--- #################################################### # ModuleBuilder Configuration # #################################################### CopyDirectories: - DSCResources - Module - StigData Encoding: UTF8 # With BOM in WinPS, noBOM in PSCore. VersionedOutputDirectory: true #################################################### # Sampler Pipeline Configuration # #################################################### # Defining 'Workflows' (suite of InvokeBuild tasks) to be run using their alias BuildWorkflow: '.': # "." is the default Invoke-Build workflow. It is called when no -Tasks is specified to the build.ps1 - build - test build: - Clean - Build_Module_ModuleBuilder - Build_NestedModules_ModuleBuilder - Create_changelog_release_output pack: - build - package_module_nupkg hqrmtest: - DscResource_Tests_Stop_On_Fail test: - Pester_Tests_Stop_On_Fail - Pester_if_Code_Coverage_Under_Threshold publish: - Publish_release_to_GitHub - publish_module_to_gallery # runs if nuget is not available #################################################### # PESTER Configuration # #################################################### Pester: OutputFormat: NUnitXML # Will look at every *.ps1 & *.psm1 under ModulePath, excepts when $_.FullName -match (Join-Path $ProjectPath $ExcludeFromCodeCoverageItem) ExcludeFromCodeCoverage: - DSCResources Script: - tests/Unit ExcludeTag: Tag: CodeCoverageThreshold: 79 # Set to 0 to bypass CodeCoverageOutputFile: JaCoCo_coverage.xml CodeCoverageOutputFileEncoding: ascii DscTest: ExcludeTag: - "Common Tests - New Error-Level Script Analyzer Rules" - "Common Tests - Validate Localization" - "Changelog" Tag: ExcludeSourceFile: - output - StigData/Archive # added to ignore orginal DISA STIG files duiring HQRM test due to TAB's causing test failure ExcludeModuleFile: - StigData/Archive # added to ignore orginal DISA STIG files duiring HQRM test due to TAB's causing test failure Resolve-Dependency: Gallery: 'PSGallery' AllowPrerelease: false Verbose: false ModuleBuildTasks: Sampler: - '*.build.Sampler.ib.tasks' # Invoke-Build Header to be used to 'decorate' the terminal output of the tasks. TaskHeader: | param($Path) "" "=" * 79 Write-Build Cyan "`t`t`t$($Task.Name.replace("_"," ").ToUpper())" Write-Build DarkGray "$(Get-BuildSynopsis $Task)" "-" * 79 Write-Build DarkGray " $Path" Write-Build DarkGray " $($Task.InvocationInfo.ScriptName):$($Task.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)" ""