[**Be noted:This repository is in a preview state. Feedback and contribution is welcome!**]
## Introduction
The **Microsoft.OpenAPI.OData.Reader** SDK contains APIs to convert [OData](http://www.odata.org) [CSDL](http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata-csdl-xml/v4.01/odata-csdl-xml-v4.01.html), the XML represetntation of the Entity Data Model (EDM) to [Open API](https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification) based on [OpenAPI.NET](http://aka.ms/openapi) object model.
The converting is based on the mapping doc from [OASIS OData OpenAPI v1.0](https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=61852&wg_abbrev=odata) and the following contents:
1. Capabilites annotation
2. Authorization annotation
3. HttpRequest annotation
4. Navigation property path
5. Edm operation and operation import path
6. Others
## Overview
In general, the below image describes the general concept of how this SDK can convert the EDM model to an [OpenAPI.NET document](https://github.com/Microsoft/OpenAPI.NET/blob/master/src/Microsoft.OpenApi/Models/OpenApiDocument.cs) object.