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"""Problems related to graphs such as Conway's 99 problem, finding
[cliques]( of various sizes, shortest path (Dijkstra) """
from puzzle_generator import PuzzleGenerator, Tags
from typing import List
# See to learn about adding puzzles
class Conway99(PuzzleGenerator):
"""Conway's 99-graph problem (*unsolved*, open problem)
Conway's 99-graph problem is an unsolved problem in graph theory.
In Conway's terminology, from [Five $1,000 Problems (Update 2017)](
"Is there a graph with 99 vertices in which every edge (i.e. pair of joined vertices) belongs to a unique
triangle and every nonedge (pair of unjoined vertices) to a unique quadrilateral?"
See also this [Wikipedia article](
def sat(edges: List[List[int]]):
Find an undirected graph with 99 vertices, in which each two adjacent vertices have exactly one common
neighbor, and in which each two non-adjacent vertices have exactly two common neighbors.
# first compute neighbors sets, N:
N = {i: {j for j in range(99) if j != i and ([i, j] in edges or [j, i] in edges)} for i in range(99)}
return all(len(N[i].intersection(N[j])) == (1 if j in N[i] else 2) for i in range(99) for j in range(i))
def dedup_edges(stuff):
seen = set()
return [a for a in stuff if tuple(a) not in seen and not seen.add(tuple(a))]
class AnyEdge(PuzzleGenerator):
"""Trivial [graph]( problem."""
def sat(e: List[int], edges=[[0, 217], [40, 11], [17, 29], [11, 12], [31, 51]]):
"""Find any edge in edges."""
return e in edges
def sol(edges):
return edges[0]
def gen_random(self):
n = self.random.randrange(1, self.random.choice([10, 100]))
m = self.random.randrange(1, 10 * n)
# random graph:
edges = dedup_edges([[self.random.randrange(n + 1), self.random.randrange(n + 1)] for _ in range(m)])
self.add({"edges": edges})
class AnyTriangle(PuzzleGenerator):
Easy [graph]( problem,
see [triangle](
def sat(tri: List[int], edges=[[0, 17], [0, 22], [17, 22], [17, 31], [22, 31], [31, 17]]):
"""Find any triangle in the given directed graph."""
a, b, c = tri
return [a, b] in edges and [b, c] in edges and [c, a] in edges and a != b != c != a
def sol(edges):
from collections import defaultdict
outs = defaultdict(set)
ins = defaultdict(set)
for i, j in edges:
if j != i:
for i in outs:
for j in outs[i]:
if j in outs:
k = min(outs[j].intersection(ins[i]))
return [i, j, k]
except ValueError:
def gen_random(self):
n = self.random.randrange(1, self.random.choice([10, 100]))
m = self.random.randrange(1, 10 * n)
# random graph:
edges = dedup_edges([[self.random.randrange(n + 1), self.random.randrange(n + 1)] for _ in range(m)])
tri = self.sol(edges)
if tri:
assert self.sat(tri, edges)
self.add({"edges": edges})
class PlantedClique(PuzzleGenerator):
"""Find a [planted clique]( of a given size
in an undirected graph. Finding a polynomial-time algorithm for this problem has been *unsolved* for
some time."""
def sat(nodes: List[int], size=3, edges=[[0, 17], [0, 22], [17, 22], [17, 31], [22, 31], [31, 17]]):
"""Find a clique of the given size in the given undirected graph. It is guaranteed that such a clique exists."""
assert len(nodes) == len(set(nodes)) >= size
edge_set = {(a, b) for (a, b) in edges}
for a in nodes:
for b in nodes:
assert a == b or (a, b) in edge_set or (b, a) in edge_set
return True
def sol(size, edges):
# brute force (finds list in increasing order), but with a tiny bit of speedup
if size == 0:
return []
from collections import defaultdict
neighbors = defaultdict(set)
n = max(max(e) for e in edges)
for (a, b) in edges:
if a != b:
pools = [list(range(n + 1))]
indices = [-1]
while pools:
indices[-1] += 1
if indices[-1] >= len(pools[-1]) - size + len(pools): # since list is increasing order
if len(pools) == size:
return [pool[i] for pool, i in zip(pools, indices)]
a = (pools[-1])[indices[-1]]
pools.append([i for i in pools[-1] if i > a and i in neighbors[a]])
assert False, f"No clique of size {size}"
def gen_random(self):
n = self.random.randrange(1, self.random.choice([10, 20, 50, 100]))
m = self.random.randrange(1, 10 * n)
# random graph:
edges = [[self.random.randrange(n + 1), self.random.randrange(n + 1)] for _ in range(m)]
size = self.random.randrange(min(20, n))
clique = self.random.sample(range(n), size)
for a in clique: # plant clique!
for b in clique:
if a < b:
edges.append(self.random.choice([[a, b], [b, a]]))
edges = dedup_edges(edges)
self.add({"edges": edges, "size": size}, test=(size <= 10))
class ShortestPath(PuzzleGenerator):
"""Shortest Path, see (Dijkstra's algorithm)[]"""
def sat(path: List[int], weights=[{1: 20, 2: 1}, {2: 2, 3: 5}, {1: 10}], bound=11):
Find a path from node 0 to node 1, of length at most bound, in the given digraph.
weights[a][b] is weight on edge [a,b] for (int) nodes a, b
return path[0] == 0 and path[-1] == 1 and sum(weights[a][b] for a, b in zip(path, path[1:])) <= bound
def sol(weights, bound):
# Dijkstra's algorithm (bound is ignored)
u, v = 0, 1 # go from 0 to 1
import heapq
queue = [(0, u, u)] # distance, node, trail
trails = {}
while queue:
dist, i, j = heapq.heappop(queue)
if i in trails:
trails[i] = j
if i == v:
for j in weights[i]:
if j not in trails:
heapq.heappush(queue, (dist + weights[i][j], j, i))
if v in trails:
rev_path = [v]
while rev_path[-1] != u:
return rev_path[::-1]
# no path
def gen_random(self):
n = self.random.randrange(1, self.random.choice([10, 20, 50, 100]))
m = self.random.randrange(n, 5 * n)
# random graph:
weights = [{} for _ in range(n)]
for _ in range(m):
weights[self.random.randrange(n)][self.random.randrange(n)] = self.random.randrange(1000)
path = self.sol(weights, bound=None)
if path:
bound = sum(weights[a][b] for a, b in zip(path, path[1:]))
assert self.sat(path, weights, bound)
self.add(dict(weights=weights, bound=bound))
class UnweightedShortestPath(PuzzleGenerator):
Unweighted Shortest Path
See (Dijkstra's algorithm)[]
def sat(path: List[int],
edges=[[0, 11], [0, 7], [7, 5], [0, 22], [11, 22], [11, 33], [22, 33]],
"""Find a path from node u to node v, of a bounded length, in the given digraph on vertices 0, 1,..., n."""
assert path[0] == u and path[-1] == v and all([i, j] in edges for i, j in zip(path, path[1:]))
return len(path) <= bound
def sol(edges, u, v, bound):
# Dijkstra's algorithm
import heapq
from collections import defaultdict
queue = [(0, u, u)] # distance, node, trail
trails = {}
neighbors = defaultdict(set)
for (i, j) in edges:
while queue:
dist, i, j = heapq.heappop(queue)
if i in trails:
trails[i] = j
if i == v:
for j in neighbors[i]:
if j not in trails:
heapq.heappush(queue, (dist + 1, j, i))
if v in trails:
rev_path = [v]
while rev_path[-1] != u:
return rev_path[::-1]
# no path
def gen_random(self):
n = self.random.randrange(1, self.random.choice([10, 20, 50, 100]))
m = self.random.randrange(n, 5 * n)
# random graph:
edges = dedup_edges([self.random.randrange(n + 1), self.random.randrange(n + 1)] for _ in range(5 * n))
u = self.random.randrange(n)
v = self.random.randrange(n)
path = self.sol(edges, u, v, bound=None)
if path:
bound = len(path)
assert self.sat(path, edges, u, v, bound)
self.add(dict(u=u, v=v, edges=edges, bound=bound))
class AnyPath(PuzzleGenerator):
"""Any Path"""
def sat(path: List[int], edges=[[0, 1], [0, 2], [1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 4], [5, 6], [6, 7], [1, 2]]):
""" Find any path from node 0 to node n in a given digraph on vertices 0, 1,..., n."""
for i in range(len(path) - 1):
assert [path[i], path[i + 1]] in edges
assert path[0] == 0
assert path[-1] == max(max(edge) for edge in edges)
return True
def sol(edges):
n = max(max(edge) for edge in edges)
paths = {0: [0]}
for _ in range(n + 1):
for i, j in edges:
if i in paths and j not in paths:
paths[j] = paths[i] + [j]
return paths.get(n)
def gen_random(self):
n = self.random.randrange(1, self.random.choice([10, 100]))
# random graph:
edges = dedup_edges([self.random.randrange(n), self.random.randrange(n)] for _ in range(2 * n))
if self.sol(edges):
class EvenPath(PuzzleGenerator):
def sat(path: List[int], edges=[[0, 1], [0, 2], [1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 4], [5, 6], [6, 7], [1, 2]]):
"""Find a path with an even number of nodes from nodes 0 to n in the given digraph on vertices 0, 1,..., n."""
assert path[0] == 0 and path[-1] == max(max(e) for e in edges)
assert all([[a, b] in edges for a, b in zip(path, path[1:])])
return len(path) % 2 == 0
def sol(edges):
even_paths = {}
odd_paths = {0: [0]}
n = max(max(e) for e in edges)
for _ in range(n + 1):
for i, j in edges:
if i in even_paths and j not in odd_paths:
odd_paths[j] = even_paths[i] + [j]
if i in odd_paths and j not in even_paths:
even_paths[j] = odd_paths[i] + [j]
return even_paths.get(n)
def gen_random(self):
n = self.random.randrange(1, self.random.choice([10, 100]))
# random graph:
edges = dedup_edges([self.random.randrange(n), self.random.randrange(n)] for _ in range(2 * n))
if self.sol(edges):
class OddPath(PuzzleGenerator):
"""To make it even more different than EvenPath, we changed to go from node 0 to node *1*."""
def sat(p: List[int], edges=[[0, 1], [0, 2], [1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 4], [5, 6], [6, 7], [6, 1]]):
"""Find a path with an even number of nodes from nodes 0 to 1 in the given digraph on vertices 0, 1,..., n."""
return p[0] == 0 and p[-1] == 1 == len(p) % 2 and all([[a, b] in edges for a, b in zip(p, p[1:])])
def sol(edges):
even_paths = {}
odd_paths = {0: [0]}
n = 1
for _ in range(max(max(e) for e in edges) + 1):
for i, j in edges:
if i in even_paths and j not in odd_paths:
odd_paths[j] = even_paths[i] + [j]
if i in odd_paths and j not in even_paths:
even_paths[j] = odd_paths[i] + [j]
return odd_paths.get(n)
def gen_random(self):
n = self.random.randrange(1, self.random.choice([10, 100]))
# random graph:
edges = dedup_edges([self.random.randrange(n), self.random.randrange(n)] for _ in range(2 * n))
if self.sol(edges):
class Zarankiewicz(PuzzleGenerator):
"""[Zarankiewicz problem]("""
def sat(edges: List[List[int]], z=20, n=5, t=3):
"""Find a bipartite graph with n vertices on each side, z edges, and no K_3,3 subgraph."""
from itertools import combinations
edges = {(a, b) for a, b in edges if a in range(n) and b in range(n)} # convert to a set for efficiency
assert len(edges) >= z
return all(
any((a, b) not in edges for a in left for b in right)
for left in combinations(range(n), t)
for right in combinations(range(n), t)
def sol(z, n, t):
from itertools import combinations
all_edges = [(a, b) for a in range(n) for b in range(n)]
for edges in combinations(all_edges, z):
edge_set = set(edges)
if all(any((a, b) not in edge_set for a in left for b in right)
for left in combinations(range(n), t)
for right in combinations(range(n), t)):
return [[a, b] for a, b in edges]
def gen(self, target_num_instances):
if self.num_generated_so_far() < target_num_instances:
self.add(dict(z=26, n=6, t=3), test=False)
if self.num_generated_so_far() < target_num_instances:
self.add(dict(z=13, n=4, t=3))
class GraphIsomorphism(PuzzleGenerator):
The classic [Graph Isomorphism]( problem.
It is unknown whether or not there exists a polynomial-time algorithm
for this problem, though an unpublished quasi-polynomial-time algorithm has been announced by Babai.
The classic version is a decision problem: given two graphs, determine whether or not they are isomorphic.
However, it is polynomial-time equivalent to the one below through a standard reduction. In particular, if you
could solve the search problem below (finding the actual bijection), then you can decide isomorphism because the
search solver would simply fail on non-isomorphic graphs. Conversely, if you could solve the decision problem,
then you can find a bijection as follows: if the decider determines that the graphs are isomorphic, for each node
in the first graph, find a corresponding node in the second graph as follows. Add N self-edges from the node to
itself where N is the maximum degree in the graph + 1, and do that for each candidate node in the second graph.
For each of these additions, test isomorphism. If the graphs are isomorphic then there must be a bijection that maps
the first node to the second. Repeat this for each node until you have found a bijection. (If self-loops are not
allowed, one can do this by adding N additional nodes for each test.
def sat(bi: List[int], g1=[[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [2, 5]], g2=[[0, 4], [1, 5], [4, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3]]):
You are given two graphs which are permutations of one another and the goal is to find the permutation.
Each graph is specified by a list of edges where each edge is a pair of integer vertex numbers.
return len(bi) == len(set(bi)) and {(i, j) for i, j in g1} == {(bi[i], bi[j]) for i, j in g2}
def sol(g1, g2):
# exponentially slow
from itertools import permutations
n = max(i for g in [g1, g2] for e in g for i in e) + 1
g1_set = {(i, j) for i, j in g1}
for pi in permutations(range(n)):
if all((pi[i], pi[j]) in g1_set for i, j in g2):
return list(pi)
assert False, f"Graphs are not isomorphic {g1}, {g2}"
def gen_random(self):
n = self.random.randrange(20)
g1 = sorted({(self.random.randrange(n), self.random.randrange(n)) for _ in range((n * n) // 2)})
if not g1:
pi = list(range(n))
g1 = [[i, j] for i, j in g1]
g2 = [[pi[i], pi[j]] for i, j in g1]
self.add(dict(g1=g1, g2=g2), test=n < 10) # only test for small n
class ShortIntegerPath(PuzzleGenerator):
"""This is a more interesting version of Study_20 with an additional length constraint. One can think of the graph
defined by the integer pairs."""
def sat(li: List[int]):
Find a list of nine integers, starting with 0 and ending with 128, such that each integer either differs from
the previous one by one or is thrice the previous one.
return all(j in {i - 1, i + 1, 3 * i} for i, j in zip([0] + li, li + [128])) and len(li) == 9
def sol():
return [1, 3, 4, 12, 13, 14, 42, 126, 127]
if __name__ == "__main__":