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30 строки
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
name: PR Metrics
author: Microsoft DevLabs
description: Augments pull request titles to let reviewers quickly determine PR size and test coverage
description: "Base size: The maximum number of new lines in an extra small PR. If left blank, a default of '200' will be used."
required: false
description: "Growth rate: The growth rate applied to the base size for calculating the size of larger PRs. If left blank, a default of '2.0' will be used."
required: false
description: "Test factor: The lines of test code expected for each line of product code. This check can be disabled by setting the value to '0'. If left blank, a default of '1.0' will be used."
required: false
description: "File matching patterns: Globs (https://aka.ms/PRMetrics/Globs) specifying the files and folders to include. Autogenerated files should typically be excluded. Excluded files will contain a comment to inform reviewers that they do not to need to review those files. If left blank, a default of '**/*' will be used."
required: false
description: "Code file extensions: Extensions for files containing code so that non-code files can be excluded. If left blank, a default set of file extensions will be used."
required: false
using: node20
main: dist/index.js
icon: hash
color: blue