// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception { "Version": "1.0", "BuildAsHeaderUnits": [ // "__msvc_all_public_headers.hpp", // for testing, not production "__msvc_system_error_abi.hpp", "__msvc_tzdb.hpp", "__msvc_xlocinfo_types.hpp", "algorithm", "any", "array", "atomic", "barrier", "bit", "bitset", // "cassert", // design is permanently incompatible with header units // "ccomplex", // removed in C++20 "cctype", "cerrno", "cfenv", "cfloat", "charconv", "chrono", "cinttypes", // "ciso646", // removed in C++20 "climits", "clocale", "cmath", "codecvt", "compare", "complex", "concepts", "condition_variable", "coroutine", "csetjmp", "csignal", // "cstdalign", // removed in C++20 "cstdarg", // "cstdbool", // removed in C++20 "cstddef", "cstdint", "cstdio", "cstdlib", "cstring", // "ctgmath", // removed in C++20 "ctime", "cuchar", "cwchar", "cwctype", "deque", "exception", "execution", "filesystem", "format", "forward_list", "fstream", "functional", "future", // "hash_map", // non-Standard, will be removed soon // "hash_set", // non-Standard, will be removed soon "initializer_list", "iomanip", "ios", "iosfwd", "iostream", "iso646.h", "istream", "iterator", "latch", "limits", "list", "locale", "map", "memory", "memory_resource", "mutex", "new", "numbers", "numeric", "optional", "ostream", "queue", "random", "ranges", "ratio", "regex", "scoped_allocator", "semaphore", "set", "shared_mutex", "source_location", "span", "spanstream", "sstream", "stack", "stdatomic.h", "stdexcept", "stop_token", "streambuf", "string", "string_view", "strstream", "syncstream", "system_error", "thread", "tuple", "type_traits", "typeindex", "typeinfo", "unordered_map", "unordered_set", "use_ansi.h", "utility", "valarray", "variant", "vector", // "version", // importable, but provides feature-test macros only, which can control header inclusion "xatomic.h", "xatomic_wait.h", "xbit_ops.h", "xcall_once.h", "xcharconv.h", "xcharconv_ryu.h", "xcharconv_ryu_tables.h", "xerrc.h", "xfacet", "xfilesystem_abi.h", "xhash", "xiosbase", // "xkeycheck.h", // internal header, provides no machinery, scans for macroized keywords only "xlocale", "xlocbuf", "xlocinfo", "xlocmes", "xlocmon", "xlocnum", "xloctime", "xmemory", "xnode_handle.h", "xpolymorphic_allocator.h", "xsmf_control.h", "xstddef", "xstring", "xthreads.h", "xtimec.h", "xtr1common", "xtree", "xutility", "ymath.h" // "yvals.h", // internal header, provides macros that control header inclusion // "yvals_core.h" // internal header, provides macros that control header inclusion ] }