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## How can I find the resources mentioned in the Student Zone sessions?
Here are some examples of the content and star speakers we have this year:
| Topic | Speaker | Resources | Slides |
| Introduction to GitHub for Student Developers | Stanley Goldman | [GitHub Learning Lab](https://lab.github.com/), [GitHub Education](https://education.github.com/) | |
| Learn to code with Visual Studio Code | [Sana Ajani](https://twitter.com/sana_ajani) | [Download VS Code](https://code.visualstudio.com), Subscribe to VS Code on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs5Y5_7XK8HLDX0SLNwkd3w)| |
| Let's Create a Microsoft Build Social Shareboard | [Instafluff](https://www.instafluff.tv/) | TBD | |
| Taking your first steps with C# | Kendra Havens and Scott Hanselman | [Take your first steps with C# Learn Module](https://docs.microsoft.com/learn/paths/csharp-first-steps/) | |
| Recognizing speech with a few lines of Python | [Jim Bennett](https://twitter.com/JimBobBennett) | [SpeechToText Sample Code](http://aka.ms/speechtotext) | |
| “Hello, World!” in 3 Languages | Shana Matthews | [Rosetta Code](http://rosettacode.org), [Take your first steps with Python Learning Path](https://docs.microsoft.com/learn/paths/python-first-steps/), [Take your first steps with C# Learning Path](https://docs.microsoft.com/learn/paths/csharp-first-steps/) | |
| Intro to Rust | [Meaghan Lewis](https://www.linkedin.com/in/meaghan-lewis/) | [Rust By Example](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/rust-by-example/index.html), [Rust Playground](https://play.rust-lang.org/), [Rust Book](https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/title-page.html) | |
| Be a part of Microsoft Build 2020 Digital history! | [Instafluff](https://www.instafluff.tv/) | [Get started with the Social Shareboard](https://github.com/microsoft/StudentsAtBuild/tree/master/Social2020) | |
| Inspired by the Next Generation of Coders | Louanne Murphy and Scott Hanselman | TBD | |
| Anyone Can AI! A No-Code Bot That Understands You | [Instafluff](https://www.instafluff.tv/) | [Get started with the Social Shareboard](https://github.com/microsoft/StudentsAtBuild/tree/master/Social2020) | |
| Microsoft MakeCode with Minecraft Blocks | [Salman Chishti](https://twitter.com/salmanmkc) | [VIDEO TUTORIALS: Chicken rain in Minecraft, Flower Trails and (soon) more!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OJm9Xtu_mU&list=PLAqOUDXL6eC6Ca9elklRPc_doDXlNwjNj) | |
| Microsoft MakeCode with Minecraft Python | [Ankita Sharma](https://www.linkedin.com/in/ankita-sharma-83ab64146/) | [Try MakeCode for Minecraft Today](https://minecraft.makecode.com/) | |
| An Introduction to Chatbots | [Jasmine Greenaway](https://twitter.com/paladique) | [Chatbots Starter Code](https://aka.ms/build2020-chatbotsintro) | |
| First steps with Razor pages | [Cecil Phillip](https://twitter.com/cecilphillip) | [Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core Docs](https://www.theurlist.com/razorpages-students) | |
| Introduction to Web Programming with JavaScript | Jen Looper | [Build a simple website Learn Module](https://docs.microsoft.com/learn/modules/build-simple-website/) | |
| Microsoft MakeCode Arcade Blocks | MakeCode | [Try MakeCode Arcade Today](https://arcade.makecode.com/) | |
| Microsoft MakeCode Arcade JavaScript | MakeCode | [Try MakeCode Arcade Today](https://arcade.makecode.com/) | |
| Studying images of Earth like a NASA astronaut | Matthew Wallace | [Additional NASA Hands On Projects](https://aka.ms/20yearsinspace) | |
| DIY Tech for BFFs | [April Speight](https://twitter.com/VogueandCode) and [Chloe Condon](https://twitter.com/ChloeCondon) | [Speech Service Docs](https://aka.ms/speechservice), [Misty Robotics](https://www.mistyrobotics.com), [Twilio](https://twilio.com/sms) | |
| Intro genomics data analysis on the Azure cloud | Robert Lleras | [Bioinformatics algorithms](bioinformaticsalgorithms.com), [Cromwell on Azure](https://github.com/microsoft/CromwellOnAzure),[Microsoft Genomics](https://www.microsoft.com/genomics) | |
| The Cloud is More than Just that Thing in the Sky | Heather Brevard and Michael Aldridge | TBD | |
| Azure Machine Learning in Action! | [Francesca Lazzeri](https://twitter.com/frlazzeri) and [Sarah Guthals](https://twitter.com/sarahguthals) | [AutoML Docs](www.aka.ms/AutoMLConfig-Class), [AutoML Classification Tutorial](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/machine-learning/tutorial-first-experiment-automated-ml) | |
| Can Polar Bears help predict climate change? Find out with Computer Vision! | [Justin Garrett](https://www.linkedin.com/in/justgar/) | [Polar Bear Tracker Learn Module](http://aka.ms/PolarBearModel) | |
| VSCode as an interactive learning environment | [Lee Stott](https://www.linkedin.com/in/leestott/) | [GistPad VSCode Extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vsls-contrib.gistfs), [CodeTour VSCode Extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vsls-contrib.codetour) | |
| Introduction to Digital Identity, the foundation of digital trust | [Krsitina Yasuda](https://twitter.com/kristinayasuda) | [Azure Active Directory Docs](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/), [Identity and Access Learn Module](https://docs.microsoft.com/learn/paths/manage-identity-and-access/) | |
| Open the Learning Door to Computer Science with Minecraft | Masami Ishiyama | [Download Minecraft: Education Edition](https://education.minecraft.net/) | |
| Cognitive Services for Photo Exploration and Science Art | [Dmitry Soshnikov](https://soshnikov.com) | [Explore Photos of Your Friends](http://github.com/CloudAdvocacy/FaceStudies), [Create Your Own Cognitive Portrait](http://github.com/CloudAdvocacy/CognitivePortrait), [Test the People Blender Bot](https://soshnikov.com/museum/peopleblenderbot/) | |
| Build a Virtual Reality Game with JavaScript! | [Cassie Breviu](https://twitter.com/cassieview) | [VR with JavaScript Sample Code](https://aka.ms/WebVrBuild2020) | |
| Session Code | Topic | Speaker | Resources | Slides |
| COM203 | Introduction to GitHub for Student Developers | Stanley Goldman | [GitHub Learning Lab](https://lab.github.com/), [GitHub Education](https://education.github.com/) | |
| COM204 | Learn to code with Visual Studio Code | [Sana Ajani](https://twitter.com/sana_ajani) | [Download VS Code](https://code.visualstudio.com), Subscribe to VS Code on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs5Y5_7XK8HLDX0SLNwkd3w)| |
| COM205 | Let's Create a Microsoft Build Social Shareboard | [Instafluff](https://www.instafluff.tv/) | TBD | |
| COM206 | Taking your first steps with C# | Kendra Havens and Scott Hanselman | [Take your first steps with C# Learn Module](https://docs.microsoft.com/learn/paths/csharp-first-steps/) | |
| COM207 | Recognizing speech with a few lines of Python | [Jim Bennett](https://twitter.com/JimBobBennett) | [SpeechToText Sample Code](http://aka.ms/speechtotext) | |
| COM208 | “Hello, World!” in 3 Languages | Shana Matthews | [Rosetta Code](http://rosettacode.org), [Take your first steps with Python Learning Path](https://docs.microsoft.com/learn/paths/python-first-steps/), [Take your first steps with C# Learning Path](https://docs.microsoft.com/learn/paths/csharp-first-steps/) | |
| COM209 | Intro to Rust | [Meaghan Lewis](https://www.linkedin.com/in/meaghan-lewis/) | [Rust By Example](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/rust-by-example/index.html), [Rust Playground](https://play.rust-lang.org/), [Rust Book](https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/title-page.html) | |
| COM220 | Be a part of Microsoft Build 2020 Digital history! | [Instafluff](https://www.instafluff.tv/) | [Get started with the Social Shareboard](https://github.com/microsoft/StudentsAtBuild/tree/master/Social2020) | |
| INT157A/B/C | Inspired by the Next Generation of Coders | Louanne Murphy and Scott Hanselman | TBD | |
| INT156A/B/C | Anyone Can AI! A No-Code Bot That Understands You | [Instafluff](https://www.instafluff.tv/) | [Get started with the Social Shareboard](https://github.com/microsoft/StudentsAtBuild/tree/master/Social2020) | |
| COM201A/B| | Microsoft MakeCode with Minecraft Blocks | [Salman Chishti](https://twitter.com/salmanmkc) | [VIDEO TUTORIALS: Chicken rain in Minecraft, Flower Trails and (soon) more!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OJm9Xtu_mU&list=PLAqOUDXL6eC6Ca9elklRPc_doDXlNwjNj) | |
| COM202A/B | Microsoft MakeCode with Minecraft Python | [Ankita Sharma](https://www.linkedin.com/in/ankita-sharma-83ab64146/) | [Try MakeCode for Minecraft Today](https://minecraft.makecode.com/) | |
| COM223 | An Introduction to Chatbots | [Jasmine Greenaway](https://twitter.com/paladique) | [Chatbots Starter Code](https://aka.ms/build2020-chatbotsintro) | |
| COM224 | First steps with Razor pages | [Cecil Phillip](https://twitter.com/cecilphillip) | [Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core Docs](https://www.theurlist.com/razorpages-students) | |
| COM225 | Introduction to Web Programming with JavaScript | Jen Looper | [Build a simple website Learn Module](https://docs.microsoft.com/learn/modules/build-simple-website/) | |
| COM226A/B | Microsoft MakeCode Arcade Blocks | MakeCode | [Try MakeCode Arcade Today](https://arcade.makecode.com/) | |
| COM227A/B | Microsoft MakeCode Arcade JavaScript | MakeCode | [Try MakeCode Arcade Today](https://arcade.makecode.com/) | |
| COM228 | Studying images of Earth like a NASA astronaut | Matthew Wallace | [Additional NASA Hands On Projects](https://aka.ms/20yearsinspace) | |
| COM212 | DIY Tech for BFFs | [April Speight](https://twitter.com/VogueandCode) and [Chloe Condon](https://twitter.com/ChloeCondon) | [Speech Service Docs](https://aka.ms/speechservice), [Misty Robotics](https://www.mistyrobotics.com), [Twilio](https://twilio.com/sms) | |
| COM215 | Intro genomics data analysis on the Azure cloud | Robert Lleras | [Bioinformatics algorithms](bioinformaticsalgorithms.com), [Cromwell on Azure](https://github.com/microsoft/CromwellOnAzure),[Microsoft Genomics](https://www.microsoft.com/genomics) | |
| COM214 | The Cloud is More than Just that Thing in the Sky | Heather Brevard and Michael Aldridge | TBD | |
| COM216 | Azure Machine Learning in Action! | [Francesca Lazzeri](https://twitter.com/frlazzeri) and [Sarah Guthals](https://twitter.com/sarahguthals) | [AutoML Docs](www.aka.ms/AutoMLConfig-Class), [AutoML Classification Tutorial](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/machine-learning/tutorial-first-experiment-automated-ml) | |
| COM218 | Can Polar Bears help predict climate change? Find out with Computer Vision! | [Justin Garrett](https://www.linkedin.com/in/justgar/) | [Polar Bear Tracker Learn Module](http://aka.ms/PolarBearModel) | |
| COM210 | VSCode as an interactive learning environment | [Lee Stott](https://www.linkedin.com/in/leestott/) | [GistPad VSCode Extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vsls-contrib.gistfs), [CodeTour VSCode Extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vsls-contrib.codetour) | |
| COM229 | Introduction to Digital Identity, the foundation of digital trust | [Krsitina Yasuda](https://twitter.com/kristinayasuda) | [Azure Active Directory Docs](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/), [Identity and Access Learn Module](https://docs.microsoft.com/learn/paths/manage-identity-and-access/) | |
| COM230 | Open the Learning Door to Computer Science with Minecraft | Masami Ishiyama | [Download Minecraft: Education Edition](https://education.minecraft.net/) | |
| COM231 | Cognitive Services for Photo Exploration and Science Art | [Dmitry Soshnikov](https://soshnikov.com) | [Explore Photos of Your Friends](http://github.com/CloudAdvocacy/FaceStudies), [Create Your Own Cognitive Portrait](http://github.com/CloudAdvocacy/CognitivePortrait), [Test the People Blender Bot](https://soshnikov.com/museum/peopleblenderbot/) | |
| COM232 | Build a Virtual Reality Game with JavaScript! | [Cassie Breviu](https://twitter.com/cassieview) | [VR with JavaScript Sample Code](https://aka.ms/WebVrBuild2020) | |
## What other resources does Microsoft have for students?
### Microsoft Student Learn Ambassadors
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