
272 строки
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// xpolymorphic_allocator.h internal header
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#pragma once
#include <yvals_core.h>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <xmemory>
#pragma pack(push, _CRT_PACKING)
#pragma warning(push, _STL_WARNING_LEVEL)
#pragma warning(disable : _STL_DISABLED_WARNINGS)
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
// FUNCTION TEMPLATE _Uses_allocator_construct
template <class _Ty, class _Outer_alloc, class _Inner_alloc, class... _Types>
void _Uses_allocator_construct2(
true_type, _Ty* const _Ptr, _Outer_alloc& _Outer, _Inner_alloc& _Inner, _Types&&... _Args) {
// uses-allocator construction of *_Ptr by alloc _Outer propagating alloc _Inner, allocator_arg_t case
allocator_traits<_Outer_alloc>::construct(_Outer, _Ptr, allocator_arg, _Inner, _STD forward<_Types>(_Args)...);
template <class _Ty, class _Outer_alloc, class _Inner_alloc, class... _Types>
void _Uses_allocator_construct2(
false_type, _Ty* const _Ptr, _Outer_alloc& _Outer, _Inner_alloc& _Inner, _Types&&... _Args) {
// uses-allocator construction of *_Ptr by alloc _Outer propagating alloc _Inner, non-allocator_arg_t case
static_assert(is_constructible_v<_Ty, _Types..., _Inner_alloc&>,
"N4700 []/1 requires "
"is_constructible_v<T, Args..., Alloc&> when uses_allocator_v<T, Alloc> is true and "
"is_constructible_v<T, allocator_arg_t, Alloc&, Args...> is false");
allocator_traits<_Outer_alloc>::construct(_Outer, _Ptr, _STD forward<_Types>(_Args)..., _Inner);
template <class _Ty, class _Outer_alloc, class _Inner_alloc, class... _Types>
void _Uses_allocator_construct1(
true_type, _Ty* const _Ptr, _Outer_alloc& _Outer, _Inner_alloc& _Inner, _Types&&... _Args) {
// uses-allocator construction of *_Ptr by alloc _Outer propagating alloc _Inner,
// uses_allocator_v<_Ty, _Inner_alloc> case
using _IsConstructible = typename is_constructible<_Ty, allocator_arg_t, _Inner_alloc&, _Types...>::type;
_Uses_allocator_construct2(_IsConstructible{}, _Ptr, _Outer, _Inner, _STD forward<_Types>(_Args)...);
template <class _Ty, class _Outer_alloc, class _Inner_alloc, class... _Types>
void _Uses_allocator_construct1(false_type, _Ty* const _Ptr, _Outer_alloc& _Outer, _Inner_alloc&, _Types&&... _Args) {
// uses-allocator construction of *_Ptr by alloc _Outer, !uses_allocator_v<_Ty, _Inner_alloc> case
static_assert(is_constructible_v<_Ty, _Types...>,
"N4700 []/1 requires "
"is_constructible_v<T, Args...> when uses_allocator_v<T, Alloc> is false");
allocator_traits<_Outer_alloc>::construct(_Outer, _Ptr, _STD forward<_Types>(_Args)...);
template <class _Ty, class _Outer_alloc, class _Inner_alloc, class... _Types,
enable_if_t<!_Is_specialization_v<_Ty, pair>, int> = 0>
void _Uses_allocator_construct(_Ty* const _Ptr, _Outer_alloc& _Outer, _Inner_alloc& _Inner, _Types&&... _Args) {
// uses-allocator construction of *_Ptr by alloc _Outer propagating alloc _Inner, non-pair case
_Uses_allocator_construct1(uses_allocator<_Ty, _Inner_alloc>(), _Ptr, _Outer, _Inner,
_STD forward<_Types>(_Args)...); // TRANSITION, if constexpr
template <class _Alloc, class... _Types>
auto _Uses_allocator_piecewise2(true_type, _Alloc& _Al, tuple<_Types...>&& _Tuple) {
return _STD tuple_cat(tuple<allocator_arg_t, _Alloc&>(allocator_arg, _Al), _STD move(_Tuple));
template <class _Alloc, class... _Types>
auto _Uses_allocator_piecewise2(false_type, _Alloc& _Al, tuple<_Types...>&& _Tuple) {
return _STD tuple_cat(_STD move(_Tuple), tuple<_Alloc&>(_Al));
template <class _Ty, class _Alloc, class... _Types>
auto _Uses_allocator_piecewise(true_type, _Alloc& _Al, tuple<_Types...>&& _Tuple) {
return _Uses_allocator_piecewise2(
is_constructible<_Ty, allocator_arg_t, _Alloc&, _Types...>(), _Al, _STD move(_Tuple));
template <class, class _Alloc, class... _Types>
tuple<_Types...>&& _Uses_allocator_piecewise(false_type, _Alloc&, tuple<_Types...>&& _Tuple) {
return _STD move(_Tuple);
template <class _Ty1, class _Ty2, class _Outer_alloc, class _Inner_alloc, class... _Types1, class... _Types2>
void _Uses_allocator_construct_pair(pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>* const _Ptr, _Outer_alloc& _Outer, _Inner_alloc& _Inner,
tuple<_Types1...>&& _Val1, tuple<_Types2...>&& _Val2) {
// uses-allocator construction of pair from _Val1 and _Val2 by alloc _Outer propagating alloc _Inner
allocator_traits<_Outer_alloc>::construct(_Outer, _Ptr, piecewise_construct,
_Uses_allocator_piecewise<_Ty1>(uses_allocator<_Ty1, _Inner_alloc>(), _Inner, _STD move(_Val1)),
_Uses_allocator_piecewise<_Ty2>(uses_allocator<_Ty2, _Inner_alloc>(), _Inner, _STD move(_Val2)));
template <class _Ty1, class _Ty2, class _Outer_alloc, class _Inner_alloc, class... _Types1, class... _Types2>
void _Uses_allocator_construct(pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>* const _Ptr, _Outer_alloc& _Outer, _Inner_alloc& _Inner,
piecewise_construct_t, tuple<_Types1...> _Val1, tuple<_Types2...> _Val2) {
// uses-allocator construction of pair by alloc _Outer propagating alloc _Inner, piecewise case
_Uses_allocator_construct_pair(_Ptr, _Outer, _Inner, _STD move(_Val1), _STD move(_Val2));
template <class _Ty1, class _Ty2, class _Outer_alloc, class _Inner_alloc>
void _Uses_allocator_construct(pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>* const _Ptr, _Outer_alloc& _Outer, _Inner_alloc& _Inner) {
// uses-allocator construction of pair by alloc _Outer propagating alloc _Inner, zero-argument case
_Uses_allocator_construct_pair(_Ptr, _Outer, _Inner, tuple<>{}, tuple<>{});
template <class _Ty1, class _Ty2, class _Outer_alloc, class _Inner_alloc, class _Uty, class _Vty>
void _Uses_allocator_construct(
pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>* const _Ptr, _Outer_alloc& _Outer, _Inner_alloc& _Inner, _Uty&& _Arg1, _Vty&& _Arg2) {
// uses-allocator construction of pair by alloc _Outer propagating alloc _Inner, two-argument case
_Uses_allocator_construct_pair(_Ptr, _Outer, _Inner, _STD forward_as_tuple(_STD forward<_Uty>(_Arg1)),
_STD forward_as_tuple(_STD forward<_Vty>(_Arg2)));
template <class _Ty1, class _Ty2, class _Outer_alloc, class _Inner_alloc, class _Uty, class _Vty>
void _Uses_allocator_construct(
pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>* const _Ptr, _Outer_alloc& _Outer, _Inner_alloc& _Inner, const pair<_Uty, _Vty>& _Pair) {
// uses-allocator construction of pair by alloc _Outer propagating alloc _Inner, lvalue pair argument
_Ptr, _Outer, _Inner, _STD forward_as_tuple(_Pair.first), _STD forward_as_tuple(_Pair.second));
template <class _Ty1, class _Ty2, class _Outer_alloc, class _Inner_alloc, class _Uty, class _Vty>
void _Uses_allocator_construct(
pair<_Ty1, _Ty2>* const _Ptr, _Outer_alloc& _Outer, _Inner_alloc& _Inner, pair<_Uty, _Vty>&& _Pair) {
// uses-allocator construction of pair by alloc _Outer propagating alloc _Inner, rvalue pair argument
_Uses_allocator_construct_pair(_Ptr, _Outer, _Inner, _STD forward_as_tuple(_STD forward<_Uty>(_Pair.first)),
_STD forward_as_tuple(_STD forward<_Vty>(_Pair.second)));
#if _HAS_CXX17
namespace pmr {
// CLASS memory_resource
class __declspec(novtable) memory_resource {
virtual ~memory_resource() noexcept {}
const size_t _Align = alignof(max_align_t)) { // allocate _Bytes bytes of memory with alignment _Align
_STL_ASSERT(_Is_pow_2(_Align), "memory_resource::allocate(): Alignment must be a power of two.");
return do_allocate(_Bytes, _Align);
void deallocate(void* const _Ptr, const size_t _Bytes, const size_t _Align = alignof(max_align_t)) {
// deallocate _Ptr, which was returned from allocate(_Bytes, _Align)
_STL_ASSERT(_Is_pow_2(_Align), "memory_resource::deallocate(): Alignment must be a power of two.");
return do_deallocate(_Ptr, _Bytes, _Align);
_NODISCARD bool is_equal(const memory_resource& _That) const noexcept {
// determine if *this and _That can both deallocate memory allocated by either
return do_is_equal(_That);
virtual void* do_allocate(size_t _Bytes, size_t _Align) = 0;
virtual void do_deallocate(void* _Ptr, size_t _Bytes, size_t _Align) = 0;
virtual bool do_is_equal(const memory_resource& _That) const noexcept = 0;
_NODISCARD inline bool operator==(const memory_resource& _Left, const memory_resource& _Right) noexcept {
return &_Left == &_Right || _Left.is_equal(_Right);
_NODISCARD inline bool operator!=(const memory_resource& _Left, const memory_resource& _Right) noexcept {
return !(_Left == _Right);
// FUNCTION get_default_resource
extern "C" _CRT_SATELLITE_1 memory_resource* __cdecl _Aligned_get_default_resource() noexcept;
extern "C" _CRT_SATELLITE_1 memory_resource* __cdecl _Unaligned_get_default_resource() noexcept;
_NODISCARD inline memory_resource* get_default_resource() noexcept {
#ifdef __cpp_aligned_new
return _Aligned_get_default_resource();
#else // ^^^ __cpp_aligned_new / !__cpp_aligned_new vvv
return _Unaligned_get_default_resource();
#endif // __cpp_aligned_new
// CLASS TEMPLATE polymorphic_allocator
template <class _Ty>
class polymorphic_allocator {
template <class>
friend class polymorphic_allocator;
using value_type = _Ty;
polymorphic_allocator() noexcept = default;
/* implicit */ polymorphic_allocator(memory_resource* const _Resource_) noexcept // strengthened
: _Resource{_Resource_} { // initialize with _Resource_
_STL_ASSERT(_Resource, "Cannot initialize polymorphic_allocator with null resource (N4810 "
polymorphic_allocator(const polymorphic_allocator&) = default;
template <class _Uty>
polymorphic_allocator(const polymorphic_allocator<_Uty>& _That) noexcept
: _Resource{_That._Resource} { // initialize with _That's resource
polymorphic_allocator& operator=(const polymorphic_allocator&) = delete;
// get space for _Count objects of type _Ty from _Resource
void* const _Vp = _Resource->allocate(_Get_size_of_n<sizeof(_Ty)>(_Count), alignof(_Ty));
return static_cast<_Ty*>(_Vp);
void deallocate(_Ty* const _Ptr, const size_t _Count) noexcept /* strengthened */ {
// return space for _Count objects of type _Ty to _Resource
// No need to verify that size_t can represent the size of _Ty[_Count].
_Resource->deallocate(_Ptr, _Count * sizeof(_Ty), alignof(_Ty));
template <class _Uty, class... _Types>
void construct(_Uty* const _Ptr, _Types&&... _Args) {
// propagate allocator *this if uses_allocator_v<_Uty, polymorphic_allocator>
allocator<char> _Al{};
_Uses_allocator_construct(_Ptr, _Al, *this, _STD forward<_Types>(_Args)...);
_NODISCARD polymorphic_allocator select_on_container_copy_construction() const noexcept /* strengthened */ {
// don't propagate on copy
return {};
_NODISCARD memory_resource* resource() const noexcept /* strengthened */ {
// retrieve this allocator's memory_resource
return _Resource;
memory_resource* _Resource = _STD pmr::get_default_resource();
template <class _Ty1, class _Ty2>
_NODISCARD bool operator==(
const polymorphic_allocator<_Ty1>& _Left, const polymorphic_allocator<_Ty2>& _Right) noexcept {
// polymorphic_allocators with the same resource are compatible
return *_Left.resource() == *_Right.resource();
template <class _Ty1, class _Ty2>
_NODISCARD bool operator!=(
const polymorphic_allocator<_Ty1>& _Left, const polymorphic_allocator<_Ty2>& _Right) noexcept {
return !(_Left == _Right);
} // namespace pmr
#endif // _HAS_CXX17
#pragma pop_macro("new")
#pragma warning(pop)
#pragma pack(pop)