


Simply upload a file, share the link, and after it is downloaded, the file is completely deleted. For added security, set an expiration on the file and it is deleted within a certain amount of time, even if it was never downloaded.

Publisher: Troy Taylor, Hitachi Solutions


You must sign up for an account with file.io.

Obtaining Credentials

In your account settings, find the API Keys tab and create a new API key.

Supported Operations

Get list of files

Retrieves a list of your files.

Upload a file

Uploads a file and creates the file details.

Update a file

Updates a file by key. For any parameters not provided in request, existing values are retained.

Delete a file

Deletes a file identified by key

Get plan and account

Retrieves the plan and account details for the user.

Known Issues and Limitations

There are no known issues at this time.