61 строка
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61 строка
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Install a plugin into the engine to allow dependent plugins to be packaged.
The plugin is installed as a marketplace plugin.
.PARAMETER UnrealEngine
Path to Unreal Engine (root folder).
Path to the packaged plugin to install.
$PluginsPath = "$UnrealEngine\Engine\Plugins"
if ((-not (Test-Path -Path $UnrealEngine -PathType Container)) -or
(-not (Test-Path -Path $PluginsPath -PathType Container)))
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Incorrect UnrealEngine path provided: $UnrealEngine"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "UnrealEngine parameter should point to the root installation folder of Unreal Engine"
throw "Unreal Engine not found"
$PluginName = Split-Path $PluginPath -Leaf
if ((-not (Test-Path -Path $PluginPath -PathType Container)) -or
(-not (Test-Path -Path "$PluginPath\$PluginName.uplugin" -PathType Leaf)))
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Invalid plugin path provided: $PluginPath"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "PluginPath parameter should point to the root folder of the plugin"
throw "Plugin not found"
$MarketplacePath = "$PluginsPath\Marketplace"
$InstallPath = "$MarketplacePath\$PluginName"
if (Test-Path -Path $InstallPath -PathType Container)
Write-Host "Removing existing version of '$PluginName'..."
Remove-Item -Path $InstallPath -Recurse
Write-Host "Installing '$PluginPath' into '$MarketplacePath'..."
Copy-Item -Path $PluginPath -Destination $InstallPath -Recurse
$Result = 0
if ($?)
Write-Host "Successfully installed $PluginName."
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Failed to install $PluginName."
$Result = 1
exit $Result