Fixing the CI build (#183)
There were a number of issues going on: * Needed to force Pester `v4.10.1` for the install because `5.0` was just released and has some breaking changes to investigate. * Pester was failing to save its output because the output directory didn't exist. Without that, it couldn't actually publish the results. * The `ciOrganizationName` pipeline variable had a typo in it, which meant that we were passing an empty string as the `OrganizationName` to tests that needed it * We needed to ensure consistent line endings for `Tests/Config/Settings.ps1` so that the hash generated on all platforms (Windows/mac/Linux) would be the same. * GitHub changed the default HTML generated for which was causing two RepositoryContents tests to fail. * Needed to make sure that the three platforms (Windows/mac/Linux) run the unit tests _serially_ instead of in parallel, because they each modify the shared state of the same account, and when running at the same time they were stomping over each other and causing erroneous failures. Resolves #182
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Need to make sure that this file always has consistent line endings since we store the hash
# of it in GitHubConfiguration.ps1 in order to be able to determine if it has been modified
# or not.
Tests/Config/Settings.ps1 text eol=crlf
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ This module supports testing using the [Pester UT framework](
To install it:
Install-Module -Name Pester
Install-Module -Name Pester -RequiredVersion 4.10.1 -AllowClobber -SkipPublisherCheck -Force
#### Configuring Your Environment
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ try
# Need two separate blocks to set constants because we need to reference a constant from the first block in this block.
htmlOutput = "<div id=`"file`" class=`"md`" data-path=`"`"><article class=`"markdown-body entry-content`" itemprop=`"text`"><h1><a id=`"user-content-$repoGuid`" class=`"anchor`" aria-hidden=`"true`" href=`"#$repoGuid`"><svg class=`"octicon octicon-link`" viewBox=`"0 0 16 16`" version=`"1.1`" width=`"16`" height=`"16`" aria-hidden=`"true`"><path fill-rule=`"evenodd`" d=`"M4 9h1v1H4c-1.5 0-3-1.69-3-3.5S2.55 3 4 3h4c1.45 0 3 1.69 3 3.5 0 1.41-.91 2.72-2 3.25V8.59c.58-.45 1-1.27 1-2.09C10 5.22 8.98 4 8 4H4c-.98 0-2 1.22-2 2.5S3 9 4 9zm9-3h-1v1h1c1 0 2 1.22 2 2.5S13.98 12 13 12H9c-.98 0-2-1.22-2-2.5 0-.83.42-1.64 1-2.09V6.25c-1.09.53-2 1.84-2 3.25C6 11.31 7.55 13 9 13h4c1.45 0 3-1.69 3-3.5S14.5 6 13 6z`"></path></svg></a>$repoGuid</h1></article></div>"
htmlOutput = "<div id=`"file`" class=`"md`" data-path=`"`"><article class=`"markdown-body entry-content container-lg`" itemprop=`"text`"><h1><a id=`"user-content-$($repoGuid.ToLower())`" class=`"anchor`" aria-hidden=`"true`" href=`"#$($repoGuid.ToLower())`"><svg class=`"octicon octicon-link`" viewBox=`"0 0 16 16`" version=`"1.1`" width=`"16`" height=`"16`" aria-hidden=`"true`"><path fill-rule=`"evenodd`" clip-rule=`"evenodd`" d=`"M7.775 3.275C7.64252 3.41717 7.57039 3.60522 7.57382 3.79952C7.57725 3.99382 7.65596 4.1792 7.79337 4.31662C7.93079 4.45403 8.11617 4.53274 8.31047 4.53617C8.50477 4.5396 8.69282 4.46748 8.835 4.335L10.085 3.085C10.2708 2.89918 10.4914 2.75177 10.7342 2.65121C10.977 2.55064 11.2372 2.49888 11.5 2.49888C11.7628 2.49888 12.023 2.55064 12.2658 2.65121C12.5086 2.75177 12.7292 2.89918 12.915 3.085C13.1008 3.27082 13.2482 3.49142 13.3488 3.7342C13.4493 3.97699 13.5011 4.23721 13.5011 4.5C13.5011 4.76279 13.4493 5.023 13.3488 5.26579C13.2482 5.50857 13.1008 5.72917 12.915 5.915L10.415 8.415C10.2292 8.60095 10.0087 8.74847 9.76588 8.84911C9.52308 8.94976 9.26283 9.00157 9 9.00157C8.73716 9.00157 8.47691 8.94976 8.23411 8.84911C7.99132 8.74847 7.77074 8.60095 7.585 8.415C7.44282 8.28252 7.25477 8.21039 7.06047 8.21382C6.86617 8.21725 6.68079 8.29596 6.54337 8.43337C6.40596 8.57079 6.32725 8.75617 6.32382 8.95047C6.32039 9.14477 6.39252 9.33282 6.525 9.475C6.85001 9.80004 7.23586 10.0579 7.66052 10.2338C8.08518 10.4097 8.54034 10.5002 9 10.5002C9.45965 10.5002 9.91481 10.4097 10.3395 10.2338C10.7641 10.0579 11.15 9.80004 11.475 9.475L13.975 6.975C14.6314 6.31858 15.0002 5.4283 15.0002 4.5C15.0002 3.57169 14.6314 2.68141 13.975 2.025C13.3186 1.36858 12.4283 0.999817 11.5 0.999817C10.5717 0.999817 9.68141 1.36858 9.02499 2.025L7.775 3.275ZM3.085 12.915C2.89904 12.7292 2.75152 12.5087 2.65088 12.2659C2.55023 12.0231 2.49842 11.7628 2.49842 11.5C2.49842 11.2372 2.55023 10.9769 2.65088 10.7341C2.75152 10.4913 2.89904 10.2707 3.085 10.085L5.585 7.585C5.77074 7.39904 5.99132 7.25152 6.23411 7.15088C6.47691 7.05023 6.73716 6.99842 7 6.99842C7.26283 6.99842 7.52308 7.05023 7.76588 7.15088C8.00867 7.25152 8.22925 7.39904 8.415 7.585C8.55717 7.71748 8.74522 7.7896 8.93952 7.78617C9.13382 7.78274 9.3192 7.70403 9.45662 7.56662C9.59403 7.4292 9.67274 7.24382 9.67617 7.04952C9.6796 6.85522 9.60748 6.66717 9.475 6.525C9.14999 6.19995 8.76413 5.94211 8.33947 5.7662C7.91481 5.59029 7.45965 5.49974 7 5.49974C6.54034 5.49974 6.08518 5.59029 5.66052 5.7662C5.23586 5.94211 4.85001 6.19995 4.525 6.525L2.025 9.02499C1.36858 9.68141 0.999817 10.5717 0.999817 11.5C0.999817 12.4283 1.36858 13.3186 2.025 13.975C2.68141 14.6314 3.57169 15.0002 4.5 15.0002C5.4283 15.0002 6.31858 14.6314 6.975 13.975L8.225 12.725C8.35748 12.5828 8.4296 12.3948 8.42617 12.2005C8.42274 12.0062 8.34403 11.8208 8.20662 11.6834C8.0692 11.546 7.88382 11.4672 7.68952 11.4638C7.49522 11.4604 7.30717 11.5325 7.165 11.665L5.915 12.915C5.72925 13.1009 5.50867 13.2485 5.26588 13.3491C5.02308 13.4498 4.76283 13.5016 4.5 13.5016C4.23716 13.5016 3.97691 13.4498 3.73411 13.3491C3.49132 13.2485 3.27074 13.1009 3.085 12.915Z`"></path></svg></a>$repoGuid</h1></article></div>"
rawOutput = "# $repoGuid"
}.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
Set-Variable -Force -Scope Script -Option ReadOnly -Visibility Private -Name $_.Key -Value $_.Value
@ -30,13 +30,17 @@ jobs:
- job: Linux
vmImage: 'ubuntu-16.04'
dependsOn: Windows # Run in series instead of parallel because the UT's are modifying the same shared state
- template: ./templates/verify-testConfigSettingsHash.yaml
- template: ./templates/run-staticAnalysis.yaml
- template: ./templates/run-unitTests.yaml
- job: macOS
vmImage: 'macOS-10.14'
dependsOn: Linux # Run in series instead of parallel because the UT's are modifying the same shared state
- template: ./templates/verify-testConfigSettingsHash.yaml
- template: ./templates/run-staticAnalysis.yaml
- template: ./templates/run-unitTests.yaml
@ -15,17 +15,18 @@
- powershell: |
Install-Module -Name Pester -Repository PSGallery -Scope CurrentUser -AllowClobber -SkipPublisherCheck -Force -Verbose
Install-Module -Name Pester -Repository PSGallery -Scope CurrentUser -AllowClobber -SkipPublisherCheck -RequiredVersion 4.10.1 -Force -Verbose
displayName: 'Install Pester'
- powershell: |
$null = New-Item -Path ..\ -Name Pester -ItemType Directory -Force
Invoke-Pester -CodeCoverage .\*.ps*1 -CodeCoverageOutputFile ../Pester/coverage.xml -CodeCoverageOutputFileFormat JaCoCo -EnableExit -Strict -OutputFile ../Pester/test-results.xml -OutputFormat NUnitXml
workingDirectory: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)'
displayName: 'Run Unit Tests via Pester'
ciAccessToken: $(GitHubAccessToken)
ciOwnerName: $(GitHubOwnerName)
ciOrganizatioName: $(GitHubOrganizationName)
ciOrganizationName: $(GitHubOrganizationName)
- task: PublishTestResults@2
displayName: 'Publish Test Results'
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