
346 строки
14 KiB

@if not defined _echo @echo off
set /p ProductVersion=<version.txt
:: Store current script directory before %~dp0 gets affected by another process later.
set __currentScriptDir=%~dp0
set DependenciesDir=%__currentScriptDir%dependencies\
if not exist "%DependenciesDir%" (md "%DependenciesDir%")
:: Default configuration if no arguents passed to build.cmd (DbgWinPy3.7)
set __BuildArch=x64
set __VCBuildArch=x86_amd64
set Configuration=DbgWinPy3.7
set DebugBuild=True
set BuildOutputDir=%__currentScriptDir%x64\
set PythonUrl=
set PythonRoot=%DependenciesDir%Python3.7
set BoostUrl=
set BoostRoot=%DependenciesDir%BoostDbg3.7
set PythonVersion=3.7
set PythonTag=cp37
set RunTests=False
set BuildDotNetBridgeOnly=False
set SkipDotNetBridge=False
if [%1] == [] goto :Build
if /i [%1] == [--configuration] (
shift && goto :Configuration
if /i [%1] == [--runTests] (
set RunTests=True
shift && goto :Arg_Loop
if /i [%1] == [--buildDotNetBridgeOnly] (
set BuildDotNetBridgeOnly=True
shift && goto :Arg_Loop
if /i [%1] == [--skipDotNetBridge] (
set SkipDotNetBridge=True
shift && goto :Arg_Loop
) else goto :Usage
echo "Usage: build.cmd [--configuration <Configuration>] [--runTests] [--buildDotNetBridgeOnly] [--skipDotNetBridge]"
echo ""
echo "Options:"
echo " --configuration <Configuration> Build Configuration (DbgWinPy3.7,DbgWinPy3.6,DbgWinPy3.5,DbgWinPy2.7,RlsWinPy3.7,RlsWinPy3.6,RlsWinPy3.5,RlsWinPy2.7)"
echo " --runTests Run tests after build"
echo " --buildDotNetBridgeOnly Build only DotNetBridge"
echo " --skipDotNetBridge Build everything except DotNetBridge"
goto :Exit_Success
if /i [%1] == [RlsWinPy3.7] (
set DebugBuild=False
set Configuration=RlsWinPy3.7
set PythonUrl=
set PythonRoot=%DependenciesDir%Python3.7
set BoostUrl=
set BoostRoot=%DependenciesDir%BoostRls3.7
set PythonVersion=3.7
set PythonTag=cp37
shift && goto :Arg_Loop
if /i [%1] == [RlsWinPy3.6] (
set DebugBuild=False
set Configuration=RlsWinPy3.6
set PythonUrl=
set PythonRoot=%DependenciesDir%Python3.6
set BoostUrl=
set BoostRoot=%DependenciesDir%BoostRls3.6
set PythonVersion=3.6
set PythonTag=cp36
shift && goto :Arg_Loop
if /i [%1] == [RlsWinPy3.5] (
set DebugBuild=False
set Configuration=RlsWinPy3.5
set PythonUrl=
set PythonRoot=%DependenciesDir%Python3.5
set BoostUrl=
set BoostRoot=%DependenciesDir%BoostRls3.5
set PythonVersion=3.5
set PythonTag=cp35
shift && goto :Arg_Loop
if /i [%1] == [RlsWinPy2.7] (
set DebugBuild=False
set Configuration=RlsWinPy2.7
set PythonUrl=
set PythonRoot=%DependenciesDir%Python2.7
set BoostUrl=
set BoostRoot=%DependenciesDir%BoostRls2.7
set PythonVersion=2.7
set PythonTag=cp27
shift && goto :Arg_Loop
if /i [%1] == [DbgWinPy3.7] (
set DebugBuild=True
set Configuration=DbgWinPy3.7
set PythonUrl=
set PythonRoot=%DependenciesDir%Python3.7
set BoostUrl=
set BoostRoot=%DependenciesDir%BoostDbg3.7
set PythonVersion=3.7
set PythonTag=cp37
shift && goto :Arg_Loop
if /i [%1] == [DbgWinPy3.6] (
set DebugBuild=True
set Configuration=DbgWinPy3.6
set PythonUrl=
set PythonRoot=%DependenciesDir%Python3.6
set BoostUrl=
set BoostRoot=%DependenciesDir%BoostDbg3.6
set PythonVersion=3.6
set PythonTag=cp36
shift && goto :Arg_Loop
if /i [%1] == [DbgWinPy3.5] (
set DebugBuild=True
set Configuration=DbgWinPy3.5
set PythonUrl=
set PythonRoot=%DependenciesDir%Python3.5
set BoostUrl=
set BoostRoot=%DependenciesDir%BoostDbg3.5
set PythonVersion=3.5
set PythonTag=cp35
shift && goto :Arg_Loop
if /i [%1] == [DbgWinPy2.7] (
set DebugBuild=True
set Configuration=DbgWinPy2.7
set PythonUrl=
set PythonRoot=%DependenciesDir%Python2.7
set BoostUrl=
set BoostRoot=%DependenciesDir%BoostDbg2.7
set PythonVersion=2.7
set PythonTag=cp27
shift && goto :Arg_Loop
:: Install dotnet SDK version, see
echo Installing dotnet SDK ...
powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; &([scriptblock]::Create((Invoke-WebRequest -useb ''))) -Version 2.1.200 -InstallDir ./cli"
:: Build managed code
echo ""
echo "#################################"
echo "Building DotNet Bridge ... "
echo "#################################"
set _dotnet=%__currentScriptDir%cli\dotnet.exe
if "%SkipDotNetBridge%" == "False" (
call "%_dotnet%" build -c %Configuration% -o "%BuildOutputDir%%Configuration%" --force "%__currentScriptDir%src\DotNetBridge\DotNetBridge.csproj"
if "%BuildDotNetBridgeOnly%" == "True" (
exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%
call "%_dotnet%" build -c %Configuration% --force "%__currentScriptDir%src\Platforms\build.csproj"
call "%_dotnet%" publish "%__currentScriptDir%src\Platforms\build.csproj" --force --self-contained -r win-x64 -c %Configuration%
echo ""
echo "#################################"
echo "Downloading Dependencies "
echo "#################################"
:: Download & unzip Python
if not exist "%PythonRoot%\.done" (
md "%PythonRoot%"
echo Downloading python zip ...
powershell -command "& {$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient; $wc.DownloadFile('%PythonUrl%', '');}"
echo Extracting python zip ...
powershell.exe -nologo -noprofile -command "& { Add-Type -A 'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem'; [IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory('', '%PythonRoot%'); }"
:: Download & unzip Boost
if not exist "%BoostRoot%\.done" (
md "%BoostRoot%"
echo Downloading boost zip ...
powershell -command "& {$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient; $wc.DownloadFile('%BoostUrl%', '');}"
echo Extracting boost zip ...
powershell.exe -nologo -noprofile -command "& { Add-Type -A 'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem'; [IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory('', '%BoostRoot%'); }"
echo ""
echo "#################################"
echo "Building Native Bridge ... "
echo "#################################"
:: Setting native code build environment
echo Setting native build environment ...
set _VSWHERE="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe"
set vswhereOutputFile=vswhereOutput.tmp
if exist %_VSWHERE% (
%_VSWHERE% -version "[15.0,16.0)" -latest -prerelease -property installationPath > %vswhereOutputFile%
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%i in (%vswhereOutputFile%) do set _VSCOMNTOOLS=%%i\Common7\Tools
del %vswhereOutputFile%
if not exist "%_VSCOMNTOOLS%" goto :MissingVersion
set "VSCMD_START_DIR=%__currentScriptDir%"
call "%_VSCOMNTOOLS%\VsDevCmd.bat"
if "%VisualStudioVersion%"=="15.0" (
goto :VS2017
) else if "%VisualStudioVersion%"=="14.0" (
goto :VS2015
) else goto :MissingVersion
:: Can't find VS 2015 or 2017
echo Error: Visual Studio 2015 or 2017 required
echo Please see for build instructions.
goto :Exit_Error
:: Setup vars for VS2017
set __PlatformToolset=v141
set __VSVersion=15 2017
if NOT "%__BuildArch%" == "arm64" (
:: Set the environment for the native build
call "%VS150COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" %__VCBuildArch%
goto :NativeBridge
:: Setup vars for VS2015build
set __PlatformToolset=v140
set __VSVersion=14 2015
if NOT "%__BuildArch%" == "arm64" (
:: Set the environment for the native build
call "%VS140COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" %__VCBuildArch%
goto :NativeBridge
:: Build NativeBridge.vcxproj
echo Building NativeBridge.vcxproj ...
set __msbuildArgs=/p:Platform=%__BuildArch% /p:PlatformToolset="%__PlatformToolset%"
call msbuild "%__currentScriptDir%src\NativeBridge\NativeBridge.vcxproj" /p:Configuration=%Configuration% %__msbuildArgs%
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :Exit_Error
:: Build nimbusml wheel
echo ""
echo "#################################"
echo "Building nimbusml wheel package ... "
echo "#################################"
echo Building nimbusml wheel package ...
set PythonExe=%PythonRoot%\python.exe
echo Python executable: %PythonExe%
:: Clean out build, dist, and libs from previous builds
set build="%__currentScriptDir%src\python\build"
set dist="%__currentScriptDir%src\python\dist"
set libs="%__currentScriptDir%src\python\nimbusml\internal\libs"
if exist %build% rd %build% /S /Q
if exist %dist% rd %dist% /S /Q
if exist %libs% rd %libs% /S /Q
md %libs%
if %PythonVersion% == 3.7 (
:: Running the check in one python is enough. Entrypoint compiler doesn't run in py2.7.
echo Generating low-level Python API from mainifest.json ...
call "%PythonExe%" -m pip install --upgrade autopep8 autoflake isort jinja2
cd "%__currentScriptDir%src\python"
call "%PythonExe%" tools\ --check_manual_changes
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Codegen check failed. Try running tools/ --check_manual_changes to find the problem.
goto :Exit_Error
cd "%__currentScriptDir%"
echo Placing binaries in libs dir for wheel packaging
copy "%BuildOutputDir%%Configuration%\DotNetBridge.dll" "%__currentScriptDir%src\python\nimbusml\internal\libs\"
copy "%BuildOutputDir%%Configuration%\pybridge.pyd" "%__currentScriptDir%src\python\nimbusml\internal\libs\"
if %PythonVersion% == 2.7 (
copy "%BuildOutputDir%%Configuration%\Platform\win-x64\publish\*.dll" "%__currentScriptDir%src\python\nimbusml\internal\libs\"
) else (
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (build/libs_win.txt) do copy "%BuildOutputDir%%Configuration%\Platform\win-x64\publish\%%A" "%__currentScriptDir%src\python\nimbusml\internal\libs\"
if "%DebugBuild%" == "True" (
copy "%BuildOutputDir%%Configuration%\DotNetBridge.pdb" "%__currentScriptDir%src\python\nimbusml\internal\libs\"
copy "%BuildOutputDir%%Configuration%\pybridge.pdb" "%__currentScriptDir%src\python\nimbusml\internal\libs\"
call "%PythonExe%" -m pip install --upgrade "wheel>=0.31.0"
cd "%__currentScriptDir%src\python"
call "%PythonExe%" bdist_wheel --python-tag %PythonTag% --plat-name win_amd64
cd "%__currentScriptDir%"
set WheelFile=nimbusml-%ProductVersion%-%PythonTag%-none-win_amd64.whl
if not exist "%__currentScriptDir%src\python\dist\%WheelFile%" (
echo did not produce expected %WheelFile%
goto :Exit_Error
md "%__currentScriptDir%target"
copy "%__currentScriptDir%src\python\dist\%WheelFile%" "%__currentScriptDir%target\%WheelFile%"
echo Python package successfully created: %__currentScriptDir%target\%WheelFile%
if "%RunTests%" == "False" (
goto :Exit_Success
echo ""
echo "#################################"
echo "Running tests ... "
echo "#################################"
call "%PythonExe%" -m pip install --upgrade nose pytest graphviz imageio pytest-cov "jupyter_client>=4.4.0" "nbconvert>=4.2.0"
if %PythonVersion% == 2.7 ( call "%PythonExe%" -m pip install --upgrade pyzmq )
call "%PythonExe%" -m pip install --upgrade "%__currentScriptDir%target\%WheelFile%"
call "%PythonExe%" -m pip install "scikit-learn==0.19.2"
set PackagePath=%PythonRoot%\Lib\site-packages\nimbusml
set TestsPath1=%PackagePath%\tests
set TestsPath2=%__currentScriptDir%src\python\tests
set ReportPath=%__currentScriptDir%build\TestCoverageReport
call "%PythonExe%" -m pytest --verbose --maxfail=1000 --capture=sys "%TestsPath1%" --cov="%PackagePath%" --cov-report term-missing --cov-report html:"%ReportPath%"
if errorlevel 1 (
goto :Exit_Error
call "%PythonExe%" -m pytest --verbose --maxfail=1000 --capture=sys "%TestsPath2%" --cov="%PackagePath%" --cov-report term-missing --cov-report html:"%ReportPath%"
if errorlevel 1 (
goto :Exit_Error
exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%
echo Failed with error %ERRORLEVEL%
exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%