185 строки
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185 строки
7.2 KiB
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
namespace Microsoft.Quantum.Tests {
open Microsoft.Quantum.Arithmetic;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Arrays;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Canon;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Convert;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Diagnostics;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Math;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Measurement;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Synthesis;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Random;
internal operation CheckApplyPermutation (synthesisOperation : ((Int[], LittleEndian) => Unit is Adj + Ctl)) : Unit {
let permutations = [
[0, 2, 1, 3],
[0, 1, 3, 2],
[0, 1, 2, 3],
[3, 2, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6],
[0, 2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5, 7],
[0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15]
for perm in permutations {
let numQubits = BitSizeI(Length(perm) - 1);
use qs = Qubit[numQubits];
let register = LittleEndian(qs);
for i in 0..Length(perm) - 1 {
ApplyXorInPlace(i, register);
synthesisOperation(perm, register);
EqualityFactI(MeasureInteger(register), perm[i], $"ApplyPermutation failed for permutation {perm} at index {i}");
internal operation ApplyPermutationUsingDecompositionWithReverseVariableOrder (perm : Int[], qubits : LittleEndian) : Unit is Adj + Ctl {
let variableOrder = Reversed(SequenceI(0, Length(qubits!) - 1));
ApplyPermutationUsingDecompositionWithVariableOrder(perm, variableOrder, qubits);
operation CheckTransformationBasedSynthesis () : Unit {
operation CheckDecompositionBasedSynthesis () : Unit {
operation CheckApplyTransposition () : Unit {
for numQubits in 2..6 {
for _ in 1..10 {
let a = DrawRandomInt(0, 2^numQubits - 1);
let b = DrawRandomInt(0, 2^numQubits - 1);
use qs = Qubit[numQubits];
let register = LittleEndian(qs);
for i in 0..2^numQubits - 1 {
ApplyXorInPlace(i, register);
ApplyTransposition(a, b, register);
i == a ? b | (i == b ? a | i),
$"ApplyTransposition failed for {numQubits} qubits when a = {a} and b = {b}"
internal operation RandomBool() : Bool {
return DrawRandomInt(0, 1) == 1;
// from ControlledOnTruthTable.qs
internal function SizeAdjustedTruthTable(table : Bool[], numVars : Int) : Bool[] {
let numEntries = 2^numVars;
if (numEntries < Length(table)) {
return table[...numEntries - 1];
} elif (numEntries > Length(table)) {
return Padded(-numEntries, false, table);
} else {
return table;
operation CheckApplyXControlledOnTruthTable () : Unit {
for numQubits in 2..5 {
for round in 1..5 {
// TODO: replace with BigUniform.
let func = IntAsBigInt(DrawRandomInt(0, 2^(2^numQubits) - 1));
let truthValues = SizeAdjustedTruthTable(BigIntAsBoolArray(func), numQubits);
use controls = Qubit[numQubits];
use target = Qubit();
for i in 0..(2^numQubits - 1) {
let targetInit = RandomBool();
ApplyIf(targetInit, X, target);
within {
ApplyXorInPlace(i, LittleEndian(controls));
} apply {
ApplyXControlledOnTruthTable(func, controls, target);
IsResultOne(MResetZ(target)) != targetInit,
$"Measured value does not correspond to truth table bit in truth table {func} and bit {i}");
operation CheckControlledApplyXControlledOnTruthTable () : Unit {
for numQubits in 2..5 {
for round in 1..5 {
// TODO: replace with BigUniform.
let func = IntAsBigInt(DrawRandomInt(0, 2^(2^numQubits) - 1));
let truthValues = SizeAdjustedTruthTable(BigIntAsBoolArray(func), numQubits);
use controls = Qubit[numQubits];
use control = Qubit();
use target = Qubit();
for i in 0..(2^numQubits - 1) {
let controlInit = RandomBool();
let targetInit = RandomBool();
ApplyIf(targetInit, X, target);
within {
ApplyIfA(controlInit, X, control);
ApplyXorInPlace(i, LittleEndian(controls));
} apply {
Controlled ApplyXControlledOnTruthTable([control], (func, controls, target));
let result = IsResultOne(MResetZ(target));
if (controlInit) {
result != targetInit,
$"Measured value does not correspond to truth table bit in truth table {func} and bit {i}");
} else {
EqualityFactB(result, targetInit, $"Target should not have been changed from its initial value {targetInit}");
operation CheckApplyXControlledOnTruthTableWithCleanTarget () : Unit {
for numQubits in 2..5 {
for round in 1..5 {
// TODO: replace with BigUniform.
let func = IntAsBigInt(DrawRandomInt(0, 2^(2^numQubits) - 1));
let truthValues = SizeAdjustedTruthTable(BigIntAsBoolArray(func), numQubits);
use controls = Qubit[numQubits];
use target = Qubit();
use copy = Qubit();
for i in 0..(2^numQubits - 1) {
within {
ApplyXorInPlace(i, LittleEndian(controls));
ApplyXControlledOnTruthTableWithCleanTarget(func, controls, target);
} apply {
CNOT(target, copy);
$"Measured value does not correspond to truth table bit in truth table {func} and bit {i}");