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"""Classic puzzles"""
# TODO: add tags
from puzzle_generator import PuzzleGenerator, Tags
from typing import List
# See to learn about adding puzzles
class TowersOfHanoi(PuzzleGenerator):
"""[Towers of Hanoi](
In this classic version one must move all 8 disks from the first to third peg."""
def sat(moves: List[List[int]]):
Eight disks of sizes 1-8 are stacked on three towers, with each tower having disks in order of largest to
smallest. Move [i, j] corresponds to taking the smallest disk off tower i and putting it on tower j, and it
is legal as long as the towers remain in sorted order. Find a sequence of moves that moves all the disks
from the first to last towers.
rods = ([8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], [], [])
for [i, j] in moves:
assert rods[j][-1] == min(rods[j]), "larger disk on top of smaller disk"
return rods[0] == rods[1] == []
def sol():
def helper(m, i, j):
if m == 0:
return []
k = 3 - i - j
return helper(m - 1, i, k) + [[i, j]] + helper(m - 1, k, j)
return helper(8, 0, 2)
class TowersOfHanoiArbitrary(PuzzleGenerator):
"""[Towers of Hanoi](
In this version one must transform a given source state to a target state."""
def sat(moves: List[List[int]],
source=[[0, 7], [4, 5, 6], [1, 2, 3, 8]],
target=[[0, 1, 2, 3, 8], [4, 5], [6, 7]]):
A state is a partition of the integers 0-8 into three increasing lists. A move is pair of integers i, j in
{0, 1, 2} corresponding to moving the largest number from the end of list i to list j, while preserving the
order of list j. Find a sequence of moves that transform the given source to target states.
state = [s[:] for s in source]
for [i, j] in moves:
assert state[j] == sorted(state[j])
return state == target
def sol(source, target):
state = {d: i for i, tower in enumerate(source) for d in tower}
final = {d: i for i, tower in enumerate(target) for d in tower}
disks = set(state)
assert disks == set(final) and all(isinstance(i, int) for i in state) and len(source) == len(target) >= 3
ans = []
def move(d, i): # move disk d to tower i
if state[d] == i:
for t in range(3): # first tower besides i, state[d]
if t != i and t != state[d]:
for d2 in range(d + 1, max(disks) + 1):
if d2 in disks:
move(d2, t)
ans.append([state[d], i])
state[d] = i
for d in range(min(disks), max(disks) + 1):
if d in disks:
move(d, final[d])
return ans
def gen_random(self):
n = self.random.randrange(4, 18)
source, target = [[[] for _ in range(3)] for _ in range(2)]
for d in range(n):
self.add(dict(source=source, target=target))
class LongestMonotonicSubstring(PuzzleGenerator):
"""This is a form of the classic
[Longest increasing subsequence]( problem
where the goal is to find a substring with characters in sorted order."""
def sat(x: List[int], length=13, s="Dynamic programming solves this puzzle!!!"):
Remove as few characters as possible from s so that the characters of the remaining string are alphebetical.
Here x is the list of string indices that have not been deleted.
return all(s[x[i]] <= s[x[i + 1]] and x[i + 1] > x[i] >= 0 for i in range(length - 1))
def sol(length, s):
# O(N^2) method. Todo: add binary search solution which is O(n log n)
if s == "":
return []
n = len(s)
dyn = [] # list of (seq length, seq end, prev index)
for i in range(n):
dyn.append(max((length + 1, i, e) for length, e, _ in dyn if s[e] <= s[i]))
except ValueError:
dyn.append((1, i, -1)) # sequence ends at i
_length, i, _ = max(dyn)
backwards = [i]
while dyn[i][2] != -1:
i = dyn[i][2]
return backwards[::-1]
def gen_random(self):
n = self.random.randrange(self.random.choice([10, 100, 1000])) # a length between 1-10 or 1-100 or 1-1000
length = self.random.randrange(n + 1)
rand_chars = [chr(self.random.randrange(32, 124)) for _ in range(n)]
li = sorted(rand_chars[:length])
for i in range(length, n):
li.insert(self.random.randrange(i + 1), rand_chars[i])
s = "".join(li)
self.add(dict(length=length, s=s))
class LongestMonotonicSubstringTricky(PuzzleGenerator):
"""The same as the above problem, but with a twist!"""
def sat(x: List[int], length=20, s="Dynamic programming solves this classic job-interview puzzle!!!"):
"""Find the indices of the longest substring with characters in sorted order"""
return all(s[x[i]] <= s[x[i + 1]] and x[i + 1] > x[i] for i in range(length - 1))
def sol(length, s):
# O(N^2) method. Todo: add binary search solution which is O(n log n)
if s == "":
return []
n = len(s)
dyn = [] # list of (seq length, seq end, prev index)
for i in range(-n, n):
dyn.append(max((length + 1, i, e) for length, e, _ in dyn if s[e] <= s[i]))
except ValueError:
dyn.append((1, i, None)) # sequence ends at i
_length, i, _ = max(dyn)
backwards = [i]
while dyn[n + i][2] is not None:
i = dyn[n + i][2]
return backwards[::-1]
def gen_random(self):
n = self.random.randrange(self.random.choice([10, 100, 1000])) # a length between 1-10 or 1-100 or 1-1000
length = self.random.randrange(n + 1)
rand_chars = [chr(self.random.randrange(32, 124)) for _ in range(n)]
li = sorted(rand_chars[:length])
a, b = li[:length // 2][::-1], li[length // 2:][::-1]
li = []
while a or b:
li.append(self.random.choice([c for c in (a, b) if c]).pop())
for i in range(length, n):
li.insert(self.random.randrange(i + 1), rand_chars[i])
s = "".join(li)
self.add(dict(length=length, s=s))
class Quine(PuzzleGenerator):
def sat(quine: str):
"""Find a string that when evaluated as a Python expression is that string itself."""
return eval(quine) == quine
def sol():
return "(lambda x: f'({x})({chr(34)}{x}{chr(34)})')(\"lambda x: f'({x})({chr(34)}{x}{chr(34)})'\")"
class RevQuine(PuzzleGenerator):
"""Reverse [Quine]( The solution we give is from GPT3."""
def sat(rev_quine: str):
"""Find a string that, when reversed and evaluated gives you back that same string."""
return eval(rev_quine[::-1]) == rev_quine
def sol():
return "rev_quine"[::-1] # thanks GPT-3!
class BooleanPythagoreanTriples(PuzzleGenerator):
"""[Boolean Pythagorean Triples Problem]("""
def sat(colors: List[int], n=100):
Color the first n integers with one of two colors so that there is no monochromatic Pythagorean triple.
A monochromatic Pythagorean triple is a triple of numbers i, j, k such that i^2 + j^2 = k^2 that
are all assigned the same color. The input, colors, is a list of 0/1 colors of length >= n.
assert set(colors) <= {0, 1} and len(colors) >= n
squares = {i ** 2: colors[i] for i in range(1, len(colors))}
return not any(c == d == squares.get(i + j) for i, c in squares.items() for j, d in squares.items())
def sol(n):
sqrt = {i * i: i for i in range(1, n)}
trips = [(sqrt[i], sqrt[j], sqrt[i + j]) for i in sqrt for j in sqrt if i < j and i + j in sqrt]
import random
sol = [random.randrange(2) for _ in range(n)]
done = False
while not done:
done = True
for i, j, k in trips:
if sol[i] == sol[j] == sol[k]:
done = False
sol[random.choice([i, j, k])] = 1 - sol[i]
return sol
def gen(self, target_num_instances):
for n in [7824] + list(range(target_num_instances)):
if self.num_generated_so_far() == target_num_instances:
self.add(dict(n=n), test=n <= 100)
class ClockAngle(PuzzleGenerator):
"""[Clock Angle Problem](, easy variant"""
def sat(hands: List[int], target_angle=45):
"""Find clock hands = [hour, min] such that the angle is target_angle degrees."""
h, m = hands
assert 0 < h <= 12 and 0 <= m < 60
hour_angle = 30 * h + m / 2
minute_angle = 6 * m
return abs(hour_angle - minute_angle) in [target_angle, 360 - target_angle]
def sol(target_angle):
for h in range(1, 13):
for m in range(60):
hour_angle = 30 * h + m / 2
minute_angle = 6 * m
if abs(hour_angle - minute_angle) % 360 in [target_angle, 360 - target_angle]:
return [h, m]
def gen_random(self):
target_angle = self.random.randrange(0, 360)
if self.sol(target_angle):
class Kirkman(PuzzleGenerator):
"""[Kirkman's problem]("""
def sat(daygroups: List[List[List[int]]]):
Arrange 15 people into groups of 3 each day for seven days so that no two people are in the same group twice.
assert len(daygroups) == 7
assert all(len(groups) == 5 and {i for g in groups for i in g} == set(range(15)) for groups in daygroups)
assert all(len(g) == 3 for groups in daygroups for g in groups)
return len({(i, j) for groups in daygroups for g in groups for i in g for j in g}) == 15 * 15
def sol():
from itertools import combinations
import random
rand = random.Random(0)
days = [[list(range(15)) for _2 in range(2)] for _ in range(7)] # each day is pi, inv
counts = {(i, j): (7 if j in range(k, k + 3) else 0)
for k in range(0, 15, 3)
for i in range(k, k + 3)
for j in range(15) if j != i
todos = [pair for pair, count in counts.items() if count == 0]
while True:
pair = rand.choice(todos) # choose i and j to make next to each other on some day
if rand.randrange(2):
pair = pair[::-1]
a, u = pair
pi, inv = rand.choice(days)
assert pi[inv[a]] == a and pi[inv[u]] == u
bases = [3 * (inv[i] // 3) for i in pair]
(b, c), (v, w) = [[x for x in pi[b: b + 3] if x != i] for i, b in zip(pair, bases)]
if rand.randrange(2):
b, c, = c, b
# current (a, b, c) (u, v, w). consider swap of u with b to make (a, u, c) (b, v, w)
new_pairs = [(a, u), (c, u), (b, v), (b, w)]
old_pairs = [(u, v), (u, w), (b, a), (b, c)]
gained = sum(counts[p] == 0 for p in new_pairs)
lost = sum(counts[p] == 1 for p in old_pairs)
if rand.random() <= 100 ** (gained - lost):
for p in new_pairs:
counts[p] += 1
counts[p[::-1]] += 1
for p in old_pairs:
counts[p] -= 1
counts[p[::-1]] -= 1
pi[inv[b]], pi[inv[u]], inv[b], inv[u] = u, b, inv[u], inv[b]
todos = [pair for pair, count in counts.items() if count == 0]
if len(todos) == 0:
return [[pi[k:k + 3] for k in range(0, 15, 3)] for pi, _inv in days]
# return [[[0, 5, 10], [1, 6, 11], [2, 7, 12], [3, 8, 13], [4, 9, 14]], # wikipedia solution
# [[0, 1, 4], [2, 3, 6], [7, 8, 11], [9, 10, 13], [12, 14, 5]],
# [[1, 2, 5], [3, 4, 7], [8, 9, 12], [10, 11, 14], [13, 0, 6]],
# [[4, 5, 8], [6, 7, 10], [11, 12, 0], [13, 14, 2], [1, 3, 9]],
# [[2, 4, 10], [3, 5, 11], [6, 8, 14], [7, 9, 0], [12, 13, 1]],
# [[4, 6, 12], [5, 7, 13], [8, 10, 1], [9, 11, 2], [14, 0, 3]],
# [[10, 12, 3], [11, 13, 4], [14, 1, 7], [0, 2, 8], [5, 6, 9]]]
class MonkeyAndCoconuts(PuzzleGenerator):
"""[The Monkey and the Coconuts]("""
def sat(n: int):
Find the number of coconuts to solve the following riddle:
There is a pile of coconuts, owned by five men. One man divides the pile into five equal piles, giving the
one left over coconut to a passing monkey, and takes away his own share. The second man then repeats the
procedure, dividing the remaining pile into five and taking away his share, as do the third, fourth, and
fifth, each of them finding one coconut left over when dividing the pile by five, and giving it to a monkey.
Finally, the group divide the remaining coconuts into five equal piles: this time no coconuts are left over.
How many coconuts were there in the original pile?
Quoted from
for i in range(5):
assert n % 5 == 1
n -= 1 + (n - 1) // 5
return n > 0 and n % 5 == 1
def sol():
m = 1
while True:
n = m
for i in range(5):
if n % 5 != 1:
n -= 1 + (n - 1) // 5
if n > 0 and n % 5 == 1:
return m
m += 5
class No3Colinear(PuzzleGenerator):
"""[No three-in-a-line]("""
def sat(coords: List[List[int]], side=10, num_points=20):
"""Find num_points points in an side x side grid such that no three points are collinear."""
for i1 in range(len(coords)):
x1, y1 = coords[i1]
assert 0 <= x1 < side and 0 <= y1 < side
for i2 in range(i1):
x2, y2 = coords[i2]
for i3 in range(i2):
x3, y3 = coords[i3]
assert x1 * (y2 - y3) + x2 * (y3 - y1) + x3 * (y1 - y2) != 0
return len({(a, b) for a, b in coords}) == len(coords) >= num_points
def sol(side, num_points):
from itertools import combinations
assert side <= 5 or side == 10, "Don't know how to solve other sides"
def test(coords):
return all(p[0] * (q[1] - r[1]) + q[0] * (r[1] - p[1]) + r[0] * (p[1] - q[1])
for p, q, r in combinations(coords, 3))
if side <= 5:
grid = [[i, j] for i in range(side) for j in range(side)]
return next(list(coords) for coords in combinations(grid, num_points) if test(coords))
if side == 10:
def mirror(coords): # rotate to all four corners
return [[a, b] for x, y in coords for a in [x, side - 1 - x] for b in [y, side - 1 - y]]
grid = [[i, j] for i in range(side // 2) for j in range(side // 2)]
return next(list(mirror(coords)) for coords in combinations(grid, side // 2) if
test(coords) and test(mirror(coords)))
def gen(self, target_num_instances):
for easy in range(47):
for side in range(47):
if self.num_generated_so_far() == target_num_instances:
test = side < 5 or side == 10
num_points = 1 if side == 1 else 2 * side
if num_points >= easy:
num_points -= easy
self.add(dict(side=side, num_points=num_points), test=test)
class PostageStamp(PuzzleGenerator):
"""[Postage stamp problem]("""
def sat(stamps: List[int], target=80, max_stamps=4, options=[10, 32, 8]):
"""Find a selection of at most max_stamps stamps whose total worth is the target value."""
for s in stamps:
assert s in options
return len(stamps) <= max_stamps and sum(stamps) == target
def sol(target, max_stamps, options):
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
for n in range(max_stamps + 1):
for c in combinations_with_replacement(options, n):
if sum(c) == target:
return list(c)
def gen_random(self):
max_stamps = self.random.randrange(1, 10)
options = [self.random.randrange(1, 100) for _ in range(self.random.randrange(1, 10))]
target = sum(self.random.choices(options, k=self.random.randrange(1, max_stamps + 1)))
self.add(dict(target=target, max_stamps=max_stamps, options=options))
class Sudoku(PuzzleGenerator):
"""The classic game of [Sudoku]("""
def sat(x: str, puz='____9_2___7__________1_8_4____2_78____4_____1____69____2_8___5__6__3_7___49______'):
"""Find the unique valid solution to the Sudoku puzzle"""
assert all(c == "_" or c == s for (c, s) in zip(puz, x))
full = set('123456789')
for i in range(9):
assert {x[i] for i in range(9 * i, 9 * i + 9)} == full, "invalid row"
assert {x[i] for i in range(i, i + 81, 9)} == full, "invalid column"
assert {x[9 * a + b + i + 26 * (i % 3)] for a in range(3) for b in range(3)} == full, "invalid square"
return True
def solve(puz):
"""Simple depth-first backtracking solver that branches at the square with fewest possibilities"""
sets = [{int(c)} if c != '_' else set(range(1, 10)) for c in puz]
groups = []
for i in range(9):
groups.append(list(range(9 * i, 9 * i + 9)))
groups.append(list(range(i, i + 81, 9)))
groups.append([9 * a + b + i + 26 * (i % 3) for a in range(3) for b in range(3)])
inv = [[] for i in range(81)]
for g in groups:
for i in g:
def reduce():
"""Reduce possibilities and return False if it's clearly impossible to solve, True otherwise.
Repeatedly applies two types of logic:
* When an entry has a single possibility, remove that value from all 20 neighbors
* When a row/col/square has only one entry with k as a possibility, fill in that possibility
done = False
while not done:
done = True
for i in range(81):
new = sets[i] - {k for g in inv[i] for j in g if j != i and len(sets[j]) == 1 for k in sets[j]}
if not new:
return False
if len(sets[i]) != len(new):
sets[i] = new
done = False
for g in groups:
for k in range(1, 10):
possibilities = [i for i in g if k in sets[i]]
if not possibilities:
return False
if len(possibilities) == 1:
i = possibilities[0]
if len(sets[i]) > 1:
done = False
sets[i] = {k}
return True
ans = []
counter = 0
def solve_helper():
nonlocal sets, ans, counter
counter += 1
assert len(ans) <= 1, "Sudoku puzzle should have a unique solution"
old_sets = sets[:]
if reduce():
if all(len(s) == 1 for s in sets):
ans.append("".join(str(list(s)[0]) for s in sets))
smallest_set = min(range(81), key=lambda i: len(sets[i]) if len(sets[i]) > 1 else 10)
for v in sorted(sets[smallest_set]):
sets[smallest_set] = {v}
sets = old_sets
assert ans, "No solution found"
return ans[0]
def print_board(board):
"""Helpful method used for development"""
for i in range(9):
for j in range(9):
print(board[9 * i + j], end=" " if j == 2 or j == 5 else "")
if i == 2 or i == 5:
def print_sets(sets):
"""Helpful method used for development"""
ans = ""
for i in range(9):
for j in range(9):
ans += " " + "".join(str(k) if k in sets[9 * i + j] else "_" for k in range(1, 10))
if j == 2 or j == 5:
ans += " | "
if i == 8:
ans += "\n"
if i == 2 or i == 5:
ans += "\n"
def gen_sudoku_puzzle(rand):
groups = []
for i in range(9):
groups.append(list(range(9 * i, 9 * i + 9)))
groups.append(list(range(i, i + 81, 9)))
groups.append([9 * a + b + i + 26 * (i % 3) for a in range(3) for b in range(3)])
inv = [[] for i in range(81)]
for g in groups:
for i in g:
def solve(puz):
"""Basically the same as our solver above except that it returns a list of (up to 2) solutions."""
sets = [{int(c)} if c != '_' else set(range(1, 10)) for c in puz]
def reduce():
"""Reduce possibilities and return False if it's clearly impossible to solve, True otherwise.
Repeatedly applies two types of logic:
* When an entry has a single possibility, remove that value from all 20 neighbors
* When a row/col/square has only one entry with k as a possibility, fill in that possibility
done = False
while not done:
done = True
for i in range(81):
new = sets[i] - {k for g in inv[i] for j in g if j != i and len(sets[j]) == 1 for k in sets[j]}
if not new:
return False
if len(sets[i]) != len(new):
sets[i] = new
done = False
for g in groups:
for k in range(1, 10):
possibilities = [i for i in g if k in sets[i]]
if not possibilities:
return False
if len(possibilities) == 1:
i = possibilities[0]
if len(sets[i]) > 1:
done = False
sets[i] = {k}
return True
ans = []
counter = 0
def solve_helper():
nonlocal sets, ans, counter
counter += 1
if len(ans) > 1:
old_sets = sets[:]
if reduce():
if all(len(s) == 1 for s in sets):
ans.append("".join(str(list(s)[0]) for s in sets))
smallest_set = min(range(81), key=lambda i: len(sets[i]) if len(sets[i]) > 1 else 10)
pi = sorted(sets[smallest_set])
for v in pi:
sets[smallest_set] = {v}
sets = old_sets
return ans
x = ["_"] * 81
perm = list("123456789")
x[:9] == perm
x = list(solve(x)[0])
done = False
while not done:
done = True
pi = list([i for i in range(81) if x[i] != "_"])
for i in pi:
old = x[i]
x[i] = "_"
ans = solve("".join(x))
assert ans
if len(ans) > 1:
x[i] = old
done = False
# print()
# Sudoku.print_board(x)
# print(" ", 81-x.count("_"))
return "".join(x)
def gen_random(self):
puz = None
for attempt in range(10 if self.num_generated_so_far() < 10 else 1):
puz2 = Sudoku.gen_sudoku_puzzle(self.random)
if puz is None or puz2.count("_") > puz.count("_"):
puz = puz2
class SquaringTheSquare(PuzzleGenerator):
"""[Squaring the square](
Wikipedia gives a minimal [solution with 21 squares](
due to Duijvestijn (1978).
def sat(xy_sides: List[List[int]]):
Partition a square into smaller squares with unique side lengths. A perfect squared path has distinct sides.
xy_sides is a List of (x, y, side)
n = max(x + side for x, y, side in xy_sides)
assert len({side for x, y, side in xy_sides}) == len(xy_sides) > 1
for x, y, s in xy_sides:
assert 0 <= y < y + s <= n and 0 <= x
for x2, y2, s2 in xy_sides:
assert s2 <= s or x2 >= x + s or x2 + s2 <= x or y2 >= y + s or y2 + s2 <= y
return sum(side ** 2 for x, y, side in xy_sides) == n ** 2
def sol():
return [[0, 0, 50], [0, 50, 29], [0, 79, 33], [29, 50, 25], [29, 75, 4], [33, 75, 37], [50, 0, 35],
[50, 35, 15], [54, 50, 9], [54, 59, 16], [63, 50, 2], [63, 52, 7], [65, 35, 17], [70, 52, 18],
[70, 70, 42], [82, 35, 11], [82, 46, 6], [85, 0, 27], [85, 27, 8], [88, 46, 24], [93, 27, 19]]
class NecklaceSplit(PuzzleGenerator):
"""[Necklace Splitting Problem]("""
def sat(n: int, lace="bbrbrbbbbbbrrrrrrrbrrrrbbbrbrrbbbrbrrrbrrbrrbrbbrrrrrbrbbbrrrbbbrbbrbbbrbrbb"):
Find a split dividing the given red/blue necklace in half at n so that each piece has an equal number of
reds and blues.
sub = lace[n: n + len(lace) // 2]
return n >= 0 and lace.count("r") == 2 * sub.count("r") and lace.count("b") == 2 * sub.count("b")
def sol(lace):
if lace == "":
return 0
return next(n for n in range(len(lace) // 2) if lace[n: n + len(lace) // 2].count("r") == len(lace) // 4)
def gen_random(self):
m = 2 * self.random.randrange(self.random.choice([10, 100, 1000]))
lace = ["r", "b"] * m
lace = "".join(lace)
class PandigitalSquare(PuzzleGenerator):
"""[Pandigital]( Square"""
def sat(n: int):
"""Find an integer whose square has all digits 0-9 once."""
s = str(n * n)
for i in "0123456789":
assert s.count(i) == 1
return True
def sol():
for n in range(10 ** 5):
if sorted([int(s) for s in str(n * n)]) == list(range(10)):
return n
class AllPandigitalSquares(PuzzleGenerator):
"""All [Pandigital]( Squares"""
def sat(nums: List[int]):
"""Find all 174 integers whose 10-digit square has all digits 0-9 just once."""
return [sorted([int(s) for s in str(n * n)]) for n in set(nums)] == [list(range(10))] * 174
def sol():
return [i for i in range(-10 ** 5, 10 ** 5) if sorted([int(s) for s in str(i * i)]) == list(range(10))]
# MAYBE: add a version of TowersOfHanoiArbitrary where one has to find the fewest moves (maybe with more than 3 pegs)
class CardGame24(PuzzleGenerator):
"""[24 Game](
In this game one is given four numbers from the range 1-13 (Ace-King) and one needs to combine them with
+ - * / (and parentheses)
to make the number 24.
The solution to this tricky example is `7 * (3 + 3 / 7)`
def sat(expr: str, nums=[3, 7, 3, 7]):
"""Find a formula with two 3's and two 7's and + - * / (and parentheses) that evaluates to 24."""
assert len(nums) == 4 and 1 <= min(nums) and max(nums) <= 13, "hint: nums is a list of four ints in 1..13"
expr = expr.replace(" ", "") # ignore whitespace
digits = ""
for i in range(len(expr)):
if i == 0 or expr[i - 1] in "+*-/(":
assert expr[i] in "123456789(", "Expr cannot contain **, //, or unary -"
assert expr[i] in "1234567890()+-*/", "Expr can only contain `0123456789()+-*/`"
digits += expr[i] if expr[i] in "0123456789" else " "
assert sorted(int(s) for s in digits.split()) == sorted(nums), "Each number must occur exactly once"
return abs(eval(expr) - 24.0) < 1e-6
def sol(nums):
def helper(pairs):
if len(pairs) == 2:
(x, s), (y, t) = pairs
ans = {
x + y: f"{s}+{t}",
x - y: f"{s}-({t})",
y - x: f"{t}-({s})",
x * y: f"({s})*({t})"
if y != 0:
ans[x / y] = f"({s})/({t})"
if x != 0:
ans[y / x] = f"({t})/({s})"
return ans
ans = {y: t
for i in range(len(pairs))
for x_s in helper(pairs[:i] + pairs[i + 1:]).items()
for y, t in helper([x_s, pairs[i]]).items()}
if len(pairs) == 3:
return ans
ans.update({z: u
for i in range(1, 4)
for x_s in helper([pairs[0], pairs[i]]).items()
for y_t in helper(pairs[1:i] + pairs[i + 1:]).items()
for z, u in helper([x_s, y_t]).items()
return ans
derivations = helper([(n, str(n)) for n in nums])
for x in derivations:
if abs(x - 24.0) < 1e-6:
return derivations[x]
def gen_random(self):
nums = [self.random.randint(1, 13) for _ in range(4)]
if self.sol(nums):
self.add({"nums": nums})
class Easy63(PuzzleGenerator):
'''An easy puzzle to make 63 using two 8's and one 1's.'''
def sat(s: str):
"""Find a formula using two 8s and two 1's and -+*/ that evaluates to 1."""
return set(s) <= set("18-+*/") and s.count("8") == 2 and s.count("1") == 1 and eval(s) == 63
def sol():
return "8*8-1"
class Harder63(PuzzleGenerator):
'''An harder puzzle to make 63 using three 8's and one 1's.'''
def sat(s: str):
"""Find an expression using two 8s and two 1's and -+*/ that evaluates to 1."""
return set(s) <= set("18-+*/") and s.count("8") == 3 and s.count("1") == 1 and eval(s) == 63
def sol():
return "8*8-1**8"
class WaterPouring(PuzzleGenerator):
"""[Water pouring puzzle]("""
def sat(moves: List[List[int]], capacities=[8, 5, 3], init=[8, 0, 0], goal=[4, 4, 0]):
Given an initial state of water quantities in jugs and jug capacities, find a sequence of moves (pouring
one jug into another until it is full or the first is empty) to reaches the given goal state.
moves is list of [from, to] pairs
state = init.copy()
for [i, j] in moves:
assert min(i, j) >= 0, "Indices must be non-negative"
assert i != j, "Cannot pour from same state to itself"
n = min(capacities[j], state[i] + state[j])
state[i], state[j] = state[i] + state[j] - n, n
return state == goal
def sol(capacities, init, goal):
from collections import deque
num_jugs = len(capacities)
start = tuple(init)
target = tuple(goal)
trails = {start: ([], start)}
queue = deque([tuple(init)])
while target not in trails:
state = queue.popleft()
for i in range(num_jugs):
for j in range(num_jugs):
if i != j:
n = min(capacities[j], state[i] + state[j])
new_state = list(state)
new_state[i], new_state[j] = state[i] + state[j] - n, n
new_state = tuple(new_state)
if new_state not in trails:
trails[new_state] = ([i, j], state)
ans = []
state = target
while state != start:
move, state = trails[state]
return ans[::-1]
def gen_random(self):
def random_reachable(capacities: List[int], init: List[int]):
num_jugs = len(capacities)
reachables = set()
queue = {tuple(init)}
while queue:
state = queue.pop()
if state not in reachables:
for i in range(num_jugs):
for j in range(num_jugs):
if i != j:
n = min(capacities[j], state[i] + state[j])
new_state = list(state)
new_state[i], new_state[j] = state[i] + state[j] - n, n
new_state = tuple(new_state)
return list(self.random.choice(sorted(reachables)))
# sorted ensures same result if run twice despite use of sets
capacities = [self.random.randrange(1, 1000) for _ in range(3)]
init = [self.random.randrange(1, c + 1) for c in capacities]
goal = random_reachable(capacities, init)
self.add(dict(init=init, goal=goal, capacities=capacities))
class VerbalArithmetic(PuzzleGenerator): # updated because the answer was given away in the docstring! OMG
Find a substitution of digits for characters to make the numbers add up in a sum like this:
The first digit in any number cannot be 0. In this example the solution is `9567 + 1085 = 10652`.
See [Wikipedia article](
def sat(li: List[int], words=["SEND", "MORE", "MONEY"]):
Find a list of integers corresponding to the given list of strings substituting a different digit for each
character, so that the last string corresponds to the sum of the previous numbers.
assert len(li) == len(words) and all(i > 0 and len(str(i)) == len(w) for i, w in zip(li, words))
assert len({c for w in words for c in w}) == len({(d, c) for i, w in zip(li, words) for d, c in zip(str(i), w)})
return sum(li[:-1]) == li[-1]
def sol(words):
print("solving", words)
pi = list(range(10)) # permutation
letters = []
order = {}
steps = []
tens = 1
for col in range(1, 1 + max(len(w) for w in words)):
for w in words:
is_tot = (w is words[-1])
if len(w) >= col:
c = w[-col]
if c in order:
if is_tot:
kind = "check"
kind = "seen"
if is_tot:
kind = "derive"
kind = "add"
order[c] = len(letters)
steps.append((kind, order[c], tens))
tens *= 10
inits = [any(w[0] == c for w in words) for c in letters]
def helper(pos, delta): # on success, returns True and pi has the correct values
if pos == len(steps):
return delta == 0
kind, i, tens = steps[pos]
if kind == "seen":
return helper(pos + 1, delta + tens * pi[i])
if kind == "add":
for j in range(i, 10):
if pi[j] != 0 or not inits[i]: # not adding a leading 0
pi[i], pi[j] = pi[j], pi[i]
if helper(pos + 1, delta + tens * pi[i]):
return True
pi[i], pi[j] = pi[j], pi[i]
return False
if kind == "check":
delta -= tens * pi[i]
return (delta % (10 * tens)) == 0 and helper(pos + 1, delta)
assert kind == "derive"
digit = (delta % (10 * tens)) // tens
if digit == 0 and inits[i]:
return False # would be a leading 0
j = pi.index(digit)
if j < i:
return False # already used
pi[i], pi[j] = pi[j], pi[i]
if helper(pos + 1, delta - tens * digit):
return True
pi[i], pi[j] = pi[j], pi[i]
return False
assert helper(0, 0)
return [int("".join(str(pi[order[c]]) for c in w)) for w in words]
_fixed = [
["FORTY", "TEN", "TEN", "SIXTY"],
def gen(self, target_num_instances):
for words in self._fixed:
def gen_random(self):
alpha = list("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
n = self.random.randrange(2, 10)
nums = [self.random.randrange(10000) for _ in range(n)]
words = ["".join(alpha[int(d)] for d in str(i)) for i in nums]
self.add(dict(words=words)) # , test=False)
class SlidingPuzzle(PuzzleGenerator):
[Sliding puzzle](
The 3-, 8-, and 15-sliding puzzles are classic examples of A* search.
The problem is NP-hard but the puzzles can all be solved with A* and an efficient representation.
def sat(moves: List[int], start=[[5, 0, 2, 3], [1, 9, 6, 7], [4, 14, 8, 11], [12, 13, 10, 15]]):
In this puzzle, you are given a board like:
1 2 5
3 4 0
6 7 8
and your goal is to transform it to:
0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8
by a sequence of swaps with the 0 square (0 indicates blank). The starting configuration is given by a 2d list
of lists and the answer is represented by a list of integers indicating which number you swap with 0. In the
above example, an answer would be [1, 2, 5]
locs = {i: [x, y] for y, row in enumerate(start) for x, i in enumerate(row)} # locations, 0 stands for blank
for i in moves:
assert abs(locs[0][0] - locs[i][0]) + abs(locs[0][1] - locs[i][1]) == 1
locs[0], locs[i] = locs[i], locs[0]
return all(locs[i] == [i % len(start[0]), i // len(start)] for i in locs)
def sol(start):
from collections import defaultdict
import math
d = len(start)
N = d * d
assert all(len(row) == d for row in start)
def get_state(
li): # state is an integer with 4 bits for each slot and the last 4 bits indicate where the blank is
ans = 0
for i in li[::-1] + [li.index(0)]:
ans = (ans << 4) + i
return ans
start = get_state([i for row in start for i in row])
target = get_state(list(range(N)))
def h(state): # manhattan distance
ans = 0
for i in range(N):
state = (state >> 4)
n = state & 15
if n != 0:
ans += abs(i % d - n % d) + abs(i // d - n // d)
return ans
g = defaultdict(lambda: math.inf)
g[start] = 0 # shortest p ath lengths
f = {start: h(start)} # f[s] = g[s] + h(s)
backtrack = {}
todo = {start}
import heapq
heap = [(f[start], start)]
neighbors = [[i for i in [b - 1, b + 1, b + d, b - d] if i in range(N) and (b // d == i // d or b % d == i % d)]
for b in range(N)]
def next_state(s, blank, i):
assert blank == (s & 15)
v = (s >> (4 * i + 4)) & 15
return s + (i - blank) + (v << (4 * blank + 4)) - (v << (4 * i + 4))
while todo:
(dist, s) = heapq.heappop(heap)
if f[s] < dist:
if s == target:
# compute path
ans = []
while s != start:
s, i = backtrack[s]
ans.append((s >> (4 * i + 4)) & 15)
return ans[::-1]
blank = s & 15
score = g[s] + 1
for i in neighbors[blank]:
s2 = next_state(s, blank, i)
if score < g[s2]:
# paths[s2] = paths[s] + [s[i]]
g[s2] = score
backtrack[s2] = (s, i)
score2 = score + h(s2)
f[s2] = score2
heapq.heappush(heap, (score2, s2))
def gen_random(self):
d = self.random.randint(2, 4)
N = d * d
state = list(range(N))
num_moves = self.random.randrange(100)
for _ in range(num_moves):
blank = state.index(0)
delta = self.random.choice([-1, 1, d, -d])
i = blank + delta
if i not in range(N) or delta == 1 and i % d == 0 or delta == -1 and blank % d == 0:
state[i], state[blank] = state[blank], state[i]
start = [list(state[i:i + d]) for i in range(0, N, d)]
if __name__ == "__main__":