Adding functionality for Project Cards (#163)

- List project cards
- Get a project card
- Create a project card
- Update a project card
- Delete a project card
- Move a project card
This commit is contained in:
Jess Pomfret 2020-05-12 18:41:34 +01:00 коммит произвёл GitHub
Родитель 85170ce517
Коммит 3a87f2bd50
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Идентификатор ключа GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
3 изменённых файлов: 773 добавлений и 3 удалений

GitHubProjectCards.ps1 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
function Get-GitHubProjectCard
Get the cards for a given Github Project Column.
The Git repo for this module can be found here:
ID of the column to retrieve cards for.
.PARAMETER ArchivedState
Only cards with this ArchivedState are returned.
Options are all, archived, or NotArchived (default).
.PARAMETER AccessToken
If provided, this will be used as the AccessToken for authentication with the
REST Api. Otherwise, will attempt to use the configured value or will run unauthenticated.
If this switch is specified, long-running commands will run on the main thread
with no command line status update. When not specified, those commands run in
the background, enabling the command prompt to provide status information.
If not supplied here, the DefaultNoStatus configuration property value will be used.
Get-GitHubProjectCard -Column 999999
Get the the not_archived cards for column 999999.
Get-GitHubProjectCard -Column 999999 -ArchivedState All
Gets all the cards for column 999999, no matter the ArchivedState.
Get-GitHubProjectCard -Column 999999 -ArchivedState Archived
Gets the archived cards for column 999999.
Get-GitHubProjectCard -Card 999999
Gets the card with ID 999999.
DefaultParameterSetName = 'Column')]
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSShouldProcess", "", Justification = "Methods called within here make use of PSShouldProcess, and the switch is passed on to them inherently.")]
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Column')]
[int64] $Column,
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Card')]
[int64] $Card,
[ValidateSet('All', 'Archived', 'NotArchived')]
[string] $ArchivedState = 'NotArchived',
[string] $AccessToken,
[switch] $NoStatus
$telemetryProperties = @{}
$uriFragment = [String]::Empty
$description = [String]::Empty
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Column')
$telemetryProperties['Column'] = $true
$uriFragment = "/projects/columns/$Column/cards"
$description = "Getting cards for column $Column"
elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Card')
$telemetryProperties['Card'] = $true
$uriFragment = "/projects/columns/cards/$Card"
$description = "Getting project card $Card"
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ArchivedState'))
$getParams = @()
$Archived = $ArchivedState.ToLower().Replace('notarchived','not_archived')
$getParams += "archived_state=$Archived"
$uriFragment = "$uriFragment`?" + ($getParams -join '&')
$description += " with ArchivedState '$Archived'"
$params = @{
'UriFragment' = $uriFragment
'Description' = $description
'AccessToken' = $AccessToken
'TelemetryEventName' = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
'TelemetryProperties' = $telemetryProperties
'NoStatus' = (Resolve-ParameterWithDefaultConfigurationValue -Name NoStatus -ConfigValueName DefaultNoStatus)
'AcceptHeader' = 'application/vnd.github.inertia-preview+json'
return Invoke-GHRestMethodMultipleResult @params
function New-GitHubProjectCard
Creates a new card for a Github project.
The Git repo for this module can be found here:
ID of the column to create a card for.
The name of the column to create.
The issue or pull request ID you want to associate with this card.
.PARAMETER ContentType
The type of content you want to associate with this card.
Required if you provide ContentId.
Use Issue when ContentId is an issue ID and use PullRequest when ContentId is a pull request id.
.PARAMETER AccessToken
If provided, this will be used as the AccessToken for authentication with the
REST Api. Otherwise, will attempt to use the configured value or will run unauthenticated.
If this switch is specified, long-running commands will run on the main thread
with no command line status update. When not specified, those commands run in
the background, enabling the command prompt to provide status information.
If not supplied here, the DefaultNoStatus configuration property value will be used.
New-GitHubProjectCard -Column 999999 -Note 'Note on card'
Creates a card on column 999999 with the note 'Note on card'.
New-GitHubProjectCard -Column 999999 -ContentId 888888 -ContentType Issue
Creates a card on column 999999 for the issue with ID 888888.
New-GitHubProjectCard -Column 999999 -ContentId 888888 -ContentType Issue
Creates a card on column 999999 for the issue with ID 888888.
New-GitHubProjectCard -Column 999999 -ContentId 777777 -ContentType PullRequest
Creates a card on column 999999 for the pull request with ID 777777.
DefaultParameterSetName = 'Note')]
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSShouldProcess", "", Justification = "Methods called within here make use of PSShouldProcess, and the switch is passed on to them inherently.")]
[int64] $Column,
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Note')]
[string] $Note,
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Content')]
[int64] $ContentId,
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Content')]
[ValidateSet('Issue', 'PullRequest')]
[string] $ContentType,
[string] $AccessToken,
[switch] $NoStatus
$telemetryProperties = @{}
$uriFragment = "/projects/columns/$Column/cards"
$apiDescription = "Creating project card"
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Note')
$telemetryProperties['Note'] = $true
$hashBody = @{
'note' = $Note
elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Content')
$telemetryProperties['Content'] = $true
$hashBody = @{
'content_id' = $ContentId
'content_type' = $ContentType
$params = @{
'UriFragment' = $uriFragment
'Body' = (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $hashBody)
'Method' = 'Post'
'Description' = $apiDescription
'AccessToken' = $AccessToken
'TelemetryEventName' = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
'TelemetryProperties' = $telemetryProperties
'NoStatus' = (Resolve-ParameterWithDefaultConfigurationValue -Name NoStatus -ConfigValueName DefaultNoStatus)
'AcceptHeader' = 'application/vnd.github.inertia-preview+json'
return Invoke-GHRestMethod @params
function Set-GitHubProjectCard
Modify a GitHub Project Card.
The Git repo for this module can be found here:
ID of the card to modify.
The note content for the card. Only valid for cards without another type of content,
so this cannot be specified if the card already has a content_id and content_type.
Archive a project card.
Restore a project card.
.PARAMETER AccessToken
If provided, this will be used as the AccessToken for authentication with the
REST Api. Otherwise, will attempt to use the configured value or will run unauthenticated.
If this switch is specified, long-running commands will run on the main thread
with no command line status update. When not specified, those commands run in
the background, enabling the command prompt to provide status information.
If not supplied here, the DefaultNoStatus configuration property value will be used.
Set-GitHubProjectCard -Card 999999 -Note UpdatedNote
Sets the card note to 'UpdatedNote' for the card with ID 999999.
Set-GitHubProjectCard -Card 999999 -Archive
Archives the card with ID 999999.
Set-GitHubProjectCard -Card 999999 -Restore
Restores the card with ID 999999.
DefaultParameterSetName = 'Note')]
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSShouldProcess", "", Justification = "Methods called within here make use of PSShouldProcess, and the switch is passed on to them inherently.")]
[int64] $Card,
[string] $Note,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Archive')]
[switch] $Archive,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Restore')]
[switch] $Restore,
[string] $AccessToken,
[switch] $NoStatus
$telemetryProperties = @{}
$uriFragment = "/projects/columns/cards/$Card"
$apiDescription = "Updating card $Card"
$hashBody = @{}
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Note'))
$telemetryProperties['Note'] = $true
$hashBody.add('note', $Note)
if ($Archive)
$telemetryProperties['Archive'] = $true
$hashBody.add('archived', $true)
if ($Restore)
$telemetryProperties['Restore'] = $true
$hashBody.add('archived', $false)
$params = @{
'UriFragment' = $uriFragment
'Description' = $apiDescription
'Body' = (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $hashBody)
'AccessToken' = $AccessToken
'Method' = 'Patch'
'TelemetryEventName' = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
'TelemetryProperties' = $telemetryProperties
'NoStatus' = (Resolve-ParameterWithDefaultConfigurationValue -Name NoStatus -ConfigValueName DefaultNoStatus)
'AcceptHeader' = 'application/vnd.github.inertia-preview+json'
return Invoke-GHRestMethod @params
function Remove-GitHubProjectCard
Removes a project card.
The Git repo for this module can be found here:
ID of the card to remove.
.PARAMETER AccessToken
If provided, this will be used as the AccessToken for authentication with the
REST Api. Otherwise, will attempt to use the configured value or will run unauthenticated.
If this switch is specified, long-running commands will run on the main thread
with no command line status update. When not specified, those commands run in
the background, enabling the command prompt to provide status information.
If not supplied here, the DefaultNoStatus configuration property value will be used.
Remove-GitHubProjectCard -Card 999999
Remove project card with ID 999999.
Remove-GitHubProjectCard -Card 999999 -Confirm:$False
Remove project card with ID 999999 without prompting for confirmation.
ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSShouldProcess", "", Justification = "Methods called within here make use of PSShouldProcess, and the switch is passed on to them inherently.")]
[int64] $Card,
[string] $AccessToken,
[switch] $NoStatus
$telemetryProperties = @{}
$uriFragment = "/projects/columns/cards/$Card"
$description = "Deleting card $Card"
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Card, "Remove card"))
$params = @{
'UriFragment' = $uriFragment
'Description' = $description
'AccessToken' = $AccessToken
'Method' = 'Delete'
'TelemetryEventName' = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
'TelemetryProperties' = $telemetryProperties
'NoStatus' = (Resolve-ParameterWithDefaultConfigurationValue -Name NoStatus -ConfigValueName DefaultNoStatus)
'AcceptHeader' = 'application/vnd.github.inertia-preview+json'
return Invoke-GHRestMethod @params
function Move-GitHubProjectCard
Move a GitHub Project Card.
The Git repo for this module can be found here:
ID of the card to move.
Moves the card to the top of the column.
Moves the card to the bottom of the column.
Moves the card to the position after the card ID specified.
The ID of a column in the same project to move the card to.
.PARAMETER AccessToken
If provided, this will be used as the AccessToken for authentication with the
REST Api. Otherwise, will attempt to use the configured value or will run unauthenticated.
If this switch is specified, long-running commands will run on the main thread
with no command line status update. When not specified, those commands run in
the background, enabling the command prompt to provide status information.
If not supplied here, the DefaultNoStatus configuration property value will be used.
Move-GitHubProjectCard -Card 999999 -Top
Moves the project card with ID 999999 to the top of the column.
Move-GitHubProjectCard -Card 999999 -Bottom
Moves the project card with ID 999999 to the bottom of the column.
Move-GitHubProjectCard -Card 999999 -After 888888
Moves the project card with ID 999999 to the position after the card ID 888888.
Within the same column.
Move-GitHubProjectCard -Card 999999 -After 888888 -ColumnId 123456
Moves the project card with ID 999999 to the position after the card ID 888888, in
the column with ID 123456.
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSShouldProcess", "", Justification = "Methods called within here make use of PSShouldProcess, and the switch is passed on to them inherently.")]
[int64] $Card,
[switch] $Top,
[switch] $Bottom,
[int64] $After,
[int64] $ColumnId,
[string] $AccessToken,
[switch] $NoStatus
$telemetryProperties = @{}
$uriFragment = "/projects/columns/cards/$Card/moves"
$apiDescription = "Updating card $Card"
if (-not ($Top -xor $Bottom -xor ($After -gt 0)))
$message = 'You must use one (and only one) of the parameters Top, Bottom or After.'
Write-Log -Message $message -level Error
throw $message
elseif ($Top)
$position = 'top'
elseif ($Bottom)
$position = 'bottom'
$position = "after:$After"
$hashBody = @{
'position' = $Position
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ColumnId'))
$telemetryProperties['ColumnId'] = $true
$hashBody.add('column_id', $ColumnId)
$params = @{
'UriFragment' = $uriFragment
'Description' = $apiDescription
'Body' = (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $hashBody)
'AccessToken' = $AccessToken
'Method' = 'Post'
'TelemetryEventName' = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
'TelemetryProperties' = $telemetryProperties
'NoStatus' = (Resolve-ParameterWithDefaultConfigurationValue -Name NoStatus -ConfigValueName DefaultNoStatus)
'AcceptHeader' = 'application/vnd.github.inertia-preview+json'
return Invoke-GHRestMethod @params

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@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
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@ -93,14 +95,16 @@
@ -111,6 +115,7 @@
@ -123,6 +128,7 @@
@ -141,6 +147,7 @@
@ -195,5 +202,4 @@
# HelpInfo URI of this module
# HelpInfoURI = ''

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@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Tests for GitHubProjectCards.ps1 module
# This is common test code setup logic for all Pester test files
$moduleRootPath = Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent
. (Join-Path -Path $moduleRootPath -ChildPath 'Tests\Common.ps1')
# Define Script-scoped, readOnly, hidden variables.
defaultProject = "TestProject_$([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid)"
defaultColumn = "TestColumn"
defaultColumnTwo = "TestColumnTwo"
defaultCard = "TestCard"
defaultCardTwo = "TestCardTwo"
defaultCardUpdated = "TestCard_Updated"
defaultArchivedCard = "TestCard_Archived"
defaultIssue = "TestIssue"
}.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
Set-Variable -Force -Scope Script -Option ReadOnly -Visibility Private -Name $_.Key -Value $_.Value
$repo = New-GitHubRepository -RepositoryName ([Guid]::NewGuid().Guid) -AutoInit
$project = New-GitHubProject -Owner $script:ownerName -Repository $ -Name $defaultProject
$column = New-GitHubProjectColumn -Project $ -Name $defaultColumn
$columntwo = New-GitHubProjectColumn -Project $ -Name $defaultColumnTwo
$issue = New-GitHubIssue -Owner $script:ownerName -RepositoryName $ -Title $defaultIssue
Describe 'Getting Project Cards' {
BeforeAll {
$card = New-GitHubProjectCard -Column $ -Note $defaultCard
$cardArchived = New-GitHubProjectCard -Column $ -Note $defaultArchivedCard
$null = Set-GitHubProjectCard -Card $ -Archive
AfterAll {
$null = Remove-GitHubProjectCard -Card $ -Confirm:$false
Context 'Get cards for a column' {
$results = Get-GitHubProjectCard -Column $
It 'Should get cards' {
$results | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
It 'Note is correct' {
$results.note | Should be $defaultCard
Context 'Get all cards for a column' {
$results = Get-GitHubProjectCard -Column $ -ArchivedState All
It 'Should get all cards' {
$results.Count | Should Be 2
Context 'Get archived cards for a column' {
$results = Get-GitHubProjectCard -Column $ -ArchivedState Archived
It 'Should get archived card' {
$results | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
It 'Note is correct' {
$results.note | Should be $defaultArchivedCard
It 'Should be archived' {
$results.Archived | Should be $true
Describe 'Modify card' {
BeforeAll {
$card = New-GitHubProjectCard -Column $ -Note $defaultCard
$cardTwo = New-GitHubProjectCard -Column $ -Note $defaultCardTwo
$cardArchived = New-GitHubProjectCard -Column $ -Note $defaultArchivedCard
AfterAll {
$null = Remove-GitHubProjectCard -Card $ -Confirm:$false
Context 'Modify card note' {
$null = Set-GitHubProjectCard -Card $ -Note $defaultCardUpdated
$results = Get-GitHubProjectCard -Card $
It 'Should get card' {
$results | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
It 'Note has been updated' {
$results.note | Should be $defaultCardUpdated
Context 'Archive a card' {
$null = Set-GitHubProjectCard -Card $ -Archive
$results = Get-GitHubProjectCard -Card $
It 'Should get card' {
$results | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
It 'Card is archived' {
$results.Archived | Should be $true
Context 'Restore a card' {
$null = Set-GitHubProjectCard -Card $ -Restore
$results = Get-GitHubProjectCard -Card $
It 'Should get card' {
$results | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
It 'Card is not archived' {
$results.Archived | Should be $false
Context 'Move card position within column' {
$null = Move-GitHubProjectCard -Card $ -Top
$results = Get-GitHubProjectCard -Column $
It 'Card is now top' {
$results[0].note | Should be $defaultCardTwo
Context 'Move card using after parameter' {
$null = Move-GitHubProjectCard -Card $ -After $
$results = Get-GitHubProjectCard -Column $
It 'Card now exists in new column' {
$results[1].note | Should be $defaultCardTwo
Context 'Move card to another column' {
$null = Move-GitHubProjectCard -Card $ -Top -ColumnId $
$results = Get-GitHubProjectCard -Column $
It 'Card now exists in new column' {
$results[0].note | Should be $defaultCardTwo
Context 'Move command throws appropriate error' {
It 'Appropriate error is thrown' {
{ Move-GitHubProjectCard -Card $ -Top -Bottom } | Should Throw 'You must use one (and only one) of the parameters Top, Bottom or After.'
Describe 'Create Project Cards' -tag new {
Context 'Create project card with note' {
BeforeAll {
$card = @{id = 0}
AfterAll {
$null = Remove-GitHubProjectCard -Card $ -Confirm:$false
Remove-Variable -Name card
$ = (New-GitHubProjectCard -Column $ -Note $defaultCard).id
$results = Get-GitHubProjectCard -Card $
It 'Card exists' {
$results | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
It 'Note is correct' {
$results.note | Should be $defaultCard
Context 'Create project card from issue' {
BeforeAll {
$card = @{id = 0}
AfterAll {
$null = Remove-GitHubProjectCard -Card $ -Confirm:$false
Remove-Variable -Name card
$ = (New-GitHubProjectCard -Column $ -ContentId $ -ContentType 'Issue').id
$results = Get-GitHubProjectCard -Card $
It 'Card exists' {
$results | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
It 'Content url is for an issue' {
$results.content_url | Should match 'issues'
Describe 'Remove card' {
Context 'Remove card' {
BeforeAll {
$card = New-GitHubProjectCard -Column $ -Note $defaultCard
$null = Remove-GitHubProjectCard -Card $ -Confirm:$false
It 'Project card should be removed' {
{Get-GitHubProjectCard -Card $} | Should Throw
Remove-GitHubProject -Project $ -Confirm:$false
if (Test-Path -Path $script:originalConfigFile -PathType Leaf)
# Restore the user's configuration to its pre-test state
Restore-GitHubConfiguration -Path $script:originalConfigFile
$script:originalConfigFile = $null