCmdlet = Get-Command -Name "Remove-$($CmdLetNoun)" $removeDefaultParameterSet = $removeCmdlet.ParameterSets | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -eq 'Delete' } [Array]$removeKeyIdentifier = ($removeDefaultParameterSet.Parameters | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.IsMandatory }).Name if ($null -ne $removeKeyIdentifier) { $removeParameterString = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() foreach ($key in $removeKeyIdentifier) { if ($removeKeyIdentifier.Count -gt 1) { $removeParameterString.Append(" ```r`n") | Out-Null $removeParameterString.Append(" ") | Out-Null } $keyValue = $key if ($removeKeyIdentifier.Count -eq 1) { $keyValue = 'currentInstance.' + $primaryKey } $removeParameterString.Append("-$key `$$keyValue") | Out-Null } [String]$removeKeyIdentifier = $removeParameterString.ToString() } Write-TokenReplacement -Token '<#removeKeyIdentifier#>' -Value $removeKeyIdentifier -FilePath $moduleFilePath #Intune Assignments if ($addIntuneAssignments -and -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($repository)) { $AssignmentsParam += " [Parameter()]`r`n" $AssignmentsParam += " [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]]`r`n" $AssignmentsParam += " `$Assignments,`r`n" $AssignmentsGet += " `$assignmentsValues = Get-$($assignmentCmdLetNoun) -$($assignmentKey) `$$primaryKey`r`n" $AssignmentsGet += " `$assignmentResult = @()`r`n" $AssignmentsGet += " if (`$assignmentsValues.Count -gt 0)`r`n" $AssignmentsGet += " {`r`n" $AssignmentsGet += " `$assignmentResult += ConvertFrom-IntunePolicyAssignment -Assignments `$assignmentsValues -IncludeDeviceFilter `$true`r`n" $AssignmentsGet += " }`r`n" $AssignmentsGet += " `$results.Add('Assignments', `$assignmentResult)`r`n" $AssignmentsRemove += " `$BoundParameters.Remove(`"Assignments`") | Out-Null`r`n" $AssignmentsNew += "" $AssignmentsNew += "`r`n" $AssignmentsNew += " if (`$policy.Id)`r`n" $AssignmentsNew += " {`r`n" $AssignmentsNew += " `$assignmentsHash = ConvertTo-IntunePolicyAssignment -IncludeDeviceFilter:`$true -Assignments `$Assignments`r`n" $AssignmentsNew += " Update-DeviceConfigurationPolicyAssignment ```r`n" $AssignmentsNew += " -DeviceConfigurationPolicyId `$policy.Id ```r`n" $AssignmentsNew += " -Targets `$assignmentsHash ```r`n" $AssignmentsNew += " -Repository '$repository'`r`n" $AssignmentsNew += " }`r`n" $AssignmentsUpdate += " `$assignmentsHash = ConvertTo-IntunePolicyAssignment -IncludeDeviceFilter:`$true -Assignments `$Assignments`r`n" $AssignmentsUpdate += " Update-DeviceConfigurationPolicyAssignment ```r`n" $AssignmentsUpdate += " -DeviceConfigurationPolicyId `$currentInstance.Id ```r`n" $AssignmentsUpdate += " -Targets `$assignmentsHash ```r`n" $AssignmentsUpdate += " -Repository '$repository'" $AssignmentsCIM = @' [ClassVersion("")] class MSFT_DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicyAssignments { [Write, Description("The type of the target assignment."), ValueMap{"#microsoft.graph.groupAssignmentTarget","#microsoft.graph.allLicensedUsersAssignmentTarget","#microsoft.graph.allDevicesAssignmentTarget","#microsoft.graph.exclusionGroupAssignmentTarget","#microsoft.graph.configurationManagerCollectionAssignmentTarget"}, Values{"#microsoft.graph.groupAssignmentTarget","#microsoft.graph.allLicensedUsersAssignmentTarget","#microsoft.graph.allDevicesAssignmentTarget","#microsoft.graph.exclusionGroupAssignmentTarget","#microsoft.graph.configurationManagerCollectionAssignmentTarget"}] String dataType; [Write, Description("The type of filter of the target assignment i.e. Exclude or Include. Possible values are:none, include, exclude."), ValueMap{"none","include","exclude"}, Values{"none","include","exclude"}] String deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType; [Write, Description("The Id of the filter for the target assignment.")] String deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterId; [Write, Description("The group Id that is the target of the assignment.")] String groupId; [Write, Description("The group Display Name that is the target of the assignment.")] String groupDisplayName; [Write, Description("The collection Id that is the target of the assignment.(ConfigMgr)")] String collectionId; }; '@ $AssignmentsProperty = "`r`n [Write, Description(`"Represents the assignment to the Intune policy.`"), EmbeddedInstance(`"MSFT_DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicyAssignments`")] String Assignments[];`r`n" $AssignmentsConvertComplexToString = @" `r`n if (`$Results.Assignments) { `$complexTypeStringResult = Get-M365DSCDRGComplexTypeToString -ComplexObject `$Results.Assignments -CIMInstanceName DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicyAssignments if (`$complexTypeStringResult) { `$Results.Assignments = `$complexTypeStringResult } else { `$Results.Remove('Assignments') | Out-Null } }`r`n "@ $AssignmentsConvertComplexToVariable = @" `r`n if (`$Results.Assignments) { `$currentDSCBlock = Convert-DSCStringParamToVariable -DSCBlock `$currentDSCBlock -ParameterName "Assignments" -IsCIMArray:`$true }`r`n "@ } Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $AssignmentsParam -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '<#AssignmentsGet#>' -Value $AssignmentsGet -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '<#AssignmentsRemove#>' -Value $AssignmentsRemove -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '<#AssignmentsNew#>' -Value $AssignmentsNew -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '<#AssignmentsUpdate#>' -Value $AssignmentsUpdate -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '<#AssignmentsFunctions#>' -Value $AssignmentsFunctions -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '<#AssignmentsConvertComplexToString#>' -Value $AssignmentsConvertComplexToString -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '<#AssignmentsConvertComplexToVariable#>' -Value $AssignmentsConvertComplexToVariable -FilePath $moduleFilePath $defaultTestValuesToCheck = " `$ValuesToCheck = ([Hashtable]`$PSBoundParameters).clone()" if ($CmdLetNoun -like "*DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicy") { $defaultTestValuesToCheck = @" [Hashtable]`$ValuesToCheck = @{} `$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { if (`$_.Key -notlike '*Variable' -or `$_.Key -notin @('Verbose', 'Debug', 'ErrorAction', 'WarningAction', 'InformationAction')) { if (`$null -ne `$CurrentValues[`$_.Key] -or `$null -ne `$PSBoundParameters[`$_.Key]) { `$ValuesToCheck.Add(`$_.Key, `$null) if (-not `$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey(`$_.Key)) { `$PSBoundParameters.Add(`$_.Key, `$null) } } } } "@ Write-TokenReplacement -Token 'Target Values: $(Convert-M365DscHashtableToString -Hashtable $ValuesToCheck)' ` -Value 'Target Values: $(Convert-M365DscHashtableToString -Hashtable $PSBoundParameters)' ` -FilePath $moduleFilePath } Write-TokenReplacement -Token '<#DefaultTestValuesToCheck#>' -Value $defaultTestValuesToCheck -FilePath $moduleFilePath # Remove comments Write-TokenReplacement -Token '<#ResourceGenerator' -Value '' -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token 'ResourceGenerator#>' -Value '' -FilePath $moduleFilePath #endregion #region Schema $schemaFilePath = New-M365DSCSchemaFile -ResourceName $ResourceName -Path $Path $schemaProperties = New-M365SchemaPropertySet -Properties $parameterInformation ` -Workload $Workload if ($CmdLetNoun -like "*DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicy") { $CimInstancesSchemaContent += "`r`n" + ($definitionsettings.MOFInstance -join "`r`n`r`n") $schemaProperties += $definitionSettings.MOF -join "`r`n" } Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $AssignmentsCIM -FilePath $schemaFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $AssignmentsProperty -FilePath $schemaFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $CimInstancesSchemaContent -FilePath $schemaFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $ResourceName -FilePath $schemaFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $ResourceName -FilePath $schemaFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $schemaProperties -FilePath $schemaFilePath #endregion #region Settings $resourcePermissions = (Get-M365DSCResourcePermission ` -Workload $Workload ` -CmdLetNoun $CmdLetNoun ` -ApiVersion $ApiVersion ` -UpdateVerb $updateVerb).permissions if ($ResourceName -like "Intune*") { $ += @{ name = 'Group.Read.All' } $resourcePermissions.graph.application.update += @{ name = 'Group.Read.All' } $ += @{ name = 'Group.Read.All' } $resourcePermissions.graph.delegated.update += @{ name = 'Group.Read.All' } } $resourcePermissions = $resourcePermissions | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 $resourcePermissions = ' ' + $resourcePermissions Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $ResourceName -FilePath $settingsFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $resourceDescription -FilePath $settingsFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $ResourcePermissions -FilePath $settingsFilePath #endregion #region ReadMe Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $ResourceName -FilePath $readmeFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $resourceDescription -FilePath $readmeFilePath #endregion #region Examples if ($null -ne $Credential) { Import-Module Microsoft365DSC -Force New-M365DSCExampleFile -ResourceName $ResourceName ` -Path $ExampleFilePath ` -Credential $Credential } #endregion } else { $ParametersToFilterOut = @('Verbose', 'Debug', 'ErrorAction', 'WarningAction', 'InformationAction', 'ErrorVariable', 'WarningVariable', 'InformationVariable', 'OutVariable', 'OutBuffer', 'PipelineVariable', 'WhatIf', 'Confirm', 'ProgressAction') $cmdlet = Get-Command ($cmdletVerb + "-" + $cmdletNoun) $defaultParameterSetProperties = $cmdlet.ParameterSets | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.IsDefault} if ($null -eq $defaultParameterSetProperties) { # No default parameter set, if there is only a single parameter set then use that if ($cmdlet.ParameterSets.Count -eq 1) { $defaultParameterSetProperties = $cmdlet.ParameterSets[0] } else { throw "CmdLet '$($cmdletVerb + "-" + $cmdletNoun)' does not have a default parameter set" } } $properties = $defaultParameterSetProperties.Parameters | Where-Object -FilterScript {-not $ParametersToFilterOut.Contains($_.Name) -and -not $_.Name.StartsWith('MsftInternal')} #region Get longest parametername $longestParameterName = ("CertificateThumbprint").Length foreach ($property in $properties) { if ($property.Name.Length -gt $longestParameterName) { $longestParameterName = $property.Name.Length } } #endregion #region Get ParameterBlock $primaryKey = '' $paramContent = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() $returnContent = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() $exportAuthContent = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() $mofSchemaContent = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() $fakeValues = @{} foreach ($property in $properties) { $propertyTypeMOF = $property.ParameterType.Name switch($property.ParameterType.Name) { "Int64" { $propertyTypeMOF = 'UInt64' } "Int32" { $propertyTypeMOF = 'UInt32' } } if ($property.IsMandatory) { if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($primaryKey) -or $property.Name -eq 'Identity') { $primaryKey = $property.Name } $paramContent.AppendLine(" [Parameter(Mandatory = `$true)]") | Out-Null $mofSchemaContent.AppendLine(" [Key, Description(`"$($property.Description)`")] $propertyTypeMOF $($property.Name);") | Out-Null } else { $paramContent.AppendLine(" [Parameter()]") | Out-Null $mofSchemaContent.AppendLine(" [Write, Description(`"$($property.Description)`")] $propertyTypeMOF $($property.Name);") | Out-Null } $fakeValues.Add($property.Name, (Get-M365DSCDRGFakeValueForParameter -ParameterType $property.ParameterType.Name)) $spacingRequired = " " for ($i = 0; $i -lt ($longestParameterName - $property.Name.Length); $i++) { $spacingRequired += " " } $returnContent.AppendLine(" $($property.Name)$spacingRequired= `$instance.$($property.Name)") | Out-Null $paramContent.AppendLine(" [$($property.ParameterType.FullName)]") | Out-Null $paramContent.AppendLine(" `$$($property.Name),`r`n") | Out-Null } # Ensure $spacingRequired = " " for ($i = 0; $i -lt ($longestParameterName - ("Ensure").Length); $i++) { $spacingRequired += " " } $returnContent.AppendLine(" Ensure$spacingRequired= 'Present'") | Out-Null $paramContent.AppendLine(" [Parameter()]") | Out-Null $paramContent.AppendLine(" [ValidateSet('Present', 'Absent')]") | Out-Null $paramContent.AppendLine(" [System.String]") | Out-Null $paramContent.AppendLine(" `$Ensure,`r`n") | Out-Null $mofSchemaContent.AppendLine(" [Write, Description(`"Present ensures the instance exists, absent ensures it is removed.`"), ValueMap{`"Present`",`"Absent`"}, Values{`"Present`",`"Absent`"}] string Ensure;") | Out-Null # Credential $spacingRequired = " " for ($i = 0; $i -lt ($longestParameterName - ("Credential").Length); $i++) { $spacingRequired += " " } $returnContent.AppendLine(" Credential$spacingRequired= `$Credential") | Out-Null $paramContent.AppendLine(" [Parameter()]") | Out-Null $paramContent.AppendLine(" [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]") | Out-Null $paramContent.AppendLine(" `$Credential,`r`n") | Out-Null $mofSchemaContent.AppendLine(" [Write, Description(`"Credentials of the workload's Admin`"), EmbeddedInstance(`"MSFT_Credential`")] string Credential;") | Out-Null if ($Workload -ne 'SecurityAndCompliance') { # Application Id $spacingRequired = " " for ($i = 0; $i -lt ($longestParameterName - ("ApplicationId").Length); $i++) { $spacingRequired += " " } $returnContent.AppendLine(" ApplicationId$spacingRequired= `$ApplicationId") | Out-Null $paramContent.AppendLine(" [Parameter()]") | Out-Null $paramContent.AppendLine(" [System.String]") | Out-Null $paramContent.AppendLine(" `$ApplicationId,`r`n") | Out-Null $exportAuthContent.AppendLine(" ApplicationId = `$ApplicationId") | Out-Null $mofSchemaContent.AppendLine(" [Write, Description(`"Id of the Azure Active Directory application to authenticate with.`")] String ApplicationId;") | Out-Null # Tenant Id $spacingRequired = " " for ($i = 0; $i -lt ($longestParameterName - ("TenantId").Length); $i++) { $spacingRequired += " " } $returnContent.AppendLine(" TenantId$spacingRequired= `$TenantId") | Out-Null $paramContent.AppendLine(" [Parameter()]") | Out-Null $paramContent.AppendLine(" [System.String]") | Out-Null $paramContent.AppendLine(" `$TenantId,`r`n") | Out-Null $exportAuthContent.AppendLine(" TenantId = `$TenantId") | Out-Null $mofSchemaContent.AppendLine(" [Write, Description(`"Id of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication.`")] String TenantId;") | Out-Null # CertificateThumbprint $spacingRequired = " " for ($i = 0; $i -lt ($longestParameterName - ("CertificateThumbprint").Length); $i++) { $spacingRequired += " " } $returnContent.AppendLine(" CertificateThumbprint$spacingRequired= `$CertificateThumbprint") | Out-Null $paramContent.AppendLine(" [Parameter()]") | Out-Null $paramContent.AppendLine(" [System.String]") | Out-Null $paramContent.AppendLine(" `$CertificateThumbprint,`r`n") | Out-Null $exportAuthContent.AppendLine(" CertificateThumbprint = `$CertificateThumbprint") | Out-Null $mofSchemaContent.AppendLine(" [Write, Description(`"Thumbprint of the Azure Active Directory application's authentication certificate to use for authentication.`")] String CertificateThumbprint;") | Out-Null if ($workload -ne 'MicrosoftTeams') { # ApplicationSecret $spacingRequired = " " for ($i = 0; $i -lt ($longestParameterName - ("ApplicationSecret").Length); $i++) { $spacingRequired += " " } $returnContent.AppendLine(" ApplicationSecret$spacingRequired= `$ApplicationSecret") | Out-Null $paramContent.AppendLine(" [Parameter()]") | Out-Null $paramContent.AppendLine(" [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]") | Out-Null $paramContent.AppendLine(" `$ApplicationSecret,`r`n") | Out-Null $exportAuthContent.AppendLine(" ApplicationSecret = `$ApplicationSecret") | Out-Null $mofSchemaContent.AppendLine(" [Write, Description(`"Secret of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication.`"), EmbeddedInstance(`"MSFT_Credential`")] String ApplicationSecret;") | Out-Null } } $parameterBlock = $paramContent.ToString() $parameterBlock = $parameterBlock.Remove($parameterBlock.Length -5, 5) # remove trailing comma Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $parameterBlock -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $exportAuthContent.ToString() -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $returnContent.ToString() -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $primaryKey -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value "New-$cmdletNoun" -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value "Set-$cmdletNoun" -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value "Remove-$cmdletNoun" -FilePath $moduleFilePath #endregion #region GetKeyIdentifier $cmdlet = Get-Command $('Get-' + $cmdletNoun) $defaultParameterSetProperties = $cmdlet.ParameterSets | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.IsDefault} Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $defaultParameterSetProperties[0].Name -FilePath $moduleFilePath #endregion Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value "Get-$cmdletNoun" -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '<#Workload#>' -Value $Workload -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value '' -FilePath $moduleFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $mofSchemaContent -FilePath $schemaFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $ResourceName -FilePath $schemaFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value '' -FilePath $schemaFilePath #region Readme & Settings $cmdName = "New-$cmdletNoun" $cmdletInfo = & $cmdName -? $synopsis = $cmdletInfo.Synopsis.Replace('cmdlet', 'resource') Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $ResourceName -FilePath $readmeFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $synopsis -FilePath $readmeFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $ResourceName -FilePath $settingsFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $synopsis -FilePath $settingsFilePath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value '[]' -FilePath $settingsFilePath #endregion #region UnitTests $fakeValuesString = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() $fakeValuesDriftString = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() $numberOfProperties = $fakeValues.Keys.Count $currentKeyIndex = 1 foreach ($key in $fakeValues.Keys) { $spacingRequired = ' ' for ($i = 0; $i -lt ($longestParameterName - $key.Length); $i++) { $spacingRequired += " " } $propertyValue = $null $propertyDriftValue = $null if ($null -eq $fakeValues.$key) { continue } switch ($fakeValues.$key.GetType().Name) { "String" { $propertyValue = "`"$($fakeValues.$key)`"" if ($key -ne $primaryKey) { $propertyDriftValue = "`"" + (Get-M365DSCDRGFakeValueForParameter -ParameterType 'String' ` -Drift:$true) + "`"" } else { $propertyDriftValue = $propertyValue } } "Boolean" { $propertyValue = "`$$($fakeValues.$key)" if ($key -ne $primaryKey) { $propertyDriftValue = "`$" + (Get-M365DSCDRGFakeValueForParameter -ParameterType 'Boolean' ` -Drift:$true) } else { $propertyDriftValue = $propertyValue } } "Int32" { $propertyValue = $fakeValues.$key.ToString() if ($key -ne $primaryKey) { $propertyDriftValue = (Get-M365DSCDRGFakeValueForParameter -ParameterType 'Int32' ` -Drift:$true) } else { $propertyDriftValue = $propertyValue } } "Int64" { $propertyValue = $fakeValues.$key.ToString() if ($key -ne $primaryKey) { $propertyDriftValue = (Get-M365DSCDRGFakeValueForParameter -ParameterType 'Int64' ` -Drift:$true) } else { $propertyDriftValue = $propertyValue } } } $fakeValuesString.AppendLine("#$#$key$spacingRequired= $propertyValue") | Out-Null $fakeValuesDriftString.AppendLine("#$#$key$spacingRequired= $propertyDriftValue") | Out-Null $currentKeyIndex++ } Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $ResourceName -FilePath $unitTestPath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value "Get-$cmdletNoun" -FilePath $unitTestPath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value "Set-$cmdletNoun" -FilePath $unitTestPath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value "New-$cmdletNoun" -FilePath $unitTestPath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value "Remove-$cmdletNoun" -FilePath $unitTestPath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $fakeValuesString.ToString().Replace('#$#', ' ') -FilePath $unitTestPath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $fakeValuesDriftString.ToString().Replace('#$#', ' ') -FilePath $unitTestPath #endregion #region Generate Examples $exportPath = Join-Path -Path $env:temp -ChildPath $ResourceName Export-M365DSCConfiguration -Credential $Credential ` -Components $ResourceName -Path $exportPath ` -FileName "$ResourceName.ps1" ` -ConfigurationName 'Example' | Out-Null $exportedFilePath = Join-Path -Path $exportPath -ChildPath "$ResourceName.ps1" $exportContent = Get-Content $exportedFilePath -Raw $start = $exportContent.IndexOf("`r`n $ResourceName ") $end = $exportContent.IndexOf("`r`n }", $start) $start = $exportContent.IndexOf("{", $start) + 1 $exampleContent = $exportContent.Substring($start, $end-$start) $exampleFileFullPath = "$ExampleFilePath\$ResourceName\1-$ResourceName-Example.psm1" $folderPath = "$ExampleFilePath\$ResourceName" New-Item $folderPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null $templatePath = '.\Example.Template.ps1' Copy-Item -Path $templatePath -Destination $exampleFileFullPath -Force Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $exampleContent -FilePath $exampleFileFullPath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $ResourceName -FilePath $exampleFileFullPath #endregion } } function Get-MgGraphModuleCmdLetDifference { $modules = Get-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph.* -ListAvailable | Sort-Object -Property Name, Version | Out-GridView -PassThru if ($modules.Count -eq 0) { throw 'No module selected!' } if (($modules.Name | Sort-Object | Select-Object -Unique).Count -ne 1 -or $modules.Count -ne 2) { throw 'Please select two versions of the same module' } [array]$exportedKeysModule1 = $modules[0].ExportedCommands.Keys [array]$exportedKeysModule2 = $modules[1].ExportedCommands.Keys $diffs = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $exportedKeysModule1 -DifferenceObject $exportedKeysModule2 foreach ($diff in $diffs) { switch ($diff.SideIndicator) { '=>' { Write-Host "Cmdlet '$($diff.InputObject)' is new in $($modules[1].Name) v$($modules[1].Version)" -ForegroundColor Green } '<=' { Write-Host "Cmdlet '$($diff.InputObject)' has been removed from $($modules[1].Name) v$($modules[1].Version)" -ForegroundColor Yellow } } } } function New-M365DSCResourceForGraphCmdLet { param ( # Name of one graph module, e.g. "Microsoft.Graph.Intune" [Parameter()] [System.String] $MgGraphModule, # Generate resources for all cmdLets within Microsoft.Graph.* modules [Parameter()] [Switch] $All = $false ) if ($null -ne $MgGraphModuleName) { $modules = Get-InstalledModule -Name $MgGraphModule } if ($All) { $modules = Get-InstalledModule -Name Microsoft.Graph.* } foreach ($module in $modules) { Write-Verbose -Message "$($module.Name)" $commands = (Get-Command -Module $module.Name -Verb Get | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.CommandType -eq 'Function' }).Noun $commands = Get-Command -Module $module.Name $nouns = $commands.Noun | Sort-Object | Select-Object -Unique foreach ($noun in $nouns) { Write-Verbose -Message "- $($noun)" $nounCommands = $commands | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Noun -eq $noun } if ($nounCommands.Verb -notcontains 'Get' -or ` $nounCommands.Verb -notcontains 'Update' -or ` $nounCommands.Verb -notcontains 'New') { Write-Verbose ' [SKIPPING] Noun does not have Get, New and/or Update method' -ForegroundColor Magenta continue } $shortNoun = $noun.Substring(2, $noun.Length - 2) New-M365DSCResource -ResourceName $shortNoun -GraphModule $module.Name -GraphModuleVersion $module.Version -CmdLetNoun $noun } } } function Get-CmdletDefinition { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Entity, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('v1.0', 'beta')] [string] $APIVersion ) if ($ApiVersion -eq 'v1.0') { $Uri = '' } else { $Uri = '' } $metadata = ([XML](Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri)).Edmx.DataServices.schema return $metadata } # Retrieve all properties from metadata schema function Get-TypeProperties { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $CmdletDefinition, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Entity, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $IncludeNavigationProperties = $false, [Parameter()] [System.String[]] $CimClasses, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Workload, [Parameter()] [System.String] $ParentPropertyName = "" ) $namespace = $CmdletDefinition | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.EntityType.Name -contains $Entity } if ($null -eq $namespace) { $namespace = $CmdletDefinition | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.ComplexType.Name -contains $Entity } } $properties = @() $baseType = $Entity #Get all properties for the entity or complex do { $isComplex = $false $entityType = $namespace.EntityType | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -eq $baseType } $isAbstract = $false if ($entityType.Abstract -eq 'True') { $isAbstract = $true } if ($null -eq $entityType) { $isComplex = $true $entityType = $namespace.ComplexType | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -eq $baseType } #if ($entityType.Abstract -eq 'true') if ($null -eq $entityType.BaseType) { $isAbstract = $true } } if ($null -ne $entityType.Property) { $rawProperties = $entityType.Property foreach ($property in $rawProperties) { $IsRootProperty = $false if (($entityType.BaseType -eq "graph.Entity") -or ($entityType.Name -eq "entity") -or ($isAbstract -and $entityType.Name -eq $global:searchedEntity)) { $IsRootProperty = $true } $myProperty = @{} $myProperty.Add('Name',$property.Name) $myProperty.Add('Type',$property.Type) $myProperty.Add('IsRootProperty',$IsRootProperty) $myProperty.Add('ParentType',$entityType.Name) $description = '' if (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($property.Annotation.String)) { $description = $property.Annotation.String.Replace('"',"'") $description = $description -replace '[^\p{L}\p{Nd}/(/}/_ -.,=:)'']', '' } else { $annotation = $CmdletDefinition.Annotations | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Target -like "microsoft.graph.$($property.ParentNode.Name)/$($property.Name)" } if (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($annotation.Annotation.String)) { $description = $annotation.Annotation.String.Replace('"',"'") $description = $description -replace '[^\p{L}\p{Nd}/(/}/_ -.,=:)'']', '' } } $myProperty.Add('Description', $description) $properties += $myProperty } } if ($isComplex) { $abstractType = $namespace.ComplexType | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.BaseType -eq "graph.$baseType"} foreach ($subType in $abstractType) { $rawProperties = $subType.Property foreach ($property in $rawProperties) { $IsRootProperty = $false if ($entityType.BaseType -eq "graph.Entity" -or $entityType.Name -eq "entity" ) { $IsRootProperty = $true } if ($property.Name -notin ($properties.Name)) { $myProperty = @{} $myProperty.Add('Name',$property.Name) $myProperty.Add('Type',$property.Type) $myProperty.Add('IsRootProperty',$false) $myProperty.Add('ParentType',$entityType.Name) $description = '' if (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($property.Annotation.String)) { $description = $property.Annotation.String.Replace('"',"'") $description = $description -replace '[^\p{L}\p{Nd}/(/}/_ -.,=:)'']', '' } else { $annotation = $CmdletDefinition.Annotations | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Target -like "microsoft.graph.$($property.ParentNode.Name)/$($property.Name)" } if (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($annotation.Annotation.String)) { $description = $annotation.Annotation.String.Replace('"',"'") $description = $description -replace '[^\p{L}\p{Nd}/(/}/_ -.,=:)'']', '' } } $myProperty.Add('Description', $description) $properties += $myProperty } } } if (([Array]$abstractType.Name).Count -gt 0) { $myProperty = @{} $myProperty.Add('Name','@odata.type') $myProperty.Add('Type','Custom.Enum') $myProperty.Add('Members',$abstractType.Name) $myProperty.Add('IsRootProperty',$false) $myProperty.Add('Description','The type of the entity.') $myProperty.Add('ParentType',$entityType.Name) $properties += $myProperty } } if ($IncludeNavigationProperties -and $null -ne $entityType.NavigationProperty) { $rawProperties = $entityType.NavigationProperty foreach ($property in $rawProperties) { $IsRootProperty = $false if ($entityType.BaseType -eq "graph.Entity" -or $entityType.Name -eq "entity" ) { $IsRootProperty = $true } $myProperty = @{} $myProperty.Add('Name',$property.Name) $myProperty.Add('Type',$property.Type) $myProperty.Add('IsNavigationProperty', $true) $myProperty.Add('IsRootProperty',$IsRootProperty) $myProperty.Add('ParentType',$entityType.Name) $myProperty.Add('Description', $property.Annotation.String.Replace('"',"'")) $properties += $myProperty } } $baseType = $null if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($entityType.BaseType)) { $baseType = $entityType.BaseType.Replace('graph.','') } } while ($null -ne $baseType) # Enrich properties $result = @() foreach ($property in $properties) { $derivedType = $property.Type #Array $isArray = $false $isEnum = $false if ($derivedType -eq 'Custom.Enum') { $isEnum = $true } $isComplex = $false if ($derivedType -like "Collection(*)") { $isArray = $true $derivedType = $derivedType.Replace('Collection(','').Replace(')','') } $property.Add('IsArray',$isArray) #} #DerivedType if ($derivedType -like ('graph.*')) { $derivedType = $derivedType.Replace('graph.','') #Enum if ($derivedType -in $namespace.EnumType.Name) { $isEnum = $true $enumType = $namespace.EnumType | where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -eq $derivedType} $property.Add('Members',$enumType.Member.Name) } #Complex if (($derivedType -in $namespace.ComplexType.Name) -or ($property.IsNavigationProperty)) { $complexName = $ParentPropertyName + "-" + $property.Name + "-" + $property.Type $isComplex = $true if ($complexName -notin $global:ComplexList) { if ($ParentPropertyName -ne "") { $global:ComplexList += $complexName } $nestedProperties = Get-TypeProperties ` -CmdletDefinition $CmdletDefinition ` -Entity $derivedType ` -CimClasses $CimClasses ` -Workload $Workload ` -ParentPropertyName $property.Name $property.Add('Properties', $nestedProperties) } } } if ($derivedType -like ('Edm.*')) { $derivedType = $derivedType.Replace('Edm','System') if ($derivedType -like ('*.TimeOfDay')) { $derivedType = 'System.TimeSpan' } if ($derivedType -like ('*.Date')) { $derivedType = 'System.DateTime' } } if ($cimClasses -contains "MSFT_$Workload$derivedType") { $cimCounter = ([Array]($CimClasses | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -like "MSFT_$Workload$derivedType*" })).Count $derivedType += $cimCounter.ToString() } if ($isEnum) { $derivedType = 'System.String' } $property.Add('DerivedType', $derivedType) $property.Add('IsComplexType', $isComplex) $property.Add('IsEnumType', $isEnum) $result += $property } return $result } function Get-Microsoft365DSCModuleCimClass { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param ( [Parameter()] [System.String] $ResourceName ) Import-Module -Name Microsoft365DSC -Force $modulePath = Split-Path -Path (Get-Module -Name Microsoft365DSC).Path $resourcesPath = "$modulePath\DSCResources\*\*.mof" $resources = (Get-ChildItem $resourcesPath).FullName $resources = $resources | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_ -notlike "*MSFT_$ResourceName.schema.mof"} $cimClasses = @() foreach ($resource in $resources) { $text = Get-Content $resource foreach ($line in $text) { if ($line -like "class MSFT_*") { $class = $line.Replace("class ","").Replace("Class ","") if ($line -like "*:*") { $class = $class.Split(":")[0].trim() } if ($class -notin $cimClasses) { $cimClasses += $class } } } } return $cimClasses } function Get-StringFirstCharacterToUpper { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Value ) return $Value.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + $Value.Substring(1, $Value.Length - 1) } function Get-StringFirstCharacterToLower { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Value ) return $Value.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + $Value.Substring(1, $Value.Length - 1) } function Get-ComplexTypeConstructorToString { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript({ $_.IsComplexType })] $Property, [Parameter()] [System.String] $ParentPropertyName, [Parameter()] [System.String] $ParentPropertyValuePath, [Parameter()] [System.String] $IsParentFromAdditionalProperties = $False, [Parameter()] [System.Int32] $IndentCount = 0, [Parameter()] [System.String] $DateFormat, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $IsNested = $false ) $complexString = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() $indent = " " $spacing = $indent * $IndentCount $propertyName = Get-StringFirstCharacterToUpper -Value $Property.Name $returnPropertyName = "complex" + $propertyName $tempPropertyName = $returnPropertyName $valuePrefix = "getValue." $referencePrefix = "getValue." if ($isNested) { #$valuePrefix = "`$current$propertyName." $valuePrefix = "$ParentPropertyValuePath" $referencePrefix = "$ParentPropertyValuePath" } $loopPropertyName = $Property.Name if ($isParentfromAdditionalProperties) { $loopPropertyName = Get-StringFirstCharacterToLower -Value $loopPropertyName } if ($Property.IsRootProperty -eq $false -and -not $IsNested) { $loopPropertyName = Get-StringFirstCharacterToLower -Value $Property.Name $propertyName = Get-StringFirstCharacterToLower -Value $Property.Name $valuePrefix += "AdditionalProperties." $referencePrefix += "AdditionalProperties." } $referencePrefix += "$propertyName." if ($property.IsArray) { $tempPropertyName = "my$propertyName" if ($isNested) { $valuePrefix = $ParentPropertyValuePath if ($null -eq $valuePrefix) { $propRoot = $ParentPropertyName.Replace("my","") $valuePrefix = "current$propRoot." #if ($property.IsRootProperty -eq $false -and -not $IsNested) #{ # $valuePrefix += "AdditionalProperties." #} } } $iterationPropertyName = "current$propertyName" $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "`$$returnPropertyName" + " = @()") | Out-Null $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "foreach (`$$iterationPropertyName in `$$valuePrefix" + $loopPropertyName + ")" ) | Out-Null $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "{" ) | Out-Null $IndentCount ++ $spacing = $indent * $IndentCount } $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "`$$tempPropertyName" + " = @{}") | Out-Null foreach ($nestedProperty in $property.Properties) { $nestedPropertyName = Get-StringFirstCharacterToUpper -Value $nestedProperty.Name if ($nestedPropertyName -eq '@odata.type') { $nestedPropertyName = 'odataType' } $valuePrefix = "getValue." if ($Property.IsArray) { $valuePrefix = "$iterationPropertyName." $referencePrefix = "$iterationPropertyName." } if ($isNested -and -not $Property.IsArray) { $propRoot = $ParentPropertyName.Replace("my","") #$valuePrefix = "current$propRoot." $valuePrefix = "$referencePrefix" #$recallProperty='' if ($isParentfromAdditionalProperties) { #$recallProperty=Get-StringFirstCharacterToLower -Value $propertyName $referencePrefixElements = @() foreach ($elt in ($referencePrefix.Split('.') | Where-Object -FilterScript { -not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) })) { $referencePrefixElements += Get-StringFirstCharacterToLower -Value $elt #$referencePrefix = "$valuePrefix$recallProperty." } $referencePrefix = ($referencePrefixElements -join '.') + '.' $valuePrefix = $referencePrefix } #$valuePrefix += "." } $AssignedPropertyName = $nestedProperty.Name if ($nestedProperty.IsRootProperty -eq $false -and -not $IsNested) { $valuePrefix += "AdditionalProperties." } if ($nestedProperty.IsRootProperty -eq $false -or $IsParentFromAdditionalProperties) { $AssignedPropertyName = Get-StringFirstCharacterToLower -Value $nestedProperty.Name } if ($AssignedPropertyName.contains("@")) { $AssignedPropertyName = "'$AssignedPropertyName'" } if ((-not $isNested) -and (-not $Property.IsArray) -and ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ParentPropertyValuePath))) { $valuePrefix += "$propertyName." } if ($nestedProperty.IsComplexType) { $complexName = $Property.Name + "-" + $nestedProperty.Type #if ($complexName -notin $global:ComplexList) #{ $global:ComplexList += $complexName $nestedString = '' $nestedString = Get-ComplexTypeConstructorToString ` -Property $nestedProperty ` -IndentCount $IndentCount ` -IsNested $true ` -ParentPropertyName $tempPropertyName ` -ParentPropertyValuePath $referencePrefix ` -IsParentFromAdditionalProperties $(if ($isNested) {$isParentfromAdditionalProperties} else {-not $Property.IsRootProperty}) #-IsParentFromAdditionalProperties (-not $Property.IsRootProperty) $complexString.Append($nestedString) | Out-Null #} } else { if ($nestedProperty.Type -like "*.Date*") { $nestedPropertyType = $nestedProperty.Type.Split(".") | Select-Object -Last 1 if ($isNested) { $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "if (`$null -ne `$$valuePrefix$AssignedPropertyName)" ) | Out-Null } else { $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "if (`$null -ne `$$referencePrefix$AssignedPropertyName)" ) | Out-Null } $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "{" ) | Out-Null $IndentCount++ $spacing = $indent * $IndentCount $AssignedPropertyName += ").ToString('$DateFormat')" if ($isNested) { $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "`$$tempPropertyName.Add('" + $nestedPropertyName + "', ([$nestedPropertyType]`$$valuePrefix$AssignedPropertyName)" ) | Out-Null } else { $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "`$$tempPropertyName.Add('" + $nestedPropertyName + "', ([$nestedPropertyType]`$$referencePrefix$AssignedPropertyName)" ) | Out-Null } $IndentCount-- $spacing = $indent * $IndentCount $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "}" ) | Out-Null } elseif ($nestedProperty.Type -like "*.Time*") { $nestedPropertyType = $nestedProperty.Type.Split(".") | Select-Object -Last 1 if ($isNested) { $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "if (`$null -ne `$$valuePrefix$AssignedPropertyName)" ) | Out-Null } else { $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "if (`$null -ne `$$referencePrefix$AssignedPropertyName)" ) | Out-Null } $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "{" ) | Out-Null $IndentCount++ $spacing = $indent * $IndentCount $AssignedPropertyName += ").ToString()" if ($isNested) { $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "`$$tempPropertyName.Add('" + $nestedPropertyName + "', ([$nestedPropertyType]`$$valuePrefix$AssignedPropertyName)" ) | Out-Null } else { $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "`$$tempPropertyName.Add('" + $nestedPropertyName + "', ([$nestedPropertyType]`$$referencePrefix$AssignedPropertyName)" ) | Out-Null } $IndentCount-- $spacing = $indent * $IndentCount $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "}" ) | Out-Null } else { if ($nestedProperty.IsEnumType) { if ($isNested) { $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "if (`$null -ne `$$valuePrefix$AssignedPropertyName)" ) | Out-Null } else { $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "if (`$null -ne `$$referencePrefix$AssignedPropertyName)" ) | Out-Null } $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "{" ) | Out-Null $IndentCount++ $spacing = $indent * $IndentCount if ($isNested) { $complexString.Append($spacing + "`$$tempPropertyName.Add('" + $nestedPropertyName + "', `$$valuePrefix$AssignedPropertyName.ToString()" ) | Out-Null } else { $complexString.Append($spacing + "`$$tempPropertyName.Add('" + $nestedPropertyName + "', `$$referencePrefix$AssignedPropertyName.ToString()" ) | Out-Null } $complexString.Append(")`r`n" ) | Out-Null $IndentCount-- $spacing = $indent * $IndentCount $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "}" ) | Out-Null } else { if ($isNested) { $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "`$$tempPropertyName.Add('" + $nestedPropertyName + "', `$$valuePrefix$AssignedPropertyName)" ) | Out-Null } else { $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "`$$tempPropertyName.Add('" + $nestedPropertyName + "', `$$referencePrefix$AssignedPropertyName)" ) | Out-Null } } } } } if ($property.IsArray) { $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "if (`$$tempPropertyName.values.Where({`$null -ne `$_}).Count -gt 0)" ) | Out-Null $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "{" ) | Out-Null $IndentCount++ $spacing = $indent * $IndentCount $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "`$$returnPropertyName += `$$tempPropertyName" ) | Out-Null $IndentCount-- $spacing = $indent * $IndentCount $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "}" ) | Out-Null $IndentCount-- $spacing = $indent * $IndentCount $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "}" ) | Out-Null if ($IsNested) { $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "`$$ParentPropertyName" +".Add('$propertyName',`$$returnPropertyName" +")" ) | Out-Null } } else { $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "if (`$$tempPropertyName.values.Where({`$null -ne `$_}).Count -eq 0)" ) | Out-Null $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "{" ) | Out-Null $IndentCount++ $spacing = $indent * $IndentCount $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "`$$returnPropertyName = `$null" ) | Out-Null $IndentCount-- $spacing = $indent * $IndentCount $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "}" ) | Out-Null if ($IsNested) { $complexString.AppendLine($spacing + "`$$ParentPropertyName" +".Add('$propertyName',`$$returnPropertyName" +")" ) | Out-Null } } return [String]($complexString.ToString()) } function Get-DateTypeConstructorToString { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String[]])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript({$_.Type -like "System.Date*"})] $Property, [Parameter()] [System.String] $ParentPropertyName, [Parameter()] [System.Int32] $IndentCount = 0, [Parameter()] [System.String] $DateFormat, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $IsNested = $false ) $dateString = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() $indent = " " $spacing = $indent * $IndentCount $valuePrefix = "getValue." $propertyName = Get-StringFirstCharacterToUpper -Value $Property.Name $returnPropertyName = "date"+ $propertyName $propertyType = $Property.Type.Split(".") | Select-Object -Last 1 if ($Property.IsRootProperty -eq $false) { $propertyName = Get-StringFirstCharacterToLower -Value $Property.Name $valuePrefix += "AdditionalProperties." } if ($property.IsArray) { $dateString.AppendLine($spacing + "`$$returnPropertyName" + " = @()") | Out-Null $dateString.AppendLine($spacing + "foreach (`$current$propertyName in `$$valuePrefix$PropertyName)" ) | Out-Null $dateString.AppendLine($spacing + "{" ) | Out-Null $IndentCount++ $spacing = $indent * $IndentCount $dateString.AppendLine($spacing + "`$$returnPropertyName += ([$propertyType]`$current$propertyName).ToString('$DateFormat')") | Out-Null $IndentCount-- $spacing = $indent * $IndentCount $dateString.AppendLine($spacing + "}" ) | Out-Null } else { $dateString.AppendLine($spacing + "`$$returnPropertyName" + " = `$null") | Out-Null $dateString.AppendLine($spacing + "if (`$null -ne `$$valuePrefix$PropertyName)" ) | Out-Null $dateString.AppendLine($spacing + "{" ) | Out-Null $IndentCount++ $spacing = $indent * $IndentCount $dateString.AppendLine($spacing + "`$$returnPropertyName = ([$propertyType]`$$valuePrefix$PropertyName).ToString('$DateFormat')") | Out-Null $IndentCount-- $spacing = $indent * $IndentCount $dateString.AppendLine($spacing + "}" ) | Out-Null } return $dateString.ToString() } function Get-TimeTypeConstructorToString { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String[]])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript({ $_.Type -like "System.Time*" })] $Property, [Parameter()] [System.String] $ParentPropertyName, [Parameter()] [System.Int32] $IndentCount = 0, [Parameter()] [System.String] $DateFormat, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $IsNested = $false ) $timeString = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() $indent = " " $spacing = $indent * $IndentCount $valuePrefix = "getValue." $propertyName = Get-StringFirstCharacterToUpper -Value $Property.Name $returnPropertyName = "time"+ $propertyName $propertyType = $Property.Type.Split(".") | Select-Object -Last 1 if ($Property.IsRootProperty -eq $false) { $propertyName = Get-StringFirstCharacterToLower -Value $Property.Name $valuePrefix += "AdditionalProperties." } if ($property.IsArray) { $timeString.AppendLine($spacing + "`$$returnPropertyName" + " = @()") | Out-Null $timeString.AppendLine($spacing + "foreach (`$current$propertyName in `$$valuePrefix$PropertyName)" ) | Out-Null $timeString.AppendLine($spacing + "{" ) | Out-Null $IndentCount++ $spacing = $indent * $IndentCount $timeString.AppendLine($spacing + "`$$returnPropertyName += ([$propertyType]`$current$propertyName).ToString()") | Out-Null $IndentCount-- $spacing = $indent * $IndentCount $timeString.AppendLine($spacing + "}" ) | Out-Null } else { $timeString.AppendLine($spacing + "`$$returnPropertyName" + " = `$null") | Out-Null $timeString.AppendLine($spacing + "if (`$null -ne `$$valuePrefix$PropertyName)" ) | Out-Null $timeString.AppendLine($spacing + "{" ) | Out-Null $IndentCount++ $spacing = $indent * $IndentCount $timeString.AppendLine($spacing + "`$$returnPropertyName = ([$propertyType]`$$valuePrefix$PropertyName).ToString()") | Out-Null $IndentCount-- $spacing = $indent * $IndentCount $timeString.AppendLine($spacing + "}" ) | Out-Null } return $timeString.ToString() } function Get-EnumTypeConstructorToString { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String[]])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript({$_.IsEnumType})] $Property, [Parameter()] [System.String] $ParentPropertyName, [Parameter()] [System.Int32] $IndentCount = 0, [Parameter()] [System.String] $DateFormat ) $enumString = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() $indent = " " $spacing = $indent * $IndentCount $valuePrefix = "getValue." $propertyName = Get-StringFirstCharacterToUpper -Value $Property.Name $returnPropertyName= "enum"+ $propertyName if ($Property.IsRootProperty -eq $false) { $propertyName = Get-StringFirstCharacterToLower -Value $Property.Name $valuePrefix += "AdditionalProperties." } $enumString.AppendLine($spacing + "`$$returnPropertyName" + " = `$null") | Out-Null $enumString.AppendLine($spacing + "if (`$null -ne `$$valuePrefix$PropertyName)" ) | Out-Null $enumString.AppendLine($spacing + "{" ) | Out-Null $IndentCount++ $spacing = $indent * $IndentCount $enumString.AppendLine($spacing + "`$$returnPropertyName = `$$valuePrefix$PropertyName.ToString()") | Out-Null $IndentCount-- $spacing = $indent * $IndentCount $enumString.AppendLine($spacing + "}" ) | Out-Null return $enumString.ToString() } function Get-ParameterBlockInformation { [OutputType([Hashtable[]])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [Object[]] $Properties, [Parameter()] [System.Object] $DefaultParameterSetProperties ) $parameterBlock = @() foreach ($property in $Properties) { $isMandatory = $false # Replace this one with the proper mandatory key value $cmdletParameter = $DefaultParameterSetProperties | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -eq $property.Name } if (($null -ne $cmdletParameter ` -and $cmdletParameter.IsMandatory -eq $true) ` -or $property.Name -eq 'Id' -or $property.Name -eq 'DisplayName') { $isMandatory = $true $parameterAttribute = "[Parameter(Mandatory = `$true)]" } else { $parameterAttribute = '[Parameter()]' } $parameterName = $property.Name $parameterNameFirstLetter = $parameterName.Substring(0, 1) $parameterNameFirstLetter = $parameterNameFirstLetter.ToUpper() $parameterNameCamelCaseString = $parameterName.Substring(1) $parameterName = "$($parameterNameFirstLetter)$($parameterNameCamelCaseString)" $myParam = @{ IsMandatory = $isMandatory Attribute = $parameterAttribute Type = $property.DerivedType Name = $parameterName Description = $property.Description IsArray = $property.IsArray IsComplexType = $property.IsComplexType IsEnumType = $property.IsEnumType IsRootProperty = $property.IsRootProperty ParentType = $property.ParentType } if ($property.IsEnumType) { $myParam.Add('Members', $property.Members) } if ($property.IsComplexType) { $myParam.Add('Properties', (Get-ParameterBlockInformation ` -Properties $property.Properties ` -DefaultParameterSetProperties $DefaultParameterSetProperties)) } $parameterBlock += $myParam } return $parameterBlock } function Get-M365DSCDRGParameterType { param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Type ) $parameterType = '' switch -Wildcard ($Type.ToLower()) { 'system.string' { $parameterType = 'System.String' break; } 'system.datetime' { $parameterType = 'System.String' break; } 'system.boolean' { $parameterType = 'System.Boolean' break; } '' { $parameterType = 'System.Boolean' break; } 'system.int32' { $parameterType = 'System.Int32' break; } 'system.int64' { $parameterType = 'System.Int64' break; } 'system.string[[\]]' { $parameterType = 'System.String[]' break; } 'system.*' { $parameterType = $_ break; } 'edm.*' { $parameterType = $Type.Replace('Edm', 'System') break; } 'C(*)' { $typeName = $Type.Replace('C(', '').Replace(')', '') $parameterType = (Get-M365DSCDRGParameterType -Type $typeName) + '[]' break; } 'Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.*' { $parameterType = $_ break; } Default { $parameterType = $_ } } return $parameterType } function Get-M365DSCDRGParameterTypeForSchema { param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Type ) $parameterType = '' switch -Wildcard ($Type.ToLower()) { '*.string' { $parameterType = 'String' } '*.datetime' { $parameterType = 'String' } '*.boolean' { $parameterType = 'Boolean' } '*.int32' { $parameterType = 'UInt32' } '*.int64' { $parameterType = 'UInt64' } Default { $parameterType = 'String' } } return $parameterType } function New-M365CmdLetHelper { param( [Parameter()] [System.String] $CmdLetVerb, [Parameter()] [System.String] $CmdLetNoun, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Properties ) $returnValue = "$($CmdLetVerb)-$($CmdLetNoun) " foreach ($property in $Properties) { if ($property.IsMandatory -eq $true) { $returnValue += "-$($property.Name) `$$($property.Name)0" } } } function Get-M365DSCDRGFakeValueForParameter { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Object])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ParameterType, [Parameter()] [System.String[]] $ValidateSetValues, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $Drift = $false ) switch ($ParameterType) { "String" { if ($null -eq $ValidateSetValues -or $ValidateSetValues.Length -eq 0) { if ($Drift) { return "FakeStringValueDrift #Drift" } return "FakeStringValue" } } "Boolean" { if ($Drift) { return $false } return $true } "Int32" { if ($Drift) { return 2 } return 3 } "Int64" { if ($Drift) { return 2 } return 3 } } } function Get-M365DSCFakeValues { [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Object[]] $ParametersInformation, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $IntroduceDrift = $false, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $IsGetTargetResource = $false, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $IsParentFromAdditionalProperties = $false, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $isCmdletCall = $false, [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $isRecursive = $false, [Parameter()] [System.String] $AdditionalPropertiesType = '', [Parameter()] [System.String] $Workload, [Parameter()] [System.String] $DateFormat = "o" ) $result = @{} $parameters = $parametersInformation $additionalProperties = @{} foreach ($parameter in $parameters) { if ($null -ne (Get-Variable hashValue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { try { clear-variable hashValue -force } catch {} } $parameterName = $parameter.Name if ($parameter.Name -eq "@odata.type" -and $IsGetTargetResource) { $parameterName = 'odataType' } if ($parameter.IsComplexType) { [hashtable]$hashValue = @{} $propertyType = $workload + $parameter.Type if ($IsGetTargetResource) { $propertyType = "MSFT_$propertyType" $hashValue.Add('CIMType', $propertyType) } if (-not $isRecursive) { $IsParentFromAdditionalProperties = $false if (-not $parameter.IsRootProperty) { $IsParentFromAdditionalProperties = $true } } $hashValue.Add('isArray', $parameter.IsArray) $nestedProperties = @() if ($null -ne $parameter.Properties) { $nestedProperties = Get-M365DSCFakeValues -ParametersInformation $parameter.Properties ` -Workload $Workload ` -isCmdletCall $isCmdletCall ` -isRecursive $true ` -IntroduceDrift $IntroduceDrift ` -IsGetTargetResource $IsGetTargetResource ` -IsParentFromAdditionalProperties $IsParentFromAdditionalProperties } $hashValue.Add('Properties', $nestedProperties) $hashValue.Add('Name', $parameterName) } else { switch -Wildcard ($parameter.Type) { '*.String' { [String]$hashValue = '' $fakeValue = 'FakeStringValue' if ($parameter.Members) { $fakeValue = $parameter.Members[0] if ($parameter.Name -eq "@odata.type") { $fakeValue = "#microsoft.graph." + $parameter.Members[0] } } $hashValue = $fakeValue if ($parameter.IsArray) { [string[]]$hashValue = @($fakeValue) } break } '*.String[[\]]' { $fakeValue1 = 'FakeStringArrayValue1' $fakeValue2 = 'FakeStringArrayValue2' if ($parameter.Members) { $fakeValue1 = $parameter.Members[0] $fakeValue2 = $parameter.Members[1] } [Array]$hashValue = @($fakeValue1, $fakeValue2) if ($IntroduceDrift) { $hashValue = @($fakeValue1) } break } '*.Int32' { [Int32]$hashValue = 25 if ($IntroduceDrift) { $hashValue = 7 } break } '*.Boolean' { [Boolean]$hashValue = $true if ($IntroduceDrift) { $hashValue = $false } break } '*.DateTime' { [String]$hashValue = '' $fakeValue = ([DateTime]"2023-01-01T00:00:00").ToString("$DateFormat") $hashValue = $fakeValue break } '*.DateTimeOffset' { [String]$hashValue = '' $fakeValue = ([DateTimeOffset]"2023-01-01T00:00:00").ToString("$DateFormat") $hashValue = $fakeValue break } '*.Time*' { [String]$hashValue = '' $fakeValue = [Datetime]::Parse("00:00:00").TimeOfDay.ToString() $hashValue = $fakeValue break } } } if ($hashValue) { if ((-not $parameter.IsRootProperty) -and -not $IsGetTargetResource -and -not $isRecursive) { $parameterName = Get-StringFirstCharacterToLower -Value $parameterName $additionalProperties.Add($parameterName, $hashValue) } else { if ($IsParentFromAdditionalProperties) { $parameterName = Get-StringFirstCharacterToLower -Value $parameterName } $result.Add($parameterName, $hashValue) } } } if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AdditionalPropertiesType)) { $additionalProperties.Add('@odata.type', '#microsoft.graph.' + $AdditionalPropertiesType) } if ($additionalProperties.Count -gt 0) { $result.Add('AdditionalProperties', $additionalProperties) } return $result } function Get-M365DSCHashAsString { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $Values, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Space = ' ', [Parameter()] [System.Boolean] $isCmdletCall = $false ) $sb = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() $keys = $Values.Keys | Sort-Object -Property $_ foreach ($key in $keys) { switch ($Values.$key.GetType().Name) { 'String' { $value = $Values.$key if ($key -eq '@odata.type') { $key = "'$key'" } $sb.AppendLine("$Space$key = `"$value`"") | Out-Null } 'Int32' { $sb.AppendLine("$Space$key = $($Values.$key)") | Out-Null } 'Boolean' { $sb.AppendLine("$Space$key = `$$($Values.$key)") | Out-Null } 'String[]' { $stringValue = '' foreach ($item in $Values.$key) { $stringValue += "`"$item`"," } $stringValue = $stringValue.Substring(0, $stringValue.Length - 1) $sb.AppendLine("$Space$key = `@($stringValue)") | Out-Null } 'Hashtable' { #read-host -Prompt ($Values.$Key|fl *|out-string) $extraSpace = '' $line = "$Space$extraSpace$key = " if ($Values.$Key.isArray) { if ($Values.$Key.CIMType) { $line += "[CimInstance[]]" } $line += "@(`r$space " $extraSpace = ' ' } if ($Values.$Key.CIMType) { $line += "(New-CimInstance -ClassName $($Values.$Key.CIMType) -Property " } $sb.AppendLine("$line@{") | Out-Null if ($Values.$Key.Properties) { $propLine = '' foreach ($prop in $Values.$Key.Properties) { if ($isCmdletCall -and $prop.contains('odataType')) { $prop.Add('@odata.type', $prop.odataType) $prop.Remove('odataType') } $l = (Get-M365DSCHashAsString -Values $prop -Space "$Space$extraSpace " -isCmdletCall $isCmdletCall) $propLine += $l } $sb.Append($propLine) | Out-Null } else { $sb.Append((Get-M365DSCHashAsString -Values $Values.$key -Space "$Space " -isCmdletCall $isCmdletCall)) | Out-Null } $endLine = "$Space$extraSpace}" if ($Values.$Key.CIMType) { $endLine += ' -ClientOnly)' } $sb.AppendLine($endLine) | Out-Null if ($Values.$Key.isArray) { $sb.AppendLine("$space)") | Out-Null } } } } return $sb.ToString() } function Get-M365DSCResourcePermission { param ( # Name of the Workload the resource is for. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('ExchangeOnline', 'Intune', ` 'SecurityComplianceCenter', 'PnP', 'PowerPlatforms', ` 'MicrosoftTeams', 'MicrosoftGraph')] [System.String] $Workload, # CmdLet Noun [Parameter()] [System.String] $CmdLetNoun, [Parameter()] [System.String] $UpdateVerb = 'Update', [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('v1.0','beta')] [System.String] $APIVersion = 'v1.0' ) $readPermissionsNames = (Find-MgGraphCommand -Command "Get-$CmdLetNoun" -ApiVersion $ApiVersion| Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty Permissions).Name $leastReadPermissions = @() foreach ($permission in $readPermissionsNames) { $splitPermission = $permission.Split('.') if ($splitPermission[1] -eq 'ReadWrite') { if ($readPermissionsNames -notcontains "$($splitPermission[0]).Read.$($splitPermission[2])") { $leastReadPermissions += $permission } } else { $leastReadPermissions += $permission } } $updatePermissionsNames = (Find-MgGraphCommand -Command "$UpdateVerb-$CmdLetNoun" -ApiVersion $ApiVersion | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty Permissions).Name switch ($Workload) { 'Intune' { $nodeWorkloadName = 'graph' } 'MicrosoftGraph' { $nodeWorkloadName = 'graph' } } $readPermissions = @() foreach ($permission in $leastReadPermissions) { $readPermissions += @{'name' = $permission } } $updatePermissions = @() foreach ($permission in $updatePermissionsNames) { $updatePermissions += @{'name' = $permission } } $delegatedPermissions = @{} $delegatedPermissions.Add('read', $readPermissions) $delegatedPermissions.Add('update', $updatePermissions) $applicationPermissions = @{} $applicationPermissions.Add('read', $readPermissions) $applicationPermissions.Add('update', $updatePermissions) $workloadPermissions = @{} $workloadPermissions.Add('delegated', $delegatedPermissions) $workloadPermissions.Add('application', $applicationPermissions) $permissions = @{} $permissions.Add($nodeWorkloadName, $workloadPermissions) $return = @{'permissions' = $permissions } return $return } function Get-M365DSCDRGCimInstancesSchemaStringContent { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] #[System.Object[]] [Hashtable] $CIMInstance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Workload ) $stringResult = '' $cimInstanceType = Get-StringFirstCharacterToUpper -Value $cimInstance.Type if ($cimInstanceType -notin $Global:AlreadyFoundInstances) { $stringResult += "[ClassVersion(`"1.0.0`")]`r`n" $stringResult += 'class MSFT_' + $Workload + $cimInstanceType + "`r`n" $stringResult += "{`r`n" $nestedResults = '' foreach ($property in $cimInstance.Properties) { $newNestedCimToBeAdded = $false $propertyType = Get-StringFirstCharacterToUpper -Value $property.Type if ($property.IsComplexType) { if ($propertyType -notin $Global:AlreadyFoundInstances) { $Global:AlreadyFoundInstances += $cimInstanceType $newNestedCimToBeAdded = $true #$Global:AlreadyFoundInstances += $propertyType $nestedResult = Get-M365DSCDRGCimInstancesSchemaStringContent ` -CIMInstance $property ` -Workload $Workload } $stringResult += " [Write, Description(`"$($property.Description)`"), EmbeddedInstance(`"MSFT_$Workload$($propertyType)`")] String $($property.Name)" if ($property.IsArray) { $stringResult += '[]' } $stringResult += ";`r`n" } else { $propertyType = Get-M365DSCDRGParameterTypeForSchema -Type $property.Type $propertySet = '' if ($property.IsEnumType) { $mySet = '' foreach ($member in $property.Members) { if ($property.Name -eq "@odata.type") { $member = "#microsoft.graph." + $member } $mySet += "`"" + $member + "`"," } $mySet = $mySet.Substring(0, $mySet.Length - 1) $propertySet = ", ValueMap{$mySet}, Values{$mySet}" } $propertyName = $property.Name if ($property.Name -eq "@odata.type") { $propertyName = "odataType" } $stringResult += " [Write, Description(`"$($property.Description)`")$propertySet] $($propertyType) $($propertyName)" if ($property.IsArray) { $stringResult += '[]' } $stringResult += ";`r`n" } if ($newNestedCimToBeAdded) { $nestedResults += $nestedResult } } $stringResult += "};`r`n" $stringResult += $nestedResults if ($cimInstanceType -notin $Global:AlreadyFoundInstances) { $Global:AlreadyFoundInstances += $cimInstanceType } } return $stringResult } function New-M365SchemaPropertySet { param ( [Parameter()] [Object[]] $Properties, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Workload ) $schemaProperties = '' $Properties | ForEach-Object -Process { if ($_.Name -ne 'LastModifiedDateTime' -and $_.Name -ne 'CreatedDateTime') { if ($_.IsComplexType) { $propertyType = $_.Type -replace 'microsoft.graph.powershell.models.', '' $propertyType = $propertyType -replace 'imicrosoftgraph', '' $propertyType = $Workload + $propertyType $propertyType = $propertyType -replace '[[\]]', '' $schemaProperties += " [Write, Description(`"$($_.Description)`"), EmbeddedInstance(`"MSFT_$propertyType`")] String $($_.Name)" if ($_.IsArray) { $schemaProperties += '[]' } $schemaProperties += ";`r`n" } else { $propertyType = Get-M365DSCDRGParameterTypeForSchema -Type $_.Type $propertySet = '' if ($null -ne $_.Members) { $mySet = '' foreach ($member in $_.Members) { $mySet += "`"" + $member + "`"," } $mySet = $mySet.Substring(0, $mySet.Length - 1) $propertySet = ", ValueMap{$mySet}, Values{$mySet}" } $permission = "Write" if ($_.Name -eq "Id") { $permission = "Key" } if ($_.Name -eq "DisplayName") { $permission = "Required" } $schemaProperties += " [$permission, Description(`"$($_.Description)`")$propertySet] $($propertyType) $($_.Name)" if ($_.IsArray) { $schemaProperties += '[]' } $schemaProperties += ";`r`n" } } } return $schemaProperties } function Write-TokenReplacement { param ( [Parameter()] [System.String] $Token, # Parameter help description [Parameter()] [System.String] $Value, # Parameter help description [Parameter()] [System.String] $FilePath ) $content = Get-Content -Path $FilePath $content = $content.Replace($Token, $Value) Set-Content -Path $FilePath -Value $content } function New-M365DSCResourceFolder { param ( [Parameter()] [System.String] $ResourceName, # Parameter help description [Parameter()] [System.String] $Path, # Parameter help description [Parameter()] [Object[]] $Properties ) $directoryPath = "$Path\MSFT_$ResourceName" if (-not(Test-Path $directoryPath)) { New-Item -Path $directoryPath -ItemType Directory } } function New-M365DSCModuleFile { param ( [Parameter()] [System.String] $ResourceName, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Path, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Workload = "MicrosoftGraph" ) $filePath = "$Path\MSFT_$ResourceName\MSFT_$($ResourceName).psm1" if ($workload -in @('MicrosoftGraph','Intune')) { Copy-Item -Path .\Module.Template.psm1 -Destination $filePath -Force } else { Copy-Item -Path .\Module.Workloads.Template.psm1 -Destination $filePath -Force } return $filePath } function New-M365DSCExampleFile { param( [Parameter()] [System.String] $ResourceName, [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Path ) $exportPath = Join-Path -Path $env:temp -ChildPath $ResourceName Export-M365DSCConfiguration ` -Credential $Credential ` -Components $ResourceName ` -Path $exportPath ` -FileName "$ResourceName.ps1" ` -ConfigurationName 'Example' | Out-Null $exportedFilePath = Join-Path -Path $exportPath -ChildPath "$ResourceName.ps1" $exportContent = Get-Content $exportedFilePath -Raw $start = $exportContent.IndexOf("`r`n $ResourceName ") $end = $exportContent.IndexOf("`r`n }", $start) $start = $exportContent.IndexOf("{", $start) + 1 $exampleContent = $exportContent.Substring($start, $end - $start) $exampleFileFullPath = "$Path\$ResourceName\1-$ResourceName-Example.ps1" $folderPath = "$Path\$ResourceName" New-Item $folderPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null $templatePath = '.\Example.Template.ps1' Copy-Item -Path $templatePath -Destination $exampleFileFullPath -Force Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $exampleContent -FilePath $exampleFileFullPath Write-TokenReplacement -Token '' -Value $ResourceName -FilePath $exampleFileFullPath } function New-M365DSCUnitTest { param ( [Parameter()] [System.String] $ResourceName, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Path ) $filePath = "$Path\Microsoft365DSC.$($ResourceName).Tests.ps1" Copy-Item -Path .\UnitTest.Template.ps1 -Destination $filePath return $filePath } function New-M365DSCSchemaFile { param ( [Parameter()] [System.String] $ResourceName, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Path, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Workload = 'MicrosoftGraph' ) $filePath = "$Path\MSFT_$ResourceName\MSFT_$($ResourceName).schema.mof" if ($Workload -in @('MicrosoftGraph','Intune')) { Copy-Item -Path .\Schema.Template.mof -Destination $filePath } else { Copy-Item -Path .\Schema.Workloads.Template.mof -Destination $filePath } return $filePath } function New-M365DSCSettingsFile { param ( [Parameter()] [System.String] $ResourceName, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Path ) $filePath = "$Path\MSFT_$ResourceName\settings.json" Copy-Item -Path .\settings.template.json -Destination $filePath return $filePath } function New-M365DSCReadmeFile { param ( [Parameter()] [System.String] $ResourceName, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Path ) $filePath = "$Path\MSFT_$ResourceName\" Copy-Item -Path .\ -Destination $filePath return $filePath } function Get-ComplexTypeMapping { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param ( [Parameter()] $Property, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Workload ) $complexMapping = @() $propertyType = Get-StringFirstCharacterToUpper -Value $Property.Type $isRequired = $false if ($property.Description -like "* Required.*") { $isRequired = $true } $map = @{ Name = $Property.Name CimInstanceName = $Workload+ $PropertyType IsRequired = $isRequired } $complexMapping += $map foreach ($nestedProperty in $property.Properties) { if ($nestedProperty.IsComplexType) { $complexMapping += Get-ComplexTypeMapping -Property $nestedProperty -Workload $Workload } } return $complexMapping } function New-M365HashTableMapping { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param ( [Parameter()] [Object[]] $Properties, [Parameter()] [System.String] $GraphNoun, [Parameter()] [System.String] $Workload, [Parameter()] [System.String] $DateFormat, # Parameter help description [Parameter()] [System.Object] $DefaultParameterSetProperties ) $newCmdlet = Get-Command "New-$GraphNoun" $results = @{} $hashtable = '' $complexTypeContent = '' $convertToString = '' $convertToVariable = '' $additionalProperties = '' $complexTypeConstructor = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() $enumTypeConstructor = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() $dateTypeConstructor = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() $timeTypeConstructor = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() $biggestParameterLength = 'CertificateThumbprint'.Length foreach ($property in $properties.Name) { If ($property.Length -gt $biggestParameterLength) { $biggestParameterLength = $property.Length } } foreach ($property in $properties) { $cmdletParameter = $DefaultParameterSetProperties | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -eq $property.Name } if ($null -eq $cmdletParameter) { $UseAdditionalProperties = $true } if ($property.Name -ne 'CreatedDateTime' -and $property.Name -ne 'LastModifiedDateTime') { $paramType = $property.Type $parameterName = $property.Name if ($property.IsComplexType) { $CimInstanceName = $paramType -replace 'Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.IMicrosoftGraph', '' $CimInstanceName = $CimInstanceName -replace '[[\]]', '' $CimInstanceName = $Workload + $CimInstanceName $global:ComplexList = @() $complexTypeConstructor.AppendLine((Get-ComplexTypeConstructorToString -Property $property -IndentCount 2 -DateFormat $DateFormat)) $global:ComplexList = $null [Array]$complexMapping = Get-ComplexTypeMapping -Property $property -Workload $Workload $complexMappingString = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() if ($complexMapping.Count -gt 1) { $complexMappingString.AppendLine(" `$complexMapping = @(") | Out-Null foreach ($map in $complexMapping) { $complexMappingString.AppendLine(" @{") | Out-Null $complexMappingString.AppendLine(" Name = '" + $map.Name + "'") | Out-Null $complexMappingString.AppendLine(" CimInstanceName = '" + $map.CimInstanceName + "'") | Out-Null $complexMappingString.AppendLine(" IsRequired = `$" + $map.IsRequired.ToString()) | Out-Null $complexMappingString.AppendLine(" }") | Out-Null } $complexMappingString.AppendLine(" )") | Out-Null } $convertToString += " if (`$null -ne `$Results.$parameterName)`r`n" $convertToString += " {`r`n" if (-not ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($complexMappingString.ToString()))) { $convertToString += $complexMappingString.ToString() } $convertToString += " `$complexTypeStringResult = Get-M365DSCDRGComplexTypeToString ```r`n" $convertToString += " -ComplexObject `$Results.$parameterName ```r`n" $convertToString += " -CIMInstanceName '$CimInstanceName'" if (-not ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($complexMappingString.ToString()))) { $convertToString += " ```r`n" $convertToString += " -ComplexTypeMapping `$complexMapping`r`n" } $convertToString += "`r`n" $convertToString += " if (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace(`$complexTypeStringResult))`r`n" $convertToString += " {`r`n" $convertToString += " `$Results.$parameterName = `$complexTypeStringResult`r`n" $convertToString += " }`r`n" $convertToString += " else`r`n" $convertToString += " {`r`n" $convertToString += " `$Results.Remove('$parameterName') | Out-Null`r`n" $convertToString += " }`r`n" $convertToString += " }`r`n" $convertToVariable += " if (`$Results.$parameterName)`r`n" $convertToVariable += " {`r`n" $convertToVariable += " `$currentDSCBlock = Convert-DSCStringParamToVariable -DSCBlock `$currentDSCBlock -ParameterName `"$parameterName`" -IsCIMArray:`$$($property.IsArray)`r`n" $convertToVariable += " }`r`n" } if ($property.IsEnumType) { $enumTypeConstructor.AppendLine((Get-EnumTypeConstructorToString -Property $property -IndentCount 2 -DateFormat $DateFormat)) } if ($property.Type -like "System.Date*") { $dateTypeConstructor.AppendLine((Get-DateTypeConstructorToString -Property $property -IndentCount 2 -DateFormat $DateFormat)) } if ($property.Type -like "System.Time*") { $timeTypeConstructor.AppendLine((Get-TimeTypeConstructorToString -Property $property -IndentCount 2 -DateFormat $DateFormat)) } $spacing = $biggestParameterLength - $property.Name.Length $propertyName = Get-StringFirstCharacterToUpper -Value $property.Name $hashtable += " $($parameterName + (' ' * $spacing) ) = " if ($property.IsComplexType) { $hashtable += "`$complex$propertyName`r`n" } elseif ($property.Type -like "System.Date*") { $hashtable += "`$date$propertyName`r`n" } elseif ($property.Type -like "System.Time*") { $hashtable += "`$time$propertyName`r`n" } elseif ($property.IsEnumType) { $hashtable += "`$enum$propertyName`r`n" } else { $propertyPrefix = "`$getValue." if ($property.IsRootProperty -eq $false) { $propertyName = Get-StringFirstCharacterToLower -Value $property.Name $propertyPrefix += "AdditionalProperties." } $hashtable += "$propertyPrefix$propertyName" $hashtable += "`r`n" } } } $defaultKeys = @( 'Ensure' 'Credential' 'ApplicationId' 'TenantId' 'ApplicationSecret' 'CertificateThumbprint' 'ManagedIdentity' ) foreach ($key in $defaultKeys) { $keyValue = "`$$key" if ($key -eq 'Ensure') { $keyValue = "'Present'" } if ($key -eq 'ManagedIdentity') { $keyValue = '$ManagedIdentity.IsPresent' } $spacing = $biggestParameterLength - $key.Length $hashtable += " $($key + ' ' * $spacing) = $keyValue`r`n" } $results.Add('ConvertToVariable', $convertToVariable) $results.Add('ComplexTypeConstructor', $complexTypeConstructor.ToString()) $results.Add('EnumTypeConstructor', $enumTypeConstructor.ToString()) $results.Add('DateTypeConstructor', $dateTypeConstructor.ToString()) $results.Add('TimeTypeConstructor', $timeTypeConstructor.ToString()) $results.Add('additionalProperties', $additionalProperties) $results.Add('ConvertToString', $convertToString) $results.Add('StringContent', $hashtable) $results.Add('ComplexTypeContent', $complexTypeContent) return $results } function Get-ParameterBlockStringForModule { param ( [Parameter()] [Object[]] $ParameterBlockInformation ) $parameterBlockOutput = '' $ParameterBlockInformation | ForEach-Object -Process { if ($_.Name -ne 'LastModifiedDateTime' -and $_.Name -ne 'CreatedDateTime') { $parameterBlockOutput += " $($_.Attribute)`r`n" if ($null -ne $_.Members) { $validateSet = '[ValidateSet(' foreach ($member in $_.Members) { $validateSet += "'" + $member + "'," } $validateSet = $validateSet.Substring(0, $validateSet.Length - 1) $validateSet += ')]' $parameterBlockOutput += " $($ValidateSet)`r`n" } $propertyType = $_.Type if ($_.IsComplexType) { $parameterBlockOutput += ' [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance' } elseif ($propertyType.ToLower() -eq '') { $parameterBlockOutput += ' [System.Boolean' } elseif ($propertyType.ToLower() -like '*') { $parameterBlockOutput += ' [System.String' } elseif ($propertyType.ToLower() -like 'system.binary*') { $parameterBlockOutput += ' [System.String' } else { $parameterBlockOutput += " [$($_.Type.Replace('[]',''))" } if ($_.IsArray) { $parameterBlockOutput += '[]' } $parameterBlockOutput += "]`r`n" $parameterBlockOutput += " `$$($_.Name),`r`n" $parameterBlockOutput += "`r`n" } } return $parameterBlockOutput } function Get-ResourceStub { param ( [Parameter()] [System.String] $CmdletNoun ) $parametersToSkip = @( 'InformationVariable' 'WhatIf' 'WarningVariable' 'OutVariable' 'ErrorVariable' 'WarningAction' 'ErrorAction' 'Debug' 'Verbose' 'IfMatch' 'OutBuffer' 'InformationAction' 'PipelineVariable' ) $stub = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New() $version = (Get-Command -Noun $cmdletNoun | Select-Object -Unique Version | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).Version.ToString() $commands = Get-Command -Noun $cmdletNoun | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Version -eq $version } foreach ($command in $commands) { $command= get-Command -Name $command.Name | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Version -eq $version } $stub.AppendLine("function $($command.Name)") | Out-Null $stub.AppendLine("{") | Out-Null $stub.AppendLine(" [CmdletBinding()]") | Out-Null $stub.AppendLine(" param") | Out-Null $stub.AppendLine(" (") | Out-Null $parameters = $command.Parameters $i = 0 $keys= ($parameters.Keys) | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -notin $parametersToSkip } $keyCount = $keys.Count foreach ($key in $keys) { $stub.AppendLine(" [Parameter()]") | Out-Null $name = ($parameters.$key).Name $type = ($parameters.$key).ParameterType.ToString() $isArray = $false if ($type -like "*[[\]]") { $isArray = $true } if ($type -notlike "System.*") { $type = "PSObject" if ($isArray) { $type += "[]" } } $stub.AppendLine(" [$type]") | Out-Null $stub.Append(" `$$name") | Out-Null if ($i -lt $keyCount -1) { $stub.Append(",`r`n") | Out-Null } $stub.Append("`r`n") | Out-Null $i++ } $stub.AppendLine(" )") | Out-Null $stub.AppendLine("}`r`n") | Out-Null } $stub.ToString() } function Update-Microsoft365StubFile { param ( [Parameter()] [System.String] $CmdletNoun ) try { $M365DSCTestFolder = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot ` -ChildPath "..\Tests\Unit" ` -Resolve $filePath = (Join-Path -Path $M365DSCTestFolder ` -ChildPath "\Stubs\Microsoft365.psm1" ` -Resolve) $content = Get-Content -Path $FilePath if (($content | Select-String -Pattern "function Get-$CmdletNoun$").Count -eq 0) { $content += "#region $CmdletNoun`r`n" + (Get-ResourceStub -CmdletNoun $CmdletNoun) + "#endregion`r`n" Set-Content -Path $FilePath -Value $content } } catch { New-M365DSCLogEntry -Message 'Error Updating Stub File:' ` -Exception $_ ` -Source $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source) Write-Error $_ } } function Get-SettingsCatalogSettingDefinitionValueDefinition { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $SettingDefinition, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $SettingDefinitionOdataTypeBase ) if (-not $SettingDefinition.AdditionalProperties.valueDefinition) { return $null } $description = "" $type = $SettingDefinition.AdditionalProperties.valueDefinition.'@odata.type'.Replace($settingDefinitionOdataTypeBase, "").Replace("SettingValueDefinition", "") switch ($type) { "String" { $max = $SettingDefinition.AdditionalProperties.valueDefinition.maximumLength $min = $SettingDefinition.AdditionalProperties.valueDefinition.minimumLength $description = "Length must be between $min and $max characters." } "Integer" { $max = $SettingDefinition.AdditionalProperties.valueDefinition.maximumValue $min = $SettingDefinition.AdditionalProperties.valueDefinition.minimumValue $description = "Value must be between $min and $max." } } return @{ Max = $max Min = $min Description = $description Type = $type } } function Get-SettingsCatalogSettingDefinitionValueOption { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $SettingDefinition, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $SettingDefinitionOdataTypeBase ) $options = @() foreach ($option in $SettingDefinition.AdditionalProperties.options) { $options += @{ Name = $ Id = $option.itemId.Split("_")[-1] Type = $option.optionValue.'@odata.type'.Replace($SettingDefinitionOdataTypeBase, "").Replace("SettingValue", "") DisplayName = $option.displayName } } $options } function Get-SettingsCatalogSettingDefinitionDefaultValue { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $SettingDefinition, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $SettingDefinitionOdataTypeBase ) $type = Get-SettingsCatalogSettingDefinitionValueType -SettingDefinition $SettingDefinition -SettingDefinitionOdataTypeBase $SettingDefinitionOdataTypeBase # Either they are a "simple" setting or a "choice" setting # If they are a simple setting, they have a default value if ($type -like "Simple*") { # There might be a default value specified in the setting definition $value = $SettingDefinition.AdditionalProperties.defaultValue.value $nullOrEmpty = [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value) # If the value is not null or empty, return the value, otherwise return the default value for the type switch ($type) { "String" { if (-not $nullOrEmpty) { $value } else { "" } } "Integer" { if (-not $nullOrEmpty) { [System.Int32]::Parse($value) } else { 0 } } # The secret value will require an update at a later date. Currently no use case found for this. "Secret" { if (-not $nullOrEmpty) { $value } else { "" } } default { $value } } } else { # If the setting is a choice setting, the default value is the default option id if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($SettingDefinition.AdditionalProperties.defaultOptionId)) { $SettingDefinition.AdditionalProperties.defaultOptionId.Split("_")[-1] } else { $null } } } function Get-SettingsCatalogSettingDefinitionValueType { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $SettingDefinition, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $SettingDefinitionOdataTypeBase ) # Type can be Choice, Simple or *Collection $type = $SettingDefinition.AdditionalProperties.'@odata.type'.Replace($settingDefinitionOdataTypeBase, "").Replace("Setting", "").Replace("Definition", "") if ($type -eq 'Simple') { $type += $SettingDefinition.AdditionalProperties.valueDefinition.'@odata.type'.Replace($settingDefinitionOdataTypeBase, "").Replace("SettingValueDefinition", "") } elseif ($type -eq 'SimpleCollection') { if ($null -ne $SettingDefinition.AdditionalProperties.defaultValue) { $type = $type.Replace("Collection", $SettingDefinition.AdditionalProperties.defaultValue.'@odata.type'.Replace($settingDefinitionOdataTypeBase, "").Replace("SettingValue", "") + "Collection") } else { $type = $type.Replace("Collection", "StringCollection") } } elseif ($type -eq 'ChoiceCollection') { $valueType = $SettingDefinition.AdditionalProperties.options[0].optionValue.'@odata.type'.Replace("#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfiguration", "").Replace("SettingValue", "") $type = $type.Replace("Collection", $valueType + "Collection") } else { # Type is GroupCollection and does not have a default value to narrow down the type # but we can check the maximum count to determine if it is a collection or not if ($SettingDefinition.AdditionalProperties.maximumCount -gt 1) { $type += 'Collection' } } return $type } function New-SettingsCatalogSettingDefinitionSettingsFromTemplate { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $SettingTemplate, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ParseRoot")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ParseChild")] [System.String] $SettingDefinitionIdPrefix, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ParseChild")] $SettingDefinition, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ParseRoot")] [System.Array] $RootSettingDefinitions, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Start")] [switch] $FromRoot, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Array] $AllSettingDefinitions, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ParseChild")] [System.String]$ParentInstanceName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ParseChild")] [System.Int32]$Level = 0 ) $settingDefinitionOdataTypeBase = "#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfiguration" if ($FromRoot) { $RootSettingDefinitions = $SettingTemplate.SettingDefinitions | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Id -eq $SettingTemplate.SettingInstanceTemplate.SettingDefinitionId -and ` ($_.AdditionalProperties.dependentOn.Count -eq 0 -and $_.AdditionalProperties.options.dependentOn.Count -eq 0) } $settingDefinitionIdPrefix = $SettingTemplate.SettingInstanceTemplate.SettingDefinitionId return New-SettingsCatalogSettingDefinitionSettingsFromTemplate ` -SettingTemplate $SettingTemplate ` -RootSettingDefinitions $RootSettingDefinitions ` -SettingDefinitionIdPrefix $settingDefinitionIdPrefix ` -AllSettingDefinitions $AllSettingDefinitions } if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ParseRoot") { $settings = @() foreach ($RootSettingDefinition in $RootSettingDefinitions) { $settings += New-SettingsCatalogSettingDefinitionSettingsFromTemplate ` -SettingTemplate $SettingTemplate ` -SettingDefinition $RootSettingDefinition ` -SettingDefinitionIdPrefix $settingDefinitionIdPrefix ` -Level 1 ` -ParentInstanceName "MSFT_MicrosoftGraphIntuneSettingsCatalog" ` -AllSettingDefinitions $AllSettingDefinitions } return $settings } $type = Get-SettingsCatalogSettingDefinitionValueType -SettingDefinition $SettingDefinition -SettingDefinitionOdataTypeBase $settingDefinitionOdataTypeBase $defaultValue = Get-SettingsCatalogSettingDefinitionDefaultValue -SettingDefinition $SettingDefinition -SettingDefinitionOdataTypeBase $settingDefinitionOdataTypeBase $options = Get-SettingsCatalogSettingDefinitionValueOption -SettingDefinition $SettingDefinition -SettingDefinitionOdataTypeBase $settingDefinitionOdataTypeBase $valueRestriction = Get-SettingsCatalogSettingDefinitionValueDefinition -SettingDefinition $SettingDefinition -SettingDefinitionOdataTypeBase $settingDefinitionOdataTypeBase $settingName = Get-SettingsCatalogSettingName -SettingDefinition $SettingDefinition -AllSettingDefinitions $AllSettingDefinitions $childSettings = @() $childSettings += $SettingTemplate.SettingDefinitions | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.visibility -notlike "*none*" -and (($_.AdditionalProperties.dependentOn.Count -gt 0 -and $_.AdditionalProperties.dependentOn.parentSettingId -contains $SettingDefinition.Id) -or ($_.AdditionalProperties.options.dependentOn.Count -gt 0 -and $_.AdditionalProperties.options.dependentOn.parentSettingId -contains $SettingDefinition.Id)) } $instanceName = "MSFT_MicrosoftGraphIntuneSettingsCatalog" if (($Level -gt 1 -and $type -like "GroupCollection*" -and $childSettings.Count -gt 1) -or ($Level -eq 1 -and $type -like "GroupCollection*" -and $childSettings.Count -ge 1 -and $childSettings.AdditionalProperties.'@odata.type' -notcontains "#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementConfigurationSettingGroupCollectionDefinition")) { $instanceName = $ParentInstanceName + $settingName } $innerChildSettings = @() foreach ($childSetting in $childSettings) { $innerChildSettings += New-SettingsCatalogSettingDefinitionSettingsFromTemplate ` -SettingTemplate $SettingTemplate ` -SettingDefinition $childSetting ` -SettingDefinitionIdPrefix $SettingDefinitionIdPrefix ` -Level $($Level + 1) ` -ParentInstanceName $instanceName ` -AllSettingDefinitions $AllSettingDefinitions } $setting = [ordered]@{ Name = $settingName DisplayName = $SettingDefinition.DisplayName Type = $type DefaultValue = $defaultValue Options = $options ValueRestriction = $valueRestriction InstanceName = $instanceName ChildSettings = $innerChildSettings } if ($type -eq "GroupCollectionCollection" -and $childSettings.Count -eq 1 -and $SettingDefinition.AdditionalProperties.maximumCount -eq 1) { # Reset type and make child setting a collection $setting.Type = "GroupCollection" $setting.ChildSettings[0].Type += "Collection" } $setting } function New-ParameterDefinitionFromSettingsCatalogTemplateSetting { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $TemplateSetting ) $mofTypeMapping = @{ "Choice" = "String" "ChoiceIntegerCollection" = "SInt32" "ChoiceStringCollection" = "String" "SimpleString" = "String" "String" = "String" "SimpleInteger" = "SInt32" "Integer" = "SInt32" "Boolean" = "Boolean" "SimpleStringCollection" = "String" "SimpleIntegerCollection" = "SInt32" } $powerShellTypeMapping = @{ "Choice" = "System.String" "ChoiceIntegerCollection" = "System.Int32[]" "ChoiceStringCollection" = "System.String[]" "SimpleString" = "System.String" "String" = "System.String" "SimpleInteger" = "System.Int32" "Integer" = "System.Int32" "Boolean" = "System.Boolean" "DateTime" = "System.DateTime" "GroupCollection" = "Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance" "GroupCollectionCollection" = "Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]" "SimpleStringCollection" = "System.String[]" "SimpleIntegerCollection" = "System.Int32[]" } $mofInstanceTemplate = @" [ClassVersion("")] class { }; "@ $mofParameterTemplate = " [Write, Description("""")] ;" $powerShellParameterTemplate = @" [Parameter()] [] $ "@ $mofDefinition = $mofParameterTemplate.Replace("", $TemplateSetting.DisplayName.Replace("`r`n", "")) $optionsString = "" $valueMapString = "" if ($TemplateSetting.Options) { $options = @() $values = @() $TemplateSetting.Options | ForEach-Object { $options += "$($_.Id)" + ": " + $_.Name.Replace("""", "'") $values += """$($_.Id)""" } $optionsString = " (" + ($options -join ", ") + ")" $valueMapString = ", ValueMap{$($values -join ", ")}, Values{$($values -join ", ")}" } $mofDefinition = $mofDefinition.Replace("", $optionsString) $mofDefinition = $mofDefinition.Replace("", $valueMapString) if ($TemplateSetting.InstanceName -ne "MSFT_MicrosoftGraphIntuneSettingsCatalog") { $mofDefinition = $mofDefinition.Replace("", """), EmbeddedInstance(""$($TemplateSetting.InstanceName)") $mofDefinition = $mofDefinition.Replace("", "String") } else { $mofDefinition = $mofDefinition.Replace("", $mofTypeMapping[$TemplateSetting.Type]) $mofDefinition = $mofDefinition.Replace("", "") } $mofDefinition = $mofDefinition.Replace("", $TemplateSetting.Name) $isCollection = ($TemplateSetting.Type -like "*Collection" -and $TemplateSetting.Type -ne "GroupCollection") -or $TemplateSetting.Type -eq "GroupCollectionCollection" $mofDefinition = $mofDefinition.Replace("", $( if ($isCollection) { "[]" } else { "" } )) $powerShellDefinition = $powerShellParameterTemplate.Replace("", $TemplateSetting.Name) $powerShellDefinition = $powerShellDefinition.Replace("", $powerShellTypeMapping[$TemplateSetting.Type]) $restriction = '' if ($null -ne $TemplateSetting.ValueRestriction) { if ($TemplateSetting.ValueRestriction.Type -like "*String") { $restriction = " [ValidateLength($($TemplateSetting.ValueRestriction.Min), $($TemplateSetting.ValueRestriction.Max))]" } elseif ($TemplateSetting.ValueRestriction.Type -like "*Integer") { $restriction = " [ValidateRange($($TemplateSetting.ValueRestriction.Min), $($TemplateSetting.ValueRestriction.Max))]" } } if ($null -ne $TemplateSetting.Options) { $restriction = " [ValidateSet('$($TemplateSetting.Options.Id -join "', '")')]" } $powerShellDefinition = $powerShellDefinition.Replace("", $( if ($restriction) { "`n $restriction" } else { "" })) $definition = @{} if ($TemplateSetting.Type -notlike "GroupCollection*" -or $TemplateSetting.InstanceName -ne "MSFT_MicrosoftGraphIntuneSettingsCatalog") { $definition.Add("MOF", @($mofDefinition)) $definition.Add("PowerShell", @($powerShellDefinition)) } $childDefinitions = @() foreach ($childSetting in $TemplateSetting.ChildSettings) { $childDefinitions += New-ParameterDefinitionFromSettingsCatalogTemplateSetting -TemplateSetting $childSetting } if ($TemplateSetting.Type -like "GroupCollection*" -and $TemplateSetting.InstanceName -ne "MSFT_MicrosoftGraphIntuneSettingsCatalog") { $mofInstanceDefinition = $mofInstanceTemplate.Replace("", $TemplateSetting.InstanceName) $mofInstanceDefinition = $mofInstanceDefinition.Replace("", $($childDefinitions.MOF | Out-String)) $definition.Add("MOFInstance", @($mofInstanceDefinition)) $definition.MOFInstance += $childDefinitions.MOFInstance } else { if ($null -ne $childDefinitions.MOFInstance) { $definition.MOFInstance += $childDefinitions.MOFInstance } if ($null -ne $childDefinitions.MOF) { $definition.MOF += $childDefinitions.MOF } if ($null -ne $childDefinitions.PowerShell) { $definition.PowerShell += $childDefinitions.PowerShell } } $definition }