Added server component based on quartznet server
It is important to completely uninstall any previous version of RIS. You need to delete Schedule.xml file as well if you are upgrading from <3.0
Added ability to switch authentication method with ADAL due to incompatibility of MSAL with on-premise environments working with ADFS 2016
Changes to UI logic on job forms.
Imported entries (entries that are present in job definition, but not existing is RIS parameters) of app registrations, and instances will now have names with timestamp.
Corrects interval in export job
Ignores bad requests of GetExecutionStatusSummary request which sometimes returns Bad request. In such cases job will just retry request.
Updated Quartz.Net to 3.0.6
Updated Polly to 6.0.1
Updated ADAL to 3.19.8
Retarget whole solution to .Net framework 4.6.1