
1020 строки
51 KiB

// tuple standard header
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#pragma once
#ifndef _TUPLE_
#define _TUPLE_
#include <yvals_core.h>
#ifdef __cpp_lib_concepts
#include <compare>
#endif // __cpp_lib_concepts
#include <type_traits>
#include <xutility>
#pragma pack(push, _CRT_PACKING)
#pragma warning(push, _STL_WARNING_LEVEL)
#pragma warning(disable : _STL_DISABLED_WARNINGS)
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
template <bool _Same, class _Dest, class... _Srcs>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool _Tuple_conditional_explicit_v0 = false;
template <class... _Dests, class... _Srcs>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool _Tuple_conditional_explicit_v0<true, tuple<_Dests...>, _Srcs...> =
!conjunction_v<is_convertible<_Srcs, _Dests>...>;
template <class _Dest, class... _Srcs>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool _Tuple_conditional_explicit_v =
_Tuple_conditional_explicit_v0<tuple_size_v<_Dest> == sizeof...(_Srcs), _Dest, _Srcs...>;
// Constrain tuple's implicit constructors
template <bool _Same, class _Dest, class... _Srcs>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool _Tuple_implicit_v0 = false;
template <class... _Dests, class... _Srcs>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool _Tuple_implicit_v0<true, tuple<_Dests...>, _Srcs...> =
conjunction_v<is_constructible<_Dests, _Srcs>..., is_convertible<_Srcs, _Dests>...>;
template <class _Dest, class... _Srcs>
struct _Tuple_implicit_val
: bool_constant<_Tuple_implicit_v0<tuple_size_v<_Dest> == sizeof...(_Srcs), _Dest, _Srcs...>> {};
// Constrain tuple's explicit constructors
template <bool _Same, class _Dest, class... _Srcs>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool _Tuple_explicit_v0 = false;
template <class... _Dests, class... _Srcs>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool _Tuple_explicit_v0<true, tuple<_Dests...>, _Srcs...> =
conjunction_v<is_constructible<_Dests, _Srcs>..., negation<conjunction<is_convertible<_Srcs, _Dests>...>>>;
template <class _Dest, class... _Srcs>
struct _Tuple_explicit_val
: bool_constant<_Tuple_explicit_v0<tuple_size_v<_Dest> == sizeof...(_Srcs), _Dest, _Srcs...>> {};
#endif // ^^^ !_HAS_CONDITIONAL_EXPLICIT ^^^
template <bool _Same, class _Dest, class... _Srcs>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool _Tuple_constructible_v0 = false;
template <class... _Dests, class... _Srcs>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool _Tuple_constructible_v0<true, tuple<_Dests...>, _Srcs...> =
conjunction_v<is_constructible<_Dests, _Srcs>...>;
template <class _Dest, class... _Srcs>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool _Tuple_constructible_v =
_Tuple_constructible_v0<tuple_size_v<_Dest> == sizeof...(_Srcs), _Dest, _Srcs...>;
template <class _Dest, class... _Srcs>
struct _Tuple_constructible_val : bool_constant<_Tuple_constructible_v<_Dest, _Srcs...>> {};
template <bool _Same, class _Dest, class... _Srcs>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool _Tuple_nothrow_constructible_v0 = false;
template <class... _Dests, class... _Srcs>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool _Tuple_nothrow_constructible_v0<true, tuple<_Dests...>, _Srcs...> =
conjunction_v<is_nothrow_constructible<_Dests, _Srcs>...>;
template <class _Dest, class... _Srcs>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool _Tuple_nothrow_constructible_v =
_Tuple_nothrow_constructible_v0<tuple_size_v<_Dest> == sizeof...(_Srcs), _Dest, _Srcs...>;
template <bool _Same, class _Dest, class... _Srcs>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool _Tuple_assignable_v0 = false;
template <class... _Dests, class... _Srcs>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool _Tuple_assignable_v0<true, tuple<_Dests...>, _Srcs...> =
conjunction_v<is_assignable<_Dests&, _Srcs>...>; // note _Dests& instead of _Dests
template <class _Dest, class... _Srcs>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool _Tuple_assignable_v =
_Tuple_assignable_v0<tuple_size_v<_Dest> == sizeof...(_Srcs), _Dest, _Srcs...>;
template <class _Dest, class... _Srcs>
struct _Tuple_assignable_val : bool_constant<_Tuple_assignable_v<_Dest, _Srcs...>> {};
template <bool _Same, class _Dest, class... _Srcs>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool _Tuple_nothrow_assignable_v0 = false;
template <class... _Dests, class... _Srcs>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool _Tuple_nothrow_assignable_v0<true, tuple<_Dests...>, _Srcs...> =
conjunction_v<is_nothrow_assignable<_Dests&, _Srcs>...>; // note _Dests& instead of _Dests
template <class _Dest, class... _Srcs>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool _Tuple_nothrow_assignable_v =
_Tuple_nothrow_assignable_v0<tuple_size_v<_Dest> == sizeof...(_Srcs), _Dest, _Srcs...>;
// Constrain tuple's copy converting constructor (LWG-2549)
template <class _Myself, class... _Other>
struct _Tuple_convert_copy_val : true_type {};
template <class _This, class _Uty>
struct _Tuple_convert_copy_val<tuple<_This>, _Uty>
: bool_constant<!disjunction_v<is_same<_This, _Uty>, is_constructible<_This, const tuple<_Uty>&>,
is_convertible<const tuple<_Uty>&, _This>>> {};
// Constrain tuple's move converting constructor (LWG-2549)
template <class _Myself, class... _Other>
struct _Tuple_convert_move_val : true_type {};
template <class _This, class _Uty>
struct _Tuple_convert_move_val<tuple<_This>, _Uty>
: bool_constant<!disjunction_v<is_same<_This, _Uty>, is_constructible<_This, tuple<_Uty>>,
is_convertible<tuple<_Uty>, _This>>> {};
// Constrain tuple's perfect forwarding constructor (LWG-3121)
template <class _Myself, class _This2, class... _Rest2>
struct _Tuple_perfect_val : true_type {};
template <class _Myself, class _This2>
struct _Tuple_perfect_val<_Myself, _This2>
: bool_constant<!is_same_v<_Myself, remove_const_t<remove_reference_t<_This2>>>> {};
struct _Ignore { // struct that ignores assignments
template <class _Ty>
constexpr const _Ignore& operator=(const _Ty&) const noexcept /* strengthened */ {
// do nothing
return *this;
_INLINE_VAR constexpr _Ignore ignore{};
// Note: To improve throughput, this file uses extra _STD qualification for names that appear in the
// arguments of enable_if_t. Specifically, we qualify names which appear anywhere in the STL as members of
// some class - including injected-class-names! - that we know are not members of the class being defined.
// This avoids pointless class-member lookup for those names in this context.
template <class _Ty>
struct _Tuple_val { // stores each value in a tuple
constexpr _Tuple_val() : _Val() {}
template <class _Other>
constexpr _Tuple_val(_Other&& _Arg) : _Val(_STD forward<_Other>(_Arg)) {}
template <class _Alloc, class... _Other, enable_if_t<!uses_allocator_v<_Ty, _Alloc>, int> = 0>
constexpr _Tuple_val(const _Alloc&, allocator_arg_t, _Other&&... _Arg) : _Val(_STD forward<_Other>(_Arg)...) {}
template <class _Alloc, class... _Other,
enable_if_t<conjunction_v<_STD uses_allocator<_Ty, _Alloc>,
_STD is_constructible<_Ty, _STD allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc&, _Other...>>,
int> = 0>
constexpr _Tuple_val(const _Alloc& _Al, allocator_arg_t, _Other&&... _Arg)
: _Val(allocator_arg, _Al, _STD forward<_Other>(_Arg)...) {}
template <class _Alloc, class... _Other,
enable_if_t<conjunction_v<_STD uses_allocator<_Ty, _Alloc>,
_STD negation<_STD is_constructible<_Ty, _STD allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc&, _Other...>>>,
int> = 0>
constexpr _Tuple_val(const _Alloc& _Al, allocator_arg_t, _Other&&... _Arg)
: _Val(_STD forward<_Other>(_Arg)..., _Al) {}
_Ty _Val;
struct _Exact_args_t {
explicit _Exact_args_t() = default;
}; // tag type to disambiguate construction (from one arg per element)
struct _Unpack_tuple_t {
explicit _Unpack_tuple_t() = default;
}; // tag type to disambiguate construction (from unpacking a tuple/pair)
struct _Alloc_exact_args_t {
explicit _Alloc_exact_args_t() = default;
}; // tag type to disambiguate construction (from an allocator and one arg per element)
struct _Alloc_unpack_tuple_t {
explicit _Alloc_unpack_tuple_t() = default;
}; // tag type to disambiguate construction (from an allocator and unpacking a tuple/pair)
template <class... _Types>
class tuple;
template <>
class tuple<> { // empty tuple
constexpr tuple() noexcept = default; /* strengthened */
constexpr tuple(const tuple&) noexcept /* strengthened */ {} // TRANSITION, ABI: should be defaulted
template <class _Alloc>
_CONSTEXPR20 tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc&) noexcept /* strengthened */ {}
template <class _Alloc>
_CONSTEXPR20 tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc&, const tuple&) noexcept /* strengthened */ {}
template <class _Tag, enable_if_t<is_same_v<_Tag, _STD _Exact_args_t>, int> = 0>
constexpr tuple(_Tag) noexcept /* strengthened */ {}
template <class _Tag, class _Alloc, enable_if_t<is_same_v<_Tag, _STD _Alloc_exact_args_t>, int> = 0>
constexpr tuple(_Tag, const _Alloc&) noexcept /* strengthened */ {}
constexpr tuple& operator=(const tuple&) = default;
_CONSTEXPR20 void swap(tuple&) noexcept {}
constexpr bool _Equals(const tuple&) const noexcept {
return true;
#ifdef __cpp_lib_concepts
_NODISCARD constexpr strong_ordering _Three_way_compare(const tuple&) const noexcept {
return strong_ordering::equal;
#else // ^^^ defined(__cpp_lib_concepts) / !defined(__cpp_lib_concepts) vvv
_NODISCARD constexpr bool _Less(const tuple&) const noexcept {
return false;
#endif // ^^^ !defined(__cpp_lib_concepts) ^^^
template <class _This, class... _Rest>
class tuple<_This, _Rest...> : private tuple<_Rest...> { // recursive tuple definition
using _This_type = _This;
using _Mybase = tuple<_Rest...>;
template <class _Tag, class _This2, class... _Rest2, enable_if_t<is_same_v<_Tag, _STD _Exact_args_t>, int> = 0>
constexpr tuple(_Tag, _This2&& _This_arg, _Rest2&&... _Rest_arg)
: _Mybase(_Exact_args_t{}, _STD forward<_Rest2>(_Rest_arg)...), _Myfirst(_STD forward<_This2>(_This_arg)) {}
template <class _Tag, class _Tpl, size_t... _Indices, enable_if_t<is_same_v<_Tag, _STD _Unpack_tuple_t>, int> = 0>
constexpr tuple(_Tag, _Tpl&& _Right, index_sequence<_Indices...>);
template <class _Tag, class _Tpl, enable_if_t<is_same_v<_Tag, _STD _Unpack_tuple_t>, int> = 0>
constexpr tuple(_Tag, _Tpl&& _Right)
: tuple(_Unpack_tuple_t{}, _STD forward<_Tpl>(_Right),
make_index_sequence<tuple_size_v<remove_reference_t<_Tpl>>>{}) {}
template <class _Tag, class _Alloc, class _This2, class... _Rest2,
enable_if_t<is_same_v<_Tag, _STD _Alloc_exact_args_t>, int> = 0>
constexpr tuple(_Tag, const _Alloc& _Al, _This2&& _This_arg, _Rest2&&... _Rest_arg)
: _Mybase(_Alloc_exact_args_t{}, _Al, _STD forward<_Rest2>(_Rest_arg)...),
_Myfirst(_Al, allocator_arg, _STD forward<_This2>(_This_arg)) {}
template <class _Tag, class _Alloc, class _Tpl, size_t... _Indices,
enable_if_t<is_same_v<_Tag, _STD _Alloc_unpack_tuple_t>, int> = 0>
constexpr tuple(_Tag, const _Alloc& _Al, _Tpl&& _Right, index_sequence<_Indices...>);
template <class _Tag, class _Alloc, class _Tpl, enable_if_t<is_same_v<_Tag, _STD _Alloc_unpack_tuple_t>, int> = 0>
constexpr tuple(_Tag, const _Alloc& _Al, _Tpl&& _Right)
: tuple(_Alloc_unpack_tuple_t{}, _Al, _STD forward<_Tpl>(_Right),
make_index_sequence<tuple_size_v<remove_reference_t<_Tpl>>>{}) {}
template <class _This2 = _This,
enable_if_t<conjunction_v<_STD is_default_constructible<_This2>, _STD is_default_constructible<_Rest>...>,
int> = 0>
constexpr explicit(
!conjunction_v<_Is_implicitly_default_constructible<_This2>, _Is_implicitly_default_constructible<_Rest>...>)
tuple() noexcept(conjunction_v<is_nothrow_default_constructible<_This2>,
is_nothrow_default_constructible<_Rest>...>) // strengthened
: _Mybase(), _Myfirst() {}
template <class _This2 = _This,
enable_if_t<conjunction_v<is_default_constructible<_This2>, is_default_constructible<_Rest>...,
_Is_implicitly_default_constructible<_This2>, _Is_implicitly_default_constructible<_Rest>...>,
int> = 0>
constexpr tuple() noexcept(conjunction_v<is_nothrow_default_constructible<_This2>,
is_nothrow_default_constructible<_Rest>...>) // strengthened
: _Mybase(), _Myfirst() {}
template <class _This2 = _This,
enable_if_t<conjunction_v<is_default_constructible<_This2>, is_default_constructible<_Rest>...,
int> = 0>
constexpr explicit tuple() noexcept(conjunction_v<is_nothrow_default_constructible<_This2>,
is_nothrow_default_constructible<_Rest>...>) // strengthened
: _Mybase(), _Myfirst() {}
#endif // ^^^ !_HAS_CONDITIONAL_EXPLICIT ^^^
template <class _This2 = _This, enable_if_t<_Tuple_constructible_v<tuple, const _This2&, const _Rest&...>, int> = 0>
constexpr explicit(_Tuple_conditional_explicit_v<tuple, const _This2&, const _Rest&...>) tuple(
const _This& _This_arg, const _Rest&... _Rest_arg) noexcept(conjunction_v<is_nothrow_copy_constructible<_This2>,
is_nothrow_copy_constructible<_Rest>...>) // strengthened
: tuple(_Exact_args_t{}, _This_arg, _Rest_arg...) {}
template <class _This2 = _This,
enable_if_t<_Tuple_implicit_val<tuple, const _This2&, const _Rest&...>::value, int> = 0>
constexpr tuple(const _This& _This_arg, const _Rest&... _Rest_arg) noexcept(
is_nothrow_copy_constructible<_Rest>...>) // strengthened
: tuple(_Exact_args_t{}, _This_arg, _Rest_arg...) {}
template <class _This2 = _This,
enable_if_t<_Tuple_explicit_val<tuple, const _This2&, const _Rest&...>::value, int> = 0>
constexpr explicit tuple(const _This& _This_arg, const _Rest&... _Rest_arg) noexcept(
is_nothrow_copy_constructible<_Rest>...>) // strengthened
: tuple(_Exact_args_t{}, _This_arg, _Rest_arg...) {}
#endif // ^^^ !_HAS_CONDITIONAL_EXPLICIT ^^^
template <class _This2, class... _Rest2,
enable_if_t<conjunction_v<_STD _Tuple_perfect_val<tuple, _This2, _Rest2...>,
_STD _Tuple_constructible_val<tuple, _This2, _Rest2...>>,
int> = 0>
constexpr explicit(_Tuple_conditional_explicit_v<tuple, _This2, _Rest2...>) tuple(_This2&& _This_arg,
_Rest2&&... _Rest_arg) noexcept(_Tuple_nothrow_constructible_v<tuple, _This2, _Rest2...>) // strengthened
: tuple(_Exact_args_t{}, _STD forward<_This2>(_This_arg), _STD forward<_Rest2>(_Rest_arg)...) {}
template <class _This2, class... _Rest2,
conjunction_v<_Tuple_perfect_val<tuple, _This2, _Rest2...>, _Tuple_implicit_val<tuple, _This2, _Rest2...>>,
int> = 0>
constexpr tuple(_This2&& _This_arg, _Rest2&&... _Rest_arg) noexcept(
_Tuple_nothrow_constructible_v<tuple, _This2, _Rest2...>) // strengthened
: tuple(_Exact_args_t{}, _STD forward<_This2>(_This_arg), _STD forward<_Rest2>(_Rest_arg)...) {}
template <class _This2, class... _Rest2,
conjunction_v<_Tuple_perfect_val<tuple, _This2, _Rest2...>, _Tuple_explicit_val<tuple, _This2, _Rest2...>>,
int> = 0>
constexpr explicit tuple(_This2&& _This_arg, _Rest2&&... _Rest_arg) noexcept(
_Tuple_nothrow_constructible_v<tuple, _This2, _Rest2...>) // strengthened
: tuple(_Exact_args_t{}, _STD forward<_This2>(_This_arg), _STD forward<_Rest2>(_Rest_arg)...) {}
#endif // ^^^ !_HAS_CONDITIONAL_EXPLICIT ^^^
tuple(const tuple&) = default;
tuple(tuple&&) = default;
template <class... _Other, enable_if_t<conjunction_v<_STD _Tuple_constructible_val<tuple, const _Other&...>,
_STD _Tuple_convert_copy_val<tuple, _Other...>>,
int> = 0>
constexpr explicit(_Tuple_conditional_explicit_v<tuple, const _Other&...>)
tuple(const tuple<_Other...>& _Right) noexcept(
_Tuple_nothrow_constructible_v<tuple, const _Other&...>) // strengthened
: tuple(_Unpack_tuple_t{}, _Right) {}
template <class... _Other, enable_if_t<conjunction_v<_Tuple_implicit_val<tuple, const _Other&...>,
_Tuple_convert_copy_val<tuple, _Other...>>,
int> = 0>
constexpr tuple(const tuple<_Other...>& _Right) noexcept(
_Tuple_nothrow_constructible_v<tuple, const _Other&...>) // strengthened
: tuple(_Unpack_tuple_t{}, _Right) {}
template <class... _Other, enable_if_t<conjunction_v<_Tuple_explicit_val<tuple, const _Other&...>,
_Tuple_convert_copy_val<tuple, _Other...>>,
int> = 0>
constexpr explicit tuple(const tuple<_Other...>& _Right) noexcept(
_Tuple_nothrow_constructible_v<tuple, const _Other&...>) // strengthened
: tuple(_Unpack_tuple_t{}, _Right) {}
#endif // ^^^ !_HAS_CONDITIONAL_EXPLICIT ^^^
template <class... _Other, enable_if_t<conjunction_v<_STD _Tuple_constructible_val<tuple, _Other...>,
_STD _Tuple_convert_move_val<tuple, _Other...>>,
int> = 0>
constexpr explicit(_Tuple_conditional_explicit_v<tuple, _Other...>)
tuple(tuple<_Other...>&& _Right) noexcept(_Tuple_nothrow_constructible_v<tuple, _Other...>) // strengthened
: tuple(_Unpack_tuple_t{}, _STD move(_Right)) {}
template <class... _Other,
enable_if_t<conjunction_v<_Tuple_implicit_val<tuple, _Other...>, _Tuple_convert_move_val<tuple, _Other...>>,
int> = 0>
constexpr tuple(tuple<_Other...>&& _Right) noexcept(
_Tuple_nothrow_constructible_v<tuple, _Other...>) // strengthened
: tuple(_Unpack_tuple_t{}, _STD move(_Right)) {}
template <class... _Other,
enable_if_t<conjunction_v<_Tuple_explicit_val<tuple, _Other...>, _Tuple_convert_move_val<tuple, _Other...>>,
int> = 0>
constexpr explicit tuple(tuple<_Other...>&& _Right) noexcept(
_Tuple_nothrow_constructible_v<tuple, _Other...>) // strengthened
: tuple(_Unpack_tuple_t{}, _STD move(_Right)) {}
#endif // ^^^ !_HAS_CONDITIONAL_EXPLICIT ^^^
template <class _First, class _Second,
enable_if_t<_Tuple_constructible_v<tuple, const _First&, const _Second&>, int> = 0>
constexpr explicit(_Tuple_conditional_explicit_v<tuple, const _First&, const _Second&>)
tuple(const pair<_First, _Second>& _Right) noexcept(
_Tuple_nothrow_constructible_v<tuple, const _First&, const _Second&>) // strengthened
: tuple(_Unpack_tuple_t{}, _Right) {}
template <class _First, class _Second,
enable_if_t<_Tuple_implicit_val<tuple, const _First&, const _Second&>::value, int> = 0>
constexpr tuple(const pair<_First, _Second>& _Right) noexcept(
_Tuple_nothrow_constructible_v<tuple, const _First&, const _Second&>) // strengthened
: tuple(_Unpack_tuple_t{}, _Right) {}
template <class _First, class _Second,
enable_if_t<_Tuple_explicit_val<tuple, const _First&, const _Second&>::value, int> = 0>
constexpr explicit tuple(const pair<_First, _Second>& _Right) noexcept(
_Tuple_nothrow_constructible_v<tuple, const _First&, const _Second&>) // strengthened
: tuple(_Unpack_tuple_t{}, _Right) {}
#endif // ^^^ !_HAS_CONDITIONAL_EXPLICIT ^^^
template <class _First, class _Second, enable_if_t<_Tuple_constructible_v<tuple, _First, _Second>, int> = 0>
constexpr explicit(_Tuple_conditional_explicit_v<tuple, _First, _Second>) tuple(
pair<_First, _Second>&& _Right) noexcept(_Tuple_nothrow_constructible_v<tuple, _First, _Second>) // strengthened
: tuple(_Unpack_tuple_t{}, _STD move(_Right)) {}
template <class _First, class _Second, enable_if_t<_Tuple_implicit_val<tuple, _First, _Second>::value, int> = 0>
constexpr tuple(pair<_First, _Second>&& _Right) noexcept(
_Tuple_nothrow_constructible_v<tuple, _First, _Second>) // strengthened
: tuple(_Unpack_tuple_t{}, _STD move(_Right)) {}
template <class _First, class _Second, enable_if_t<_Tuple_explicit_val<tuple, _First, _Second>::value, int> = 0>
constexpr explicit tuple(pair<_First, _Second>&& _Right) noexcept(
_Tuple_nothrow_constructible_v<tuple, _First, _Second>) // strengthened
: tuple(_Unpack_tuple_t{}, _STD move(_Right)) {}
#endif // ^^^ !_HAS_CONDITIONAL_EXPLICIT ^^^
template <class _Alloc, class _This2 = _This,
enable_if_t<conjunction_v<_STD is_default_constructible<_This2>, _STD is_default_constructible<_Rest>...>,
int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 explicit(
!conjunction_v<_Is_implicitly_default_constructible<_This2>, _Is_implicitly_default_constructible<_Rest>...>)
tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& _Al)
: _Mybase(allocator_arg, _Al), _Myfirst(_Al, allocator_arg) {}
template <class _Alloc, class _This2 = _This,
enable_if_t<conjunction_v<is_default_constructible<_This2>, is_default_constructible<_Rest>...,
_Is_implicitly_default_constructible<_This2>, _Is_implicitly_default_constructible<_Rest>...>,
int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& _Al)
: _Mybase(allocator_arg, _Al), _Myfirst(_Al, allocator_arg) {}
template <class _Alloc, class _This2 = _This,
enable_if_t<conjunction_v<is_default_constructible<_This2>, is_default_constructible<_Rest>...,
int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 explicit tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& _Al)
: _Mybase(allocator_arg, _Al), _Myfirst(_Al, allocator_arg) {}
#endif // ^^^ !_HAS_CONDITIONAL_EXPLICIT ^^^
template <class _Alloc, class _This2 = _This,
enable_if_t<_Tuple_constructible_v<tuple, const _This2&, const _Rest&...>, int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 explicit(_Tuple_conditional_explicit_v<tuple, const _This2&, const _Rest&...>)
tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& _Al, const _This& _This_arg, const _Rest&... _Rest_arg)
: tuple(_Alloc_exact_args_t{}, _Al, _This_arg, _Rest_arg...) {}
template <class _Alloc, class _This2 = _This,
enable_if_t<_Tuple_implicit_val<tuple, const _This2&, const _Rest&...>::value, int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& _Al, const _This& _This_arg, const _Rest&... _Rest_arg)
: tuple(_Alloc_exact_args_t{}, _Al, _This_arg, _Rest_arg...) {}
template <class _Alloc, class _This2 = _This,
enable_if_t<_Tuple_explicit_val<tuple, const _This2&, const _Rest&...>::value, int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 explicit tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& _Al, const _This& _This_arg, const _Rest&... _Rest_arg)
: tuple(_Alloc_exact_args_t{}, _Al, _This_arg, _Rest_arg...) {}
#endif // ^^^ !_HAS_CONDITIONAL_EXPLICIT ^^^
template <class _Alloc, class _This2, class... _Rest2,
enable_if_t<conjunction_v<_STD _Tuple_perfect_val<tuple, _This2, _Rest2...>,
_STD _Tuple_constructible_val<tuple, _This2, _Rest2...>>,
int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 explicit(_Tuple_conditional_explicit_v<tuple, _This2, _Rest2...>)
tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& _Al, _This2&& _This_arg, _Rest2&&... _Rest_arg)
: tuple(_Alloc_exact_args_t{}, _Al, _STD forward<_This2>(_This_arg), _STD forward<_Rest2>(_Rest_arg)...) {}
template <class _Alloc, class _This2, class... _Rest2,
conjunction_v<_Tuple_perfect_val<tuple, _This2, _Rest2...>, _Tuple_implicit_val<tuple, _This2, _Rest2...>>,
int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& _Al, _This2&& _This_arg, _Rest2&&... _Rest_arg)
: tuple(_Alloc_exact_args_t{}, _Al, _STD forward<_This2>(_This_arg), _STD forward<_Rest2>(_Rest_arg)...) {}
template <class _Alloc, class _This2, class... _Rest2,
conjunction_v<_Tuple_perfect_val<tuple, _This2, _Rest2...>, _Tuple_explicit_val<tuple, _This2, _Rest2...>>,
int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 explicit tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& _Al, _This2&& _This_arg, _Rest2&&... _Rest_arg)
: tuple(_Alloc_exact_args_t{}, _Al, _STD forward<_This2>(_This_arg), _STD forward<_Rest2>(_Rest_arg)...) {}
#endif // ^^^ !_HAS_CONDITIONAL_EXPLICIT ^^^
template <class _Alloc, class _This2 = _This,
enable_if_t<_Tuple_constructible_v<tuple, const _This2&, const _Rest&...>, int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& _Al, const tuple& _Right)
: tuple(_Alloc_unpack_tuple_t{}, _Al, _Right) {}
template <class _Alloc, class _This2 = _This, enable_if_t<_Tuple_constructible_v<tuple, _This2, _Rest...>, int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& _Al, tuple&& _Right)
: tuple(_Alloc_unpack_tuple_t{}, _Al, _STD move(_Right)) {}
template <class _Alloc, class... _Other,
enable_if_t<conjunction_v<_STD _Tuple_constructible_val<tuple, const _Other&...>,
_STD _Tuple_convert_copy_val<tuple, _Other...>>,
int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 explicit(_Tuple_conditional_explicit_v<tuple, const _Other&...>)
tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& _Al, const tuple<_Other...>& _Right)
: tuple(_Alloc_unpack_tuple_t{}, _Al, _Right) {}
template <class _Alloc, class... _Other,
conjunction_v<_Tuple_implicit_val<tuple, const _Other&...>, _Tuple_convert_copy_val<tuple, _Other...>>,
int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& _Al, const tuple<_Other...>& _Right)
: tuple(_Alloc_unpack_tuple_t{}, _Al, _Right) {}
template <class _Alloc, class... _Other,
conjunction_v<_Tuple_explicit_val<tuple, const _Other&...>, _Tuple_convert_copy_val<tuple, _Other...>>,
int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 explicit tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& _Al, const tuple<_Other...>& _Right)
: tuple(_Alloc_unpack_tuple_t{}, _Al, _Right) {}
#endif // ^^^ !_HAS_CONDITIONAL_EXPLICIT ^^^
template <class _Alloc, class... _Other,
enable_if_t<conjunction_v<_STD _Tuple_constructible_val<tuple, _Other...>,
_STD _Tuple_convert_move_val<tuple, _Other...>>,
int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 explicit(_Tuple_conditional_explicit_v<tuple, _Other...>)
tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& _Al, tuple<_Other...>&& _Right)
: tuple(_Alloc_unpack_tuple_t{}, _Al, _STD move(_Right)) {}
template <class _Alloc, class... _Other,
enable_if_t<conjunction_v<_Tuple_implicit_val<tuple, _Other...>, _Tuple_convert_move_val<tuple, _Other...>>,
int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& _Al, tuple<_Other...>&& _Right)
: tuple(_Alloc_unpack_tuple_t{}, _Al, _STD move(_Right)) {}
template <class _Alloc, class... _Other,
enable_if_t<conjunction_v<_Tuple_explicit_val<tuple, _Other...>, _Tuple_convert_move_val<tuple, _Other...>>,
int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 explicit tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& _Al, tuple<_Other...>&& _Right)
: tuple(_Alloc_unpack_tuple_t{}, _Al, _STD move(_Right)) {}
#endif // ^^^ !_HAS_CONDITIONAL_EXPLICIT ^^^
template <class _Alloc, class _First, class _Second,
enable_if_t<_Tuple_constructible_v<tuple, const _First&, const _Second&>, int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 explicit(_Tuple_conditional_explicit_v<tuple, const _First&, const _Second&>)
tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& _Al, const pair<_First, _Second>& _Right)
: tuple(_Alloc_unpack_tuple_t{}, _Al, _Right) {}
template <class _Alloc, class _First, class _Second,
enable_if_t<_Tuple_implicit_val<tuple, const _First&, const _Second&>::value, int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& _Al, const pair<_First, _Second>& _Right)
: tuple(_Alloc_unpack_tuple_t{}, _Al, _Right) {}
template <class _Alloc, class _First, class _Second,
enable_if_t<_Tuple_explicit_val<tuple, const _First&, const _Second&>::value, int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 explicit tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& _Al, const pair<_First, _Second>& _Right)
: tuple(_Alloc_unpack_tuple_t{}, _Al, _Right) {}
#endif // ^^^ !_HAS_CONDITIONAL_EXPLICIT ^^^
template <class _Alloc, class _First, class _Second,
enable_if_t<_Tuple_constructible_v<tuple, _First, _Second>, int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 explicit(_Tuple_conditional_explicit_v<tuple, _First, _Second>)
tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& _Al, pair<_First, _Second>&& _Right)
: tuple(_Alloc_unpack_tuple_t{}, _Al, _STD move(_Right)) {}
template <class _Alloc, class _First, class _Second,
enable_if_t<_Tuple_implicit_val<tuple, _First, _Second>::value, int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& _Al, pair<_First, _Second>&& _Right)
: tuple(_Alloc_unpack_tuple_t{}, _Al, _STD move(_Right)) {}
template <class _Alloc, class _First, class _Second,
enable_if_t<_Tuple_explicit_val<tuple, _First, _Second>::value, int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 explicit tuple(allocator_arg_t, const _Alloc& _Al, pair<_First, _Second>&& _Right)
: tuple(_Alloc_unpack_tuple_t{}, _Al, _STD move(_Right)) {}
#endif // ^^^ !_HAS_CONDITIONAL_EXPLICIT ^^^
tuple& operator=(const volatile tuple&) = delete;
template <class _Myself = tuple, class _This2 = _This,
enable_if_t<conjunction_v<_STD _Is_copy_assignable_no_precondition_check<_This2>,
_STD _Is_copy_assignable_no_precondition_check<_Rest>...>,
int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 tuple& operator=(_Identity_t<const _Myself&> _Right) noexcept(
conjunction_v<is_nothrow_copy_assignable<_This2>, is_nothrow_copy_assignable<_Rest>...>) /* strengthened */ {
_Myfirst._Val = _Right._Myfirst._Val;
_Get_rest() = _Right._Get_rest();
return *this;
template <class _Myself = tuple, class _This2 = _This,
enable_if_t<conjunction_v<_STD _Is_move_assignable_no_precondition_check<_This2>,
_STD _Is_move_assignable_no_precondition_check<_Rest>...>,
int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 tuple& operator=(_Identity_t<_Myself&&> _Right) noexcept(
conjunction_v<is_nothrow_move_assignable<_This2>, is_nothrow_move_assignable<_Rest>...>) {
_Myfirst._Val = _STD forward<_This>(_Right._Myfirst._Val);
_Get_rest() = _STD forward<_Mybase>(_Right._Get_rest());
return *this;
template <class... _Other, enable_if_t<conjunction_v<_STD negation<_STD is_same<tuple, _STD tuple<_Other...>>>,
_STD _Tuple_assignable_val<tuple, const _Other&...>>,
int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 tuple& operator=(const tuple<_Other...>& _Right) noexcept(
_Tuple_nothrow_assignable_v<tuple, const _Other&...>) /* strengthened */ {
_Myfirst._Val = _Right._Myfirst._Val;
_Get_rest() = _Right._Get_rest();
return *this;
template <class... _Other, enable_if_t<conjunction_v<_STD negation<_STD is_same<tuple, _STD tuple<_Other...>>>,
_STD _Tuple_assignable_val<tuple, _Other...>>,
int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 tuple& operator=(tuple<_Other...>&& _Right) noexcept(
_Tuple_nothrow_assignable_v<tuple, _Other...>) /* strengthened */ {
_Myfirst._Val = _STD forward<typename tuple<_Other...>::_This_type>(_Right._Myfirst._Val);
_Get_rest() = _STD forward<typename tuple<_Other...>::_Mybase>(_Right._Get_rest());
return *this;
template <class _First, class _Second,
enable_if_t<_Tuple_assignable_v<tuple, const _First&, const _Second&>, int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 tuple& operator=(const pair<_First, _Second>& _Right) noexcept(
_Tuple_nothrow_assignable_v<tuple, const _First&, const _Second&>) /* strengthened */ {
_Myfirst._Val = _Right.first;
_Get_rest()._Myfirst._Val = _Right.second;
return *this;
template <class _First, class _Second, enable_if_t<_Tuple_assignable_v<tuple, _First, _Second>, int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 tuple& operator=(pair<_First, _Second>&& _Right) noexcept(
_Tuple_nothrow_assignable_v<tuple, _First, _Second>) /* strengthened */ {
_Myfirst._Val = _STD forward<_First>(_Right.first);
_Get_rest()._Myfirst._Val = _STD forward<_Second>(_Right.second);
return *this;
_CONSTEXPR20 void swap(tuple& _Right) noexcept(
conjunction_v<_Is_nothrow_swappable<_This>, _Is_nothrow_swappable<_Rest>...>) {
_Swap_adl(_Myfirst._Val, _Right._Myfirst._Val);
constexpr _Mybase& _Get_rest() noexcept { // get reference to rest of elements
return *this;
constexpr const _Mybase& _Get_rest() const noexcept { // get const reference to rest of elements
return *this;
template <class... _Other>
constexpr bool _Equals(const tuple<_Other...>& _Right) const {
return _Myfirst._Val == _Right._Myfirst._Val && _Mybase::_Equals(_Right._Get_rest());
#ifdef __cpp_lib_concepts
template <class _First, class... _Other>
_NODISCARD constexpr common_comparison_category_t<_Synth_three_way_result<_This, _First>,
_Synth_three_way_result<_Rest, _Other>...>
_Three_way_compare(const tuple<_First, _Other...>& _Right) const {
if (auto _Result = _Synth_three_way{}(_Myfirst._Val, _Right._Myfirst._Val); _Result != 0) {
return _Result;
return _Mybase::_Three_way_compare(_Right._Get_rest());
#else // ^^^ defined(__cpp_lib_concepts) / !defined(__cpp_lib_concepts) vvv
template <class... _Other>
_NODISCARD constexpr bool _Less(const tuple<_Other...>& _Right) const {
return _Myfirst._Val < _Right._Myfirst._Val
|| (!(_Right._Myfirst._Val < _Myfirst._Val) && _Mybase::_Less(_Right._Get_rest()));
#endif // ^^^ !defined(__cpp_lib_concepts) ^^^
template <size_t _Index, class... _Types>
friend constexpr tuple_element_t<_Index, tuple<_Types...>>& get(tuple<_Types...>& _Tuple) noexcept;
template <size_t _Index, class... _Types>
friend constexpr const tuple_element_t<_Index, tuple<_Types...>>& get(const tuple<_Types...>& _Tuple) noexcept;
template <size_t _Index, class... _Types>
friend constexpr tuple_element_t<_Index, tuple<_Types...>>&& get(tuple<_Types...>&& _Tuple) noexcept;
template <size_t _Index, class... _Types>
friend constexpr const tuple_element_t<_Index, tuple<_Types...>>&& get(const tuple<_Types...>&& _Tuple) noexcept;
template <size_t _Index, class... _Types>
friend constexpr auto&& _Tuple_get(tuple<_Types...>&& _Tuple) noexcept;
template <class _Ty, class... _Types>
friend constexpr _Ty& get(tuple<_Types...>& _Tuple) noexcept;
template <class _Ty, class... _Types>
friend constexpr const _Ty& get(const tuple<_Types...>& _Tuple) noexcept;
template <class _Ty, class... _Types>
friend constexpr _Ty&& get(tuple<_Types...>&& _Tuple) noexcept;
template <class _Ty, class... _Types>
friend constexpr const _Ty&& get(const tuple<_Types...>&& _Tuple) noexcept;
_Tuple_val<_This> _Myfirst; // the stored element
#if _HAS_CXX17
template <class... _Types>
tuple(_Types...) -> tuple<_Types...>;
template <class _Ty1, class _Ty2>
tuple(pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>) -> tuple<_Ty1, _Ty2>;
template <class _Alloc, class... _Types>
tuple(allocator_arg_t, _Alloc, _Types...) -> tuple<_Types...>;
template <class _Alloc, class _Ty1, class _Ty2>
tuple(allocator_arg_t, _Alloc, pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>) -> tuple<_Ty1, _Ty2>;
template <class _Alloc, class... _Types>
tuple(allocator_arg_t, _Alloc, tuple<_Types...>) -> tuple<_Types...>;
#endif // _HAS_CXX17
template <class... _Types1, class... _Types2>
_NODISCARD constexpr bool operator==(const tuple<_Types1...>& _Left, const tuple<_Types2...>& _Right) {
static_assert(sizeof...(_Types1) == sizeof...(_Types2), "cannot compare tuples of different sizes");
return _Left._Equals(_Right);
#ifdef __cpp_lib_concepts
template <class... _Types1, class... _Types2>
_NODISCARD constexpr common_comparison_category_t<_Synth_three_way_result<_Types1, _Types2>...> operator<=>(
const tuple<_Types1...>& _Left, const tuple<_Types2...>& _Right) {
static_assert(sizeof...(_Types1) == sizeof...(_Types2), "cannot compare tuples of different sizes");
return _Left._Three_way_compare(_Right);
#else // ^^^ defined(__cpp_lib_concepts) / !defined(__cpp_lib_concepts) vvv
#if !_HAS_CXX20
template <class... _Types1, class... _Types2>
_NODISCARD constexpr bool operator!=(const tuple<_Types1...>& _Left, const tuple<_Types2...>& _Right) {
return !(_Left == _Right);
#endif // !_HAS_CXX20
template <class... _Types1, class... _Types2>
_NODISCARD constexpr bool operator<(const tuple<_Types1...>& _Left, const tuple<_Types2...>& _Right) {
static_assert(sizeof...(_Types1) == sizeof...(_Types2), "cannot compare tuples of different sizes");
return _Left._Less(_Right);
template <class... _Types1, class... _Types2>
_NODISCARD constexpr bool operator>=(const tuple<_Types1...>& _Left, const tuple<_Types2...>& _Right) {
return !(_Left < _Right);
template <class... _Types1, class... _Types2>
_NODISCARD constexpr bool operator>(const tuple<_Types1...>& _Left, const tuple<_Types2...>& _Right) {
return _Right < _Left;
template <class... _Types1, class... _Types2>
_NODISCARD constexpr bool operator<=(const tuple<_Types1...>& _Left, const tuple<_Types2...>& _Right) {
return !(_Right < _Left);
#endif // ^^^ !defined(__cpp_lib_concepts) ^^^
template <class... _Types, enable_if_t<conjunction_v<_STD _Is_swappable<_Types>...>, int> = 0>
_CONSTEXPR20 void swap(tuple<_Types...>& _Left, tuple<_Types...>& _Right) noexcept(noexcept(_Left.swap(_Right))) {
return _Left.swap(_Right);
template <class _Ty, class _Tuple>
struct _Tuple_element {}; // backstop _Tuple_element definition
template <class _This, class... _Rest>
struct _Tuple_element<_This, tuple<_This, _Rest...>> { // select first element
static_assert(!_Is_any_of_v<_This, _Rest...>, "duplicate type T in get<T>(tuple)");
using _Ttype = tuple<_This, _Rest...>;
template <class _Ty, class _This, class... _Rest>
struct _Tuple_element<_Ty, tuple<_This, _Rest...>> { // recursive _Tuple_element definition
using _Ttype = typename _Tuple_element<_Ty, tuple<_Rest...>>::_Ttype;
template <size_t _Index, class... _Types>
_NODISCARD constexpr tuple_element_t<_Index, tuple<_Types...>>& get(tuple<_Types...>& _Tuple) noexcept {
using _Ttype = typename tuple_element<_Index, tuple<_Types...>>::_Ttype;
return static_cast<_Ttype&>(_Tuple)._Myfirst._Val;
template <size_t _Index, class... _Types>
_NODISCARD constexpr const tuple_element_t<_Index, tuple<_Types...>>& get(const tuple<_Types...>& _Tuple) noexcept {
using _Ttype = typename tuple_element<_Index, tuple<_Types...>>::_Ttype;
return static_cast<const _Ttype&>(_Tuple)._Myfirst._Val;
template <size_t _Index, class... _Types>
_NODISCARD constexpr tuple_element_t<_Index, tuple<_Types...>>&& get(tuple<_Types...>&& _Tuple) noexcept {
using _Ty = tuple_element_t<_Index, tuple<_Types...>>;
using _Ttype = typename tuple_element<_Index, tuple<_Types...>>::_Ttype;
return static_cast<_Ty&&>(static_cast<_Ttype&>(_Tuple)._Myfirst._Val);
template <size_t _Index, class... _Types>
_NODISCARD constexpr const tuple_element_t<_Index, tuple<_Types...>>&& get(const tuple<_Types...>&& _Tuple) noexcept {
using _Ty = tuple_element_t<_Index, tuple<_Types...>>;
using _Ttype = typename tuple_element<_Index, tuple<_Types...>>::_Ttype;
return static_cast<const _Ty&&>(static_cast<const _Ttype&>(_Tuple)._Myfirst._Val);
template <size_t _Index, class... _Types>
_NODISCARD constexpr auto&& _Tuple_get(tuple<_Types...>&& _Tuple) noexcept {
// used by pair's piecewise constructor
using _Ty = tuple_element_t<_Index, tuple<_Types...>>;
using _Ttype = typename tuple_element<_Index, tuple<_Types...>>::_Ttype;
return static_cast<_Ty&&>(static_cast<_Ttype&>(_Tuple)._Myfirst._Val);
template <class _Ty, class... _Types>
_NODISCARD constexpr _Ty& get(tuple<_Types...>& _Tuple) noexcept {
using _Ttype = typename _Tuple_element<_Ty, tuple<_Types...>>::_Ttype;
return static_cast<_Ttype&>(_Tuple)._Myfirst._Val;
template <class _Ty, class... _Types>
_NODISCARD constexpr const _Ty& get(const tuple<_Types...>& _Tuple) noexcept {
using _Ttype = typename _Tuple_element<_Ty, tuple<_Types...>>::_Ttype;
return static_cast<const _Ttype&>(_Tuple)._Myfirst._Val;
template <class _Ty, class... _Types>
_NODISCARD constexpr _Ty&& get(tuple<_Types...>&& _Tuple) noexcept {
using _Ttype = typename _Tuple_element<_Ty, tuple<_Types...>>::_Ttype;
return static_cast<_Ty&&>(static_cast<_Ttype&>(_Tuple)._Myfirst._Val);
template <class _Ty, class... _Types>
_NODISCARD constexpr const _Ty&& get(const tuple<_Types...>&& _Tuple) noexcept {
using _Ttype = typename _Tuple_element<_Ty, tuple<_Types...>>::_Ttype;
return static_cast<const _Ty&&>(static_cast<const _Ttype&>(_Tuple)._Myfirst._Val);
template <class _This, class... _Rest>
template <class _Tag, class _Tpl, size_t... _Indices, enable_if_t<is_same_v<_Tag, _STD _Unpack_tuple_t>, int>>
constexpr tuple<_This, _Rest...>::tuple(_Tag, _Tpl&& _Right, index_sequence<_Indices...>)
: tuple(_Exact_args_t{}, _STD get<_Indices>(_STD forward<_Tpl>(_Right))...) {}
template <class _This, class... _Rest>
template <class _Tag, class _Alloc, class _Tpl, size_t... _Indices,
enable_if_t<is_same_v<_Tag, _STD _Alloc_unpack_tuple_t>, int>>
constexpr tuple<_This, _Rest...>::tuple(_Tag, const _Alloc& _Al, _Tpl&& _Right, index_sequence<_Indices...>)
: tuple(_Alloc_exact_args_t{}, _Al, _STD get<_Indices>(_STD forward<_Tpl>(_Right))...) {}
template <class... _Types>
_NODISCARD constexpr tuple<_Unrefwrap_t<_Types>...> make_tuple(_Types&&... _Args) { // make tuple from elements
using _Ttype = tuple<_Unrefwrap_t<_Types>...>;
return _Ttype(_STD forward<_Types>(_Args)...);
template <class... _Types>
_NODISCARD constexpr tuple<_Types&...> tie(_Types&... _Args) noexcept { // make tuple from elements
using _Ttype = tuple<_Types&...>;
return _Ttype(_Args...);
template <class... _Types>
_NODISCARD constexpr tuple<_Types&&...> forward_as_tuple(_Types&&... _Args) noexcept { // forward arguments in a tuple
return tuple<_Types&&...>(_STD forward<_Types>(_Args)...);
template <class _Seq_type1, class _Seq_type2>
struct _Cat_sequences;
template <size_t... _Indexes1, size_t... _Indexes2>
struct _Cat_sequences<index_sequence<_Indexes1...>,
index_sequence<_Indexes2...>> { // concatenates two index_sequence types
using type = index_sequence<_Indexes1..., _Indexes2...>;
template <class _Ty, size_t _Size>
class array;
template <size_t _Idx, class _Ty, size_t _Size>
_NODISCARD constexpr _Ty& get(array<_Ty, _Size>& _Arr) noexcept;
template <size_t _Idx, class _Ty, size_t _Size>
_NODISCARD constexpr const _Ty& get(const array<_Ty, _Size>& _Arr) noexcept;
template <size_t _Idx, class _Ty, size_t _Size>
_NODISCARD constexpr _Ty&& get(array<_Ty, _Size>&& _Arr) noexcept;
template <size_t _Idx, class _Ty, size_t _Size>
_NODISCARD constexpr const _Ty&& get(const array<_Ty, _Size>&& _Arr) noexcept;
template <class _Ty, class... _For_array>
struct _View_as_tuple { // tuple_cat() supports only tuples, pairs, and arrays
static_assert(_Always_false<_Ty>, "Unsupported tuple_cat arguments.");
template <class... _Types>
struct _View_as_tuple<tuple<_Types...>> { // view a tuple as a tuple
using type = tuple<_Types...>;
template <class _Ty1, class _Ty2>
struct _View_as_tuple<pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>> { // view a pair as a tuple
using type = tuple<_Ty1, _Ty2>;
template <class _Ty, class... _Types>
struct _View_as_tuple<array<_Ty, 0>, _Types...> { // view an array as a tuple; ends recursion at 0
using type = tuple<_Types...>;
template <class _Ty, size_t _Size, class... _Types>
struct _View_as_tuple<array<_Ty, _Size>, _Types...>
: _View_as_tuple<array<_Ty, _Size - 1>, _Ty, _Types...> { // view an array as a tuple; counts down to 0
template <size_t _Nx, class _Ty>
struct _Repeat_for : integral_constant<size_t, _Nx> {}; // repeats _Nx for each _Ty in a parameter pack
template <class _Ret, class _Kx_arg, class _Ix_arg, size_t _Ix_next, class... _Tuples>
struct _Tuple_cat2 { // determine tuple_cat's return type and _Kx/_Ix indices
static_assert(sizeof...(_Tuples) == 0, "Unsupported tuple_cat arguments.");
using type = _Ret;
using _Kx_arg_seq = _Kx_arg;
using _Ix_arg_seq = _Ix_arg;
template <class... _Types1, class _Kx_arg, size_t... _Ix, size_t _Ix_next, class... _Types2, class... _Rest>
struct _Tuple_cat2<tuple<_Types1...>, _Kx_arg, index_sequence<_Ix...>, _Ix_next, tuple<_Types2...>, _Rest...>
: _Tuple_cat2<tuple<_Types1..., _Types2...>, typename _Cat_sequences<_Kx_arg, index_sequence_for<_Types2...>>::type,
index_sequence<_Ix..., _Repeat_for<_Ix_next, _Types2>::value...>, _Ix_next + 1,
_Rest...> { // determine tuple_cat's return type and _Kx/_Ix indices
template <class... _Tuples>
struct _Tuple_cat1 : _Tuple_cat2<tuple<>, index_sequence<>, index_sequence<>, 0,
typename _View_as_tuple<decay_t<_Tuples>>::type...> { // prepare to determine tuple_cat's
// return type and _Kx/_Ix indices
template <class _Ret, size_t... _Kx, size_t... _Ix, class _Ty>
constexpr _Ret _Tuple_cat(index_sequence<_Kx...>, index_sequence<_Ix...>, _Ty&& _Arg) { // concatenate tuples
return _Ret(_STD get<_Kx>(_STD get<_Ix>(_STD forward<_Ty>(_Arg)))...);
template <class... _Tuples>
_NODISCARD constexpr typename _Tuple_cat1<_Tuples...>::type tuple_cat(_Tuples&&... _Tpls) { // concatenate tuples
using _Cat1 = _Tuple_cat1<_Tuples...>;
return _Tuple_cat<typename _Cat1::type>(typename _Cat1::_Kx_arg_seq{}, typename _Cat1::_Ix_arg_seq{},
_STD forward_as_tuple(_STD forward<_Tuples>(_Tpls)...));
#if _HAS_CXX17
template <class _Callable, class _Tuple, size_t... _Indices>
constexpr decltype(auto) _Apply_impl(
_Callable&& _Obj, _Tuple&& _Tpl, index_sequence<_Indices...>) { // invoke _Obj with the elements of _Tpl
return _STD invoke(_STD forward<_Callable>(_Obj), _STD get<_Indices>(_STD forward<_Tuple>(_Tpl))...);
template <class _Callable, class _Tuple>
constexpr decltype(auto) apply(_Callable&& _Obj, _Tuple&& _Tpl) { // invoke _Obj with the elements of _Tpl
return _Apply_impl(_STD forward<_Callable>(_Obj), _STD forward<_Tuple>(_Tpl),
template <class _Ty, class _Tuple, size_t... _Indices>
constexpr _Ty _Make_from_tuple_impl(_Tuple&& _Tpl, index_sequence<_Indices...>) {
// construct _Ty from the elements of _Tpl
static_assert(is_constructible_v<_Ty, decltype(_STD get<_Indices>(_STD forward<_Tuple>(_Tpl)))...>,
"the target type must be constructible from the fields of the argument tuple (N4892 [tuple.apply]/2).");
return _Ty(_STD get<_Indices>(_STD forward<_Tuple>(_Tpl))...);
template <class _Ty, class _Tuple>
_NODISCARD constexpr _Ty make_from_tuple(_Tuple&& _Tpl) { // construct _Ty from the elements of _Tpl
return _Make_from_tuple_impl<_Ty>(
_STD forward<_Tuple>(_Tpl), make_index_sequence<tuple_size_v<remove_reference_t<_Tuple>>>{});
#endif // _HAS_CXX17
template <class... _Types, class _Alloc>
struct uses_allocator<tuple<_Types...>, _Alloc> : true_type {}; // true_type if container allocator enabled
namespace _DEPRECATE_TR1_NAMESPACE tr1 {
using _STD get;
using _STD ignore;
using _STD make_tuple;
using _STD ref;
using _STD tie;
using _STD tuple;
} // namespace tr1
#endif // _HAS_TR1_NAMESPACE
#pragma pop_macro("new")
#pragma warning(pop)
#pragma pack(pop)
#endif // _TUPLE_