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// mutex standard header
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#pragma once
#ifndef _MUTEX_
#define _MUTEX_
#include <yvals_core.h>
#ifdef _M_CEE_PURE
#error <mutex> is not supported when compiling with /clr:pure.
#endif // _M_CEE_PURE
#include <chrono>
#include <system_error>
#include <thread>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <xcall_once.h>
#pragma pack(push, _CRT_PACKING)
#pragma warning(push, _STL_WARNING_LEVEL)
#pragma warning(disable : _STL_DISABLED_WARNINGS)
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
// mutex and recursive_mutex are not supported under /clr
#ifndef _M_CEE
class condition_variable;
class condition_variable_any;
class _Mutex_base { // base class for all mutex types
_Mutex_base(int _Flags = 0) noexcept {
_Mtx_init_in_situ(_Mymtx(), _Flags | _Mtx_try);
~_Mutex_base() noexcept {
_Mutex_base(const _Mutex_base&) = delete;
_Mutex_base& operator=(const _Mutex_base&) = delete;
void lock() {
_NODISCARD bool try_lock() {
const auto _Res = _Mtx_trylock(_Mymtx());
switch (_Res) {
case _Thrd_success:
return true;
case _Thrd_busy:
return false;
void unlock() {
using native_handle_type = void*;
_NODISCARD native_handle_type native_handle() {
return _Mtx_getconcrtcs(_Mymtx());
friend condition_variable;
friend condition_variable_any;
aligned_storage_t<_Mtx_internal_imp_size, _Mtx_internal_imp_alignment> _Mtx_storage;
_Mtx_t _Mymtx() noexcept { // get pointer to _Mtx_internal_imp_t inside _Mtx_storage
return reinterpret_cast<_Mtx_t>(&_Mtx_storage);
class mutex : public _Mutex_base { // class for mutual exclusion
/* constexpr */ mutex() noexcept // TRANSITION, ABI
: _Mutex_base() {}
mutex(const mutex&) = delete;
mutex& operator=(const mutex&) = delete;
class recursive_mutex : public _Mutex_base { // class for recursive mutual exclusion
recursive_mutex() : _Mutex_base(_Mtx_recursive) {}
_NODISCARD bool try_lock() noexcept {
return _Mutex_base::try_lock();
recursive_mutex(const recursive_mutex&) = delete;
recursive_mutex& operator=(const recursive_mutex&) = delete;
#endif // _M_CEE
struct adopt_lock_t { // indicates adopt lock
explicit adopt_lock_t() = default;
struct defer_lock_t { // indicates defer lock
explicit defer_lock_t() = default;
struct try_to_lock_t { // indicates try to lock
explicit try_to_lock_t() = default;
_INLINE_VAR constexpr adopt_lock_t adopt_lock{};
_INLINE_VAR constexpr defer_lock_t defer_lock{};
_INLINE_VAR constexpr try_to_lock_t try_to_lock{};
// CLASS TEMPLATE unique_lock
template <class _Mutex>
class unique_lock { // whizzy class with destructor that unlocks mutex
using mutex_type = _Mutex;
unique_lock() noexcept : _Pmtx(nullptr), _Owns(false) {}
explicit unique_lock(_Mutex& _Mtx) : _Pmtx(_STD addressof(_Mtx)), _Owns(false) { // construct and lock
_Owns = true;
unique_lock(_Mutex& _Mtx, adopt_lock_t)
: _Pmtx(_STD addressof(_Mtx)), _Owns(true) { // construct and assume already locked
unique_lock(_Mutex& _Mtx, defer_lock_t) noexcept
: _Pmtx(_STD addressof(_Mtx)), _Owns(false) { // construct but don't lock
unique_lock(_Mutex& _Mtx, try_to_lock_t)
: _Pmtx(_STD addressof(_Mtx)), _Owns(_Pmtx->try_lock()) { // construct and try to lock
template <class _Rep, class _Period>
unique_lock(_Mutex& _Mtx, const chrono::duration<_Rep, _Period>& _Rel_time)
: _Pmtx(_STD addressof(_Mtx)), _Owns(_Pmtx->try_lock_for(_Rel_time)) { // construct and lock with timeout
template <class _Clock, class _Duration>
unique_lock(_Mutex& _Mtx, const chrono::time_point<_Clock, _Duration>& _Abs_time)
: _Pmtx(_STD addressof(_Mtx)), _Owns(_Pmtx->try_lock_until(_Abs_time)) { // construct and lock with timeout
unique_lock(_Mutex& _Mtx, const xtime* _Abs_time)
: _Pmtx(_STD addressof(_Mtx)), _Owns(false) { // try to lock until _Abs_time
_Owns = _Pmtx->try_lock_until(_Abs_time);
unique_lock(unique_lock&& _Other) noexcept : _Pmtx(_Other._Pmtx), _Owns(_Other._Owns) {
_Other._Pmtx = nullptr;
_Other._Owns = false;
unique_lock& operator=(unique_lock&& _Other) {
if (this != _STD addressof(_Other)) {
if (_Owns) {
_Pmtx = _Other._Pmtx;
_Owns = _Other._Owns;
_Other._Pmtx = nullptr;
_Other._Owns = false;
return *this;
~unique_lock() noexcept {
if (_Owns) {
unique_lock(const unique_lock&) = delete;
unique_lock& operator=(const unique_lock&) = delete;
void lock() { // lock the mutex
_Owns = true;
_NODISCARD bool try_lock() {
_Owns = _Pmtx->try_lock();
return _Owns;
template <class _Rep, class _Period>
_NODISCARD bool try_lock_for(const chrono::duration<_Rep, _Period>& _Rel_time) {
_Owns = _Pmtx->try_lock_for(_Rel_time);
return _Owns;
template <class _Clock, class _Duration>
_NODISCARD bool try_lock_until(const chrono::time_point<_Clock, _Duration>& _Abs_time) {
_Owns = _Pmtx->try_lock_until(_Abs_time);
return _Owns;
_NODISCARD bool try_lock_until(const xtime* _Abs_time) {
_Owns = _Pmtx->try_lock_until(_Abs_time);
return _Owns;
void unlock() {
if (!_Pmtx || !_Owns) {
_Owns = false;
void swap(unique_lock& _Other) noexcept {
_STD swap(_Pmtx, _Other._Pmtx);
_STD swap(_Owns, _Other._Owns);
_Mutex* release() noexcept {
_Mutex* _Res = _Pmtx;
_Pmtx = nullptr;
_Owns = false;
return _Res;
_NODISCARD bool owns_lock() const noexcept {
return _Owns;
explicit operator bool() const noexcept {
return _Owns;
_NODISCARD _Mutex* mutex() const noexcept {
return _Pmtx;
_Mutex* _Pmtx;
bool _Owns;
void _Validate() const { // check if the mutex can be locked
if (!_Pmtx) {
if (_Owns) {
// FUNCTION TEMPLATE swap FOR unique_lock
template <class _Mutex>
void swap(unique_lock<_Mutex>& _Left, unique_lock<_Mutex>& _Right) noexcept {
// FUNCTION TEMPLATE _Lock_from_locks
template <size_t... _Indices, class... _LockN>
void _Lock_from_locks(const int _Target, index_sequence<_Indices...>, _LockN&... _LkN) { // lock _LkN[_Target]
int _Ignored[] = {((static_cast<int>(_Indices) == _Target ? (void) _LkN.lock() : void()), 0)...};
(void) _Ignored;
// FUNCTION TEMPLATE _Try_lock_from_locks
template <size_t... _Indices, class... _LockN>
bool _Try_lock_from_locks(
const int _Target, index_sequence<_Indices...>, _LockN&... _LkN) { // try to lock _LkN[_Target]
bool _Result{};
int _Ignored[] = {((static_cast<int>(_Indices) == _Target ? (void) (_Result = _LkN.try_lock()) : void()), 0)...};
(void) _Ignored;
return _Result;
// FUNCTION TEMPLATE _Unlock_locks
template <size_t... _Indices, class... _LockN>
void _Unlock_locks(const int _First, const int _Last, index_sequence<_Indices...>, _LockN&... _LkN) noexcept
/* terminates */ {
// unlock locks in _LkN[_First, _Last)
int _Ignored[] = {
((_First <= static_cast<int>(_Indices) && static_cast<int>(_Indices) < _Last ? (void) _LkN.unlock() : void()),
(void) _Ignored;
template <class... _LockN>
int _Try_lock_range(const int _First, const int _Last, _LockN&... _LkN) {
using _Indices = index_sequence_for<_LockN...>;
int _Next = _First;
for (; _Next != _Last; ++_Next) {
if (!_Try_lock_from_locks(_Next, _Indices{}, _LkN...)) { // try_lock failed, backout
_Unlock_locks(_First, _Next, _Indices{}, _LkN...);
return _Next;
_Unlock_locks(_First, _Next, _Indices{}, _LkN...);
return -1;
template <class _Lock0, class _Lock1, class _Lock2, class... _LockN>
int _Try_lock1(_Lock0& _Lk0, _Lock1& _Lk1, _Lock2& _Lk2, _LockN&... _LkN) { // try to lock 3 or more locks
return _Try_lock_range(0, sizeof...(_LockN) + 3, _Lk0, _Lk1, _Lk2, _LkN...);
template <class _Lock0, class _Lock1>
int _Try_lock1(_Lock0& _Lk0, _Lock1& _Lk1) {
// try to lock 2 locks, special case for better codegen and reduced metaprogramming for common case
if (!_Lk0.try_lock()) {
return 0;
if (!_Lk1.try_lock()) {
return 1;
return -1;
template <class _Lock0, class _Lock1, class... _LockN>
_NODISCARD int try_lock(_Lock0& _Lk0, _Lock1& _Lk1, _LockN&... _LkN) { // try to lock multiple locks
return _Try_lock1(_Lk0, _Lk1, _LkN...);
template <class... _LockN>
int _Lock_attempt(const int _Hard_lock, _LockN&... _LkN) {
// attempt to lock 3 or more locks, starting by locking _LkN[_Hard_lock] and trying to lock the rest
using _Indices = index_sequence_for<_LockN...>;
_Lock_from_locks(_Hard_lock, _Indices{}, _LkN...);
int _Failed = -1;
int _Backout_start = _Hard_lock; // that is, unlock _Hard_lock
_Failed = _Try_lock_range(0, _Hard_lock, _LkN...);
if (_Failed == -1) {
_Backout_start = 0; // that is, unlock [0, _Hard_lock] if the next throws
_Failed = _Try_lock_range(_Hard_lock + 1, sizeof...(_LockN), _LkN...);
if (_Failed == -1) { // we got all the locks
return -1;
_Unlock_locks(_Backout_start, _Hard_lock + 1, _Indices{}, _LkN...);
// we didn't get all the locks, backout
_Unlock_locks(_Backout_start, _Hard_lock + 1, _Indices{}, _LkN...);
_STD this_thread::yield();
return _Failed;
template <class _Lock0, class _Lock1, class _Lock2, class... _LockN>
void _Lock_nonmember1(_Lock0& _Lk0, _Lock1& _Lk1, _Lock2& _Lk2, _LockN&... _LkN) {
// lock 3 or more locks, without deadlock
int _Hard_lock = 0;
while (_Hard_lock != -1) {
_Hard_lock = _Lock_attempt(_Hard_lock, _Lk0, _Lk1, _Lk2, _LkN...);
template <class _Lock0, class _Lock1>
bool _Lock_attempt_small(_Lock0& _Lk0, _Lock1& _Lk1) {
// attempt to lock 2 locks, by first locking _Lk0, and then trying to lock _Lk1 returns whether to try again
if (_Lk1.try_lock()) {
return false;
_STD this_thread::yield();
return true;
template <class _Lock0, class _Lock1>
void _Lock_nonmember1(_Lock0& _Lk0, _Lock1& _Lk1) {
// lock 2 locks, without deadlock, special case for better codegen and reduced metaprogramming for common case
while (_Lock_attempt_small(_Lk0, _Lk1) && _Lock_attempt_small(_Lk1, _Lk0)) { // keep trying
template <class _Lock0, class _Lock1, class... _LockN>
void lock(_Lock0& _Lk0, _Lock1& _Lk1, _LockN&... _LkN) { // lock multiple locks, without deadlock
_Lock_nonmember1(_Lk0, _Lk1, _LkN...);
// CLASS TEMPLATE lock_guard
template <class _Mutex>
class lock_guard { // class with destructor that unlocks a mutex
using mutex_type = _Mutex;
explicit lock_guard(_Mutex& _Mtx) : _MyMutex(_Mtx) { // construct and lock
lock_guard(_Mutex& _Mtx, adopt_lock_t) : _MyMutex(_Mtx) { // construct but don't lock
~lock_guard() noexcept {
lock_guard(const lock_guard&) = delete;
lock_guard& operator=(const lock_guard&) = delete;
_Mutex& _MyMutex;
#if _HAS_CXX17
// CLASS TEMPLATE scoped_lock
template <class... _Mutexes>
class scoped_lock { // class with destructor that unlocks mutexes
explicit scoped_lock(_Mutexes&... _Mtxes) : _MyMutexes(_Mtxes...) { // construct and lock
_STD lock(_Mtxes...);
explicit scoped_lock(adopt_lock_t, _Mutexes&... _Mtxes) : _MyMutexes(_Mtxes...) { // construct but don't lock
~scoped_lock() noexcept {
_For_each_tuple_element(_MyMutexes, [](auto& _Mutex) noexcept { _Mutex.unlock(); });
scoped_lock(const scoped_lock&) = delete;
scoped_lock& operator=(const scoped_lock&) = delete;
tuple<_Mutexes&...> _MyMutexes;
template <class _Mutex>
class scoped_lock<_Mutex> {
using mutex_type = _Mutex;
explicit scoped_lock(_Mutex& _Mtx) : _MyMutex(_Mtx) { // construct and lock
explicit scoped_lock(adopt_lock_t, _Mutex& _Mtx) : _MyMutex(_Mtx) { // construct but don't lock
~scoped_lock() noexcept {
scoped_lock(const scoped_lock&) = delete;
scoped_lock& operator=(const scoped_lock&) = delete;
_Mutex& _MyMutex;
template <>
class scoped_lock<> {
explicit scoped_lock() {}
explicit scoped_lock(adopt_lock_t) {}
~scoped_lock() noexcept {}
scoped_lock(const scoped_lock&) = delete;
scoped_lock& operator=(const scoped_lock&) = delete;
#endif // _HAS_CXX17
// FUNCTION TEMPLATE _Invoke_stored_explicit
template <class... _Types, size_t... _Indices>
auto _Invoke_stored_explicit(tuple<_Types...>&& _Tuple, index_sequence<_Indices...>) -> decltype(
_STD invoke(_STD get<_Indices>(_STD move(_Tuple))...)) { // invoke() a tuple with explicit parameter ordering
return _STD invoke(_STD get<_Indices>(_STD move(_Tuple))...);
// FUNCTION TEMPLATE _Invoke_stored
template <class... _Types>
auto _Invoke_stored(tuple<_Types...>&& _Tuple)
-> decltype(_Invoke_stored_explicit(_STD move(_Tuple), index_sequence_for<_Types...>())) { // invoke() a tuple
return _Invoke_stored_explicit(_STD move(_Tuple), index_sequence_for<_Types...>());
[[noreturn]] _CRTIMP2_PURE void __CLRCALL_PURE_OR_CDECL _XGetLastError();
template <class _Tuple, class _Seq, size_t _Idx>
int __stdcall _Callback_once(void*, void* _Pv, void**) { // adapt call_once() to callback API
_Tuple* _Ptup = static_cast<_Tuple*>(_Pv);
// Note explicit _Seq() selects every element from *_Ptup except the last,
// which contains call_once's exception_ptr.
_Invoke_stored_explicit(_STD move(*_Ptup), _Seq());
auto& _Ref = _STD get<_Idx>(*_Ptup);
_Ref = _STD current_exception();
return 0;
return 1;
template <class _Fn, class... _Args>
void(call_once)(once_flag& _Flag, _Fn&& _Fx, _Args&&... _Ax) { // call _Fx(_Ax...) once
using _Tuple = tuple<_Fn&&, _Args&&..., exception_ptr&>;
using _Seq = make_index_sequence<1 + sizeof...(_Args)>;
exception_ptr _Exc;
_Tuple _Tup(_STD forward<_Fn>(_Fx), _STD forward<_Args>(_Ax)..., _Exc);
_Execute_once_fp_t _Fp = &_Callback_once<_Tuple, _Seq, 1 + sizeof...(_Args)>;
if (_Execute_once(_Flag, _Fp, _STD addressof(_Tup)) != 0) {
if (_Exc) {
_STD rethrow_exception(_Exc);
// condition_variable, timed_mutex, and recursive_timed_mutex are not supported under /clr
#ifndef _M_CEE
enum class cv_status { // names for wait returns
class condition_variable { // class for waiting for conditions
using native_handle_type = _Cnd_t;
condition_variable() {
~condition_variable() noexcept {
condition_variable(const condition_variable&) = delete;
condition_variable& operator=(const condition_variable&) = delete;
void notify_one() noexcept { // wake up one waiter
void notify_all() noexcept { // wake up all waiters
void wait(unique_lock<mutex>& _Lck) { // wait for signal
// Nothing to do to comply with LWG-2135 because std::mutex lock/unlock are nothrow
_Check_C_return(_Cnd_wait(_Mycnd(), _Lck.mutex()->_Mymtx()));
template <class _Predicate>
void wait(unique_lock<mutex>& _Lck, _Predicate _Pred) { // wait for signal and test predicate
while (!_Pred()) {
template <class _Rep, class _Period>
cv_status wait_for(unique_lock<mutex>& _Lck, const chrono::duration<_Rep, _Period>& _Rel_time) {
// wait for duration
if (_Rel_time <= chrono::duration<_Rep, _Period>::zero()) {
return cv_status::timeout;
// TRANSITION, ABI: The standard says that we should use a steady clock,
// but unfortunately our ABI speaks struct xtime, which is relative to the system clock.
_CSTD xtime _Tgt;
const bool _Clamped = _To_xtime_10_day_clamped(_Tgt, _Rel_time);
const cv_status _Result = wait_until(_Lck, &_Tgt);
if (_Clamped) {
return cv_status::no_timeout;
return _Result;
template <class _Rep, class _Period, class _Predicate>
bool wait_for(unique_lock<mutex>& _Lck, const chrono::duration<_Rep, _Period>& _Rel_time, _Predicate _Pred) {
// wait for signal with timeout and check predicate
return _Wait_until1(_Lck, chrono::steady_clock::now() + _Rel_time, _Pred);
template <class _Clock, class _Duration>
cv_status wait_until(unique_lock<mutex>& _Lck, const chrono::time_point<_Clock, _Duration>& _Abs_time) {
// wait until time point
for (;;) {
const auto _Now = _Clock::now();
if (_Abs_time <= _Now) {
return cv_status::timeout;
_CSTD xtime _Tgt;
(void) _To_xtime_10_day_clamped(_Tgt, _Abs_time - _Now);
const cv_status _Result = wait_until(_Lck, &_Tgt);
if (_Result == cv_status::no_timeout) {
return cv_status::no_timeout;
template <class _Clock, class _Duration, class _Predicate>
bool wait_until(
unique_lock<mutex>& _Lck, const chrono::time_point<_Clock, _Duration>& _Abs_time, _Predicate _Pred) {
// wait for signal with timeout and check predicate
return _Wait_until1(_Lck, _Abs_time, _Pred);
cv_status wait_until(unique_lock<mutex>& _Lck, const xtime* _Abs_time) {
// wait for signal with timeout
if (!_Mtx_current_owns(_Lck.mutex()->_Mymtx())) {
// Nothing to do to comply with LWG-2135 because std::mutex lock/unlock are nothrow
const int _Res = _Cnd_timedwait(_Mycnd(), _Lck.mutex()->_Mymtx(), _Abs_time);
switch (_Res) {
case _Thrd_success:
return cv_status::no_timeout;
case _Thrd_timedout:
return cv_status::timeout;
template <class _Predicate>
bool wait_until(unique_lock<mutex>& _Lck, const xtime* _Abs_time, _Predicate _Pred) {
// wait for signal with timeout and check predicate
return _Wait_until1(_Lck, _Abs_time, _Pred);
_NODISCARD native_handle_type native_handle() {
return _Mycnd();
void _Register(unique_lock<mutex>& _Lck, int* _Ready) { // register this object for release at thread exit
_Cnd_register_at_thread_exit(_Mycnd(), _Lck.release()->_Mymtx(), _Ready);
void _Unregister(mutex& _Mtx) { // unregister this object for release at thread exit
aligned_storage_t<_Cnd_internal_imp_size, _Cnd_internal_imp_alignment> _Cnd_storage;
_Cnd_t _Mycnd() noexcept { // get pointer to _Cnd_internal_imp_t inside _Cnd_storage
return reinterpret_cast<_Cnd_t>(&_Cnd_storage);
template <class _Predicate>
bool _Wait_until1(unique_lock<mutex>& _Lck, const xtime* _Abs_time, _Predicate& _Pred) {
// wait for signal with timeout and check predicate
while (!_Pred()) {
if (wait_until(_Lck, _Abs_time) == cv_status::timeout) {
return _Pred();
return true;
template <class _Clock, class _Duration, class _Predicate>
bool _Wait_until1(
unique_lock<mutex>& _Lck, const chrono::time_point<_Clock, _Duration>& _Abs_time, _Predicate& _Pred) {
while (!_Pred()) {
const auto _Now = _Clock::now();
if (_Abs_time <= _Now) {
return false;
_CSTD xtime _Tgt;
const bool _Clamped = _To_xtime_10_day_clamped(_Tgt, _Abs_time - _Now);
if (wait_until(_Lck, &_Tgt) == cv_status::timeout && !_Clamped) {
return _Pred();
return true;
struct _UInt_is_zero {
const unsigned int& _UInt;
_NODISCARD bool operator()() const {
return _UInt == 0;
class timed_mutex { // class for timed mutual exclusion
timed_mutex() noexcept : _My_locked(0) {}
timed_mutex(const timed_mutex&) = delete;
timed_mutex& operator=(const timed_mutex&) = delete;
void lock() { // lock the mutex
unique_lock<mutex> _Lock(_My_mutex);
while (_My_locked != 0) {
_My_locked = UINT_MAX;
_NODISCARD bool try_lock() noexcept { // try to lock the mutex
lock_guard<mutex> _Lock(_My_mutex);
if (_My_locked != 0) {
return false;
} else {
_My_locked = UINT_MAX;
return true;
void unlock() { // unlock the mutex
// The lock here is necessary
lock_guard<mutex> _Lock(_My_mutex);
_My_locked = 0;
template <class _Rep, class _Period>
_NODISCARD bool try_lock_for(const chrono::duration<_Rep, _Period>& _Rel_time) { // try to lock for duration
return try_lock_until(chrono::steady_clock::now() + _Rel_time);
template <class _Time>
bool _Try_lock_until(_Time _Abs_time) { // try to lock the mutex with timeout
unique_lock<mutex> _Lock(_My_mutex);
if (!_My_cond.wait_until(_Lock, _Abs_time, _UInt_is_zero{_My_locked})) {
return false;
_My_locked = UINT_MAX;
return true;
template <class _Clock, class _Duration>
_NODISCARD bool try_lock_until(
const chrono::time_point<_Clock, _Duration>& _Abs_time) { // try to lock the mutex with timeout
return _Try_lock_until(_Abs_time);
_NODISCARD bool try_lock_until(const xtime* _Abs_time) { // try to lock the mutex with timeout
return _Try_lock_until(_Abs_time);
mutex _My_mutex;
condition_variable _My_cond;
unsigned int _My_locked;
class recursive_timed_mutex { // class for recursive timed mutual exclusion
recursive_timed_mutex() noexcept : _My_locked(0) {}
recursive_timed_mutex(const recursive_timed_mutex&) = delete;
recursive_timed_mutex& operator=(const recursive_timed_mutex&) = delete;
void lock() { // lock the mutex
const thread::id _Tid = this_thread::get_id();
unique_lock<mutex> _Lock(_My_mutex);
if (_Tid == _My_owner) {
if (_My_locked < UINT_MAX) {
} else {
} else {
while (_My_locked != 0) {
_My_locked = 1;
_My_owner = _Tid;
_NODISCARD bool try_lock() noexcept { // try to lock the mutex
const thread::id _Tid = this_thread::get_id();
lock_guard<mutex> _Lock(_My_mutex);
if (_Tid == _My_owner) {
if (_My_locked < UINT_MAX) {
} else {
return false;
} else {
if (_My_locked != 0) {
return false;
} else {
_My_locked = 1;
_My_owner = _Tid;
return true;
void unlock() { // unlock the mutex
bool _Do_notify = false;
lock_guard<mutex> _Lock(_My_mutex);
if (_My_locked == 0) {
_Do_notify = true;
_My_owner = thread::id();
if (_Do_notify) {
template <class _Rep, class _Period>
_NODISCARD bool try_lock_for(const chrono::duration<_Rep, _Period>& _Rel_time) { // try to lock for duration
return try_lock_until(chrono::steady_clock::now() + _Rel_time);
template <class _Time>
bool _Try_lock_until(_Time _Abs_time) { // try to lock the mutex with timeout
const thread::id _Tid = this_thread::get_id();
unique_lock<mutex> _Lock(_My_mutex);
if (_Tid == _My_owner) {
if (_My_locked < UINT_MAX) {
} else {
return false;
} else {
if (!_My_cond.wait_until(_Lock, _Abs_time, _UInt_is_zero{_My_locked})) {
return false;
_My_locked = 1;
_My_owner = _Tid;
return true;
template <class _Clock, class _Duration>
_NODISCARD bool try_lock_until(
const chrono::time_point<_Clock, _Duration>& _Abs_time) { // try to lock the mutex with timeout
return _Try_lock_until(_Abs_time);
_NODISCARD bool try_lock_until(const xtime* _Abs_time) { // try to lock the mutex with timeout
return _Try_lock_until(_Abs_time);
mutex _My_mutex;
condition_variable _My_cond;
unsigned int _My_locked;
thread::id _My_owner;
#endif // _M_CEE
#pragma pop_macro("new")
#pragma warning(pop)
#pragma pack(pop)
#endif // _MUTEX_