This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
vec4 Diffuse()
vec4 diffuseColor = vec4(0);
diffuseColor.xyzw += USERPERVERT1;
diffuseColor.xyzw += USERPERCORN1.xyxy;
diffuseColor.xyz += TRIINDEX14;
if( sg_MaterialIdFilter == 5 )
diffuseColor = textureLod(DiffuseTexture,TEXCOORD0,4);
if( diffuseColor == vec4(0) && sg_MaterialIdFilter > 5 )
diffuseColor.xyz += CUSTOM23[ sg_MaterialIdFilter ].xyz;
if( diffuseColor == vec4(0) )
diffuseColor = texture(DiffuseTexture,TEXCOORD0);
return diffuseColor;
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// The CalculateDiffuseChannel function samples from the CastingTexturesArray, index 0, which is the diffuse map bound to this evaluation shader.
// The function also blends the result with the color value from the CustomBuffer buffer, which is a custom field in the scene (added by the
// scene descriptor .xml file) and which has a 20-byte struct per-material. The function uses the built-in sg_MaterialIdFilter value to do
// the lookup into the buffer.
float4 CalculateDiffuseChannel()
// sample the texture from the CastingTexturesArray[0] using the bound DiffuseSampler sampler
float4 colorValue = CastingTexturesArray[0].SampleLevel( DiffuseSampler , TexCoord , 0 ) * 0.7f;
// blend with the custom value from the CustomBuffer, which is of type customStruct, and is defined in "HeaderCode.hlsl"
colorValue += CustomBuffer[sg_MaterialIdFilter].color * 0.3f;
// return the blended color value
return colorValue;
// The CalculateNormalsChannel calculates the per-texel normals of the output tangent-space normal map. It starts by sampling the input
// tangent-space normal map of the input geometry, and transforms the normal into object-space coordinates. It then uses the generated
// destination tangent basis vectors to transform the normal vector into the output tangent-space.
float4 CalculateNormalsChannel()
// sample the input tangent-space texture, and decode into [-1 -> 1] basis
float3 tangentSpaceNormal = (CastingTexturesArray[1].SampleLevel( NormalSampler , TexCoord , 0 ).xyz * 2.0) - 1.0;
// transform into an object-space vector
float3 objectSpaceNormal = tangentSpaceNormal.x * normalize(Tangent) +
tangentSpaceNormal.y * normalize(Bitangent) +
tangentSpaceNormal.z * normalize(Normal);
// transform the object-space vector into the destination tangent space
tangentSpaceNormal.x = dot( objectSpaceNormal , normalize(sg_DestinationTangent) );
tangentSpaceNormal.y = dot( objectSpaceNormal , normalize(sg_DestinationBitangent) );
tangentSpaceNormal.z = dot( objectSpaceNormal , normalize(sg_DestinationNormal) );
// normalize, the tangent basis is not necessarily orthogonal
tangentSpaceNormal = normalize(tangentSpaceNormal);
// encode into [0 -> 1] basis and return
return float4( ((tangentSpaceNormal + 1.0)/2.0) , 1.0);
@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <filesystem>
#include <future>
#include "SimplygonLoader.h"
Simplygon::spScene LoadScene(Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg, const char* path)
// Create scene importer
Simplygon::spSceneImporter sgSceneImporter = sg->CreateSceneImporter();
// Run scene importer.
auto importResult = sgSceneImporter->Run();
if (Simplygon::Failed(importResult))
throw std::exception("Failed to load scene.");
Simplygon::spScene sgScene = sgSceneImporter->GetScene();
return sgScene;
void SaveScene(Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg, Simplygon::spScene sgScene, const char* path)
// Create scene exporter.
Simplygon::spSceneExporter sgSceneExporter = sg->CreateSceneExporter();
std::string outputScenePath = std::string("output\\") + std::string("ComputeCastingWithSceneDescription") + std::string("_") + std::string(path);
// Run scene exporter.
auto exportResult = sgSceneExporter->Run();
if (Simplygon::Failed(exportResult))
throw std::exception("Failed to save scene.");
void CheckLog(Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg)
// Check if any errors occurred.
bool hasErrors = sg->ErrorOccurred();
if (hasErrors)
Simplygon::spStringArray errors = sg->CreateStringArray();
auto errorCount = errors->GetItemCount();
if (errorCount > 0)
printf("%s\n", "Errors:");
for (auto errorIndex = 0U; errorIndex < errorCount; ++errorIndex)
Simplygon::spString errorString = errors->GetItem((int)errorIndex);
printf("%s\n", errorString.c_str());
printf("%s\n", "No errors.");
// Check if any warnings occurred.
bool hasWarnings = sg->WarningOccurred();
if (hasWarnings)
Simplygon::spStringArray warnings = sg->CreateStringArray();
auto warningCount = warnings->GetItemCount();
if (warningCount > 0)
printf("%s\n", "Warnings:");
for (auto warningIndex = 0U; warningIndex < warningCount; ++warningIndex)
Simplygon::spString warningString = warnings->GetItem((int)warningIndex);
printf("%s\n", warningString.c_str());
printf("%s\n", "No warnings.");
// Error out if Simplygon has errors.
if (hasErrors)
throw std::exception("Processing failed with an error");
void ComputeCasting(Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg)
// Load scene to process.
printf("%s\n", "Load scene to process.");
Simplygon::spScene sgScene = LoadScene(sg, "../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/SimplygonMan.obj");
// Add tangents to the scene. Tangents are needed to cast the tangent-space normal maps, and the
// input scene is missing tangents.
Simplygon::spTangentCalculator sgTangentCalculator = sg->CreateTangentCalculator();
sgTangentCalculator->CalculateTangentsOnScene(sgScene, true);
// Load scene material evaluation description, which will define all evaluation shaders for all
// materials, as well as needed textures and custom buffers.
printf("%s\n", "Load scene material evaluation description, which will define all evaluation shaders for all materials, as well as needed textures and custom buffers.");
Simplygon::spMaterialEvaluationShaderSerializer sgMaterialEvaluationShaderSerializer = sg->CreateMaterialEvaluationShaderSerializer();
sgMaterialEvaluationShaderSerializer->LoadSceneMaterialEvaluationShadersFromFile("SimplygonManCasting.xml", sgScene);
// Create the aggregation processor.
Simplygon::spAggregationProcessor sgAggregationProcessor = sg->CreateAggregationProcessor();
sgAggregationProcessor->SetScene( sgScene );
Simplygon::spAggregationSettings sgAggregationSettings = sgAggregationProcessor->GetAggregationSettings();
Simplygon::spMappingImageSettings sgMappingImageSettings = sgAggregationProcessor->GetMappingImageSettings();
// Merge all geometries into a single geometry.
sgAggregationSettings->SetMergeGeometries( true );
// Generates a mapping image which is used after the aggregation to cast new materials to the new
// aggregated object.
sgMappingImageSettings->SetGenerateMappingImage( true );
sgMappingImageSettings->SetApplyNewMaterialIds( true );
sgMappingImageSettings->SetGenerateTangents( true );
sgMappingImageSettings->SetUseFullRetexturing( true );
Simplygon::spMappingImageOutputMaterialSettings sgOutputMaterialSettings = sgMappingImageSettings->GetOutputMaterialSettings(0);
// Setting the size of the output material for the mapping image. This will be the output size of the
// textures when we do material casting in a later stage.
sgOutputMaterialSettings->SetTextureWidth( 2048 );
sgOutputMaterialSettings->SetTextureHeight( 2048 );
// Start the aggregation process.
printf("%s\n", "Start the aggregation process.");
// Setup and run the compute caster on the diffuse channel.
printf("%s\n", "Setup and run the compute caster on the diffuse channel.");
Simplygon::spComputeCaster sgDiffuseCaster = sg->CreateComputeCaster();
sgDiffuseCaster->SetMappingImage( sgAggregationProcessor->GetMappingImage() );
sgDiffuseCaster->SetSourceMaterials( sgScene->GetMaterialTable() );
sgDiffuseCaster->SetSourceTextures( sgScene->GetTextureTable() );
sgDiffuseCaster->SetOutputFilePath( "DiffuseTexture" );
Simplygon::spComputeCasterSettings sgDiffuseCasterSettings = sgDiffuseCaster->GetComputeCasterSettings();
sgDiffuseCasterSettings->SetMaterialChannel( "Diffuse" );
sgDiffuseCasterSettings->SetOutputImageFileFormat( Simplygon::EImageOutputFormat::PNG );
std::string diffuseTextureFilePath = sgDiffuseCaster->GetOutputFilePath().c_str();
// Setup and run another compute shader on the normals channel.
printf("%s\n", "Setup and run another compute shader on the normals channel.");
Simplygon::spComputeCaster sgNormalsCaster = sg->CreateComputeCaster();
sgNormalsCaster->SetMappingImage( sgAggregationProcessor->GetMappingImage() );
sgNormalsCaster->SetSourceMaterials( sgScene->GetMaterialTable() );
sgNormalsCaster->SetSourceTextures( sgScene->GetTextureTable() );
sgNormalsCaster->SetOutputFilePath( "NormalsTexture" );
Simplygon::spComputeCasterSettings sgNormalsCasterSettings = sgNormalsCaster->GetComputeCasterSettings();
sgNormalsCasterSettings->SetMaterialChannel( "Normals" );
sgNormalsCasterSettings->SetOutputImageFileFormat( Simplygon::EImageOutputFormat::PNG );
std::string normalsTextureFilePath = sgNormalsCaster->GetOutputFilePath().c_str();
// Update scene with new casted texture.
Simplygon::spMaterialTable sgMaterialTable = sg->CreateMaterialTable();
Simplygon::spTextureTable sgTextureTable = sg->CreateTextureTable();
Simplygon::spMaterial sgMaterial = sg->CreateMaterial();
Simplygon::spTexture sgDiffuseTexture = sg->CreateTexture();
sgDiffuseTexture->SetName( "Diffuse" );
sgDiffuseTexture->SetFilePath( diffuseTextureFilePath.c_str() );
sgTextureTable->AddTexture( sgDiffuseTexture );
Simplygon::spShadingTextureNode sgDiffuseTextureShadingNode = sg->CreateShadingTextureNode();
sgDiffuseTextureShadingNode->SetTexCoordLevel( 0 );
sgDiffuseTextureShadingNode->SetTextureName( "Diffuse" );
sgMaterial->AddMaterialChannel( "Diffuse" );
sgMaterial->SetShadingNetwork( "Diffuse", sgDiffuseTextureShadingNode );
Simplygon::spTexture sgNormalsTexture = sg->CreateTexture();
sgNormalsTexture->SetName( "Normals" );
sgNormalsTexture->SetFilePath( normalsTextureFilePath.c_str() );
sgTextureTable->AddTexture( sgNormalsTexture );
Simplygon::spShadingTextureNode sgNormalsTextureShadingNode = sg->CreateShadingTextureNode();
sgNormalsTextureShadingNode->SetTexCoordLevel( 0 );
sgNormalsTextureShadingNode->SetTextureName( "Normals" );
sgMaterial->AddMaterialChannel( "Normals" );
sgMaterial->SetShadingNetwork( "Normals", sgNormalsTextureShadingNode );
sgMaterialTable->AddMaterial( sgMaterial );
// Save processed scene.
printf("%s\n", "Save processed scene.");
SaveScene(sg, sgScene, "Output.fbx");
// Check log for any warnings or errors.
printf("%s\n", "Check log for any warnings or errors.");
int main()
Simplygon::ISimplygon* sg = NULL;
Simplygon::EErrorCodes initval = Simplygon::Initialize( &sg );
if( initval != Simplygon::EErrorCodes::NoError )
printf( "Failed to initialize Simplygon: ErrorCode(%d)", (int)initval );
return int(initval);
return 0;
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
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<ClCompile Include="$(ProjectDir)ComputeCastingWithSceneDescription.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="$([System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($(SIMPLYGON_10_PATH)))\SimplygonLoader.cpp" />
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
// customStruct is the user-defined custom data structure which is bound to the "MaterialColorsCustomField" custom field
// which is defined in the scene. The custom field is 160 bytes and is mapped to a StructuredBuffer of 8 entries, one
// per material. Note that the "multiplier" value is not used in the example, and is there only to create a more complex
// struct than a regular float4, which requires a specific struct definition in the header code.
struct customStruct
float4 color;
float multiplier;
Двоичные данные
Normal file
Двоичные данные
Normal file
Двоичный файл не отображается.
@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- This is an example file which demos how you can perform a full casting on a non-textured scene, and add required buffers, textures etc in the xml file. -->
The TextureTable is an easy way to add additional needed textures to the scene before running the compute caster
There are some caveats to consider:
- Any already existing texture with the same name will be replaced
- Textures can only be referenced with a file path (relative or absolute)
<Texture Name="0_Diffuse" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_arms_d.JPG"/>
<Texture Name="1_Diffuse" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_armor_upper_d.JPG"/>
<Texture Name="2_Diffuse" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_baselayer_d.JPG"/>
<Texture Name="3_Diffuse" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_helmet_d.JPG"/>
<Texture Name="4_Diffuse" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_helmet_d.JPG" />
<Texture Name="5_Diffuse" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_visor_mask_d.JPG"/>
<Texture Name="6_Diffuse" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_legs_logo2.0_d.JPG"/>
<Texture Name="7_Diffuse" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_armor_middle_logo2_d.JPG"/>
<Texture Name="0_Normals" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_arms_n.JPG" ColorSpace="Linear"/>
<Texture Name="1_Normals" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_armor_upper_n.JPG" ColorSpace="Linear"/>
<Texture Name="2_Normals" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_baselayer_n.JPG" ColorSpace="Linear"/>
<Texture Name="3_Normals" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_helmet_n.JPG" ColorSpace="Linear"/>
<Texture Name="4_Normals" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_helmet_n.JPG" ColorSpace="Linear"/>
<Texture Name="5_Normals" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_visor_mask_n.JPG" ColorSpace="Linear"/>
<Texture Name="6_Normals" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_legs_logo2.0_n.JPG" ColorSpace="Linear"/>
<Texture Name="7_Normals" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_armor_middle_logo2_n.JPG" ColorSpace="Linear"/>
The CustomFields element lists any additional custom fields which should be added to the Scene (as AddCustomField).
Note that since the user is responsible for alignment and packing, all fields are added as UnsignedCharArrays, with
a tuple size of 1.
Fields can either reference external files, as shown below (MaterialColorsCustomField.bin), or be embedded in the .xml
as a base64 encoded field.
In the example field below, we encode one 20 byte struct per material, so the input .bin file is 8 * 20 = 160 bytes
<CustomField Name="MaterialColorsCustomField" FilePath="MaterialColorsCustomField.bin"/>
The MaterialTable specifies a MaterialEvaluationShader per Material. Note that the materials must already exist in the scene's
material table, since the geometry material ids drive the actual material casting. However, each Material do not need to be
represented, as each scene descriptor file adds to the current scene, so there can be one file for all materials which
are to be cast, one file for each material, or some other combination, as long as all materials are set up before casting.
<Material Name="armsSG1">
<MaterialEvaluationShader Version="0.4.0" ShaderLanguage="HLSL" HeaderFilePath="HeaderCode.hlsl" ShaderFilePath="CasterCode.hlsl">
Example of using indices into TexCoord field. In this case using field with index 0
<Attribute Name="TexCoord" FieldType="TexCoords" FieldName="0" FieldFormat="F32vec2"/>
Bind input tangent space, which is needed for casting normals.
Note that in this case, there are only one field per tangent, bitangent and normal,
so the FieldName is not needed.
<Attribute Name="Tangent" FieldType="Tangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Bitangent" FieldType="Bitangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Normal" FieldType="Normals" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
Define evaluation functions for calculating Diffuse and Normals channels.
You can add an evaluation function for each channel to be cast.
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Diffuse" EntryPoint="CalculateDiffuseChannel"/>
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Normals" EntryPoint="CalculateNormalsChannel"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "DiffuseSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="SamplerMirror2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="MirrorRepeat" AddressV="MirrorRepeat" AddressW="MirrorRepeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="DiffuseSampler" SamplerState="SamplerMirror2D"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "NormalSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="Sampler2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="Repeat" AddressV="Repeat" AddressW="Repeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="NormalSampler" SamplerState="Sampler2D"/>
Example of using texture array
<ShaderParameterTextureArray Name="CastingTexturesArray" Count="2">
<TextureSlot Index="0" TextureName="0_Diffuse"/>
<TextureSlot Index="1" TextureName="0_Normals"/>
Example of referencing a custom field in the scene.
This is used in the shader to modify the color value of the Diffuse color
<ShaderParameterBuffer Name="CustomBuffer" FieldName="MaterialColorsCustomField" Type="customStruct"/>
<Material Name="body_upperSG1">
<MaterialEvaluationShader Version="0.4.0" ShaderLanguage="HLSL" HeaderFilePath="HeaderCode.hlsl" ShaderFilePath="CasterCode.hlsl">
Example of using indices into TexCoord field. In this case using field with index 0
<Attribute Name="TexCoord" FieldType="TexCoords" FieldName="0" FieldFormat="F32vec2"/>
Bind input tangent space, which is needed for casting normals.
Note that in this case, there are only one field per tangent, bitangent and normal,
so the FieldName is not needed.
<Attribute Name="Tangent" FieldType="Tangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Bitangent" FieldType="Bitangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Normal" FieldType="Normals" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
Define evaluation functions for calculating Diffuse and Normals channels.
You can add an evaluation function for each channel to be cast.
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Diffuse" EntryPoint="CalculateDiffuseChannel"/>
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Normals" EntryPoint="CalculateNormalsChannel"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "DiffuseSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="SamplerMirror2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="MirrorRepeat" AddressV="MirrorRepeat" AddressW="MirrorRepeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="DiffuseSampler" SamplerState="SamplerMirror2D"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "NormalSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="Sampler2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="Repeat" AddressV="Repeat" AddressW="Repeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="NormalSampler" SamplerState="Sampler2D"/>
Example of using texture array
<ShaderParameterTextureArray Name="CastingTexturesArray" Count="2">
<TextureSlot Index="0" TextureName="1_Diffuse"/>
<TextureSlot Index="1" TextureName="1_Normals"/>
Example of referencing a custom field in the scene.
This is used in the shader to modify the color value of the Diffuse color
<ShaderParameterBuffer Name="CustomBuffer" FieldName="MaterialColorsCustomField" Type="customStruct"/>
<Material Name="clothSG1">
<MaterialEvaluationShader Version="0.4.0" ShaderLanguage="HLSL" HeaderFilePath="HeaderCode.hlsl" ShaderFilePath="CasterCode.hlsl">
Example of using indices into TexCoord field. In this case using field with index 0
<Attribute Name="TexCoord" FieldType="TexCoords" FieldName="0" FieldFormat="F32vec2"/>
Bind input tangent space, which is needed for casting normals.
Note that in this case, there are only one field per tangent, bitangent and normal,
so the FieldName is not needed.
<Attribute Name="Tangent" FieldType="Tangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Bitangent" FieldType="Bitangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Normal" FieldType="Normals" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
Define evaluation functions for calculating Diffuse and Normals channels.
You can add an evaluation function for each channel to be cast.
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Diffuse" EntryPoint="CalculateDiffuseChannel"/>
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Normals" EntryPoint="CalculateNormalsChannel"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "DiffuseSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="SamplerMirror2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="MirrorRepeat" AddressV="MirrorRepeat" AddressW="MirrorRepeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="DiffuseSampler" SamplerState="SamplerMirror2D"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "NormalSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="Sampler2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="Repeat" AddressV="Repeat" AddressW="Repeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="NormalSampler" SamplerState="Sampler2D"/>
Example of using texture array
<ShaderParameterTextureArray Name="CastingTexturesArray" Count="2">
<TextureSlot Index="0" TextureName="2_Diffuse"/>
<TextureSlot Index="1" TextureName="2_Normals"/>
Example of referencing a custom field in the scene.
This is used in the shader to modify the color value of the Diffuse color
<ShaderParameterBuffer Name="CustomBuffer" FieldName="MaterialColorsCustomField" Type="customStruct"/>
<Material Name="helmetSG">
<MaterialEvaluationShader Version="0.4.0" ShaderLanguage="HLSL" HeaderFilePath="HeaderCode.hlsl" ShaderFilePath="CasterCode.hlsl">
Example of using indices into TexCoord field. In this case using field with index 0
<Attribute Name="TexCoord" FieldType="TexCoords" FieldName="0" FieldFormat="F32vec2"/>
Bind input tangent space, which is needed for casting normals.
Note that in this case, there are only one field per tangent, bitangent and normal,
so the FieldName is not needed.
<Attribute Name="Tangent" FieldType="Tangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Bitangent" FieldType="Bitangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Normal" FieldType="Normals" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
Define evaluation functions for calculating Diffuse and Normals channels.
You can add an evaluation function for each channel to be cast.
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Diffuse" EntryPoint="CalculateDiffuseChannel"/>
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Normals" EntryPoint="CalculateNormalsChannel"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "DiffuseSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="SamplerMirror2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="MirrorRepeat" AddressV="MirrorRepeat" AddressW="MirrorRepeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="DiffuseSampler" SamplerState="SamplerMirror2D"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "NormalSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="Sampler2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="Repeat" AddressV="Repeat" AddressW="Repeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="NormalSampler" SamplerState="Sampler2D"/>
Example of using texture array
<ShaderParameterTextureArray Name="CastingTexturesArray" Count="2">
<TextureSlot Index="0" TextureName="3_Diffuse"/>
<TextureSlot Index="1" TextureName="3_Normals"/>
Example of referencing a custom field in the scene.
This is used in the shader to modify the color value of the Diffuse color
<ShaderParameterBuffer Name="CustomBuffer" FieldName="MaterialColorsCustomField" Type="customStruct"/>
<Material Name="helmetSG1">
<MaterialEvaluationShader Version="0.4.0" ShaderLanguage="HLSL" HeaderFilePath="HeaderCode.hlsl" ShaderFilePath="CasterCode.hlsl">
Example of using indices into TexCoord field. In this case using field with index 0
<Attribute Name="TexCoord" FieldType="TexCoords" FieldName="0" FieldFormat="F32vec2"/>
Bind input tangent space, which is needed for casting normals.
Note that in this case, there are only one field per tangent, bitangent and normal,
so the FieldName is not needed.
<Attribute Name="Tangent" FieldType="Tangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Bitangent" FieldType="Bitangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Normal" FieldType="Normals" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
Define evaluation functions for calculating Diffuse and Normals channels.
You can add an evaluation function for each channel to be cast.
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Diffuse" EntryPoint="CalculateDiffuseChannel"/>
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Normals" EntryPoint="CalculateNormalsChannel"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "DiffuseSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="SamplerMirror2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="MirrorRepeat" AddressV="MirrorRepeat" AddressW="MirrorRepeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="DiffuseSampler" SamplerState="SamplerMirror2D"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "NormalSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="Sampler2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="Repeat" AddressV="Repeat" AddressW="Repeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="NormalSampler" SamplerState="Sampler2D"/>
Example of using texture array
<ShaderParameterTextureArray Name="CastingTexturesArray" Count="2">
<TextureSlot Index="0" TextureName="4_Diffuse"/>
<TextureSlot Index="1" TextureName="4_Normals"/>
Example of referencing a custom field in the scene.
This is used in the shader to modify the color value of the Diffuse color
<ShaderParameterBuffer Name="CustomBuffer" FieldName="MaterialColorsCustomField" Type="customStruct"/>
<Material Name="helmet_visorSG1">
<MaterialEvaluationShader Version="0.4.0" ShaderLanguage="HLSL" HeaderFilePath="HeaderCode.hlsl" ShaderFilePath="CasterCode.hlsl">
Example of using indices into TexCoord field. In this case using field with index 0
<Attribute Name="TexCoord" FieldType="TexCoords" FieldName="0" FieldFormat="F32vec2"/>
Bind input tangent space, which is needed for casting normals.
Note that in this case, there are only one field per tangent, bitangent and normal,
so the FieldName is not needed.
<Attribute Name="Tangent" FieldType="Tangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Bitangent" FieldType="Bitangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Normal" FieldType="Normals" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
Define evaluation functions for calculating Diffuse and Normals channels.
You can add an evaluation function for each channel to be cast.
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Diffuse" EntryPoint="CalculateDiffuseChannel"/>
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Normals" EntryPoint="CalculateNormalsChannel"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "DiffuseSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="SamplerMirror2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="MirrorRepeat" AddressV="MirrorRepeat" AddressW="MirrorRepeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="DiffuseSampler" SamplerState="SamplerMirror2D"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "NormalSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="Sampler2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="Repeat" AddressV="Repeat" AddressW="Repeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="NormalSampler" SamplerState="Sampler2D"/>
Example of using texture array
<ShaderParameterTextureArray Name="CastingTexturesArray" Count="2">
<TextureSlot Index="0" TextureName="5_Diffuse"/>
<TextureSlot Index="1" TextureName="5_Normals"/>
Example of referencing a custom field in the scene.
This is used in the shader to modify the color value of the Diffuse color
<ShaderParameterBuffer Name="CustomBuffer" FieldName="MaterialColorsCustomField" Type="customStruct"/>
<Material Name="legsSG1">
<MaterialEvaluationShader Version="0.4.0" ShaderLanguage="HLSL" HeaderFilePath="HeaderCode.hlsl" ShaderFilePath="CasterCode.hlsl">
Example of using indices into TexCoord field. In this case using field with index 0
<Attribute Name="TexCoord" FieldType="TexCoords" FieldName="0" FieldFormat="F32vec2"/>
Bind input tangent space, which is needed for casting normals.
Note that in this case, there are only one field per tangent, bitangent and normal,
so the FieldName is not needed.
<Attribute Name="Tangent" FieldType="Tangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Bitangent" FieldType="Bitangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Normal" FieldType="Normals" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
Define evaluation functions for calculating Diffuse and Normals channels.
You can add an evaluation function for each channel to be cast.
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Diffuse" EntryPoint="CalculateDiffuseChannel"/>
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Normals" EntryPoint="CalculateNormalsChannel"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "DiffuseSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="SamplerMirror2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="MirrorRepeat" AddressV="MirrorRepeat" AddressW="MirrorRepeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="DiffuseSampler" SamplerState="SamplerMirror2D"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "NormalSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="Sampler2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="Repeat" AddressV="Repeat" AddressW="Repeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="NormalSampler" SamplerState="Sampler2D"/>
Example of using texture array
<ShaderParameterTextureArray Name="CastingTexturesArray" Count="2">
<TextureSlot Index="0" TextureName="6_Diffuse"/>
<TextureSlot Index="1" TextureName="6_Normals"/>
Example of referencing a custom field in the scene.
This is used in the shader to modify the color value of the Diffuse color
<ShaderParameterBuffer Name="CustomBuffer" FieldName="MaterialColorsCustomField" Type="customStruct"/>
<Material Name="middleSG1">
<MaterialEvaluationShader Version="0.4.0" ShaderLanguage="HLSL" HeaderFilePath="HeaderCode.hlsl" ShaderFilePath="CasterCode.hlsl">
Example of using indices into TexCoord field. In this case using field with index 0
<Attribute Name="TexCoord" FieldType="TexCoords" FieldName="0" FieldFormat="F32vec2"/>
Bind input tangent space, which is needed for casting normals.
Note that in this case, there are only one field per tangent, bitangent and normal,
so the FieldName is not needed.
<Attribute Name="Tangent" FieldType="Tangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Bitangent" FieldType="Bitangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Normal" FieldType="Normals" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
Define evaluation functions for calculating Diffuse and Normals channels.
You can add an evaluation function for each channel to be cast.
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Diffuse" EntryPoint="CalculateDiffuseChannel"/>
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Normals" EntryPoint="CalculateNormalsChannel"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "DiffuseSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="SamplerMirror2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="MirrorRepeat" AddressV="MirrorRepeat" AddressW="MirrorRepeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="DiffuseSampler" SamplerState="SamplerMirror2D"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "NormalSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="Sampler2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="Repeat" AddressV="Repeat" AddressW="Repeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="NormalSampler" SamplerState="Sampler2D"/>
Example of using texture array
<ShaderParameterTextureArray Name="CastingTexturesArray" Count="2">
<TextureSlot Index="0" TextureName="7_Diffuse"/>
<TextureSlot Index="1" TextureName="7_Normals"/>
Example of referencing a custom field in the scene.
This is used in the shader to modify the color value of the Diffuse color
<ShaderParameterBuffer Name="CustomBuffer" FieldName="MaterialColorsCustomField" Type="customStruct"/>
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2" />
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// The CalculateDiffuseChannel function samples from the CastingTexturesArray, index 0, which is the diffuse map bound to this evaluation shader.
// The function also blends the result with the color value from the CustomBuffer buffer, which is a custom field in the scene (added by the
// scene descriptor .xml file) and which has a 20-byte struct per-material. The function uses the built-in sg_MaterialIdFilter value to do
// the lookup into the buffer.
float4 CalculateDiffuseChannel()
// sample the texture from the CastingTexturesArray[0] using the bound DiffuseSampler sampler
float4 colorValue = CastingTexturesArray[0].SampleLevel( DiffuseSampler , TexCoord , 0 ) * 0.7f;
// blend with the custom value from the CustomBuffer, which is of type customStruct, and is defined in "HeaderCode.hlsl"
colorValue += CustomBuffer[sg_MaterialIdFilter].color * 0.3f;
// return the blended color value
return colorValue;
// The CalculateNormalsChannel calculates the per-texel normals of the output tangent-space normal map. It starts by sampling the input
// tangent-space normal map of the input geometry, and transforms the normal into object-space coordinates. It then uses the generated
// destination tangent basis vectors to transform the normal vector into the output tangent-space.
float4 CalculateNormalsChannel()
// sample the input tangent-space texture, and decode into [-1 -> 1] basis
float3 tangentSpaceNormal = (CastingTexturesArray[1].SampleLevel( NormalSampler , TexCoord , 0 ).xyz * 2.0) - 1.0;
// transform into an object-space vector
float3 objectSpaceNormal = tangentSpaceNormal.x * normalize(Tangent) +
tangentSpaceNormal.y * normalize(Bitangent) +
tangentSpaceNormal.z * normalize(Normal);
// transform the object-space vector into the destination tangent space
tangentSpaceNormal.x = dot( objectSpaceNormal , normalize(sg_DestinationTangent) );
tangentSpaceNormal.y = dot( objectSpaceNormal , normalize(sg_DestinationBitangent) );
tangentSpaceNormal.z = dot( objectSpaceNormal , normalize(sg_DestinationNormal) );
// normalize, the tangent basis is not necessarily orthogonal
tangentSpaceNormal = normalize(tangentSpaceNormal);
// encode into [0 -> 1] basis and return
return float4( ((tangentSpaceNormal + 1.0)/2.0) , 1.0);
@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public class Program
static Simplygon.spScene LoadScene(Simplygon.ISimplygon sg, string path)
// Create scene importer
using Simplygon.spSceneImporter sgSceneImporter = sg.CreateSceneImporter();
// Run scene importer.
var importResult = sgSceneImporter.Run();
if (Simplygon.Simplygon.Failed(importResult))
throw new System.Exception("Failed to load scene.");
Simplygon.spScene sgScene = sgSceneImporter.GetScene();
return sgScene;
static void SaveScene(Simplygon.ISimplygon sg, Simplygon.spScene sgScene, string path)
// Create scene exporter.
using Simplygon.spSceneExporter sgSceneExporter = sg.CreateSceneExporter();
string outputScenePath = string.Join("", new string[] { "output\\", "ComputeCastingWithSceneDescription", "_", path });
// Run scene exporter.
var exportResult = sgSceneExporter.Run();
if (Simplygon.Simplygon.Failed(exportResult))
throw new System.Exception("Failed to save scene.");
static void CheckLog(Simplygon.ISimplygon sg)
// Check if any errors occurred.
bool hasErrors = sg.ErrorOccurred();
if (hasErrors)
Simplygon.spStringArray errors = sg.CreateStringArray();
var errorCount = errors.GetItemCount();
if (errorCount > 0)
for (uint errorIndex = 0; errorIndex < errorCount; ++errorIndex)
string errorString = errors.GetItem((int)errorIndex);
Console.WriteLine("No errors.");
// Check if any warnings occurred.
bool hasWarnings = sg.WarningOccurred();
if (hasWarnings)
Simplygon.spStringArray warnings = sg.CreateStringArray();
var warningCount = warnings.GetItemCount();
if (warningCount > 0)
for (uint warningIndex = 0; warningIndex < warningCount; ++warningIndex)
string warningString = warnings.GetItem((int)warningIndex);
Console.WriteLine("No warnings.");
// Error out if Simplygon has errors.
if (hasErrors)
throw new System.Exception("Processing failed with an error");
static void ComputeCasting(Simplygon.ISimplygon sg)
// Load scene to process.
Console.WriteLine("Load scene to process.");
Simplygon.spScene sgScene = LoadScene(sg, "../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/SimplygonMan.obj");
// Add tangents to the scene. Tangents are needed to cast the tangent-space normal maps, and the
// input scene is missing tangents.
using Simplygon.spTangentCalculator sgTangentCalculator = sg.CreateTangentCalculator();
sgTangentCalculator.CalculateTangentsOnScene(sgScene, true);
// Load scene material evaluation description, which will define all evaluation shaders for all
// materials, as well as needed textures and custom buffers.
Console.WriteLine("Load scene material evaluation description, which will define all evaluation shaders for all materials, as well as needed textures and custom buffers.");
using Simplygon.spMaterialEvaluationShaderSerializer sgMaterialEvaluationShaderSerializer = sg.CreateMaterialEvaluationShaderSerializer();
sgMaterialEvaluationShaderSerializer.LoadSceneMaterialEvaluationShadersFromFile("SimplygonManCasting.xml", sgScene);
// Create the aggregation processor.
using Simplygon.spAggregationProcessor sgAggregationProcessor = sg.CreateAggregationProcessor();
sgAggregationProcessor.SetScene( sgScene );
using Simplygon.spAggregationSettings sgAggregationSettings = sgAggregationProcessor.GetAggregationSettings();
using Simplygon.spMappingImageSettings sgMappingImageSettings = sgAggregationProcessor.GetMappingImageSettings();
// Merge all geometries into a single geometry.
sgAggregationSettings.SetMergeGeometries( true );
// Generates a mapping image which is used after the aggregation to cast new materials to the new
// aggregated object.
sgMappingImageSettings.SetGenerateMappingImage( true );
sgMappingImageSettings.SetApplyNewMaterialIds( true );
sgMappingImageSettings.SetGenerateTangents( true );
sgMappingImageSettings.SetUseFullRetexturing( true );
using Simplygon.spMappingImageOutputMaterialSettings sgOutputMaterialSettings = sgMappingImageSettings.GetOutputMaterialSettings(0);
// Setting the size of the output material for the mapping image. This will be the output size of the
// textures when we do material casting in a later stage.
sgOutputMaterialSettings.SetTextureWidth( 2048 );
sgOutputMaterialSettings.SetTextureHeight( 2048 );
// Start the aggregation process.
Console.WriteLine("Start the aggregation process.");
// Setup and run the compute caster on the diffuse channel.
Console.WriteLine("Setup and run the compute caster on the diffuse channel.");
string diffuseTextureFilePath;
using Simplygon.spComputeCaster sgDiffuseCaster = sg.CreateComputeCaster();
sgDiffuseCaster.SetMappingImage( sgAggregationProcessor.GetMappingImage() );
sgDiffuseCaster.SetSourceMaterials( sgScene.GetMaterialTable() );
sgDiffuseCaster.SetSourceTextures( sgScene.GetTextureTable() );
sgDiffuseCaster.SetOutputFilePath( "DiffuseTexture" );
using Simplygon.spComputeCasterSettings sgDiffuseCasterSettings = sgDiffuseCaster.GetComputeCasterSettings();
sgDiffuseCasterSettings.SetMaterialChannel( "Diffuse" );
sgDiffuseCasterSettings.SetOutputImageFileFormat( Simplygon.EImageOutputFormat.PNG );
diffuseTextureFilePath = sgDiffuseCaster.GetOutputFilePath();
// Setup and run another compute shader on the normals channel.
Console.WriteLine("Setup and run another compute shader on the normals channel.");
string normalsTextureFilePath;
using Simplygon.spComputeCaster sgNormalsCaster = sg.CreateComputeCaster();
sgNormalsCaster.SetMappingImage( sgAggregationProcessor.GetMappingImage() );
sgNormalsCaster.SetSourceMaterials( sgScene.GetMaterialTable() );
sgNormalsCaster.SetSourceTextures( sgScene.GetTextureTable() );
sgNormalsCaster.SetOutputFilePath( "NormalsTexture" );
using Simplygon.spComputeCasterSettings sgNormalsCasterSettings = sgNormalsCaster.GetComputeCasterSettings();
sgNormalsCasterSettings.SetMaterialChannel( "Normals" );
sgNormalsCasterSettings.SetOutputImageFileFormat( Simplygon.EImageOutputFormat.PNG );
normalsTextureFilePath = sgNormalsCaster.GetOutputFilePath();
// Update scene with new casted texture.
using Simplygon.spMaterialTable sgMaterialTable = sg.CreateMaterialTable();
using Simplygon.spTextureTable sgTextureTable = sg.CreateTextureTable();
using Simplygon.spMaterial sgMaterial = sg.CreateMaterial();
using Simplygon.spTexture sgDiffuseTexture = sg.CreateTexture();
sgDiffuseTexture.SetName( "Diffuse" );
sgDiffuseTexture.SetFilePath( diffuseTextureFilePath );
sgTextureTable.AddTexture( sgDiffuseTexture );
using Simplygon.spShadingTextureNode sgDiffuseTextureShadingNode = sg.CreateShadingTextureNode();
sgDiffuseTextureShadingNode.SetTexCoordLevel( 0 );
sgDiffuseTextureShadingNode.SetTextureName( "Diffuse" );
sgMaterial.AddMaterialChannel( "Diffuse" );
sgMaterial.SetShadingNetwork( "Diffuse", sgDiffuseTextureShadingNode );
using Simplygon.spTexture sgNormalsTexture = sg.CreateTexture();
sgNormalsTexture.SetName( "Normals" );
sgNormalsTexture.SetFilePath( normalsTextureFilePath );
sgTextureTable.AddTexture( sgNormalsTexture );
using Simplygon.spShadingTextureNode sgNormalsTextureShadingNode = sg.CreateShadingTextureNode();
sgNormalsTextureShadingNode.SetTexCoordLevel( 0 );
sgNormalsTextureShadingNode.SetTextureName( "Normals" );
sgMaterial.AddMaterialChannel( "Normals" );
sgMaterial.SetShadingNetwork( "Normals", sgNormalsTextureShadingNode );
sgMaterialTable.AddMaterial( sgMaterial );
// Save processed scene.
Console.WriteLine("Save processed scene.");
SaveScene(sg, sgScene, "Output.fbx");
// Check log for any warnings or errors.
Console.WriteLine("Check log for any warnings or errors.");
static int Main(string[] args)
using var sg = Simplygon.Loader.InitSimplygon(out var errorCode, out var errorMessage);
if (errorCode != Simplygon.EErrorCodes.NoError)
Console.WriteLine( $"Failed to initialize Simplygon: ErrorCode({(int)errorCode}) {errorMessage}" );
return (int)errorCode;
return 0;
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|x64'">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|x64'">
<Reference Include="SimplygonDotNetWrapper">
<Reference Include="System" />
<Reference Include="System.Core" />
<Compile Include="$([System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($(SIMPLYGON_10_PATH)))\DotNet\SimplygonLoader.cs">
<Compile Include="ComputeCastingWithSceneDescription.cs" />
<Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
<None Include="App.config" />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\Microsoft.Common.props" Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\Microsoft.Common.props')" />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
// customStruct is the user-defined custom data structure which is bound to the "MaterialColorsCustomField" custom field
// which is defined in the scene. The custom field is 160 bytes and is mapped to a StructuredBuffer of 8 entries, one
// per material. Note that the "multiplier" value is not used in the example, and is there only to create a more complex
// struct than a regular float4, which requires a specific struct definition in the header code.
struct customStruct
float4 color;
float multiplier;
Двоичный файл не отображается.
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("ComputeCastingWithSceneDescription")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("ComputeCastingWithSceneDescription")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © Microsoft Corporation 2023")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("556BD124-D210-4084-905C-61DD97267C76")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- This is an example file which demos how you can perform a full casting on a non-textured scene, and add required buffers, textures etc in the xml file. -->
The TextureTable is an easy way to add additional needed textures to the scene before running the compute caster
There are some caveats to consider:
- Any already existing texture with the same name will be replaced
- Textures can only be referenced with a file path (relative or absolute)
<Texture Name="0_Diffuse" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_arms_d.JPG"/>
<Texture Name="1_Diffuse" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_armor_upper_d.JPG"/>
<Texture Name="2_Diffuse" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_baselayer_d.JPG"/>
<Texture Name="3_Diffuse" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_helmet_d.JPG"/>
<Texture Name="4_Diffuse" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_helmet_d.JPG" />
<Texture Name="5_Diffuse" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_visor_mask_d.JPG"/>
<Texture Name="6_Diffuse" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_legs_logo2.0_d.JPG"/>
<Texture Name="7_Diffuse" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_armor_middle_logo2_d.JPG"/>
<Texture Name="0_Normals" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_arms_n.JPG" ColorSpace="Linear"/>
<Texture Name="1_Normals" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_armor_upper_n.JPG" ColorSpace="Linear"/>
<Texture Name="2_Normals" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_baselayer_n.JPG" ColorSpace="Linear"/>
<Texture Name="3_Normals" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_helmet_n.JPG" ColorSpace="Linear"/>
<Texture Name="4_Normals" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_helmet_n.JPG" ColorSpace="Linear"/>
<Texture Name="5_Normals" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_visor_mask_n.JPG" ColorSpace="Linear"/>
<Texture Name="6_Normals" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_legs_logo2.0_n.JPG" ColorSpace="Linear"/>
<Texture Name="7_Normals" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_armor_middle_logo2_n.JPG" ColorSpace="Linear"/>
The CustomFields element lists any additional custom fields which should be added to the Scene (as AddCustomField).
Note that since the user is responsible for alignment and packing, all fields are added as UnsignedCharArrays, with
a tuple size of 1.
Fields can either reference external files, as shown below (MaterialColorsCustomField.bin), or be embedded in the .xml
as a base64 encoded field.
In the example field below, we encode one 20 byte struct per material, so the input .bin file is 8 * 20 = 160 bytes
<CustomField Name="MaterialColorsCustomField" FilePath="MaterialColorsCustomField.bin"/>
The MaterialTable specifies a MaterialEvaluationShader per Material. Note that the materials must already exist in the scene's
material table, since the geometry material ids drive the actual material casting. However, each Material do not need to be
represented, as each scene descriptor file adds to the current scene, so there can be one file for all materials which
are to be cast, one file for each material, or some other combination, as long as all materials are set up before casting.
<Material Name="armsSG1">
<MaterialEvaluationShader Version="0.4.0" ShaderLanguage="HLSL" HeaderFilePath="HeaderCode.hlsl" ShaderFilePath="CasterCode.hlsl">
Example of using indices into TexCoord field. In this case using field with index 0
<Attribute Name="TexCoord" FieldType="TexCoords" FieldName="0" FieldFormat="F32vec2"/>
Bind input tangent space, which is needed for casting normals.
Note that in this case, there are only one field per tangent, bitangent and normal,
so the FieldName is not needed.
<Attribute Name="Tangent" FieldType="Tangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Bitangent" FieldType="Bitangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Normal" FieldType="Normals" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
Define evaluation functions for calculating Diffuse and Normals channels.
You can add an evaluation function for each channel to be cast.
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Diffuse" EntryPoint="CalculateDiffuseChannel"/>
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Normals" EntryPoint="CalculateNormalsChannel"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "DiffuseSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="SamplerMirror2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="MirrorRepeat" AddressV="MirrorRepeat" AddressW="MirrorRepeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="DiffuseSampler" SamplerState="SamplerMirror2D"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "NormalSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="Sampler2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="Repeat" AddressV="Repeat" AddressW="Repeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="NormalSampler" SamplerState="Sampler2D"/>
Example of using texture array
<ShaderParameterTextureArray Name="CastingTexturesArray" Count="2">
<TextureSlot Index="0" TextureName="0_Diffuse"/>
<TextureSlot Index="1" TextureName="0_Normals"/>
Example of referencing a custom field in the scene.
This is used in the shader to modify the color value of the Diffuse color
<ShaderParameterBuffer Name="CustomBuffer" FieldName="MaterialColorsCustomField" Type="customStruct"/>
<Material Name="body_upperSG1">
<MaterialEvaluationShader Version="0.4.0" ShaderLanguage="HLSL" HeaderFilePath="HeaderCode.hlsl" ShaderFilePath="CasterCode.hlsl">
Example of using indices into TexCoord field. In this case using field with index 0
<Attribute Name="TexCoord" FieldType="TexCoords" FieldName="0" FieldFormat="F32vec2"/>
Bind input tangent space, which is needed for casting normals.
Note that in this case, there are only one field per tangent, bitangent and normal,
so the FieldName is not needed.
<Attribute Name="Tangent" FieldType="Tangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Bitangent" FieldType="Bitangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Normal" FieldType="Normals" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
Define evaluation functions for calculating Diffuse and Normals channels.
You can add an evaluation function for each channel to be cast.
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Diffuse" EntryPoint="CalculateDiffuseChannel"/>
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Normals" EntryPoint="CalculateNormalsChannel"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "DiffuseSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="SamplerMirror2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="MirrorRepeat" AddressV="MirrorRepeat" AddressW="MirrorRepeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="DiffuseSampler" SamplerState="SamplerMirror2D"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "NormalSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="Sampler2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="Repeat" AddressV="Repeat" AddressW="Repeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="NormalSampler" SamplerState="Sampler2D"/>
Example of using texture array
<ShaderParameterTextureArray Name="CastingTexturesArray" Count="2">
<TextureSlot Index="0" TextureName="1_Diffuse"/>
<TextureSlot Index="1" TextureName="1_Normals"/>
Example of referencing a custom field in the scene.
This is used in the shader to modify the color value of the Diffuse color
<ShaderParameterBuffer Name="CustomBuffer" FieldName="MaterialColorsCustomField" Type="customStruct"/>
<Material Name="clothSG1">
<MaterialEvaluationShader Version="0.4.0" ShaderLanguage="HLSL" HeaderFilePath="HeaderCode.hlsl" ShaderFilePath="CasterCode.hlsl">
Example of using indices into TexCoord field. In this case using field with index 0
<Attribute Name="TexCoord" FieldType="TexCoords" FieldName="0" FieldFormat="F32vec2"/>
Bind input tangent space, which is needed for casting normals.
Note that in this case, there are only one field per tangent, bitangent and normal,
so the FieldName is not needed.
<Attribute Name="Tangent" FieldType="Tangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Bitangent" FieldType="Bitangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Normal" FieldType="Normals" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
Define evaluation functions for calculating Diffuse and Normals channels.
You can add an evaluation function for each channel to be cast.
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Diffuse" EntryPoint="CalculateDiffuseChannel"/>
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Normals" EntryPoint="CalculateNormalsChannel"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "DiffuseSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="SamplerMirror2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="MirrorRepeat" AddressV="MirrorRepeat" AddressW="MirrorRepeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="DiffuseSampler" SamplerState="SamplerMirror2D"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "NormalSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="Sampler2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="Repeat" AddressV="Repeat" AddressW="Repeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="NormalSampler" SamplerState="Sampler2D"/>
Example of using texture array
<ShaderParameterTextureArray Name="CastingTexturesArray" Count="2">
<TextureSlot Index="0" TextureName="2_Diffuse"/>
<TextureSlot Index="1" TextureName="2_Normals"/>
Example of referencing a custom field in the scene.
This is used in the shader to modify the color value of the Diffuse color
<ShaderParameterBuffer Name="CustomBuffer" FieldName="MaterialColorsCustomField" Type="customStruct"/>
<Material Name="helmetSG">
<MaterialEvaluationShader Version="0.4.0" ShaderLanguage="HLSL" HeaderFilePath="HeaderCode.hlsl" ShaderFilePath="CasterCode.hlsl">
Example of using indices into TexCoord field. In this case using field with index 0
<Attribute Name="TexCoord" FieldType="TexCoords" FieldName="0" FieldFormat="F32vec2"/>
Bind input tangent space, which is needed for casting normals.
Note that in this case, there are only one field per tangent, bitangent and normal,
so the FieldName is not needed.
<Attribute Name="Tangent" FieldType="Tangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Bitangent" FieldType="Bitangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Normal" FieldType="Normals" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
Define evaluation functions for calculating Diffuse and Normals channels.
You can add an evaluation function for each channel to be cast.
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Diffuse" EntryPoint="CalculateDiffuseChannel"/>
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Normals" EntryPoint="CalculateNormalsChannel"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "DiffuseSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="SamplerMirror2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="MirrorRepeat" AddressV="MirrorRepeat" AddressW="MirrorRepeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="DiffuseSampler" SamplerState="SamplerMirror2D"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "NormalSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="Sampler2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="Repeat" AddressV="Repeat" AddressW="Repeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="NormalSampler" SamplerState="Sampler2D"/>
Example of using texture array
<ShaderParameterTextureArray Name="CastingTexturesArray" Count="2">
<TextureSlot Index="0" TextureName="3_Diffuse"/>
<TextureSlot Index="1" TextureName="3_Normals"/>
Example of referencing a custom field in the scene.
This is used in the shader to modify the color value of the Diffuse color
<ShaderParameterBuffer Name="CustomBuffer" FieldName="MaterialColorsCustomField" Type="customStruct"/>
<Material Name="helmetSG1">
<MaterialEvaluationShader Version="0.4.0" ShaderLanguage="HLSL" HeaderFilePath="HeaderCode.hlsl" ShaderFilePath="CasterCode.hlsl">
Example of using indices into TexCoord field. In this case using field with index 0
<Attribute Name="TexCoord" FieldType="TexCoords" FieldName="0" FieldFormat="F32vec2"/>
Bind input tangent space, which is needed for casting normals.
Note that in this case, there are only one field per tangent, bitangent and normal,
so the FieldName is not needed.
<Attribute Name="Tangent" FieldType="Tangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Bitangent" FieldType="Bitangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Normal" FieldType="Normals" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
Define evaluation functions for calculating Diffuse and Normals channels.
You can add an evaluation function for each channel to be cast.
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Diffuse" EntryPoint="CalculateDiffuseChannel"/>
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Normals" EntryPoint="CalculateNormalsChannel"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "DiffuseSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="SamplerMirror2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="MirrorRepeat" AddressV="MirrorRepeat" AddressW="MirrorRepeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="DiffuseSampler" SamplerState="SamplerMirror2D"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "NormalSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="Sampler2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="Repeat" AddressV="Repeat" AddressW="Repeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="NormalSampler" SamplerState="Sampler2D"/>
Example of using texture array
<ShaderParameterTextureArray Name="CastingTexturesArray" Count="2">
<TextureSlot Index="0" TextureName="4_Diffuse"/>
<TextureSlot Index="1" TextureName="4_Normals"/>
Example of referencing a custom field in the scene.
This is used in the shader to modify the color value of the Diffuse color
<ShaderParameterBuffer Name="CustomBuffer" FieldName="MaterialColorsCustomField" Type="customStruct"/>
<Material Name="helmet_visorSG1">
<MaterialEvaluationShader Version="0.4.0" ShaderLanguage="HLSL" HeaderFilePath="HeaderCode.hlsl" ShaderFilePath="CasterCode.hlsl">
Example of using indices into TexCoord field. In this case using field with index 0
<Attribute Name="TexCoord" FieldType="TexCoords" FieldName="0" FieldFormat="F32vec2"/>
Bind input tangent space, which is needed for casting normals.
Note that in this case, there are only one field per tangent, bitangent and normal,
so the FieldName is not needed.
<Attribute Name="Tangent" FieldType="Tangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Bitangent" FieldType="Bitangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Normal" FieldType="Normals" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
Define evaluation functions for calculating Diffuse and Normals channels.
You can add an evaluation function for each channel to be cast.
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Diffuse" EntryPoint="CalculateDiffuseChannel"/>
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Normals" EntryPoint="CalculateNormalsChannel"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "DiffuseSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="SamplerMirror2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="MirrorRepeat" AddressV="MirrorRepeat" AddressW="MirrorRepeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="DiffuseSampler" SamplerState="SamplerMirror2D"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "NormalSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="Sampler2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="Repeat" AddressV="Repeat" AddressW="Repeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="NormalSampler" SamplerState="Sampler2D"/>
Example of using texture array
<ShaderParameterTextureArray Name="CastingTexturesArray" Count="2">
<TextureSlot Index="0" TextureName="5_Diffuse"/>
<TextureSlot Index="1" TextureName="5_Normals"/>
Example of referencing a custom field in the scene.
This is used in the shader to modify the color value of the Diffuse color
<ShaderParameterBuffer Name="CustomBuffer" FieldName="MaterialColorsCustomField" Type="customStruct"/>
<Material Name="legsSG1">
<MaterialEvaluationShader Version="0.4.0" ShaderLanguage="HLSL" HeaderFilePath="HeaderCode.hlsl" ShaderFilePath="CasterCode.hlsl">
Example of using indices into TexCoord field. In this case using field with index 0
<Attribute Name="TexCoord" FieldType="TexCoords" FieldName="0" FieldFormat="F32vec2"/>
Bind input tangent space, which is needed for casting normals.
Note that in this case, there are only one field per tangent, bitangent and normal,
so the FieldName is not needed.
<Attribute Name="Tangent" FieldType="Tangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Bitangent" FieldType="Bitangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Normal" FieldType="Normals" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
Define evaluation functions for calculating Diffuse and Normals channels.
You can add an evaluation function for each channel to be cast.
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Diffuse" EntryPoint="CalculateDiffuseChannel"/>
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Normals" EntryPoint="CalculateNormalsChannel"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "DiffuseSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="SamplerMirror2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="MirrorRepeat" AddressV="MirrorRepeat" AddressW="MirrorRepeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="DiffuseSampler" SamplerState="SamplerMirror2D"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "NormalSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="Sampler2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="Repeat" AddressV="Repeat" AddressW="Repeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="NormalSampler" SamplerState="Sampler2D"/>
Example of using texture array
<ShaderParameterTextureArray Name="CastingTexturesArray" Count="2">
<TextureSlot Index="0" TextureName="6_Diffuse"/>
<TextureSlot Index="1" TextureName="6_Normals"/>
Example of referencing a custom field in the scene.
This is used in the shader to modify the color value of the Diffuse color
<ShaderParameterBuffer Name="CustomBuffer" FieldName="MaterialColorsCustomField" Type="customStruct"/>
<Material Name="middleSG1">
<MaterialEvaluationShader Version="0.4.0" ShaderLanguage="HLSL" HeaderFilePath="HeaderCode.hlsl" ShaderFilePath="CasterCode.hlsl">
Example of using indices into TexCoord field. In this case using field with index 0
<Attribute Name="TexCoord" FieldType="TexCoords" FieldName="0" FieldFormat="F32vec2"/>
Bind input tangent space, which is needed for casting normals.
Note that in this case, there are only one field per tangent, bitangent and normal,
so the FieldName is not needed.
<Attribute Name="Tangent" FieldType="Tangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Bitangent" FieldType="Bitangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Normal" FieldType="Normals" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
Define evaluation functions for calculating Diffuse and Normals channels.
You can add an evaluation function for each channel to be cast.
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Diffuse" EntryPoint="CalculateDiffuseChannel"/>
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Normals" EntryPoint="CalculateNormalsChannel"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "DiffuseSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="SamplerMirror2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="MirrorRepeat" AddressV="MirrorRepeat" AddressW="MirrorRepeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="DiffuseSampler" SamplerState="SamplerMirror2D"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "NormalSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="Sampler2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="Repeat" AddressV="Repeat" AddressW="Repeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="NormalSampler" SamplerState="Sampler2D"/>
Example of using texture array
<ShaderParameterTextureArray Name="CastingTexturesArray" Count="2">
<TextureSlot Index="0" TextureName="7_Diffuse"/>
<TextureSlot Index="1" TextureName="7_Normals"/>
Example of referencing a custom field in the scene.
This is used in the shader to modify the color value of the Diffuse color
<ShaderParameterBuffer Name="CustomBuffer" FieldName="MaterialColorsCustomField" Type="customStruct"/>
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// The CalculateDiffuseChannel function samples from the CastingTexturesArray, index 0, which is the diffuse map bound to this evaluation shader.
// The function also blends the result with the color value from the CustomBuffer buffer, which is a custom field in the scene (added by the
// scene descriptor .xml file) and which has a 20-byte struct per-material. The function uses the built-in sg_MaterialIdFilter value to do
// the lookup into the buffer.
float4 CalculateDiffuseChannel()
// sample the texture from the CastingTexturesArray[0] using the bound DiffuseSampler sampler
float4 colorValue = CastingTexturesArray[0].SampleLevel( DiffuseSampler , TexCoord , 0 ) * 0.7f;
// blend with the custom value from the CustomBuffer, which is of type customStruct, and is defined in "HeaderCode.hlsl"
colorValue += CustomBuffer[sg_MaterialIdFilter].color * 0.3f;
// return the blended color value
return colorValue;
// The CalculateNormalsChannel calculates the per-texel normals of the output tangent-space normal map. It starts by sampling the input
// tangent-space normal map of the input geometry, and transforms the normal into object-space coordinates. It then uses the generated
// destination tangent basis vectors to transform the normal vector into the output tangent-space.
float4 CalculateNormalsChannel()
// sample the input tangent-space texture, and decode into [-1 -> 1] basis
float3 tangentSpaceNormal = (CastingTexturesArray[1].SampleLevel( NormalSampler , TexCoord , 0 ).xyz * 2.0) - 1.0;
// transform into an object-space vector
float3 objectSpaceNormal = tangentSpaceNormal.x * normalize(Tangent) +
tangentSpaceNormal.y * normalize(Bitangent) +
tangentSpaceNormal.z * normalize(Normal);
// transform the object-space vector into the destination tangent space
tangentSpaceNormal.x = dot( objectSpaceNormal , normalize(sg_DestinationTangent) );
tangentSpaceNormal.y = dot( objectSpaceNormal , normalize(sg_DestinationBitangent) );
tangentSpaceNormal.z = dot( objectSpaceNormal , normalize(sg_DestinationNormal) );
// normalize, the tangent basis is not necessarily orthogonal
tangentSpaceNormal = normalize(tangentSpaceNormal);
// encode into [0 -> 1] basis and return
return float4( ((tangentSpaceNormal + 1.0)/2.0) , 1.0);
@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
import math
import os
import sys
import glob
import gc
import threading
from pathlib import Path
from simplygon10 import simplygon_loader
from simplygon10 import Simplygon
def LoadScene(sg: Simplygon.ISimplygon, path: str):
# Create scene importer
sgSceneImporter = sg.CreateSceneImporter()
# Run scene importer.
importResult = sgSceneImporter.Run()
if Simplygon.Failed(importResult):
raise Exception('Failed to load scene.')
sgScene = sgSceneImporter.GetScene()
return sgScene
def SaveScene(sg: Simplygon.ISimplygon, sgScene: Simplygon.spScene, path: str):
# Create scene exporter.
sgSceneExporter = sg.CreateSceneExporter()
outputScenePath = ''.join(['output\\', 'ComputeCastingWithSceneDescription', '_', path])
# Run scene exporter.
exportResult = sgSceneExporter.Run()
if Simplygon.Failed(exportResult):
raise Exception('Failed to save scene.')
def CheckLog(sg: Simplygon.ISimplygon):
# Check if any errors occurred.
hasErrors = sg.ErrorOccurred()
if hasErrors:
errors = sg.CreateStringArray()
errorCount = errors.GetItemCount()
if errorCount > 0:
for errorIndex in range(errorCount):
errorString = errors.GetItem(errorIndex)
print('No errors.')
# Check if any warnings occurred.
hasWarnings = sg.WarningOccurred()
if hasWarnings:
warnings = sg.CreateStringArray()
warningCount = warnings.GetItemCount()
if warningCount > 0:
for warningIndex in range(warningCount):
warningString = warnings.GetItem(warningIndex)
print('No warnings.')
# Error out if Simplygon has errors.
if hasErrors:
raise Exception('Processing failed with an error')
def ComputeCasting(sg: Simplygon.ISimplygon):
# Load scene to process.
print("Load scene to process.")
sgScene = LoadScene(sg, '../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/SimplygonMan.obj')
# Add tangents to the scene. Tangents are needed to cast the tangent-space normal maps, and the
# input scene is missing tangents.
sgTangentCalculator = sg.CreateTangentCalculator()
sgTangentCalculator.CalculateTangentsOnScene(sgScene, True)
# Load scene material evaluation description, which will define all evaluation shaders for all
# materials, as well as needed textures and custom buffers.
print("Load scene material evaluation description, which will define all evaluation shaders for all materials, as well as needed textures and custom buffers.")
sgMaterialEvaluationShaderSerializer = sg.CreateMaterialEvaluationShaderSerializer()
sgMaterialEvaluationShaderSerializer.LoadSceneMaterialEvaluationShadersFromFile('SimplygonManCasting.xml', sgScene)
# Create the aggregation processor.
sgAggregationProcessor = sg.CreateAggregationProcessor()
sgAggregationProcessor.SetScene( sgScene )
sgAggregationSettings = sgAggregationProcessor.GetAggregationSettings()
sgMappingImageSettings = sgAggregationProcessor.GetMappingImageSettings()
# Merge all geometries into a single geometry.
sgAggregationSettings.SetMergeGeometries( True )
# Generates a mapping image which is used after the aggregation to cast new materials to the new
# aggregated object.
sgMappingImageSettings.SetGenerateMappingImage( True )
sgMappingImageSettings.SetApplyNewMaterialIds( True )
sgMappingImageSettings.SetGenerateTangents( True )
sgMappingImageSettings.SetUseFullRetexturing( True )
sgOutputMaterialSettings = sgMappingImageSettings.GetOutputMaterialSettings(0)
# Setting the size of the output material for the mapping image. This will be the output size of the
# textures when we do material casting in a later stage.
sgOutputMaterialSettings.SetTextureWidth( 2048 )
sgOutputMaterialSettings.SetTextureHeight( 2048 )
# Start the aggregation process.
print("Start the aggregation process.")
# Setup and run the compute caster on the diffuse channel.
print("Setup and run the compute caster on the diffuse channel.")
sgDiffuseCaster = sg.CreateComputeCaster()
sgDiffuseCaster.SetMappingImage( sgAggregationProcessor.GetMappingImage() )
sgDiffuseCaster.SetSourceMaterials( sgScene.GetMaterialTable() )
sgDiffuseCaster.SetSourceTextures( sgScene.GetTextureTable() )
sgDiffuseCaster.SetOutputFilePath( 'DiffuseTexture' )
sgDiffuseCasterSettings = sgDiffuseCaster.GetComputeCasterSettings()
sgDiffuseCasterSettings.SetMaterialChannel( 'Diffuse' )
sgDiffuseCasterSettings.SetOutputImageFileFormat( Simplygon.EImageOutputFormat_PNG )
diffuseTextureFilePath = sgDiffuseCaster.GetOutputFilePath()
# Setup and run another compute shader on the normals channel.
print("Setup and run another compute shader on the normals channel.")
sgNormalsCaster = sg.CreateComputeCaster()
sgNormalsCaster.SetMappingImage( sgAggregationProcessor.GetMappingImage() )
sgNormalsCaster.SetSourceMaterials( sgScene.GetMaterialTable() )
sgNormalsCaster.SetSourceTextures( sgScene.GetTextureTable() )
sgNormalsCaster.SetOutputFilePath( 'NormalsTexture' )
sgNormalsCasterSettings = sgNormalsCaster.GetComputeCasterSettings()
sgNormalsCasterSettings.SetMaterialChannel( 'Normals' )
sgNormalsCasterSettings.SetOutputImageFileFormat( Simplygon.EImageOutputFormat_PNG )
normalsTextureFilePath = sgNormalsCaster.GetOutputFilePath()
# Update scene with new casted texture.
sgMaterialTable = sg.CreateMaterialTable()
sgTextureTable = sg.CreateTextureTable()
sgMaterial = sg.CreateMaterial()
sgDiffuseTexture = sg.CreateTexture()
sgDiffuseTexture.SetName( 'Diffuse' )
sgDiffuseTexture.SetFilePath( diffuseTextureFilePath )
sgTextureTable.AddTexture( sgDiffuseTexture )
sgDiffuseTextureShadingNode = sg.CreateShadingTextureNode()
sgDiffuseTextureShadingNode.SetTexCoordLevel( 0 )
sgDiffuseTextureShadingNode.SetTextureName( 'Diffuse' )
sgMaterial.AddMaterialChannel( 'Diffuse' )
sgMaterial.SetShadingNetwork( 'Diffuse', sgDiffuseTextureShadingNode )
sgNormalsTexture = sg.CreateTexture()
sgNormalsTexture.SetName( 'Normals' )
sgNormalsTexture.SetFilePath( normalsTextureFilePath )
sgTextureTable.AddTexture( sgNormalsTexture )
sgNormalsTextureShadingNode = sg.CreateShadingTextureNode()
sgNormalsTextureShadingNode.SetTexCoordLevel( 0 )
sgNormalsTextureShadingNode.SetTextureName( 'Normals' )
sgMaterial.AddMaterialChannel( 'Normals' )
sgMaterial.SetShadingNetwork( 'Normals', sgNormalsTextureShadingNode )
sgMaterialTable.AddMaterial( sgMaterial )
# Save processed scene.
print("Save processed scene.")
SaveScene(sg, sgScene, 'Output.fbx')
# Check log for any warnings or errors.
print("Check log for any warnings or errors.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
sg = simplygon_loader.init_simplygon()
if sg is None:
sg = None
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
// customStruct is the user-defined custom data structure which is bound to the "MaterialColorsCustomField" custom field
// which is defined in the scene. The custom field is 160 bytes and is mapped to a StructuredBuffer of 8 entries, one
// per material. Note that the "multiplier" value is not used in the example, and is there only to create a more complex
// struct than a regular float4, which requires a specific struct definition in the header code.
struct customStruct
float4 color;
float multiplier;
Двоичные данные
Normal file
Двоичные данные
Normal file
Двоичный файл не отображается.
@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- This is an example file which demos how you can perform a full casting on a non-textured scene, and add required buffers, textures etc in the xml file. -->
The TextureTable is an easy way to add additional needed textures to the scene before running the compute caster
There are some caveats to consider:
- Any already existing texture with the same name will be replaced
- Textures can only be referenced with a file path (relative or absolute)
<Texture Name="0_Diffuse" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_arms_d.JPG"/>
<Texture Name="1_Diffuse" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_armor_upper_d.JPG"/>
<Texture Name="2_Diffuse" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_baselayer_d.JPG"/>
<Texture Name="3_Diffuse" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_helmet_d.JPG"/>
<Texture Name="4_Diffuse" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_helmet_d.JPG" />
<Texture Name="5_Diffuse" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_visor_mask_d.JPG"/>
<Texture Name="6_Diffuse" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_legs_logo2.0_d.JPG"/>
<Texture Name="7_Diffuse" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_armor_middle_logo2_d.JPG"/>
<Texture Name="0_Normals" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_arms_n.JPG" ColorSpace="Linear"/>
<Texture Name="1_Normals" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_armor_upper_n.JPG" ColorSpace="Linear"/>
<Texture Name="2_Normals" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_baselayer_n.JPG" ColorSpace="Linear"/>
<Texture Name="3_Normals" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_helmet_n.JPG" ColorSpace="Linear"/>
<Texture Name="4_Normals" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_helmet_n.JPG" ColorSpace="Linear"/>
<Texture Name="5_Normals" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_visor_mask_n.JPG" ColorSpace="Linear"/>
<Texture Name="6_Normals" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_legs_logo2.0_n.JPG" ColorSpace="Linear"/>
<Texture Name="7_Normals" FilePath="../../../Assets/SimplygonMan/dman_armor_middle_logo2_n.JPG" ColorSpace="Linear"/>
The CustomFields element lists any additional custom fields which should be added to the Scene (as AddCustomField).
Note that since the user is responsible for alignment and packing, all fields are added as UnsignedCharArrays, with
a tuple size of 1.
Fields can either reference external files, as shown below (MaterialColorsCustomField.bin), or be embedded in the .xml
as a base64 encoded field.
In the example field below, we encode one 20 byte struct per material, so the input .bin file is 8 * 20 = 160 bytes
<CustomField Name="MaterialColorsCustomField" FilePath="MaterialColorsCustomField.bin"/>
The MaterialTable specifies a MaterialEvaluationShader per Material. Note that the materials must already exist in the scene's
material table, since the geometry material ids drive the actual material casting. However, each Material do not need to be
represented, as each scene descriptor file adds to the current scene, so there can be one file for all materials which
are to be cast, one file for each material, or some other combination, as long as all materials are set up before casting.
<Material Name="armsSG1">
<MaterialEvaluationShader Version="0.4.0" ShaderLanguage="HLSL" HeaderFilePath="HeaderCode.hlsl" ShaderFilePath="CasterCode.hlsl">
Example of using indices into TexCoord field. In this case using field with index 0
<Attribute Name="TexCoord" FieldType="TexCoords" FieldName="0" FieldFormat="F32vec2"/>
Bind input tangent space, which is needed for casting normals.
Note that in this case, there are only one field per tangent, bitangent and normal,
so the FieldName is not needed.
<Attribute Name="Tangent" FieldType="Tangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Bitangent" FieldType="Bitangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Normal" FieldType="Normals" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
Define evaluation functions for calculating Diffuse and Normals channels.
You can add an evaluation function for each channel to be cast.
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Diffuse" EntryPoint="CalculateDiffuseChannel"/>
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Normals" EntryPoint="CalculateNormalsChannel"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "DiffuseSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="SamplerMirror2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="MirrorRepeat" AddressV="MirrorRepeat" AddressW="MirrorRepeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="DiffuseSampler" SamplerState="SamplerMirror2D"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "NormalSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="Sampler2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="Repeat" AddressV="Repeat" AddressW="Repeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="NormalSampler" SamplerState="Sampler2D"/>
Example of using texture array
<ShaderParameterTextureArray Name="CastingTexturesArray" Count="2">
<TextureSlot Index="0" TextureName="0_Diffuse"/>
<TextureSlot Index="1" TextureName="0_Normals"/>
Example of referencing a custom field in the scene.
This is used in the shader to modify the color value of the Diffuse color
<ShaderParameterBuffer Name="CustomBuffer" FieldName="MaterialColorsCustomField" Type="customStruct"/>
<Material Name="body_upperSG1">
<MaterialEvaluationShader Version="0.4.0" ShaderLanguage="HLSL" HeaderFilePath="HeaderCode.hlsl" ShaderFilePath="CasterCode.hlsl">
Example of using indices into TexCoord field. In this case using field with index 0
<Attribute Name="TexCoord" FieldType="TexCoords" FieldName="0" FieldFormat="F32vec2"/>
Bind input tangent space, which is needed for casting normals.
Note that in this case, there are only one field per tangent, bitangent and normal,
so the FieldName is not needed.
<Attribute Name="Tangent" FieldType="Tangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Bitangent" FieldType="Bitangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Normal" FieldType="Normals" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
Define evaluation functions for calculating Diffuse and Normals channels.
You can add an evaluation function for each channel to be cast.
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Diffuse" EntryPoint="CalculateDiffuseChannel"/>
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Normals" EntryPoint="CalculateNormalsChannel"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "DiffuseSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="SamplerMirror2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="MirrorRepeat" AddressV="MirrorRepeat" AddressW="MirrorRepeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="DiffuseSampler" SamplerState="SamplerMirror2D"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "NormalSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="Sampler2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="Repeat" AddressV="Repeat" AddressW="Repeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="NormalSampler" SamplerState="Sampler2D"/>
Example of using texture array
<ShaderParameterTextureArray Name="CastingTexturesArray" Count="2">
<TextureSlot Index="0" TextureName="1_Diffuse"/>
<TextureSlot Index="1" TextureName="1_Normals"/>
Example of referencing a custom field in the scene.
This is used in the shader to modify the color value of the Diffuse color
<ShaderParameterBuffer Name="CustomBuffer" FieldName="MaterialColorsCustomField" Type="customStruct"/>
<Material Name="clothSG1">
<MaterialEvaluationShader Version="0.4.0" ShaderLanguage="HLSL" HeaderFilePath="HeaderCode.hlsl" ShaderFilePath="CasterCode.hlsl">
Example of using indices into TexCoord field. In this case using field with index 0
<Attribute Name="TexCoord" FieldType="TexCoords" FieldName="0" FieldFormat="F32vec2"/>
Bind input tangent space, which is needed for casting normals.
Note that in this case, there are only one field per tangent, bitangent and normal,
so the FieldName is not needed.
<Attribute Name="Tangent" FieldType="Tangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Bitangent" FieldType="Bitangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Normal" FieldType="Normals" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
Define evaluation functions for calculating Diffuse and Normals channels.
You can add an evaluation function for each channel to be cast.
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Diffuse" EntryPoint="CalculateDiffuseChannel"/>
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Normals" EntryPoint="CalculateNormalsChannel"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "DiffuseSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="SamplerMirror2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="MirrorRepeat" AddressV="MirrorRepeat" AddressW="MirrorRepeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="DiffuseSampler" SamplerState="SamplerMirror2D"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "NormalSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="Sampler2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="Repeat" AddressV="Repeat" AddressW="Repeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="NormalSampler" SamplerState="Sampler2D"/>
Example of using texture array
<ShaderParameterTextureArray Name="CastingTexturesArray" Count="2">
<TextureSlot Index="0" TextureName="2_Diffuse"/>
<TextureSlot Index="1" TextureName="2_Normals"/>
Example of referencing a custom field in the scene.
This is used in the shader to modify the color value of the Diffuse color
<ShaderParameterBuffer Name="CustomBuffer" FieldName="MaterialColorsCustomField" Type="customStruct"/>
<Material Name="helmetSG">
<MaterialEvaluationShader Version="0.4.0" ShaderLanguage="HLSL" HeaderFilePath="HeaderCode.hlsl" ShaderFilePath="CasterCode.hlsl">
Example of using indices into TexCoord field. In this case using field with index 0
<Attribute Name="TexCoord" FieldType="TexCoords" FieldName="0" FieldFormat="F32vec2"/>
Bind input tangent space, which is needed for casting normals.
Note that in this case, there are only one field per tangent, bitangent and normal,
so the FieldName is not needed.
<Attribute Name="Tangent" FieldType="Tangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Bitangent" FieldType="Bitangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Normal" FieldType="Normals" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
Define evaluation functions for calculating Diffuse and Normals channels.
You can add an evaluation function for each channel to be cast.
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Diffuse" EntryPoint="CalculateDiffuseChannel"/>
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Normals" EntryPoint="CalculateNormalsChannel"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "DiffuseSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="SamplerMirror2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="MirrorRepeat" AddressV="MirrorRepeat" AddressW="MirrorRepeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="DiffuseSampler" SamplerState="SamplerMirror2D"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "NormalSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="Sampler2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="Repeat" AddressV="Repeat" AddressW="Repeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="NormalSampler" SamplerState="Sampler2D"/>
Example of using texture array
<ShaderParameterTextureArray Name="CastingTexturesArray" Count="2">
<TextureSlot Index="0" TextureName="3_Diffuse"/>
<TextureSlot Index="1" TextureName="3_Normals"/>
Example of referencing a custom field in the scene.
This is used in the shader to modify the color value of the Diffuse color
<ShaderParameterBuffer Name="CustomBuffer" FieldName="MaterialColorsCustomField" Type="customStruct"/>
<Material Name="helmetSG1">
<MaterialEvaluationShader Version="0.4.0" ShaderLanguage="HLSL" HeaderFilePath="HeaderCode.hlsl" ShaderFilePath="CasterCode.hlsl">
Example of using indices into TexCoord field. In this case using field with index 0
<Attribute Name="TexCoord" FieldType="TexCoords" FieldName="0" FieldFormat="F32vec2"/>
Bind input tangent space, which is needed for casting normals.
Note that in this case, there are only one field per tangent, bitangent and normal,
so the FieldName is not needed.
<Attribute Name="Tangent" FieldType="Tangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Bitangent" FieldType="Bitangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Normal" FieldType="Normals" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
Define evaluation functions for calculating Diffuse and Normals channels.
You can add an evaluation function for each channel to be cast.
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Diffuse" EntryPoint="CalculateDiffuseChannel"/>
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Normals" EntryPoint="CalculateNormalsChannel"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "DiffuseSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="SamplerMirror2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="MirrorRepeat" AddressV="MirrorRepeat" AddressW="MirrorRepeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="DiffuseSampler" SamplerState="SamplerMirror2D"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "NormalSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="Sampler2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="Repeat" AddressV="Repeat" AddressW="Repeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="NormalSampler" SamplerState="Sampler2D"/>
Example of using texture array
<ShaderParameterTextureArray Name="CastingTexturesArray" Count="2">
<TextureSlot Index="0" TextureName="4_Diffuse"/>
<TextureSlot Index="1" TextureName="4_Normals"/>
Example of referencing a custom field in the scene.
This is used in the shader to modify the color value of the Diffuse color
<ShaderParameterBuffer Name="CustomBuffer" FieldName="MaterialColorsCustomField" Type="customStruct"/>
<Material Name="helmet_visorSG1">
<MaterialEvaluationShader Version="0.4.0" ShaderLanguage="HLSL" HeaderFilePath="HeaderCode.hlsl" ShaderFilePath="CasterCode.hlsl">
Example of using indices into TexCoord field. In this case using field with index 0
<Attribute Name="TexCoord" FieldType="TexCoords" FieldName="0" FieldFormat="F32vec2"/>
Bind input tangent space, which is needed for casting normals.
Note that in this case, there are only one field per tangent, bitangent and normal,
so the FieldName is not needed.
<Attribute Name="Tangent" FieldType="Tangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Bitangent" FieldType="Bitangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Normal" FieldType="Normals" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
Define evaluation functions for calculating Diffuse and Normals channels.
You can add an evaluation function for each channel to be cast.
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Diffuse" EntryPoint="CalculateDiffuseChannel"/>
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Normals" EntryPoint="CalculateNormalsChannel"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "DiffuseSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="SamplerMirror2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="MirrorRepeat" AddressV="MirrorRepeat" AddressW="MirrorRepeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="DiffuseSampler" SamplerState="SamplerMirror2D"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "NormalSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="Sampler2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="Repeat" AddressV="Repeat" AddressW="Repeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="NormalSampler" SamplerState="Sampler2D"/>
Example of using texture array
<ShaderParameterTextureArray Name="CastingTexturesArray" Count="2">
<TextureSlot Index="0" TextureName="5_Diffuse"/>
<TextureSlot Index="1" TextureName="5_Normals"/>
Example of referencing a custom field in the scene.
This is used in the shader to modify the color value of the Diffuse color
<ShaderParameterBuffer Name="CustomBuffer" FieldName="MaterialColorsCustomField" Type="customStruct"/>
<Material Name="legsSG1">
<MaterialEvaluationShader Version="0.4.0" ShaderLanguage="HLSL" HeaderFilePath="HeaderCode.hlsl" ShaderFilePath="CasterCode.hlsl">
Example of using indices into TexCoord field. In this case using field with index 0
<Attribute Name="TexCoord" FieldType="TexCoords" FieldName="0" FieldFormat="F32vec2"/>
Bind input tangent space, which is needed for casting normals.
Note that in this case, there are only one field per tangent, bitangent and normal,
so the FieldName is not needed.
<Attribute Name="Tangent" FieldType="Tangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Bitangent" FieldType="Bitangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Normal" FieldType="Normals" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
Define evaluation functions for calculating Diffuse and Normals channels.
You can add an evaluation function for each channel to be cast.
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Diffuse" EntryPoint="CalculateDiffuseChannel"/>
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Normals" EntryPoint="CalculateNormalsChannel"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "DiffuseSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="SamplerMirror2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="MirrorRepeat" AddressV="MirrorRepeat" AddressW="MirrorRepeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="DiffuseSampler" SamplerState="SamplerMirror2D"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "NormalSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="Sampler2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="Repeat" AddressV="Repeat" AddressW="Repeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="NormalSampler" SamplerState="Sampler2D"/>
Example of using texture array
<ShaderParameterTextureArray Name="CastingTexturesArray" Count="2">
<TextureSlot Index="0" TextureName="6_Diffuse"/>
<TextureSlot Index="1" TextureName="6_Normals"/>
Example of referencing a custom field in the scene.
This is used in the shader to modify the color value of the Diffuse color
<ShaderParameterBuffer Name="CustomBuffer" FieldName="MaterialColorsCustomField" Type="customStruct"/>
<Material Name="middleSG1">
<MaterialEvaluationShader Version="0.4.0" ShaderLanguage="HLSL" HeaderFilePath="HeaderCode.hlsl" ShaderFilePath="CasterCode.hlsl">
Example of using indices into TexCoord field. In this case using field with index 0
<Attribute Name="TexCoord" FieldType="TexCoords" FieldName="0" FieldFormat="F32vec2"/>
Bind input tangent space, which is needed for casting normals.
Note that in this case, there are only one field per tangent, bitangent and normal,
so the FieldName is not needed.
<Attribute Name="Tangent" FieldType="Tangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Bitangent" FieldType="Bitangents" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
<Attribute Name="Normal" FieldType="Normals" FieldFormat="F32vec3"/>
Define evaluation functions for calculating Diffuse and Normals channels.
You can add an evaluation function for each channel to be cast.
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Diffuse" EntryPoint="CalculateDiffuseChannel"/>
<EvaluationFunction Channel="Normals" EntryPoint="CalculateNormalsChannel"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "DiffuseSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="SamplerMirror2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="MirrorRepeat" AddressV="MirrorRepeat" AddressW="MirrorRepeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="DiffuseSampler" SamplerState="SamplerMirror2D"/>
Example of creating a sampler called "NormalSampler"
Note that the settings are contrived, and only there to examplify how using multiple sampler states are possible.
<ShaderParameterSamplerState Name="Sampler2D" MinFilter="Linear" MagFilter="Linear" AddressU="Repeat" AddressV="Repeat" AddressW="Repeat" />
<ShaderParameterSampler Name="NormalSampler" SamplerState="Sampler2D"/>
Example of using texture array
<ShaderParameterTextureArray Name="CastingTexturesArray" Count="2">
<TextureSlot Index="0" TextureName="7_Diffuse"/>
<TextureSlot Index="1" TextureName="7_Normals"/>
Example of referencing a custom field in the scene.
This is used in the shader to modify the color value of the Diffuse color
<ShaderParameterBuffer Name="CustomBuffer" FieldName="MaterialColorsCustomField" Type="customStruct"/>
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