* setting up the private env
* private environment for build
* private account setup for buildBuildImages and buildRunTimeImages script
* copy sdks from prod to private staging account
* adding secrets to validation pipeline
* Authenticate with Azure DevOps
* env variable path bug fix
* debian package fix for nodejs
* fixed the local build issue related to the stretch package
* merged with main
* addressed PR change
* make the token hideen in local build
* updated storage account copy scripts to make sure that oryxprodbackup account will receive updates weekly
* added oryx prod backup constant and ran generate constants
* forgot job titles can't contain spaces
* once again forgot about the space
* add ability to pass in sdk base url as build arg
* parameterize storage account that platform binaries job uploads to
* added environment variable to control the storage account we use for testing
* update runtime and build image building so that it respects the passed in sdk storage account
* add some more parameterization to pipelines to allow for configurable storage accounts
* validation pipeline fix
* fix validation
* pass in parameter as variable
* add appsvc constant
* pass in parameters correctly
* make integration test use testing storage account, and add some versions that are missing
* allow platform binaries to be configured for different storage accounts
* add env var to integration testing
* removed added versions to build
* pr feedback: specify storage account name, fix some missing parameters, better logs
* make a dotnetcore 3.1 test use the testing storage account to pull SDKs
* save point: splitting up versions to build by ostype
* restructured and modified the platforms scripts and updated the shared code generator to account for the new versions
* updated constants to include ostype change and newer python version
* added support for new file structure to the python dockerfiles and publishing from dev to prod sdks
* save point, starting to enrich all storage items with version number, and modifying tests for new logic
* clean up platforms shell scripts
* finish modifying scripts to add version to the metadata, regardless of OSType
* beginning to update cli to support pulling only relevant sdks
* added constants that relate to the different debian flavors we may see
* save point, added to constants yaml file to start adding support for pulling debian flavor sdks
* added debian flavor option to the build command, and starting to update tests to be compatible
* renamed the vso focal directories to focal scm, and fixed the sdk storage tests
* added a number of comments for the second PR and some tests to cover dotnet and node pulling the correct images
* added php and python tests for installing based on the available sdks
* updated sdk storage provider and platform installer to have bullseye images use buster sdks, since there are currently no bullseye sdks
* self reviewed pr: added comments, fixed some bugs and typos, and updated the pipeline scripts to correctly handle stretch images
* added default sdk storage metadata to be used for determining versions available
* added legacy versions to stretch version directories, so that the supported md file will contain the best information
* updated shared code generator to allow for the legacy versions text files
* update platform installation scripts to enrich the sdks with an updated version metadata name and the OS type
* some fixes for generating the platform binaries locally, and a fix for generating the maven binaries
* added legacy version metadata to storage constants
* updated the metadata names so that they exist in constants file and can be used throughout oryx
* saved leftover merge conflict file
* removed old default and versions to build files
* updated php fpm configuration to be in the constants.yaml file so that we support the generate constants script
* updated the debian flavor arg in the python template
* fix failing githubaction and vso focal tests
* saved file and added comment to version comparer
* fixed some spacing and added comments and a todo
* updated dotnet runtime version metadata to be backwards compatible
* use version info from elsewhere in oryx to streamline version comparing
* pr feedback, using constants during platform installation and sdk storage provider, and trimming whitespace from version files
* pr feedback: use constants for file names and renamed the new sdk versions metadata to be consistent
* limit bullseye sdks we push to storage to the ones that we know will be used by bullseye
* regenerated constants with updated bullseye versions, and removed extra logic in VersionInfo
* include all defaultVersion.txt files in the upload
* fixed spacing for vsts pipeline
* updated the maven base url to point to a source that contains legacy versions
* fixed php version sha
* use correct get pip url when version 3.6 and stretch
* add bullseye maven job
* added support to still build php 7.2 binaries
* allow enough time for php to generate and upload all sdks
* give php jobs 24 hours to run, as they have not been able to generate all versions in the given time
* updated python sdk generation to use the correct stretch buildpack for non-3.10 or greater versions
* updated logic so that python version 3.10 and above will have the correct prerequisites built
* updated common script to ignore whitespace differently
* readded deleted line and ran generate constants
* Pauld/1559705 PR2 cleanup and utilize bullseye images (#1497)
* initial pass at adding support for bullseye by resolving the PR2 todos
* allow build
* added test for php default versions
* added dotnetcore and python tests for invalid versions
* added more tests for correct pulling functionality
* support for finding default version with no debain flavor
* add working python versions
* whitespace
* added comments explaining the supported version logic, and fixed a statement to ensure that stretch images check for correct dotnet metadata
* add preview 7
* addressed PR comments by deleting un-needed method and adding comment
* Job to revert dev sdks to what is in prod
* renamed
* renamed various files and functions to be clearer and demonstrate functionality better
* added new sdk storage constant for sandbox account
* corrected storage account constant and updated copy script
* finalized logic to copy entire blob container to new storage account
* updated sdks job to have a dry run parameter, and to have actual parameters instead of variables
* made dry run default in case of empty val
* Pauld/sandbox to prod (#1501)
* Point python 3.6 get-pip to new source (#1498)
* add additional logic for python 3.6 download, pointing at another get-pip source
* fixed placement
* added pipeline that copies from a source storage account to the production one
* added parameters and dry run capabilities
* add clearer error message in case of bad argument