
564 строки
20 KiB

// xiosbase internal header
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#pragma once
#ifndef _XIOSBASE_
#define _XIOSBASE_
#include <yvals_core.h>
#include <share.h>
#include <system_error>
#include <xlocale>
#pragma pack(push, _CRT_PACKING)
#pragma warning(push, _STL_WARNING_LEVEL)
#pragma warning(disable : _STL_DISABLED_WARNINGS)
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
template <class _Dummy>
class _Iosb { // define templatized bitmask/enumerated types, instantiate on demand
enum _Dummy_enum { _Dummy_enum_val = 1 }; // don't ask, TRANSITION, ABI
enum _Fmtflags { // constants for formatting options
_Fmtmask = 0xffff,
_Fmtzero = 0
static constexpr _Fmtflags skipws = static_cast<_Fmtflags>(0x0001);
static constexpr _Fmtflags unitbuf = static_cast<_Fmtflags>(0x0002);
static constexpr _Fmtflags uppercase = static_cast<_Fmtflags>(0x0004);
static constexpr _Fmtflags showbase = static_cast<_Fmtflags>(0x0008);
static constexpr _Fmtflags showpoint = static_cast<_Fmtflags>(0x0010);
static constexpr _Fmtflags showpos = static_cast<_Fmtflags>(0x0020);
static constexpr _Fmtflags left = static_cast<_Fmtflags>(0x0040);
static constexpr _Fmtflags right = static_cast<_Fmtflags>(0x0080);
static constexpr _Fmtflags internal = static_cast<_Fmtflags>(0x0100);
static constexpr _Fmtflags dec = static_cast<_Fmtflags>(0x0200);
static constexpr _Fmtflags oct = static_cast<_Fmtflags>(0x0400);
static constexpr _Fmtflags hex = static_cast<_Fmtflags>(0x0800);
static constexpr _Fmtflags scientific = static_cast<_Fmtflags>(0x1000);
static constexpr _Fmtflags fixed = static_cast<_Fmtflags>(0x2000);
static constexpr _Fmtflags hexfloat = static_cast<_Fmtflags>(0x3000); // added with TR1 (not in C++11)
static constexpr _Fmtflags boolalpha = static_cast<_Fmtflags>(0x4000);
static constexpr _Fmtflags _Stdio = static_cast<_Fmtflags>(0x8000);
static constexpr _Fmtflags adjustfield = static_cast<_Fmtflags>(0x01C0); // left | right | internal
static constexpr _Fmtflags basefield = static_cast<_Fmtflags>(0x0E00); // dec | oct | hex
static constexpr _Fmtflags floatfield = static_cast<_Fmtflags>(0x3000); // scientific | fixed
enum _Iostate { // constants for stream states
_Statmask = 0x17
static constexpr _Iostate goodbit = static_cast<_Iostate>(0x0);
static constexpr _Iostate eofbit = static_cast<_Iostate>(0x1);
static constexpr _Iostate failbit = static_cast<_Iostate>(0x2);
static constexpr _Iostate badbit = static_cast<_Iostate>(0x4);
enum _Openmode { // constants for file opening options
_Openmask = 0xff
static constexpr _Openmode in = static_cast<_Openmode>(0x01);
static constexpr _Openmode out = static_cast<_Openmode>(0x02);
static constexpr _Openmode ate = static_cast<_Openmode>(0x04);
static constexpr _Openmode app = static_cast<_Openmode>(0x08);
static constexpr _Openmode trunc = static_cast<_Openmode>(0x10);
static constexpr _Openmode _Nocreate = static_cast<_Openmode>(0x40);
static constexpr _Openmode _Noreplace = static_cast<_Openmode>(0x80);
static constexpr _Openmode binary = static_cast<_Openmode>(0x20);
enum _Seekdir { // constants for file positioning options
static constexpr _Seekdir beg = _Seekbeg;
static constexpr _Seekdir cur = _Seekcur;
static constexpr _Seekdir end = _Seekend;
_Openprot = _SH_DENYNO
static constexpr int _Default_open_prot = _SH_DENYNO; // constant for default file opening protection
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Fmtflags _Iosb<_Dummy>::skipws;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Fmtflags _Iosb<_Dummy>::unitbuf;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Fmtflags _Iosb<_Dummy>::uppercase;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Fmtflags _Iosb<_Dummy>::showbase;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Fmtflags _Iosb<_Dummy>::showpoint;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Fmtflags _Iosb<_Dummy>::showpos;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Fmtflags _Iosb<_Dummy>::left;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Fmtflags _Iosb<_Dummy>::right;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Fmtflags _Iosb<_Dummy>::internal;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Fmtflags _Iosb<_Dummy>::dec;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Fmtflags _Iosb<_Dummy>::oct;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Fmtflags _Iosb<_Dummy>::hex;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Fmtflags _Iosb<_Dummy>::scientific;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Fmtflags _Iosb<_Dummy>::fixed;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Fmtflags _Iosb<_Dummy>::hexfloat; // added with TR1 (not in C++11)
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Fmtflags _Iosb<_Dummy>::boolalpha;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Fmtflags _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Stdio;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Fmtflags _Iosb<_Dummy>::adjustfield;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Fmtflags _Iosb<_Dummy>::basefield;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Fmtflags _Iosb<_Dummy>::floatfield;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Iostate _Iosb<_Dummy>::goodbit;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Iostate _Iosb<_Dummy>::eofbit;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Iostate _Iosb<_Dummy>::failbit;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Iostate _Iosb<_Dummy>::badbit;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Openmode _Iosb<_Dummy>::in;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Openmode _Iosb<_Dummy>::out;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Openmode _Iosb<_Dummy>::ate;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Openmode _Iosb<_Dummy>::app;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Openmode _Iosb<_Dummy>::trunc;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Openmode _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Nocreate;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Openmode _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Noreplace;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Openmode _Iosb<_Dummy>::binary;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Seekdir _Iosb<_Dummy>::beg;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Seekdir _Iosb<_Dummy>::cur;
template <class _Dummy>
const typename _Iosb<_Dummy>::_Seekdir _Iosb<_Dummy>::end;
class _CRTIMP2_PURE_IMPORT ios_base : public _Iosb<int> { // base class for ios
using fmtflags = int;
using iostate = int;
using openmode = int;
using seekdir = int;
using streamoff = _STD streamoff;
using streampos = _STD streampos;
enum event { // constants for ios events
using event_callback = void(__CLRCALL_OR_CDECL*)(event, ios_base&, int);
using io_state = unsigned int;
using open_mode = unsigned int;
using seek_dir = unsigned int;
class failure : public system_error { // base of all iostreams exceptions
explicit failure(const string& _Message, const error_code& _Errcode = make_error_code(io_errc::stream))
: system_error(_Errcode, _Message) {} // construct with message
explicit failure(const char* _Message, const error_code& _Errcode = make_error_code(io_errc::stream))
: system_error(_Errcode, _Message) {} // construct with message
void _Doraise() const override { // report the exception
#endif // !_HAS_EXCEPTIONS
class _CRTIMP2_PURE_IMPORT Init { // controller for standard-stream initialization
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL Init() { // initialize standard streams on first construction
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL ~Init() noexcept { // flush standard streams on last destruction
static void __cdecl _Init_ctor(Init*);
static void __cdecl _Init_dtor(Init*);
__PURE_APPDOMAIN_GLOBAL static int _Init_cnt; // net ctor count
static int& __cdecl _Init_cnt_func();
explicit __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator bool() const {
return !fail();
_NODISCARD bool __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator!() const {
return fail();
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL clear(iostate _State, bool _Reraise) { // set state, possibly reraise exception
_State &= _Statmask;
_Mystate = _State;
const auto _Filtered = _State & _Except;
if (_Filtered) {
if (_Reraise) {
const char* _Msg;
if (_Filtered & ios_base::badbit) {
_Msg = "ios_base::badbit set";
} else if (_Filtered & ios_base::failbit) {
_Msg = "ios_base::failbit set";
} else {
_Msg = "ios_base::eofbit set";
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL clear(iostate _State = goodbit) { // set state to argument
clear(_State, false);
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL clear(io_state _State) { // set state to argument, old-style
_NODISCARD iostate __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL rdstate() const {
return _Mystate;
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL setstate(
iostate _State, bool _Exreraise) { // merge in state argument, possibly reraise exception
clear(rdstate() | _State, _Exreraise);
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL setstate(iostate _State) { // merge in state argument
clear(rdstate() | _State, false);
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL setstate(io_state _State) { // merge in state argument, old style
_NODISCARD bool __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL good() const {
return rdstate() == ios_base::goodbit;
_NODISCARD bool __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL eof() const {
return rdstate() & ios_base::eofbit;
_NODISCARD bool __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL fail() const {
return rdstate() & (ios_base::badbit | ios_base::failbit);
_NODISCARD bool __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL bad() const {
return rdstate() & ios_base::badbit;
_NODISCARD iostate __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL exceptions() const {
return _Except;
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL exceptions(iostate _Newexcept) { // set exception mask to argument
_Except = _Newexcept & _Statmask;
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL exceptions(io_state _State) { // set exception mask to argument, old style
_NODISCARD fmtflags __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL flags() const {
return _Fmtfl;
fmtflags __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL flags(fmtflags _Newfmtflags) { // set format flags to argument
const fmtflags _Oldfmtflags = _Fmtfl;
_Fmtfl = _Newfmtflags & _Fmtmask;
return _Oldfmtflags;
fmtflags __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL setf(fmtflags _Newfmtflags) { // merge in format flags argument
const ios_base::fmtflags _Oldfmtflags = _Fmtfl;
_Fmtfl |= _Newfmtflags & _Fmtmask;
return _Oldfmtflags;
fmtflags __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL setf(
fmtflags _Newfmtflags, fmtflags _Mask) { // merge in format flags argument under mask argument
const ios_base::fmtflags _Oldfmtflags = _Fmtfl;
_Fmtfl = (_Oldfmtflags & ~_Mask) | (_Newfmtflags & _Mask & _Fmtmask);
return _Oldfmtflags;
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL unsetf(fmtflags _Mask) { // clear format flags under mask argument
_Fmtfl &= ~_Mask;
_NODISCARD streamsize __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL precision() const {
return _Prec;
streamsize __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL precision(streamsize _Newprecision) { // set precision to argument
const streamsize _Oldprecision = _Prec;
_Prec = _Newprecision;
return _Oldprecision;
_NODISCARD streamsize __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL width() const {
return _Wide;
streamsize __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL width(streamsize _Newwidth) { // set width to argument
const streamsize _Oldwidth = _Wide;
_Wide = _Newwidth;
return _Oldwidth;
_NODISCARD locale __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL getloc() const { // get locale
return *_Ploc;
locale __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL imbue(const locale& _Loc) { // set locale to argument
locale _Oldlocale = *_Ploc;
*_Ploc = _Loc;
return _Oldlocale;
_NODISCARD static int __CLRCALL_OR_CDECL xalloc() { // allocate new iword/pword index
_BEGIN_LOCK(_LOCK_STREAM) // lock thread to ensure atomicity
return _Index++;
_NODISCARD long& __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL iword(int _Idx) {
return _Findarr(_Idx)._Lo;
_NODISCARD void*& __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL pword(int _Idx) {
return _Findarr(_Idx)._Vp;
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL register_callback(event_callback _Pfn,
int _Idx) { // register event handler
_Calls = new _Fnarray(_Idx, _Pfn, _Calls);
ios_base& __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL copyfmt(const ios_base& _Other) { // copy format stuff
if (this != _STD addressof(_Other)) { // copy all but _Mystate
*_Ploc = *_Other._Ploc;
_Fmtfl = _Other._Fmtfl;
_Prec = _Other._Prec;
_Wide = _Other._Wide;
_Iosarray* _Ptr = _Other._Arr;
for (_Arr = nullptr; _Ptr; _Ptr = _Ptr->_Next) {
if (_Ptr->_Lo != 0 || _Ptr->_Vp) { // copy over nonzero array values
iword(_Ptr->_Index) = _Ptr->_Lo;
pword(_Ptr->_Index) = _Ptr->_Vp;
for (_Fnarray* _Pfa = _Other._Calls; _Pfa; _Pfa = _Pfa->_Next) {
register_callback(_Pfa->_Pfn, _Pfa->_Index);
_Callfns(copyfmt_event); // call callbacks
exceptions(_Other._Except); // cause any throw at end
return *this;
static bool __CLRCALL_OR_CDECL sync_with_stdio(
bool _Newsync = true) { // set C/C++ synchronization flag from argument
_BEGIN_LOCK(_LOCK_STREAM) // lock thread to ensure atomicity
const bool _Oldsync = _Sync;
_Sync = _Newsync;
return _Oldsync;
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL swap(ios_base& _Right) {
if (this != _STD addressof(_Right)) {
_STD swap(_Mystate, _Right._Mystate);
_STD swap(_Except, _Right._Except);
_STD swap(_Fmtfl, _Right._Fmtfl);
_STD swap(_Prec, _Right._Prec);
_STD swap(_Wide, _Right._Wide);
_STD swap(_Arr, _Right._Arr);
_STD swap(_Calls, _Right._Calls);
_STD swap(_Ploc, _Right._Ploc);
virtual __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL ~ios_base() noexcept {
static void __CLRCALL_PURE_OR_CDECL _Addstd(ios_base*); // add standard stream
size_t _Stdstr{0}; // if > 0 index of standard stream to suppress destruction
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL ios_base() {}
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL _Init() { // initialize a new ios_base
_Ploc = nullptr;
_Stdstr = 0;
_Except = goodbit;
_Fmtfl = skipws | dec;
_Prec = 6;
_Wide = 0;
_Arr = nullptr;
_Calls = nullptr;
_Ploc = new locale;
struct _Iosarray : _Crt_new_delete { // list element for open-ended sparse array of longs/pointers
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL _Iosarray(int _Idx, _Iosarray* _Link)
: _Next(_Link), _Index(_Idx), _Lo(0), _Vp(nullptr) {} // construct node for index _Idx and link it in
_Iosarray* _Next; // pointer to next node
int _Index; // index of this node
long _Lo; // stored long value
void* _Vp; // stored pointer value
struct _Fnarray : _Crt_new_delete { // list element for open-ended sparse array of event handlers
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL _Fnarray(int _Idx, event_callback _Pnew, _Fnarray* _Link)
: _Next(_Link), _Index(_Idx), _Pfn(_Pnew) {} // construct node for index _Idx and link it in
_Fnarray* _Next; // pointer to next node
int _Index; // index of this node
event_callback _Pfn; // pointer to event handler
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL _Callfns(event _Ev) { // call all event handlers, reporting event
for (_Fnarray* _Pfa = _Calls; _Pfa; _Pfa = _Pfa->_Next) {
(*_Pfa->_Pfn)(_Ev, *this, _Pfa->_Index);
_Iosarray& __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL _Findarr(int _Idx) { // locate or make a variable array element
_Iosarray* _Ptr1;
_Iosarray* _Ptr2;
for (_Ptr1 = _Arr, _Ptr2 = nullptr; _Ptr1; _Ptr1 = _Ptr1->_Next) {
if (_Ptr1->_Index == _Idx) {
return *_Ptr1; // found element, return it
} else if (!_Ptr2 && _Ptr1->_Lo == 0 && !_Ptr1->_Vp) {
_Ptr2 = _Ptr1; // found recycling candidate
if (_Ptr2) { // recycle existing element
_Ptr2->_Index = _Idx;
return *_Ptr2;
_Arr = new _Iosarray(_Idx, _Arr); // make a new element
return *_Arr;
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL _Tidy() noexcept { // discard storage for an ios_base
_Iosarray* _Ptr1;
_Iosarray* _Ptr2;
for (_Ptr1 = _Arr; _Ptr1; _Ptr1 = _Ptr2) { // delete array element
_Ptr2 = _Ptr1->_Next;
delete _Ptr1;
_Arr = nullptr;
_Fnarray* _Pfa1;
_Fnarray* _Pfa2;
for (_Pfa1 = _Calls; _Pfa1; _Pfa1 = _Pfa2) { // delete callback element
_Pfa2 = _Pfa1->_Next;
delete _Pfa1;
_Calls = nullptr;
iostate _Mystate; // stream state
iostate _Except; // exception mask
fmtflags _Fmtfl; // format flags
streamsize _Prec; // field precision
streamsize _Wide; // field width
_Iosarray* _Arr{nullptr}; // pointer to first node of long/pointer array
_Fnarray* _Calls{nullptr}; // pointer to first node of call list
locale* _Ploc{nullptr}; // pointer to locale
__PURE_APPDOMAIN_GLOBAL static int _Index;
__PURE_APPDOMAIN_GLOBAL static bool _Sync;
static void __CLRCALL_PURE_OR_CDECL _Ios_base_dtor(ios_base*);
ios_base(const ios_base&) = delete;
ios_base& operator=(const ios_base&) = delete;
#pragma pop_macro("new")
#pragma warning(pop)
#pragma pack(pop)
#endif // _XIOSBASE_