зеркало из https://github.com/microsoft/O-CNN.git
Update pytorch
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,36 +10,38 @@ using torch::Tensor;
vector<float> bounding_sphere(Tensor data_in, string method);
Tensor normalize_points(Tensor data_in, float radius, vector<float> center);
Tensor transform_points(Tensor data_in, vector<float> angle, vector<float> scale,
vector<float> jitter, float offset);
Tensor transform_points(Tensor data_in, vector<float> angle, vector<float> scale,
vector<float> jitter, float offset, string normal_axis);
vector<Tensor> clip_points(Tensor data_in, vector<float> bbmin, vector<float> bbmax);
Tensor octree_batch(vector<Tensor> tensors_in);
vector<Tensor> octree_samples(vector<string> names);
Tensor octree_property(Tensor octree_in, string property, int depth);
Tensor octree_set_property(Tensor octree_in, Tensor data_in, int depth);
Tensor points2octree(Tensor points, int depth, int full_depth, bool node_dis,
bool node_feature, bool split_label, bool adaptive,
int adp_depth, float th_normal, float th_distance,
bool extrapolate, bool save_pts, bool key2xyz);
Tensor octree2col(Tensor data_in, Tensor octree, int depth,
vector<int> kernel_size, int stride);
vector<int> kernel_size, int stride, bool nempty);
Tensor col2octree(Tensor grad_in, Tensor octree, int depth,
vector<int> kernel_size, int stride);
Tensor octree2colP(Tensor data_in, Tensor octree, int depth,
vector<int> kernel_size, int stride);
Tensor col2octreeP(Tensor grad_in, Tensor octree, int depth,
vector<int> kernel_size, int stride);
vector<int> kernel_size, int stride, bool nempty);
Tensor octree_conv(Tensor data_in, Tensor weights, Tensor octree, int depth,
int num_output, vector<int> kernel_size, int stride);
int num_output, vector<int> kernel_size, int stride,
bool nempty);
Tensor octree_deconv(Tensor data_in, Tensor weights, Tensor octree, int depth,
int num_output, vector<int> kernel_size, int stride);
int num_output, vector<int> kernel_size, int stride,
bool nempty);
vector<Tensor> octree_conv_grad(Tensor data_in, Tensor weights, Tensor octree,
Tensor grad_in, int depth, int num_output,
vector<int> kernel_size, int stride);
vector<int> kernel_size, int stride,
bool nempty);
vector<Tensor> octree_deconv_grad(Tensor data_in, Tensor weights, Tensor octree,
Tensor grad_in, int depth, int num_output,
vector<int> kernel_size, int stride);
vector<int> kernel_size, int stride,
bool nempty);
Tensor octree_pad(Tensor data_in, Tensor octree, int depth, float val = 0.0f);
Tensor octree_depad(Tensor data_in, Tensor octree, int depth);
@ -52,7 +54,17 @@ Tensor octree_encode_key(Tensor xyz);
Tensor octree_decode_key(Tensor key);
Tensor octree_key2xyz(Tensor key, int depth);
Tensor octree_xyz2key(Tensor xyz, int depth);
Tensor octree_search_key(Tensor key, Tensor data_in, int depth, bool is_in_xyz);
Tensor octree_search_key(Tensor key, Tensor octree, int depth, bool key_is_xyz,
bool nempty);
Tensor octree_scan(Tensor octree, vector<float> axis, float scale);
Tensor octree_grow(Tensor octree_in, int target_depth, bool full_octree);
Tensor octree_update(Tensor octree_in, Tensor label_in, int depth, int split);
Tensor octree_new(int batch_size, int channel, bool node_dis, int adaptive_layer);
vector<Tensor> octree_align(Tensor src_data, Tensor src_octree,
Tensor des_octree, int depth);
Tensor octree_align_grad(Tensor des_grad, Tensor idx_tensor);
Tensor points_new(Tensor pts, Tensor normals, Tensor features, Tensor labels);
Tensor points_property(Tensor points, string property);
@ -5,6 +5,18 @@
namespace {
Tensor get_ichild(const OctreeParser& octree_, const int depth,
const torch::TensorOptions& options) {
int node_num = octree_.info().node_num(depth);
int node_num_ne = octree_.info().node_num_nempty(depth);
const int* child = octree_.children_gpu(depth);
Tensor tmp = torch::arange(node_num, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
Tensor ichild = torch::zeros(node_num_ne, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
pad_backward_gpu(ichild.data_ptr<int>(), node_num_ne, 1, tmp.data_ptr<int>(),
node_num, child);
return ichild;
class Octree2ColBase {
explicit Octree2ColBase(int depth, std::vector<int> kernel_size, int stride)
@ -48,6 +60,7 @@ class OctreeToColOp : public Octree2ColBase {
int btm_depth = this->depth_;
int channel = data_in.size(1);
int btm_height = data_in.size(2);
data_in = data_in.contiguous();
CHECK_EQ(octree_.info().node_num(btm_depth), btm_height);
// output data
@ -58,7 +71,8 @@ class OctreeToColOp : public Octree2ColBase {
CHECK_EQ(top_height, octree_.info().node_num_nempty(top_depth));
int kernel_sdim = num_elements(this->kernel_size_);
Tensor data_out = torch::zeros({channel, kernel_sdim, top_height}, data_in.options());
Tensor data_out =
torch::zeros({channel, kernel_sdim, top_height}, data_in.options());
// execute
octree2col_gpu(data_out.data_ptr<float>(), data_in.data_ptr<float>(),
@ -83,6 +97,7 @@ class ColToOctreeOp : public Octree2ColBase {
// in grad shape, data format: [channel, kernel_sdim, top_height]
int channel = grad_in.size(0);
int top_height = grad_in.size(2);
grad_in = grad_in.contiguous();
// out grad
int btm_depth = this->depth_;
@ -90,7 +105,8 @@ class ColToOctreeOp : public Octree2ColBase {
if (this->stride_ == 2) {
CHECK_EQ(top_height, octree_.info().node_num_nempty(btm_depth - 1));
Tensor grad_out = torch::zeros({1, channel, btm_height, 1}, grad_in.options());
Tensor grad_out =
torch::zeros({1, channel, btm_height, 1}, grad_in.options());
// execute
int kernel_sdim = num_elements(this->kernel_size_);
@ -118,6 +134,7 @@ class OctreeToColPOp : public Octree2ColBase {
int btm_depth = this->depth_;
int channel = data_in.size(1);
int btm_height = data_in.size(2);
data_in = data_in.contiguous();
int node_num = octree_.info().node_num(btm_depth);
int node_num_ne = octree_.info().node_num_nempty(btm_depth);
CHECK_EQ(node_num_ne, btm_height);
@ -163,6 +180,7 @@ class ColToOctreePOp : public Octree2ColBase {
torch::TensorOptions options = grad_in.options();
int channel = grad_in.size(0);
int top_height = grad_in.size(2);
grad_in = grad_in.contiguous();
// child pointer
int btm_depth = this->depth_;
@ -174,7 +192,6 @@ class ColToOctreePOp : public Octree2ColBase {
int* ichild = t1.data_ptr<int>();
pad_backward_gpu(ichild, node_num_ne, 1, t0.data_ptr<int>(), node_num, child);
// out grad
int btm_height = node_num_ne;
if (this->stride_ == 2) {
@ -187,36 +204,34 @@ class ColToOctreePOp : public Octree2ColBase {
// execute
int kernel_sdim = num_elements(this->kernel_size_);
col2octreeP_gpu(grad_in.data_ptr<float>(), grad_out.data_ptr<float>(),
channel, top_height, btm_height, kernel_sdim, this->stride_,
octree_.neighbor_gpu(btm_depth), ni_ptr, child, ichild,
top_height, 0);
channel, top_height, btm_height, kernel_sdim, this->stride_,
octree_.neighbor_gpu(btm_depth), ni_ptr, child, ichild,
top_height, 0);
return grad_out;
} // anonymous namespace
} // anonymous namespace
// API implementation
Tensor octree2col(Tensor data_in, Tensor octree, int depth,
std::vector<int> kernel_size, int stride) {
OctreeToColOp op(depth, kernel_size, stride);
return op.compute(data_in, octree);
std::vector<int> kernel_size, int stride, bool nempty) {
if (!nempty) {
OctreeToColOp op(depth, kernel_size, stride);
return op.compute(data_in, octree);
} else {
OctreeToColPOp op(depth, kernel_size, stride);
return op.compute(data_in, octree);
Tensor col2octree(Tensor grad_in, Tensor octree, int depth,
std::vector<int> kernel_size, int stride) {
ColToOctreeOp op(depth, kernel_size, stride);
return op.compute(grad_in, octree);
Tensor octree2colP(Tensor data_in, Tensor octree, int depth,
std::vector<int> kernel_size, int stride) {
OctreeToColPOp op(depth, kernel_size, stride);
return op.compute(data_in, octree);
Tensor col2octreeP(Tensor grad_in, Tensor octree, int depth,
std::vector<int> kernel_size, int stride) {
ColToOctreePOp op(depth, kernel_size, stride);
return op.compute(grad_in, octree);
std::vector<int> kernel_size, int stride, bool nempty) {
if (!nempty) {
ColToOctreeOp op(depth, kernel_size, stride);
return op.compute(grad_in, octree);
} else {
ColToOctreePOp op(depth, kernel_size, stride);
return op.compute(grad_in, octree);
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
#ifndef KEY64
#define KEY64
#include <octree/octree_nn.h>
#include <octree/octree_parser.h>
#include "ocnn.h"
vector<Tensor> octree_align(Tensor src_data, Tensor src_octree,
Tensor des_octree, int depth) {
// in data
src_data = src_data.contiguous();
float* src_ptr = src_data.data_ptr<float>();
int src_h = src_data.size(2);
int channel = src_data.size(1);
// octrees
OctreeParser src_parser, des_parser;
int des_h = des_parser.info().node_num(depth);
CHECK_EQ(src_parser.info().node_num(depth), src_h);
// get key
torch::TensorOptions options = src_octree.options();
const uintk* src_key = src_parser.key_gpu(depth);
Tensor src_key_tensor;
if (src_parser.info().is_key2xyz()) {
src_key_tensor = torch::zeros({src_h}, options.dtype(torch::kInt64));
uintk* ptr = (uintk*)src_key_tensor.data_ptr<int64_t>();
xyz2key_gpu(ptr, src_key, src_h, depth);
src_key = ptr;
const uintk* des_key = des_parser.key_gpu(depth);
Tensor des_key_tensor;
if (des_parser.info().is_key2xyz()) {
des_key_tensor = torch::zeros({des_h}, options.dtype(torch::kInt64));
uintk* ptr = (uintk*)des_key_tensor.data_ptr<int64_t>();
xyz2key_gpu(ptr, des_key, des_h, depth);
des_key = ptr;
// binary search
Tensor idx_tensor = torch::zeros({src_h}, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
int* idx_ptr = idx_tensor.data_ptr<int>();
search_key_gpu(idx_ptr, des_key, des_h, src_key, src_h);
// out data
Tensor des_tensor =
torch::zeros({1, channel, des_h, 1}, options.dtype(torch::kFloat32));
float* des_ptr = des_tensor.data_ptr<float>();
// exec
align_forward_gpu(des_ptr, des_h, channel, src_ptr, src_h, idx_ptr);
return {des_tensor, idx_tensor};
Tensor octree_align_grad(Tensor des_grad, Tensor idx_tensor) {
// gradients
des_grad = des_grad.contiguous();
float* des_ptr = des_grad.data_ptr<float>();
int channel = des_grad.size(1);
int des_h = des_grad.size(2);
// index
int src_h = idx_tensor.size(0);
int* idx_ptr = idx_tensor.data_ptr<int>();
// grad out
torch::TensorOptions options = des_grad.options();
Tensor src_tensor = torch::zeros({1, channel, src_h, 1}, options);
float* src_ptr = src_tensor.data_ptr<float>();
// exec
align_backward_gpu(des_ptr, des_h, channel, src_ptr, src_h, idx_ptr);
return src_tensor;
@ -8,6 +8,25 @@ namespace {
using octree::OctreeBaseConv;
// used for debug
template <typename dtype>
void dump_tensor(const Tensor tensor, string filename="") {
int dim = tensor.dim();
filename += "_shape";
for (int j = 0; j < dim; ++j) {
filename += "_" + std::to_string(tensor.size(j));
std::cout << filename << std::endl;
Tensor t = tensor.cpu();
int n = t.numel();
std::ofstream outfile(filename, std::ios::binary);
const dtype* ptr = t.data_ptr<dtype>();
outfile.write((char*) ptr, n * sizeof(dtype));
class THGpuGemm : public octree::GEMMEngine<float> {
virtual void gemm(const bool TransA, const bool TransB, const int M,
@ -27,11 +46,15 @@ class THGpuGemm : public octree::GEMMEngine<float> {
class OctreeConvTH : public OctreeBaseConv<float> {
explicit OctreeConvTH(int depth, int num_output, vector<int> kernel_size, int stride)
: depth_(depth), num_output_(num_output), kernel_size_(kernel_size), stride_(stride) {
explicit OctreeConvTH(int depth, int num_output, vector<int> kernel_size,
int stride, bool nempty)
: depth_(depth), num_output_(num_output), kernel_size_(kernel_size),
stride_(stride), non_empty_(nempty) {
CHECK_GT(depth_, 0) << "The depth should be larger than 0";
CHECK_GT(num_output_, 0) << "The num_output should be larger than 0";
for (auto k : kernel_size_) { CHECK(0 < k && k < 4) << "Invalide kernel size"; }
for (auto k : kernel_size_) {
CHECK(0 < k && k < 4) << "Invalide kernel size";
CHECK(stride_ == 1 || stride_ == 2) << "Unsupport stride";
@ -44,10 +67,11 @@ class OctreeConvTH : public OctreeBaseConv<float> {
// setup octree conv
int channel_in = data_in.size(1), height_btm = data_in.size(2);
OctreeBaseConv<float>::setup(kernel_size_, stride_, depth_, channel_in,
if (stride_ == 2 && is_deconvolution_layer()) {
CHECK_EQ(height_btm, this->octree_.info().node_num_nempty(depth_));
kernel_size_, stride_, depth_, channel_in, num_output_, non_empty_);
if ((stride_ == 2 && is_deconvolution_layer()) || non_empty_) {
CHECK_EQ(height_btm, this->octree_.info().node_num_nempty(depth_))
<< ", d: " << depth_ << ", channel_in: " << channel_in;
} else {
CHECK_EQ(height_btm, this->octree_.info().node_num(depth_))
<< ", d: " << depth_ << ", channel_in: " << channel_in;
@ -72,15 +96,6 @@ class OctreeConvTH : public OctreeBaseConv<float> {
this->result_buffer_ = nullptr;
count = num_elements(this->data_buffer_shape_);
if (count != 0) {
Tensor data_buffer = torch::zeros({count}, options);
this->data_buffer_ = data_buffer.data_ptr<float>();
} else {
this->data_buffer_ = nullptr;
vector<int>& ni_cpu = NeighHelper::get_ni(kernel_size_);
count = ni_cpu.size();
if (count != 0) {
@ -90,6 +105,17 @@ class OctreeConvTH : public OctreeBaseConv<float> {
this->ni_gpu_ptr_ = ni_ptr;
if (non_empty_) {
this->child_ = octree_.children_gpu(this->workspace_depth_);
Tensor t0 = torch::arange(this->child_h_, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
Tensor t1 = torch::zeros(this->ichild_h_, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
this->ichild_ = t1.data_ptr<int>();
pad_backward_gpu(t1.data_ptr<int>(), this->ichild_h_, 1,
t0.data_ptr<int>(), this->child_h_, this->child_);
return tmp_tensors;
@ -98,22 +124,26 @@ class OctreeConvTH : public OctreeBaseConv<float> {
int num_output_;
vector<int> kernel_size_;
int stride_;
bool non_empty_;
THGpuGemm th_gpu_gemm_;
class OctreeConvOp : public OctreeConvTH {
explicit OctreeConvOp(int depth, int num_output, vector<int> kernel_size, int stride)
: OctreeConvTH(depth, num_output, kernel_size, stride) {}
explicit OctreeConvOp(int depth, int num_output, vector<int> kernel_size,
int stride, bool nempty)
: OctreeConvTH(depth, num_output, kernel_size, stride, nempty) {}
Tensor compute(Tensor data_in, Tensor weights, Tensor octree) {
// init
this->setup_op(data_in, octree);
torch::TensorOptions options = data_in.options();
vector<Tensor> tmp_tensors = this->alloc_temp_memory(options);
Tensor data_out = torch::zeros({1, this->top_shape_[1], this->top_shape_[2], 1}, options);
Tensor data_out =
torch::zeros({1, this->top_shape_[1], this->top_shape_[2], 1}, options);
// get pointers
data_in = data_in.contiguous();
const float* btm_data = data_in.data_ptr<float>();
const float* weights_data = weights.data_ptr<float>();
float* top_data = data_out.data_ptr<float>();
@ -128,10 +158,12 @@ class OctreeConvOp : public OctreeConvTH {
class OctreeConvGradOp : public OctreeConvTH {
explicit OctreeConvGradOp(int depth, int num_output, vector<int> kernel_size, int stride)
: OctreeConvTH(depth, num_output, kernel_size, stride) {}
explicit OctreeConvGradOp(int depth, int num_output, vector<int> kernel_size,
int stride, bool nempty)
: OctreeConvTH(depth, num_output, kernel_size, stride, nempty) {}
vector<Tensor> compute(Tensor data_in, Tensor weights, Tensor octree, Tensor diff_in) {
vector<Tensor> compute(Tensor data_in, Tensor weights, Tensor octree,
Tensor diff_in) {
// init
this->setup_op(data_in, octree);
vector<Tensor> tmp_tensors = this->alloc_temp_memory(data_in.options());
@ -139,6 +171,8 @@ class OctreeConvGradOp : public OctreeConvTH {
Tensor weights_out = torch::zeros_like(weights);
// get points
data_in = data_in.contiguous();
diff_in = diff_in.contiguous();
auto btm_data = data_in.data_ptr<float>();
auto weights_data = weights.data_ptr<float>();
auto top_diff = diff_in.data_ptr<float>();
@ -156,17 +190,20 @@ class OctreeConvGradOp : public OctreeConvTH {
class OctreeDeconvOp : public OctreeConvTH {
explicit OctreeDeconvOp(int depth, int num_output, vector<int> kernel_size, int stride)
: OctreeConvTH(depth, num_output, kernel_size, stride) {}
explicit OctreeDeconvOp(int depth, int num_output, vector<int> kernel_size,
int stride, bool nempty)
: OctreeConvTH(depth, num_output, kernel_size, stride, nempty) {}
Tensor compute(Tensor data_in, Tensor weights, Tensor octree) {
// init
this->setup_op(data_in, octree);
torch::TensorOptions options = data_in.options();
vector<Tensor> tmp_tensors = this->alloc_temp_memory(options);
Tensor data_out = torch::zeros({1, this->top_shape_[1], this->top_shape_[2], 1}, options);
Tensor data_out =
torch::zeros({1, this->top_shape_[1], this->top_shape_[2], 1}, options);
// get pointers
data_in = data_in.contiguous();
const float* btm_data = data_in.data_ptr<float>();
const float* weights_data = weights.data_ptr<float>();
float* top_data = data_out.data_ptr<float>();
@ -181,10 +218,12 @@ class OctreeDeconvOp : public OctreeConvTH {
class OctreeDeconvGradOp : public OctreeConvTH {
explicit OctreeDeconvGradOp(int depth, int num_output, vector<int> kernel_size, int stride)
: OctreeConvTH(depth, num_output, kernel_size, stride) {}
explicit OctreeDeconvGradOp(int depth, int num_output,
vector<int> kernel_size, int stride, bool nempty)
: OctreeConvTH(depth, num_output, kernel_size, stride, nempty) {}
vector<Tensor> compute(Tensor data_in, Tensor weights, Tensor octree, Tensor diff_in) {
vector<Tensor> compute(Tensor data_in, Tensor weights, Tensor octree,
Tensor diff_in) {
// init
this->setup_op(data_in, octree);
vector<Tensor> tmp_tensors = this->alloc_temp_memory(data_in.options());
@ -192,6 +231,8 @@ class OctreeDeconvGradOp : public OctreeConvTH {
Tensor weights_out = torch::zeros_like(weights);
// get points
data_in = data_in.contiguous();
diff_in = diff_in.contiguous();
auto btm_data = data_in.data_ptr<float>();
auto weights_data = weights.data_ptr<float>();
auto top_diff = diff_in.data_ptr<float>();
@ -208,31 +249,35 @@ class OctreeDeconvGradOp : public OctreeConvTH {
virtual bool is_deconvolution_layer() { return true; }
} // anonymous namespace
} // anonymous namespace
// API implementation
Tensor octree_conv(Tensor data_in, Tensor weights, Tensor octree, int depth,
int num_output, vector<int> kernel_size, int stride) {
OctreeConvOp conv_op(depth, num_output, kernel_size, stride);
int num_output, vector<int> kernel_size, int stride,
bool nempty) {
OctreeConvOp conv_op(depth, num_output, kernel_size, stride, nempty);
return conv_op.compute(data_in, weights, octree);
Tensor octree_deconv(Tensor data_in, Tensor weights, Tensor octree, int depth,
int num_output, vector<int> kernel_size, int stride) {
OctreeDeconvOp deconv_op(depth, num_output, kernel_size, stride);
int num_output, vector<int> kernel_size, int stride,
bool nempty) {
OctreeDeconvOp deconv_op(depth, num_output, kernel_size, stride, nempty);
return deconv_op.compute(data_in, weights, octree);
vector<Tensor> octree_conv_grad(Tensor data_in, Tensor weights, Tensor octree,
Tensor grad_in, int depth, int num_output,
vector<int> kernel_size, int stride) {
OctreeConvGradOp grad_op(depth, num_output, kernel_size, stride);
vector<int> kernel_size, int stride,
bool nempty) {
OctreeConvGradOp grad_op(depth, num_output, kernel_size, stride, nempty);
return grad_op.compute(data_in, weights, octree, grad_in);
vector<Tensor> octree_deconv_grad(Tensor data_in, Tensor weights, Tensor octree,
Tensor grad_in, int depth, int num_output,
vector<int> kernel_size, int stride) {
OctreeDeconvGradOp grad_op(depth, num_output, kernel_size, stride);
Tensor grad_in, int depth, int num_output,
vector<int> kernel_size, int stride,
bool nempty) {
OctreeDeconvGradOp grad_op(depth, num_output, kernel_size, stride, nempty);
return grad_op.compute(data_in, weights, octree, grad_in);
@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
#include <octree/octree_nn.h>
#include <octree/octree_parser.h>
#include "ocnn.h"
namespace {
class OctreeGrowOp {
explicit OctreeGrowOp(int target_depth, bool full_octree)
: target_depth_(target_depth), full_octree_(full_octree) {}
Tensor compute(Tensor tensor_in) {
// in octree
OctreeParser octree_in;
// out info
batch_size_ = octree_in.info().batch_size();
node_num_ = octree_in.info().node_num_nempty(target_depth_ - 1) << 3;
OctreeInfo oct_info = octree_in.info();
// out octree
torch::TensorOptions options = tensor_in.options();
Tensor tensor_out = torch::zeros({oct_info.sizeof_octree()}, options);
// copy octree
OctreeParser octree_out;
octree_out.set_gpu(tensor_out.data_ptr<uint8_t>(), &oct_info);
copy_octree_gpu(octree_out, octree_in);
// grow octree
if (full_octree_) {
target_depth_, batch_size_);
generate_key_gpu(octree_out.mutable_key_gpu(target_depth_), target_depth_,
sequence_gpu(octree_out.mutable_children_gpu(target_depth_), node_num_);
} else {
vector<Tensor> tmp = init_neigh_ptrs(options);
const int* label_ptr = octree_out.children_gpu(target_depth_ - 1);
octree_out.neighbor_gpu(target_depth_ - 1), label_ptr,
octree_out.info().node_num(target_depth_ - 1), ptr_parent_,
octree_out.key_gpu(target_depth_ - 1), label_ptr,
octree_out.info().node_num(target_depth_ - 1));
sequence_gpu(octree_out.mutable_children_gpu(target_depth_), node_num_);
return tensor_out;
void update_octreeinfo(OctreeInfo& oct_info) {
if (full_octree_) {
float width = 1 << target_depth_;
float bbmin[] = {0, 0, 0};
float bbmax[] = {width, width, width};
oct_info.set_bbox(bbmin, bbmax);
oct_info.set_nnum(target_depth_, node_num_);
// Just set the non-empty node number as node_num_,
// it needs to be updated by the new node-splitting label
oct_info.set_nempty(target_depth_, node_num_);
void copy_octree_gpu(OctreeParser& octree_o, const OctreeParser& octree_i) {
int node_num_cum = octree_i.info().node_num_cum(target_depth_);
int num = node_num_cum * octree_i.info().channel(OctreeInfo::kKey);
memcpy_gpu(num, octree_i.key_gpu(0), octree_o.mutable_key_gpu(0));
num = node_num_cum * octree_i.info().channel(OctreeInfo::kChild);
memcpy_gpu(num, octree_i.children_gpu(0), octree_o.mutable_children_gpu(0));
num = node_num_cum * octree_i.info().channel(OctreeInfo::kNeigh);
memcpy_gpu(num, octree_i.neighbor_gpu(0), octree_o.mutable_neighbor_gpu(0));
num = node_num_cum * octree_i.info().channel(OctreeInfo::kFeature);
memcpy_gpu(num, octree_i.feature_gpu(0), octree_o.mutable_feature_gpu(0));
vector<Tensor> init_neigh_ptrs(torch::TensorOptions options) {
const vector<int>& dis_cpu = NeighHelper::Get().get_dis_array();
int count = dis_cpu.size();
Tensor dis_gpu = torch::zeros({count}, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
ptr_dis_ = dis_gpu.data_ptr<int>();
memcpy_gpu(count, dis_cpu.data(), ptr_dis_);
const vector<int>& parent_cpu = NeighHelper::Get().get_parent_array();
count = parent_cpu.size();
Tensor parent_gpu = torch::zeros({count}, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
ptr_parent_ = parent_gpu.data_ptr<int>();
memcpy_gpu(count, parent_cpu.data(), ptr_parent_);
return vector<Tensor>{dis_gpu, parent_gpu};
int batch_size_;
int target_depth_;
int node_num_;
bool full_octree_;
int* ptr_parent_;
int* ptr_dis_;
} // anonymous namespace
// API implementation
Tensor octree_grow(Tensor octree_in, int target_depth, bool full_octree) {
OctreeGrowOp op(target_depth, full_octree);
return op.compute(octree_in);
Tensor octree_new(int batch_size, int channel, bool node_dis, int adaptive_layer) {
CHECK_GE(batch_size, 1);
int node_num = batch_size;
int depth = 0;
// octree info
OctreeInfo oct_info;
if (adaptive_layer > 1) {
} else {
oct_info.set_key2xyz(true); // !!! NOTE: set_key2xyz with true
oct_info.set_property(OctreeInfo::kKey, 1, -1);
oct_info.set_property(OctreeInfo::kChild, 1, -1);
oct_info.set_property(OctreeInfo::kNeigh, 8, -1);
oct_info.set_property(OctreeInfo::kFeature, channel, -1);
float bbmin[] = {0, 0, 0};
float bbmax[] = {2, 2, 2};
oct_info.set_bbox(bbmin, bbmax);
oct_info.set_nnum(depth, node_num);
oct_info.set_nempty(depth, node_num);
// init output tensor
Tensor tensor_out = torch::zeros({oct_info.sizeof_octree()}, torch::kUInt8);
// set octree, skip the propoerties neigh and feature
OctreeParser octree_out;
octree_out.set_cpu(tensor_out.data_ptr<uint8_t>(), &oct_info);
sequence_cpu(octree_out.mutable_key_cpu(depth), node_num); // !!! NOTE: inconsitent with L140
sequence_cpu(octree_out.mutable_children_cpu(depth), node_num);
return tensor_out.cuda();
Tensor octree_update(Tensor octree_in, Tensor label_in, int depth, int split) {
Tensor tensor_out = octree_in.clone();
uint8_t* out_ptr = tensor_out.data_ptr<uint8_t>();
OctreeParser octree_;
int node_num = octree_.info().node_num(depth);
label_in = label_in.contiguous();
int* label_ptr = label_in.data_ptr<int>();
CHECK_EQ(node_num, label_in.numel());
// update children
int split_num = 0; // non-empty node number
int* children = octree_.mutable_children_gpu(depth);
generate_label_gpu(children, split_num, label_ptr, node_num, split);
// deal with degenatated case
if (split_num == 0) {
split_num = 1;
memset_gpu(1, 0, children);
LOG(INFO) << "Warning: split_num == 0 in octree update layer.";
octree_.mutable_info().set_nempty(depth, split_num);
memcpy_gpu(sizeof(OctreeInfo), (const char*)&octree_.info(), (char*)out_ptr);
return tensor_out;
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
// if KEY64 is defined, uintk is uint64
Tensor octree_encode_key(Tensor xyz) {
xyz = xyz.contiguous(); // !!! make sure the Tensor is contiguous
auto ptr_in = xyz.data_ptr<int16_t>();
int num = xyz.size(0);
int channel = xyz.size(1);
@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ Tensor octree_encode_key(Tensor xyz) {
Tensor octree_decode_key(Tensor key) {
key = key.contiguous(); // !!! make sure the Tensor is contiguous
auto ptr_in = key.data_ptr<int64_t>();
int num = key.size(0);
CHECK_EQ(key.dim(), 1) << "The dim of input tensor must be 1.";
@ -43,6 +45,7 @@ Tensor octree_decode_key(Tensor key) {
Tensor octree_xyz2key(Tensor xyz, int depth) {
xyz = xyz.contiguous(); // !!! make sure the Tensor is contiguous
auto ptr_in = xyz.data_ptr<int64_t>();
int num = xyz.numel();
CHECK_GE(num, 1) << "The numel of the input tensor must be larger than 1.";
@ -54,6 +57,7 @@ Tensor octree_xyz2key(Tensor xyz, int depth) {
Tensor octree_key2xyz(Tensor key, int depth) {
key = key.contiguous(); // !!! make sure the Tensor is contiguous
auto ptr_in = key.data_ptr<int64_t>();
int num = key.numel();
CHECK_GE(num, 1) << "The numel of the input tensor must be larger than 1.";
@ -64,14 +68,17 @@ Tensor octree_key2xyz(Tensor key, int depth) {
return xyz;
Tensor octree_search_key(Tensor key, Tensor octree, int depth, bool is_in_xyz) {
Tensor octree_search_key(Tensor key, Tensor octree, int depth, bool key_is_xyz,
bool nempty) {
key = key.contiguous();
octree = octree.contiguous(); // !!! make sure the Tensor is contiguous
int64_t* src_key = key.data_ptr<int64_t>();
int src_h = key.numel();
CHECK_GE(src_h, 1) << "The numel of the input tensor must be larger than 1.";
torch::TensorOptions options = key.options();
Tensor src_key_tmp;
if (is_in_xyz) {
if (key_is_xyz) {
src_key_tmp = torch::zeros_like(key);
int64_t* tmp = src_key_tmp.data_ptr<int64_t>();
xyz2key_gpu((uintk*)tmp, (uintk*)src_key, src_h, depth);
@ -83,6 +90,16 @@ Tensor octree_search_key(Tensor key, Tensor octree, int depth, bool is_in_xyz) {
int des_h = octree_.info().node_num(depth);
const uintk* des_key = octree_.key_gpu(depth);
Tensor key_tmp;
if (nempty) { // Search the non-empty octree nodes only
int top_h = des_h; // cache old des_h
des_h = octree_.info().node_num_nempty(depth); // update des_h
key_tmp = torch::zeros({des_h}, options);
int64_t* tmp = key_tmp.data_ptr<int64_t>();
pad_backward_gpu((uintk*)tmp, des_h, 1, des_key, top_h, octree_.children_gpu(depth));
des_key = (const uintk*)tmp;
Tensor des_key_tmp;
if (octree_.info().is_key2xyz()) {
des_key_tmp = torch::zeros({des_h}, options);
@ -3,89 +3,58 @@
#include "ocnn.h"
namespace {
Tensor octree_pad(Tensor data_in, Tensor octree_in, int depth, float val) {
CHECK_GE(depth, 1) << "Depth should be larger than 1";
class OctreePadOp {
explicit OctreePadOp(int depth, float val = 0.0f)
: depth_(depth), dval_(val) {
CHECK_GE(depth_, 1) << "Depth should be larger than 1";
// in octree
OctreeParser octree_;
Tensor compute(Tensor btm_data, Tensor octree) {
// in octree
OctreeParser octree_;
// btm data
Tensor btm_data = data_in.contiguous();
const float* btm_ptr = btm_data.data_ptr<float>();
int channel = btm_data.size(1);
int btm_h = btm_data.size(2);
// btm data
const float* btm_ptr = btm_data.data_ptr<float>();
int channel = btm_data.size(1);
int btm_h = btm_data.size(2);
// check
CHECK_EQ(octree_.info().node_num_nempty(depth), btm_h)
<< ", pad, d = " << depth << ", channel = " << channel;
// check
CHECK_EQ(octree_.info().node_num_nempty(depth_), btm_h)
<< ", pad, d = " << depth_ << ", channel = " << channel;
// top data
int top_h = octree_.info().node_num(depth);
Tensor top_data = torch::zeros({1, channel, top_h, 1}, btm_data.options());
float* top_ptr = top_data.data_ptr<float>();
// top data
int top_h = octree_.info().node_num(depth_);
Tensor top_data = torch::zeros({1, channel, top_h, 1}, btm_data.options());
float* top_ptr = top_data.data_ptr<float>();
// padding data
pad_forward_gpu(top_ptr, top_h, channel, btm_ptr, btm_h,
octree_.children_gpu(depth_), dval_);
return top_data;
int depth_;
float dval_;
class OctreeDepadOp {
explicit OctreeDepadOp(int depth) : depth_(depth) {
CHECK_GE(depth_, 1) << "Depth should be larger than 1";
Tensor compute(Tensor top_data, Tensor octree) {
// in octree
OctreeParser octree_;
// top grad
const float* top_ptr = top_data.data_ptr<float>();
int channel = top_data.size(1);
int top_h = top_data.size(2);
// check
CHECK_EQ(octree_.info().node_num(depth_), top_h)
<< ", depad, d = " << depth_ << ", channel = " << channel;
// btm grad
int btm_h = octree_.info().node_num_nempty(depth_);
Tensor btm_data = torch::zeros({1, channel, btm_h, 1}, top_data.options());
float* btm_ptr = btm_data.data_ptr<float>();
// padding data
pad_backward_gpu(btm_ptr, btm_h, channel, top_ptr, top_h,
return btm_data;
int depth_;
} // anonymous namespace
// API implementation
Tensor octree_pad(Tensor data_in, Tensor octree, int depth, float val) {
OctreePadOp pad_op(depth, val);
return pad_op.compute(data_in, octree);
// padding data
pad_forward_gpu(top_ptr, top_h, channel, btm_ptr, btm_h,
octree_.children_gpu(depth), val);
return top_data;
Tensor octree_depad(Tensor data_in, Tensor octree, int depth) {
OctreeDepadOp depad_op(depth);
return depad_op.compute(data_in, octree);
Tensor octree_depad(Tensor data_in, Tensor octree_in, int depth) {
CHECK_GE(depth, 1) << "Depth should be larger than 1";
// in octree
OctreeParser octree_;
// top grad
Tensor top_data = data_in.contiguous();
const float* top_ptr = top_data.data_ptr<float>();
int channel = top_data.size(1);
int top_h = top_data.size(2);
// check
CHECK_EQ(octree_.info().node_num(depth), top_h)
<< ", depad, d = " << depth << ", channel = " << channel;
// btm grad
int btm_h = octree_.info().node_num_nempty(depth);
Tensor btm_data = torch::zeros({1, channel, btm_h, 1}, top_data.options());
float* btm_ptr = btm_data.data_ptr<float>();
// padding data
pad_backward_gpu(btm_ptr, btm_h, channel, top_ptr, top_h,
return btm_data;
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ vector<Tensor> octree_max_pool(Tensor btm_data, Tensor octree, int depth) {
// btm data
btm_data = btm_data.contiguous();
const float* btm_ptr = btm_data.data_ptr<float>();
int channel = btm_data.size(1);
int btm_h = btm_data.size(2);
@ -38,12 +39,14 @@ Tensor octree_max_unpool(Tensor top_data, Tensor mask, Tensor octree, int depth)
// top data
top_data = top_data.contiguous();
const float* top_ptr = top_data.data_ptr<float>();
int channel = top_data.size(1);
int top_h = top_data.size(2);
CHECK_EQ(top_h, octree_.info().node_num_nempty(depth - 1));
// mask
mask = mask.contiguous();
const int* mask_ptr = mask.data_ptr<int>();
CHECK(mask.size(1) == channel && mask.size(2) == top_h);
@ -63,11 +66,13 @@ Tensor octree_mask_pool(Tensor btm_data, Tensor mask, Tensor octree, int depth)
// btm data
btm_data = btm_data.contiguous();
const float* btm_ptr = btm_data.data_ptr<float>();
int channel = btm_data.size(1);
int btm_h = btm_data.size(2);
// mask
mask = mask.contiguous();
auto mask_ptr = mask.data_ptr<int>();
int top_h = mask.size(2);
@ -12,87 +12,133 @@ Tensor octree_property_gpu(Tensor octree_in, string property, int depth) {
OctreeParser octree_;
int octree_depth = octree_.info().depth();
int node_num = octree_.info().node_num(depth);
int total_node_num = octree_.info().total_nnum();
int nnum = depth > 0 ? node_num : total_node_num;
torch::TensorOptions options = octree_in.options();
Tensor data_out = torch::zeros({1}, options);
if (property == "key") {
const uintk* ptr = octree_.key_gpu(depth);
int channel = octree_.info().channel(OctreeInfo::kKey); // = 1
int total_num = channel * node_num;
int total_num = channel * nnum;
data_out = torch::zeros({total_num}, options.dtype(torch::kInt64));
memcpy_gpu(total_num, ptr, (uintk*)data_out.data_ptr<int64_t>());
if (property == "xyz") {
else if (property == "xyz") {
const uintk* ptr = octree_.key_gpu(depth);
int channel = octree_.info().channel(OctreeInfo::kKey); // = 1
int total_num = channel * node_num;
int total_num = channel * nnum;
data_out = torch::zeros({total_num}, options.dtype(torch::kInt64));
uintk* des_ptr = (uintk*)data_out.data_ptr<int64_t>();
if (!octree_.info().is_key2xyz()) {
key2xyz_gpu((uintk*)data_out.data_ptr<int64_t>(), ptr, total_num, depth);
if (depth > 0) {
key2xyz_gpu(des_ptr, ptr, total_num, depth);
} else {
for (int d = 1; d < octree_depth + 1; d++) {
int nnum_d = octree_.info().node_num(d);
int ncum_d = octree_.info().node_num_cum(d);
key2xyz_gpu(des_ptr + ncum_d, ptr + ncum_d, nnum_d, d);
} else {
memcpy_gpu(total_num, ptr, (uintk*)data_out.data_ptr<int64_t>());
memcpy_gpu(total_num, ptr, des_ptr);
if (property == "index") {
else if (property == "index") {
const uintk* key_ptr = octree_.key_gpu(depth);
int channel = octree_.info().channel(OctreeInfo::kKey); // = 1
int total_num = channel * node_num;
int total_num = channel * nnum;
data_out = torch::zeros({total_num}, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
key2idx_gpu(data_out.data_ptr<int>(), key_ptr, total_num);
if (property == "child") {
else if (property == "child") {
const int* child_ptr = octree_.children_gpu(depth);
int channel = octree_.info().channel(OctreeInfo::kChild); // = 1
int total_num = channel * node_num;
int total_num = channel * nnum;
data_out = torch::zeros({total_num}, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
memcpy_gpu(total_num, child_ptr, data_out.data_ptr<int>());
if (property == "neigh") {
else if (property == "neigh") {
const int* neigh_ptr = octree_.neighbor_gpu(depth);
int channel = octree_.info().channel(OctreeInfo::kNeigh);
int total_num = channel * node_num;
data_out = torch::zeros({node_num, channel}, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
int total_num = channel * nnum;
data_out = torch::zeros({nnum, channel}, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
memcpy_gpu(total_num, neigh_ptr, data_out.data_ptr<int>());
if (property == "feature") {
else if (property == "feature") {
const float* feature_ptr = octree_.feature_gpu(depth);
CHECK(feature_ptr != nullptr) << "The features do not exist: d = " << depth;
int channel = octree_.info().channel(OctreeInfo::kFeature);
int total_num = channel * node_num;
data_out = torch::zeros({1, channel, node_num, 1}, options.dtype(torch::kFloat32));
int total_num = channel * nnum;
data_out = torch::zeros({1, channel, nnum, 1}, options.dtype(torch::kFloat32));
memcpy_gpu(total_num, feature_ptr, data_out.data_ptr<float>());
if (property == "label") {
else if (property == "label") {
const float* label_ptr = octree_.label_gpu(depth);
int channel = octree_.info().channel(OctreeInfo::kLabel);
int total_num = channel * node_num;
int total_num = channel * nnum;
data_out = torch::zeros({total_num}, options.dtype(torch::kFloat32));
memcpy_gpu(total_num, label_ptr, data_out.data_ptr<float>());
if (property == "split") {
else if (property == "split") {
const float* split_ptr = octree_.split_gpu(depth);
int channel = octree_.info().channel(OctreeInfo::kSplit);
int total_num = channel * node_num;
int total_num = channel * nnum;
data_out = torch::zeros({total_num}, options.dtype(torch::kFloat32));
memcpy_gpu(total_num, split_ptr, data_out.data_ptr<float>());
if (property == "node_num") {
data_out = torch::zeros({1}, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
memcpy_gpu(1, &node_num, data_out.data_ptr<int>());
else if (property == "node_num") {
int num = depth > 0 ? 1 : octree_depth + 1;
data_out = torch::zeros({num}, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
const int* ptr = octree_.info().node_num_ptr();
memcpy_gpu(num, ptr + depth, data_out.data_ptr<int>());
if (property == "node_num_ne" || property == "node_num_nempty") {
int num = octree_.info().node_num_nempty(depth);
else if (property == "node_num_ne" || property == "node_num_nempty") {
int num = depth > 0 ? 1 : octree_depth + 1;
data_out = torch::zeros({num}, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
const int* ptr = octree_.info().node_nempty_ptr();
memcpy_gpu(num, ptr + depth, data_out.data_ptr<int>());
else if (property == "node_num_cum") {
int num = depth > 0 ? 1 : octree_depth + 2;
const int* ptr = octree_.info().node_num_cum_ptr();
data_out = torch::zeros({num}, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
memcpy_gpu(num, ptr + depth, data_out.data_ptr<int>());
else if (property == "batch_size") {
int batch_size = octree_.info().batch_size();
data_out = torch::zeros({1}, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
memcpy_gpu(1, &num, data_out.data_ptr<int>());
memcpy_gpu(1, &batch_size, data_out.data_ptr<int>());
else if (property == "depth") {
int depth = octree_.info().depth();
data_out = torch::zeros({1}, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
memcpy_gpu(1, &depth, data_out.data_ptr<int>());
else if (property == "full_depth") {
int full_depth = octree_.info().full_layer();
data_out = torch::zeros({1}, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
memcpy_gpu(1, &full_depth, data_out.data_ptr<int>());
LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupport octree property: " << property;
return data_out;
@ -102,92 +148,155 @@ Tensor octree_property_cpu(Tensor octree_in, string property, int depth) {
OctreeParser octree_;
int octree_depth = octree_.info().depth();
int node_num = octree_.info().node_num(depth);
int total_node_num = octree_.info().total_nnum();
int nnum = depth > 0 ? node_num : total_node_num;
torch::TensorOptions options = octree_in.options();
Tensor data_out = torch::zeros({1}, options);
if (property == "key") {
const uintk* ptr = octree_.key_cpu(depth);
int channel = octree_.info().channel(OctreeInfo::kKey); // = 1
int total_num = channel * node_num;
int total_num = channel * nnum;
data_out = torch::zeros({total_num}, options.dtype(torch::kInt64));
memcpy_cpu(total_num, ptr, (uintk*)data_out.data_ptr<int64_t>());
if (property == "xyz") {
else if (property == "xyz") {
const uintk* ptr = octree_.key_cpu(depth);
int channel = octree_.info().channel(OctreeInfo::kKey); // = 1
int total_num = channel * node_num;
int total_num = channel * nnum;
data_out = torch::zeros({total_num}, options.dtype(torch::kInt64));
uintk* des_ptr = (uintk*)data_out.data_ptr<int64_t>();
if (!octree_.info().is_key2xyz()) {
key2xyz_cpu((uintk*)data_out.data_ptr<int64_t>(), ptr, total_num, depth);
if (depth > 0) {
key2xyz_cpu(des_ptr, ptr, total_num, depth);
} else {
for (int d = 1; d < octree_depth + 1; d++) {
int nnum_d = octree_.info().node_num(d);
int ncum_d = octree_.info().node_num_cum(d);
key2xyz_cpu(des_ptr + ncum_d, ptr + ncum_d, nnum_d, d);
} else {
memcpy_cpu(total_num, ptr, (uintk*)data_out.data_ptr<int64_t>());
memcpy_cpu(total_num, ptr, des_ptr);
if (property == "index") {
else if (property == "index") {
const uintk* key_ptr = octree_.key_cpu(depth);
int channel = octree_.info().channel(OctreeInfo::kKey); // = 1
int total_num = channel * node_num;
int total_num = channel * nnum;
data_out = torch::zeros({total_num}, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
key2idx_cpu(data_out.data_ptr<int>(), key_ptr, total_num);
if (property == "child") {
else if (property == "child") {
const int* child_ptr = octree_.children_cpu(depth);
int channel = octree_.info().channel(OctreeInfo::kChild); // = 1
int total_num = channel * node_num;
int total_num = channel * nnum;
data_out = torch::zeros({total_num}, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
memcpy_cpu(total_num, child_ptr, data_out.data_ptr<int>());
if (property == "neigh") {
else if (property == "neigh") {
const int* neigh_ptr = octree_.neighbor_cpu(depth);
int channel = octree_.info().channel(OctreeInfo::kNeigh);
int total_num = channel * node_num;
data_out = torch::zeros({node_num, channel}, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
int total_num = channel * nnum;
data_out = torch::zeros({nnum, channel}, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
memcpy_cpu(total_num, neigh_ptr, data_out.data_ptr<int>());
if (property == "feature") {
else if (property == "feature") {
const float* feature_ptr = octree_.feature_cpu(depth);
CHECK(feature_ptr != nullptr) << "The features do not exist: d = " << depth;
int channel = octree_.info().channel(OctreeInfo::kFeature);
int total_num = channel * node_num;
data_out = torch::zeros({1, channel, node_num, 1}, options.dtype(torch::kFloat32));
int total_num = channel * nnum;
data_out = torch::zeros({1, channel, nnum, 1}, options.dtype(torch::kFloat32));
memcpy_cpu(total_num, feature_ptr, data_out.data_ptr<float>());
if (property == "label") {
else if (property == "label") {
const float* label_ptr = octree_.label_cpu(depth);
int channel = octree_.info().channel(OctreeInfo::kLabel);
int total_num = channel * node_num;
int total_num = channel * nnum;
data_out = torch::zeros({total_num}, options.dtype(torch::kFloat32));
memcpy_cpu(total_num, label_ptr, data_out.data_ptr<float>());
if (property == "split") {
else if (property == "split") {
const float* split_ptr = octree_.split_cpu(depth);
int channel = octree_.info().channel(OctreeInfo::kSplit);
int total_num = channel * node_num;
int total_num = channel * nnum;
data_out = torch::zeros({total_num}, options.dtype(torch::kFloat32));
memcpy_cpu(total_num, split_ptr, data_out.data_ptr<float>());
if (property == "node_num") {
data_out = torch::zeros({1}, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
memcpy_cpu(1, &node_num, data_out.data_ptr<int>());
else if (property == "node_num") {
int num = depth > 0 ? 1 : octree_depth + 1;
data_out = torch::zeros({num}, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
const int* ptr = octree_.info().node_num_ptr();
memcpy_cpu(num, ptr + depth, data_out.data_ptr<int>());
if (property == "node_num_ne" || property == "node_num_nempty") {
int num = octree_.info().node_num_nempty(depth);
else if (property == "node_num_ne" || property == "node_num_nempty") {
int num = depth > 0 ? 1 : octree_depth + 1;
data_out = torch::zeros({num}, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
const int* ptr = octree_.info().node_nempty_ptr();
memcpy_cpu(num, ptr + depth, data_out.data_ptr<int>());
else if (property == "node_num_cum") {
int num = depth > 0 ? 1 : octree_depth + 2;
const int* ptr = octree_.info().node_num_cum_ptr();
data_out = torch::zeros({num}, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
memcpy_cpu(num, ptr + depth, data_out.data_ptr<int>());
else if (property == "batch_size") {
int batch_size = octree_.info().batch_size();
data_out = torch::zeros({1}, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
memcpy_cpu(1, &num, data_out.data_ptr<int>());
memcpy_cpu(1, &batch_size, data_out.data_ptr<int>());
else if (property == "depth") {
int depth = octree_.info().depth();
data_out = torch::zeros({1}, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
memcpy_cpu(1, &depth, data_out.data_ptr<int>());
else if (property == "full_depth") {
int full_depth = octree_.info().full_layer();
data_out = torch::zeros({1}, options.dtype(torch::kInt32));
memcpy_cpu(1, &full_depth, data_out.data_ptr<int>());
LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupport octree property: " << property;
return data_out;
Tensor octree_set_property_gpu(Tensor octree_in, Tensor data_in, int depth) {
Tensor octree_out = octree_in.clone();
OctreeParser octree_;
float* property_ptr = octree_.mutable_feature_gpu(depth);
int length = octree_.info().node_num(depth);
int channel = octree_.info().channel(OctreeInfo::kFeature);
int count = length * channel;
data_in = data_in.contiguous();
CHECK_EQ(count, data_in.numel()) << "Wrong Property Size";
memcpy_gpu(count, data_in.data_ptr<float>(), property_ptr);
return octree_out;
} // anonymous namespace
// API implementation
@ -197,4 +306,10 @@ Tensor octree_property(Tensor octree_in, string property, int depth) {
} else {
return octree_property_cpu(octree_in, property, depth);
Tensor octree_set_property(Tensor octree_in, Tensor data_in, int depth) {
return octree_set_property_gpu(octree_in, data_in, depth);
@ -9,10 +9,11 @@ Tensor points2octree(Tensor points, int depth, int full_depth, bool node_dis,
// init the points
Points point_cloud;
// // check the points
// string msg;
// bool succ = point_cloud.info().check_format(msg);
// CHECK(succ) << msg;
// check the points
string msg;
bool succ = point_cloud.info().check_format(msg);
CHECK(succ) << msg;
// init the octree info
OctreeInfo octree_info;
@ -22,21 +22,25 @@ PointsInfo::PropType get_ptype(const string property) {
return ptype;
vector<float> tensor2vector(const Tensor& data_in) {
vector<float> vec;
Tensor data = data_in.contiguous(); // !!! make sure the Tensor is contiguous
const int64_t num = data.numel();
if (num > 0) {
const float* ptr = data.data_ptr<float>();
vec.assign(ptr, ptr + num);
return vec;
} // anonymous namespace
Tensor points_new(Tensor pts, Tensor normals, Tensor features, Tensor labels) {
auto get_data = [](vector<float>& vec, const Tensor& data_in) {
const int64_t num = data_in.numel();
if (num > 0) {
const float* ptr = data_in.data_ptr<float>();
vec.assign(ptr, ptr + num);
vector<float> pts_in, normals_in, features_in, labels_in;
get_data(pts_in, pts);
get_data(normals_in, normals);
get_data(features_in, features);
get_data(labels_in, labels);
// input
vector<float> pts_in = tensor2vector(pts);
vector<float> normals_in = tensor2vector(normals);
vector<float> features_in = tensor2vector(features);
vector<float> labels_in = tensor2vector(labels);
// create the point cloud
Points point_cloud;
@ -55,6 +59,7 @@ Tensor points_set_property(Tensor points_in, Tensor data, string property) {
CHECK_EQ(data.dim(), 2);
int num = data.size(0);
int channel = data.size(1);
data = data.contiguous(); // !!! make sure the Tensor is contiguous
// init the points
Points pts;
m.def("points2octree", &points2octree, "convert points to octree");
m.def("octree2col", &octree2col, "octree2col");
m.def("col2octree", &col2octree, "col2octree");
m.def("octree2colP", &octree2colP, "octree2colP");
m.def("col2octreeP", &col2octreeP, "col2octreeP");
m.def("octree_conv", &octree_conv, "octree based convolution");
m.def("octree_deconv", &octree_deconv, "octree based deconvolution");
m.def("octree_conv_grad", &octree_conv_grad, "octree based convolution");
@ -17,16 +15,33 @@ PYBIND11_MODULE(TORCH_EXTENSION_NAME, m) {
m.def("octree_max_pool", &octree_max_pool, "octree max pooling");
m.def("octree_max_unpool", &octree_max_unpool, "octree max unpooling");
m.def("octree_mask_pool", &octree_mask_pool, "octree mask pooling");
m.def("octree_property", &octree_property, "get the octree property");
m.def("octree_property", &octree_property, "get the octree property",
py::arg("octree"), py::arg("property"), py::arg("depth") = 0);
m.def("octree_set_property", &octree_set_property, "set the octree property",
py::arg("octree"), py::arg("data"), py::arg("depth"));
m.def("transform_points", &transform_points, "transform the point cloud");
m.def("clip_points", &clip_points, "clip the points with unit boundingbox");
m.def("normalize_points", &normalize_points, "normalize the point cloud");
m.def("bounding_sphere", &bounding_sphere, "calc the bounding sphere");
m.def("octree_encode_key", &octree_encode_key, "encode xyz-id to octree key");
m.def("octree_decode_key", &octree_decode_key, "decode octree key to xyz-id");
m.def("octree_xyz2key", &octree_xyz2key, "convert key from xyz order");
m.def("octree_key2xyz", &octree_key2xyz, "convert key to xyz order");
m.def("octree_search_key", &octree_search_key, "search key from octree");
m.def("octree_search_key", &octree_search_key, "search key from octree",
py::arg("key"), py::arg("octree"), py::arg("depth"),
py::arg("key_is_xyz") = true, py::arg("nempty") = false);
m.def("octree_scan", &octree_scan, "octree scanning", py::arg("octree"),
py::arg("axis"), py::arg("scale") = 1.0);
m.def("octree_grow", &octree_grow, "octree growing", py::arg("octree"),
py::arg("target_depth"), py::arg("full_octree") = false);
m.def("octree_update", &octree_update, "update octree via splitting labels",
py::arg("octree"), py::arg("label"), py::arg("depth"), py::arg("split") = 1);
m.def("octree_new", &octree_new, "create a new octree",
py::arg("batch_size") = 1, py::arg("channel") = 4,
py::arg("node_dis") = true, py::arg("adaptive_layer") = 0);
m.def("octree_align", &octree_align, "align octree data", py::arg("src_data"),
py::arg("src_octree"), py::arg("des_octree"), py::arg("depth"));
m.def("octree_align_grad", &octree_align_grad, "backward of align-octree-data");
m.def("points_batch_property", &points_batch_property, "get batch of points' property");
m.def("points_property", &points_property, "get the points' property");
m.def("points_set_property", &points_set_property, "set the points' property");
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#include <octree/transform_octree.h>
#include "ocnn.h"
Tensor octree_scan(Tensor octree, vector<float> axis, float scale) {
// input
OctreeParser parser;
// scan
ScanOctree scan_octree(scale);
vector<char> octree_out;
scan_octree.scan(octree_out, parser, axis);
// output
torch::TensorOptions options = octree.options();
Tensor output = torch::zeros(octree_out.size(), options);
memcpy(output.data_ptr<uint8_t>(), octree_out.data(), octree_out.size());
return output;
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ vector<float> bounding_sphere(Tensor data_in, string method) {
namespace {
// TODO: Tensor.clone()
void setup_transform(Tensor data_in, Tensor& data_out, Points& pts) {
data_out = torch::zeros_like(data_in);
uint8_t* out_ptr = data_out.data_ptr<uint8_t>();
@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ Tensor normalize_points(Tensor data_in, float radius, vector<float> center) {
Tensor transform_points(Tensor data_in, vector<float> angle, vector<float> scale,
vector<float> jitter, float offset) {
vector<float> jitter, float offset, string normal_axis) {
// copy the data out of the input tensor
Tensor data_out; Points pts;
setup_transform(data_in, data_out, pts);
@ -99,11 +100,26 @@ Tensor transform_points(Tensor data_in, vector<float> angle, vector<float> scale
// clip the points to the box[-1, 1] ^ 3,
const float bbmin[] = {-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f};
const float bbmax[] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
pts.clip(bbmin, bbmax);
// orient normal
if(!normal_axis.empty()) {
// output
return data_out;
vector<Tensor> clip_points(Tensor data_in, vector<float> bbmin, vector<float> bbmax) {
// copy the data out of the input tensor
Tensor data_out; Points pts;
setup_transform(data_in, data_out, pts);
// clip the points to the box[-1, 1] ^ 3,
const vector<int> inbox_mask_buffer = pts.clip(bbmin.data(), bbmax.data());
size_t sz = inbox_mask_buffer.size();
Tensor inbox_mask = torch::zeros({(int64_t)sz}, torch::dtype(torch::kInt32));
memcpy(inbox_mask.data_ptr<int>(), inbox_mask_buffer.data(), sz*sizeof(int));
// output
return {data_out, inbox_mask};
@ -3,34 +3,40 @@ import torch
# low level api
from . import nn
from .nn import octree_batch, octree_samples, points2octree, octree_property, \
bounding_sphere, transform_points, normalize_points, \
octree_set_property, bounding_sphere, normalize_points, \
octree_scan, transform_points, clip_points, \
octree_encode_key, octree_decode_key, octree_search_key, \
octree_xyz2key, octree_key2xyz, \
octree_grow, octree_new, octree_update, \
points_property, points_batch_property, \
points_new, points_set_property
# transforms
from .transforms import NormalizePoints, TransformPoints, Points2Octree, \
TransformCompose, CollateOctrees, collate_octrees
TransformCompose, collate_octrees
# octree-based cnn layers
from .octree2voxel import FullOctree2Voxel
from .octree2col import octree2col, Octree2Col, col2octree, Col2Octree, \
octree2colP, Octree2ColP, col2octreeP, Col2OctreeP
from .octree_align import octree_align, OctreeAlign
from .octree2col import octree2col, Octree2Col, col2octree, Col2Octree
from .octree_pad import octree_pad, OctreePad, octree_depad, OctreeDepad
from .octree_conv import octree_conv, OctreeConv, OctreeConvFast
from .octree_deconv import octree_deconv, OctreeDeconv, OctreeDeconvFast
from .octree_conv import octree_conv, OctreeConv, OctreeConvFast, \
octree_deconv, OctreeDeconv, OctreeDeconvFast
from .octree_pool import octree_max_pool, OctreeMaxPool, octree_max_unpool, \
OctreeMaxUnpool, OctreeAvgPool, FullOctreeGlobalPool
# octree-base modules
# octree-based modules
from .modules import OctreeConvBnRelu, OctreeDeConvBnRelu, \
FcBnRelu, OctreeConv1x1, OctreeConv1x1BnRelu, \
OctreeResBlock, OctreeResBlock2, \
OctreeResBlocks, OctreeResBlocks2, \
OctreeTile, octree_trilinear_pts, octree_trilinear
OctreeResBlock, OctreeResBlock2, OctreeResBlocks, \
OctreeTile, octree_trilinear_pts, octree_trilinear, \
octree_nearest_pts, OctreeInterp, create_full_octree, \
# networks
from .lenet import LeNet
from .resnet import ResNet
from .segnet import SegNet
from .unet import UNet
from .ounet import OUNet
from .mlp import MLP
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
import torch
import torch.nn
class FC(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, act=torch.nn.ReLU(inplace=True)):
self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(in_features, out_features, bias=True)
self.act = act
def forward(self, input):
output = self.linear(input)
output = self.act(output)
return output
class FcBn(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, act=torch.nn.ReLU(inplace=True)):
self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(in_features, out_features, bias=False)
self.norm = torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(out_features)
self.act = act
def forward(self, input):
output = self.linear(input)
output = self.norm(output)
output = self.act(output)
return output
class MLP(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, hidden_features=256,
hidden_layers=2, layer=FcBn, act=torch.nn.ReLU(inplace=True)):
layers = [layer(in_features, hidden_features, act)]
for _ in range(hidden_layers):
layers.append(layer(hidden_features, hidden_features, act))
layers.append(FC(hidden_features, out_features, act=torch.nn.Identity()))
self.layers = torch.nn.Sequential(*layers)
def forward(self, input):
output = self.layers(input)
return output
@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
import torch
import ocnn
import torch.utils.checkpoint
bn_momentum, bn_eps = 0.01, 0.001
# bn_momentum, bn_eps = 0.1, 1e-05
class OctreeConvBn(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, depth, channel_in, channel_out, kernel_size=[3], stride=1):
super(OctreeConvBn, self).__init__()
def __init__(self, depth, channel_in, channel_out, kernel_size=[3], stride=1,
self.conv = ocnn.OctreeConv(
depth, channel_in, channel_out, kernel_size, stride)
depth, channel_in, channel_out, kernel_size, stride, nempty)
self.bn = torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(channel_out, bn_eps, bn_momentum)
def forward(self, data_in, octree):
@ -19,10 +21,11 @@ class OctreeConvBn(torch.nn.Module):
class OctreeConvBnRelu(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, depth, channel_in, channel_out, kernel_size=[3], stride=1):
super(OctreeConvBnRelu, self).__init__()
def __init__(self, depth, channel_in, channel_out, kernel_size=[3], stride=1,
self.conv = ocnn.OctreeConv(
depth, channel_in, channel_out, kernel_size, stride)
depth, channel_in, channel_out, kernel_size, stride, nempty)
self.bn = torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(channel_out, bn_eps, bn_momentum)
self.relu = torch.nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
@ -34,10 +37,11 @@ class OctreeConvBnRelu(torch.nn.Module):
class OctreeDeConvBnRelu(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, depth, channel_in, channel_out, kernel_size=[3], stride=1):
super(OctreeDeConvBnRelu, self).__init__()
def __init__(self, depth, channel_in, channel_out, kernel_size=[3], stride=1,
self.deconv = ocnn.OctreeDeconv(
depth, channel_in, channel_out, kernel_size, stride)
depth, channel_in, channel_out, kernel_size, stride, nempty)
self.bn = torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(channel_out, bn_eps, bn_momentum)
self.relu = torch.nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
@ -50,7 +54,7 @@ class OctreeDeConvBnRelu(torch.nn.Module):
class FcBnRelu(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, channel_in, channel_out):
super(FcBnRelu, self).__init__()
self.flatten = torch.nn.Flatten(start_dim=1)
self.fc = torch.nn.Linear(channel_in, channel_out, bias=False)
self.bn = torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(channel_out, bn_eps, bn_momentum)
@ -66,7 +70,7 @@ class FcBnRelu(torch.nn.Module):
class OctreeConv1x1(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, channel_in, channel_out, use_bias=False):
super(OctreeConv1x1, self).__init__()
self.conv1x1 = torch.nn.Conv1d(
channel_in, channel_out, kernel_size=1, bias=use_bias)
@ -79,7 +83,7 @@ class OctreeConv1x1(torch.nn.Module):
class OctreeConv1x1Bn(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, channel_in, channel_out, use_bias=False):
super(OctreeConv1x1Bn, self).__init__()
self.conv1x1 = OctreeConv1x1(channel_in, channel_out, use_bias)
self.bn = torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(channel_out, bn_eps, bn_momentum)
@ -91,7 +95,7 @@ class OctreeConv1x1Bn(torch.nn.Module):
class OctreeConv1x1BnRelu(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, channel_in, channel_out, use_bias=False):
super(OctreeConv1x1BnRelu, self).__init__()
self.conv1x1 = OctreeConv1x1(channel_in, channel_out, use_bias)
self.bn = torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(channel_out, bn_eps, bn_momentum)
self.relu = torch.nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
@ -104,18 +108,20 @@ class OctreeConv1x1BnRelu(torch.nn.Module):
class OctreeResBlock(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, depth, channel_in, channel_out, stride=1, bottleneck=4):
super(OctreeResBlock, self).__init__()
def __init__(self, depth, channel_in, channel_out, stride=1, bottleneck=4,
self.channel_in = channel_in
self.channel_out = channel_out
self.bottleneck = bottleneck
self.stride = stride
channelb = int(channel_out / bottleneck)
self.depth = depth
channelb = int(channel_out / bottleneck)
if self.stride == 2:
self.maxpool = ocnn.OctreeMaxPool(self.depth)
self.depth = self.depth - 1
self.conv1x1a = OctreeConv1x1BnRelu(channel_in, channelb)
self.conv3x3 = OctreeConvBnRelu(self.depth, channelb, channelb)
self.conv3x3 = OctreeConvBnRelu(self.depth, channelb, channelb, nempty=nempty)
self.conv1x1b = OctreeConv1x1Bn(channelb, channel_out)
if self.channel_in != self.channel_out:
self.conv1x1c = OctreeConv1x1Bn(channel_in, channel_out)
@ -134,17 +140,21 @@ class OctreeResBlock(torch.nn.Module):
class OctreeResBlock2(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, depth, channel_in, channel_out, stride=1):
super(OctreeResBlock2, self).__init__()
def __init__(self, depth, channel_in, channel_out, stride=1, bottleneck=1,
self.channel_in = channel_in
self.channel_out = channel_out
self.stride = stride
self.depth = depth
channelb = int(channel_out / bottleneck)
if self.stride == 2:
self.maxpool = ocnn.OctreeMaxPool(self.depth)
self.depth = self.depth - 1
self.conv3x3a = OctreeConvBnRelu(self.depth, channel_in, channel_out)
self.conv3x3b = OctreeConvBn(self.depth, channel_out, channel_out)
self.conv3x3a = OctreeConvBnRelu(
self.depth, channel_in, channelb, nempty=nempty)
self.conv3x3b = OctreeConvBn(
self.depth, channelb, channel_out, nempty=nempty)
if self.channel_in != self.channel_out:
self.conv1x1 = OctreeConv1x1Bn(channel_in, channel_out)
self.relu = torch.nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
@ -161,32 +171,22 @@ class OctreeResBlock2(torch.nn.Module):
class OctreeResBlocks(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, depth, channel_in, channel_out, resblk_num, bottleneck=4):
super(OctreeResBlocks, self).__init__()
def __init__(self, depth, channel_in, channel_out, resblk_num, bottleneck=4,
nempty=False, resblk=OctreeResBlock, use_checkpoint=False):
self.resblk_num = resblk_num
self.use_checkpoint = use_checkpoint
channels = [channel_in] + [channel_out] * resblk_num
self.resblocks = torch.nn.ModuleList(
[OctreeResBlock(depth, channels[i], channels[i+1], 1, bottleneck)
self.resblks = torch.nn.ModuleList(
[resblk(depth, channels[i], channels[i+1], 1, bottleneck, nempty)
for i in range(self.resblk_num)])
def forward(self, data, octree):
for i in range(self.resblk_num):
data = self.resblocks[i](data, octree)
return data
class OctreeResBlocks2(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, depth, channel_in, channel_out, resblk_num):
super(OctreeResBlocks2, self).__init__()
self.resblk_num = resblk_num
channels = [channel_in] + [channel_out] * resblk_num
self.resblocks = torch.nn.ModuleList(
[OctreeResBlock2(depth, channels[i], channels[i+1], stride=1)
for i in range(self.resblk_num)])
def forward(self, data, octree):
for i in range(self.resblk_num):
data = self.resblocks[i](data, octree)
if self.use_checkpoint:
data = torch.utils.checkpoint.checkpoint(self.resblks[i], data, octree)
data = self.resblks[i](data, octree)
return data
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ class OctreeTile(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, depth):
super(OctreeTile, self).__init__()
self.depad = ocnn.OctreeDepad(depth)
def forward(self, data_in, octree):
@ -206,10 +206,25 @@ class OctreeTile(torch.nn.Module):
return out
def octree_trilinear_pts(data, octree, depth, pts):
def octree_nearest_pts(data, octree, depth, pts, nempty=False):
key = pts.short() # (x, y, z, id)
key = ocnn.octree_encode_key(key).long() # (N, )
idx = ocnn.octree_search_key(key, octree, depth, True, nempty)
flgs = idx > -1 # valid indices
idx = idx * flgs
data = torch.squeeze(data).t() # (1, C, H, 1) -> (H, C)
output = data[idx.long()] * flgs.unsqueeze(-1)
output = torch.unsqueeze((torch.unsqueeze(output.t(), dim=0)), dim=-1)
return output
def octree_trilinear_pts(data, octree, depth, pts, nempty=False):
''' Linear Interpolatation with input points.
pts: (N, 4), i.e. N x (x, y, z, id).
data: (1, C, H, 1)
nempty: the data only contains features of non-empty octree nodes
!!! Note: the pts should be scaled into [0, 2^depth]
@ -222,15 +237,15 @@ def octree_trilinear_pts(data, octree, depth, pts):
# 1. Neighborhood searching
xyzf, ids = torch.split(pts, [3, 1], 1)
xyzf = xyzf - 0.5 # since the value is defined on the center of each voxel
xyzf = xyzf - 0.5 # the value is defined on the center of each voxel
xyzi = torch.floor(xyzf) # the integer part (N, 3)
frac = xyzf - xyzi # the fraction part (N, 3)
key = torch.cat([xyzi, ids], dim=1).short() # (N, 4)
key = ocnn.octree_encode_key(key).long() # (N, )
key = (torch.unsqueeze(key, dim=1) + masku).view(-1) # (N, 1)->(N, 8)->(8*N,)
idx = ocnn.octree_search_key(key, octree, depth, True)
key = torch.cat([xyzi, ids], dim=1).short() # (N, 4)
key = ocnn.octree_encode_key(key).long() # (N, )
key = (torch.unsqueeze(key, dim=1) + masku).view(-1) # (N, 1)->(N, 8)->(8*N,)
idx = ocnn.octree_search_key(key, octree, depth, True, nempty)
flgs = idx > -1 # valid indices
idx = idx[flgs]
@ -239,8 +254,7 @@ def octree_trilinear_pts(data, octree, depth, pts):
ids = torch.arange(npt).cuda()
ids = ids.view(-1, 1).repeat(1, 8).view(-1)
ids = ids[flgs]
indices = torch.cat([torch.unsqueeze(ids, dim=1),
torch.unsqueeze(idx, dim=1)], dim=1).long()
indices = torch.stack([ids, idx], dim=1).long()
maskc = 1 - mask
frac = maskc - torch.unsqueeze(frac, dim=1)
@ -262,6 +276,8 @@ def octree_trilinear_pts(data, octree, depth, pts):
def octree_trilinear(data, octree, depth, target_depth):
''' Interpolate data from octree `depth` to `target_depth`
xyz = ocnn.octree_property(octree, 'xyz', target_depth)
xyz = ocnn.octree_decode_key(xyz).float()
scale = 2.0**(depth-target_depth)
@ -273,9 +289,49 @@ def octree_trilinear(data, octree, depth, target_depth):
class OctreeTrilinear(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, depth):
super(OctreeTrilinear, self).__init__()
self.depth = depth
def forward(self, data_in, octree):
out = octree_trilinear(data_in, octree, self.depth, self.depth + 1)
def forward(self, data, octree):
out = octree_trilinear(data, octree, self.depth, self.depth + 1)
return out
class OctreeInterp(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, depth, method='linear', nempty=False):
self.depth = depth
self.method = method
self.nempty = nempty
def forward(self, data, octree, pts):
# Input pts in [-1, 1], convert pts to [0, 2^depth]
xyz = (pts[:, :3] + 1.0) * (2 ** (self.depth - 1))
pts = torch.cat([xyz, pts[:, 3:]], dim=1)
if self.method == 'nearest':
out = octree_nearest_pts(data, octree, self.depth, pts, self.nempty)
elif self.method == 'linear':
out = octree_trilinear_pts(data, octree, self.depth, pts, self.nempty)
raise ValueError
return out
def extra_repr(self) -> str:
return ('depth={}, method={}, nempty={}').format(
self.depth, self.method, self.nempty)
def create_full_octree(depth, channel, batch_size=1, node_dis=True):
assert depth > 1
octree = ocnn.octree_new(batch_size, channel, node_dis)
for target_depth in range(1, depth+1):
octree = ocnn.octree_grow(octree, target_depth, full_octree=True)
return octree
def octree_feature(octree, depth, nempty=False):
output = ocnn.octree_property(octree, 'feature', depth)
if nempty:
output = ocnn.nn.octree_depad(output, octree, depth)
return output
@ -6,123 +6,76 @@ import ocnn
class Octree2ColFunction(Function):
def forward(ctx, data_in, octree, depth, kernel_size, stride):
def forward(ctx, data_in, octree, depth, kernel_size, stride, nempty):
ctx.depth = depth
ctx.kernel_size = kernel_size
ctx.stride = stride
ctx.nempty = nempty
data_in = data_in.contiguous()
data_out = ocnn.nn.octree2col(data_in, octree, depth, kernel_size, stride)
data_out = ocnn.nn.octree2col(
data_in, octree, depth, kernel_size, stride, nempty)
return data_out
def backward(ctx, grad_in):
octree, = ctx.saved_tensors
grad_in = grad_in.contiguous()
grad_out = ocnn.nn.col2octree(grad_in, octree,
ctx.depth, ctx.kernel_size, ctx.stride)
return grad_out, None, None, None, None
grad_out = ocnn.nn.col2octree(grad_in, octree, ctx.depth, ctx.kernel_size,
ctx.stride, ctx.nempty)
return grad_out, None, None, None, None, None
class Col2OctreeFunction(Function):
def forward(ctx, data_in, octree, depth, kernel_size, stride):
def forward(ctx, data_in, octree, depth, kernel_size, stride, nempty):
ctx.depth = depth
ctx.kernel_size = kernel_size
ctx.stride = stride
ctx.nempty = nempty
data_in = data_in.contiguous()
data_out = ocnn.nn.col2octree(data_in, octree, depth, kernel_size, stride)
data_out = ocnn.nn.col2octree(
data_in, octree, depth, kernel_size, stride, nempty)
return data_out
def backward(ctx, grad_in):
octree, = ctx.saved_tensors
grad_in = grad_in.contiguous()
grad_out = ocnn.nn.octree2col(grad_in, octree,
ctx.depth, ctx.kernel_size, ctx.stride)
return grad_out, None, None, None, None
class Octree2ColPFunction(Function):
def forward(ctx, data_in, octree, depth, kernel_size, stride):
ctx.depth = depth
ctx.kernel_size = kernel_size
ctx.stride = stride
data_in = data_in.contiguous()
data_out = ocnn.nn.octree2colP(data_in, octree, depth, kernel_size, stride)
return data_out
def backward(ctx, grad_in):
octree, = ctx.saved_tensors
grad_in = grad_in.contiguous()
grad_out = ocnn.nn.col2octreeP(grad_in, octree,
ctx.depth, ctx.kernel_size, ctx.stride)
return grad_out, None, None, None, None
class Col2OctreePFunction(Function):
def forward(ctx, data_in, octree, depth, kernel_size, stride):
ctx.depth = depth
ctx.kernel_size = kernel_size
ctx.stride = stride
data_in = data_in.contiguous()
data_out = ocnn.nn.col2octreeP(data_in, octree, depth, kernel_size, stride)
return data_out
def backward(ctx, grad_in):
octree, = ctx.saved_tensors
grad_in = grad_in.contiguous()
grad_out = ocnn.nn.octree2colP(grad_in, octree,
ctx.depth, ctx.kernel_size, ctx.stride)
return grad_out, None, None, None, None
grad_out = ocnn.nn.octree2col(grad_in, octree, ctx.depth, ctx.kernel_size,
ctx.stride, ctx.nempty)
return grad_out, None, None, None, None, None
# alias
octree2col = Octree2ColFunction.apply
col2octree = Col2OctreeFunction.apply
octree2colP = Octree2ColPFunction.apply
col2octreeP = Col2OctreePFunction.apply
# module
class Octree2ColBase(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, depth, kernel_size, stride):
def __init__(self, depth, kernel_size, stride, nempty=False):
super(Octree2ColBase, self).__init__()
self.depth = depth
self.kernel_size = kernel_size
self.stride = stride
self.nempty = nempty
def extra_repr(self) -> str:
return 'depth={}, kernel_size={}, stride={}'.format(
self.depth, self.kernel_size, self.stride)
return 'depth={}, kernel_size={}, stride={}, nempty={}'.format(
self.depth, self.kernel_size, self.stride, self.nempty)
class Octree2Col(Octree2ColBase):
def forward(self, data_in, octree):
return octree2col(data_in, octree, self.depth, self.kernel_size, self.stride)
return octree2col(data_in, octree, self.depth, self.kernel_size,
self.stride, self.nempty)
class Col2Octree(Octree2ColBase):
def forward(self, data_in, octree):
return col2octree(data_in, octree, self.depth, self.kernel_size, self.stride)
class Octree2ColP(Octree2ColBase):
def forward(self, data_in, octree):
return octree2colP(data_in, octree, self.depth, self.kernel_size, self.stride)
class Col2OctreeP(Octree2ColBase):
def forward(self, data_in, octree):
return col2octreeP(data_in, octree, self.depth, self.kernel_size, self.stride)
return col2octree(data_in, octree, self.depth, self.kernel_size,
self.stride, self.nempty)
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
from torch import nn
from torch.autograd import Function
import ocnn
class OctreeAlignFunction(Function):
def forward(ctx, src_data, src_octree, des_octree, depth):
src_data = src_data.contiguous()
des_data, index = ocnn.nn.octree_align(src_data, src_octree, des_octree, depth)
return des_data, index
def backward(ctx, des_grad, index_grad):
index, = ctx.saved_tensors
des_grad = des_grad.contiguous()
grad_out = ocnn.nn.octree_align_grad(des_grad, index)
return grad_out, None, None, None
# alias
octree_align = OctreeAlignFunction.apply
# module
class OctreeAlign(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, depth, return_index=False):
self.depth = depth
self.return_index = return_index
def forward(self, src_data, src_octree, des_octree):
output = octree_align(src_data, src_octree, des_octree, self.depth)
return output if self.return_index else output[0]
def extra_repr(self) -> str:
return 'depth={}'.format(self.depth)
@ -14,67 +14,145 @@ def resize_with_last_val(list_in, num=3):
class OctreeConvFunction(Function):
def forward(ctx, data_in, weights, octree, depth, channel_out, kernel_size, stride):
def forward(ctx, data_in, weights, octree, depth, channel_out, kernel_size,
stride, nempty):
data_in = data_in.contiguous()
ctx.save_for_backward(data_in, weights, octree)
ctx.depth = depth
ctx.channel_out = channel_out
ctx.kernel_size = resize_with_last_val(kernel_size)
ctx.stride = stride
ctx.nempty = nempty
data_out = ocnn.nn.octree_conv(data_in, weights, octree,
depth, channel_out, kernel_size, stride)
data_out = ocnn.nn.octree_conv(
data_in, weights, octree, depth, channel_out,
kernel_size, stride, nempty)
return data_out
def backward(ctx, grad_in):
grad_in = grad_in.contiguous()
data_in, weights, octree = ctx.saved_tensors
grad_out, grad_w = ocnn.nn.octree_conv_grad(data_in, weights, octree, grad_in,
ctx.depth, ctx.channel_out, ctx.kernel_size, ctx.stride)
return (grad_out, grad_w) + (None,) * 5
grad_out, grad_w = ocnn.nn.octree_conv_grad(
data_in, weights, octree, grad_in, ctx.depth, ctx.channel_out,
ctx.kernel_size, ctx.stride, ctx.nempty)
return (grad_out, grad_w) + (None,) * 6
class OctreeDeconvFunction(Function):
def forward(ctx, data_in, weights, octree, depth, channel_out, kernel_size,
stride, nempty):
data_in = data_in.contiguous()
ctx.save_for_backward(data_in, weights, octree)
ctx.depth = depth
ctx.channel_out = channel_out
ctx.kernel_size = resize_with_last_val(kernel_size)
ctx.stride = stride
ctx.nempty = nempty
data_out = ocnn.nn.octree_deconv(
data_in, weights, octree, depth, channel_out,
kernel_size, stride, nempty)
return data_out
def backward(ctx, grad_in):
grad_in = grad_in.contiguous()
data_in, weights, octree = ctx.saved_tensors
grad_out, grad_w = ocnn.nn.octree_deconv_grad(
data_in, weights, octree, grad_in, ctx.depth, ctx.channel_out,
ctx.kernel_size, ctx.stride, ctx.nempty)
return (grad_out, grad_w) + (None,) * 6
# alias
octree_conv = OctreeConvFunction.apply
octree_deconv = OctreeDeconvFunction.apply
# module
class OctreeConvBase(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, depth, channel_in, channel_out, kernel_size=[3], stride=1):
def __init__(self, depth, channel_in, channel_out, kernel_size=[3], stride=1,
super(OctreeConvBase, self).__init__()
self.depth = depth
self.channel_out = channel_out
self.kernel_size = resize_with_last_val(kernel_size)
self.stride = stride
self.channel_in = channel_in
self.nempty = nempty
kdim = self.kernel_size[0] * self.kernel_size[1] * self.kernel_size[2]
self.dim = channel_in * kdim
self.weights = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(self.channel_out, self.dim))
self.kdim = self.kernel_size[0] * self.kernel_size[1] * self.kernel_size[2]
conv_in = channel_in if self.is_conv_layer() else channel_out
conv_out = channel_out if self.is_conv_layer() else channel_in
self.cdim = conv_in * self.kdim
self.weights = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(conv_out, self.cdim))
def is_conv_layer():
raise NotImplementedError
def extra_repr(self) -> str:
return 'depth={}, channel_in={}, channel_out={}, kernel_size={}, stride={}'.format(
self.depth, self.channel_in, self.channel_out, self.kernel_size, self.stride)
return ('depth={}, channel_in={}, channel_out={}, kernel_size={}, '
'stride={}, nempty={}').format(self.depth, self.channel_in,
self.channel_out, self.kernel_size, self.stride, self.nempty)
class OctreeConv(OctreeConvBase):
def forward(self, data_in, octree):
conv = octree_conv(data_in, self.weights, octree, self.depth,
self.channel_out, self.kernel_size, self.stride)
if self.stride == 2:
def is_conv_layer(self):
return True
def forward(self, data, octree):
assert data.size(1) == self.channel_in
conv = octree_conv(
data, self.weights, octree, self.depth, self.channel_out,
self.kernel_size, self.stride, self.nempty)
if self.stride == 2 and not self.nempty:
conv = ocnn.octree_pad(conv, octree, self.depth-1)
return conv
class OctreeDeconv(OctreeConvBase):
def is_conv_layer(self):
return False
def forward(self, data, octree):
assert data.size(1) == self.channel_in
if self.stride == 2 and not self.nempty:
data = ocnn.octree_depad(data, octree, self.depth)
deconv = octree_deconv(
data, self.weights, octree, self.depth, self.channel_out,
self.kernel_size, self.stride, self.nempty)
return deconv
class OctreeConvFast(OctreeConvBase):
def forward(self, data_in, octree):
col = ocnn.octree2col(data_in, octree, self.depth,
self.kernel_size, self.stride)
col = col.view([self.dim, -1])
def is_conv_layer(self):
return True
def forward(self, data, octree):
depth = self.depth
col = ocnn.octree2col(data, octree, depth, self.kernel_size, self.stride, False)
col = col.view([self.cdim, -1])
conv = torch.mm(self.weights, col)
conv = torch.unsqueeze(torch.unsqueeze(conv, 0), -1) # [C,H] -> [1,C,H,1]
if self.stride == 2:
conv = ocnn.octree_pad(conv, octree, self.depth-1)
conv = ocnn.octree_pad(conv, octree, depth-1)
return conv
class OctreeDeconvFast(OctreeConvBase):
def is_conv_layer(self):
return False
def forward(self, data, octree):
depth = self.depth
if self.stride == 2:
data = ocnn.octree_depad(data, octree, depth)
depth = depth + 1
data = torch.squeeze(torch.squeeze(data, dim=0), dim=-1)
col = torch.mm(self.weights.t(), data)
col = col.view(self.channel_out, self.kdim, -1)
deconv = ocnn.col2octree(col, octree, depth, self.kernel_size, self.stride, False)
return deconv
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.autograd import Function
import ocnn
def resize_with_last_val(list_in, num=3):
assert (type(list_in) is list and len(list_in) < num + 1)
for i in range(len(list_in), num):
return list_in
class OctreeDeconvFunction(Function):
def forward(ctx, data_in, weights, octree, depth, channel_out, kernel_size, stride):
data_in = data_in.contiguous()
ctx.save_for_backward(data_in, weights, octree)
ctx.depth = depth
ctx.channel_out = channel_out
ctx.kernel_size = resize_with_last_val(kernel_size)
ctx.stride = stride
data_out = ocnn.nn.octree_deconv(data_in, weights, octree,
depth, channel_out, kernel_size, stride)
return data_out
def backward(ctx, grad_in):
grad_in = grad_in.contiguous()
data_in, weights, octree = ctx.saved_tensors
grad_out, grad_w = ocnn.nn.octree_deconv_grad(data_in, weights, octree,
grad_in, ctx.depth, ctx.channel_out, ctx.kernel_size, ctx.stride)
return (grad_out, grad_w) + (None,) * 5
# alias
octree_deconv = OctreeDeconvFunction.apply
# module. TODO: merge code with OctreeConvBase to avoid redundancy
class OctreeDeconvBase(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, depth, channel_in, channel_out, kernel_size=[3], stride=1):
super(OctreeDeconvBase, self).__init__()
self.depth = depth
self.channel_out = channel_out
self.kernel_size = resize_with_last_val(kernel_size)
self.stride = stride
self.channel_in = channel_in
self.kdim = self.kernel_size[0] * self.kernel_size[1] * self.kernel_size[2]
self.dim = channel_out * self.kdim
self.weights = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(self.channel_in, self.dim))
def extra_repr(self) -> str:
return 'depth={}, channel_in={}, channel_out={}, kernel_size={}, stride={}'.format(
self.depth, self.channel_in, self.channel_out, self.kernel_size, self.stride)
class OctreeDeconv(OctreeDeconvBase):
def forward(self, data, octree):
if self.stride == 2:
data = ocnn.octree_depad(data, octree, self.depth)
deconv = ocnn.octree_deconv(data, self.weights, octree, self.depth,
self.channel_out, self.kernel_size, self.stride)
return deconv
class OctreeDeconvFast(OctreeDeconvBase):
def forward(self, data, octree):
depth = self.depth
if self.stride == 2:
data = ocnn.octree_depad(data, octree, depth)
depth = depth + 1
data = torch.squeeze(torch.squeeze(data, dim=0), dim=-1)
col = torch.mm(self.weights.t(), data)
col = col.view(self.channel_out, self.kdim, -1)
deconv = ocnn.col2octree(col, octree, depth, self.kernel_size, self.stride)
return deconv
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ octree_depad = OctreeDepadFunction.apply
# module
class OctreePad(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, depth, val=0.0):
super(OctreePad, self).__init__()
self.depth = depth
self.val = val
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class OctreePad(nn.Module):
class OctreeDepad(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, depth):
super(OctreeDepad, self).__init__()
self.depth = depth
def forward(self, data_in, octree):
@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
import torch
import ocnn
import torch.nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
class OUNet(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, depth, channel_in, nout, full_depth=2):
self.depth = depth
self.channel_in = channel_in
self.nout = nout
self.full_depth = full_depth
self.nempty = False
self.resblk_num = 3
self.channels = [4, 512, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16]
# encoder
self.conv1 = ocnn.OctreeConvBnRelu(
depth, channel_in, self.channels[depth], nempty=self.nempty)
self.encoder = torch.nn.ModuleList(
[ocnn.OctreeResBlocks(d, self.channels[d],
self.channels[d], self.resblk_num, nempty=self.nempty)
for d in range(depth, full_depth-1, -1)])
self.downsample = torch.nn.ModuleList(
[ocnn.OctreeConvBnRelu(d, self.channels[d],
self.channels[d-1], kernel_size=[2], stride=2, nempty=self.nempty)
for d in range(depth, full_depth, -1)])
# decoder
self.upsample = torch.nn.ModuleList(
[ocnn.OctreeDeConvBnRelu(d-1, self.channels[d-1],
self.channels[d], kernel_size=[2], stride=2, nempty=self.nempty)
for d in range(full_depth+1, depth + 1)])
self.decoder = torch.nn.ModuleList(
[ocnn.OctreeResBlocks(d, self.channels[d],
self.channels[d], self.resblk_num, nempty=self.nempty)
for d in range(full_depth+1, depth + 1)])
# header
self.predict = torch.nn.ModuleList(
[self._make_predict_module(self.channels[d], 2)
for d in range(full_depth, depth + 1)])
self.header = self._make_predict_module(self.channels[depth], nout)
def _make_predict_module(self, channel_in, channel_out=2, num_hidden=32):
return torch.nn.Sequential(
ocnn.OctreeConv1x1BnRelu(channel_in, num_hidden),
ocnn.OctreeConv1x1(num_hidden, channel_out, use_bias=True))
def get_input_feature(self, octree):
data = ocnn.octree_property(octree, 'feature', self.depth)
assert data.size(1) == self.channel_in
return data
def ocnn_encoder(self, octree):
depth, full_depth = self.depth, self.full_depth
data = self.get_input_feature(octree)
convs = dict()
convs[depth] = self.conv1(data, octree)
for i, d in enumerate(range(depth, full_depth-1, -1)):
convs[d] = self.encoder[i](convs[d], octree)
if d > full_depth:
convs[d-1] = self.downsample[i](convs[d], octree)
return convs
def ocnn_decoder(self, convs, octree_out, octree, return_deconvs=False):
output, deconvs = dict(), dict()
depth, full_depth = self.depth, self.full_depth
deconvs[full_depth] = convs[full_depth]
for i, d in enumerate(range(full_depth, depth+1)):
if d > full_depth:
deconvd = self.upsample[i-1](deconvs[d-1], octree_out)
skip, _ = ocnn.octree_align(convs[d], octree, octree_out, d)
deconvd = deconvd + skip
deconvs[d] = self.decoder[i-1](deconvd, octree_out)
# predict the splitting label
logit = self.predict[i](deconvs[d])
logit = logit.squeeze().t() # (1, C, H, 1) -> (H, C)
# classification loss
label_gt = ocnn.octree_property(octree_out, 'split', d).long()
output['loss_%d' % d] = F.cross_entropy(logit, label_gt)
output['accu_%d' % d] = logit.argmax(1).eq(label_gt).float().mean()
if d == depth:
# predict the signal
signal = self.header(deconvs[d])
signal = torch.tanh(signal)
# regression loss
signal_gt = ocnn.octree_property(octree_out, 'feature', d)
output['loss_reg%d' % d] = torch.mean((signal_gt - signal)**2)
return (output, deconvs) if return_deconvs else output
def decode_shape(self, convs, octree, return_deconvs=False):
deconvs = dict()
depth, full_depth = self.depth, self.full_depth
octree_out = ocnn.create_full_octree(full_depth, self.nout)
deconvs[full_depth] = convs[full_depth]
for i, d in enumerate(range(full_depth, depth+1)):
if d > full_depth:
deconvd = self.upsample[i-1](deconvs[d-1], octree_out)
skip, _ = ocnn.octree_align(convs[d], octree, octree_out, d)
deconvd = deconvd + skip
deconvs[d] = self.decoder[i-1](deconvd, octree_out)
# predict the splitting label
logit = self.predict[i](deconvs[d])
logit = logit.squeeze().t() # (1, C, H, 1) -> (H, C)
# octree splitting
label = logit.argmax(1).to(torch.int32)
octree_out = ocnn.octree_update(octree_out, label, d, split=1)
if d < depth:
octree_out = ocnn.octree_grow(octree_out, target_depth=d+1)
# predict the signal
signal = self.header(deconvs[d]) # (1, C, H, 1)
signal = torch.tanh(signal)
normal = F.normalize(signal[:, :3], dim=1)
signal = torch.cat([normal, signal[:, 3:]], dim=1)
octree_out = ocnn.octree_set_property(octree_out, signal, d)
return (octree_out, deconvs) if return_deconvs else octree_out
def forward(self, octree_in, octree_gt=None, run='compute_loss'):
convs = self.ocnn_encoder(octree_in)
if 'compute_loss' == run:
assert octree_gt is not None
output = self.ocnn_decoder(convs, octree_gt, octree_in)
elif 'decode_shape' == run:
output = self.decode_shape(convs, octree_in)
raise ValueError
return output
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import ocnn
class SegNet(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, depth, channel_in, nout):
def __init__(self, depth, channel_in, nout, interp='linear'):
super(SegNet, self).__init__()
self.depth, self.channel_in = depth, channel_in
channels = [2 ** max(10 - i, 2) for i in range(depth + 1)]
@ -24,38 +24,34 @@ class SegNet(torch.nn.Module):
[ocnn.OctreeMaxUnpool(d) for d in range(2, depth)])
self.deconv = ocnn.OctreeConvBnRelu(depth, channels[depth], channels[depth])
self.header = torch.nn.Sequential(
ocnn.OctreeConv1x1BnRelu(channels[depth], 64), # fc1
ocnn.OctreeConv1x1(64, nout, use_bias=True)) # fc2
self.octree_interp = ocnn.OctreeInterp(self.depth, interp, nempty=False)
def forward(self, octree):
self.header = torch.nn.Sequential(
ocnn.OctreeConv1x1BnRelu(channels[depth], 64), # fc1
ocnn.OctreeConv1x1(64, nout, use_bias=True)) # fc2
def forward(self, octree, pts):
depth = self.depth
data = ocnn.octree_property(octree, 'feature', depth)
data = ocnn.octree_feature(octree, depth)
assert data.size(1) == self.channel_in
# encoder
pool_idx = [None] * (depth + 1)
for i, d in enumerate(range(depth, 2, -1)):
data = self.convs[i](data, octree)
data, pool_idx[d] = self.pools[i](data, octree)
# decoder
for i, d in enumerate(range(2, depth)):
data = self.deconvs[i](data, octree)
data = self.unpools[i](data, pool_idx[d+1], octree)
data = self.deconv(data, octree)
data = self.header(data)
return data
# point/voxel feature
feature = self.deconv(data, octree)
if pts is not None:
feature = self.octree_interp(feature, octree, pts)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
writer = SummaryWriter('logs/segnet')
octree = ocnn.octree_batch(ocnn.octree_samples(['octree_1', 'octree_2']))
model = SegNet(depth=5, channel_in=3, nout=4)
octree = octree.cuda()
model = model.cuda()
writer.add_graph(model, octree)
# header
logits = self.header(feature)
logits = logits.squeeze().t() # (1, C, H, 1) -> (H, C)
return logits
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ class Points2Octree:
def __init__(self, depth, full_depth=2, node_dis=False, node_feature=False,
split_label=False, adaptive=False, adp_depth=4, th_normal=0.1,
th_distance=1.0, extrapolate=False, save_pts=False, key2xyz=False,
th_distance=2.0, extrapolate=False, save_pts=False, key2xyz=False,
self.depth = depth
self.full_depth = full_depth
@ -36,16 +36,23 @@ class NormalizePoints:
''' Normalize a point cloud with its bounding sphere
method: The method used to calculate the bounding sphere, choose from
'sphere' (bounding sphere) or 'box' (bounding box).
bsphere: The method used to calculate the bounding sphere, choose from
'sphere' (bounding sphere) or 'box' (bounding box).
radius: Mannually specify the radius of the bounding sphere, -1 means
that the bounding sphere is not provided.
def __init__(self, method='sphere'):
self.method = method
def __init__(self, bsphere='sphere', radius=-1.0, center=(-1.0,), **kwargs):
self.bsphere = bsphere
self.radius = radius
self.center = center
def __call__(self, points):
bsphere = ocnn.bounding_sphere(points, self.method)
radius, center = bsphere[0], bsphere[1:]
if self.radius < 0:
bsphere = ocnn.bounding_sphere(points, self.bsphere)
radius, center = bsphere[0], bsphere[1:]
radius, center = self.radius, self.center
points = ocnn.normalize_points(points, radius, center)
return points
@ -58,7 +65,7 @@ class TransformPoints:
def __init__(self, distort, angle=[0, 180, 0], scale=0.25, jitter=0.25,
offset=0.0, angle_interval=[1, 1, 1], uniform_scale=False,
normal_axis='', **kwargs):
self.distort = distort
self.angle = angle
self.scale = scale
@ -66,8 +73,9 @@ class TransformPoints:
self.offset = offset
self.angle_interval = angle_interval
self.uniform_scale = uniform_scale
self.normal_axis = normal_axis
def __call__(self, points):
def __call__(self, points):
rnd_angle = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
rnd_scale = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
rnd_jitter = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
@ -80,45 +88,61 @@ class TransformPoints:
minval, maxval = 1 - self.scale, 1 + self.scale
rnd_scale = np.random.uniform(low=minval, high=maxval, size=(3)).tolist()
if self.uniform_scale: rnd_scale = [rnd_scale[0]]*3
if self.uniform_scale:
rnd_scale = [rnd_scale[0]]*3
minval, maxval = -self.jitter, self.jitter
rnd_jitter = np.random.uniform(low=minval, high=maxval, size=(3)).tolist()
# The range of points is [-1, 1]
points = ocnn.transform_points(points, rnd_angle, rnd_scale, rnd_jitter, self.offset)
return points
points = ocnn.transform_points(
points, rnd_angle, rnd_scale, rnd_jitter, self.offset, self.normal_axis)
# clip the points into [-1, 1]
points, inbox_mask = ocnn.clip_points(points, [-1.0]*3, [1.0]*3)
return points, inbox_mask
class TransformCompose:
def __init__(self, flags, return_pts=False):
def __init__(self, flags):
self.flags = flags
self.return_pts = return_pts
def __call__(self, points):
points = NormalizePoints('sphere')(points)
points = TransformPoints(**self.flags)(points)
octree = Points2Octree(**self.flags)(points)
return octree if not self.return_pts else (octree, points)
self.normalize_points = NormalizePoints(**flags)
self.transform_points = TransformPoints(**flags)
self.points2octree = Points2Octree(**flags)
class CollateOctrees:
def __init__(self, return_pts=False):
self.return_pts = return_pts
def __call__(self, points, idx):
# Normalize the points into one unit sphere in [-1, 1]
points = self.normalize_points(points)
def __call__(self, batch):
''' Merge a batch of octrees into one super octree
assert type(batch) == list
octrees = [b[0] for b in batch]
octree = ocnn.octree_batch(octrees)
labels = torch.tensor([b[1] for b in batch])
# Apply the general transformations provided by ocnn.
# The augmentations including rotation, scaling, and jittering, and the
# input points out of [-1, 1] are clipped
points, inbox_mask = self.transform_points(points)
outputs = [octree, labels]
if self.return_pts:
points = [b[2] for b in batch]
return outputs
# Convert the points in [-1, 1] to an octree
octree = self.points2octree(points)
return {'octree': octree, 'points': points, 'inbox_mask': inbox_mask}
collate_octrees = CollateOctrees(return_pts=False)
def collate_octrees(batch):
assert type(batch) == list
outputs = {}
for key in batch[0].keys():
outputs[key] = [b[key] for b in batch]
# Merge a batch of octrees into one super octree
if 'octree' in key:
outputs[key] = ocnn.octree_batch(outputs[key])
# Convert the labels to a Tensor
if 'label' in key:
outputs['label'] = torch.tensor(outputs[key])
# # Concat the inbox_mask
# if 'inbox_mask' in key:
# pt_num = [mk.numel() for mk in outputs['inbox_mask']]
# outputs['pt_num'] = torch.tensor(pt_num)
# outputs['inbox_mask'] = torch.cat(outputs['inbox_mask'], dim=0)
return outputs
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
import torch
import ocnn
import torch.nn
class UNet(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, depth, channel_in, nout, nempty=False, interp='linear',
super(UNet, self).__init__()
self.depth = depth
self.channel_in = channel_in
self.nempty = nempty
self.use_checkpoint = use_checkpoint
self.stages = len(self.encoder_blocks)
# encoder
self.conv1 = ocnn.OctreeConvBnRelu(
depth, channel_in, self.encoder_channel[0], nempty=nempty)
self.downsample = torch.nn.ModuleList(
[ocnn.OctreeConvBnRelu(depth - i, self.encoder_channel[i],
self.encoder_channel[i+1], kernel_size=[2], stride=2, nempty=nempty)
for i in range(self.stages)])
self.encoder = torch.nn.ModuleList(
[ocnn.OctreeResBlocks(depth - i - 1, self.encoder_channel[i+1],
self.encoder_channel[i+1], self.encoder_blocks[i], self.bottleneck,
nempty, self.resblk, self.use_checkpoint) for i in range(self.stages)])
# decoder
depth = depth - self.stages
channel = [self.decoder_channel[i+1] + self.encoder_channel[-i-2]
for i in range(self.stages)]
self.upsample = torch.nn.ModuleList(
[ocnn.OctreeDeConvBnRelu(depth + i, self.decoder_channel[i],
self.decoder_channel[i+1], kernel_size=[2], stride=2, nempty=nempty)
for i in range(self.stages)])
self.decoder = torch.nn.ModuleList(
[ocnn.OctreeResBlocks(depth + i + 1, channel[i],
self.decoder_channel[i+1], self.decoder_blocks[i], self.bottleneck,
nempty, self.resblk, self.use_checkpoint) for i in range(self.stages)])
# interpolation
self.octree_interp = ocnn.OctreeInterp(self.depth, interp, nempty)
# header
self.header = self.make_predict_module(self.decoder_channel[-1], nout)
def config_network(self):
self.encoder_channel = [32, 32, 64, 128, 256]
self.decoder_channel = [256, 256, 128, 96, 96]
self.encoder_blocks = [2, 3, 4, 6]
self.decoder_blocks = [2, 2, 2, 2]
self.bottleneck = 1
self.resblk = ocnn.OctreeResBlock2
def make_predict_module(self, channel_in, channel_out=2, num_hidden=64):
return torch.nn.Sequential(
ocnn.OctreeConv1x1BnRelu(channel_in, num_hidden),
ocnn.OctreeConv1x1(num_hidden, channel_out, use_bias=True))
def forward(self, octree, pts=None):
depth = self.depth
data = ocnn.octree_feature(octree, depth, self.nempty)
assert data.size(1) == self.channel_in
# encoder
convd = [None] * 16
convd[depth] = self.conv1(data, octree)
stages = len(self.encoder_blocks)
for i in range(stages):
depth_i = depth - i - 1
conv = self.downsample[i](convd[depth_i+1], octree)
convd[depth_i] = self.encoder[i](conv, octree)
# decoder
depth = depth - stages
deconv = convd[depth]
for i in range(stages):
depth_i = depth + i + 1
deconv = self.upsample[i](deconv, octree)
deconv = torch.cat([convd[depth_i], deconv], dim=1) # skip connections
deconv = self.decoder[i](deconv, octree)
# point/voxel feature
feature = deconv
if pts is not None:
feature = self.octree_interp(feature, octree, pts)
# header
logits = self.header(feature)
logits = logits.squeeze().t() # (1, C, H, 1) -> (H, C)
return logits
@ -1,108 +1,46 @@
import os
import torch
import ocnn
from tqdm import tqdm
from config import parse_args
from modelnet import ModelNet40
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
import torch
from solver import Solver, Dataset, parse_args
def get_dataloader(flags, train=True):
transform = ocnn.TransformCompose(flags)
dataset = ModelNet40(flags.location, train, transform, in_memory=True)
data_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
dataset, batch_size=flags.batch_size, shuffle=train, pin_memory=True,
num_workers=flags.num_workers, collate_fn=ocnn.collate_octrees)
return data_loader
class ClsSolver(Solver):
def get_model(self, flags):
if flags.name.lower() == 'lenet':
model = ocnn.LeNet(flags.depth, flags.channel, flags.nout)
elif flags.name.lower() == 'resnet':
model = ocnn.ResNet(flags.depth, flags.channel, flags.nout,
raise ValueError
return model
def get_dataset(self, flags):
transform = ocnn.TransformCompose(flags)
dataset = Dataset(flags.location, flags.filelist, transform, in_memory=True)
return dataset, ocnn.collate_octrees
def train_step(self, batch):
octree, label = batch['octree'].cuda(), batch['label'].cuda()
logits = self.model(octree)
log_softmax = torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(logits, dim=1)
loss = torch.nn.functional.nll_loss(log_softmax, label)
return {'train/loss': loss}
def test_step(self, batch):
octree, label = batch['octree'].cuda(), batch['label'].cuda()
logits = self.model(octree)
log_softmax = torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(logits, dim=1)
loss = torch.nn.functional.nll_loss(log_softmax, label)
pred = torch.argmax(logits, dim=1)
accu = pred.eq(label).float().mean()
return {'test/loss': loss, 'test/accu': accu}
def get_model(flags):
if flags.name.lower() == 'lenet':
model = ocnn.LeNet(flags.depth, flags.channel, flags.nout)
elif flags.name.lower() == 'resnet':
model = ocnn.ResNet(flags.depth, flags.channel, flags.nout, flags.resblock_num)
raise ValueError
return model
def train():
running_loss = 0.0
for i, data in enumerate(train_loader, 0):
# get the inputs
octrees, labels = data[0].cuda(), data[1].cuda()
# zero the parameter gradients
# forward + backward + optimize
logits = model(octrees)
loss = criterion(logits, labels)
# print statistics
running_loss += loss.item()
if i % 100 == 99:
tqdm.write('[Train iter: %5d] loss: %.3f' % (i + 1, running_loss / i))
return running_loss / i
def test():
accuracy = 0
for data in test_loader:
octrees, labels = data[0].cuda(), data[1].cuda()
with torch.no_grad():
logits = model(octrees)
pred = logits.argmax(dim=1)
accuracy += pred.eq(labels).sum().item()
accuracy /= len(test_loader.dataset)
tqdm.write('[Test] accuracy: %.3f' % accuracy)
return accuracy
def main(TheSolver):
FLAGS = parse_args()
Solver.main(FLAGS, TheSolver)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# configs
FLAGS = parse_args()
# data
train_loader = get_dataloader(FLAGS.DATA.train, train=True)
test_loader = get_dataloader(FLAGS.DATA.test, train=False)
# model
model = get_model(FLAGS.MODEL)
# loss and optimizer
flags_solver = FLAGS.SOLVER
criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(
model.parameters(), lr=0.1, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=5e-4)
scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR(
optimizer, milestones=flags_solver.step_size, gamma=0.1)
# summary
logdir = flags_solver.logdir
writer = SummaryWriter(logdir)
ckpt_dir = os.path.join(logdir, 'checkpoints')
if not os.path.exists(ckpt_dir): os.makedirs(ckpt_dir)
# writer.add_graph(model, next(iter(test_loader))[0].cuda())
# train and test
for epoch in tqdm(range(1, flags_solver.max_epoch+1), ncols=80):
tqdm.write('[Epoch: %5d]' % epoch)
train_loss = train()
writer.add_scalar('train_loss', train_loss, epoch)
if epoch % flags_solver.test_every_epoch == 0:
test_accu = test()
writer.add_scalar('test_accu', test_accu, epoch)
ckpt_name = os.path.join(ckpt_dir, 'model_%05d.pth' % epoch)
torch.save(model.state_dict(), ckpt_name)
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
import os
import ocnn
import torch
from solver import Solver, parse_args, get_config
from datasets import get_completion_dataset
class CompletionSolver(Solver):
def get_model(self, flags):
return ocnn.OUNet(flags.depth, flags.channel, flags.nout, flags.full_depth)
def get_dataset(self, flags):
return get_completion_dataset(flags)
def model_forward(self, batch):
octree_in, octree_gt = batch['octree_in'].cuda(), batch['octree'].cuda()
output = self.model(octree_in, octree_gt, run='compute_loss')
losses = [val for key, val in output.items() if 'loss' in key]
output['loss'] = torch.sum(torch.stack(losses))
return output
def train_step(self, batch):
output = self.model_forward(batch)
output = {'train/' + key: val for key, val in output.items()}
return output
def test_step(self, batch):
output = self.model_forward(batch)
output = {'test/' + key: val for key, val in output.items()}
return output
def eval_step(self, batch):
octree_in = batch['octree_in'].cuda()
octree_out = self.model(octree_in, run='decode_shape')
iter_num = batch['iter_num']
filename = os.path.join(self.logdir, '%04d.input.octree' % iter_num)
filename = os.path.join(self.logdir, '%04d.output.octree' % iter_num)
def main(TheSolver):
get_config().DATA.train.camera_path = '_' # used to generate partial scans
get_config().DATA.test.camera_path = '_'
get_config().DATA.train.scan = True
get_config().DATA.test.scan = True
get_config().MODEL.skip_connections = True
get_config().MODEL.full_depth = 2
FLAGS = parse_args()
Solver.main(FLAGS, TheSolver)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
import os
import sys
import shutil
import argparse
from yacs.config import CfgNode as CN
_C = CN()
# SOLVER related parameters
_C.SOLVER.gpu = (0,) # The gpu ids
_C.SOLVER.logdir = 'logs' # Directory where to write event logs
_C.SOLVER.ckpt = '' # Restore weights from checkpoint file
_C.SOLVER.run = 'train' # Choose from train or test
_C.SOLVER.type = 'sgd' # Choose from sgd or adam
_C.SOLVER.max_epoch = 300 # Maximum training iterations
_C.SOLVER.test_iter = 100 # Test steps in testing phase
_C.SOLVER.test_every_epoch= 10 # Test model every n training epochs
_C.SOLVER.lr_type = 'step' # Learning rate type: step or cos
_C.SOLVER.learning_rate = 0.1 # Initial learning rate
_C.SOLVER.gamma = 0.1 # Learning rate step-wise decay
_C.SOLVER.step_size = (40000,) # Learning rate step size.
_C.SOLVER.ckpt_num = 100 # The number of checkpoint kept
_C.SOLVER.verbose = False # Whether to output some messages
# DATA related parameters
_C.DATA = CN()
_C.DATA.train = CN()
_C.DATA.train.name = '' # The name of the dataset
_C.DATA.train.depth = 5 # The octree depth
_C.DATA.train.full_depth = 2 # The full depth
_C.DATA.train.node_dis = False # Save the node displacement
_C.DATA.train.split_label= False # Save the split label
_C.DATA.train.adaptive = False # Build the adaptive octree
_C.DATA.train.node_feat = False # Calculate the node feature
_C.DATA.train.distort = False # Whether to apply data augmentation
_C.DATA.train.offset = 0.016 # Offset used to displace the points
_C.DATA.train.scale = 0.0 # Scale the points
_C.DATA.train.uniform = False # Generate uniform scales
_C.DATA.train.jitter = 0.0 # Jitter the points
_C.DATA.train.interval = (1, 1, 1) # Use interval&angle to generate random angle
_C.DATA.train.angle = (180, 180, 180)
_C.DATA.train.location = '' # The data location
_C.DATA.train.filelist = '' # The data filelist
_C.DATA.train.batch_size = 32 # Training data batch size
_C.DATA.train.num_workers= 8 # Number of workers to load the data
_C.DATA.test = _C.DATA.train.clone()
# MODEL related parameters
_C.MODEL.name = '' # The name of the model
_C.MODEL.depth = 5 # The input octree depth
_C.MODEL.depth_out = 5 # The output feature depth
_C.MODEL.channel = 3 # The input feature channel
_C.MODEL.factor = 1 # The factor used to widen the network
_C.MODEL.nout = 40 # The output feature channel
_C.MODEL.nouts = 40, # The output feature channels
_C.MODEL.resblock_num = 3 # The resblock number
_C.MODEL.bottleneck = 4 # The bottleneck factor of one resblock
_C.MODEL.dropout = (0.0,) # The dropout ratio
_C.MODEL.signal_abs = False # Use the absolute value of signal
_C.MODEL.upsample = 'nearest' # The method used for upsampling
# loss related parameters
_C.LOSS = CN()
_C.LOSS.num_class = 40 # The class number for the cross-entropy loss
_C.LOSS.weight_decay = 0.0005 # The weight decay on model weights
_C.LOSS.sigma = 0.1 # Use for MID training
_C.LOSS.momentum = 0.5 # Use for MID training
_C.LOSS.inst_num = 57449 # The object number in MID training
_C.LOSS.seg_num = 100 # The clustering number in MID training
_C.LOSS.weights = (1.0, 1.0) # The weight factors for different losses
_C.LOSS.label_smoothing = 0.0 # The factor of label smoothing
# backup the commands
_C.SYS = CN()
_C.SYS.cmds = '' # Used to backup the commands
def _update_config(FLAGS, args):
if args.config:
if args.opts:
FLAGS.SYS.cmds = ' '.join(sys.argv)
def _backup_config(FLAGS, args):
logdir = FLAGS.SOLVER.logdir
if not os.path.exists(logdir):
# copy the file to logdir
if args.config:
shutil.copy2(args.config, logdir)
# dump all configs
filename = os.path.join(logdir, 'all_configs.yaml')
with open(filename, 'w') as fid:
def _set_env_var(FLAGS):
gpus = ','.join([str(a) for a in FLAGS.SOLVER.gpu])
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = gpus
def parse_args(backup=True):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='The configs')
help='experiment configure file name',
help="Modify config options using the command-line",
args = parser.parse_args()
_update_config(FLAGS, args)
if backup: _backup_config(FLAGS, args)
return FLAGS
if __name__ == '__main__':
flags = parse_args(backup=False)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
gpu: 0,
logdir: logs/m40/0311_lenet
logdir: logs/m40/m40
run: train
max_epoch: 300
test_every_epoch: 5
@ -15,14 +15,18 @@ DATA:
interval: (1, 1, 1)
scale: 0.25
jitter: 0.125
location: dataset/ModelNet40.points
location: data/ModelNet40/ModelNet40.points
filelist: data/ModelNet40/m40_train_points_list.txt
batch_size: 32
shuffle: True
distort: False
depth: 5
location: dataset/ModelNet40.points
location: data/ModelNet40/ModelNet40.points
filelist: data/ModelNet40/m40_test_points_list.txt
batch_size: 32
shuffle: False
name: lenet
@ -31,5 +35,4 @@ MODEL:
depth: 5
num_class: 40
weight_decay: 0.0005
num_class: 40
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
gpu: 0,
logdir: logs/completion/skip_connections_test
ckpt: logs/completion/skip_connectinos_07191553/checkpoints/model_00200.pth
run: evaluate
name: completion
distort: False
location: data/ocnn_completion/test.scans.points
filelist: data/ocnn_completion/filelist_test_scans.txt
batch_size: 1
depth: 6
full_depth: 2
offset: 0.0
node_dis: True
split_label: True
radius: 64.0
center: (64.0,64.0,64.0)
scan: False
shuffle: False
channel: 4
depth: 6
nout: 4
full_depth: 2
skip_connections: True
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
gpu: 0,
logdir: logs/completion/skip_connectinos
run: train
max_epoch: 200
test_every_epoch: 10
step_size: (100,150)
ckpt_num: 20
name: completion
distort: False
location: data/ocnn_completion/shape.points
filelist: data/ocnn_completion/filelist_train.txt
camera_path: data/ocnn_completion/completion_train_points.camera_path.dict
batch_size: 16
depth: 6
offset: 0.0
full_depth: 2
node_dis: True
split_label: True
radius: 64.0
center: (64.0,64.0,64.0)
shuffle: True
# num_workers: 0
name: completion
distort: False
location: data/ocnn_completion/shape.points
filelist: data/ocnn_completion/filelist_test.txt
camera_path: data/ocnn_completion/completion_train_points.camera_path.dict
batch_size: 16
depth: 6
offset: 0.0
full_depth: 2
node_dis: True
split_label: True
radius: 64.0
center: (64.0,64.0,64.0)
shuffle: False
# num_workers: 0
channel: 4
depth: 6
nout: 4
full_depth: 2
skip_connections: True
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
gpu: 0,
logdir: logs/seg_partnet/bed_pts
alias: unet
run: train
max_epoch: 800
test_every_epoch: 20
step_size: (400,600)
ckpt_num: 20
# octree building
depth: 6
node_dis: True
# points transform
offset: 0.0 # do not offset points along normal direction
normal_axis: y # re-orient normals along y axis
# data augmentations
distort: True
angle: (0, 5, 0)
interval: (1, 1, 1)
scale: 0.25
jitter: 0.125
uniform: True
# data loading
location: data/partnet_segmentation/data/Bed
filelist: data/partnet_segmentation/data/Bed_train_level3.txt
batch_size: 32
shuffle: True
# octree building
depth: 6
node_dis: True
# points transform
offset: 0.0 # do not offset points along normal direction
normal_axis: y # re-orient normals along y axis
# no data augmentation
distort: False
# data loading
location: data/partnet_segmentation/data/Bed
filelist: data/partnet_segmentation/data/Bed_test_level3.txt
batch_size: 1
shuffle: False
name: unet
channel: 4
nout: 15
depth: 6
mask: 0
num_class: 15
point_wise: True
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
gpu: 0,
run: train
logdir: logs/scannet/D9_2cm
max_epoch: 400
test_every_epoch: 10
weight_decay: 0.0005
# learning rate
lr: 0.05
lr_type: poly
step_size: (200,300) # has no effect for `poly`
name: scannet
# octree building
depth: 9
node_dis: True
offset: 0.0
# data augmentations
distort: True
angle: (0, 0, 180)
scale: 0.1
jitter: 0.1
uniform: True
# data loading
location: data/scannet/train
filelist: data/scannet/scannetv2_train_new.txt
batch_size: 4
shuffle: True
in_memory: False
name: scannet
# octree building
depth: 9
node_dis: True
offset: 0.0
# data augmentations
distort: False # no data augmentation
angle: (0, 0, 180)
scale: 0.1
jitter: 0.1
uniform: True
# data loading
location: data/scannet/train
filelist: data/scannet/scannetv2_val_new.txt
batch_size: 1
shuffle: False
in_memory: False
name: unet
channel: 7
nout: 21
depth: 9
nempty: True
interp: nearest
sync_bn: False
use_checkpoint: False
mask: 0
point_wise: True
num_class: 21
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
gpu: 0,
run: train
logdir: logs/scannet/D8_4cm
max_epoch: 400
test_every_epoch: 10
weight_decay: 0.0005
# learning rate
lr: 0.05
lr_type: poly
step_size: (200,300) # has no effect for `poly`
name: scannet
# octree building
depth: 8
node_dis: True
offset: 0.0
# data augmentations
distort: True
angle: (0, 0, 180)
scale: 0.1
jitter: 0.1
uniform: True
# data loading
location: data/scannet/train
filelist: data/scannet/scannetv2_train_new.txt
batch_size: 4
shuffle: True
in_memory: False
name: scannet
# octree building
depth: 8
node_dis: True
offset: 0.0
# data augmentations
distort: False # no data augmentation
# data loading
location: data/scannet/train
filelist: data/scannet/scannetv2_val_new.txt
batch_size: 1
shuffle: False
in_memory: False
name: unet
channel: 7
nout: 21
depth: 8
nempty: True
interp: nearest
sync_bn: False
use_checkpoint: False
mask: 0
point_wise: True
num_class: 21
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
gpu: 0,
logdir: logs/scannet/D9_2cm_eval
run: evaluate
eval_epoch: 1
ckpt: logs/scannet/D9_2cm_poly_b6_ep600_w1e-4_lr0.1_0807/checkpoints/00600.model.pth
name: scannet
# octree building
depth: 9
node_dis: True
offset: 0.0
# data augmentations
distort: False # no data augmentation
angle: (0, 0, 180)
scale: 0.1
jitter: 0.1
uniform: True
location: data/scannet/test
filelist: data/scannet/scannetv2_test_new.txt
batch_size: 1
shuffle: False
in_memory: False
# num_workers: 0
name: unet
channel: 7
nout: 21
depth: 9
nempty: True
interp: nearest
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# Parameters for the airplane
gpu: 0,
logdir: logs/seg/02691156_airplane
@ -9,6 +7,7 @@ SOLVER:
step_size: (120,180,240)
ckpt_num: 20
distort: True
@ -19,25 +18,29 @@ DATA:
jitter: 0.25
uniform: True
node_dis: True
location: dataset/shapenet_segmentation/points
filelist: dataset/shapenet_segmentation/train_test_split/02691156_train_val.txt
location: data/shapenet_segmentation/points
filelist: data/shapenet_segmentation/train_test_split/02691156_train_val.txt
batch_size: 32
shuffle: True
distort: False # no data augmentation
depth: 6
node_dis: True
location: dataset/shapenet_segmentation/points
filelist: dataset/shapenet_segmentation/train_test_split/02691156_test.txt
location: data/shapenet_segmentation/points
filelist: data/shapenet_segmentation/train_test_split/02691156_test.txt
batch_size: 1
shuffle: False
name: segnet
channel: 4
nout: 4
depth: 6
depth_out: 6
mask: -1
point_wise: True
num_class: 4
weight_decay: 0.0005
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
import os
import torch
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
class Dataset(torch.utils.data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, root, filelist, transform=None, in_memory=True):
super(Dataset, self).__init__()
self.root = root
self.filelist = filelist
self.transform = transform
self.in_memory = in_memory
self.samples, self.labels = self.load_dataset()
def __len__(self):
return len(self.samples)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
sample = self.samples[idx] if self.in_memory else \
np.fromfile(self.samples[idx], dtype=np.uint8)
sample = torch.from_numpy(sample) # convert it to torch.tensor
if self.transform: # transform the sample
sample = self.transform(sample)
return sample, self.labels[idx]
def load_dataset(self):
samples, labels = [], []
tqdm.write('Load from ' + self.filelist)
with open(self.filelist) as fid:
lines = fid.readlines()
for line in tqdm(lines, ncols=80):
filename, label = line.split()
filename_abs = os.path.join(self.root, filename)
samples.append(np.fromfile(filename_abs, dtype=np.uint8) \
if self.in_memory else filename_abs)
return samples, labels
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
from .scannet import get_scannet_dataset
from .completion import get_completion_dataset
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
import ocnn
import torch
import pickle
import numpy as np
from solver import Dataset
class ScanOctree:
def __init__(self, camera_path, scan=True):
self.scan = scan
self.camera_path = camera_path
if self.scan:
with open(camera_path, 'rb') as fid:
self.camera = pickle.load(fid)
def generate_scan_axis(self, i):
j = np.random.randint(0, 8)
key = '%d_%d' % (i, j)
axes = np.array(self.camera[key])
# perturb the axes
rnd = np.random.random(axes.shape) * 0.4 - 0.2
axes = np.reshape(axes + rnd, (-1, 3))
# normalize the axes
axes = axes / np.sqrt(np.sum(axes ** 2, axis=1, keepdims=True) + 1.0e-6)
axes = np.reshape(axes, (-1)).astype(np.float32).tolist()
return axes
def __call__(self, octree, idx):
if self.scan:
scan_axis = self.generate_scan_axis(idx)
partial_octree = ocnn.octree_scan(octree, scan_axis)
return partial_octree
return octree
class ScanTransform(ocnn.TransformCompose):
def __init__(self, flags):
self.scan_octree = ScanOctree(flags.camera_path, flags.scan)
def __call__(self, points, idx):
# apply the default transformation provided by ocnn
output = super().__call__(points, idx)
# generate the partial octree via virtual scanning
output['octree_in'] = self.scan_octree(output['octree'], idx)
return output
class Noise2cleanTransform:
# Follow the [preprocess steps](https://github.com/autonomousvision/occupancy_networks#Building-the-dataset)
# of `Occupancy Networks` to generate the training data.
def __init__(self, flags):
self.points_number = 3000
self.points_scale = 0.95
self.noise_std = 0.01 * self.points_scale
self.points2octree = ocnn.Points2Octree(**flags)
def __call__(self, point_cloud, idx):
# get the input
points, normals = point_cloud['points'], point_cloud['normals']
# normalize the points
bbmin, bbmax = np.min(points, axis=0), np.max(points, axis=0)
center = (bbmin + bbmax) / 2.0
radius = 2.0 / (np.max(bbmax - bbmin) + 1.0e-6)
points = (points - center) * radius # normalize to [-1, 1]
points *= self.points_scale # normalize to [-points_scale, points_scale]
# randomly sample points and add noise
noise = self.noise_std * np.random.randn(self.points_number, 3)
rand_idx = np.random.choice(points.shape[0], size=self.points_number)
points_noise = points[rand_idx] + noise
# transform points to octree
points_gt = ocnn.points_new(
torch.from_numpy(points).float(), torch.from_numpy(normals).float(),
torch.Tensor(), torch.Tensor())
points_gt, _ = ocnn.clip_points(points_gt, [-1.0]*3, [1.0]*3)
octree_gt = self.points2octree(points_gt)
points_in = ocnn.points_new(
torch.from_numpy(points_noise).float(), torch.Tensor(),
torch.ones(self.points_number).float(), torch.Tensor())
points_in, _ = ocnn.clip_points(points_in, [-1.0]*3, [1.0]*3)
octree_in = self.points2octree(points_in)
return {'octree_in': octree_in, 'points_in': points_in,
'octree': octree_gt, 'points': points_gt}
def get_completion_dataset(flags):
if flags.name == 'completion':
transform = ScanTransform(flags)
elif flags.name == 'noise2clean':
transform = Noise2cleanTransform(flags)
raise ValueError
dataset = Dataset(flags.location, flags.filelist, transform,
return dataset, ocnn.collate_octrees
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
import ocnn
import torch
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate
import scipy.ndimage
import random
from plyfile import PlyData
from solver import Dataset
def read_file(filename):
def _read_ply(filename):
plydata = PlyData.read(filename)
vtx = plydata['vertex']
xyz = np.stack([vtx['x'], vtx['y'], vtx['z']], axis=1).astype(np.float32)
color = np.stack([vtx['red'], vtx['green'], vtx['blue']], axis=1).astype(np.float32)
label = np.asarray(vtx['label']).astype(np.float32)
normal = np.stack([vtx['nx'], vtx['ny'], vtx['nz']], axis=1).astype(np.float32)
return xyz, color, label, normal
def _read_points(filename):
points = torch.from_numpy(np.fromfile(filename, dtype=np.uint8))
xyz = ocnn.points_property(points, 'xyz').numpy()
label = ocnn.points_property(points, 'label').squeeze().numpy()
normal = ocnn.points_property(points, 'normal').numpy()
color = ocnn.points_property(points, 'feature').numpy() * 255 # !!! RGB
return xyz, color, label, normal
if filename.endswith('.ply'):
return _read_ply(filename)
elif filename.endswith('.points'):
return _read_points(filename)
raise ValueError
def color_distort(color, trans_range_ratio, jitter_std):
def _color_autocontrast(color, rand_blend_factor=True, blend_factor=0.5):
assert color.shape[1] >= 3
lo = color[:, :3].min(0, keepdims=True)
hi = color[:, :3].max(0, keepdims=True)
assert hi.max() > 1
scale = 255 / (hi - lo)
contrast_feats = (color[:, :3] - lo) * scale
blend_factor = random.random() if rand_blend_factor else blend_factor
color[:, :3] = (1 - blend_factor) * color + blend_factor * contrast_feats
return color
def _color_translation(color, trans_range_ratio=0.1):
assert color.shape[1] >= 3
if random.random() < 0.95:
tr = (np.random.rand(1, 3) - 0.5) * 255 * 2 * trans_range_ratio
color[:, :3] = np.clip(tr + color[:, :3], 0, 255)
return color
def _color_jiter(color, std=0.01):
if random.random() < 0.95:
noise = np.random.randn(color.shape[0], 3)
noise *= std * 255
color[:, :3] = np.clip(noise + color[:, :3], 0, 255)
return color
color = color * 255.0
color = _color_autocontrast(color)
color = _color_translation(color, trans_range_ratio)
color = _color_jiter(color, jitter_std)
color = color / 255.0
return color
def elastic_distort(points, distortion_params):
def _elastic_distort(coords, granularity, magnitude):
blurx = np.ones((3, 1, 1, 1)).astype('float32') / 3
blury = np.ones((1, 3, 1, 1)).astype('float32') / 3
blurz = np.ones((1, 1, 3, 1)).astype('float32') / 3
coords_min = coords.min(0)
noise_dim = ((coords - coords_min).max(0) // granularity).astype(int) + 3
noise = np.random.randn(*noise_dim, 3).astype(np.float32)
# Smoothing.
convolve = scipy.ndimage.filters.convolve
for _ in range(2):
noise = convolve(noise, blurx, mode='constant', cval=0)
noise = convolve(noise, blury, mode='constant', cval=0)
noise = convolve(noise, blurz, mode='constant', cval=0)
# Trilinear interpolate noise filters for each spatial dimensions.
ax = [np.linspace(d_min, d_max, d)
for d_min, d_max, d in zip(coords_min - granularity,
coords_min + granularity*(noise_dim - 2),
interp = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator(
ax, noise, bounds_error=0, fill_value=0)
coords += interp(coords) * magnitude
return coords
assert distortion_params.shape[1] == 2
if random.random() < 0.95:
for granularity, magnitude in distortion_params:
points = _elastic_distort(points, granularity, magnitude)
return points
class TransformScanNet:
def __init__(self, flags):
self.flags = flags
self.scale_factor = 5.12
self.color_trans_ratio = 0.10
self.color_jit_std = 0.05
self.elastic_params = np.array([[0.2, 0.4], [0.8, 1.6]], np.float32)
def transform_scannet(self, sample):
# read ply file
# xyz, color, label, normal = read_file(filename)
xyz, color, label, normal = sample
# normalization
center = (xyz.min(axis=0) + xyz.max(axis=0)) / 2.0
xyz = (xyz - center) / self.scale_factor # xyz in [-1, 1]
color = color / 255.0
# data augmentation
if self.flags.distort:
color = color_distort(color, self.color_trans_ratio, self.color_jit_std)
xyz = elastic_distort(xyz, self.elastic_params)
points = ocnn.points_new(torch.from_numpy(xyz), torch.from_numpy(normal),
torch.from_numpy(color), torch.from_numpy(label))
return points
def __call__(self, sample, idx=None):
# transformation specified for scannet
points = self.transform_scannet(sample)
# general transformations provided by ocnn
# The augmentations including rotation, scaling, and jittering, and the
# input points out of [-1, 1] are clipped
points, inbox_mask = ocnn.TransformPoints(**self.flags)(points)
# transform points to octree
octree = ocnn.Points2Octree(**self.flags)(points)
return {'octree': octree, 'points': points, 'inbox_mask': inbox_mask}
def get_scannet_dataset(flags):
transform = TransformScanNet(flags)
dataset = Dataset(flags.location, flags.filelist, transform,
read_file=read_file, in_memory=flags.in_memory)
return dataset, ocnn.collate_octrees
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
import os
import torch
import numpy as np
class ModelNet40(torch.utils.data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, root, train=True, transform=None, in_memory=True):
super(ModelNet40, self).__init__()
self.root = root
self.train = train
self.transform = transform
self.in_memory = in_memory
self.points, self.labels, self.category = self.load_modelnet40()
def __len__(self):
return len(self.points)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
points = self.points[idx] if self.in_memory else \
np.fromfile(self.points[idx], dtype=np.uint8)
points = torch.from_numpy(points) # convert it to torch.tensor
if self.transform:
octree = self.transform(points)
return octree, self.labels[idx]
def load_modelnet40(self, suffix='points'):
points, labels = [], []
folders = sorted(os.listdir(self.root))
assert len(folders) == 40
for idx, folder in enumerate(folders):
subfolder = 'train' if self.train else 'test'
current_folder = os.path.join(self.root, folder, subfolder)
filenames = sorted(os.listdir(current_folder))
for filename in filenames:
if filename.endswith(suffix):
filename_abs = os.path.join(current_folder, filename)
if self.in_memory:
points.append(np.fromfile(filename_abs, dtype=np.uint8))
return points, labels, folders
@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
import os
import ocnn
import torch
import numpy as np
from solver import Solver, Dataset, parse_args, get_config
from datasets import get_scannet_dataset
def loss_function(logit, label):
criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
loss = criterion(logit, label.long())
return loss
def accuracy(logit, label):
pred = logit.argmax(dim=1)
accu = pred.eq(label).float().mean()
return accu
def IoU_per_shape(logit, label, class_num):
pred = logit.argmax(dim=1)
IoU, valid_part_num, esp = 0.0, 0.0, 1.0e-10
intsc, union = [None] * class_num, [None] * class_num
for k in range(class_num):
pk, lk = pred.eq(k), label.eq(k)
intsc[k] = torch.sum(torch.logical_and(pk, lk).float())
union[k] = torch.sum(torch.logical_or(pk, lk).float())
valid = torch.sum(lk.any()) > 0
valid_part_num += valid.item()
IoU += valid * intsc[k] / (union[k] + esp)
# Calculate the shape IoU for ShapeNet
IoU /= valid_part_num + esp
return IoU, intsc, union
class SegSolver(Solver):
def get_model(self, flags):
if flags.name.lower() == 'segnet':
model = ocnn.SegNet(flags.depth, flags.channel, flags.nout, flags.interp)
elif flags.name.lower() == 'unet':
model = ocnn.UNet(flags.depth, flags.channel, flags.nout, flags.nempty,
flags.interp, flags.use_checkpoint)
raise ValueError
return model
def get_dataset(self, flags):
if flags.name.lower() == 'scannet':
return get_scannet_dataset(flags)
transform = ocnn.TransformCompose(flags)
dataset = Dataset(flags.location, flags.filelist, transform,
return dataset, ocnn.collate_octrees
def parse_batch(self, batch):
octree = batch['octree'].cuda()
if self.FLAGS.LOSS.point_wise:
points = batch['points']
pts = ocnn.points_batch_property(points, 'xyzi').cuda()
label = ocnn.points_batch_property(points, 'label').squeeze().cuda()
pts = None
label = ocnn.octree_property(octree, 'label', self.FLAGS.MODEL.depth)
if self.FLAGS.MODEL.nempty:
child = ocnn.octree_property(octree, 'child', self.FLAGS.MODEL.depth)
label = label[child >= 0]
return octree, pts, label
def model_forward(self, batch):
octree, pts, label = self.parse_batch(batch)
logit = self.model(octree, pts)
label_mask = label > self.FLAGS.LOSS.mask # filter labels
return logit[label_mask], label[label_mask]
def train_step(self, batch):
logit, label = self.model_forward(batch)
loss = loss_function(logit, label)
return {'train/loss': loss}
def test_step(self, batch):
logit, label = self.model_forward(batch)
if logit.shape[0] == 0:
return None # degenerated case
loss = loss_function(logit, label)
accu = accuracy(logit, label)
num_class = self.FLAGS.LOSS.num_class
IoU, insc, union = IoU_per_shape(logit, label, num_class)
names = ['test/loss', 'test/accu', 'test/mIoU'] + \
['test/intsc_%d' % i for i in range(num_class)] + \
['test/union_%d' % i for i in range(num_class)]
tensors = [loss, accu, IoU] + insc + union
return dict(zip(names, tensors))
def eval_step(self, batch):
octree = batch['octree'].cuda()
pts = ocnn.points_batch_property(batch['points'], 'xyzi').cuda()
logit = self.model(octree, pts)
prob = torch.nn.functional.softmax(logit, dim=1)
label = prob.argmax(dim=1)
assert len(batch['inbox_mask']) == 1, 'The batch_size must be 1'
filename = '%02d.%04d.npz' % (batch['epoch'], batch['iter_num'])
np.savez(os.path.join(self.logdir, filename),
def result_callback(self, avg_tracker, epoch):
''' Calculate the part mIoU for PartNet and ScanNet'''
avg = avg_tracker.average()
iou_part = 0.0
# Labels smaller than mask is ignored. The points with the label 0 in
# PartNet are background points, i.e., unlabeled points
mask = self.FLAGS.LOSS.mask + 1
num_class = self.FLAGS.LOSS.num_class
for i in range(mask, num_class):
instc_i = avg['test/intsc_%d' % i]
union_i = avg['test/union_%d' % i]
iou_part += instc_i / (union_i + 1.0e-10)
iou_part = iou_part / (num_class - mask)
if self.summry_writer:
self.summry_writer.add_scalar('test/mIoU_part', iou_part, epoch)
print('Epoch: %d, test/mIoU_part: %f' % (epoch, iou_part))
def main(TheSolver):
get_config().LOSS.mask = -1 # mask the invalid labels
get_config().LOSS.point_wise = False # point-wise loss or voxel-wise loss
FLAGS = parse_args()
Solver.main(FLAGS, TheSolver)
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
import os
import torch
import ocnn
from tqdm import tqdm
from config import parse_args
from dataset import Dataset
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
def get_dataloader(flags, train=True):
transform = ocnn.TransformCompose(flags)
dataset = Dataset(flags.location, flags.filelist, transform, in_memory=True)
data_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
dataset, batch_size=flags.batch_size, shuffle=train, pin_memory=True,
num_workers=flags.num_workers, collate_fn=ocnn.collate_octrees)
return data_loader
def get_model(flags):
if flags.name.lower() == 'segnet':
model = ocnn.SegNet(flags.depth, flags.channel, flags.nout)
raise ValueError
return model
def train():
running_loss = 0.0
for i, data in enumerate(train_loader, 0):
# get the inputs
octrees = data[0].cuda()
labels = ocnn.octree_property(octrees, 'label', FLAGS.MODEL.depth)
# zero the parameter gradients
# forward + backward + optimize
logits = model(octrees)
logits = logits.squeeze().transpose(0, 1) # N x C
loss = loss_functions_seg(logits, labels)
# print statistics
running_loss += loss.item()
if i % 100 == 99:
tqdm.write('[Train iter: %5d] loss: %.3f' % (i + 1, running_loss / i))
return running_loss / i
def test():
accu, mIoU, counter = 0, 0, 0
for data in test_loader:
octrees = data[0].cuda()
labels = ocnn.octree_property(octrees, 'label', FLAGS.MODEL.depth)
with torch.no_grad():
logits = model(octrees)
logits = logits.squeeze().transpose(0, 1) # N x C
counter += 1
accu += accuracy(logits, labels)
mIoU += IoU_per_shape(logits, labels, FLAGS.LOSS.num_class)
accu /= counter
mIoU /= counter
tqdm.write('[Test] accuracy: %.3f, mIoU: %.3f' % (accu, mIoU))
return accu, mIoU
def loss_functions_seg(logit, label, mask=-1):
label_mask = label > mask # filter label -1
masked_logit = logit[label_mask, :]
masked_label = label[label_mask]
criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
loss = criterion(masked_logit, masked_label.long())
return loss
def accuracy(logit, label, mask=-1):
label_mask = label > mask # filter label -1
masked_logit = logit[label_mask, :]
label_mask = label[label_mask]
pred = masked_logit.argmax(dim=1)
accu = pred.eq(label_mask).float().mean()
return accu.item()
def IoU_per_shape(logit, label, class_num, mask=-1):
label_mask = label > mask # filter label -1
masked_logit = logit[label_mask, :]
masked_label = label[label_mask]
pred = masked_logit.argmax(dim=1)
IoU, valid_part_num, esp = 0.0, 0.0, 1.0e-10
for k in range(class_num):
pk, lk = pred.eq(k), masked_label.eq(k)
intsc = torch.sum(pk & lk)
union = torch.sum(pk | lk)
valid = torch.sum(lk.any()) > 0
valid_part_num += valid.item()
IoU += valid * intsc / (union + esp)
IoU /= valid_part_num + esp
return IoU.item()
if __name__ == "__main__":
# configs
FLAGS = parse_args()
# data
train_loader = get_dataloader(FLAGS.DATA.train, train=True)
test_loader = get_dataloader(FLAGS.DATA.test, train=False)
# model
model = get_model(FLAGS.MODEL)
# loss and optimizer
flags_solver = FLAGS.SOLVER
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(
model.parameters(), lr=0.1, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=5e-4)
scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR(
optimizer, milestones=flags_solver.step_size, gamma=0.1)
# summary
logdir = flags_solver.logdir
writer = SummaryWriter(logdir)
ckpt_dir = os.path.join(logdir, 'checkpoints')
if not os.path.exists(ckpt_dir):
# writer.add_graph(model, next(iter(test_loader))[0].cuda())
# train and test
for epoch in tqdm(range(1, flags_solver.max_epoch+1), ncols=80):
tqdm.write('[Epoch: %5d]' % epoch)
train_loss = train()
writer.add_scalar('train_loss', train_loss, epoch)
if epoch % flags_solver.test_every_epoch == 0:
test_accu, test_mIoU = test()
writer.add_scalar('test_accu', test_accu, epoch)
writer.add_scalar('test_mIoU', test_mIoU, epoch)
ckpt_name = os.path.join(ckpt_dir, 'model_%05d.pth' % epoch)
torch.save(model.state_dict(), ckpt_name)
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
from . import config
from .config import get_config, parse_args
from . import solver
from .solver import Solver
from . import dataset
from .dataset import Dataset
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
import os
import sys
import shutil
import argparse
from datetime import datetime
from yacs.config import CfgNode as CN
_C = CN()
# SOLVER related parameters
_C.SOLVER.alias = '' # The experiment alias
_C.SOLVER.gpu = (0,) # The gpu ids
_C.SOLVER.run = 'train' # Choose from train or test
_C.SOLVER.logdir = 'logs' # Directory where to write event logs
_C.SOLVER.ckpt = '' # Restore weights from checkpoint file
_C.SOLVER.ckpt_num = 10 # The number of checkpoint kept
_C.SOLVER.type = 'sgd' # Choose from sgd or adam
_C.SOLVER.weight_decay = 0.0005 # The weight decay on model weights
_C.SOLVER.max_epoch = 300 # Maximum training epoch
_C.SOLVER.eval_epoch = 1 # Maximum evaluating epoch
_C.SOLVER.test_every_epoch = 10 # Test model every n training epochs
_C.SOLVER.lr_type = 'step' # Learning rate type: step or cos
_C.SOLVER.lr = 0.1 # Initial learning rate
_C.SOLVER.gamma = 0.1 # Learning rate step-wise decay
_C.SOLVER.step_size = (120,60,) # Learning rate step size.
_C.SOLVER.lr_power = 0.9 # Used in poly learning rate
_C.SOLVER.dist_url = 'tcp://localhost:10001'
_C.SOLVER.progress_bar = True
# DATA related parameters
_C.DATA = CN()
_C.DATA.train = CN()
_C.DATA.train.name = '' # The name of the dataset
# For octree building
# If node_dis = True and there are normals, the octree features
# is 4 channels, i.e., the average normals and the 1 channel displacement.
# If node_dis = True and there are no normals, the feature is also 4 channels,
# i.e., a 3 channel # displacement of average points relative to the center
# points, and the last channel is constant.
_C.DATA.train.depth = 5 # The octree depth
_C.DATA.train.full_depth = 2 # The full depth
_C.DATA.train.node_dis = False # Save the node displacement
_C.DATA.train.split_label = False # Save the split label
_C.DATA.train.adaptive = False # Build the adaptive octree
_C.DATA.train.node_feat = False # Calculate the node feature
# For normalization
# If radius < 0, then the method will compute a bounding sphere
_C.DATA.train.bsphere = 'sphere' # The method uesd to calc the bounding sphere
_C.DATA.train.radius = -1. # The radius and center of the bounding sphere
_C.DATA.train.center = (-1., -1., -1.)
# For transformation
_C.DATA.train.offset = 0.016 # Used to displace the points when building octree
_C.DATA.train.normal_axis = '' # Used to re-orient normal directions
# For data augmentation
_C.DATA.train.disable = False # Disable this dataset or not
_C.DATA.train.distort = False # Whether to apply data augmentation
_C.DATA.train.scale = 0.0 # Scale the points
_C.DATA.train.uniform = False # Generate uniform scales
_C.DATA.train.jitter = 0.0 # Jitter the points
_C.DATA.train.interval = (1, 1, 1) # Use interval&angle to generate random angle
_C.DATA.train.angle = (180, 180, 180)
# For data loading
_C.DATA.train.location = '' # The data location
_C.DATA.train.filelist = '' # The data filelist
_C.DATA.train.batch_size = 32 # Training data batch size
_C.DATA.train.num_workers = 8 # Number of workers to load the data
_C.DATA.train.shuffle = False # Shuffle the input data
_C.DATA.train.in_memory = False # Load the training data into memory
_C.DATA.test = _C.DATA.train.clone()
# MODEL related parameters
_C.MODEL.name = '' # The name of the model
_C.MODEL.depth = 5 # The input octree depth
_C.MODEL.full_depth = 2 # The input octree full depth layer
_C.MODEL.depth_out = 5 # The output feature depth
_C.MODEL.channel = 3 # The input feature channel
_C.MODEL.factor = 1 # The factor used to widen the network
_C.MODEL.nout = 40 # The output feature channel
_C.MODEL.resblock_num = 3 # The resblock number
_C.MODEL.bottleneck = 4 # The bottleneck factor of one resblock
_C.MODEL.dropout = (0.0,) # The dropout ratio
_C.MODEL.upsample = 'nearest' # The method used for upsampling
_C.MODEL.interp = 'linear' # The interplation method: linear or nearest
_C.MODEL.nempty = False # Perform Octree Conv on non-empty octree nodes
_C.MODEL.sync_bn = False # Use sync_bn when training the network
_C.MODEL.use_checkpoint = False # Use checkpoint to save memory
# loss related parameters
_C.LOSS = CN()
_C.LOSS.num_class = 40 # The class number for the cross-entropy loss
_C.LOSS.weights = (1.0, 1.0) # The weight factors for different losses
_C.LOSS.label_smoothing = 0.0 # The factor of label smoothing
# backup the commands
_C.SYS = CN()
_C.SYS.cmds = '' # Used to backup the commands
def _update_config(FLAGS, args):
if args.config:
if args.opts:
FLAGS.SYS.cmds = ' '.join(sys.argv)
# update logdir
alias = FLAGS.SOLVER.alias.lower()
if 'time' in alias:
alias = alias.replace('time', datetime.now().strftime('%m%d%H%M')) #%S
if alias is not '':
FLAGS.SOLVER.logdir += '_' + alias
def _backup_config(FLAGS, args):
logdir = FLAGS.SOLVER.logdir
if not os.path.exists(logdir):
# copy the file to logdir
if args.config:
shutil.copy2(args.config, logdir)
# dump all configs
filename = os.path.join(logdir, 'all_configs.yaml')
with open(filename, 'w') as fid:
def _set_env_var(FLAGS):
gpus = ','.join([str(a) for a in FLAGS.SOLVER.gpu])
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = gpus
def get_config():
return FLAGS
def parse_args(backup=True):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='The configs')
parser.add_argument('--config', type=str,
help='experiment configure file name')
parser.add_argument('opts', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
help="Modify config options using the command-line")
args = parser.parse_args()
_update_config(FLAGS, args)
if backup:
_backup_config(FLAGS, args)
return FLAGS
if __name__ == '__main__':
flags = parse_args(backup=False)
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
import os
import torch
import torch.utils.data
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
def read_file(filename):
points = np.fromfile(filename, dtype=np.uint8)
return torch.from_numpy(points) # convert it to torch.tensor
class Dataset(torch.utils.data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, root, filelist, transform, read_file=read_file, in_memory=True):
super(Dataset, self).__init__()
self.root = root
self.filelist = filelist
self.transform = transform
self.in_memory = in_memory
self.read_file = read_file
self.filenames, self.labels = self.load_filenames()
if self.in_memory:
print('Load files into memory from ' + self.filelist)
self.samples = [self.read_file(f)
for f in tqdm(self.filenames, ncols=80, leave=False)]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.filenames)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
sample = self.samples[idx] if self.in_memory else \
output = self.transform(sample, idx) # data augmentation + build octree
output['label'] = self.labels[idx]
return output
def load_filenames(self):
filenames, labels = [], []
with open(self.filelist) as fid:
lines = fid.readlines()
for line in lines:
tokens = line.split()
filename = tokens[0]
label = tokens[1] if len(tokens) == 2 else 0
filenames.append(os.path.join(self.root, filename))
return filenames, labels
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
import torch
from torch.utils.data import Sampler, DistributedSampler, Dataset
class InfSampler(Sampler):
def __init__(self, dataset: Dataset, shuffle: bool = True) -> None:
self.dataset = dataset
self.shuffle = shuffle
def reset_sampler(self):
num = len(self.dataset)
indices = torch.randperm(num) if self.shuffle else torch.arange(num)
self.indices = indices.tolist()
self.iter_num = 0
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
value = self.indices[self.iter_num]
self.iter_num = self.iter_num + 1
if self.iter_num >= len(self.indices):
return value
def __len__(self):
return len(self.dataset)
class DistributedInfSampler(DistributedSampler):
def __init__(self, dataset: Dataset, shuffle: bool = True) -> None:
super().__init__(dataset, shuffle=shuffle)
def reset_sampler(self):
self.indices = list(super().__iter__())
self.iter_num = 0
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
value = self.indices[self.iter_num]
self.iter_num = self.iter_num + 1
if self.iter_num >= len(self.indices):
return value
@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
import os
import torch
import torch.nn
import torch.optim
import torch.distributed
import torch.multiprocessing
import torch.utils.data
import warnings
from tqdm import tqdm
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
from .sampler import InfSampler, DistributedInfSampler
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", module="torch.optim.lr_scheduler")
class AverageTracker:
def __init__(self):
self.value = None
self.num = 0.0
self.max_len = 70
def update(self, value):
if not value:
return # empty input, return
value = {key: val.detach() for key, val in value.items()}
if self.value is None:
self.value = value
for key, val in value.items():
self.value[key] += val
self.num += 1
def average(self):
return {key: val.item()/self.num for key, val in self.value.items()}
def average_all_gather(self):
for key, tensor in self.value.items():
tensors_gather = [torch.ones_like(tensor)
for _ in range(torch.distributed.get_world_size())]
torch.distributed.all_gather(tensors_gather, tensor, async_op=False)
tensors = torch.stack(tensors_gather, dim=0)
self.value[key] = torch.mean(tensors)
def log(self, epoch, summry_writer=None, log_file=None):
if not self.value:
return # empty, return
avg = self.average()
msg = 'Epoch: %d' % epoch
for key, val in avg.items():
msg += ', %s: %.3f' % (key, val)
if summry_writer:
summry_writer.add_scalar(key, val, epoch)
if log_file:
with open(log_file, 'a') as fid:
fid.write(msg + '\n')
if len(msg) > self.max_len:
msg = msg[:self.max_len] + ' ...'
class Solver:
def __init__(self, FLAGS, is_master=True):
self.is_master = is_master
self.world_size = len(FLAGS.SOLVER.gpu)
self.device = torch.cuda.current_device()
self.disable_tqdm = not (is_master and FLAGS.SOLVER.progress_bar)
self.start_epoch = 1
self.model = None # torch.nn.Module
self.optimizer = None # torch.optim.Optimizer
self.scheduler = None # torch.optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler
self.summry_writer = None # torch.utils.tensorboard.SummaryWriter
self.log_file = None # str, used to save training logs
def get_model(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_dataset(self, flags):
raise NotImplementedError
def train_step(self, batch):
raise NotImplementedError
def test_step(self, batch):
raise NotImplementedError
def eval_step(self, batch):
raise NotImplementedError
def result_callback(self, avg_tracker: AverageTracker, epoch):
pass # additional operations based on the avg_tracker
def config_dataloader(self, disable_train_data=False):
flags_train, flags_test = self.FLAGS.DATA.train, self.FLAGS.DATA.test
if not disable_train_data and not flags_train.disable:
self.train_loader = self.get_dataloader(flags_train)
self.train_iter = iter(self.train_loader)
if not flags_test.disable:
self.test_loader = self.get_dataloader(flags_test)
self.test_iter = iter(self.test_loader)
def get_dataloader(self, flags):
dataset, collate_fn = self.get_dataset(flags)
if self.world_size > 1:
sampler = DistributedInfSampler(dataset, shuffle=flags.shuffle)
sampler = InfSampler(dataset, shuffle=flags.shuffle)
data_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
dataset, batch_size=flags.batch_size, num_workers=flags.num_workers,
sampler=sampler, collate_fn=collate_fn, pin_memory=True)
return data_loader
def config_model(self):
model = self.get_model(self.FLAGS.MODEL)
if self.world_size > 1:
if self.FLAGS.MODEL.sync_bn:
model = torch.nn.SyncBatchNorm.convert_sync_batchnorm(model)
model = torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel(
module=model, device_ids=[self.device],
output_device=self.device, broadcast_buffers=False,
if self.is_master:
self.model = model
def configure_optimizer(self):
flags = self.FLAGS.SOLVER
# The learning rate scales with regard to the world_size
lr = flags.lr * self.world_size
if flags.type == 'sgd':
self.optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(
self.model.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=flags.weight_decay,
elif flags.type == 'adam':
self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(
self.model.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=flags.weight_decay)
raise ValueError
if flags.lr_type == 'step':
self.scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR(
self.optimizer, milestones=flags.step_size, gamma=0.1)
elif flags.lr_type == 'cos':
self.scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingLR(
self.optimizer, flags.max_epoch, eta_min=0.001)
elif flags.lr_type == 'poly':
def poly(epoch): return (1 - epoch / flags.max_epoch) ** flags.lr_power
self.scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR(
self.optimizer, poly)
elif flags.lr_type == 'constant':
self.scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR(
self.optimizer, lambda epoch: 1)
raise ValueError
def configure_log(self, set_writer=True):
self.logdir = self.FLAGS.SOLVER.logdir
self.ckpt_dir = os.path.join(self.logdir, 'checkpoints')
self.log_file = os.path.join(self.logdir, 'log.csv')
if self.is_master:
tqdm.write('Logdir: ' + self.logdir)
if self.is_master and set_writer:
self.summry_writer = SummaryWriter(self.logdir, flush_secs=20)
if not os.path.exists(self.ckpt_dir):
def train_epoch(self, epoch):
if self.world_size > 1:
train_tracker = AverageTracker()
rng = range(len(self.train_loader))
for it in tqdm(rng, ncols=80, leave=False, disable=self.disable_tqdm):
# forward
batch = self.train_iter.next()
batch['iter_num'] = it
batch['epoch'] = epoch
output = self.train_step(batch)
# backward
# track the averaged tensors
# save logs
if self.world_size > 1:
if self.is_master:
train_tracker.log(epoch, self.summry_writer)
def test_epoch(self, epoch):
test_tracker = AverageTracker()
rng = range(len(self.test_loader))
for it in tqdm(rng, ncols=80, leave=False, disable=self.disable_tqdm):
# forward
batch = self.test_iter.next()
batch['iter_num'] = it
batch['epoch'] = epoch
with torch.no_grad():
output = self.test_step(batch)
# track the averaged tensors
if self.world_size > 1:
if self.is_master:
test_tracker.log(epoch, self.summry_writer, self.log_file)
self.result_callback(test_tracker, epoch)
def eval_epoch(self, epoch):
for it in tqdm(range(len(self.test_loader)), ncols=80, leave=False):
batch = self.test_iter.next()
batch['iter_num'] = it
batch['epoch'] = epoch
with torch.no_grad():
def save_checkpoint(self, epoch):
if not self.is_master:
# clean up
ckpts = sorted(os.listdir(self.ckpt_dir))
ckpts = [ck for ck in ckpts if ck.endswith('.pth') or ck.endswith('.tar')]
if len(ckpts) > self.FLAGS.SOLVER.ckpt_num:
for ckpt in ckpts[:-self.FLAGS.SOLVER.ckpt_num]:
os.remove(os.path.join(self.ckpt_dir, ckpt))
# save ckpt
model_dict = self.model.module.state_dict() \
if self.world_size > 1 else self.model.state_dict()
ckpt_name = os.path.join(self.ckpt_dir, '%05d' % epoch)
torch.save(model_dict, ckpt_name + '.model.pth')
torch.save({'model_dict': model_dict, 'epoch': epoch,
'optimizer_dict': self.optimizer.state_dict(),
'scheduler_dict': self.scheduler.state_dict()},
ckpt_name + '.solver.tar')
def load_checkpoint(self):
ckpt = self.FLAGS.SOLVER.ckpt
if not ckpt:
# If ckpt is empty, then get the latest checkpoint from ckpt_dir
if not os.path.exists(self.ckpt_dir): return
ckpts = sorted(os.listdir(self.ckpt_dir))
ckpts = [ck for ck in ckpts if ck.endswith('solver.tar')]
if len(ckpts) > 0:
ckpt = os.path.join(self.ckpt_dir, ckpts[-1])
if not ckpt: return # return if ckpt is still empty
# load trained model
# check: map_location = {'cuda:0' : 'cuda:%d' % self.rank}
trained_dict = torch.load(ckpt, map_location='cuda')
if ckpt.endswith('.solver.tar'):
model_dict = trained_dict['model_dict']
self.start_epoch = trained_dict['epoch'] + 1 # !!! add 1
if self.optimizer:
if self.scheduler:
model_dict = trained_dict
model = self.model.module if self.world_size > 1 else self.model
# print messages
if self.is_master:
tqdm.write('Load the checkpoint: %s' % ckpt)
tqdm.write('The start_epoch is %d' % self.start_epoch)
def train(self):
rng = range(self.start_epoch, self.FLAGS.SOLVER.max_epoch+1)
for epoch in tqdm(rng, ncols=80, disable=self.disable_tqdm):
# training epoch
# update learning rate
if self.is_master:
lr = self.scheduler.get_last_lr() # lr is a list
self.summry_writer.add_scalar('train/lr', lr[0], epoch)
# testing or not
if epoch % self.FLAGS.SOLVER.test_every_epoch != 0:
# testing epoch
# checkpoint
# sync and exit
if self.world_size > 1:
def test(self):
def evaluate(self):
for epoch in tqdm(range(self.FLAGS.SOLVER.eval_epoch), ncols=80):
def profile(self):
''' Set `DATA.train.num_workers 0` when using this function'''
# warm up
batch = next(iter(self.train_loader))
for _ in range(3):
output = self.train_step(batch)
# profile
with torch.autograd.profiler.profile(
use_cuda=True, profile_memory=True,
with_stack=True, record_shapes=True) as prof:
output = self.train_step(batch)
json = os.path.join(self.FLAGS.SOLVER.logdir, 'trace.json')
print('Save the profile into: ' + json)
.table(sort_by="cuda_time_total", row_limit=10))
.table(sort_by="cuda_memory_usage", row_limit=10))
def run(self):
eval('self.%s()' % self.FLAGS.SOLVER.run)
def main_worker(gpu, FLAGS, TheSolver):
world_size = len(FLAGS.SOLVER.gpu)
if world_size > 1:
# Set the GPU to use.
# Initialize the process group. Currently, the code only supports the
# `single node + multiple GPU` mode, so the rank is equal to gpu id.
backend='nccl', init_method=FLAGS.SOLVER.dist_url,
world_size=world_size, rank=gpu)
# Master process is responsible for logging, writing and loading
# checkpoints. In the multi GPU setting, we assign the master role to the
# rank 0 process.
is_master = gpu == 0
solver = TheSolver(FLAGS, is_master)
solver = TheSolver(FLAGS, is_master=True)
def main(FLAGS, TheSolver):
num_gpus = len(FLAGS.SOLVER.gpu)
if num_gpus > 1:
Solver.main_worker, nprocs=num_gpus, args=(FLAGS, TheSolver))
Solver.main_worker(0, FLAGS, TheSolver)
@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
import os
import sys
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--run', type=str, required=True)
parser.add_argument('--octree', type=str, required=False,
args = parser.parse_args()
abs_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
root_folder = os.path.join(abs_path, 'data/ocnn_completion')
points2ply, ply2points, octree2pts = 'points2ply', 'ply2points', 'octree2points'
def download_point_clouds():
# download via wget
if not os.path.exists(root_folder):
url = 'https://www.dropbox.com/s/z2x0mw4ai18f855/ocnn_completion.zip?dl=0'
cmd = 'wget %s -O %s.zip' % (url, root_folder)
# unzip
cmd = 'unzip %s.zip -d %s' % (root_folder, root_folder)
def _convert_ply_to_points(prefix='shape'):
ply_folder = os.path.join(root_folder, prefix + '.ply')
points_folder = os.path.join(root_folder, prefix + '.points')
folders = os.listdir(ply_folder)
for folder in folders:
curr_folder = os.path.join(ply_folder, folder)
# write filelist to disk
filenames = os.listdir(curr_folder)
filelist_name = os.path.join(curr_folder, 'filelist.txt')
with open(filelist_name, 'w') as fid:
for filename in filenames:
if filename.endswith('.ply'):
fid.write(os.path.join(curr_folder, filename) + '\n')
# run points2ply
output_path = os.path.join(points_folder, folder)
if not os.path.exists(output_path):
cmd = '%s --filenames %s --output_path %s --verbose 0' % \
(ply2points, filelist_name, output_path)
def convert_ply_to_points():
def _convert_points_to_ply(prefix='shape'):
ply_folder = os.path.join(root_folder, prefix + '.ply')
points_folder = os.path.join(root_folder, prefix + '.points')
folders = os.listdir(points_folder)
for folder in folders:
curr_folder = os.path.join(points_folder, folder)
# write filelist to disk
filenames = os.listdir(curr_folder)
filelist_name = os.path.join(curr_folder, 'filelist.txt')
with open(filelist_name, 'w') as fid:
for filename in filenames:
if filename.endswith('.points'):
fid.write(os.path.join(curr_folder, filename) + '\n')
# run points2ply
output_path = os.path.join(ply_folder, folder)
if not os.path.exists(output_path):
cmd = '%s --filenames %s --output_path %s --verbose 0' % \
(points2ply, filelist_name, output_path)
def convert_points_to_ply():
def generate_dataset():
def rename_output_octree():
filelist = os.path.join(root_folder, 'filelist_test_scans.txt')
filenames = []
with open(filelist, 'r') as fid:
for line in fid:
filename = line.split()[0]
filenames.append(filename[:-6] + 'octree')
idx = 0
folder_in = args.octree
octree_in = os.listdir(folder_in)
folder_out = os.path.join(root_folder, 'output.octree')
for o in octree_in:
if o.endswith('output.octree'):
name_in = os.path.join(folder_in, o)
name_out = os.path.join(folder_out, filenames[idx])
os.renames(name_in, name_out)
idx += 1
assert (idx == 1200)
def _convert_octree_to_points(suffix='ply'):
octree_folder = os.path.join(root_folder, 'output.octree')
points_folder = os.path.join(root_folder, 'output.' + suffix)
folders = os.listdir(octree_folder)
for folder in folders:
curr_folder = os.path.join(octree_folder, folder)
# write filelist to disk
filenames = os.listdir(curr_folder)
filelist_name = os.path.join(curr_folder, 'filelist.txt')
with open(filelist_name, 'w') as fid:
for filename in filenames:
if filename.endswith('.octree'):
fid.write(os.path.join(curr_folder, filename) + '\n')
# run octree2points
output_path = os.path.join(points_folder, folder)
if not os.path.exists(output_path):
cmd = '%s --filenames %s --output_path %s --verbose 0 --suffix %s' % \
(octree2pts, filelist_name, output_path, suffix)
def convert_octree_to_points():
if __name__ == '__main__':
eval('%s()' % args.run)
@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
import os
import math
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--run', type=str, required=True,
help='The command to run.')
parser.add_argument('--scanner', type=str, required=False,
help='The path of the virtual_scanner')
parser.add_argument('--simplify_points', type=str, required=False,
help='The path of the simplify_points')
parser.add_argument('--transform_points', type=str, required=False,
help='The path of the transform_points')
parser.add_argument('--align_y', type=str, required=False, default='false',
help='Align the points with y axis')
abs_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
root_folder = os.path.join(abs_path, 'data/ModelNet40')
args = parser.parse_args()
virtual_scanner = args.scanner
simplify = args.simplify_points
transform = args.transform_points
def download_m40():
# download via wget
if not os.path.exists(root_folder):
url = 'http://modelnet.cs.princeton.edu/ModelNet40.zip'
cmd = 'wget %s -O %s/ModelNet40.zip' % (url, root_folder)
# unzip
cmd = 'unzip %s/ModelNet40.zip -d %s' % (root_folder, root_folder)
def download_m40_points():
# download via wget
if not os.path.exists(root_folder):
url = 'https://www.dropbox.com/s/m233s9eza3acj2a/ModelNet40.points.zip?dl=0'
zip_file = os.path.join(root_folder, 'ModelNet40.points.zip')
cmd = 'wget %s -O %s' % (url, zip_file)
# unzip
cmd = 'unzip %s -d %s/ModelNet40.points' % (zip_file, root_folder)
def clean_off_file(filename):
# read the contents of the file
with open(filename) as fid:
file_str = fid.read()
# fix the file
if file_str[0:3] != 'OFF':
print('Error: not an OFF file: ' + filename)
elif file_str[0:4] != 'OFF\n':
print('Info: fix an OFF file: ' + filename)
new_str = file_str[0:3] + '\n' + file_str[3:]
with open(filename, 'w') as f_rewrite:
def get_filelist(root_folder, train=True, suffix='off', ratio=1.0):
filelist, category = [], []
folders = sorted(os.listdir(root_folder))
assert(len(folders) == 40)
for idx, folder in enumerate(folders):
subfolder = 'train' if train else 'test'
current_folder = os.path.join(root_folder, folder, subfolder)
filenames = sorted(os.listdir(current_folder))
filenames = [fname for fname in filenames if fname.endswith(suffix)]
total_num = math.ceil(len(filenames) * ratio)
for i in range(total_num):
filelist.append(os.path.join(folder, subfolder, filenames[i]))
return filelist, category
def move_files(src_folder, des_folder, suffix):
folders = os.listdir(src_folder)
for folder in folders:
for subfolder in ['train', 'test']:
curr_src_folder = os.path.join(src_folder, folder, subfolder)
curr_des_folder = os.path.join(des_folder, folder, subfolder)
if not os.path.exists(curr_des_folder):
filenames = os.listdir(curr_src_folder)
for filename in filenames:
if filename.endswith(suffix):
os.rename(os.path.join(curr_src_folder, filename),
os.path.join(curr_des_folder, filename))
def convert_mesh_to_points():
mesh_folder = os.path.join(root_folder, 'ModelNet40')
# Delete the following 3 files since the virtualscanner can not deal with them
filelist = ['cone/train/cone_0117.off',
for filename in filelist:
filename = os.path.join(mesh_folder, filename)
if os.path.exists(filename):
# clean the off files
train_list, _ = get_filelist(mesh_folder, train=True, suffix='off')
test_list, _ = get_filelist(mesh_folder, train=False, suffix='off')
filelist = train_list + test_list
for filename in filelist:
clean_off_file(os.path.join(mesh_folder, filename))
# run virtualscanner
folders = os.listdir(mesh_folder)
for folder in folders:
for subfolder in ['train', 'test']:
curr_folder = os.path.join(mesh_folder, folder, subfolder)
cmd = '%s %s 14' % (virtual_scanner, curr_folder)
# move points
move_files(mesh_folder, mesh_folder + '.points', 'points')
def simplify_points(resolution=64):
# rename and backup the original folders
points_folder = os.path.join(root_folder, 'ModelNet40.points')
original_folder = points_folder + ".dense"
if os.path.exists(points_folder):
os.rename(points_folder, original_folder)
folders = os.listdir(original_folder)
for folder in folders:
for subfolder in ['train', 'test']:
curr_folder = os.path.join(original_folder, folder, subfolder)
# write filelist to disk
filenames = os.listdir(curr_folder)
filelist_name = os.path.join(curr_folder, 'list.txt')
with open(filelist_name, 'w') as fid:
for filename in filenames:
if filename.endswith('.points'):
fid.write(os.path.join(curr_folder, filename) + '\n')
# run simplify_points
output_path = os.path.join(points_folder, folder, subfolder)
if not os.path.exists(output_path):
cmd = '%s --filenames %s --output_path %s --dim %d' % \
(simplify, filelist_name, output_path, resolution)
def transform_points():
points_folder = os.path.join(root_folder, 'ModelNet40.points')
output_folder = os.path.join(root_folder, 'ModelNet40.points.y')
folders = os.listdir(points_folder)
for folder in folders:
for subfolder in ['train', 'test']:
curr_folder = os.path.join(points_folder, folder, subfolder)
output_path = os.path.join(output_folder, folder, subfolder)
if not os.path.exists(output_path):
# write filelist to disk
filenames = os.listdir(curr_folder)
filelist_name = os.path.join(curr_folder, 'list.txt')
with open(filelist_name, 'w') as fid:
for filename in filenames:
if filename.endswith('.points'):
fid.write(os.path.join(curr_folder, filename) + '\n')
# write the transformation matrix
mat = '0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0'
mat_name = os.path.join(curr_folder, 'mat.txt')
with open(mat_name, 'w') as fid:
# run transform points
cmd = '%s --filenames %s --output_path %s --mat %s' % \
(transform, filelist_name, output_path, mat_name)
def generate_points_filelist():
points_folder = os.path.join(root_folder, 'ModelNet40.points')
for folder in ['train', 'test']:
train = folder == 'train'
filelist, idx = get_filelist(points_folder, train=train, suffix='points')
prefix = 'm40_' + folder
filename = os.path.join(root_folder, '%s_points_list.txt' % prefix)
print('Save to %s' % filename)
with open(filename, 'w') as fid:
for i in range(len(filelist)):
fid.write('%s %d\n' % (filelist[i], idx[i]))
def generate_points_filelist_ratios():
ratios = [0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0]
points_folder = os.path.join(root_folder, 'ModelNet40.points.y')
for folder in ['train', 'test']:
train = folder == 'train'
for ratio in ratios:
if train == False and ratio < 1:
prefix = 'm40_y_%.02f_%s' % (ratio, folder)
filename = os.path.join(root_folder, '%s_points_list.txt' % prefix)
filelist, idx = get_filelist(points_folder, train=train,
suffix='points', ratio=ratio)
print('Save to %s' % filename)
with open(filename, 'w') as fid:
for i in range(len(filelist)):
fid.write('%s %d\n' % (filelist[i], idx[i]))
if __name__ == '__main__':
eval('%s()' % args.run)
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import torch
import ocnn
import numpy as np
names = ['octree_%d' % i for i in range(1, 7)]
@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
import os
import argparse
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
from tqdm import tqdm
from plyfile import PlyData, PlyElement
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--path_in', type=str, default='data/scannet/ScanNet_data')
parser.add_argument('--path_out', type=str, default='data/scannet/scans')
parser.add_argument('--path_pred', type=str, default='logs/scannet/D9_2cm_eval')
parser.add_argument('--filelist', type=str, default='scannetv2_test_new.txt')
parser.add_argument('--run', type=str, default='generate_output_seg')
parser.add_argument('--label_remap', type=str, default='true')
args = parser.parse_args()
label_remap = args.label_remap.lower() == 'true'
suffix = '_vh_clean_2.ply'
subsets = {'train': 'scans', 'test': 'scans_test'}
class_labels = ('wall', 'floor', 'cabinet', 'bed', 'chair',
'sofa', 'table', 'door', 'window', 'bookshelf',
'picture', 'counter', 'desk', 'curtain',
'refrigerator', 'shower curtain', 'toilet', 'sink',
'bathtub', 'otherfurniture')
class_ids = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 14, 16, 24, 28, 33, 34, 36, 39)
label_dict = dict(zip(class_ids, np.arange(0, 21)))
ilabel_dict = dict(zip(np.arange(0, 21), class_ids))
def read_ply(filename, compute_normal=True):
with open(filename, 'rb') as fid:
plydata = PlyData.read(fid)
vertex, face = plydata['vertex'].data, plydata['face'].data
props = [vertex[name].astype(np.float32) for name in vertex.dtype.names]
vertex = np.stack(props[:3], axis=1)
props = np.stack(props[3:], axis=1)
face = np.stack(face['vertex_indices'], axis=0)
nv = vertex_normal(vertex, face) if compute_normal else np.zeros_like(vertex)
vertex_with_props = np.concatenate([vertex, nv, props], axis=1)
return vertex_with_props
def face_normal(vertex, face):
v01 = vertex[face[:, 1]] - vertex[face[:, 0]]
v02 = vertex[face[:, 2]] - vertex[face[:, 0]]
vec = np.cross(v01, v02)
length = np.sqrt(np.sum(vec**2, axis=1, keepdims=True)) + 1.0e-8
nf = vec / length
area = length * 0.5
return nf, area
def vertex_normal(vertex, face):
nf, area = face_normal(vertex, face)
nf = nf * area
nv = np.zeros_like(vertex)
for i in range(face.shape[0]):
nv[face[i]] += nf[i]
length = np.sqrt(np.sum(nv**2, axis=1, keepdims=True)) + 1.0e-8
nv = nv / length
return nv
def save_ply(point_cloud, filename):
ncols = point_cloud.shape[1]
py_types = (float, float, float, float, float, float,
int, int, int, int)[:ncols]
npy_types = [('x', 'f4'), ('y', 'f4'), ('z', 'f4'),
('nx', 'f4'), ('ny', 'f4'), ('nz', 'f4'),
('red', 'u1'), ('green', 'u1'), ('blue', 'u1'),
('label', 'u1')][:ncols]
# format into NumPy structured array
vertices = []
for row_idx in range(point_cloud.shape[0]):
point = point_cloud[row_idx]
vertices.append(tuple(dtype(val) for dtype, val in zip(py_types, point)))
structured_array = np.array(vertices, dtype=npy_types)
el = PlyElement.describe(structured_array, 'vertex')
# write ply
print('Save:', filename)
def generate_chunks(filename, point_cloud, cropsize=10.0, stride=5.0):
vertices = point_cloud[:, :3]
bbmin = np.min(vertices, axis=0)
bbmax = np.max(vertices, axis=0)
bbox = bbmax - bbmin
inbox = bbox < cropsize
if np.all(inbox):
chunk_id = 0
min_size = 3000
chunk_num = np.ceil(np.maximum(bbmax - cropsize, 0) / stride).astype(np.int32) + 1
for i in range(chunk_num[0]):
for j in range(chunk_num[1]):
for k in range(chunk_num[2]):
cmin = bbmin + np.array([i, j, k]) * stride
cmax = cmin + cropsize
inbox_mask = (vertices <= cmax) & (vertices >= cmin)
inbox_mask = np.all(inbox_mask, axis=1)
if np.sum(inbox_mask) < min_size:
filename_out = filename.stem + '.chunk_%d.ply' % chunk_id
save_ply(point_cloud[inbox_mask], filename.parent / filename_out)
filename_mask = filename.stem + '.chunk_%d.mask.npy' % chunk_id
np.save(filename.parent / filename_mask, inbox_mask)
chunk_id += 1
def process_scannet():
for path_out, path_in in subsets.items():
curr_path_out = Path(args.path_out) / path_out
curr_path_out.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
filenames = (Path(args.path_in) / path_in).glob('*/*' + suffix)
for filename in filenames:
pointcloud = read_ply(filename)
# Make sure alpha value is meaningless.
assert np.unique(pointcloud[:, -1]).size == 1
# Load label file
label = np.zeros((pointcloud.shape[0], 1))
filename_label = filename.parent / (filename.stem + '.labels.ply')
if filename_label.is_file():
label_data = read_ply(filename_label, compute_normal=False)
# Sanity check that the pointcloud and its label has same vertices.
assert pointcloud.shape[0] == label_data.shape[0]
assert np.allclose(pointcloud[:, :3], label_data[:, :3])
label = label_data[:, -1:]
filename_out = curr_path_out / (filename.name[:-len(suffix)] + '.txt')
np.savetxt(filename_out, label, fmt='%d')
if label_remap: # remap the files
for i in range(label.shape[0]):
label[i] = label_dict.get(int(label[i]), 0)
filename_out = curr_path_out / (filename.name[:-len(suffix)] + '.ply')
processed = np.concatenate((pointcloud[:, :-1], label), axis=-1)
# save the original file
save_ply(processed, filename_out)
# save the cropped chunks in the 10x10x10 box
generate_chunks(filename_out, processed)
def fix_bug_files():
bug_files = {
'train/scene0270_00.ply': 50,
'train/scene0270_02.ply': 50,
'train/scene0384_00.ply': 149}
for files, bug_index in bug_files.items():
for f in Path(args.path_out).glob(files):
pointcloud = read_ply(f)
bug_mask = pointcloud[:, -1] == bug_index
print(f'Fixing {f} bugged label {bug_index} x {bug_mask.sum()}')
pointcloud[bug_mask, -1] = 0
save_ply(pointcloud, f)
def generate_output_seg():
# load filelist
filename_scans = []
with open(args.filelist, 'r') as fid:
for line in fid:
filename = line.split()[0]
filename_scans.append(filename[:-4]) # remove '.ply'
# input files
pred_files = sorted(os.listdir(args.path_pred))
pred_files = [f for f in pred_files if f.endswith('.npz')]
assert len(pred_files) % len(filename_scans) == 0
# process
probs = {}
for i in tqdm(range(len(pred_files)), ncols=80):
filename_scan = filename_scans[i % len(filename_scans)]
pred = np.load(os.path.join(args.path_pred, pred_files[i]))
prob, inbox_mask = pred['prob'], pred['inbox_mask']
prob0 = np.zeros([inbox_mask.shape[0], prob.shape[1]])
prob0[inbox_mask] = prob
if 'chunk' in filename_scan:
filename_mask = filename_scan + '.mask.npy'
mask = np.load(os.path.join(args.path_in, filename_mask))
prob1 = np.zeros([mask.shape[0], prob0.shape[1]])
prob1[mask] = prob0
# update prob0 and filename_scan
prob0 = prob1
filename_scan = filename_scan[:-8] # remove '.chunk_x'
probs[filename_scan] = probs.get(filename_scan, 0) + prob0
# output
if not os.path.exists(args.path_out):
for filename, prob in tqdm(probs.items(), ncols=80):
filename_label = filename + '.txt'
label = np.argmax(prob, axis=1)
for i in range(label.shape[0]):
label[i] = ilabel_dict[label[i]]
np.savetxt(os.path.join(args.path_out, filename_label), label, fmt='%d')
def calc_iou():
# init
intsc, union, accu = {}, {}, 0
for k in class_ids[1:]:
intsc[k] = 0
union[k] = 0
# load files
pred_files = sorted(os.listdir(args.path_pred))
pred_files = [f for f in pred_files if f.endswith('.txt')]
for filename in tqdm(pred_files, ncols=80):
label_pred = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(args.path_pred, filename))
label_gt = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(args.path_in, filename))
# omit labels out of class_ids[1:]
mask = np.zeros_like(label_gt).astype(bool)
for i in range(label_gt.shape[0]):
mask[i] = label_gt[i] in class_ids[1:]
label_pred = label_pred[mask]
label_gt = label_gt[mask]
ac = (label_gt == label_pred).mean()
tqdm.write("Accu: %s, %.4f" % (filename, ac))
accu += ac
for k in class_ids[1:]:
pk, lk = label_pred == k, label_gt == k
intsc[k] += np.sum(np.logical_and(pk, lk).astype(np.float32))
union[k] += np.sum(np.logical_or(pk, lk).astype(np.float32))
# iou
iou_part = 0
for k in class_ids[1:]:
iou_part += intsc[k] / (union[k] + 1.0e-10)
iou = iou_part / len(class_ids[1:])
print('Accu: %.6f' % (accu / len(pred_files)))
print('IoU: %.6f' % iou)
if __name__ == '__main__':
eval('%s()' % args.run)
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
import ocnn
import torch
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
writer = SummaryWriter('logs/resnet')
octree = ocnn.octree_batch(ocnn.octree_samples(['octree_1', 'octree_2']))
model = ocnn.ResNet(depth=5, channel_in=3, nout=4, resblk_num=2)
octree = octree.cuda()
model = model.cuda()
writer.add_graph(model, octree)
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ from test_octree_property import OctreePropertyTest
from test_octree_key import OctreeKeyTest
from test_points_property import PointsPropertyTest
from test_octree_trilinear import OctreeTrilinearTest
from test_octree_align import OctreeAlignTest
# Run 16 test in total
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class Octree2ColTest(unittest.TestCase):
octree = self.octree.cuda()
data_in = torch.from_numpy(self.data_in).cuda()
data_out = ocnn.octree2col(data_in, octree,
self.depth, kernel_size[j], stride[i])
self.depth, kernel_size[j], stride[i], False)
data_out = data_out.cpu().detach().numpy()
self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(data_out, out_gt))
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class Octree2ColTest(unittest.TestCase):
octree = self.octree.cuda()
data_in = torch.from_numpy(self.data_in).cuda().requires_grad_()
params = [data_in, octree, self.depth, kernel_size[j], stride[i]]
params = [data_in, octree, self.depth, kernel_size[j], stride[i], False]
succ = gradcheck(ocnn.octree2col, params, eps=1.0)
@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ class Octree2ColTest(unittest.TestCase):
for j in range(len(vi)):
octree = self.octree.cuda()
data_in = torch.from_numpy(self.data_in).cuda()
data_out = ocnn.nn.octree2colP(data_in, octree,
self.depth, kernel_size[j], stride[i])
data_out = ocnn.nn.octree2col(data_in, octree,
self.depth, kernel_size[j], stride[i], True)
data_out = data_out.cpu().detach().numpy()
out_gt = self.forward(kernel_size[j], stride[i], self.idx_maps[vi[j]])
@ -113,13 +113,13 @@ class Octree2ColTest(unittest.TestCase):
# octree2colP = octree2col + depad
for i in range(len(stride)):
for j in range(len(kernel_size)):
out1 = ocnn.octree2col(data1, octree, depth, kernel_size[j], stride[i])
out1 = ocnn.octree2col(data1, octree, depth, kernel_size[j], stride[i], False)
if stride[i] == 1:
ks, height = out1.size(1), out1.size(2)
out1 = out1.view(1, -1, height, 1)
out1 = ocnn.octree_depad(out1, octree, depth)
out1 = out1.view(channel, ks, -1)
out2 = ocnn.octree2colP(data_in2, octree, depth, kernel_size[j], stride[i])
out2 = ocnn.octree2col(data_in2, octree, depth, kernel_size[j], stride[i], True)
pesudo_grad = torch.rand(out1.shape, dtype=out1.dtype, device=out1.device)
out1.backward(pesudo_grad, retain_graph=True)
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
import os
import torch
import ocnn
import unittest
import numpy as np
class OctreeAlignTest(unittest.TestCase):
def get_octree(self, filelist):
batch = ocnn.octree_samples(filelist)
return ocnn.octree_batch(batch).cuda()
def test_forward_backward1(self):
depth = 5
octree = self.get_octree(['octree_1', 'octree_1'])
data_in = torch.rand(1, 3, 16, 1).cuda().requires_grad_()
data_out, idx = ocnn.octree_align(data_in, octree, octree, depth)
idx_gt = torch.arange(16, dtype=torch.int32).cuda()
out = data_out.sum()
grad_gt = np.ones([1, 3, 16, 1])
def test_forward_backward2(self):
depth = 5
octree_in = self.get_octree(['octree_1'])
octree_out = self.get_octree(['octree_1', 'octree_1'])
data_in = torch.rand(1, 3, 8, 1).cuda().requires_grad_()
data_out, idx = ocnn.octree_align(data_in, octree_in, octree_out, depth)
zeros = torch.zeros(1, 3, 8, 1, dtype=torch.float32).cuda()
data_gt = torch.cat([data_in, zeros], dim=2)
idx_gt = torch.arange(8, dtype=torch.int32)
out = data_out.sum()
grad_gt = np.ones([1, 3, 8, 1])
def test_forward_backward3(self):
depth = 5
octree_in = self.get_octree(['octree_1', 'octree_1'])
octree_out = self.get_octree(['octree_1'])
data_in = torch.rand(1, 3, 16, 1).cuda().requires_grad_()
data_out, idx = ocnn.octree_align(data_in, octree_in, octree_out, depth)
data_gt = data_in[:, :, :8, :]
idx_gt = np.array(list(range(8)) + [-1] * 8)
out = data_out.sum()
grad_gt = torch.cat([torch.ones(1, 3, 8, 1), torch.zeros(1, 3, 8, 1)], 2)
if __name__ == "__main__":
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '0'
@ -18,24 +18,48 @@ class OctreeConvTest(unittest.TestCase):
# forward
conv1 = ocnn.OctreeConv(depth, channel, num_outputs, kernel_size, stride)
conv2 = ocnn.OctreeConvFast(depth, channel, num_outputs, kernel_size, stride)
conv3 = ocnn.OctreeConv(depth, channel, num_outputs, kernel_size, stride, True)
conv4 = ocnn.OctreeConv(depth, channel, num_outputs, kernel_size, stride)
# use the same initialization
with torch.no_grad():
conv2.weights.data = conv1.weights.data
# forward
octree = octree.to('cuda')
data1 = torch.from_numpy(data).to('cuda').requires_grad_()
# forward - compare OctreeConv and OctreeConvFast
octree = octree.cuda()
data1 = torch.from_numpy(data).cuda().requires_grad_()
out1 = conv1(data1, octree)
data2 = torch.from_numpy(data).to('cuda').requires_grad_()
data2 = torch.from_numpy(data).cuda().requires_grad_()
out2 = conv2(data2, octree)
# forward - compare OctreeConv with nempty = True and False
mask3 = ocnn.octree_property(octree, 'child', depth) >= 0
data3 = torch.from_numpy(data).cuda().requires_grad_()
tmp3 = data3[:, :, mask3]
out3 = conv3(tmp3, octree)
depth_out = depth if stride == 1 else depth - 1
mask4 = ocnn.octree_property(octree, 'child', depth_out) >= 0
data4 = torch.from_numpy(data).cuda().requires_grad_()
tmp4 = data4 * mask3.unsqueeze(-1).float()
tmp4 = conv4(tmp4, octree)
out4 = tmp4[:, :, mask4]
# backward
pesudo_grad = torch.rand(out1.shape, dtype=out1.dtype, device=out1.device)
pesudo_grad1 = torch.rand(out1.shape, dtype=out1.dtype, device=out1.device)
pesudo_grad2 = torch.rand(out3.shape, dtype=out3.dtype, device=out3.device)
# test
@ -47,6 +71,16 @@ class OctreeConvTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_forward_and_backward(self):
stride = [1, 2]
kernel_size = [[3, 3, 3], [2, 2, 2], [3, 1, 1], [3, 3, 1], [1, 1, 1]]
@ -6,36 +6,61 @@ import numpy as np
class OctreeDeconvTest(unittest.TestCase):
def forward_and_backward(self, kernel_size, stride, idx=0):
depth = 4
channel = 3
height = 152
num_outputs = 2
num_outputs = 5
octree = ocnn.octree_batch(ocnn.octree_samples(['octree_1', 'octree_2']))
data = np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, [1, channel, height, 1]).astype('float32')
# forward
deconv1 = ocnn.OctreeDeconv(depth, channel, num_outputs, kernel_size, stride)
deconv2 = ocnn.OctreeDeconvFast(depth, channel, num_outputs, kernel_size, stride)
conv1 = ocnn.OctreeDeconv(depth, channel, num_outputs, kernel_size, stride)
conv2 = ocnn.OctreeDeconvFast(depth, channel, num_outputs, kernel_size, stride)
conv3 = ocnn.OctreeDeconv(depth, channel, num_outputs, kernel_size, stride, True)
conv4 = ocnn.OctreeDeconv(depth, channel, num_outputs, kernel_size, stride)
# use the same initialization
with torch.no_grad():
deconv2.weights.data = deconv1.weights.data
# forward
octree = octree.to('cuda')
data1 = torch.from_numpy(data).to('cuda').requires_grad_()
out1 = deconv1(data1, octree)
data2 = torch.from_numpy(data).to('cuda').requires_grad_()
out2 = deconv2(data2, octree)
# forward - compare OctreeConv and OctreeConvFast
octree = octree.cuda()
data1 = torch.from_numpy(data).cuda().requires_grad_()
out1 = conv1(data1, octree)
data2 = torch.from_numpy(data).cuda().requires_grad_()
out2 = conv2(data2, octree)
# forward - compare OctreeConv with nempty = True and False
mask3 = ocnn.octree_property(octree, 'child', depth) >= 0
data3 = torch.from_numpy(data).cuda().requires_grad_()
tmp3 = data3[:, :, mask3]
out3 = conv3(tmp3, octree)
depth_out = depth if stride == 1 else depth + 1
mask4 = ocnn.octree_property(octree, 'child', depth_out) >= 0
data4 = torch.from_numpy(data).cuda().requires_grad_()
tmp4 = data4 * mask3.unsqueeze(-1).float()
tmp4 = conv4(tmp4, octree)
out4 = tmp4[:, :, mask4]
# backward
pesudo_grad = torch.rand(out1.shape, dtype=out1.dtype, device=out1.device)
pesudo_grad2 = torch.rand(out3.shape, dtype=out3.dtype, device=out3.device)
# test
@ -43,8 +68,18 @@ class OctreeDeconvTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_forward_and_backward(self):
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import ocnn
import torch
import numpy as np
depth, channel = 5, 3
octree = ocnn.octree_new(batch_size=1, channel=channel, node_dis=False)
octree = ocnn.octree_grow(octree, target_depth=1, full_octree=True)
octree = ocnn.octree_grow(octree, target_depth=2, full_octree=True)
octree_gt = ocnn.octree_samples(['octree_2'])[0].cuda()
for d in range(2, depth + 1):
child = ocnn.octree_property(octree_gt, 'child', depth=d)
label = (child > -1).to(torch.int32)
octree = ocnn.octree_update(octree, label, depth=d, split=1)
if d < depth:
octree = ocnn.octree_grow(octree, target_depth=d+1, full_octree=False)
feature = ocnn.octree_property(octree_gt, 'feature', depth)
octree = ocnn.octree_set_property(octree, feature, depth)
print('Please check the output files:`octree_1.octree` and `octree_2.octree`.\n'
'The MD5 of `octree_1.octree`: FEB7C4AF43669EB0FC62632C71D1C938\n'
'The MD5 of `octree_2.octree`: D569D5BB23D34795C5FD81397F56275B')
@ -31,20 +31,27 @@ class OctreeKeyTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_search_key(self):
samples = ocnn.octree_samples(['octree_1', 'octree_1'])
octree = ocnn.octree_batch(samples).cuda()
key = torch.cuda.LongTensor([28673, 281474976739335, 10])
idx_gt = torch.cuda.IntTensor([1, 15, -1])
idx = ocnn.octree_search_key(key, octree, 5, False)
idx = ocnn.octree_search_key(key, octree, 5, key_is_xyz=False, nempty=False)
self.assertTrue((idx == idx_gt).cpu().numpy().all())
key = torch.cuda.LongTensor([28672, 28673, 281474976739328, 10])
idx_gt = torch.cuda.IntTensor([0, -1, 1, -1])
idx = ocnn.octree_search_key(key, octree, 5, key_is_xyz=False, nempty=True)
self.assertTrue((idx == idx_gt).cpu().numpy().all())
def test_xyz_key_64(self):
# the length of key is over 32 bits
xyz = torch.cuda.ShortTensor([[2049, 4095, 8011, 1], [511, 4095, 8011, 0]])
xyz_encode = ocnn.octree_encode_key(xyz)
key = ocnn.octree_xyz2key(xyz_encode, 13)
key = ocnn.octree_xyz2key(xyz_encode, 13)
xyz_out = ocnn.octree_key2xyz(key, 13)
xyz_decode = ocnn.octree_decode_key(xyz_out)
self.assertTrue((xyz == xyz_decode).cpu().numpy().all())
if __name__ == "__main__":
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '0'
@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ import numpy as np
class OctreePropertyTest(unittest.TestCase):
def octree_property(self, on_cuda=True):
octree = ocnn.octree_batch(ocnn.octree_samples(['octree_1'] * 2))
batch_size = 2
octree = ocnn.octree_batch(ocnn.octree_samples(['octree_1'] * batch_size))
if on_cuda:
octree = octree.cuda()
@ -30,6 +31,27 @@ class OctreePropertyTest(unittest.TestCase):
out_gt[0] = 0
out_gt[8] = 1
self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(out.cpu().numpy(), out_gt))
# test child from depth=0
out = torch.cat([ocnn.octree_property(octree, 'child', d) for d in range(1, 6)])
outs = ocnn.octree_property(octree, 'child')
self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(outs[batch_size:].cpu().numpy(), out.cpu().numpy()))
# test node number
nnums = np.array([2, 16, 128, 16, 16, 16])
nnum_cums = np.array([0, 2, 18, 146, 162, 178, 194])
node_num = ocnn.octree_property(octree, 'node_num', 5)
node_nums = ocnn.octree_property(octree, 'node_num')
node_num_cum = ocnn.octree_property(octree, 'node_num_cum', 5)
node_nums_cum = ocnn.octree_property(octree, 'node_num_cum')
self.assertTrue(node_num.item() == nnums[5])
self.assertTrue(node_num_cum.item() == nnum_cums[5])
self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(node_nums.cpu().numpy(), nnums))
self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(node_nums_cum.cpu().numpy(), nnum_cums))
# test batch_size, depth, full_depth
self.assertTrue(ocnn.octree_property(octree, 'batch_size').item() == batch_size)
self.assertTrue(ocnn.octree_property(octree, 'depth').item() == 5)
self.assertTrue(ocnn.octree_property(octree, 'full_depth').item() == 2)
# TODO: test key, xyz, and label
# out = ocnn.octree_property(octree, 'key', 5)
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