weizhen 418ac497bb prophetnet x 2021-04-16 23:49:32 +08:00
script prophetnet x 2021-04-16 23:49:32 +08:00 init 2020-11-25 04:49:06 +00:00

ProphetNet baselines for GLGE

This is the implement of ProphetNet GLGE baseline. More details about GLGE can be found in GLGE github repo and the dataset can be downloaded from link.

Run Baselines

Baseline Dependency

pip install torch==1.3.0  
pip install fairseq==v0.9.0

Evaluation Dependency

pip install git+
pip install git+
pip install py-rouge
pip install nltk

and remember to install file2rouge.

We also provide a docker image which contains the evaluation dependency.

docker pull yuyan2do/glge:latest
docker run -it yuyan2do/glge:latest /bin/bash

Data Preparation

Download the datasets from link and move them to the data/ folder. To preprocess all the datasets, please use the following command to tokenize the data and generate the binary data files:

cd script

Note that we tokenize each dataset with BERT-uncased tokenizer.

To preprocess a specific dataset, please use the following command:


For example, if you want to only preprocess the easy version of CNN/DailyMail, please use the following command:

./ cnndm easy

Here <DATASET> can be cnndm, gigaword, xsum, msnews, squadqg, msqg, coqa, personachat. <VERSION> can be easy, medium, hard.


If you want to use ProphetNet-large, please download the pretrained checkpoints at here and move them to the pretrained_checkpoints/ folder.

Training and Testing Pipeline

We provide 4 baselines, including LSTM, Transformer, ProphetNet-base, and ProphetNet-large basd on fairseq.

To train, inference, and evaluate the baselines, please use the following command:

cd script
./ `<DATASET>` `<VERSION>` `<MODEL>` `<SET>`

For example, if you want to only train ProphetNet-large on the medium version of SQuAD 1.1 question generation and test it on the dev set, please use the following command:

./ squadqg medium prophetnet dev

Here <MODEL> can be lstm, transformer, prophetnet_base, prophetnet, and <SET> can be dev, test.

Note that script/ will train, inference, and evaluate the model in turn. The checkpoints will be saved at the models folder and the outputs will be saved at the outputs folder.

The hyperparameters of training and inference can be found in script/train_<MODEL>.sh and script/test_<MODEL>.sh, respectively.

If you want to only evaluate the outputs, please use the following command:

cd script
python --version `<VERSION>` --dataset `<DATASET>` --generated `<OUTPUT_File_PATH>` --split dev

Note that if you move the data out of the default path, you should modify the data_root_path='../data' in /script/ to the correct path.