зеркало из https://github.com/microsoft/STL.git
remove unused internal identifiers (#3299)
Co-authored-by: Nicole Mazzuca <mazzucan@outlook.com> Co-authored-by: Stephan T. Lavavej <stl@nuwen.net>
This commit is contained in:
@ -439,8 +439,7 @@ private:
using _Mybase = _Deque_const_iterator<_Mydeque>;
using _Deque_unchecked_type = _Deque_unchecked_iterator<_Mydeque>;
using iterator_category = random_access_iterator_tag;
using iterator_category = random_access_iterator_tag;
using value_type = typename _Mydeque::value_type;
using difference_type = typename _Mydeque::difference_type;
@ -577,13 +576,12 @@ private:
static_assert(!_ENFORCE_MATCHING_ALLOCATORS || is_same_v<_Ty, typename _Alloc::value_type>,
_MISMATCHED_ALLOCATOR_MESSAGE("deque<T, Allocator>", "T"));
using _Alty = _Rebind_alloc_t<_Alloc, _Ty>;
using _Alty_traits = allocator_traits<_Alty>;
using _Alpty = _Rebind_alloc_t<_Alloc, typename _Alty_traits::pointer>;
using _Alpty_traits = allocator_traits<_Alpty>;
using _Mapptr = typename _Alpty_traits::pointer;
using _Alproxy_ty = _Rebind_alloc_t<_Alty, _Container_proxy>;
using _Alproxy_traits = allocator_traits<_Alproxy_ty>;
using _Alty = _Rebind_alloc_t<_Alloc, _Ty>;
using _Alty_traits = allocator_traits<_Alty>;
using _Alpty = _Rebind_alloc_t<_Alloc, typename _Alty_traits::pointer>;
using _Alpty_traits = allocator_traits<_Alpty>;
using _Mapptr = typename _Alpty_traits::pointer;
using _Alproxy_ty = _Rebind_alloc_t<_Alty, _Container_proxy>;
using _Scary_val = _Deque_val<conditional_t<_Is_simple_alloc_v<_Alty>, _Deque_simple_types<_Ty>,
_Deque_iter_types<_Ty, typename _Alty_traits::size_type, typename _Alty_traits::difference_type,
@ -2099,11 +2099,6 @@ public:
_Size_ = 0;
void _Try_resize(const size_t _Count) {
_Size_ = _Count <= _Capacity_ ? _Count : _Capacity_;
void _Try_reserve(const size_t _New_capacity) {
if (_New_capacity > _Capacity_) {
@ -214,7 +214,6 @@ struct _Cmp_collate { // functor to compare for locale-specific equality
struct _Regex_traits_base { // base of all regular expression traits
enum _Char_class_type {
_Ch_none = 0,
_Ch_alnum = ctype_base::alnum,
_Ch_alpha = ctype_base::alpha,
_Ch_cntrl = ctype_base::cntrl,
@ -169,15 +169,6 @@ struct _Meta_at_<_List<_Types...>, _Idx, enable_if_t<(_Idx < sizeof...(_Types))>
inline constexpr auto _Meta_npos = ~size_t{0};
template <class _List, class _Ty>
struct _Meta_find_index_ {
using type = integral_constant<size_t, _Meta_npos>;
template <class _List, class _Ty>
using _Meta_find_index =
// find the index of the first occurrence of _Ty in _List
typename _Meta_find_index_<_List, _Ty>::type;
constexpr size_t _Meta_find_index_i_(const bool* const _Ptr, const size_t _Count, size_t _Idx = 0) {
// return the index of the first true in the _Count bools at _Ptr, or _Meta_npos if all are false
for (; _Idx < _Count; ++_Idx) {
@ -189,12 +180,6 @@ constexpr size_t _Meta_find_index_i_(const bool* const _Ptr, const size_t _Count
return _Meta_npos;
template <template <class...> class _List, class _First, class... _Rest, class _Ty>
struct _Meta_find_index_<_List<_First, _Rest...>, _Ty> {
static constexpr bool _Bools[] = {is_same_v<_First, _Ty>, is_same_v<_Rest, _Ty>...};
using type = integral_constant<size_t, _STD _Meta_find_index_i_(_Bools, 1 + sizeof...(_Rest))>;
template <class _List, class _Ty>
struct _Meta_find_unique_index_ {
using type = integral_constant<size_t, _Meta_npos>;
@ -217,8 +202,8 @@ constexpr size_t _Meta_find_unique_index_i_(const bool* const _Ptr, const size_t
template <template <class...> class _List, class _First, class... _Rest, class _Ty>
struct _Meta_find_unique_index_<_List<_First, _Rest...>, _Ty> {
using type = integral_constant<size_t,
_STD _Meta_find_unique_index_i_(_Meta_find_index_<_List<_First, _Rest...>, _Ty>::_Bools, 1 + sizeof...(_Rest))>;
static constexpr bool _Bools[] = {is_same_v<_First, _Ty>, is_same_v<_Rest, _Ty>...};
using type = integral_constant<size_t, _STD _Meta_find_unique_index_i_(_Bools, 1 + sizeof...(_Rest))>;
template <class>
template <class _Alloc, class _Ptr>
using _Uses_default_destroy = disjunction<_Is_default_allocator<_Alloc>, _Has_no_alloc_destroy<_Alloc, _Ptr>>;
template <class _Alloc, class _Ptr>
using _Uses_default_destroy_t = typename _Uses_default_destroy<_Alloc, _Ptr>::type;
template <class _Alloc, class _Size_type, class _Const_void_pointer, class = void>
struct _Has_allocate_hint : false_type {};
@ -408,8 +408,6 @@ struct _Unused_parameter { // generic unused parameter struct
constexpr _Unused_parameter(_Ty&&) noexcept {}
using _Any_tag = _Unused_parameter; // generic fallback/default/"other" target for tag dispatch
template <class _Ty>
using _Algorithm_int_t = conditional_t<is_integral_v<_Ty>, _Ty, ptrdiff_t>;
@ -7,20 +7,6 @@
#include <thread>
#include <xatomic_wait.h>
namespace {
unsigned char _Atomic_load_uchar(const volatile unsigned char* _Ptr) noexcept {
// atomic load of unsigned char, copied from <atomic> except ARM and ARM64 bits
unsigned char _Value;
#if defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_ARM) || defined(_M_ARM64)
_Value = __iso_volatile_load8(reinterpret_cast<const volatile char*>(_Ptr));
#error Unsupported architecture
return _Value;
} // unnamed namespace
extern "C" {
_NODISCARD unsigned int __stdcall __std_parallel_algorithms_hw_threads() noexcept {
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