
249 строки
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
namespace Quantum.Kata.Teleportation {
open Microsoft.Quantum.Primitive;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Canon;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Extensions.Convert;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Extensions.Math;
// Welcome!
// "Teleportation" quantum kata is a series of exercises designed
// to get you familiar with programming in Q#.
// It covers the quantum teleportation protocol which allows you
// to communicate a quantum state using only classical communication
// and previously shared quantum entanglement.
// Each task is wrapped in one operation preceded by the description of the task.
// Each task (except tasks in which you have to write a test) has a unit test associated with it,
// which initially fails. Your goal is to fill in the blank (marked with // ... comment)
// with some Q# code to make the failing test pass.
// Part I. Standard Teleportation
// We split the teleportation protocol into several steps, following the description at
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/quantum/quantum-techniques-6-puttingitalltogether :
// * Preparation (creating the entangled pair of qubits that are sent to Alice and Bob).
// * Sending the message (Alice's task): Entangling the message qubit with Alice's qubit
// and extracting two classical bits to be sent to Bob.
// * Reconstructing the message (Bob's task): Using the two classical bits Bob received from Alice
// to get Bob's qubit into the state in which the message qubit had been originally.
// Finally, we compose these steps into the complete teleportation protocol.
// Task 1.1. Entangled pair
// Input: two qubits qAlice and qBob, each in |0⟩ state.
// Goal: create a Bell state |Φ⁺⟩ = (|00⟩ + |11⟩) / sqrt(2) on these qubits.
// In the context of the quantum teleportation protocol, this is the preparation step:
// qubits qAlice and qBob will be sent to Alice and Bob, respectively.
operation Entangle (qAlice : Qubit, qBob : Qubit) : Unit {
// ...
// Task 1.2. Send the message (Alice's task)
// Entangle the message qubit with Alice's qubit
// and extract two classical bits to be sent to Bob.
// Inputs:
// 1) Alice's part of the entangled pair of qubits qAlice.
// 2) The message qubit qMessage.
// Output:
// Two classical bits Alice will send to Bob via classical channel as a tuple of Bool values.
// The first bit in the tuple should hold the result of measurement of the message qubit,
// the second bit - the result of measurement of Alice's qubit.
// Represent measurement result 'One' as 'True' and 'Zero' as 'False'.
// The state of the qubits in the end of the operation doesn't matter.
operation SendMessage (qAlice : Qubit, qMessage : Qubit) : (Bool, Bool) {
// ...
return (false, false);
// Task 1.3. Reconstruct the message (Bob's task)
// Transform Bob's qubit into the required state using the two classical bits
// received from Alice.
// Inputs:
// 1) Bob's part of the entangled pair of qubits qBob.
// 2) The tuple of classical bits received from Alice,
// in the format used in task 1.2.
// Goal: transform Bob's qubit qBob into the state in which the message qubit had been originally.
operation ReconstructMessage (qBob : Qubit, (b1 : Bool, b2 : Bool)) : Unit {
// ...
// Task 1.4. Standard teleportation protocol
// Put together the steps implemented in tasks 1.1 - 1.3 to implement
// the full teleportation protocol.
// Inputs:
// 1) The two qubits qAlice and qBob in |0⟩ state.
// 2) The message qubit qMessage in the state |ψ⟩ to be teleported.
// Goal: transform Bob's qubit qBob into the state |ψ⟩.
// The state of the qubits qAlice and qMessage in the end of the operation doesn't matter.
operation StandardTeleport (qAlice : Qubit, qBob : Qubit, qMessage : Qubit) : Unit {
// ...
// Task 1.5. Prepare a state and send it as a message (Alice's task)
// Given a Pauli basis along with a state 'True' as 'One' or 'False'
// as 'Zero' prepare a message qubit, entangle it with Alice's qubit,
// and extract two classical bits to be sent to Bob.
// Inputs:
// 1) Alice's part of the entangled pair of qubits qAlice.
// 2) A PauliX, PauliY, or PauliZ basis in which the message
// qubit should be prepared
// 3) A Bool indicating the eigenstate in which the message
// qubit should be prepared
// Output:
// Two classical bits Alice will send to Bob via classical channel as a tuple of Bool values.
// The first bit in the tuple should hold the result of measurement of the message qubit,
// the second bit - the result of measurement of Alice's qubit.
// Represent measurement result 'One' as 'True' and 'Zero' as 'False'.
// The state of the qubit qAlice in the end of the operation doesn't matter.
operation PrepareAndSendMessage (qAlice : Qubit, basis : Pauli, state : Bool) : (Bool, Bool) {
// ...
return (false, false);
// Task 1.6. Reconstruct and measure the message state (Bob's task)
// Transform Bob's qubit into the required state using the two classical bits
// received from Alice and measure it in the same basis in which she prepared the message.
// Inputs:
// 1) Bob's part of the entangled pair of qubits qBob.
// 2) The tuple of classical bits received from Alice,
// in the format used in task 1.5.
// 3) The PauliX, PauliY, or PauliZ basis in which the
// message qubit was originally prepared
// Output:
// A Bool indicating the eigenstate in which the message qubit was prepared, 'One' as
// 'True' and 'Zero' as 'False'.
// Goal: transform Bob's qubit qBob into the state in which the message qubit was originally
// prepared, then measure it. The state of the qubit qBob in the end of the operation doesn't matter.
operation ReconstructAndMeasureMessage (qBob : Qubit, (b1 : Bool, b2 : Bool), basis : Pauli) : Bool {
// ...
return false;
// Task 1.7. Testing standard quantum teleportation
// Goal: Test that the StandardTeleport operation from task 1.4 is able
// to successfully teleport the states |0⟩ and |1⟩, as well as superpositions such as
// (|0⟩ + |1⟩) / sqrt(2),
// (|0⟩ - |1⟩) / sqrt(2),
// (|0⟩ + i|1⟩) / sqrt(2), and
// (|0⟩ - i|1⟩) / sqrt(2)
operation StandardTeleport_Test () : Unit {
// Hint: You may find your answers for 1.5 and 1.6 useful
// StandardTeleport_Test appears in the list of unit tests for the solution; run it to verify your code.
// ...
// Part II. Teleportation using different entangled pair
// In this section we will take a look at the changes in the reconstruction process (Bob's task)
// if the qubits shared between Alice and Bob are entangled in a different state.
// Alice's part of the protocol remains the same in all tasks.
// As a reminder, the standard teleportation protocol requires shared qubits in state
// |Φ⁺⟩ = (|00⟩ + |11⟩) / sqrt(2).
// In each task, the inputs are
// 1) Bob's part of the entangled pair of qubits qBob.
// 2) the tuple of classical bits received from Alice,
// in the format used in task 1.2.
// The goal is to transform Bob's qubit qBob into the state in which the message qubit had been originally.
// Task 2.1. Reconstruct the message if the entangled qubits were in the state |Φ⁻⟩ = (|00⟩ - |11⟩) / sqrt(2).
operation ReconstructMessage_PhiMinus (qBob : Qubit, (b1 : Bool, b2 : Bool)) : Unit {
// ...
// Task 2.2. Reconstruct the message if the entangled qubits were in the state |Ψ⁺⟩ = (|01⟩ + |10⟩) / sqrt(2).
operation ReconstructMessage_PsiPlus (qBob : Qubit, (b1 : Bool, b2 : Bool)) : Unit {
// ...
// Task 2.3. Reconstruct the message if the entangled qubits were in the state |Ψ⁻⟩ = (|01⟩ - |10⟩) / sqrt(2).
operation ReconstructMessage_PsiMinus (qBob : Qubit, (b1 : Bool, b2 : Bool)) : Unit {
// ...
// Part III. Principle of deferred measurement
// The principle of deferred measurement claims that measurements can be moved
// from an intermediate stage of a quantum circuit to the end of the circuit.
// If the measurement results are used to perform classically controlled operations,
// they can be replaced by controlled quantum operations.
// In this task we will apply this principle to the teleportation circuit.
// Task 3.1. Measurement-free teleportation.
// Inputs:
// 1) The two qubits qAlice and qBob in |Φ⁺⟩ state.
// 2) The message qubit qMessage in the state |ψ⟩ to be teleported.
// Goal: transform Bob's qubit qBob into the state |ψ⟩ using no measurements.
// At the end of the operation qubits qAlice and qMessage should not be entangled with qBob.
operation MeasurementFreeTeleport (qAlice : Qubit, qBob : Qubit, qMessage : Qubit) : Unit {
// ...
// Part IV. Teleportation with three entangled qubits
// Quantum teleportation using entangled states other than Bell pairs is also feasible.
// Here we look at just one of many possible schemes - in it a state is transferred from
// Alice to a third participant Charlie, but this may only be accomplished if Charlie
// has the trust of the second participant Bob.
// Task 4.1*. Entangled trio
// Input: three qubits qAlice, qBob, and qCharlie, each in |0⟩ state.
// Goal: create an entangled state |Ψ³⟩ = (|000⟩ + |011⟩ + |101⟩ + |110⟩) / 2 on these qubits.
// In the context of the quantum teleportation protocol, this is the preparation step:
// qubits qAlice, qBob, and qCharlie will be sent to Alice, Bob, and Charlie respectively.
operation EntangleThreeQubits (qAlice : Qubit, qBob : Qubit, qCharlie : Qubit) : Unit {
// ...
// Task 4.2*. Reconstruct the message (Charlie's task)
// Alice has a message qubit in the state |ψ⟩ to be teleported, she has entangled it with
// her own qubit from |Ψ³⟩ in the same manner as task 1.2 and extracted two classical bits
// in order to send them to Charlie. Bob has also measured his own qubit from |Ψ³⟩ and sent
// Charlie the result.
// Transform Charlie's qubit into the required state using the two classical bits
// received from Alice, and the one classical bit received from Bob.
// Inputs:
// 1) Charlie's part of the entangled trio of qubits qCharlie.
// 2) The tuple of classical bits received from Alice,
// in the format used in task 1.2.
// 3) A classical bit resulting from the measurement of Bob's qubit.
// Goal: transform Charlie's qubit qCharlie into the state in which the message qubit had been originally.
operation ReconstructMessageWhenThreeEntangledQubits (qCharlie : Qubit, (b1 : Bool, b2 : Bool), b3 : Bool) : Unit {
// ...