# Contributing to Form OCR Testing Tool We welcome [issues](https://github.com/Microsoft/OCR-Form-Tools/issues) and [pull requests](https://github.com/Microsoft/OCR-Form-Tools/pulls) into the project. We ask that you follow these simple guidelines: * [Issues](#issues) * [Pull Requests](#pull-requests) * [Commit Message Guidelines](#commit-message-guidelines) * [Commit Message Format](#commit-message-format) * [Header](#header) * [Type](#type) * [Short Description](#short-description) * [Body](#body) * [Footer](#footer) * [Commit Message Example](#commit-message-example) * [Style](#style) ## Issues * Look for duplicate issues & comment on thread if experiencing something similar * Fill in template information (platform, OS, version, screenshots, etc.) ## Pull Requests 1. Find an issue to work on, or create a new one. 1. Fork the repo and/or pull down the latest changes from `master`. 1. Create branch following naming convention: `git checkout -b issue-<###>-`. 1. Write code. 1. Add unit tests. 1. Verify linting and unit tests by running `npm test`. 1. Update docs if needed. 1. Rebase on `master` and resolve conflicts. 1. Commit your changes using a descriptive commit message that follows [our commit message conventions](#commit-message-guidelines). Adherence to these conventions is necessary for the [change log](CHANGELOG.md) to be automatically generated from these messages. 1. Submit PR to `master` branch. Please try to keep PRs small to decrease the time required to review and merge. ## Commit Message Guidelines We have adopted standards similar to [Angular](https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#commit) for how our git commit messages should be formatted. This leads to more readable messages, which are easier to follow when looking through the project history. Those messages are used to generate the [change log](CHANGELOG.md). ### Commit Message Format Each commit message consists of a **header**, a **body** and a **footer**. ```text :