
119 строки
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Document 'index' {
Title 'Reference'
Metadata @{
generated = $True
title = 'Reference'
Import-Module ./out/modules/PSRule.Rules.Azure
$rules = Get-PSRule -Module PSRule.Rules.Azure -Baseline Azure.All -WarningAction SilentlyContinue;
'The following rules and features are included in PSRule for Azure.'
!!! Info
The rule _release_ indicates if the Azure feature is _generally available (GA)_ or available under _preview_.
Features provided under previews may have additional limits, availability restrictions, or [terms][1].
By default, PSRule for Azure will not provide recommendations that relate to preview features.
To include rules for preview features see [working with baselines][2].
[2]: ../../
Section 'Rules' {
'The following rules are included in PSRule for Azure.'
$rules | Sort-Object -Property Ref | Table -Property @{ Name = 'Reference'; Expression = {
}}, @{ Name = 'Name'; Expression = {
}}, Synopsis, @{ Name = 'Release'; Expression = {
if ($_.Tag.release -eq 'GA') {
elseif ($_.Tag.release -eq 'Preview'){
else {
'*[GA]: Generally Available — Rules related to a generally available Azure features.'
Document 'module' {
Title 'Rules by pillar'
Metadata @{
generated = $True
Import-Module ./out/modules/PSRule.Rules.Azure
$rules = Get-PSRule -Module PSRule.Rules.Azure -Baseline Azure.All -WarningAction SilentlyContinue |
Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name Category -Value { $this.Info.Annotations.category } -PassThru |
Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name Pillar -Value { $this.Info.Annotations.pillar } -PassThru |
Sort-Object -Property Pillar, Category;
'PSRule for Azure includes the following rules across five pillars of the Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework.'
$pillars = $rules | Group-Object -Property Pillar | Sort-Object -Property Name;
foreach ($pillar in $pillars) {
Section $pillar.Name {
$categories = $pillar.Group | Group-Object -Property Category | Sort-Object -Property Name;
foreach ($category in $categories) {
Section $category.Name {
$category.Group |
Sort-Object -Property Name |
Table -Property @{ Name = 'Name'; Expression = {
}}, Synopsis, @{ Name = 'Severity'; Expression = {
}}, @{ Name = 'Level'; Expression = {
Document 'resource' {
Title 'Rules by resource type'
Metadata @{
generated = $True
Import-Module ./out/modules/PSRule.Rules.Azure
$rules = Get-PSRule -Module PSRule.Rules.Azure -Baseline Azure.All -WarningAction SilentlyContinue |
Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name Resource -Value { $this.Info.Annotations.resource } -PassThru |
Sort-Object -Property Resource;
'PSRule for Azure includes the following rules organized by resource type.'
$resources = $rules | Group-Object -Property Resource;
foreach ($resource in $resources) {
Section "$($resource.Name)" {
$resource.Group |
Sort-Object -Property Name |
Table -Property @{ Name = 'Name'; Expression = {
}}, Synopsis, @{ Name = 'Severity'; Expression = {
}}, @{ Name = 'Level'; Expression = {