
541 строка
19 KiB

// system_error standard header
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#pragma once
#ifndef _SYSTEM_ERROR_
#define _SYSTEM_ERROR_
#include <yvals_core.h>
#include <__msvc_system_error_abi.hpp>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <xcall_once.h>
#include <xerrc.h>
#pragma pack(push, _CRT_PACKING)
#pragma warning(push, _STL_WARNING_LEVEL)
#pragma warning(disable : _STL_DISABLED_WARNINGS)
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
// ENUM CLASS io_errc
enum class io_errc { // error codes for ios_base::failure
stream = 1
// STRUCT TEMPLATE is_error_code_enum
template <class _Enum>
struct is_error_code_enum : false_type {};
template <>
struct is_error_code_enum<io_errc> : true_type {};
template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_error_code_enum_v = is_error_code_enum<_Ty>::value;
// STRUCT TEMPLATE is_error_condition_enum
template <class _Enum>
struct is_error_condition_enum : false_type {};
template <>
struct is_error_condition_enum<errc> : true_type {};
template <class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_error_condition_enum_v = is_error_condition_enum<_Ty>::value;
class error_code;
class error_condition;
_NODISCARD error_code make_error_code(errc) noexcept;
_NODISCARD error_code make_error_code(io_errc) noexcept;
_NODISCARD error_condition make_error_condition(errc) noexcept;
_NODISCARD error_condition make_error_condition(io_errc) noexcept;
// CLASS error_category
class error_category;
_NODISCARD const error_category& generic_category() noexcept;
_NODISCARD const error_category& iostream_category() noexcept;
_NODISCARD const error_category& system_category() noexcept;
class __declspec(novtable) error_category { // categorize an error
/* constexpr */ error_category() noexcept { // TRANSITION, ABI
_Addr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this);
virtual ~error_category() noexcept {}
_NODISCARD virtual const char* name() const noexcept = 0;
_NODISCARD virtual string message(int _Errval) const = 0;
_NODISCARD virtual error_condition default_error_condition(int _Errval) const noexcept;
_NODISCARD virtual bool equivalent(int _Errval, const error_condition& _Cond) const noexcept;
_NODISCARD virtual bool equivalent(const error_code& _Code, int _Errval) const noexcept;
_NODISCARD bool operator==(const error_category& _Right) const noexcept {
return _Addr == _Right._Addr;
_NODISCARD bool operator!=(const error_category& _Right) const noexcept {
return !(*this == _Right);
_NODISCARD bool operator<(const error_category& _Right) const noexcept {
return _Addr < _Right._Addr;
error_category(const error_category&) = delete;
error_category& operator=(const error_category&) = delete;
uintptr_t _Addr;
enum : uintptr_t { // imaginary addresses for Standard error_category objects
_Future_addr = 1,
_Generic_addr = 3,
_Iostream_addr = 5,
_System_addr = 7
_NODISCARD inline bool _System_error_equal(const error_code&, const error_condition&) noexcept;
// CLASS error_code
class error_code { // store an implementation-specific error code and category
error_code() noexcept : _Myval(0), _Mycat(&system_category()) { // construct non-error
error_code(int _Val, const error_category& _Cat) noexcept : _Myval(_Val), _Mycat(&_Cat) {}
template <class _Enum, enable_if_t<is_error_code_enum_v<_Enum>, int> = 0>
error_code(_Enum _Errcode) noexcept : _Myval(0), _Mycat(nullptr) {
*this = make_error_code(_Errcode); // using ADL
void assign(int _Val, const error_category& _Cat) noexcept {
_Myval = _Val;
_Mycat = &_Cat;
template <class _Enum, enable_if_t<is_error_code_enum_v<_Enum>, int> = 0>
error_code& operator=(_Enum _Errcode) noexcept {
*this = make_error_code(_Errcode); // using ADL
return *this;
void clear() noexcept {
_Myval = 0;
_Mycat = &system_category();
_NODISCARD int value() const noexcept {
return _Myval;
_NODISCARD const error_category& category() const noexcept {
return *_Mycat;
_NODISCARD error_condition default_error_condition() const noexcept;
_NODISCARD string message() const {
return category().message(value());
explicit operator bool() const noexcept {
return value() != 0;
_NODISCARD friend bool operator==(const error_code& _Left, const error_code& _Right) noexcept {
return _Left.category() == _Right.category() && _Left.value() == _Right.value();
_NODISCARD friend bool operator==(const error_code& _Left, const error_condition& _Right) noexcept {
return _System_error_equal(_Left, _Right);
_NODISCARD friend bool operator==(const error_condition& _Left, const error_code& _Right) noexcept {
return _System_error_equal(_Right, _Left);
_NODISCARD friend bool operator!=(const error_code& _Left, const error_code& _Right) noexcept {
return !(_Left == _Right);
_NODISCARD friend bool operator!=(const error_code& _Left, const error_condition& _Right) noexcept {
return !_System_error_equal(_Left, _Right);
_NODISCARD friend bool operator!=(const error_condition& _Left, const error_code& _Right) noexcept {
return !_System_error_equal(_Right, _Left);
_NODISCARD friend bool operator<(const error_code& _Left, const error_code& _Right) noexcept {
return _Left.category() < _Right.category()
|| (_Left.category() == _Right.category() && _Left.value() < _Right.value());
int _Myval; // the stored error number
const error_category* _Mycat; // pointer to error category
// CLASS error_condition
class error_condition { // store an abstract error code and category
error_condition() noexcept : _Myval(0), _Mycat(&generic_category()) { // construct non-error
error_condition(int _Val, const error_category& _Cat) noexcept : _Myval(_Val), _Mycat(&_Cat) {}
template <class _Enum, enable_if_t<is_error_condition_enum_v<_Enum>, int> = 0>
error_condition(_Enum _Errcode) noexcept : _Myval(0), _Mycat(nullptr) {
*this = make_error_condition(_Errcode); // using ADL
void assign(int _Val, const error_category& _Cat) noexcept {
_Myval = _Val;
_Mycat = &_Cat;
template <class _Enum, enable_if_t<is_error_condition_enum_v<_Enum>, int> = 0>
error_condition& operator=(_Enum _Errcode) noexcept {
*this = make_error_condition(_Errcode); // using ADL
return *this;
void clear() noexcept {
_Myval = 0;
_Mycat = &generic_category();
_NODISCARD int value() const noexcept {
return _Myval;
_NODISCARD const error_category& category() const noexcept {
return *_Mycat;
_NODISCARD string message() const {
return category().message(value());
explicit operator bool() const noexcept {
return value() != 0;
_NODISCARD friend bool operator==(const error_condition& _Left, const error_condition& _Right) noexcept {
return _Left.category() == _Right.category() && _Left.value() == _Right.value();
_NODISCARD friend bool operator!=(const error_condition& _Left, const error_condition& _Right) noexcept {
return !(_Left == _Right);
_NODISCARD friend bool operator<(const error_condition& _Left, const error_condition& _Right) noexcept {
return _Left.category() < _Right.category()
|| (_Left.category() == _Right.category() && _Left.value() < _Right.value());
// We grant friendship to the operators from error_code here to allow is_error_code_enum_v but not
// is_error_condition_enum_v enums to be compared directly with error_condition; for example:
// io_errc::stream == make_error_condition(errc::out_of_memory)
friend bool operator==(const error_code& _Left, const error_condition& _Right) noexcept;
friend bool operator==(const error_condition& _Left, const error_code& _Right) noexcept;
friend bool operator!=(const error_code& _Left, const error_condition& _Right) noexcept;
friend bool operator!=(const error_condition& _Left, const error_code& _Right) noexcept;
int _Myval; // the stored error number
const error_category* _Mycat; // pointer to error category
_NODISCARD inline bool _System_error_equal(const error_code& _Left, const error_condition& _Right) noexcept {
return _Left.category().equivalent(_Left.value(), _Right) || _Right.category().equivalent(_Left, _Right.value());
_NODISCARD inline bool operator==(const error_code& _Left, const error_code& _Right) noexcept {
return _Left.category() == _Right.category() && _Left.value() == _Right.value();
_NODISCARD inline bool operator==(const error_code& _Left, const error_condition& _Right) noexcept {
return _Left.category().equivalent(_Left.value(), _Right) || _Right.category().equivalent(_Left, _Right.value());
_NODISCARD inline bool operator==(const error_condition& _Left, const error_code& _Right) noexcept {
return _Right.category().equivalent(_Right.value(), _Left) || _Left.category().equivalent(_Right, _Left.value());
_NODISCARD inline bool operator==(const error_condition& _Left, const error_condition& _Right) noexcept {
return _Left.category() == _Right.category() && _Left.value() == _Right.value();
_NODISCARD inline bool operator!=(const error_code& _Left, const error_code& _Right) noexcept {
return !(_Left == _Right);
_NODISCARD inline bool operator!=(const error_code& _Left, const error_condition& _Right) noexcept {
return !(_Left == _Right);
_NODISCARD inline bool operator!=(const error_condition& _Left, const error_code& _Right) noexcept {
return !(_Left == _Right);
_NODISCARD inline bool operator!=(const error_condition& _Left, const error_condition& _Right) noexcept {
return !(_Left == _Right);
_NODISCARD inline bool operator<(const error_code& _Left, const error_code& _Right) noexcept {
return _Left.category() < _Right.category()
|| (_Left.category() == _Right.category() && _Left.value() < _Right.value());
_NODISCARD inline bool operator<(const error_condition& _Left, const error_condition& _Right) noexcept {
return _Left.category() < _Right.category()
|| (_Left.category() == _Right.category() && _Left.value() < _Right.value());
// VIRTUALS FOR error_category
_NODISCARD inline error_condition error_category::default_error_condition(int _Errval) const
noexcept { // make error_condition for error code
return error_condition(_Errval, *this);
_NODISCARD inline bool error_category::equivalent(int _Errval, const error_condition& _Cond) const noexcept {
return default_error_condition(_Errval) == _Cond;
_NODISCARD inline bool error_category::equivalent(const error_code& _Code, int _Errval) const noexcept {
return *this == _Code.category() && _Code.value() == _Errval;
// MEMBER FUNCTIONS for error_code
_NODISCARD inline error_condition error_code::default_error_condition() const
noexcept { // make error_condition for error code
return category().default_error_condition(value());
// FUNCTION make_error_code
_NODISCARD inline error_code make_error_code(errc _Errno) noexcept {
return error_code(static_cast<int>(_Errno), generic_category());
_NODISCARD inline error_code make_error_code(io_errc _Errno) noexcept {
return error_code(static_cast<int>(_Errno), iostream_category());
// FUNCTION make_error_condition
_NODISCARD inline error_condition make_error_condition(errc _Errno) noexcept {
return error_condition(static_cast<int>(_Errno), generic_category());
_NODISCARD inline error_condition make_error_condition(io_errc _Errno) noexcept {
return error_condition(static_cast<int>(_Errno), iostream_category());
template <>
struct hash<error_code> {
_NODISCARD size_t operator()(const error_code& _Keyval) const noexcept {
return hash<int>{}(_Keyval.value());
template <>
struct hash<error_condition> {
_NODISCARD size_t operator()(const error_condition& _Keyval) const noexcept {
return hash<int>{}(_Keyval.value());
// CLASS system_error
class _System_error : public runtime_error { // base of all system-error exceptions
static string _Makestr(error_code _Errcode, string _Message) { // compose error message
if (!_Message.empty()) {
_Message.append(": ");
return _Message;
_System_error(error_code _Errcode, const string& _Message)
: runtime_error(_Makestr(_Errcode, _Message)), _Mycode(_Errcode) {}
error_code _Mycode; // the stored error code
class system_error : public _System_error { // base of all system-error exceptions
using _Mybase = _System_error;
system_error(error_code _Errcode) : _Mybase(_Errcode, "") {}
system_error(error_code _Errcode, const string& _Message) : _Mybase(_Errcode, _Message) {}
system_error(error_code _Errcode, const char* _Message) : _Mybase(_Errcode, _Message) {}
system_error(int _Errval, const error_category& _Errcat) : _Mybase(error_code(_Errval, _Errcat), "") {}
system_error(int _Errval, const error_category& _Errcat, const string& _Message)
: _Mybase(error_code(_Errval, _Errcat), _Message) {}
system_error(int _Errval, const error_category& _Errcat, const char* _Message)
: _Mybase(error_code(_Errval, _Errcat), _Message) {}
_NODISCARD const error_code& code() const noexcept {
return _Mycode;
virtual void _Doraise() const override { // perform class-specific exception handling
[[noreturn]] inline void _Throw_system_error(const errc _Errno) {
_THROW(system_error{_STD make_error_code(_Errno)});
_CRTIMP2_PURE const char* __CLRCALL_PURE_OR_CDECL _Syserror_map(int);
_CRTIMP2_PURE int __CLRCALL_PURE_OR_CDECL _Winerror_map(int);
struct _System_error_message {
char* _Str;
size_t _Length;
explicit _System_error_message(const unsigned long _Ec) noexcept
: _Str(nullptr), _Length(_CSTD __std_system_error_allocate_message(_Ec, &_Str)) {}
_System_error_message(const _System_error_message&) = delete;
_System_error_message& operator=(const _System_error_message&) = delete;
~_System_error_message() {
_CSTD __std_system_error_deallocate_message(_Str);
// CLASS _Generic_error_category
class _Generic_error_category : public error_category { // categorize a generic error
_Generic_error_category() noexcept {
_Addr = _Generic_addr;
_NODISCARD virtual const char* name() const noexcept override {
return "generic";
_NODISCARD virtual string message(int _Errcode) const override {
return _Syserror_map(_Errcode);
// CLASS _Iostream_error_category
class _Iostream_error_category : public _Generic_error_category { // categorize an iostream error
_Iostream_error_category() noexcept {
_Addr = _Iostream_addr;
_NODISCARD virtual const char* name() const noexcept override {
return "iostream";
_NODISCARD virtual string message(int _Errcode) const override {
if (_Errcode == static_cast<int>(io_errc::stream)) {
static constexpr char _Iostream_error[] = "iostream stream error";
constexpr size_t _Iostream_error_length = sizeof(_Iostream_error) - 1; // TRANSITION, DevCom-906503
return string(_Iostream_error, _Iostream_error_length);
} else {
return _Generic_error_category::message(_Errcode);
// CLASS _System_error_category
class _System_error_category : public error_category { // categorize an operating system error
_System_error_category() noexcept {
_Addr = _System_addr;
_NODISCARD virtual const char* name() const noexcept override {
return "system";
_NODISCARD virtual string message(int _Errcode) const override {
const _System_error_message _Msg(static_cast<unsigned long>(_Errcode));
if (_Msg._Length == 0) {
static constexpr char _Unknown_error[] = "unknown error";
constexpr size_t _Unknown_error_length = sizeof(_Unknown_error) - 1; // TRANSITION, DevCom-906503
return string(_Unknown_error, _Unknown_error_length);
} else {
return string(_Msg._Str, _Msg._Length);
_NODISCARD virtual error_condition default_error_condition(int _Errval) const noexcept override {
// make error_condition for error code (generic if possible)
const int _Posv = _Winerror_map(_Errval);
if (_Posv == 0) {
return error_condition(_Errval, system_category());
} else {
return error_condition(_Posv, generic_category());
_NODISCARD inline const error_category& generic_category() noexcept {
return _Immortalize<_Generic_error_category>();
_NODISCARD inline const error_category& iostream_category() noexcept {
return _Immortalize<_Iostream_error_category>();
_NODISCARD inline const error_category& system_category() noexcept {
return _Immortalize<_System_error_category>();
#pragma pop_macro("new")
#pragma warning(pop)
#pragma pack(pop)
#endif // _SYSTEM_ERROR_