
185 строки
5.7 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# Builds the source code and generates application package.
# You can also open the solution file in Visual Studio 2017 and build.
# Configuration to build.
[ValidateSet('Debug', 'Release')]
[string]$Configuration = "Release",
# Platform to build for.
[ValidateSet('clean', 'rebuild')]
[string]$Target = "rebuild",
# msbuild verbosity level.
[ValidateSet('quiet','minimal', 'normal', 'detailed', 'diagnostic')]
[string]$Verbosity = 'minimal',
# path to msbuild
# AppInsightsKey
[string]$AppInsightsKey = "",
# DelaySign
$presentWorkingDirectory= Get-Location
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$PSScriptRoot = Split-Path -Parent -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$NugetFullPath = join-path $PSScriptRoot "nuget.exe"
$SrcRoot = join-path $PSScriptRoot "src\PatchOrchestrationApplication\PatchOrchestrationApplication"
$PackageConfigPath = join-path $PSScriptRoot "src\PatchOrchestrationApplication\PatchOrchestrationApplication\packages.config"
$packagesDirectory = join-path $PSScriptRoot "packages"
$nuprojPackagesConfigPath = join-path $PSScriptRoot "src\PatchOrchestrationApplication\PatchOrchestrationApplication\NugetPackage\packages.config"
$nuprojPath = join-path $PSScriptRoot "src\PatchOrchestrationApplication\PatchOrchestrationApplication\NugetPackage"
$nugetConfigFilePath = join-path $PSScriptRoot "nuget.config"
if ($Target -eq "rebuild") {
$buildTarget = "restore;clean;rebuild;package"
} elseif ($Target -eq "clean") {
$buildTarget = "clean"
if($MSBuildFullPath -ne "")
if (!(Test-Path $MSBuildFullPath))
throw "Unable to find MSBuild at the specified path, run the script again with correct path to msbuild."
# msbuild path not provided, find msbuild for VS2017
if($MSBuildFullPath -eq "")
if (${env:VisualStudioVersion} -eq "15.0" -and ${env:VSINSTALLDIR} -ne "")
$MSBuildFullPath = join-path ${env:VSINSTALLDIR} "MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
if($MSBuildFullPath -eq "")
if (Test-Path "env:\ProgramFiles(x86)")
$progFilesPath = ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}
elseif (Test-Path "env:\ProgramFiles")
$progFilesPath = ${env:ProgramFiles}
$VS2017InstallPath = join-path $progFilesPath "Microsoft Visual Studio\2017"
$versions = 'Community', 'Professional', 'Enterprise'
foreach ($version in $versions)
$VS2017VersionPath = join-path $VS2017InstallPath $version
$MSBuildFullPath = join-path $VS2017VersionPath "MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
if (Test-Path $MSBuildFullPath)
if (!(Test-Path $MSBuildFullPath))
Write-Host "Visual Studio 2017 installation not found in ProgramFiles, trying to find install path from registry."
if(Test-Path -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node)
$VS2017VersionPath = Get-ItemProperty (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VS7 -Name "15.0")."15.0"
$VS2017VersionPath = Get-ItemProperty (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VS7 -Name "15.0")."15.0"
$MSBuildFullPath = join-path $VS2017VersionPath "MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
if (!(Test-Path $MSBuildFullPath))
throw "Unable to find MSBuild installed on this machine. Please install Visual Studio 2017 or if its installed at non-default location, provide the full ppath to msbuild using -MSBuildFullPath parameter."
$nugetNuProjArgs = @(
& $NugetFullPath $nugetNuProjArgs
if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) {
Set-location -Path $PSScriptRoot
throw ("Failed " + $NugetFullPath + " " + $nugetNuProjArgs)
Write-Output "Changing the working directory to $nuprojPath"
Set-location -Path $nuprojPath
$msbuildArgs = @(
& $msbuildFullPath $msbuildArgs
else {
Set-location -Path $SrcRoot
Write-Host "Source root is $srcRoot"
$nugetArgs = @(
& $NugetFullPath $nugetArgs
if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) {
Set-location -Path $PSScriptRoot
throw ("Failed " + $NugetFullPath + " " + $nugetArgs)
Write-Output "Changing the working directory to $srcRoot"
Set-location -Path $srcRoot
Write-Output "Using msbuild from $msbuildFullPath"
$msbuildArgs = @(
& $msbuildFullPath $msbuildArgs
Set-location -Path $presentWorkingDirectory