290 строки
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290 строки
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
namespace Quantum.Kata.Superposition {
open Microsoft.Quantum.Diagnostics;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Arrays;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Canon;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Convert;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Math;
// Welcome!
// "Superposition" quantum kata is a series of exercises designed
// to get you familiar with programming in Q#.
// It covers the following topics:
// - basic single-qubit and multi-qubit gates,
// - superposition,
// - flow control and recursion in Q#.
// Each task is wrapped in one operation preceded by the description of the task.
// Each task (except tasks in which you have to write a test) has a unit test associated with it,
// which initially fails. Your goal is to fill in the blank (marked with // ... comment)
// with some Q# code to make the failing test pass.
// The tasks are given in approximate order of increasing difficulty; harder ones are marked with asterisks.
// Part I. Simple Gates
// Task 1.1. Plus state
// Input: a qubit in the |0⟩ state.
// Goal: prepare a |+⟩ state on this qubit (|+⟩ = (|0⟩ + |1⟩) / sqrt(2)).
operation PlusState (q : Qubit) : Unit {
// Hadamard gate H will convert |0⟩ state to |+⟩ state.
// Type the following: H(q);
// Then rebuild the project and rerun the tests - T01_PlusState should now pass!
// ...
// Task 1.2. Minus state
// Input: a qubit in the |0⟩ state.
// Goal: prepare a |-⟩ state on this qubit (|-⟩ = (|0⟩ - |1⟩) / sqrt(2)).
operation MinusState (q : Qubit) : Unit {
// In this task, as well as in all subsequent ones, you have to come up with the solution yourself.
// ...
// Task 1.3. Superposition of all basis vectors on two qubits
// Input: two qubits in |00⟩ state (stored in an array of length 2).
// Goal: create the following state on these qubits: (|00⟩ + |01⟩ + |10⟩ + |11⟩) / 2.
operation AllBasisVectors_TwoQubits (qs : Qubit[]) : Unit {
// The following lines enforce the constraints on the input that you are given.
// You don't need to modify them. Feel free to remove them, this won't cause your code to fail.
Fact(Length(qs) == 2, "The array should have exactly 2 qubits.");
// ...
// Task 1.4. Superposition of basis vectors with phase flip.
// Input: two qubits in |00⟩ state (stored in an array of length 2).
// Goal: create the following state on these qubits: (|00⟩ + |01⟩ + |10⟩ - |11⟩) / 2.
operation AllBasisVectorWithPhaseFlip_TwoQubits (qs : Qubit[]) : Unit {
// ...
// Task 1.5. Superposition of basis vectors with phases
// Input: two qubits in |00⟩ state (stored in an array of length 2).
// Goal: create the following state on these qubits: (|00⟩ + i*|01⟩ - |10⟩ - i*|11⟩) / 2.
operation AllBasisVectorsWithPhases_TwoQubits (qs : Qubit[]) : Unit {
// The following lines enforce the constraints on the input that you are given.
// You don't need to modify them. Feel free to remove them, this won't cause your code to fail.
Fact(Length(qs) == 2, "The array should have exactly 2 qubits.");
// Hint: Is this state separable?
// ...
// Task 1.6. Bell state
// Input: two qubits in |00⟩ state (stored in an array of length 2).
// Goal: create a Bell state |Φ⁺⟩ = (|00⟩ + |11⟩) / sqrt(2) on these qubits.
operation BellState (qs : Qubit[]) : Unit {
// ...
// Task 1.7. All Bell states
// Inputs:
// 1) two qubits in |00⟩ state (stored in an array of length 2)
// 2) an integer index
// Goal: create one of the Bell states based on the value of index:
// 0: |Φ⁺⟩ = (|00⟩ + |11⟩) / sqrt(2)
// 1: |Φ⁻⟩ = (|00⟩ - |11⟩) / sqrt(2)
// 2: |Ψ⁺⟩ = (|01⟩ + |10⟩) / sqrt(2)
// 3: |Ψ⁻⟩ = (|01⟩ - |10⟩) / sqrt(2)
operation AllBellStates (qs : Qubit[], index : Int) : Unit {
// ...
// Task 1.8. Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger state
// Input: N qubits in |0...0⟩ state.
// Goal: create a GHZ state (|0...0⟩ + |1...1⟩) / sqrt(2) on these qubits.
operation GHZ_State (qs : Qubit[]) : Unit {
// Hint: N can be found as Length(qs).
// ...
// Task 1.9. Superposition of all basis vectors
// Input: N qubits in |0...0⟩ state.
// Goal: create an equal superposition of all basis vectors from |0...0⟩ to |1...1⟩
// (i.e. state (|0...0⟩ + ... + |1...1⟩) / sqrt(2^N) ).
operation AllBasisVectorsSuperposition (qs : Qubit[]) : Unit {
// ...
// Task 1.10. Superposition of all even or all odd numbers
// Inputs:
// 1) N qubits in |0...0⟩ state.
// 2) A boolean isEven.
// Goal: create a superposition of all even numbers on N qubits if isEven is true,
// or a superposition of all odd numbers on N qubits if isEven is false.
// A basis state encodes an integer number using big-endian binary notation:
// state |01⟩ corresponds to the integer 1, and state |10⟩ - to the integer 2.
// Example: for N = 2 and isEven = true the required state is (|00⟩ + |10⟩) / sqrt(2),
// and for N = 2 and isEven = false - (|01⟩ + |11⟩) / sqrt(2).
operation EvenOddNumbersSuperposition (qs : Qubit[], isEven : Bool) : Unit {
// ...
// Task 1.11. Superposition of |0...0⟩ and given bit string
// Inputs:
// 1) N qubits in |0...0⟩ state
// 2) bit string represented as Bool[]
// Goal: create an equal superposition of |0...0⟩ and basis state given by the bit string.
// Bit values false and true correspond to |0⟩ and |1⟩ states.
// You are guaranteed that the qubit array and the bit string have the same length.
// You are guaranteed that the first bit of the bit string is true.
// Example: for bit string = [true, false] the qubit state required is (|00⟩ + |10⟩) / sqrt(2).
operation ZeroAndBitstringSuperposition (qs : Qubit[], bits : Bool[]) : Unit {
// The following lines enforce the constraints on the input that you are given.
// You don't need to modify them. Feel free to remove them, this won't cause your code to fail.
Fact(Length(bits) == Length(qs), "Arrays should have the same length");
Fact(Head(bits), "First bit of the input bit string should be set to true");
// ...
// Task 1.12. Superposition of two bit strings
// Inputs:
// 1) N qubits in |0...0⟩ state
// 2) two bit string represented as Bool[]s
// Goal: create an equal superposition of two basis states given by the bit strings.
// Bit values false and true correspond to |0⟩ and |1⟩ states.
// Example: for bit strings [false, true, false] and [false, false, true]
// the qubit state required is (|010⟩ + |001⟩) / sqrt(2).
// You are guaranteed that the both bit strings have the same length as the qubit array,
// and that the bit strings will differ in at least one bit.
operation TwoBitstringSuperposition (qs : Qubit[], bits1 : Bool[], bits2 : Bool[]) : Unit {
// ...
// Task 1.13*. Superposition of four bit strings
// Inputs:
// 1) N qubits in |0...0⟩ state
// 2) four bit string represented as Bool[][] bits
// bits is an array of size 4 x N array which describes the bit strings as follows:
// bits[i] describes the i-th bit string and has N elements.
// All four bit strings will be distinct.
// Goal: create an equal superposition of the four basis states given by the bit strings.
// Example: for N = 3 and bits = [[false, true, false], [true, false, false], [false, false, true], [true, true, false]]
// the state you need to prepare is (|010⟩ + |100⟩ + |001⟩ + |110⟩) / 2.
operation FourBitstringSuperposition (qs : Qubit[], bits : Bool[][]) : Unit {
// Hint: remember that you can allocate extra qubits.
// ...
// Task 1.14. Superposition of all bit strings of the given parity
// Inputs:
// 1) N qubits in |0..0⟩ state (stored in an array of length N).
// 2) An int "parity".
// Goal: change the state to an equal superposition of all basis states that have
// an even number of 1s in them if "parity" = 0, or
// an odd number of 1s in them if "parity" = 1.
// Example: for N = 2, the goal state would be (|00⟩ + |11⟩) / sqrt(2) if "parity" = 0,
// and (|01⟩ + |10⟩) / sqrt(2) if "parity" = 1.
operation AllStatesWithParitySuperposition (qs : Qubit[], parity : Int) : Unit {
// Hint: remember that you can call the solution recursively.
// You are allowed to modify the signature of the method to include adjoint and/or controlled variants.
// ...
// Part II. Arbitrary Rotations
// Task 2.1. Unequal superposition
// Inputs:
// 1) a qubit in the |0⟩ state.
// 2) angle alpha, in radians, represented as Double.
// Goal: prepare a cos(alpha) * |0⟩ + sin(alpha) * |1⟩ state on this qubit.
operation UnequalSuperposition (q : Qubit, alpha : Double) : Unit {
// Hint: Experiment with rotation gates from the Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic namespace.
// Note that all rotation operators rotate the state by _half_ of its angle argument.
// ...
// Task 2.2. 1/sqrt(2)|00⟩ + 1/2|01⟩ + 1/2|10⟩ state
// Input: two qubits in |00⟩ state (stored in an array of length 2).
// Goal: change the state to 1/sqrt(2)|00⟩ + 1/2|10⟩ + 1/2|11⟩.
operation ControlledRotation (qs : Qubit[]) : Unit {
// Task 2.3*. |00⟩ + |01⟩ + |10⟩ state
// Input: 2 qubits in |00⟩ state (stored in an array of length 2).
// Goal: change the state to (|00⟩ + |01⟩ + |10⟩) / sqrt(3).
operation ThreeStates_TwoQubits (qs : Qubit[]) : Unit {
// ...
// Task 2.4*. (|00⟩ + ω |01⟩ + ω² |10⟩) / sqrt(3)
// Input: two qubits in |00⟩ state (stored in an array of length 2).
// Goal: change the state to (|00⟩ + ω |01⟩ + ω² |10⟩) / sqrt(3) where ω is exp(2πi/3).
operation ThreeStates_TwoQubits_Phases (qs : Qubit[]) : Unit {
// ...
// Task 2.5*. Hardy State
// Input: 2 qubits in |00⟩ state.
// Goal: create the state (3|00⟩ + |01⟩ + |10⟩ + |11⟩) / sqrt(12) on these qubits.
operation Hardy_State (qs : Qubit[]) : Unit {
// ...
// Task 2.6*. W state on 2ᵏ qubits
// Input: N = 2ᵏ qubits in |0...0⟩ state.
// Goal: create a W state (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W_state) on these qubits.
// W state is an equal superposition of all basis states on N qubits of Hamming weight 1.
// Example: for N = 4, W state is (|1000⟩ + |0100⟩ + |0010⟩ + |0001⟩) / 2.
operation WState_PowerOfTwo (qs : Qubit[]) : Unit {
// Hint: you can use Controlled modifier to perform arbitrary controlled gates.
// ...
// Task 2.7**. W state on arbitrary number of qubits
// Input: N qubits in |0...0⟩ state (N is not necessarily a power of 2).
// Goal: create a W state (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W_state) on these qubits.
// W state is an equal superposition of all basis states on N qubits of Hamming weight 1.
// Example: for N = 3, W state is (|100⟩ + |010⟩ + |001⟩) / sqrt(3).
operation WState_Arbitrary (qs : Qubit[]) : Unit {
// ...