229 строки
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229 строки
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
// This file contains testing harness for all tasks.
// You should not modify anything in this file.
// The tasks themselves can be found in Tasks.qs file.
namespace Quantum.Kata.JointMeasurements {
open Microsoft.Quantum.Primitive;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Canon;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Extensions.Convert;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Extensions.Math;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Extensions.Testing;
// "Framework" operation for testing multi-qubit tasks for distinguishing states of an array of qubits
// with Int return
operation DistinguishStates_MultiQubit (Nqubit : Int, Nstate : Int, statePrep : ((Qubit[], Int, Double) => Unit : Adjoint), testImpl : (Qubit[] => Int), preserveState : Bool) : Unit {
let nTotal = 100;
mutable nOk = 0;
using (qs = Qubit[Nqubit]) {
for (i in 1 .. nTotal) {
// get a random integer to define the state of the qubits
let state = RandomInt(Nstate);
// get a random rotation angle to define the exact state of the qubits
let alpha = RandomReal(5) * PI();
// do state prep: convert |0...0⟩ to outcome with return equal to state
statePrep(qs, state, alpha);
// get the solution's answer and verify that it's a match
let ans = testImpl(qs);
if (ans == state) {
set nOk = nOk + 1;
if (preserveState) {
// check that the state of the qubit after the operation is unchanged
Adjoint statePrep(qs, state, alpha);
} else {
// we're not checking the state of the qubit after the operation
AssertIntEqual(nOk, nTotal, $"{nTotal - nOk} test runs out of {nTotal} returned incorrect state.");
// ------------------------------------------------------
operation StatePrep_ParityMeasurement (qs : Qubit[], state : Int, alpha : Double) : Unit {
body (...) {
// prep cos(alpha) * |0..0⟩ + sin(alpha) * |1..1⟩
Ry(2.0 * alpha, qs[0]);
for (i in 1 .. Length(qs) - 1) {
CNOT(qs[0], qs[i]);
if (state == 1) {
// flip the state of the last half of the qubits
for (i in 0 .. Length(qs) / 2 - 1) {
adjoint invert;
// ------------------------------------------------------
operation T01_SingleQubitMeasurement_Test () : Unit {
DistinguishStates_MultiQubit(2, 2, StatePrep_ParityMeasurement, SingleQubitMeasurement, false);
// ------------------------------------------------------
operation T02_ParityMeasurement_Test () : Unit {
DistinguishStates_MultiQubit(2, 2, StatePrep_ParityMeasurement, ParityMeasurement, true);
// ------------------------------------------------------
operation T03_GHZOrGHZWithX_Test () : Unit {
DistinguishStates_MultiQubit(4, 2, StatePrep_ParityMeasurement, GHZOrGHZWithX, true);
// ------------------------------------------------------
operation StatePrep_WState_Arbitrary (qs : Qubit[]) : Unit {
body (...) {
let N = Length(qs);
if (N == 1) {
// base case of recursion: |1⟩
else {
// |W_N> = |0⟩|W_(N-1)> + |1⟩|0...0⟩
// do a rotation on the first qubit to split it into |0⟩ and |1⟩ with proper weights
// |0⟩ -> sqrt((N-1)/N) |0⟩ + 1/sqrt(N) |1⟩
let theta = ArcSin(1.0 / Sqrt(ToDouble(N)));
Ry(2.0 * theta, qs[0]);
// do a zero-controlled W-state generation for qubits 1..N-1
Controlled StatePrep_WState_Arbitrary(qs[0 .. 0], qs[1 .. N - 1]);
adjoint invert;
controlled distribute;
controlled adjoint distribute;
operation StatePrep_GHZOrWState (qs : Qubit[], state : Int, alpha : Double) : Unit {
body (...) {
if (state == 0) {
StatePrep_ParityMeasurement(qs, 0, alpha);
} else {
adjoint invert;
operation T04_GHZOrWState_Test () : Unit {
for (i in 1 .. 5) {
DistinguishStates_MultiQubit(2 * i, 2, StatePrep_GHZOrWState, GHZOrWState, true);
// ------------------------------------------------------
operation StatePrep_DifferentBasis (qs : Qubit[], state : Int, alpha : Double) : Unit {
body (...) {
// prep cos(alpha) * |00⟩ + sin(alpha) * |11⟩
Ry(2.0 * alpha, qs[0]);
CNOT(qs[0], qs[1]);
if (state == 1) {
// convert to X basis
ApplyToEachA(H, qs);
adjoint invert;
operation T05_DifferentBasis_Test () : Unit {
DistinguishStates_MultiQubit(2, 2, StatePrep_DifferentBasis, DifferentBasis, true);
// ------------------------------------------------------
// prepare state |A⟩ = cos(α) * |0⟩ + sin(α) * |1⟩
operation StatePrep_A (alpha : Double, q : Qubit) : Unit {
body (...) {
Ry(2.0 * alpha, q);
adjoint invert;
// ------------------------------------------------------
operation T06_ControlledX_Test () : Unit {
// Note that the way the problem is formulated, we can't just compare two unitaries,
// we need to create an input state |A⟩ and check that the output state is correct
using (qs = Qubit[2]) {
for (i in 0 .. 36) {
let alpha = ((2.0 * PI()) * ToDouble(i)) / 36.0;
// prepare A state
StatePrep_A(alpha, qs[0]);
// apply operation that needs to be tested
// apply adjoint reference operation and adjoint of state prep
CNOT(qs[0], qs[1]);
Adjoint StatePrep_A(alpha, qs[0]);
// assert that all qubits end up in |0⟩ state
// ------------------------------------------------------
operation CNOTWrapper (qs : Qubit[]) : Unit {
body (...) {
CNOT(qs[0], qs[1]);
adjoint self;
operation T07_ControlledX_General_Test () : Unit {
// In this task the gate is supposed to work on all inputs, so we can compare the unitary to CNOT.
AssertOperationsEqualReferenced(CNOTWrapper, ControlledX_General_Reference, 2);
AssertOperationsEqualReferenced(ControlledX_General, ControlledX_General_Reference, 2);