
751 строка
41 KiB

$computername = hostname
$Logfile = "./$computername.log"
Clear-content -Path $Logfile -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
#Function to write to log file
Function LogWrite
Param ([string]$logstring, [string] $echoToConsole=$false)
$timeStampLogString = "[{0}] {1}"-f (Get-Date -Format "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm"), $logstring
if ($echoToConsole -eq $true) {
Write-Host $timeStampLogString
Add-content $Logfile -value $timeStampLogString
# Certain tools like ntttcp have params that need to be added to the actual timeout value between command pairs
# to prevent premature termination of the send/recv processes
Function GetActualTimeOutValue
Param ([Int]$AdditionalTimeout, [string] $Line)
[Int] $timeout = $AdditionalTimeout
# currently we only bloat the timeout value with additional params for ntttcp.
# as we onboard additional tools in the future, we will add tool specific logic here
if ($Line -match "ntttcp")
try {
[Int] $warmup = ($Line.Substring($Line.IndexOf("-W")+("-W".Length)+1).Split(' ')[0])
[Int] $cooldown = ($Line.Substring($Line.IndexOf("-C")+("-C".Length)+1).Split(' ')[0])
[Int] $runtime = ($Line.Substring($Line.IndexOf("-t")+("-t".Length)+1).Split(' ')[0])
$timeout += $warmup + $cooldown + $runtime
catch {}
elseif ($Line -match "secnetperf") {
try {
$runtime = 0
if ($Line.Contains("-run")) {
[Int] $runtime = [Int]($Line.Substring($Line.IndexOf("-run")).Split(" ")[0].Split(":")[1] -replace '[^0-9]')
} elseif ($Line.Contains("-up") -or $Line.Contains("-down")) {
[Int] $runtime = [Int]($Line.Substring($Line.IndexOf("-up")).Split(" ")[0].Split(":")[1] -replace '[^0-9]')
$runtime += [Int]($Line.Substring($Line.IndexOf("-down")).Split(" ")[0].Split(":")[1] -replace '[^0-9]')
return $runtime
catch {}
return $timeout
# Scriptblock Util functions
$ScriptBlockEnableToolPermissions = {
param ($remoteToolPath)
chmod 777 $remoteToolPath
} # $ScriptBlockEnableToolPermissions()
$ScriptBlockMoveLibrary = {
param ($remoteToolPath, $creds)
if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($creds.GetNetworkCredential().Password)) {
sudo mv $remoteToolPath /usr/local/lib
} else {
Write-Output $creds.GetNetworkCredential().Password | mv $remoteToolPath /usr/local/lib
sudo ldconfig
} # $ScriptBlockMoveLibrary()
$ScriptBlockCleanupFirewallRules = {
param($port, $creds)
$hasUfw = $(dpkg --get-selections | grep ufw)
if ($null -eq $hasUfw) {
Write-Host 'Ufw is not installed'
elseif ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($creds.GetNetworkCredential().Password)) {
sudo ufw delete allow $port | Out-Null
} else {
Write-Output $creds.GetNetworkCredential().Password | sudo -S ufw delete allow $port | Out-Null
} # $ScriptBlockCleanupFirewallRules()
$ScriptBlockEnableFirewallRules = {
param ($port, $creds)
$hasUfw = $(dpkg --get-selections | grep ufw)
if ($null -eq $hasUfw) {
Write-Host 'Ufw is not installed'
elseif ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($creds.GetNetworkCredential().Password)) {
sudo ufw allow $port | Out-Null
} else {
Write-Output $creds.GetNetworkCredential().Password | sudo -S ufw allow $port | Out-Null
} # $ScriptBlockEnableFirewallRules()
$ScriptBlockTaskKill = {
param ($taskname)
$taskStatus = pidof $taskname
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($taskStatus)) {
killall $taskname | Out-Null
} # $ScriptBlockTaskKill()
# Set up a directory on the remote machines for results gathering.
$ScriptBlockCreateDirForResults = {
param ($Cmddir)
if (!(Test-Path $Cmddir)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$Cmddir" | Out-Null
return $Exists
} # $ScriptBlockCreateDirForResults()
# Delete file/folder on the remote machines
$ScriptBlockRemoveFileFolder = {
param ($Arg)
Remove-Item -Force -Path "$Arg" -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} # $ScriptBlockRemoveFileFolder()
# Delete file/folder on the remote machines
$ScriptBlockIsArm64 = {
param ()
$Output = uanme -m
if ($Output -contains 'aarch64') {
return $true
return $false
} # $ScriptBlockIsArm64()
# Delete the entire folder (if empty) on the remote machines
$ScriptBlockRemoveFolderTree = {
param ($Arg)
$parentfolder = (Get-Item $Arg).Parent.FullName
# First do as instructed. Remove-Item $arg.
Remove-Item -Force -Path "$Arg" -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# We dont know how many levels of parent folders were created so we will keep navigating upward till we find a non empty parent directory and then stop
$folderCount = $parentfolder.Split('/').count
for ($i=1; $i -le $folderCount; $i++) {
$folderToDelete = $parentfolder
#Extract parent info before nuking the folder
$parentfolder = (Get-Item $folderToDelete).Parent.FullName
#check if the folder is empty and if so, delete it
if ((dir -Directory $folderToDelete | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) {
Remove-Item -Force -Path "$folderToDelete" -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#Folder/subfolder wasnt found empty. so we stop here and exit
} # $ScriptBlockRemoveFolderTree ()
$ScriptBlockCreateZip = {
[String] $Src,
[String] $Out
if (Test-path $Out) {
Remove-item $Out
zip -r $Out $Src | Out-Null
} # $ScriptBlockCreateZip()
$ScriptBlockRemoveAuthorizedHost = {
head -n -1 ".ssh/authorized_keys" | Out-Null
} # $ScriptBlockRemoveAuthorizedHost
$ScriptBlockRemoveBinaries = {
Remove-Item -Path $remoteToolPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} # $ScriptBlockRemoveBinaries
This function reads an input file of commands and orchestrates the execution of these commands on remote machines.
Required Parameter. The IpAddr of the destination machine that's going to receive data for the duration of the throughput tests
Required Parameter. The IpAddr of the source machine that's going to be sending data for the duration of the throughput tests
Boolean. Set to true if using password authentication to connect to machines
Required Parameter. Gets domain\username needed to connect to DestIp Machine
.PARAMETER DestIpPassword
Required Parameter. Gets password needed to connect to DestIp Machine.
Password will be stored as Secure String and chars will not be displayed on the console.
File path to private rsa key needed to connect to DestIp Machine. Only required if -PassAuth is false.
Required Parameter. Gets domain\username needed to connect to SrcIp Machine
.PARAMETER SrcIpPassword
Required Parameter. Gets password needed to connect to SrcIp Machine.
Password will be stored as Secure String and chars will not be displayed on the console
File path to private rsa key needed to connect to SrcIp Machine. Only required if -PassAuth is false.
Required Parameter. Gets username of current machine to get correct path to commands
.PARAMETER CommandsDir
Required Parameter that specifies the location of the folder with the auto generated commands to run.
Optional parameter that will clean up the source and destination folders, after the test run, if set to true.
If false, the folders that were created to store the results will be left untouched on both machines
Default value: $True
Optional parameter that will compress the results folders before copying it over to the machine that's triggering the run.
If false, the result folders from both Source and Destination machines will be copied over as is.
Default value: $True
.PARAMETER TimeoutValueInSeconds
Optional parameter to configure the amount of wait time (in seconds) to allow each command pair to gracefully exit
before cleaning up and moving to the next set of commands
Default value: 90 seconds
.PARAMETER PollTimeInSeconds
Optional parameter to configure the amount of time the tool waits (in seconds) before waking up to check if the TimeoutValueBetweenCommandPairs period has elapsed
Default value: 5
.PARAMETER ListeningPort
Optional port number that the recevier and sender computer SSH server is listening on from Setup script.
Default value: 5985
.PARAMETER FirewallPortMin
Optional minimum server port number used for iteration tests to allow firewall to accept pings from
Default value: 50000
.PARAMETER FirewallPortMax
Optional maximum server port number used for iteration tests to allow firewall to accept pings from
Default value: 50512
Please run SetupTearDown.ps1 -Setup on the DestIp and SrcIp machines independently to help with PSRemoting setup
This function is dependent on the output of PERFTEST.PS1 function
for example, PERFTEST.PS1 is invoked with DestIp, SrcIp and OutDir.
to invoke the commands that were generated above, we pass the same parameters to ProcessCommands function
Note that we expect the directory to be pointing to the folder that was generated by perftest.ps1 under the outpurDir path supplied by the user
Ex: ProcessCommands -DestIp "$DestIp" -SrcIp "$SrcIp" -CommandsDir "temp/msdbg.Machine1.perftest" -DestIpUserName "domain\username" -SrcIpUserName "domain\username"
You may chose to run SetupTearDown.ps1 -Cleanup if you wish to clean up any config changes from the Setup step
Function ProcessCommands{
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$DestIp,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$SrcIp,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$CommandsDir,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='PassAuth', Mandatory=$False)] [bool]$PassAuth = $False,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0, HelpMessage="Dest Machine Username?")]
[string] $DestIpUserName,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='PassAuth', Mandatory=$False, Position=0, HelpMessage="Dest Machine Password?")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position=0, HelpMessage="Dest Machine Key File?")]
[String]$DestIpKeyFile = "",
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0, HelpMessage="Src Machine Username?")]
[string] $SrcIpUserName,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='PassAuth', Mandatory=$False, Position=0, HelpMessage="Src Machine Password?")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position=0, HelpMessage="Src Machine Key File?")]
[String]$SrcIpKeyFile = "",
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0, HelpMessage="Test Machine Username?")]
[string] $TestUserName,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$Bcleanup=$True,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [int] $ListeningPort = 5985,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [int] $FirewallPortMin = 50000,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [int] $FirewallPortMax = 50512
$recvComputerName = $DestIp
$sendComputerName = $SrcIp
$recvDir = "/home/$DestIpUserName/$CommandsDir"
$sendDir = "/home/$SrcIpUserName/$CommandsDir"
$CommandsDir = "/home/$TestUserName/$CommandsDir"
# create password placeholder
if ($SrcIpPassword -eq $null) {
$SrcIpPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String ' ' -AsPlainText -Force
# create password placeholder
if ($DestIpPassword -eq $null) {
$DestIpPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String ' ' -AsPlainText -Force
[PSCredential] $sendIPCreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($SrcIpUserName, $SrcIpPassword)
[PSCredential] $recvIPCreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($DestIpUserName, $DestIpPassword)
if (Test-Path -Path "$commandsDir\lagscope") {
LogWrite "Processing lagscope commands for Linux" $true
ProcessToolCommands -PassAuth:$PassAuth -RecvKeyFilePath $DestIpKeyFile -SendKeyFilePath $SrcIpKeyFile -Toolname "lagscope" -RecvComputerName $recvComputerName -RecvComputerCreds $recvIPCreds -SendComputerName $sendComputerName -SendComputerCreds $sendIPCreds -TestUserName $TestUserName -CommandsDir $CommandsDir -Bcleanup $Bcleanup -BZip $ZipResults -TimeoutValueBetweenCommandPairs $TimeoutValueInSeconds -PollTimeInSeconds $PollTimeInSeconds -ListeningPort $ListeningPort -FirewallPortMin $FirewallPortMin -FirewallPortMax $FirewallPortMax -RecvDir $recvDir -SendDir $sendDir
if (Test-Path -Path "$commandsDir\ntttcp") {
LogWrite "Processing ntttcp commands for Linux" $true
ProcessToolCommands -PassAuth $PassAuth -RecvKeyFilePath $DestIpKeyFile -SendKeyFilePath $SrcIpKeyFile -Toolname "ntttcp" -RecvComputerName $recvComputerName -RecvComputerCreds $recvIPCreds -SendComputerName $sendComputerName -SendComputerCreds $sendIPCreds -TestUserName $TestUserName -CommandsDir $CommandsDir -Bcleanup $Bcleanup -BZip $ZipResults -TimeoutValueBetweenCommandPairs $TimeoutValueInSeconds -PollTimeInSeconds $PollTimeInSeconds -ListeningPort $ListeningPort -FirewallPortMin $FirewallPortMin -FirewallPortMax $FirewallPortMax -RecvDir $recvDir -SendDir $sendDir
if (Test-Path -Path "$commandsDir\ncps") {
LogWrite "Processing ncps commands for Linux" $true
ProcessToolCommands -PassAuth $PassAuth -RecvKeyFilePath $DestIpKeyFile -SendKeyFilePath $SrcIpKeyFile -Toolname "ncps" -RecvComputerName $recvComputerName -RecvComputerCreds $recvIPCreds -SendComputerName $sendComputerName -SendComputerCreds $sendIPCreds -TestUserName $TestUserName -CommandsDir $CommandsDir -Bcleanup $Bcleanup -BZip $ZipResults -TimeoutValueBetweenCommandPairs $TimeoutValueInSeconds -PollTimeInSeconds $PollTimeInSeconds -ListeningPort $ListeningPort -FirewallPortMin $FirewallPortMin -FirewallPortMax $FirewallPortMax -RecvDir $recvDir -SendDir $sendDir
if (Test-Path -Path "$commandsDir\secnetperf") {
LogWrite "Processing secnetperf commands for Linux" $true
ProcessToolCommands -PassAuth $PassAuth -RecvKeyFilePath $DestIpKeyFile -SendKeyFilePath $SrcIpKeyFile -Toolname "secnetperf" -RecvComputerName $recvComputerName -RecvComputerCreds $recvIPCreds -SendComputerName $sendComputerName -SendComputerCreds $sendIPCreds -TestUserName $TestUserName -CommandsDir $CommandsDir -Bcleanup $Bcleanup -BZip $ZipResults -TimeoutValueBetweenCommandPairs $TimeoutValueInSeconds -PollTimeInSeconds $PollTimeInSeconds -ListeningPort $ListeningPort -FirewallPortMin $FirewallPortMin -FirewallPortMax $FirewallPortMax -RecvDir $recvDir -SendDir $sendDir
if (Test-Path -Path "$commandsDir\l4ping") {
LogWrite "Processing l4ping commands for Linux" $true
ProcessToolCommands -PassAuth $PassAuth -RecvKeyFilePath $DestIpKeyFile -SendKeyFilePath $SrcIpKeyFile -Toolname "l4ping" -RecvComputerName $recvComputerName -RecvComputerCreds $recvIPCreds -SendComputerName $sendComputerName -SendComputerCreds $sendIPCreds -TestUserName $TestUserName -CommandsDir $CommandsDir -Bcleanup $Bcleanup -BZip $ZipResults -TimeoutValueBetweenCommandPairs $TimeoutValueInSeconds -PollTimeInSeconds $PollTimeInSeconds -ListeningPort $ListeningPort -FirewallPortMin $FirewallPortMin -FirewallPortMax $FirewallPortMax -RecvDir $recvDir -SendDir $sendDir
LogWrite "ProcessCommands Done!" $true
Move-Item -Force -Path $Logfile -Destination "$CommandsDir" -ErrorAction Ignore
} # ProcessCommands()
# Internal Functions
This function reads an input file of commands and orchestrates the execution of these commands on remote machines.
.PARAMETER RecvComputerName
The IpAddr of the destination machine that's going to play the Receiver role and wait to receive data for the duration of the throughput tests
.PARAMETER SendComputerName
The IpAddr of the sender machine that's going to send data for the duration of the throughput tests
Boolean. Set to true if using password authentication to connect to machines
Required Parameter. Gets username of current machine to get correct path to commands
.PARAMETER CommandsDir
The location of the folder that's going to have the auto generated commands for the tool.
Default value: ntttcp. The function parses the Send and Recv files for the tool specified here
and reads the commands and executes them on the SrcIp and DestIp machines
Required parameter. The function creates folders and subfolders on remote machines to house the result files of the individual commands. bCleanup param decides
if the folders should be left as is, or if they should be cleaned up
.PARAMETER SendComputerCreds
Optional PSCredentials to connect to the Sender machine
.PARAMETER RecvComputerCreds
Optional PSCredentials to connect to the Receiver machine
.PARAMETER SendKeyFilePath
File path to private rsa key needed to connect to Send Machine. Only required if -PassAuth is false.
.PARAMETER RecvKeyFilePath
File path to private rsa key needed to connect to Recv Machine. Only required if -PassAuth is false.
Required parameter. The function creates folders and subfolders on remote machines to house the result files of the individual commands. BZip param decides
if the folders should be compressed or left uncompressed before copying over.
.PARAMETER TimeoutValueBetweenCommandPairs
Optional parameter to configure the amount of time the tool waits (in seconds) between command pairs before moving to the next set of commands
.PARAMETER PollTimeInSeconds
Optional parameter to configure the amount of time the tool waits (in seconds) before waking up to check if the TimeoutValueBetweenCommandPairs period has elapsed
.PARAMETER ListeningPort
Optional port number that the recevier and sender computer SSH server is listening on from Setup script.
.PARAMETER FirewallPortMin
Optional minimum server port number used for iteration tests to allow firewall to accept pings from
.PARAMETER FirewallPortMax
Optional maximum server port number used for iteration tests to allow firewall to accept pings from
Location of folder on receiver computer that is going to have commands and store results
Location of folder on sender computer that is going to have commands and store results
Function ProcessToolCommands{
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$RecvComputerName,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$SendComputerName,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [bool]$PassAuth = $False,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$CommandsDir,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$Bcleanup,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$Toolname = "ntttcp",
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [PSCredential] $SendComputerCreds = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [PSCredential] $RecvComputerCreds = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String] $SendKeyFilePath = "",
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String] $RecvKeyFilePath = "",
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $TestUserName,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [bool]$BZip,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [int] $TimeoutValueBetweenCommandPairs = 60,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [int] $PollTimeInSeconds = 5,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [int] $ListeningPort = 5985,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [int] $FirewallPortMin = 50000,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [int] $FirewallPortMax = 50512,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$RecvDir,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$SendDir
[bool] $gracefulCleanup = $False
# delay to let credential (public key) propagate before remoting
$credPropagationTimeInSecond = 3
[System.IO.TextReader] $recvCommands = $null
[System.IO.TextReader] $sendCommands = $null
$toolpath = "./{0}" -f $Toolname
$homePath = "/home/$TestUserName"
LogWrite "Adding receiver and sender computer to known hosts"
# add receiver and sender computer to known host of current computer
if ((Test-Path "$homePath/.ssh") -eq $False) {
New-Item -Path "$homePath/.ssh" -ItemType Directory
ssh-keyscan -H -p $ListeningPort $RecvComputerName >> "$homePath/.ssh/known_hosts"
ssh-keyscan -H -p $ListeningPort $SendComputerName >> "$homePath/.ssh/known_hosts"
try {
if ($PassAuth) {
$keyFilePath = "$homePath/.ssh/netperf_rsa"
$pubKeyFilePath = "$homePath/.ssh/"
$sshCommandFilePath = "$CommandsDir/sshCommand.txt"
if ((Test-Path $keyFilePath) -eq $False) {
LogWrite "Creating RSA public/private key pair"
# generate public and private key for ssh specific for NetPerfTest
Write-Output $keyFilePath | ssh-keygen --% -q -t rsa -N ""
chmod 600 $keyFilePath
# create command to copy public key to receiver and sender computer
if ((Test-Path $sshCommandFilePath) -eq $True) {
Remove-Item -Path $sshCommandFilePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force
Add-Content -Path $sshCommandFilePath -Value ("umask 077; test -d .ssh || mkdir .ssh ; echo `"" + (Get-Content $pubKeyFilePath) + "`" >> .ssh/authorized_keys")
Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
chmod 777 $sshCommandFilePath
# copy key over to send and recv machine
Write-Output "n" | plink -P $ListeningPort $RecvComputerName -l $RecvComputerCreds.GetNetworkCredential().UserName -pw $RecvComputerCreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password -m $sshCommandFilePath | Out-Null
Write-Output "n" | plink -P $ListeningPort $SendComputerName -l $SendComputerCreds.GetNetworkCredential().UserName -pw $SendComputerCreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password $sshCommandFilePath | Out-Null
# sleep for credentials to propagate
start-sleep -seconds $credPropagationTimeInSecond
$SendKeyFilePath = $keyFilePath
$RecvKeyFilePath = $keyFilePath
#add [] to addresses if they are ipv6
if ($RecvComputerName.Contains(":")) {
$RecvComputerName = "[$RecvComputerName]"
$recvPSSession = New-PSSession -Port $ListeningPort -HostName $RecvComputerName -UserName ($RecvComputerCreds.GetNetworkCredential().UserName) -KeyFilePath $RecvKeyFilePath
if($null -eq $recvPSsession) {
LogWrite "Error connecting to Host: $($RecvComputerName)"
# Establish the Remote PS session with Sender
if ($SendComputerName.Contains(":")) {
$SendComputerName = "[$SendComputerName]"
$sendPSSession = New-PSSession -Port $ListeningPort -HostName $SendComputerName -UserName $SendComputerCreds.GetNetworkCredential().UserName -KeyFilePath $SendKeyFilePath
if($null -eq $sendPSsession) {
LogWrite "Error connecting to Host: $($SendComputerName)"
# Construct the input file to read for commands.
$ToolnameUpper = $Toolname.ToUpper()
$sendCmdFile = Join-Path -Path $CommandsDir -ChildPath "/$Toolname/$ToolnameUpper.Commands.Send.txt"
$recvCmdFile = Join-Path -Path $CommandsDir -ChildPath "/$Toolname/$ToolnameUpper.Commands.Recv.txt"
# Ensure that remote machines have the directory created for results gathering.
$recvFolderExists = Invoke-Command -Session $recvPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockCreateDirForResults -ArgumentList ($RecvDir)
$sendFolderExists = Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockCreateDirForResults -ArgumentList ($SendDir)
# Clean up the Receiver/Sender folders on remote machines, if they exist so that we dont capture any stale logs
Invoke-Command -Session $recvPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockRemoveFileFolder -ArgumentList "$RecvDir/Receiver"
Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockRemoveFileFolder -ArgumentList "$SendDir/Sender"
#Create dirs and subdirs for each of the supported tools
if ($Toolname -eq 'secnetperf') {
Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockCreateDirForResults -ArgumentList ($SendDir+"/Sender/$Toolname/handshakes/quic")
Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockCreateDirForResults -ArgumentList ($SendDir+"/Sender/$Toolname/handshakes/tcp")
Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockCreateDirForResults -ArgumentList ($SendDir+"/Sender/$Toolname/latency/quic")
Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockCreateDirForResults -ArgumentList ($SendDir+"/Sender/$Toolname/latency/tcp")
Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockCreateDirForResults -ArgumentList ($SendDir+"/Sender/$Toolname/throughput/quic")
Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockCreateDirForResults -ArgumentList ($SendDir+"/Sender/$Toolname/throughput/tcp")
Invoke-Command -Session $recvPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockCreateDirForResults -ArgumentList ($RecvDir+"/Receiver/$Toolname")
} else {
Invoke-Command -Session $recvPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockCreateDirForResults -ArgumentList ($RecvDir+"/Receiver/$Toolname/tcp")
Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockCreateDirForResults -ArgumentList ($SendDir+"/Sender/$Toolname/tcp")
Invoke-Command -Session $recvPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockCreateDirForResults -ArgumentList ($RecvDir+"/Receiver/$Toolname/udp")
Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockCreateDirForResults -ArgumentList ($SendDir+"/Sender/$Toolname/udp")
$ArmRecv = Invoke-Command -Session $recvPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockIsArm64
$ArmSend = Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockIsArm64
if ($ArmRecv -and $ArmSend) {
$toolpath = "./{0}/arm64" -f $Toolname
# Copy the tool binaries to the remote machines
Copy-Item -Path "$toolpath/$Toolname" -Destination "$RecvDir/Receiver/$Toolname" -ToSession $recvPSSession
Copy-Item -Path "$toolpath/$Toolname" -Destination "$SendDir/Sender/$Toolname" -ToSession $sendPSSession
if ($Toolname -eq 'ncps') {
Copy-Item -Path "$toolpath/vcruntime140.dll" -Destination "$RecvDir/Receiver/$Toolname" -ToSession $recvPSSession
Copy-Item -Path "$toolpath/vcruntime140.dll" -Destination "$SendDir/Sender/$Toolname" -ToSession $sendPSSession
} elseif ($Toolname -eq 'secnetperf') {
Copy-Item -Path "$toolpath/" -Destination "$RecvDir/Receiver/$Toolname" -ToSession $recvPSSession
Copy-Item -Path "$toolpath/" -Destination "$SendDir/Sender/$Toolname" -ToSession $sendPSSession
Invoke-Command -Session $recvPSSession -ScriptBlock ([Scriptblock]::Create("`$env:LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $RecvDir/Receiver/$Toolname/"))
Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock ([Scriptblock]::Create("`$env:LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $SendDir/Sender/$Toolname/"))
Invoke-Command -Session $recvPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockMoveLibrary -ArgumentList ("$RecvDir/Receiver/$Toolname/", $RecvComputerCreds)
Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockMoveLibrary -ArgumentList ("$SendDir/Sender/$Toolname/", $SendComputerCreds)
# Enable execution of tool binaries
Invoke-Command -Session $recvPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockEnableToolPermissions -ArgumentList "$RecvDir/Receiver/$Toolname/$Toolname"
Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockEnableToolPermissions -ArgumentList "$SendDir/Sender/$Toolname/$Toolname"
# allow multiple ports in firewall
Invoke-Command -Session $recvPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockEnableFirewallRules -ArgumentList ("$FirewallPortMin`:$FirewallPortMax/tcp", $RecvComputerCreds)
Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockEnableFirewallRules -ArgumentList ("$FirewallPortMin`:$FirewallPortMax/tcp", $SendComputerCreds)
Invoke-Command -Session $recvPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockEnableFirewallRules -ArgumentList ("$FirewallPortMin`:$FirewallPortMax/udp", $RecvComputerCreds)
Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockEnableFirewallRules -ArgumentList ("$FirewallPortMin`:$FirewallPortMax/udp", $SendComputerCreds)
# Kill any background processes related to tool in case previous run is still running
Invoke-Command -Session $recvPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockTaskKill -ArgumentList $Toolname
Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockTaskKill -ArgumentList $Toolname
# get number of commands to run
$commandTotal = (Get-Content $recvCmdFile | Measure-Object -Line).Lines
$commandCount = 0
$recvCommands = [System.IO.File]::OpenText($recvCmdFile)
$sendCommands = [System.IO.File]::OpenText($sendCmdFile)
$sw = [diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew()
while(($null -ne ($recvCmd = $recvCommands.ReadLine())) -and ($null -ne ($sendCmd = $sendCommands.ReadLine()))) {
$commandCount = $commandCount + 1
#change the command to add path to tool
$recvCmd = $recvCmd -ireplace [regex]::Escape("./$Toolname"), "$RecvDir/$Toolname/$Toolname"
$sendCmd = $sendCmd -ireplace [regex]::Escape("./$Toolname"), "$SendDir/$Toolname/$Toolname"
# Work here to invoke recv commands
# Since we want the files to get generated under a subfolder, we replace the path to include the subfolder
$recvCmd = $recvCmd -ireplace [regex]::Escape($CommandsDir), "$RecvDir/Receiver"
LogWrite "Invoking Cmd - Machine: $recvComputerName Command: $recvCmd"
$recvJob = Invoke-Command -Session $recvPSSession -ScriptBlock ([Scriptblock]::Create($recvCmd)) -AsJob
Start-Sleep -Seconds $PollTimeInSeconds
# Work here to invoke send commands
# Since we want the files to get generated under a subfolder, we replace the path to include the subfolder
$sendCmd = $sendCmd -ireplace [regex]::Escape($CommandsDir), "$SendDir/Sender"
LogWrite "Invoking Cmd - Machine: $sendComputerName Command: $sendCmd"
$sendJob = Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock ([Scriptblock]::Create($sendCmd)) -AsJob
# non blocking loop to check if the process made a clean exit
# Calculate actual timeout value.
# For tools such as ntttcp, we may need to add additional #s for runtime, wu and cd times
[int] $timeout = GetActualTimeOutValue -AdditionalTimeout $TimeoutValueBetweenCommandPairs -Line $sendCmd
LogWrite "Waiting for $timeout seconds ..."
# Updating progress for user
Write-Host "Invoking $commandCount/$commandTotal commands for $Toolname and waiting for $timeout seconds..."
# check job status until job is done running
while (([math]::Round($sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds,0)) -lt $timeout) {
start-sleep -seconds $PollTimeInSeconds
if (($Toolname -eq "lagscope") -or ($Toolname -eq "secnetperf")) {
if ($sendJob.State -eq "Completed") {
LogWrite "$Toolname exited on both Src machines after $([math]::Round($sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds,0)) seconds"
} else {
if ($recvJob.State -eq "Completed" -and $sendJob.State -eq "Completed") {
LogWrite "$Toolname exited on both Src and Dest machines after $([math]::Round($sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds,0)) seconds"
# recv file takes longer to generate
# if ($Toolname -eq "ntttcp") {
# Start-Sleep -seconds 900
# }
# check if job was completed
if ($recvJob.State -ne "Completed") {
LogWrite " ++ $Toolname on Receiver did not exit cleanly with state " $recvJob.State
if ($sendJob.State -ne "Completed") {
LogWrite " ++ $Toolname on Sender did not exit cleanly with state " $sendJob.State
# Since time is up, stop job process so that new commands can be issued
Stop-Job $recvJob
Stop-Job $sendJob
# Clean up completed or failed job list
Remove-Job $recvJob
Remove-Job $sendJob
# Add sleep between before running the next command pair
start-sleep -seconds $PollTimeInSeconds
LogWrite "Test runs completed. Collecting results..."
# remove tool binaries because no need to copy
Invoke-Command -Session $recvPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockRemoveBinaries -ArgumentList "$RecvDir/Receiver/$Toolname/$Toolname"
Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockRemoveBinaries -ArgumentList "$SendDir/Sender/$Toolname/$Toolname"
if ($BZip -eq $true) {
#Zip the files on remote machines
LogWrite "Zipping up results..."
Invoke-Command -Session $recvPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockCreateZip -ArgumentList ("$RecvDir/Receiver/$Toolname", "$RecvDir/")
Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockCreateZip -ArgumentList ("$SendDir/Sender/$Toolname", "$SendDir/")
Remove-Item -Force -Path ("{0}/{1}" -f $CommandsDir, $Toolname) -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -Force -Path ("{0}/{1}" -f $CommandsDir, $Toolname) -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#copy the zip files from remote machines to the current (orchestrator) machines
Copy-Item -Path "$RecvDir/" -Destination ("{0}/{1}" -f $RecvDir, $Toolname) -FromSession $recvPSSession -Force
Copy-Item -Path "$SendDir/" -Destination ("{0}/{1}" -f $SendDir, $Toolname) -FromSession $sendPSSession -Force
Invoke-Command -Session $recvPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockRemoveFileFolder -ArgumentList "$RecvDir/"
Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockRemoveFileFolder -ArgumentList "$SendDir/"
} else {
LogWrite "Copying directories..."
Remove-Item -Force -Path ("{0}/{1}_Receiver" -f $CommandsDir, $Toolname) -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -Force -Path ("{0}/{1}_Sender" -f $CommandsDir, $Toolname) -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#copy just the entire results folder from remote machines to the current (orchestrator) machine
Copy-Item -Path "$RecvDir/Receiver/$Toolname/" -Recurse -Destination ("{0}/{1}_Receiver" -f $CommandsDir, $Toolname) -FromSession $recvPSSession -Force
Copy-Item -Path "$SendDir/Sender/$Toolname/" -Recurse -Destination ("{0}/{1}_Sender" -f $CommandsDir, $Toolname) -FromSession $sendPSSession -Force
if ($Bcleanup -eq $True) {
LogWrite "Cleaning up folders on Machine: $recvComputerName"
#clean up the folders and files we created
if($recvFolderExists -eq $false) {
# The folder never existed in the first place. we need to clean up the directories we created
Invoke-Command -Session $recvPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockRemoveFolderTree -ArgumentList "$RecvDir"
} else {
# this folder existed earlier on the machine. Leave the directory alone
# Remove just the child directories and the files we created.
Invoke-Command -Session $recvPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockRemoveFileFolder -ArgumentList "$RecvDir/Receiver"
LogWrite "Cleaning up folders on Machine: $sendComputerName"
if($sendFolderExists -eq $false) {
Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockRemoveFolderTree -ArgumentList "$SendDir"
} else {
# this folder existed earlier on the machine. Leave the directory alone
# Remove just the child directories and the files we created. Leave the directory alone
Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockRemoveFileFolder -ArgumentList "$SendDir/Sender"
} # if ($Bcleanup -eq $true)
$gracefulCleanup = $True
} # end try
catch {
LogWrite "Exception $($_.Exception.Message) in $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
finally {
if($gracefulCleanup -eq $False)
if ($null -ne $recvCommands ) {$recvCommands.close()}
if ($null -ne $sendCommands) {$sendCommands.close()}
Stop-Job *
Remove-Job *
Invoke-Command -Session $recvPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockTaskKill -ArgumentList $Toolname
Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockTaskKill -ArgumentList $Toolname
LogWrite "Cleaning up the firewall rules that were created as part of script run..."
# Clean up the firewall rules that this script created
Invoke-Command -Session $recvPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockCleanupFirewallRules -ArgumentList ("50000:50512/tcp", $RecvComputerCreds)
Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockCleanupFirewallRules -ArgumentList ("50000:50512/tcp", $SendComputerCreds)
Invoke-Command -Session $recvPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockCleanupFirewallRules -ArgumentList ("50000:50512/udp", $RecvComputerCreds)
Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockCleanupFirewallRules -ArgumentList ("50000:50512/udp", $SendComputerCreds)
LogWrite "Cleaning up public private key and known hosts that were created as part of script run"
if ($PassAuth) {
# Delete authorized host from receiver and sender computer
Invoke-Command -Session $recvPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockRemoveAuthorizedHost
Invoke-Command -Session $sendPSSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlockRemoveAuthorizedHost
# delete public and private key
Remove-Item -Path $keyFilePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force
Remove-Item -Path $pubKeyFilePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force
Remove-Item -Path $sshCommandFilePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force
# remove receiver and sender computer as known hosts
head -n -6 "$homePath/.ssh/known_hosts" | Out-Null
LogWrite "Cleaning up Remote PS Sessions"
# Clean up the PS Sessions
Remove-PSSession $sendPSSession -ErrorAction Ignore
Remove-PSSession $recvPSSession -ErrorAction Ignore
} #finally
} # ProcessToolCommands()