# How to Upgrade - If you are using the OMS Agent for Linux, please follow the instruction for the [OMS Agent for Linux.](http://) - Before upgrade OMS Agent, remove the universal docker settings mentioned [here.](https://github.com/Microsoft/OMS-docker/blob/keikoacs/OlderVersionREADME.md#setting-up) You may need to restart your docker service for this. - If you are using the containerized Container Solution, please go thru the following instructions: - Stop the containerized Container Solution. ``` docker stop omsagent``` - Remove the container name. ```docker rm omsagent``` - Remove container image. ```docker rmi microsoft/oms``` - Remove the universal docker settings mentioned [here.](https://github.com/Microsoft/OMS-docker/blob/keikoacs/OlderVersionREADME.md#setting-up) You may need to restart your docker service for this. - Follow the new instruction to run the latest containerized Container Solution