95 строки
4.0 KiB
95 строки
4.0 KiB
# The same image used by mybinder.org
FROM python:3.7-slim
# install qsharp and the notebook packages
RUN pip install --no-cache --upgrade pip && \
pip install --no-cache notebook qsharp==0.7.1905.3109
# pre-requisites for .NET SDK
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install wget && \
apt-get update && apt-get -y install pgp && \
apt-get update && apt-get -y install libgomp1 && \
# add vim for editing local files:
apt-get update && apt-get -y install vim
# install .NET SDK 2.2
RUN wget -qO- https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc | gpg --dearmor > microsoft.asc.gpg && \
mv microsoft.asc.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ && \
wget -q https://packages.microsoft.com/config/debian/9/prod.list && \
mv prod.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft-prod.list && \
chown root:root /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/microsoft.asc.gpg && \
chown root:root /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft-prod.list && \
apt-get -y install apt-transport-https && \
apt-get -y update && \
apt-get -y install dotnet-sdk-2.2
# create user with a home directory
# Required for mybinder.org
ARG NB_USER=jovyan
RUN adduser --disabled-password \
--gecos "Default user" \
--uid ${NB_UID} \
# Make sure .net tools is in the path
ENV PATH=$PATH:${HOME}/dotnet:${HOME}/.dotnet/tools \
DOTNET_ROOT=${HOME}/dotnet \
# install IQSharp
RUN dotnet tool install -g Microsoft.Quantum.IQSharp --version 0.7.1905.3109
RUN dotnet iqsharp install --user --path-to-tool="$(which dotnet-iqsharp)"
# Make sure the contents of our repo are in ${HOME}
# Required for mybinder.org
USER root
RUN chown -R ${NB_UID} ${HOME}
# Pre-exec notebooks to improve first-use start time
RUN dotnet build BasicGates
RUN jupyter nbconvert BasicGates/BasicGates.ipynb --execute --stdout --to markdown --allow-errors --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=120
RUN dotnet build CHSHGame
RUN jupyter nbconvert CHSHGame/CHSHGame.ipynb --execute --stdout --to markdown --allow-errors --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=120
RUN dotnet build DeutschJozsaAlgorithm
RUN jupyter nbconvert DeutschJozsaAlgorithm/DeutschJozsaAlgorithm.ipynb --execute --stdout --to markdown --allow-errors --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=120
RUN dotnet build GHZGame
RUN jupyter nbconvert GHZGame/GHZGame.ipynb --execute --stdout --to markdown --allow-errors --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=120
RUN dotnet build GroversAlgorithm
RUN jupyter nbconvert GroversAlgorithm/GroversAlgorithm.ipynb --execute --stdout --to markdown --allow-errors --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=120
RUN dotnet build JointMeasurements
RUN jupyter nbconvert JointMeasurements/JointMeasurements.ipynb --execute --stdout --to markdown --allow-errors --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=120
RUN dotnet build MagicSquareGame
RUN jupyter nbconvert MagicSquareGame/MagicSquareGame.ipynb --execute --stdout --to markdown --allow-errors --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=120
RUN dotnet build Measurements
RUN jupyter nbconvert Measurements/Measurements.ipynb --execute --stdout --to markdown --allow-errors --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=120
RUN dotnet build QEC_BitFlipCode
RUN jupyter nbconvert QEC_BitFlipCode/QEC_BitFlipCode.ipynb --execute --stdout --to markdown --allow-errors --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=120
RUN dotnet build SolveSATWithGrover
RUN jupyter nbconvert SolveSATWithGrover/SolveSATWithGrover.ipynb --execute --stdout --to markdown --allow-errors --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=120
RUN dotnet build SuperdenseCoding
RUN jupyter nbconvert SuperdenseCoding/SuperdenseCoding.ipynb --execute --stdout --to markdown --allow-errors --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=120
RUN dotnet build Superposition
RUN jupyter nbconvert Superposition/Superposition.ipynb --execute --stdout --to markdown --allow-errors --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=120
RUN dotnet build Teleportation
RUN jupyter nbconvert Teleportation/Teleportation.ipynb --execute --stdout --to markdown --allow-errors --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=120