423 строки
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423 строки
18 KiB
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from block_zoo import *
import copy
import logging
from utils.exceptions import ConfigurationError, LayerUndefinedError, LayerConfigUndefinedError
from queue import Queue
from utils.common_utils import transform_tensors2params, transfer_to_gpu
from block_zoo.Embedding import *
EMBED_LAYER_NAME = 'Embedding'
EMBED_LAYER_ID = 'embedding'
def get_conf(layer_id, layer_name, input_layer_ids, all_layer_configs, model_input_ids, use_gpu,
conf_dict=None, shared_conf=None, succeed_embedding_flag=False, output_layer_flag=False,
target_num=None, fixed_lengths=None, target_dict=None):
""" get layer configuration
layer_id: layer identifier
layer_name: name of layer such as BiLSTM
input_layer_ids (list): the inputs of current layer
all_layer_configs (dict): records the conf class of each layer.
model_input_ids (set): the inputs of the model, e.g. ['query', 'passage']
shared_conf: if fixed_lengths is not None, the output_dim of shared_conf should be corrected!
target_num: used for inference the dimension of output space if someone declare a dimension of -1
configuration class coresponds to the layer
if shared_conf:
conf = copy.deepcopy(shared_conf)
conf_dict['use_gpu'] = use_gpu
# for Embedding layer, add weight_on_gpu parameters
if layer_id == EMBED_LAYER_ID:
conf_dict['weight_on_gpu'] = conf_dict['conf']['weight_on_gpu']
del conf_dict['conf']['weight_on_gpu']
# for classification tasks, we usually add a Linear layer to project the output to dimension of number of classes. If we don't know the #classes, we can use '-1' instead and we would calculate the number of classes from the corpus.
if layer_name == 'Linear':
if isinstance(conf_dict['hidden_dim'], list):
if conf_dict['hidden_dim'][-1] == -1:
assert output_layer_flag is True, "Only in the last layer, hidden_dim == -1 is allowed!"
assert target_num is not None, "Number of targets should be given!"
conf_dict['hidden_dim'][-1] = target_num
elif conf_dict['hidden_dim'][-1] == '#target#':
logging.info('#target# position will be replace by target num: %d' % target_num)
conf_dict['hidden_dim'][-1] = target_num
elif isinstance(conf_dict['hidden_dim'], int) and conf_dict['hidden_dim'] == -1:
assert output_layer_flag is True, "Only in the last layer, hidden_dim == -1 is allowed!"
assert target_num is not None, "Number of targets should be given!"
conf_dict['hidden_dim'] = target_num
elif isinstance(conf_dict['hidden_dim'], str) and conf_dict['hidden_dim'] == '#target#':
logging.info('#target# position will be replace by target num: %d' % target_num)
conf_dict['hidden_dim'] = target_num
# add some necessary attribute for CRF layer
if layer_name == 'CRF':
conf_dict['target_dict'] = target_dict
conf = eval(layer_name + "Conf")(**conf_dict)
except NameError as e:
raise LayerConfigUndefinedError("\"%sConf\" has not been defined" % layer_name)
# verify the rank consistence of joint layers
if layer_name == EMBED_LAYER_NAME:
# the embedding layer
# make sure all the inputs to current layer exist
for input_layer_id in input_layer_ids:
if not (input_layer_id in all_layer_configs or input_layer_id in model_input_ids):
raise ConfigurationError("The input %s of layer %s does not exist. Please define it before "
"defining layer %s!" % (input_layer_id, layer_id, layer_id))
former_output_ranks = [all_layer_configs[input_layer_id].output_rank if input_layer_id in all_layer_configs else all_layer_configs[EMBED_LAYER_ID].output_rank for input_layer_id in input_layer_ids]
# inference input_dim
conf.input_dims = [all_layer_configs[input_layer_id].output_dim if input_layer_id in all_layer_configs else all_layer_configs[EMBED_LAYER_ID].output_dim for input_layer_id in input_layer_ids]
# If the inputs come from embedding layer and fixed_lengths exist, set the length to input_dims
if len(input_layer_ids) == 1 and input_layer_ids[0] in model_input_ids and fixed_lengths:
conf.input_dims[0][1] = fixed_lengths[input_layer_ids[0]]
# check and verify input ranks
if conf.num_of_inputs > 0:
if conf.num_of_inputs != len(input_layer_ids):
raise ConfigurationError("%s only accept %d inputs but you feed %d inputs to it!" % \
(layer_name, conf.num_of_inputs, len(input_layer_ids)))
elif conf.num_of_inputs == -1:
conf.num_of_inputs = len(input_layer_ids)
if isinstance(conf.input_ranks, list):
conf.input_ranks = conf.input_ranks * conf.num_of_inputs
logging.warning("[For developer of %s] The input_ranks attribute should be a list!" % (layer_name))
[conf.input_ranks] * conf.num_of_inputs
for input_rank, former_output_rank in zip(conf.input_ranks, former_output_ranks):
if input_rank != -1 and input_rank != former_output_rank:
raise ConfigurationError("Input ranks of %s are inconsistent with former layers" % layer_id)
conf.input_ranks = copy.deepcopy(former_output_ranks)
# inference and varification inside the layer
conf.inference() # update some attributes which relies on input dimension or something else
conf.verify() # verify if the configuration is legal
former_conf = None if len(all_layer_configs) == 0 else list(all_layer_configs.values())[-1]
conf.verify_former_block(former_conf) # check if has special attribute rely on former layer
logging.debug('Layer id: %s; name: %s; input_dims: %s; input_ranks: %s; output_dim: %s; output_rank: %s' % (layer_id, layer_name, conf.input_dims if layer_id != 'embedding' else 'None', conf.input_ranks, conf.output_dim, conf.output_rank))
return conf
def get_layer(layer_name, conf):
conf: configuration class
specific layer
layer = eval(layer_name)(conf)
except NameError as e:
raise Exception("%s; Layer \"%s\" has not been defined" % (str(e), layer_name))
return layer
class Model(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, conf, problem, vocab_info, use_gpu):
inputs: ['string1', 'string2']
layer_archs: The layers must produce tensors with similar shapes. The layers may be nested.
'layer': Layer name,
'conf': {xxxx}
'layer': Layer name,
'conf': {},
'layer': Layer name,
'conf': {},
'word': {
'vocab_size': xxx,
'init_weights': np matrix
'postag': {
'vocab_size': xxx,
'init_weights': None
super(Model, self).__init__()
inputs = conf.object_inputs_names
layer_archs = conf.architecture
target_num = problem.output_target_num()
# correct the real fixed length if begin/end of sentence are added
if conf.fixed_lengths:
fixed_lengths_corrected = copy.deepcopy(conf.fixed_lengths)
for seq in fixed_lengths_corrected:
if problem.with_bos_eos:
fixed_lengths_corrected[seq] += 2
fixed_lengths_corrected = None
self.use_gpu = use_gpu
all_layer_configs = dict()
self.layers = nn.ModuleDict()
self.layer_inputs = dict()
self.layer_dependencies = dict()
self.layer_dependencies[EMBED_LAYER_ID] = set()
# change output_layer_id to list for support multi_output
self.output_layer_id = []
for layer_index, layer_arch in enumerate(layer_archs):
output_layer_flag = True if 'output_layer_flag' in layer_arch and layer_arch['output_layer_flag'] is True else False
succeed_embedding_flag = True if layer_index > 0 and 'inputs' in layer_arch and \
[input in inputs for input in layer_arch['inputs']].count(True) == len(layer_arch['inputs']) else False
if output_layer_flag:
# if hasattr(self, 'output_layer_id'):
# raise ConfigurationError("There should be only one output!")
# else:
# self.output_layer_id = layer_arch['layer_id']
if layer_index == 0:
# embedding layer
emb_conf = copy.deepcopy(vocab_info)
for input_cluster in emb_conf:
emb_conf[input_cluster]['dim'] = layer_arch['conf'][input_cluster]['dim']
emb_conf[input_cluster]['fix_weight'] = layer_arch['conf'][input_cluster].get('fix_weight', False)
emb_conf['weight_on_gpu'] = layer_arch.get('weight_on_gpu', True)
all_layer_configs[EMBED_LAYER_ID] = get_conf(EMBED_LAYER_ID, layer_arch['layer'],
None, all_layer_configs, inputs, self.use_gpu, conf_dict={'conf': emb_conf},
shared_conf=None, succeed_embedding_flag=False, output_layer_flag=output_layer_flag,
target_num=target_num, fixed_lengths=fixed_lengths_corrected, target_dict=problem.output_dict)
self.add_layer(EMBED_LAYER_ID, get_layer(layer_arch['layer'], all_layer_configs[EMBED_LAYER_ID]))
if layer_arch['layer'] in self.layers and not 'conf' in layer_arch:
# reuse formly defined layers (share the same parameters)
logging.debug("Layer id: %s; Sharing configuration with layer %s" % (layer_arch['layer_id'], layer_arch['layer']))
conf_dict = None
shared_conf = all_layer_configs[layer_arch['layer']]
conf_dict = layer_arch['conf']
shared_conf = None
# if the layer is EncoderDecoder, inference the vocab size
if layer_arch['layer'] == 'EncoderDecoder':
layer_arch['conf']['decoder_conf']['decoder_vocab_size'] = target_num
all_layer_configs[layer_arch['layer_id']] = get_conf(layer_arch['layer_id'], layer_arch['layer'],
layer_arch['inputs'], all_layer_configs, inputs, self.use_gpu, conf_dict=conf_dict,
shared_conf=shared_conf, succeed_embedding_flag=succeed_embedding_flag,
output_layer_flag=output_layer_flag, target_num=target_num,
fixed_lengths=fixed_lengths_corrected, target_dict=problem.output_dict)
if layer_arch['layer'] in self.layers and not 'conf' in layer_arch:
self.add_layer(layer_arch['layer_id'], self.layers[layer_arch['layer']])
self.add_layer(layer_arch['layer_id'], get_layer(layer_arch['layer'], all_layer_configs[layer_arch['layer_id']]))
self.layer_inputs[layer_arch['layer_id']] = layer_arch['inputs']
# register dependencies, except embeddings
cur_layer_depend = set()
for layer_depend_id in layer_arch['inputs']:
if not layer_depend_id in inputs:
self.add_dependency(layer_arch['layer_id'], cur_layer_depend)
logging.debug("Layer dependencies: %s" % repr(self.layer_dependencies))
if not hasattr(self, 'output_layer_id'):
raise ConfigurationError("Please define an output layer")
self.layer_topological_sequence = self.get_topological_sequence()
def add_layer(self, layer_id, layer):
""" register a layer
if layer_id in self.layers:
raise ConfigurationError("The layer id %s is not unique!")
self.layers[layer_id] = layer
def add_dependency(self, layer_id, depend_layer_id):
""" add the layers have to be proceed before layer_id
if not layer_id in self.layer_dependencies:
self.layer_dependencies[layer_id] = set()
if isinstance(depend_layer_id, int):
self.layer_dependencies[layer_id] |= set(depend_layer_id)
def remove_dependency(self, depend_layer_id):
""" remove dependencies on layer_id
for layer_id in self.layer_dependencies:
def get_topological_sequence(self):
""" get topological sequence of nodes in the model
total_layer_ids = Queue()
for layer_id in self.layers.keys():
if layer_id != EMBED_LAYER_ID:
topological_list = []
circular_cnt = 0 # used for checking if there is at least one legal topological sorting
while not total_layer_ids.empty():
layer_id = total_layer_ids.get()
if len(self.layer_dependencies[layer_id]) == 0:
for layer_id2 in self.layer_dependencies:
if layer_id in self.layer_dependencies[layer_id2]:
circular_cnt = 0
circular_cnt += 1
if circular_cnt >= total_layer_ids.qsize():
rest_layers = []
while not total_layer_ids.empty():
raise ConfigurationError("The model architecture is illegal because there is a circular dependency "
"or there are some isolated layers. The layers can not be resolved: [%s]" % (", ".join(rest_layers)))
logging.debug("Topological sequence of nodes: %s" % (",".join(topological_list)))
return topological_list
def forward(self, inputs_desc, length_desc, *param_list):
with the help of transform_tensors2params(inputs_desc, length_desc, param_list), we can get the below inputs and lengths
inputs: dict.
'word': word ids, [batch size, seq len]
'postag': postag ids,[batch size, seq len]
'word': word ids,[batch size, seq len]
'postag': postag ids,[batch size, seq len]
lengths: dict.
"string1": [...]
"string2": [...]
inputs, lengths = transform_tensors2params(inputs_desc, length_desc, param_list)
representation = dict()
representation[EMBED_LAYER_ID] = dict()
repre_lengths = dict()
repre_lengths[EMBED_LAYER_ID] = dict()
for input in inputs:
representation[input] = self.layers[EMBED_LAYER_ID](inputs[input], use_gpu=self.is_cuda())
if self.use_gpu:
repre_lengths[input] = transfer_to_gpu(lengths[input])
repre_lengths[input] = lengths[input]
for layer_id in self.layer_topological_sequence:
#logging.debug("To proces layer %s" % layer_id)
input_params = []
for input_layer_id in self.layer_inputs[layer_id]:
representation[layer_id], repre_lengths[layer_id] = self.layers[layer_id](*input_params)
#logging.debug("Layer %s processed. output size: %s" % (layer_id, representation[layer_id].size()))
# for support multi_output
representation_output = dict()
for single_output_layer_id in self.output_layer_id:
representation_output[single_output_layer_id] = representation[single_output_layer_id]
return representation_output
def is_cuda(self):
return list(self.parameters())[-1].data.is_cuda
def update_use_gpu(self, new_use_gpu):
self.use_gpu = new_use_gpu
for layer_id in self.layers.keys():
if isinstance(self.layers[layer_id], Embedding):
for input_cluster in self.layers[layer_id].embeddings:
if isinstance(self.layers[layer_id].embeddings[input_cluster], CNNCharEmbedding):
self.layers[layer_id].embeddings[input_cluster].layer_conf.use_gpu = new_use_gpu
elif isinstance(self.layers[layer_id], EncoderDecoder):
self.layers[layer_id].encoder.layer_conf.use_gpu = new_use_gpu
self.layers[layer_id].decoder.layer_conf.use_gpu = new_use_gpu
self.layers[layer_id].layer_conf.use_gpu = new_use_gpu